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The Life and Times Of Ralf Wylde! Part 16.2
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The Life and Times Of Ralf Wylde! Chapter 16.2

He ran to Vincent and was given a birthday hug.

He grabbed a slice of cake that Rachael had baked as a surprise.

After they finished eating, Alyson played a game of chess with her little brother.

While Rachael cleaned up the kitchen. . .

Vincent entertained Beatrix in the sitting room.
"I hope you and your sister don't have any hard feelings toward me because of the situation with your mother", he said.
"Oh no, Mother is old enough to make her own decisions when it comes to things like that", said Beatrix, "I was surprised when she told us, but I understand how she feels about a man like you."

Gavril came into the room and asked Vincent to play Red Hands

Then he went to bed.

Rachael and Alyson joined Vincent and Beatrix in the sitting room. The girls caught Rachael up on the latest gossip in the village and made polite conversation with Vincent.

Rachael urned down the bed in her bedroom for Beatrix and Alyson to sleep.

The girls were soon sound asleep on the unusually comfortable bed.

By the time Rachael went to bed, Vincent was already asleep. She cuddled up close behind him and went to sleep.

Beatrix was unable to stay asleep in a strange place and being too curious for her own good, decided to explore the castle.

She entered the Dargan family crypt on the top floor.

She walked over to get a closer look at the portrait of a beautiful blonde lady, wondering who she was and how she died.

As Beatrix turned to leave, the ghost of Tess jumped up in front of her and scared her half to death.

She ran into Vincent on her way out.
"What are you doing in here?", he asked.
"I couldn't sleep and just wanted to have a look around", she explained.

To be continued . . .

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