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Finally..A Love Story
This story has homosexuality involved, and lots and lots of drama. And some swearing (Okay maybe a lot of swearing. Sorry
![]() "We will always be best friends, Raven! I know it!" Angelina squealed, Raven smiled, "I'm sure we will, Angel." Raven called Angelina, Angel for short, because Raven had the biggest crush on her, and wanted to be a little more than friends. But she knew Angelina was the straightest girl in the world. Usually Raven and Angelina would hang out everyday, but one day Angelina came over in tears. "Angel, what's wrong?" Raven asked, with a knot in her throat, "We are moving, and yeah that's all." Angel whispered, "Wait, what? I thought your parents loved being in Cali." Raven looked towards her, Angelina just sighed, "They say you're a bad influence on me, Raven. Maybe we'll meet again." Angelina hugged Raven, and whispered softly in her ear, "I'll never forget you." Angelina pulled away. Raven gulped hard as she watched Angelina leave. Raven ran to her room, and watched Angelina fade into the dusk. Raven fell to her knees, "Best...Friends..Forever my ass." She whispered softly as she ripped the necklace off, and chucked the broken chain towards the wall. "Raven...Raven, are you okay?" Her mother asked from the door, "Yeah sure." Raven replied, her mother walked in slowly, "What's wrong, honey?" Her mother knelt beside her, "Mom...I lost my best friend today. Angel's parents say I'm a bad influence. Why?!" Raven's mother wrapped her arms around her daughter, "Sweetie, I think they know." Raven scoffed, "Yeah, that I'm a fag." Raven's mom giggled, "No, because you are you." Raven chuckled, "Thanks mom." -------------------------------------------5 Years Later------------------ Raven now being eighteen. A Senior in high school, she had made a lot of friends, and even had her own click. The Goths. Raven was at lunch as she listened to Greg or his group called him Razor. "I am serious! We could fucking rebel, and make this school our own! And those stupid jocks that get A's because they are doing up the teachers, or the cheerleaders that are making the teachers coo, they would get F's because they don't do shit. We would make this...One hell of an awesome school!!" Razor threw his arms up in the air, "Oh yeah, how are we doing to do that? Run around screaming, LOSERS! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, SHIT HEAD!" Raven smiled, "You know, when you put it that way, I guess it won't work." Razor replied simply. "You know, Raven..." He began and got on the table and let his feet rest against the seat of the bench, "We could cause hell together." Razor tried taking her hand, "Darlin' I'm not that way." Raven replied. One of the girls in the group giggled, they called her Tinkerbell, "Razor, you're always barking up the wrong tree, and even if Raven was that way, I doubt you are her type. I think she would seriously get a sex change, just to avoid you." Razor rolled his eyes and threw his bread roll at her. Tinkerbell laughed, "So, did you guys put in applications for College, yet?" Raven nodded, "I already got accepted to one." Tinkerbell pouted, "Lucky." Raven sighed as she heard the bell ring, "Alright, losers, time for class." Tinkerbell, and Razor rolled their eyes, and walked away. Raven was now in fifth period, her Gothic attire got her sitting alone in the back. Hell she had black eyeliner, with a spiked choker. She even had a Korn T-Shirt on, with bondage pants. Her boots had little studs on them. Raven had those amazing black locks, with red streaks through them. But what did have guys interested in her, was her stunning bright blue eyes. She loved English, she could write whatever she wanted, even if the story was absolutely dark and twisted. Raven took in a deep breath, as she heard the teacher speak softly, "Class. Class! Eyes up front, we have a new student, she comes from North Carolina. Her name is Angelina Hollbroke." Raven's eyes widen, "Angel..." She whispered, Raven shook everything off, as she began to doodle in her notebook, "Angelina, have a seat next to Raven, please." Raven scoffed, and thought, "Yay." The teacher just shook her head, "Raven, can you please pay attention?" Raven nodded, "Sure Mrs. H." Raven simply replied. During the class hour, Angelina continued to look at Raven, as if she knew her. Angelina the perfect figure, black hair, gorgeous blue eyes. She was just an attractive girl too look at. "You know, its not polite to stare." Raven whispered, "I am sorry...I just get this weird feeling, I know you." Raven chuckled, "Well, if you lived in Cali, then not even then we would know each other." Right as Raven said that the bell rang, "See ya tomorrow, toots." Raven walked out of the class, and met up with Razor and Tinkerbell, "Whoa whoa, where the hell is Damsel?" Tinkerbell giggled at Raven's question, "How did we come up with that name anyway?" Tinkerbell asked, "You know, honestly, it may be because she is always in distress." Raven said, before seeing Damsel, "Hey guys." Damsel smiled, "So, are we going or not?" Damsel asked, "Hell yeah! English was my last period today, early out!" Raven exclaimed, "But I gotta say, there is this new girl in my class, and damn. Just damn." Damsel rolled her eyes, "You need to get laid, darling." Razor wrapped his arm around Damsel, he finally asked her out, and of course she said yes. Then there finally member of the group was a guy named: Joseph. But they called him, Rage, he was always pissed off at something. Rage and Tinkerbell were an item since Freshman year. Raven grabbed her smokes from her locker, "Alright, lets do this!" She exclaimed, but before she could leave, she was stopped by Angelina, "Raven, do you have a moment?" Angelina asked, "Uh...I guess." Raven then heard, "Ooooooo!" From the group, "Grow up!" Raven laughed, she walked with Angelina, "Raven...Your last name wouldn't happen to be Van Dawn, would it?" She asked, Raven looked at her shocked, "Yeah, why? And how the hell did you know that? Mrs. H, doesn't use our last names." Raven smirked, "So, it is you. Its me, Angel." Raven was shocked, "Oh my god! Angel!? How have you been?! Wait...Does your parents still think I'm a bad influence?" Angelina giggled, "No." Angel replied simply. Raven smiled, "You haven't changed a bit." Raven moved her hand to Angelina's cheek and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. Angelina blushed, but then grabbed Raven's hand, "Raven, I'm not that way." Raven nodded, "Well, yeah. I gotta go." Raven walked away, and Angelina nodded as she did so. "Dear lord..." She whispered, "Awww, Raven's blushing!" Raven punched Razor playfully, "Like hell I am!" She chuckled, as she walked with them down to the market. "Raven, you sort of seem out of sorts." Tinkerbell sat with Raven as they waited for the guys to get back, "It's weird, ya know? I finally see her, and then I try to put moves on her." Raven scoffed, "Well, you can't hide your feelings forever." Tinkerbell whispered. Raven, Razor, Rage, Tinkerbell and Damsel all sneaked into the Drive In, and watched the original Nightmare On Elm Street. "Oh shit, oh shit!" Damsel was now hiding into her boyfriend, Rage. "Ah, cheer up buck-a-roo!" Raven exclaimed, she had a Coke Cola in one hand, and a cigarette in the other, "Is this spot taken?" Raven didn't even look over, "Yeah, sure." Raven jumped as she saw Freddy, "Damn!" She exclaimed. Damsel laughed, "Cheer up, buck-a-roo!" Raven laughed, "You are freaking nuts!" Raven whispered, Razor tapped Raven on the shoulder, "Come on, I need a refill." Raven stood up, "Anyone else want anything?" Tinkerbell nodded, "Your coat, please." Raven smiled as she removed her leather jacket, "Rage, darlin', you seriously need to start bringing a hoodie or something." Rage smiled, "Oh, Raven my knight in shining armor!" The girl that had joined them just giggled. Raven finally looked towards the girl, "Angel?" She asked, "Yeah, Raven?" Angelina asked, "Just sayin your name." Raven walked away, with Razor. "You know, Raven. I think she digs ya." Razor whispered, "Oh yeah, and I am the President of the United States." Razor scoffed, "I am serious." He whispered, "Well, if she does, then she'll make the first move. Damn, I gotta piss. Here, use this to pay for everything." Raven walked into the bathroom. She did her business, and left the stall after flushing the toilet. As Raven went to wash her hands, she saw Angelina standing there. Angelina looked at Raven then walked towards her. Raven looked at Angelina, "Ye..." But before she could get her words out, Angelina's lips were against Raven's. Raven slowly closed her eyes. And Angelina's arms slowly wrapped around Raven's neck. Slowly Angelina's hand moved up into Raven's black tresses. Angelina slowly pulled away, "I've wanted to do that for a long time." With those words, Angelina walked out of the bathroom. Raven was still in shock. She washed her hands and ran out of the bathroom. The next day at school, things became awkward. Raven walked up too Angelina, "Uh...What was that last night?" Angelina acted dumbfounded, "Raven, it was a kiss. That's it, I wouldn't look to much into it. Besides, you see that guy. His name is Marcus, and him and I are together." Angelina smiled, "So cheer up, buck-a-roo." Angelina stuck her tongue out. And walked away. Raven rolled her eyes, then nodded. As she