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#1 Old 1st Feb 2009 at 1:44 PM
Default Prostitution
I'm doing some translation work and currently doing some article on the decriminalization of prostitution in my country and I've realized I don't really have an opinion on whether it should be illegal or not because I can sort of see both sides... what do you think?

Do you think there are good reasons why sex workers should be illegal/legal in a society and under what conditions?\

I'd also additionally ask whether you think it's alright how sex workers are shunned by society, and whether you respect someone who has sex for money, the same way you would respect someone of a different occupation, also what you think of people who use those services. Or do you not judge anyone based on these things.
#2 Old 1st Feb 2009 at 2:19 PM
I can't say I've ever thought about it or have much of an opinion about it, but I guess that I'd be in favour of legalisation. There's always going to be a demand for it, so it's always going to be there. Legalisation would make the whole process safer for both sides, but particularly for the sex workers. Easy access to condoms, accessible medical care and health checks, protection from violent physical and sexual assualt.

Will add more later if anything else comes to me - this is just a very off the cuff two cents from someone who knows nothing about the issue

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#3 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 6:49 AM
Isn't it or wasn't it at one point legal in Canada? I thought it was. *shrugs*

This is a tough one for me because I don't look down on those who have sex in this way (who am I to judge?), so who knows, maybe it should be legalized? I can see escorting being considered more able to be legalized than street prostitution just because it seems less dangerous than doing it at the streets. But I don't know much about this, so I'm a bit ignorant on this subject. It's definitely easier and quicker money, that's for sure.

I also heard that there are old men who pay for escorts just to have company and not actually have sex with them because they are that lonely and want someone to chat with.

Wow, this is bound to be a very heated debate, lol.
#4 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 7:01 AM
Actually knowing and working with people who work in the sex industry (yes, some people who have sex for pay actually have more traditional jobs too) I'm firmly for the legalization of prostitution. People who act as pimps on the other hand, should be shot on sight. Wether I respect the people I know isn't based on their working in the industry, but how they are as people. It's like any other industry, some are hard working, upstanding people and some are #censored pieces of censored#.

More detail to follow as it's 2AM here, and I need to get up in 7 hours.

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#5 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 7:03 AM
I don't acctually have an opinion on whether it should be legal, bu this is what I think.
People shouldn't pay to have sex, they should do it for love. Hence "making love" That's just what I think.
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#6 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 10:42 AM
Ok, I'm going to try and break down the OP so I can answer some specific questions. I'd be very interested in seeing other people do the same


Do you think there are good reasons why sex workers should be illegal/legal in a society and under what conditions?
I think legalising the sex industry is good for the sex workers and good for their customers. Brothels should operate like any other business, pay tax, etc, etc, etc.
I do not think that street-side solicitation should be legal though - all 'transactions' should be done in a licenced brothel.

Do you think it's alright how sex workers are shunned by society?
No, I do not. I think that a lot of the time they are misunderstood, and perhaps forced into the job by persons and circumstances out of their control.

Do you respect someone who has sex for money, the same way you would respect someone of a different occupation?
No, I do not have any less respect for somebody because of the job they do - be they a lawyer or pumping petrol.
Though, I may have more respect for people that put their lives on the line for the good of society - ie. cops, firies, paramedics, etc.

What you think of people who use those services
I believe that sex can be fun and exciting and with anybody you want [disclaimer]provided that it's two unrelated consenting adult humans[/diclaimer].
Why not pay for a service that can provide exactly what you want? If you're upfront about your actions, and you're not going behind somebody elses back, who can get hurt? And if you are using the services of a sex worker while you're in another relationship, you need to discuss the state of the relationship, not the sex industry.

Please call me Ace
#7 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 10:42 AM
Yes, it should be legalised as I think it would lessen the control of the criminals and pimps involved in the industry.

In regards to my respect for the people that work in the industry, it makes no difference to me, there are good and bad in all people, from all walks of life.

Edited to add, I just read the response above mine and agree on many points.
#8 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 10:55 AM
Definitely legalised, would also help stop a lot of sex trafficking, bringing girls over from Eastern Europe, stealing their passports and then forcing them to have sex.

