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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#1 Old 21st Feb 2024 at 3:29 PM Last edited by OhRudi : 5th Mar 2024 at 10:06 AM.
Default Fix: Pets need less space - Beta Testers needed
  • please help me testing my new mod: install it, play with it, if something unusual happens, write feedback under this forum post, THANK YOU <3
  • with this mod, your pets (cats, dogs, horses) need half of the space for all interactions, which improves routing for your pets
  • compatible with “Interaction on sloped terrain enabler” by nikel23
  • the pets expansions is required for this mod to do anything
  • Installation: just put all the files in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required, merging is no problem
  • Conflicts: highly unlikely, see below for detail

Explanation - how the mod works
This mod reduces the space that pets (horses, dogs and cats) need for doing things, similar to my other mods. It does this by overwriting the jig size for each pet interaction. A jig is an invisible object that’s auto placed on the ground, while e.g. two sims are talking to each other. Other sims will walk around the other sims talking, cause the jig (placed under the sims talking) obstructs the routing-way for other sims. By default all jigs are quite big, in most cases even way bigger than they need to be. But if you reduce the jig size by a mod, than those interactions are possible even in tiny over-cluttered rooms.

Here an example: Playing guitar has originally a jig, that’s 2x2 boxes/meters big, which meant sims often walk outside the house, cause nowhere is enough free space for this very big jig to place down. I solved this issue with my other mod, by reducing the size of the jig for playing guitar.

Now these mods do the same for all interactions that are pet related (horses, dogs and cats) and I need some voluntary testers to assure that this big mod is flawless.

How to install
  • Installation: just put all the files in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required, you can merge them as well
  • the pets expansions is required for this mod to do anything

I need your feedback
Please write your feedback under this forum post and let me know if you want to be a tester. <3
Each voluntary tester gets a BIG Thank you note on the final download page.
This mod affects routing of pets. If you got an error, make sure that your error is not one of the following, cause those are not caused by this mod:
  • this mod can’t affect animations
  • this mod can’t affect scripting-errors, that are caught by NRaas-Error-Trap

Technical Details
  • this mod edits the all jigs that came with the Pets expansion pack
  • Conflicts: only if you have a mod installed who's editing exactly this resource as well, but I assume that's highly unlikely
  • use delphys dashboard to check for conflicts

Happy Simming
Attached files:
File Type: zip  OhRudi__Pets_need_less_space__Beta_Version.zip (34.3 KB, 175 downloads)
Description: Put this in your Packages folder. Please write feedback.
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 22nd Feb 2024 at 2:13 PM
Will use and let you know if I have issues!
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 26th Feb 2024 at 3:15 PM
Reporting back. Aside from my pet using less space (A BIG IMPROVEMENT FOR MY SIM'S HORSE) It seems to reduce lag overall. Not getting as many pet resets.
#4 Old 29th Feb 2024 at 12:05 AM
This sounds incredible!
I don't have Pets installed right now to be able to contribute to testing, but I do want to bump the thread as I almost didn't see it myself.

There are quite a few devoted troubleshooters over at NRaas that always love a new opportunity for game performance, too. If you don't have an account, I'd be happy to post about it on your behalf.
I'll also ping @C.Dark just in case she'd like to try this out
#5 Old 1st Mar 2024 at 12:40 PM Last edited by Nemiga : 1st Mar 2024 at 7:06 PM.
This is amazing. I always wanted better routing for pets, cuz my sims usually live in tiny apartments/houses.I haven't tested this mod yet, but I do really appreciate that you took time to solve pet routing problems

Edit: just tested it and mod indeed improves pet routing. My pets were able to move around/communicate with each other in small places without much of a trouble. This is big improvement and I can't thank you enough
This mod is essential for pets.
No conflicts detected either.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#6 Old 10th Mar 2024 at 10:26 PM Last edited by OhRudi : 24th Mar 2024 at 8:48 PM.
Beta Testing finished, Mod is live now.
SimC CardinalSims Nemiga
Thank you for Beta-Testing
The mod is live (link).

I uploaded another mod, that does the same, but for all sim interactions. Click here
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