turned on her heel and walked away. Razor looked at Raven, "What's wrong?" He asked, "Nothing..." She whispered. During Fifth period, Angelina was giggling softly as she continued to text her boyfriend. Raven was still shocked about last night. But just sighed, and pushed the thought away. Raven began to doodle in her journal. But when Mrs. Henderson came by, she looked at Raven's art, "These are really good. Did you do them yourself?" Raven nodded, "Yes, Mrs. H." Raven whispered. Then Raven began to work on her essay. As Raven walked out of the class, she felt a pop can peg her in the head, "FAG!" She heard Marcus yell, Angelina laughed as she watched Raven walk by rubbing her head. But Damsel had over heard this, "You asshole!" Marcus laughed, "Oh look the Damsel in Distress is going to stand up to me!" Raven glared, "Fuck you, Marcus." Marcus grabbed Raven, "How would you like to feel like a real woman?!" Raven grabbed his arm, and twisted, "Grow a set, then you can tell me what it's like to be a real man." Raven walked away with Damsel, as she looked back, she saw Angelina laughing, "What's wrong, Raven?" Damsel asked, Raven shook her head, and walked towards the bathroom. Damsel walked in after, and saw Raven now crying. "Raven..." Raven immediately turned around and hugged Damsel, Raven kept her index finger away from Damsel's neck due to her armor ring. "Wh..Why? I thought Angelina changed after these years. Thought she cared, but everything is always in the dark with us." Raven cried hard in Damsel's arms. Damsel sighed, "Then she isn't a real friend, Raven." Raven finally whispered, "But I love her." Raven slowly pulled away, "Can we skip class?" Damsel smiled and nodded. -----------------------------------Few Weeks Later-------------------- Things had only gotten worse for Raven. Her feelings for Angelina were getting more intense, and she tried to act like Angelina and Marcus's relationship didn't bother. She was no longer sitting with her friends. She was always sitting alone, and looking out the window. Razor, Rage, Damsel, and Tinkerbell were growing more and more concern, "Should we talk to Angelina? Or Raven?" Damsel asked, "I'll talk too, Angelina. And Damsel you talk too, Raven." Tinkerbell smiled. Damsel nodded, and walked to Raven, "Raven..." Raven sighed and looked at her, "Hey girl." She whispered, "Raven, why are you sulking?" Damsel asked, "Sulking? More like thinking about how I wish Angel never came back into my life." Damsel lowered her eyes to Raven's statement, "But aren't you..." She was cut off, "Happy? Damsel, look at me, I'm one miserable piece of shit. And the girl...Forget it." --------------------------------Meanwhile--------------------------- Like a stalker Tinkerbell followed Angelina into the bathroom, "Angelina...Can I have a word?" Tinkerbell asked, "Sure. Make it fast, Marcus is waiting for me. He calls me Angel, isn't that cute?!" Tinkerbell shrugged, "Do you even miss talking too Raven? I know she misses you. And I thought...Raven was the only one allowed to call you, Angel?" She asked, Angelina scoffed, "That fagot, is not my owner, anyone can call me Angel. And for your 411, no I do not miss that fag. And why should I?" Angelina asked, and this was time Tinkerbell actually got pissed, "Your nothing but a rich snob! Do you know that Raven at one time talked about you all the fucking time?! She asked and wondered where you went too! And if you were okay! But then she finally got a call from your damn parents saying all was okay, because Raven kept writing you and calling you. Your parents and her parents stayed in touch! You know, I always wanted to meet the girl that was Raven's best friend, but damn...I wish you never came to this school, Raven was actually doing well for herself!" Tinkerbell yelled, "Do us all a favor, and go fuck yourself!" Tinkerbell stormed out, Angelina was shocked, she had never heard such profanity, nor did she ever think that the innocent Tinkerbell would do that. But this did get Angelina thinking. But not enough to stop flaunting Marcus in front of Raven. Tinkerbell walked towards the group and Raven, "Raven, Angelina is a bitch! You know that Marcus is calling her, Angel, right?" Raven's heart broke, "An...She told me, I would be the only one allowed to call her that." Raven whispered. Raven stood up, and walked up to Angelina, "I thought you were the same person, I was once cared for. Screw this, let me make things easy for you, Angelina." Raven began, Angelina was shocked that Raven didn't call her Angel. "I'm leaving English, and hell, I may ask my parents to leave the damn county. You have everything here." Raven stormed off, then the group did the same. As Razor walked by, he flipped Angelina off. ----------------------------------------Later That Night--------------------- Raven was now home, her mother was trying to get too Raven, "Mom, I love you, and I know you know that. But this is just one of those times, I need to be left alone." She whispered. Her mother smiled and hugged Raven, "I love you too." Raven walked away and went to her room. She grabbed the photo album with her and Angelina in the album. She looked at the pictures. Them smiling, and making goofy faces. Pictures of birthday parties. Tears now began to hit the pages. "Wh..What happened to you..." She murmured. Raven threw the album against the wall, hitting a picture of Angelina and her. Raven scoffed, and went to the picture and saw a note on the back of the picture: "Raven, I'm so glad that you and I are friends! Because you are my best friend for life! Now, do not forget me! Please....I would be so hurt if you did. Forever your best friend, Angelina." Raven pressed her knees up to her chest, and rested her arms over her knees. Her head went against her arms, as she began to cry hard. Her mother was near the door, she knew she couldn't help Raven this time, and she knew Raven needed to be alone. Raven passed out on the floor. When Raven awoke, she saw her mother, "Holy shit..." She whispered, "Raven!" Raven shook her head, "Sorry mom. Can I stay home today?" Raven asked, her mother nodded, "Get some rest, sweetie." Raven nodded. Raven walked to the bed, and laid down. Her eyes stayed against the window. Raven didn't want to think, dream, eat, or even drink anything. She wanted to be alone, literally. "Raven...You have a visitor..." Her mother spoke through the door, "I thought you were going to work, mom. And whatever let them in." Raven's mom laughed, "I am. Behave you brat." Raven chuckled, Raven slowly rolled over, "What the hell do you want?" Angelina ran to her, and pulled Raven into her arms, "I am so sorry, Raven." Angelina whispered, "You have to understand, I like you a lot. But it would mess with my image." Angelina went to kiss Raven, "I am sorry...But Angelina, I can't...I just can't. I am not into image. Please go." Angelina slowly stood, "Wow." Angelina whispered, Raven shrugged, "Please go." She whispered. --------------------------------Days That Went By--------------------- Raven hadn't been in school for at least a week. She had heard Angelina and Marcus had..Well, Angelina was now deflowered. And they were engaged. Her friends were worried. Raven was lost in a world of pain and torment. She was now cutting again. And three times in a week, Raven's mother had to take her to the hospital, because she tried to kill herself. Raven had her door removed from the hinges, so she could keep an eye on her. Raven's mother was sickly worried, that she needed to call someone to watch Raven during the day when she worked. Her friends would visit, and Raven didn't say anything. They were now becoming sickly worried as well. Damsel was especially worried. They didn't get the pain Raven was in, because they had never felt that agony. Seeing Damsel and Razor had been together since Freshman Year as well as Rage and Tinkerbell. Well, Rage and Tinkerbell were more on and off sort of couple. The Next day, they were talking to each other, "Hey..." Angelina spoke, "What the hell do you want? You are the reason she is suffering so damn bad." Razor spat out, Angelina lowered her eyes, "I know...I know." She whispered, Razor scoffed, "Yeah sure you know bitch." They all stood and walked away, leaving Angelina alone. "What a dipshit." Rage mustered. ---------------------------------------A Week Later------------------------ Raven had finally returned to school. People looked at her not in disgust, but in worry. Many people actually cared from Raven. Razor ran up to Raven, and picked her up and spun her around, "Holy Shit!" She screamed, "What?! We missed ya girl!" Razor smiled as he lowered her down, "Guess what?!" Tinkerbell asked, Raven's eyes widen, "What???" She asked in a creepy tone, "We got you a dark and sinister...Dun Dun Dunnnnn ring!" Raven laughed as she hugged the group, "Damn I missed you all." Raven stated, all of them hugged her back. Damsel and Razor told Raven that they were engaged, and so were Rage and Tinkerbell, Raven cried, not in sadness but in joy. Of course during in Fifth Period, Raven had to sit by Angelina. Raven didn't look at her, didn't even say hi. When the bell rang, Raven stood and walked out. Angelina was shocked, and caught off guard. Raven walked to her locker, and saw Razor, "Uhm, hi." Razor hugged Raven in tears, "We were so scared, that you were gone. And we got some exciting news." Raven looked at Razor then saw the group, "We