If it had some proper laws it would be safer for all concerned, give them better access to clinics and contraception and get them off the streets. The five prostitutes that were murdered in Ipswich were all curb walkers, if there was a proper brothel that they could have worked in then the killer couldn't have done it.
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#9 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 9:37 PM
I just want to let you guys know that I rarely post in debates because I'm shy and don't really voice my opinions so please don't attack me.

Well, I guess you should legalize it because it makes it much safer.

I really don't know how to feel about prostitution because on one hand it is their body and who am I to judge? At the same time though after I really think about it, how would you feel if a little girl says, "When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute!" I know I wouldn't be saying something like, "Oh, that is great!"

The reason why prostitutes are shunned by society is because(hate to be so blunt) they are making a living off being whores. The last time I checked being called a whore or being one is not a good thing on its own, at least where I live....I can respect the worker(hey, everybody gotta eat) but I can't respect the profession itself.

As for the people who use those services (insert Aceley's reply here). As long as it isn't my boyfriend/husband then I don't care. Though I do think your game is a little, uh, bad if you have to resort to paying somebody to get some .
#10 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 10:58 PM
This is probably going shock a lot of the posters who have seen me post over the years, those that think they have a good understanding of my beliefs....

Prostitution should be legalized. It is immoral, however, I can not see a justifiable reason why a secularly run government, as the United States is supposed to be, to make it illegal. From a strictly secular point of view, why shouldn't sex be a commodity to be bought and sold, just like everything else? Obviously, as a Christian, I have my own views as to whether or not it should be, but, we aren't talking about religious beliefs on prostitution, but rather the legal application of it. So, putting aside my religious beliefs, why is sex, as a form of temporary pleasure, any different from other commodities? Sex in and of itself is not dangerous, it is only dangerous when you consider STDs and unwanted pregnancies, etc, both of which are preventable regardless of if you are having sex with a spouse, significant other, casual fling or prostitute. Someone find me a legitimate justifiable reason why the law should be able to ban sex for money, other than it already does.

Basically, if you are able to pay a taxi driver money, and have them give you a ride, why can't you pay a prostitute and have them give you a ride as well?

Again, as a Christian, I am completely revolted by prostitution, disgusted at the immorality of it...but, at the same time, I cannot come up with a convincing secular argument against it.

Originally Posted by Obama on ABC's This Week, discussing Obamacare
What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore
umm...Isn't having other people carry your medical burden exactly what national health care is?
#11 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 11:20 PM
it's always going to be around so why not legalise it, it would protect the women/men & make it a safer workplace for them. i'm actually surprised the government hasn't already done it. Think of the taxes they're missing out on!!!!
Top Secret Researcher
#12 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 11:21 PM
*Copying acelsey*

Do you think there are good reasons why sex workers should be illegal/legal in a society and under what conditions?
If 'sex industry' means two people who have sex together as a job then, it shouldn't be illegal, but should be anncounced world-wide by T.V. and radio.
Prostitution, should be illegal.

Do you think it's alright how sex workers are shunned by society?
Yes. Sex is a private thing. Behind closed doors between a man and woman who love each other, not between two people that knew each other for 2 seconds.

Do you respect someone who has sex for money, the same way you would respect someone of a different occupation?
No. I respect a snail more than I would respect a sex worker, completely ignore them.

What you think of people who use those services
Even worse than I think the people who get paid.

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

Mad Poster
#13 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 11:36 PM
Humans want what they can't have- perhaps, if prostitution were legalized, the demand would decrease. Despite the negative social stigma attached to prostitutes, their occupation is paid and therefore as valid as any other. Sex is a commodity, after all- Islamic harems have proven that. I see no need for government interference in regulating a career that its participants can clearly negotiate for themselves.

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#14 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 11:43 PM
I am not convinced the demand would decrease. How many people (okay, men mostly) don't get a prostitute, simply because they are afraid to get busted? Sure, you are going to have a lot of men who are going to be morally opposed to prostitution, and against the concept of sex for money anyway...but, they are going to be there regardless of whether its legalized or not...but what about those that don't think sex for money is wrong, but don't utilize a prostitute purely out of fear of getting arrested? Basically, I suspect that among those men who would consider soliciting a prostitute, the number who actually go through with it would only increase if it were legalized, as they would no longer have the fear of getting arrested.

