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The Life and Times Of Ralf Wylde! Part 21
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The Life and Times Of Ralf Wylde! Chapter 21

Ralf went back into the barn and lit a fire in the forge. He wondered if he had done the right thing by telling Caleb Fenton the truth. Well what was done was done. It was too late to wory about it now.

Anne Fenton came storming into the barn.
"What did you talk about with Caleb?", she asked.
"He asked me if I was his father", said Ralf.
"And what did you tell him?", she asked.

"I told him the truth", he said.

"You shouldn't have told him", she said.

"The boy isn't stupid. He had already figured it out anyway", said Ralf, "I'm tired of lying to cover up more lies. It's time we both done owned up to what we done."

Then Anne left, still upset with Ralf.

Ralf stood in front of the forge and warmed himself at the fire. Abra entered the barn and asked . . .

"You want some company?"
"Yes, come on over here", he said.

"There's something that's been bothering me that I need to tell you", he said.
"Is it something I've done?", she asked.
"No, nothing like that", he said, "Abra, I've done some things in the past that I'm not very proud to admit."
"Nothing you've done can be that bad. Ralf, you're a good person", she said.

"But I'm NOT a good person! I'm a lier and a cheat! I don't deserve a woman like you", he said.

"Tell me what you did that you think is so bad", she said.

"When my Sarah was so sick and wasn't able to be a wife to me . . . well you know", he said, "I cheated on her with Anne Fenton. Abra, I'm Caleb's father."

"Ralf, I don't know what to think. I love you, but I'm not sure if I can trust you now", she said.

Then she hurried out before Ralf could see her crying.

Ralf lay on the haystack and thought about the turn for the worse his life had taken. Maybe he shouldn't have told Abra about Anne and Caleb, but he couldn't have married her without her knowing. If she didn't love him enough to forgive him, then so be it.

Just about then, his grandaughter Sarah came into the barn.
"Grandfather, will you play Red Hands with me?", she asked.

Glad for the distraction, Ralf told her yes.

They played Red Hands and being that Ralf didn't have his full attention on the game, Sarah won.

"I must be getting old. You beat me", he laughed.

"Grandfather, you don't look so old", said Sarah.
"Little Sarah, today I feel older than my years", he said.

To be continued . . .

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