got in the same College as you." Raven cried once again, and hugged her friends, "Friends to the end, hey hey hey! Even if we fall, die, and cry. We will stand, hi hi hi ho!!!" They sang together. Razor scoffed, "Look up girl." Raven looked up, "No." He laughed, "Behind you." Raven turned and saw Angelina. "Can we talk?" Raven shook her head, "No." She replied and walked away with the group. Angelina finally stopped Raven, "Please." Angelina took Raven by the arm, "If I'm not back in ten minutes, send a search party!" Raven joked. When they got to the bathroom, Angelina checked the stalls, and saw no one was there, "Raven, what the hell is your problem!?" Raven glared at Angelina for asking such a stupid my question, "My problem!? You are the stuck up bitch, and you are with Marcus. You even slept with him!" Raven stated, or more or less exclaimed, "Excuse me, but when did you become my owner?! Raven get over it! I am not that way, you and I will never be together stop being jealous!" Angelina screamed, "Forgive me! Alright! But what hurts..." Raven sighed, as tears formed in her eyes, "You promised that I would be the only one to call you, Angel. Just leave me alone. Don't call, don't write, and pretend I no longer exist." Raven walked to her, "And give me this." Raven softly brushed her lips against Angelina's as Angelina went to deepen the kiss. Raven's hand was against her collarbone, and she ripped the necklace away from her neck, and threw the necklace against the floor, and spat on the necklace, "Best friends forever, my ass." Raven turned on her heel and walked away. This was the last time Raven and Angelina ever spoke together. Raven graduated with her friends, and so did Angelina. Raven went onto the land of fame after college. Her and her friends formed a band called: "The Alice Project" they were a hit. Angelina was still with Marcus, but no longer happy. Angelina became a doctor. Angelina sent out invitations to Raven for her wedding. But she had gotten no word back, and all Angelina could do is cry. Because she now realized that...She was in love with Raven. ------------------------------------4 Years Later--------------------------- "Yo! Raven!" Razor tried to get Raven's attention, "You got mail." Raven chuckled, "Thank ya!" She looked to one letter, that wasn't marked, as she opened the envelope she saw the invitation. "Look guys! Angelina is trying to make amends!" Raven laughed, Rage sat before her, "Raven, if you love her, still. You'll go. You'll do whatever it takes to stop that wedding, or at least finally tell her how you feel. And if she still blows you off, then it wasn't meant to be." Rage smiled, and Raven nodded. "Well, will you guys come with me?" Raven asked, they all nodded. Raven, Rage, Razor, Tinkerbell, and Damsel flew back to Cali, seeing they moved too New York. Just in time for the wedding. Raven sighed, Damsel began to pick out the perfect tuxedo for Raven. "This makes you look sexeh!" Damsel spoke, "Oh yes!" Raven replied, "Wait actually it totally does." Raven smiled, and went to the lady, and got fitted for the tux. The tux was somewhat of a Gothic style tux. And was black and red. Raven was now ready, as well as the group, "Yay..." She mustered. The day of the wedding. Everything was just gorgeous. From the way the Cathedral was decorated too Angelina's dress everything seemed so perfect. Much like a fairy-tale. Marcus being Angelina's knight in shining armor. Raven, Razor, Rage, Tinkerbell, and Damsel sat down in the back, and hidden withing the crowd. But in the dressing room, that perfect idea was flying out the window. "Angelina, what's wrong?" Angelina's mother asked, "I am not sure...I just don't feel right." Angelina's mother sat in front of her daughter, "Angelina, if there is someone else, or this isn't your dream come true. This isn't...Your happiness. You need to be happy, Angelina. I think I know who has your heart. But if it isn't Marcus then you need to stop yourself from faking your happiness. I have never seen you smile when he is around. The only time I've ever seen you smile is when I asked is Raven coming...I knew she would always have your heart." Angelina's mother smiled, "Then why did we truly leave?" Angelina asked, "Your father cheated on me, and I couldn't be in that house anymore. It was never Raven. I loved Raven. She made you smile all the time." Angelina blushed. "I have to do this. Marcus is my soul mate." Angelina's mother nodded, as she only agreed to disagree. The groom was now out near the Priest. And the brides mates and the maid of honor, as well as the groomsmen and the best man were up in front. Then everyone rose, as they saw Angelina walk down the aisle, Raven swallowed hard. As she shook her head, "I can't do this..." Raven left but as she walked outside, Angelina looked at Raven, and their eyes connected. Angelina's heart stopped for that second, her breath was gone, for that second. Raven smiled briefly, then walked out. She stood outside in the rain. And when the Priest asked if anyone objected, surely enough, Razor stood up, "You bet your sorry ass, I object. Damn girl. Angelina, you have this amazing person standing outside, waiting for you! If you haven't got the clue by now, then damn, your hopeless." Razor took Damsel's hand, "Good luck." He sat back down. Angelina began to think, "Hang on..." Angelina walked down the aisle in a haste, she opened the doors. Marcus scoffed, "Don't worry guys, she will pick me." They waited as they listened to the next conversation. "RAVEN!" Angelina screamed, Raven turned around slowly, she was completely soaked from head to toe. Rain drops were falling over her eyes, "What?" She asked in a cracking voice, "Why are you doing this? Why?" Angelina asked, "Why? Since I met you, Angelina...Angel. I knew I had to have you in my life, even if we were just friends. But as years passed, I knew I couldn't be just friends with you. And what broke my heart the most isn't you getting with Marcus, but breaking my heart, and calling me a fag. If you can't see it by now...Then I guess I have to spell it out." Raven looked up at Angelina, "I love you. And I have for a very long time." Angelina lowered her eyes, "I am sorry, I do not feel the same." Raven smiled, "I know. Good luck, and congratulations." Raven turned on her heel. And began to walk away. Angelina walked back to Marcus, and tried to smile. She was having flashbacks as the Priest talked, Angelina knew, oh did she knew. When the Priest asked her, do you....Angelina simply stated, "No. I am in love with Raven." Once Razor heard those words, he cheered. Damsel began to cheer with him. And soon Tinkerbell and Rage were cheering. And oddly, Angelina's mother cheered. Angelina ran holding her dress. But when she went outside, Raven was no where in sight, "RAVEN!!! RAVEN!!!" Angelina screamed repeatedly, "Come on...We can catch her." Razor spoke. Razor got in his car, and drove as fast as he could, "DAMN BABE! I want to get there alive." "Yes, can I get a ticket to New York?" Raven asked, the lady at the counter knew who she was, "First class or coach?" Raven shrugged, "I don't care." Raven replied. Raven was handed of course First Class tickets. Raven walked to the seat, and sat down waiting for her flight number to get called. ---------------------------Meanwhile------------------- "DAMMIT GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Razor screamed, "Baby, if you don't slow down, we will not get there alive!" Damsel exclaimed, "I want those two together! Damn!" Razor chuckled, "I knew..." Angelina began, "Knew what?" Damsel asked, "I knew I loved Raven. I was just scared to ever admit it. I kissed her at the Drive In, I wanted to do more. And Marcus and I...We have never had sex. He has sex with other women. Because I wanted to wait." Angelina sighed, Tinkerbell giggled, "Wanted to wait for what?" Angelina smiled, "Raven." She replied. People were now honking at Razor, "Ah shuddup!" He yelled. Once at the airport, "Hurry on girl!" Razor stated, Angelina got out of the car in her beautiful wedding dress. She ran as hard and as fast as she could. Then she saw Raven standing up, and walking to the gate, "Raven! Raven!" She screamed, but Raven didn't hear her. Angelina saw her slowly get to the gate, and handed her ticket, "RAVEN!" She screamed loudly so Raven could hear. Raven slowly turned around. "Angel?" She asked. Raven moved out of line, "What the hell do you want?" Raven asked, as she looked at Angelina. Angelina walked closer to Raven, "To tell you something." Raven looked at her Angelina, "What's that?" Angelina took in a deep breath, then took a step towards Raven. They were literally up close and personal. Angelina didn't care who was watching. Razor, Rage, Tinkerbell, and Damsel were all there watching the scene unfold. Angelina slowly grabbed Raven's hands and placed them on her waist. Then Angelina wrapped her arms around Raven's neck. Soon enough, Angelina pressed her lips against Raven's. Raven's body tensed, but slowly relaxed. Raven slowly deepened the kiss, and Angelina's hand slowly ran into Raven's black tresses, she laced her fingers within Raven's hair. Angelina slowly pulled away, and whispered into Raven's ear, "I love you, Raven." ------Fin------- |
Genius! You should totally continue this story, I loved it to the bits!
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I love this story! It's really great!