Originally Posted by Obama on ABC's This Week, discussing Obamacare
What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore
umm...Isn't having other people carry your medical burden exactly what national health care is?
Top Secret Researcher
#15 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 11:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
I see no need for government interference in regulating a career that its participants can clearly negotiate for themselves.
Wouldn't it be safer for all involved if the government did interfere? This isn't one of my pet issues () and I'm not very knowledgeable about it, but common sense tells me that the (violent) dangers of any illicit industry, not to mention the problem of STDs and such, are relevant to prostitution. And they could be eliminated or minimized with government regulation.

But, y'know, I could be totally wrong.

#16 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 11:52 PM
Actually, in the middle ages at least, the catholic church was not against prostitution. They saw it as a necessary evil.

And so do I. Legalizing it would make it a lot safer for everyone involved, I think.
#17 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 11:56 PM
PuX- 80's - I'm actually quite shocked by your reply, sex hasn't been a private thing for years, it is publicly shown on tv hundreds of times a day. Would you seriously walk past a person & ignore them just because of their job? It doesn't make them any less of a person you know.
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#18 Old 3rd Feb 2009 at 12:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by davious
Again, as a Christian, I am completely revolted by prostitution, disgusted at the immorality of it...but, at the same time, I cannot come up with a convincing secular argument against it.

To me a secular argument "against" it is just the sheer immorality of having someone perform something they probably find a bit degrading and disgusting but have to do it because it's the only way they can pay for food and a home. In a perfect society, no one should have to do that. No one should have to resort to going down on gross old men in order to afford food and clothing for their kids. :\

The fact of the matter is that it's a job you don't normally enjoy doing but end up with no other options.
#19 Old 3rd Feb 2009 at 12:49 AM
I'd also additionally ask whether you think it's alright how sex workers are shunned by society, and whether you respect someone who has sex for money, the same way you would respect someone of a different occupation, also what you think of people who use those services. Or do you not judge anyone based on these things.

I don't see how I could feel anything except sympathy for women in the sex industry. When I think about the economical and psychological conditions that usually make women turn to that line of work, how couldn't I? I suppose in a way that could be considered "looking down" at them, but I don't think I disrespect them at all.

And as a disclaimer, I'm sure there are some cases of women who are perfectly happy in the sex trade. When I say I feel sympathy, I'm not talking about those women.

Quote: Originally posted by MentalSarcasm
Definitely legalised, would also help stop a lot of sex trafficking, bringing girls over from Eastern Europe, stealing their passports and then forcing them to have sex.

If it had some proper laws it would be safer for all concerned, give them better access to clinics and contraception and get them off the streets. The five prostitutes that were murdered in Ipswich were all curb walkers, if there was a proper brothel that they could have worked in then the killer couldn't have done it.

Those are the exact same reasons I'm for legalizing prostitution as well. I don't have much else to elaborate one, but I remember reading about the sex trafficking industry in an issue of the Atlantic, and it was so horrible and heartbreaking.

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#20 Old 3rd Feb 2009 at 1:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jooxis84
To me a secular argument "against" it is just the sheer immorality of having someone perform something they probably find a bit degrading and disgusting but have to do it because it's the only way they can pay for food and a home. In a perfect society, no one should have to do that. No one should have to resort to going down on gross old men in order to afford food and clothing for their kids. :\

The fact of the matter is that it's a job you don't normally enjoy doing but end up with no other options.

You're probably talking about poor women with no other means of survival. What about those hi priced hookers, that don't do their job on the street? That actually get their clients through recommendations, don't have a pimp, and drive expensive cars? Persoanlly, I think that most of them do it just because its easier and more convenient than working long hours for low pay in a factory or something. If they legalize it, it would definitely benefit those that work on the street, would make them be safer and all, but I doubt they'll be able to prevent tax evasion.
#21 Old 3rd Feb 2009 at 1:09 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jooxis84
To me a secular argument "against" it is just the sheer immorality of having someone perform something they probably find a bit degrading and disgusting but have to do it because it's the only way they can pay for food and a home. In a perfect society, no one should have to do that. No one should have to resort to going down on gross old men in order to afford food and clothing for their kids. :\

The fact of the matter is that it's a job you don't normally enjoy doing but end up with no other options.

