F-INevo "Irresistible Dimples"
F-INevo-Irresistible-Dimple.jpg - width=670 height=600
F-INevo-Irresist-Dimple2.jpg - width=800 height=300
Thank you to HP for making awesome tutorial about multiwearble set
so your sims can have dimples with their smile too.
(I made this while holding my smile in front of the mirror until I got cramp on my face)
the effect of this dimple is best seen on medium skintone, (especially F-INevo 4 skintones ^____^)
since we can see both shade and highlight of the FX.
on a light skintone, only the shade can be seen, and on dark skin only the highlight give the
suggestion of the dimple.
I have to make a lot of compromises to make it looks "good" on all tones,
I can't make darker shade since it will look like dirt on light tones,
and I can't make the highlight too white since it looks like aborigin facial painting.
but I guess it went quite well, I'm happy with the result.
happy simming,
BTW the skin is here if you're interested
the hair is free hair by Helga, thank you Helga for the beautiful hair.
do I need to include the link to the hair???
I didn't even upload the sim, I only upload makeup
Uploaded: 27th Mar 2008, 30.8 KB.
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- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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Updated: 28th Mar 2008 at 3:45 AM - saying where I got the hair?!?
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