@The Creeper: Awww. Poor girl
![]() ![]() @Hladgunnr: Thank you, thank you. I needed to make a love story, and make it cute ^.^ |
Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Definitely looking forward to it! |
------------------------------------------Part 2----------------------------
Raven and Angelina had gotten married, well, married in their eyes. Raven's band "Alice Project" had made things huge. They were always on tour, Angelina joined them on some, and watched some on the television. She was so happy that her and Raven had finally announced their love, and show their affection. Raven plastered that she had found the love of her life. She was very faithful. She even gave up drinking and smoking. And with her friends as the band mates they did the same. Everything seemed to be a very happy ending. Only Raven saw this. Angelina was starting to get lonely, and she needed attention. And who did she seek, her ex flame, Marcus. Marcus came over when Raven wasn't around, of course, Angelina and Marcus wouldn't do anything, just talk, and laugh. Angelina was surely missing, Raven. By this time the tour was coming to a close, which meant Raven was going to be home soon, and Angelina was ecstatic. Marcus, however, wasn't. He wanted to get back together with Angelina. And Angelina, well, she was starting to grow feelings for Marcus. Their flame hadn't been put out completely. In fact, Marcus was willing to take the friendship to the next level. Alone in the house, Marcus was sitting next too Angelina, "You know, we've been hanging out a lot. And maybe we can do something else than sit here and talk." Marcus smiled, as his hand rested his hand on Angelina's leg, "Alright, I guess we can." Angelina leaned in and began to kiss Marcus. Though Angelina knew this was wrong, she knew that this also felt amazing to feel a touch that she longed for. Soon, Angelina and Marcus were in Raven and Angelina's bed, making out. Their kiss only intensified into something more. And that night, Angelina and Marcus had sex. Rough, raw sex. Angelina didn't regret anything nor did Marcus. Early the next morning they had sex again, and then Marcus left. Raven just had landed, and was going to go home to see her wife. Razor shook his head when he saw that eager smile upon Raven's features, "You and that girl." Raven smiled, "Well, you are married as well, but, she gets to go on tour with us. Angelina can't on some." Razor nodded, as he hugged Raven, "I love ya, girl!" Everyone went and hugged Raven. Raven just smiled, and got into the limo. Four hours went by, Raven's eyes were out the window of the limo, she was just so eager. And once she got home, she hurriedly grabbed her bags, and ran inside. Raven looked around for Angelina, and finally found her, "Baby!" She exclaimed, as she dropped her luggage, and ran to her. She immediately picked Angelina up, and spun her around. Raven slowly slid Angelina downward, to where their eyes could meet. Angelina was very happy to see Raven, but her heart was now torn. She leaned and kissed Raven hard, with raw and intense passion. Her body collapsed into Raven's arms, as their tongues made a dance of love. Soon, Raven and Angelina were in their bed, and made love. Angelina felt this pain in her heart, and she rested her head on Raven's shoulder. She wasn't sure who to choose, seeing, she had expressed her eternal love to Raven, and yet was going to marry Marcus. Months had went by, Raven was still home, but when she went to rehearse, Marcus was over. Angelina and Marcus were having a very heated affair. One day they made a mistake, and were at a museum, where they kissed each other. And Damsel and Razor happened to see this, "Razor...Look." She whispered, "Oh my god..." Razor whispered, "We need to tell Raven." Damsel nodded in agreement. They rushed out of the museum, and headed towards Raven's house. Once there they knocked on the door, Raven opened the door and smiled. She was preparing a romantic dinner for her and Angelina. "Can we talk?" Razor had a very serious tone, "Razor, when you talk like that, its usually very serious." Raven whispered, "Well come in." Raven invited them in. Damsel was quiet, and Razor didn't know how to tell Raven. He just fiddled with his thumbs for about twenty minutes. "Raven..." Razor began, "Angelina is seeing Marcus...She is cheating on you." Raven stood with an annoyed features on her face, "Sure, you come over, and tell me, my wife of five years is cheating on me?!" Damsel lowered her eyes, Damsel never lied, "I saw them, Raven. Razor and I watched them kiss." Raven was disgusted, "Get the hell out of my house!" She screamed, Razor and Damsel immediately left. "Dammit, I don't want her to get hurt." Razor whispered. When Angelina came home, everything was perfect. From the meal to the bed scene where they made love, repeatedly. Raven was just so very happy with Angelina, and couldn't see her life without her. Angelina felt the same, but wanted Marcus as well. On a day when Raven had to rehearse, she kissed Angelina and left. Marcus once again came over when the coast was clear. Angelina and Marcus were getting mighty close in the bedroom, when Raven had come back, she wanted to take Angelina to a surprise lunch, but when she went to the bedroom, and opened the door, her heart dropped into her stomach. "An...Angel..." She whispered, Angelina looked up, "I thought you were rehearsing." Angelina stated, "I thought you were faithful..." Raven whispered as tears began to take away her vision as the tears filled the rim of her eyes, "Marcus, you should leave." Angelina spoke to her lover, "Rave, I love you, I truly do. But you are gone so long, Marcus was there, and made me feel special." Raven gulped before speaking with a cracking voice, "Yeah, I can...See that." Raven's right hand went to her left ring finger, and she removed the ring, "You can have the house, the cars, everything." Raven mustered as she went to her dresser, and began to take out clothes, "Raven, baby, please lets work things out. Please." Angelina pleaded, "I am sorry, I can't be in a house that has so many memories." Raven replied. Raven put her clothes into a suitcase, and walked towards the front door, "You can tell Marcus, I'm leaving." Raven opened the door, and left. Angelina immediately fell to her knees and realized she made the biggest mistake in her life, but a not mistake that would soon to come. --------------------------------Three Months Later--------------------------- Raven was now living with Razor and Damsel. Raven couldn't stop thinking about Angelina. Sure the band had concerts. But Raven wasn't the same, "Hey, sweetie." Damsel began, "How are you doing?" But before words could fall away from Raven's lips, she hugged Damsel, and cried into her. Damsel patted her back, and looked over to Razor, Damsel even began to have tears form in her eyes, as she felt Raven's body shake hard against her's. "Let it all out, sweetie." Damsel whispered. "I...I...I...Jus..Just can...Can't be..believe her...." Raven whispered within her crying, Damsel only held onto Raven, she knew Raven had lost the love of her life, because Angelina couldn't keep her damn legs shut. Damsel didn't know how to help Raven out. ----------------------------------Meanwhile-------------------------------- Angelina and Marcus were now once again a couple, but Angelina couldn't stop thinking about Raven, technically, her heart still belonged to Raven. But Angelina just needed a little more, in which she needed a guy. Because apparently she never heard of a thing that can make a woman, have a package, even if the package wasn't real feeling. Marcus was concerned for Angelina, and knew only one way to make her smile again, or well forget Raven. "You know, baby, I know a way for you to forget her." Angelina looked at Marcus, "Yeah, and what's that?" She asked, Marcus just smiled, and rubbed his thumb against her cheek, "Just a simple accident." Marcus smiled, "Lets invite her over, and have a cook out." Marcus continued to smile, Angelina smiled as well, "Alright, I wouldn't mind seeing her again, and maybe we could make amends." But what Angelina didn't know, that this would be the last time she saw Raven. Angelina called Raven, and invited her over. Angelina was now smile this big happy smile, seeing she was going to see Raven again. Raven agreed to hang out with the couple, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Razor asked, Raven simply nodded, "I have too. I need to end this pain, once and for all. As in say goodbye. And move on." Raven smiled briefly. And got ready to hang out with her ex. "I'll be back in a couple hours." Raven hugged Razor and Damsel, not knowing this would be the last time she would hug them. Raven left the house, and drove towards her old home. Once there, she saw Angelina and Marcus. Her smile was huge when she saw Angelina but vanished when she saw Marcus. Raven went up to the door, hugged Angelina and shook Marcus's hand, was invited in. Marcus looked around, then shut the door. Marcus sat down on the Lazy-Boy. Were as Raven and Angelina sat down on the love seat, "So have you two been?" Raven asked, Marcus smiled, "Very good, thank you." Marcus stated, Raven nodded. She was pretty quiet during dinner, and listening to them talk. Raven stood, "Well, I need to go. I promised Razor and Damsel I would be home in two hours, and now its been four." As Raven turned, a loud boom echoed through the house, and Raven fell to the floor, making a loud thudding sound. Angelina watched Raven fall to the floor, "Marcus...What have you done?" She asked, Angelina rushed to Raven, and held her in her arms, "Raven...Raven..." Angelina shook her. Marcus bent down and grabbed her wrist, "Come on! Lets go!" He yelled, he picked Angelina up, and dropped the gun near Raven's body. Marcus and Angelina ran to the car, and drove off, leaving the front door wide open. ---------------------------------Meanwhile---------------------------- "I'm worried, Razor, she isn't home yet. She said two hours." Damsel was now pacing, "Call her." Razor nodded, and called her, and heard the answer machine, "Hey, you've reached Raven! Sorry I can't come to phone, I'm either rehearsing, in a middle of a concert, or alone with my wife. Leave a message!" Razor was now getting sick to his stomach, "Come on." Razor and Damsel ran