Medieval/Fantasy Butchering Career
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Butchering Offer

This career does not overwrite EA careers.

1. You need Twallan's Career Base-Mod correctly matched with your game patch number, found here: Nrass Career Mod
2. It does not seem to matter if you have a lesser or higher patch than I had when I made the career. The Base-Mod just has to be matched to your EA update/patch number.
3. I will only use Base Game rabbit hole classification for my careers. These include Grocery, Restaurant (Bistro), School, Bookstore, Theatre, City Hall, Mausoleum, and Hideout rabbit holes.
4. You need the EA rabbit hole lot OR a custom lot with a Rabbit Hole Rug/Door already placed in your town before putting the career in your mod-package folder or it will not show up. Find the rugs/doors here: Rabbit Hole Replacement Project
5. I have not assigned a career outfit. The game randomly assigns one; you can choose to assign a second outfit in game, or you can choose to use Shimrod's No Career Outfits Mod
Additional Credits:
Tutorials/files used:
Complete Guide to Career Modding for Beginners! by Creon by Twallan MTS Q&A page for Creon's Tutorial missyhissy's Banking Career as a guide/template
-advice by ThomasRiordan
Rabbit Hole: Grocery
Environments: Fantasy, Medieval
Opportunities: None
Work Tones: Standard
Skill Tones: None
Skills Needed: Athletic, Cooking
Descriptions and Wages *CHEEKY INNUENDO ALERT*
Congratulations on your new vocation! You toil everyday but Wednesday, wrapping up meat, bagging bones, and running to-and-fro. You deliver fresh meat to cook, bones and horns to carvers, hides to tanners, glue to crafters, and bits of everything to apothecaries, healers, perfumers, sorcerers, and mystics. You hate making pre-dawn deliveries of blood to the demonologists and the blood brewers; they're so pale and have the bad habit of licking their lips while staring at your neck! It's probably just a nervous tic. Don't worry about those frightening rumors; you know how people love to exaggerate. In addition to your meager pay, you get to take home some tough bits of meat and gristle to gnaw on before falling onto your uncomfortable pallet with exhaustion. If I were you, I'd try to move up the food chain or get a less demanding career.
Hourly Wage: 10
Wage Per Week: 540
Pension Per Day: 38
Hours: 5 a.m - 2 p.m.
Days: S,M,T,R,F,S
2. Gutter
After the hide has been removed, the gutting must begin! You'll be screamed at before having your pay docked if you do a sloppy job and puncture the intestines as you excavate the odorous cavities of the various creatures hunters and farmers bring in. Scaling and gutting fish will be your least favorite task, thanks to the aroma left behind on your hands, which no amount of scrubbing seems to take away. You also get to collect blood and wash out the stomachs, bladders, and intestines! Also, you get to stretch your legs as you sweep up stray bits of meat after the butcher has lovingly transformed the meaty carcass into a pathetic heap of bones! You are in awe of the butchers and their knifework. Try not to annoy them; they always place 1st or 2nd in knife-throwing contests.
Hourly Wage: 16
Wage Per Week: 560
Pension Per Day: 40
Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Days: U,T,R,F,S
3. Blow & Pluck
Everyone calls you the Blow & Pluck, hailing you with a chorus of crass jokes made at your expense. You spend your days plucking chickens and geese, sneezing all the while, which takes a great deal of talent! You also get to blow up the swim bladders of fish for isinglass used by brewers. At the end of the day, your lips are swollen and you are covered in down and feathers from head to toes. The tavern owner doesn't mind if you come in dirty for an after-work drink, though. All that raucous guffawing makes his customers thirsty!
Hourly Wage: 18
Wage Per Week: 630
Pension Per Day: 45
Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Days: U,T,R,F,S
4. Renderer
Lard and tallow are now the products of your work! You simmer, stir, pour, and strain as you daydream about how you will eventually be the sharpest butcher in the land! Your skin is quite moisturized, and all admire the mountains and hills on your face (which sometimes ooze and explode). You are a favorite with sorcerers, who inexplicably will pay you a few coins to extract the precious pus so plentiful! Beware of dragons, for they will sniff you out, descending upon you to enthusiastically lick your greasy skin and hair with rough tongues! They have been known to get so enthusiastic that they accidentally eat renderers in great gulps.
Hourly Wage: 26
Wage Per Week: 650
Pension Per Day: 46
Hours: 9. a.m. - 2 p.m.