But, by calling it immorality, you have automatically crossed over into the religious belief area, so its not really a purely secular argument anymore. Further, what about those that don't find it degrading in the slightest? What about those that would actually intentionally become a prostitute? Porn is legal in the USA, as long as the participants are 18 or over...what is the difference between being paid to have sex not on film, and being paid to have sex on film?

Originally Posted by Obama on ABC's This Week, discussing Obamacare
What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore
umm...Isn't having other people carry your medical burden exactly what national health care is?
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#22 Old 3rd Feb 2009 at 1:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by davious
But, by calling it immorality, you have automatically crossed over into the religious belief area

I don't see this. I'm a completely secular person yet I can consider things moral or immoral, etc... this what I mentioned I find immoral, as in it's just not right. I find torturing animals to be immoral, not for religious reasons or anything.

And you and crocobaura are right about the people who like doing it and actually earn a lot of money by it (high-paid prostitutes earn more money per night than I can in 10 years) I can't really see a problem with that at the moment.

And you're also right there's not much substantial difference between the porn industry and prostitution (although the latter is still more intimate). I'd go far enough to say that very young beautiful women who marry extremely old wealthy men are no different from prostitutes in any way either.
Field Researcher
#23 Old 3rd Feb 2009 at 1:25 AM
Prostitution has been around for centuries. It's one of the oldest professions. I think it should be legal b/c of many reasons. Mainly for the safety of the people involved. I beleive that if a man or woman want to sell their body, it's their right, just like it's a woman's right to have an abortion. I don't think i'd ever do it, and i'd never have an abortion, but what right do i have to say someone else can't do it?
Pimps would not be needed, it could be in clean environments. The prostitutes wouldn't have to work in bad conditions or be 'street walkers'. The men and women that seek out that sort of thing wouldn't have to be afraid of breaking the law. Lonely people will do about anything for companionship, in my opinion.
Of course, I don't think it would ever be made legal in the US b/c of the relgion thing. I mean, homosexuals can't even marry. What makes us think prostitution would EVER be made legal, even though it would make sense.
Top Secret Researcher
#24 Old 3rd Feb 2009 at 1:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by I.nfectious
PuX- 80's - I'm actually quite shocked by your reply, sex hasn't been a private thing for years, it is publicly shown on tv hundreds of times a day. Would you seriously walk past a person & ignore them just because of their job? It doesn't make them any less of a person you know.

Sex hasn't been (completely) private since the 60's-70's, but it should revert back to the way it was. It shouldn't be a public thing.
I would walk past them and ignore them (I walk by a lot of people and act like they aren't there), I find their choice in money earning a very bad choice. They couldn't get a job as a resturant worker or something simple? It's not like it's a talent only few people can master, it's human nature.
No one gets payed for drinking water or blinking.

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

#25 Old 3rd Feb 2009 at 1:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PuX- 80's
Sex hasn't been (completely) private since the 60's-70's, but it should revert back to the way it was. It shouldn't be a public thing.
I would walk past them and ignore them (I walk by a lot of people and act like they aren't there), I find their choice in money earning a very bad choice. They couldn't get a job as a resturant worker or something simple? It's not like it's a talent only few people can master, it's human nature.
No one gets payed for drinking water or blinking.

it's not always that simple to "get a job as a resturant worker or something simple" for some it's the only choice they have, for others it's a decision they make because they want to, and how many waitresses get paid the same amount as prostitutes if you compare how much each can potentially earn per hour?

and as for it not being a talent only few people can master... I disagree, some people are better at it than others. Comparing prostitution to drinking water or blinking perhaps shows a misunderstanding of the topic.

I do agree with you that sex should be a private thing, I think the media has a lot to answer for when it comes to the worlds obsession with sex/teenage pregnancies etc etc.

crocobaura - you made some good points regarding why some people choose to be prostitutes
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