to the car, and got in, they drove as fast as they could, rushing to Raven's old house. And when they got there, they noticed the front door was wide open. Razor and Damsel ran from the car and into the house. Damsel fell to her knees, and reached out, "No..." She whispered, Razor stopped as he saw his best friend since First Grade dead on the floor. Razor ran to her, and picked her up, "Raven...Raven, please wake up. You gotta wake up girl. Please don't leave us. Please..." Razor began to shake Raven, trying to wake her up, begging her to wake up. "Please girl...Please, Raven! PLEASE!" He was now crying, his tears was rolling from his face down Raven's. By this time, Damsel had called 911. They were now there: Cops, EMTs, and even the Fire Crew. People were now out of their houses watching everything happen. Everyone who was on Raven's block, loved her, and now feared the worse. Damsel was now holding Raven, and Razor began to hit the wall, "Raven..Sweetie. Please...Please wake up." Damsel's forehead was against Raven's. Her best friend since the third grade. Damsel's hand and legs were soaked in Raven's blood. The EMTs, slowly pulled Damsel away, everything seemed so slow, since Damsel and Razor got there, "RAVEN!!!" Damsel screamed, Razor held his wife, and they cried together. They watched the EMTs put Raven in a body bag, and hold her off to the ambulance. Her neighbors now even broke down crying, knowing that their friend was now dead. They always considered Raven like family, and now she was gone. Razor slowly took his cell phone out of his pocket, and called Raven's mother. He could barely speak, "Mrs. Van Dawn..." Razor began, "Yes, Greg...What is it? Is everything okay?" Raven's mother asked, "No...Raven...Raven..." Razor began to cry only harder, "Raven is gone. She is dead." Raven's mother broke down and cried hard, Razor could only whisper the words, "I'm sorry." Damsel took the time to call Rage and Tinkerbell, and the began to cry. And soon enough this story hit the news. ------------------------------------News Cast---------------------------------- "The world was taken by surprise, as the lead singer from The Alice Project was shot and killed, here at her own home. Were the gunmen left the gun, and fled the scene. Raven Van Dawn was only 27, and in a week The Alice Project was set on their European Tour, unfortunately, the loss of Raven will impact a lot of people's live. Adored by her fans, and loved by her family and friends. Raven will be surely missed. There is no leads on who shot her. And no one knows why this loving person was murdered. She was not only an inspiration to a lot people, but a friend to us all. She only cared for the well being of others, even if they took this all for granted." The Reporter took a moment. "Raven being the only singer to actually win several awards not for singing but her song writing. She wrote from the heart, and in the end, she was murdered. More of this story at ten." The reporter looked towards the house, and even she began to cry. ---------------------------------Meanwhile------------------------------------ "I can't believe you, Marcus! You killed Raven! I thought you were going to fucking scare her, and yet, instead you shot her!" Angelina screamed, "Ah, come on baby, we can finally be alone, and actually be ourselves." Angelina sighed, as tears rolled down her cheeks, "I just wanted to scare her, not kill her." Marcus rolled his eyes, and slapped Angelina, "Shut the hell up! You knew you wanted this. From the moment we got back together. From the moment we had sex. I knew you would come running back. So deal with it, and let us move on." Marcus grinned, "Besides, we can live our lives in Mexico or something." Angelina nodded and tried to smile. Angelina was thinking about her friend, lover, and ex wife. A woman she knew since they were in grade school together. Her hand rested against the necklace, that they both shared. The necklace was half of a heart. Angelina had one piece, and Raven had the other. And now the necklace would never be complete, seeing Raven was now gone. Angelina tried to stop thinking of what she had seen, but she couldn't. ------------------------------------Back To The Scene------------------------- Razor couldn't believe that all these years, Raven would be dead. He couldn't believe that his best friend was now gone forever. "Razor..." Damsel had trails down her cheeks from where the tears ran down, "Razor..." She repeated, "I can't believe she is gone. I feel a sickness in my gut. I feel like...I know who did this, but don't want to accept it." He mustered. He watched the police officers go inside, and began to look around, "In her own house. A house that she gave to, THAT FILTHY SLUT!" Razor screamed, he heard a voice, "She didn't deserve this. Raven was the sweetest person you would ever meet, and yet some cold blooded bastard took her life, for what? A house? A girl? Raven...May she rest in peace." Razor nodded to his words. "Why her? Why Raven? Why couldn't it be that damn slut, Angelina?" Razor asked, "Don't think like that, Razor! Don't." Razor nodded, and hugged his wife. He knew the next few months, hell, even years will be hard as hell to get through. And he knew the hardest step was going to be saying goodbye. ----------------------------------------The Funeral (Yes this is televised)--------------------------------- Razor, Damsel, Rage, and Tinkerbell all stood over Raven's grave. The snow had been falling, and their breath hit the air. All of them stood next to Raven's mother. Raven's mother was a wreck her only child was now dead. And they couldn't believe that she was gone. Everyone's make-up was now running, as they listened to the Priest: "Dearly beloved we are gathered here to mourn the death of Raven Van Dawn. A lovely woman, who had the biggest heart. She was a daughter of a mother that loved her. And she was dearly loved friend. A band mate, and a sister to a lot of people. She smiled when there was nothing to smile about. She was one of those wonderful people that cared for others, when they didn't care about anything or even her. Her death was a cruel fate, and she didn't deserve this. But she is no longer suffering. She lived a life that a lot of us would wish for. And she lived that life with proud. With a family to support her. No longer fans, or friends, but family. She stood in front of everyone and sang, and even gave people hope. Raven will be missed greatly. And may she rest in peace." Razor began to speak, "I knew Raven since the first grade. I was an outcast, and yet she welcomed me in. She was like a bright light, that never had a dimming switch. She held onto so many things. Gave everyone this light, that even when trying to shut it off, you couldn't. She made me laugh, so hard I was crying. She showed me love and affection, when my parents didn't have the time. But the one thing I will always remember for, is her smile. She always lit up the room with her smile. And her heart." Razor couldn't finish talking because he broke down crying. Damsel then began to speak, "I loved Raven. I loved her for her heart. Her smile, and her sexy eyes. Her personality was so over met. With one word, you just felt like the world had stopped. She knew how to make you smile, and laugh. Even if she was crying on the inside. She did what was best to make people happy." Tinkerbell now began to talk, "Raven, I know you can hear us. And I just want to say thing, I love you. I miss you. But there is one thing I can't say. And that is goodbye. I don't know why, but I can't think of you as being gone...I..It" Tinkerbell leaned into Rage, and cried into him, Rage couldn't even speak he was crying so hard. Raven's mother finally spoke, "I raised Raven alone. The more she grew, I knew she was going to be a handful. But every time, I looked at her she was getting more and more gorgeous as the days passed. Raven was so amazing, she could write these poems, that even I couldn't write. She could draw these amazing pictures, and I can only draw stick figures. But there was something Raven had, a lot of us don't. She had a heart of gold. She loved people, even if they didn't love her back. She was strong, and still is." Raven's mother began to cry hard, "Raven...Mommy loves you." She rested her hand against Raven's closed casket, and then placed the first rose against on the top. People who were watching this were bawling, as they watched Raven's friends and family weep. Even people Raven didn't know was there. All of her old class mates were there, even her teachers. All of her friends, and all of her family was there. As Razor placed his rose, "I love ya girl." He whispered. Tinkerbell was next, "I can't say goodbye. I love you, Raven." Rage was too follow, "Dammit! WHY?! WHY HER?!" Rage fell to his knees, "Why..." Tinkerbell and Razor helped her up, and he rested his rose against her casket. Damsel was the last one, she rested her rose, and kissed the casket, "Love ya." The group began to hum their song, "Friends to the end, hey hey hey! Even if we fall, die, and cry. We will stand, hi hi hi ho!!! Friends oh friends oh friends to the end! HEY!" Razor, Damsel, Tinkerbell, and Rage walked with Raven's mother, as they left the cemetery. --------------------------Fin of Part 2------------------------- |
Oh, my, I didn't expect that.
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Didn't see that coming... but it makes the story a lot more interesting. Please tell me that Marcus and Angelina get run over by a steamroller...
LMAO xD Ah man. Yes do not worry there is a part three coming
![]() And we will see what happens to Marcus and Angelina. I personally love Raven. |
^Part 3? Woo! Another thing I didn't expect. You're apparently full of surprises, Levera. :D
As always ^.^ Well, there needs to be a part 3. We can't just have Marcus and Angelina run into the sunset.
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^I know the feeling. When I write stuff, I get so deeply involved that I forget about everything around me and hate or love my characters. It's awesome.
Oh, I know. I mean...When Angelina did that too Raven. I wanted to reach through my laptop and slap her. And then I realized, I can't. And I hate Marcus with a flying passion. Because he is a cruel heartless jerk wad. -.-" But yeah, there is more to come. Oh, I can't wait.