Days: M,T,W,F,S
5. Slicer
Finally, you have an easy job. You stand at attention behind the counter, slicing up roasts and smoked flanks for customers, and oozing simpering compliments to the customers as you hand over the wrapped parcels. You stifle groans of dismay when Mistress Crunklepepper enters the shop, pasting as rigid smile on your face as she hems and haws, complaining loudly at the price for meat these days. You may find yourself tempted to pocket a few coins, but if you get caught, the your replacement will take great delight in handing over your minced blurrybits to Mistress Crunklepepper with a malicious know what, I think I'll purchase a sirloin cut instead of the sausage, thanks.
Hourly Wage: 28
Wage Per Week: 980
Pension Per Day: 70
Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Days: U,T,R,F,S
6. Boner
You are known to be an early riser, and every prankster in the realm describes you as stand-up kind of friend. Mistress Crunklepepper sneers at you, saying you are smaller than one could wish, but the milkmaids sassily reply that you make up for it in stamina. After the butcher has his way with the meat, you flay, scrape, beat, polish, and grind up the bones. Your main complaint is that the stripper is afforded more notice and higher pay; doesn't the stripping happen before the boning? And why are the preservers elbowing each other and snickering? Is it something I said?
Hourly Wage: 44
Wage Per Week: 1100
Pension Per Day: 78
Hours: 9. a.m. - 2 p.m.
Days: U,M,W,R,F
7. Stripper
You're moving up in the realm! You are now a stripper, revealing to the butcher all parts underneath! Sometimes you stand mesmerized and watch as he beats meat to soften it. After you are yelled to get your rear end in motion, you will turn to the task of chopping up whatever the butcher finds beneath his notice, skinning hides, scraping sinew, and spinning cord. After your toil is ended for the day, you head to the tavern, and after a few pints, indulge in some table dancing. Sometimes you'll even earn tips! I've always wondered though; why do you have such a fascination with poles?
Hourly Wage: 52
Wage Per Week: 1300
Pension Per Day: 92
Hours: 9. a.m. - 2 p.m.
Days: U,M,W,F,S
8. Preserver
Salt that fish and smoke that pork! You are now next to the butchers in importance, but alas, you will get all the blame if the delivered meats lead to an outbreak of food poisoning. Yet you love your job; you stand around jabbering while the hung meat hangs and the drying jerky dries. You also get to stuff sausages and pickle feet. Doesn't that sound exciting? Well, at least you get to indulge in clever jests about the proper handling of sausages.
Hourly Wage: 71
Wage Per Week: 1988
Pension Per Day: 142
Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Days: U,T,R,F
9. Under Butcher
Ah, you've survived the nicks of knives and slivers of bones. You are quite comfortable handling a big slab of meat and very dexterous with your fingers. The butcher seems a little jealous of your talents, perhaps fearing you will soon open another shop. I'm sure that's just your ego talking; more likely the longer hours are for your own good. On the butcher's day off, you get to supervise the shop, and wanting your skills to remain sharp, the butcher has generously required you to do the tasks usually left to the strippers, gutters, and slicers. Why, I've never seen such devotion to an apprentice's training!
Hourly Wage: 72
Wage Per Week: 3880
Pension Per Day: 277
Hours: 9 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Days: U,M,W,R,F,S
10. Head Butcher
Congratulations! You are now the Head Butcher, with your very own butcher shop! I’m sure the title has nothing to do with the rumors about a collection of severed heads. Nay, never mind all that tripe! Your meat is proclaimed the most tender and juicy in all the realm. All are in awe of your knife work, and the sheriff would like a word about where you and your knives were last night. You receive toasts from cooks in taverns and groans from overstuffed nobility. Well, it's not your fault they're all gluttons for sausages! Speaking of sausages, have you heard the one about the sausage surprise? So there was this buttermaid from Dover, who while churning, bent over...
Hourly Wage: 184
Wage Per Week: 4600
Pension Per Day: 328
Hours: 9. a.m. - 2 p.m.
Days: U,T,R,F,S
Butchering Language Strings.7z
| For Translators
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2013, 4.0 KB.
| Medieval/Fantasy Butchering Career
Uploaded: 28th Jun 2013, 14.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the file to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file. Now you will have either a .package or a .sims3pack file.
For Package files:
1. Cut and paste the file into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages folder. If you do not already have this folder, you should read the full guide to Package files first: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki, so you can make sure your game is fully patched and you have the correct Resource.cfg file.
2. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
For Sims3Pack files:
1. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game and then close it again so that this folder will be automatically created. Then you can place the .sims3pack into your Downloads folder.
2. Load the game's Launcher, and click on the Downloads tab. Find the item in the list and tick the box beside it. Then press the Install button below the list.
3. Wait for the installer to load, and it will install the content to the game. You will get a message letting you know when it's done.
4. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see:
- For package files: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki
- For Sims3pack files: Game Help:Installing TS3 Packswiki
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Updated: 16th Aug 2013 at 5:07 AM - Added Language Strings
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