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'Isla de Aroa' Neighborhood Terrain

2,467 Downloads 119 Thanks  Thanks 24 Favourited 10,119 Views
Uploaded: 1st Apr 2015 at 4:42 PM
ISLA DE AROA is a fantastic peninsular destination for your sims and it's mostly flat lands allow for a thriving community to emerge. Beach lots can be placed.

In this picture from SC4, you can better the layout of the roads, but I highly recommend getting GunMod's Camera Mod to view your new neighborhood completely.

HOW TO: Just drop all of the files into your \Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\SC4Terrains folder and you're ready to go!

Well, this one was fun to make Although I'd rather be able to visit it, our sims will just have to make that trip for us at the moment