Yeah I really hoped that you would make a part three. *Prays that Marcus and Angelina get run over by a steamroller*
o.O You and the steamroller, Hladgunnr. You'll see in the next episode of:
"Oh my gosh this is like ten times better than days of our lives" Or for short OMGTILTTBTDAOOL >.> |
YAY! I only got obsessed with steamrollers cuz I had a dream where I ran over Justin Bieber and The Twilight Trio. It was the best dream of my life. *Prays that Marcus and Angelina get run over by a steamroller more than once*
Quote: Originally posted by Hladgunnr
I think I just found my idol. :D |
Quote: Originally posted by The Creeper
Yeah I'm obsessed with steamrollers. |
@Hladgunnr: LMAO xD Wooow. Your a hoot. But I guess we will have to see if the steamroller runs them over o.O
^Marcus deserves to be run over twice, in my opinion. And then be fed to Cthulhu. I really, REALLY hate that guy, I can't help it.
Quote: Originally posted by The Creeper
LMAO xD Oh my gosh. And do not worry, I hate Marcus as well. I mean Raven and Angelina could have had a perfect life together. And yet she went with it, and watched her lover, and her best friend die. I mean Razor wants to kill him, so does Rage, Tinkerbell and Damsel. And along with Raven's parents. But believe me, the steamroller idea, I like it :P
^Also, can you bring Raven back to life? Turn her into some kind of Jesus, or something, I don't know.
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OOH GOOD IDEA! Just remember the steamroller. CM'OM STEAMROLLER!!! KILL MARCUS ALREADY!!!! *Keeps on praying*
----------------------------------------------Part 3--------------------------------------------------
Marcus and Angelina were nearly to Texas. Marcus was so excited to start a new life or well, chapter with Angelina. Angelina, however, realized that she had made the biggest mistake of her life, not only did she watch the love of her life die right before her eyes, but she let all of that go with getting back with Marcus. A guy that she had thought was sane, but she now realized that she was completely and utterly wrong. Angelina was thinking hardcore, and didn't want to believe that Raven was dead. Tears started to swallow her eyes, letting her vision become blurry. Marcus scoffed, "What the hell are you crying for? You have me, remember? A guy that loves you, and wants to please you." Angelina shook her head, "But the difference is, Raven LOVED me, and wanted me to be me. Not change who I am, like you freaking do!" She exclaimed, Marcus pulled the car over, and punched Angelina hard, Angelina immediately grabbed her face where she was hit, "Shut up, you dumb bitch! You had your chance to save her!" Marcus leaned in and kissed Angelina, but Angelina pushed him back. "Yeah, well, I never thought you were going to fucking shoot her and kill her." Angelina was now tears, "I loved her, I still love her." Marcus laughed, "Should have thought about that before you and I had sex." Angelina turned in disgust, and looked out the window, "Why are we going to Texas, anyway?" She asked, "There is just one more loose end to take care of. Then you and I can really start our lives together." Marcus stated, Angelina was surely regretting everything now. ----------------------------------------------Meanwhile--------------------------------------- The Sheriff decided he needed to address the issue, "Sheriff, Sheriff!" Reporters were calling out, he pointed to one person, 'Yes, Barabara from Channel 5 news, is there any leads in the case of Raven's death?" She asked, everyone then went silent, "No, there are no leads as of yet, we are currently wiping the gun for any fingerprints that may be on the murder weapon." He then pointed to another reporter, "Johnathen from Midnight Enquire, will these monsters be found and brought to justice?" He asked, the Sheriff nodded, "Once we find the people or person who did this tasteless crime, they or that person will be brought to justice." One of the reporters looked confused, and immediately rose her hand, "Yes, you there." She smirked, "Jennifer from the San Diego Tribune, you stated people or they. Are you believing that there are more than one person?" The Sheriff went silent and sighed, "Yes, we believe there is more than one person. But that is all I can say at this time. Thank you." The Sheriff left the stand and went inside. He walked over to the morgue, and saw the guy at work, "This is one strange case." He whispered, "Why?" The Sheriff asked, "Well, there isn't one bullet wound, but two. As if one was to not kill her, and one got pissed and ended her life." The Sheriff walked over, "Two?" The male pointed out the bullet wounds, "One looks unsteady, the other looks like they knew exactly what they were doing. And thats not the worse." The male sighed, "She was raped before getting shot." The Sheriff shook his head, "Have we gotten any DNA from whom raper her?" The Sheriff asked, the guy smiled, "Oh yes, we do. In fact we also got three fingerprints off the gun." The Sheriff was shocked, "Three?!" The male nodded, "The three belong to: Raven Van Dawn, Marcus Halliwell, and Angelina Hollbrok. In my conclusion, Angelina shot her, Marcus then shot her. But during that time, Raven went to defend herself." The Sheriff nodded, and called the California state. "We need a PV on a Marcus Halliwell and Angelina Hollbrok. Immediately. They are the top suspects of the murder of Raven Van Dawn." The Sheriff stated in a very stern and cold tone. -------------------------------------------------Meanwhile------------------------------------------ Marcus and Angelina were at Marcus's house, "Why are we here? Who lives here?" Angelina asked, "I do." He responded, "I thought you lived in Cali." Marcus chuckled, "I lied." Angelina was passed regretting everything. Marcus and Angelina entered the home, and looked around. Angelina began to see pictures of Marcus with another woman, "Marcus, who is this?" She asked, "My wife. Well, soon to be dead wife." Angelina was shocked, "You told me you were single!" Marcus chuckled again, "I lied." He replied. He handed Angelina a gun, "You can shoot her, seeing I shot Raven." Angelina gulped, as she sat down waiting for Marcus's wife to return. During this time, a Texas man called the California stat police, and gave them information on Marcus Halliwell. Immediately Texas dispatched someone to Marcus's wife's work. "Mrs. Halliwell?" The officer stood next to her, "Yes, I am she." The officer sighed, "We have some information about your husband." He took her into an office, and spilled everything, "THAT PRICK!" She screamed, "Go get that bastard." She snarled. By this time, cops were already at Marcus's house. A female posed as his wife, and walked in, "Darling, I am home." Marcus smiled, "Well, go get her." Angelina stood, with tears staining her face. Soon enough a gun was next to Angelina's head, "Angelina Hollbrok, you are under arrest for the murder of Raven Van Dawn." Another cop got Marcus. Marcus was pissed as listened to the officer state what he needed too, and they hauled them off to California. When they got back, they were under tough interigation. The Sheriff took on Marcus, and his deputy took on Angelina. ----------------------------------------------------Marcus------------------------------------------------ "Marcus, Marcus. Your in a lot of trouble, son. I just don't get why you shot, Raven. What was the reasoning in killing an innocent woman?" The Sheriff asked, "I didn't kill nobody! I wasn't even there when she was killed, I was at the movie theater with my wife." Marcus replied, "Well, son, your wife claims you hadn't been home for a week. Don't lie to me, Marcus. Why did you shoot, Raven?" He asked again, "I didn't! I told you already I was at the movie theater!" Marcus once again stated, "Well, son, if thats the truth, you weren't with your wife, were you? Marcus, don't waste my damn time!" The Sheriff slammed his hands against the table, "Just do the damn favor of shutting the hell up, and telling the truth! You, oh you, were there when Raven was shot and killed. Was it you who killed Raven or was it Angelina? One of you had to pull the trigger that killed Raven. Both of your prints were on the gun." "I want my lawyer." Marcus stated, "Well, thats fine." The Sheriff nodded, and an officer came in, and took him to his cell, "This going to be one hell of a long time. We need to get one of them to crack." -----------------------------------------------------Angelina----------------------------------------------- "Angelina, do you know what you have done?" The Deputy asked, "No. Because I didn't do anything." Angelina whispered, the female deputy sighed, "Angelina, Marcus has already pinned the finger on you, that you are the one that pulled the fatal trigger, and killed your ex lover, Raven." Angelina looked up at her shocked, "That's bullshit, Marcus would never do that!" The female smiled, "But he did. He took the deal. Unless you tell us otherwise, besides both of your fingerprints were on the gun. The same gun that killed Raven. The same gun that showed no mercy and took an innocent life. You still can make a deal, but you only have a twenty-four hour window." Angelina lowered her eyes, "I want my lawyer." The deputy shook her head, and let the officer take her away. The next day, Angelina broke down, and wanted to talk. "I want to make a deal." The Deputy smiled, but knew that Angelina's window was already closed. "It was Marcus that pulled the trigger and killed Raven. I only shot her in the shoulder to scare her away. And she fought back, so Marcus shot her. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I loved Raven! I LOVED HER!" The Deputy laughed, "Yeah, enough to kill her. But sweetheart, you lost your chance for the deal. Take her away." ----------------------------------The Trial (Months Later)------------------------------------------- The court room was packed, and camera crews standing there. The Prosecuter looked over too Angelina and Marcus. When the judge walked in, everyone rose. The Judge looked towards the defendants. "How do you plead?" He asked, the lawyer stood, "They please not guilty." The Judge nodded, "Then let us begin, Prosecutions your open arguement." "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. We are here to prove that those two cold hearted..." He pointed to Angelina and Marcus, "Bastards killed Raven Van Dawn, in cold blood. They shot her, then ran off, for her friends to come and find her. When they found her, they were just too late, there was no chance of bringing her back. She died in a place she called home, with Angelina. With memories of happiness, but now betrayel. They took the gun, and shot her, without asking themselves why. I do not know what Raven's last words were. But mine would be the simple question. Why. Why did they do this to an innocent woman. Why did they just gun down a person that didn't do anything to them. They are going to argue that she was abusive, but anyone who was close with Raven, would beg to differ." The attorney sat down, and the defense lawyer stood. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I will prove that my clients shot Raven in self defense. And Angelina was scared of Raven because she was getting abused by Raven. When Raven was home, she was getting beat by Raven. And blamed Angelina for the most dumbest things. So, I'll prove that my clients are innocent of this hideous crime." He walked back to the table and sat down. "Prosecution, your first witness." The lawyer nodded, "The Prosecution calls, Greg Larson to the stand." Greg, aka, Razor walked up to the stand, "Do you swear to tell truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you god?" Razor nodded, "I do." He sat down in the seat, "Now, Greg, well, Razor. You said you were at home when Raven was shot, is this correct?" He asked, "Yes sir." The male nodded, "Why did you go to Raven's house?" Razor gulped trying to hold back tears, as he continued to see that image, "I went to check up on her. She said she would be back in a couple hours. And..." The lawyer nodded, "So when she didn't come back, you went to see if she was okay?" Razor nodded, "Yes sir." The male took in a deep breath, "And what did you see when you got there?" He asked, "I..I..." Razor began to cry, "I saw R..Raven dead on the floor." Razor lowered his head, "Thats all, your honor." The defense lawyer stood, "The defense rests." Three hours in, everyone listened as they argued. But there was about to be a huge twist in the case, something that no one saw coming. "We the Prosecution call in the Coroner." The man walked to the stand, and stated the I do or I promise. "Now, you saw that there were two bullet wounds in the female, correct?" The male nodded, "Yes, sir." The Coroner replied, "And the gun had not only Marcus's but Angelina's fingerprints on the gun, correct?" He once again nodded, "Yes, sir." The lawyer smirked, "And the DNA sample at the crime scene would claim, and show that Raven was shot and killed, isn't that correct?" He asked, the Coroner looked at him, "No, the DNA sampled collected from the victim was not Raven Van Dawn's blood. The victim is Sydney Mitchell." The lawyer coughed, as everyone in the room gasped, as the murmured, "Order in the court room, I said order! This case had gotten rather bizzare, however, seeing that these two still stand trial for killing an innocent woman, I have no other excuse, but to continue on. " The Prosecuter nodded, "So, Mr. Lin, Sydney would have died instantly?" He asked, Mr. Lin shook his head, "No. You see she was shot in the shoulder, and therefore, she would have been able to live for about thirty to forty-five minutes once the bullet entered the wound, after that, she would have died from blood loss and shock." The Prosecuter nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Lin." The Defense Lawyer stood, "Mr. Lin, is there anyway Sydney could have shot the first round, and Marcus and Angelina were just defending themselves?" Mr. Lin shook his head, "No, there would have to be a bullet within the home, and there was no evidence of that. In fact, we looked over that crime scene, including the entire house, over a dozen times. Marcus and Angelina shot first." The Defense Lawyer sighed, "The Defense Rests." The judge nodded, "Do you have anymore witnesses?" He asked, "We do." The Defense Lawyer stood, "We would like to call Angelina Hollbrok Van Dawn to the stand." The Prosecuter laughed a little bit. "Don't you fucking dare call her a Van Dawn! She will never be a Van Dawn nor will she be my fucking daughter!" Raven's mother spoke, she hated the fact Angelina was in their life. Not to mention she was very close to Sydney's family. Angelina sat down and after she promised to tell the truth, "Now, Ms. Hollbrok, can you tell the jury why you wanted to kill or hurt Raven Van Dawn?" Angelina didn't look up, "She was abusive." The lawyer looked at her, "How was she abusive?" Angelina continued to look down, "She raped me, beat me, and abused me emotionally." The Lawyer looked towards the Judge, "That's all I got." The Prosecuter stood, "Watch this you son of a bitch." He stated to Defense Lawyer, "Ms. Hollbrok, you said you wanted to hurt Raven for her abusing ways, correct?" He asked, "Yes." She replied, "Ms. Hollbrok, may I remind you are under oath? See, what I do not get, you wanted to hurt Raven, and yet you and Marcus killed an innocent woman. Why? What was your motive?" Angelina shook her head, "I wanted the abuse to stop." She whispered, he smiled, "Can I tell you a story? I was part of case where the husband was beating his wife. And she was so scared of him, that she cried the entire time of her testimony. She had a restraining order against him and everything. And do you know what she said? She told the jury that she didn't want her kids around him, nor did she want to be around him. So if you were indeed being abused, why in the hell would you want to see her?" He asked, "I..I don't know." He now went on, "And if you did want to see her, it wasn't for a visit was it? You wanted to do more than having a small chat, because she was abusing you. And if she wasn't, then why in the hell did you not tell her the truth about your relationship with Marcus?" Angelina's eyes widen as she looked at the lawyer. "You see, Mrs. Halliwell, I dug up a marriage certificate, and proved that you and Marcus are legally married. Do you know what that means?" He asked, Angelina shook her head, "You aren't really married to Raven, which you would never have gotten the money if she were to have died. That means you would be a shit creek, because your marriage too Raven, isn't binding due to the fact you are still married to Marcus. And you wouldn't even get the money even if you were married to Raven, because you were taken out of the will. Her money was to go too her family and friends, but not you. Mrs. Halliwell, you killed an innocent woman for nothing." The Prosecuter smiled, and walked back to the desk. "We will take a ten minute recess. And then we will return." The Judge stated, and the Prosecuter rose. He walked to the water fountain outside, and got himself a drink, "Are you the Prosecuter?" A male voice asked, "Yeah, I am." The guy lowered his eyes, "I have some news on Raven...She is in a coma. You see...I thought Raven was my...My..." The male began to cry, "My daughter. Seeing that they look so alike." He smiled briefly, "And I had the right to know what was going on, seeing everyone thought Raven was my child. They told me that her brake lines were cut. So, what I am saying, this was thought of..." The Prosecuter looked towards the male, "Do you have proof?" He asked, "Yes, sir. I brought the guy who worked on Raven's car with me, he had all the documents. And seeing I'm not Raven's father, he couldn't hand it over." The Lawyer looked to the Mechanic, "What's your name, son?" He asked, "Johnny, Johnny Reynolds." The Lawyer smiled, "Will you testify for me, son?" The Lawyer asked, "Yes, sir. I would like to see those assholes go down." Once recess was over, the Prosecuter walked back in, everyone was now sitting, and silent. "Your honor, the Prosecution would like to call Johnny Reynolds to the stand." Johnny moved his blond locks out of his eyes, and went to the stand, he promised to tell the truth. "Johnny, on a scale 1-10, how good are you finding things? Such as bad brakes, that sort of thing." Johnny chuckled, "10, sir. I was taught by my pops, and he taught me everything he knew. He was a Mechanice." The Lawyer nodded, "Can you tell me whose car this is?" The Lawyer showed Johnny a picture of Raven's wrecked car, "That is Raven Van Dawn's car." The Lawyer showed the picture, "I'll put this in the evidence. Now, Johnny, how could a car be this wrecked?" He asked, "The brake lines were cut. See at first I thought that there was a possibility that the brakes just didn't work, and when coming to a closer inspection, I saw that they were snipped." The Lawyer smiled, "And would this sort of thing could have killed, Ms. Van Dawn?" He asked, "Yes, sir. Luckily she had air bags." The lawyer nodded, "The Prosecution rests." The defense lawyer was caught off guard, and didn't know what to say. So another hour went by, both sides did their closing arguements, now the final thing was up to the jury. -------------------------------------------------Deliberation------------------------------------- "So, yeah, I vote guilty. I am sorry that stupid story I was abused. Come on. She didn't even cry. She didn't even try to make us believe that she was abused. So, I don't believe her at all." A female agreed, "Plus she would have been out of money anyway. So, yeah, they are guilty." "Well, those who believe that Marcus and Angelina Halliwell are guilty, raise your hand?" Everyone rose their hand, "Well, then...Lets sign this and give our verdict." That was only three hours later. Everyone returned to the court room. "Has the jury reached a verdict?" The foreman nodded, "We have your honor. We the jury find Marcus Halliwell, guilty of first degree murder. We the jury find Angelina Halliwell guilty of being an accomplice to murder and aggervated assault with a deadly weapon." He handed over the piece of paper. "Well, usually I have a second hearing, but I already know what I am going to do. Marcus and Angelina please rise. Marcus Halliwell I sentence you to life in prison, without the possibility of parole. And no chance at an appeal." Marcus broke down, and began to cry, "And as for you, Angelina, I sentence you to forty years in prison." He now banged the gavel, "Court adjourned." Everyone cheered and the one question on everyone's mind was, "Is Raven going to make it?" |
Yes, Marcus was married to two women o.O And there maybe a possibility of a steamroller
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love the twist, having the wrong person was a great idea~
use the steamroller on him! PLEASE DO IT! |
Ooh, the plot thickens! At least Raven's alive. Cheers to that.
WOO-HOO! It's awesome Raven's alive. I'm just hoping that on the way to jail Marcus gets run over by a steamroller twenty times. *Prays some more*
(My signature is so awesome.) |
![]() Part 4 is soon to come ^.^ And there may be a huge possibility that he will get ran over, because you all want it so bad ![]() And I'm glad that you all liked the plot twist. I had to add it. I love Raven too much, the sweetheart she is. And to have her dead, that wasn't floating very well with my boat o.O |
^Completely off-topic question: who's that in your avatar?
Heh. Well we do! *Keeps on praying*
@The Creeper: She is my favorite character in the L Word, and one my favorite actresses. Real name: Katherine Moennig. Name in the L Word: Shane McCutcheon
![]() @Hladgunnr: *shakes head* Just wow, lol :P |
Yeah I just love being stubborn about being funny/annoying. *Prays for the steamroller to run over Marcus 100 times* C'MON YOU DANG STEAMROLLER!!!!
Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Thanks. Now I'll just nicely wait for part 4 and try to stand the suspense. |
OH!!! I know! Maybe Raven should still be alive, but she's kidnapped and being held at ransom or something! Then it would be REALLY interesting. That way it makes sense that they can't find Raven. WOAH! I just had an idea that DIDN'T involve a steamroller! IT'S SO INTENSE!!!!!
*Keeps praying* |
@The Creeper: I am truly glad that you are enjoying the story
![]() @Hladgunnr: *blinks* uhm...>.> <.< I'll think about it o.O But I already have an idea in stored ^.^ |
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--------------------------------------Part 4 (The Following part was going to be Rated R, however, due to rules and guidelines, some parts have been edited for TV. Viewer discretion is advised)------------------------
The heart monitor echoed in the background. The soft purring of the breathing machine lingered in the room. Raven's mother, Maureen, sat by her bedside, "Hey, sweetie, its mommy. Plea...Please wake up." Maureen whispered, as she held onto Raven's hand tightly. Razor, Rage, Tinkerbell, and Damsel were all in the room, the nurse slowly walked in, "Sorry, only family." Razor was about to leave, "Don't you see the damn resemblance, they are family." The nurse nodded, "Sorry." She whispered, Razor chuckled, "Thank you." Damsel stated, Maureen smiled, "You are like my kids, Damsel, never thank me for that." Maureen replied. The doctor came into the room, "I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over, if anything changes, I'll call." Dr. Maurice stated, everyone nodded, and said their byes to Raven, and walked out of the room. Dr. Maurice looked at Raven, "She is a very beautiful young woman." The nurse smiled, "Yes, doctor, she is. Very beautiful." The nurse blushed, "Aurora, now is not the time to get infatuated with a resident." Aurora nodded, "Sorry, doctor." Aurora left the room, as she couldn't stop thinking about the patient. She knew the doctor always called people residents there, due to the fact he saw them as people, not someone that needed to be treated then thrown out on the streets. "Dr. Maurice, do you think she will be okay?" Aurora asked, "Its hard to tell, I mean she is a fighter, but the accident really made her not all the way there. Why do you ask? You want to ask her out when she wakes?" He asked, Aurora bit down on her bottom lip, "Oh, its possible." She winked and walked away. The Doctor just shook his head, "Lesbians." He whispered, as he smiled. During the night everything was peaceful, Aurora was in and out of Raven's room. She continued to check on her, just like everyone that was on her floor. "Uhhh. So bored!" Barbara whispered, another nurse, "Ah, cheer up, we have only about four hours and fifty-five minutes until shift is over." Barbara rolled her eyes to Aurora's statement, "Yeah only." Barbara relaxed her chair, "So, how about that Raven chick?" Aurora blushed, "I fucking knew it, you so have a crush on her!" Aurora shook her head fast, and as she looked away, "See, this is why you never have the same floor everyday, you'll always find some attractive guy...Well, in your case girl, that you can really relate too. Even if they CAN'T TALK!" Barbara pinched the bridge on her nose, "Aurora, I love you, I do. You're my best friend. But you've done this before, and its been nothing but let downs over and over again. And I do not wish to see you get hurt." Aurora sighed, "Barbs, I'm 26 years old, I am pretty sure I can handle myself. Besides someone like me...I don't have a chance with her. I love her black hair, jet black. I love her beauty. She just has this aura around her, that when I am having a bad day, I feel like when I am around her, the darkness goes away." Barbara listened to her, with a smile, "Then what is it you love the most?" She asked, "Her eyes. I swear I could get lost forever in them." Suddenly a Code Blue alarm went off, "Cold Blue Room 303, Cold Blue Room 303." Aurora immediately stood, and Barbara held her back, as they watched the head nurses rushing the crash cart into the room, and Dr. Maurice behind them. "Shit shit! Charge it too 250!" He exclaimed. As the machine charged, he began to massage Raven's heart trying to get her heart to beat, "Charged." The doctor took the chest paddles, and pressed them to her chest, "CLEAR!" He screamed, "Nothing." The nurse stated, "Then 300!" He screamed, "Come on, kid, stay with me!" He yelled, "Charged." The doctor once again pressed the paddles to her chest, "Nothing." The doctor knew if the next time didn't get her heart to start, he would have to declare her time of death. "350!" The nurse went to charge the paddles, once they were charged, he pressed them against her chest, "CLEAR!" He screamed, once again nothing. "That's it...Document the time of dea..." But before he could finish they heard gagging, he turned around, and saw Raven chocking on the tube they inserted into her. He rushed over to her, and removed the tube. "Raven...Raven." He snapped his fingers. Raven slowly came too. "Wh...Where am I?" She asked, the doctor for some odd reason hugged her, "Th..Thank you?" Raven stated in a questioning tone, "You are in the hospital, Ms. Van Dawn, you were in car accident. And you have been in a coma." Raven's eyes widen, "Tell me, doc, will I ever be able to walk again?" Dr. Maurice smiled, "Raven, your not paralyzed." Raven smiled softly, "Where is my family?" She asked, "They went home, they'll be back tomorrow." Raven nodded, "Thank you...Thanks for not giving up on me." The doctor only nodded, "Get some sleep, kiddo." Raven laughed, "I've been sleeping for a long ass time, I rather walk or do something." Raven turned towards the edge of the bed, and slowly got out of the bed, a nurse immediately grabbed her from falling, "Okay, maybe I'll need a little help." Raven smirked. Aurora rushed into the room, "May I help her?" The doctor shook his head, and rolled his eyes, "Let Aurora take her, after all, she has been carrying a steady eye on Raven since she was put here." Aurora help Raven walk down to the physical therapy center, "So, Aurora, your the beautiful voice I've been hearing, the girl who has been singing to me?" Raven asked, Aurora's eyes went wide, "H..How did you know?" Raven smiled, "I was in a coma, I wasn't deaf." Aurora nodded, "Y..Yes I'm her." Raven smiled and rubbed Aurora's cheek with her thumb, "Thank you." Aurora longed for Raven's touch, "W..Why are you thanking me?" Aurora asked, "Because you kept me going. Gave me hope." Raven stated as she let go, and grabbed the bars. Aurora was a bombshell, blonde hair, beautiful green eyes. She had a sexy body, and she had a sweet voice. Could get any guy or girl to fall in love with her. -------------------------------------Meanwhile (Next Morning)----------------- Two officers were transporting Marcus to the large prison, "Damn, Dave I can't keep my eyes open anymore." Robert stated, "Want to get a cup of coffee?" Dave asked, Robert nodded. They pulled over where construction was happening. But on the side that they could park on, "Don't move you little prick." The shut and locked the doors. Marcus sat there, and sighed as he waited, "What have I done? I could have just let Raven...Be with Angelina, I had a wife, and a son, that I'll never see again." He whispered, "Dammit, I really fucked up here. I know Angelina was happy with her, and I messed up that even." He whispered to himself, he listened to the jackhammers going off loudly. People nailing. But Marcus stayed silent as he waited as the officers had their coffee inside. "Damn, couldn't they drink that on the way?" He asked, as he sighed softly. "MIKE MIKE!" He heard screaming, Marcus looked over, "Shit shit!" Mike was beating on the wheel of the steamroller, jamming out to the music in his ear-buds. To where he made the wheel turn. And sure enough the steamroller headed towards the police car. "MIKE!!!!!!!!!!" The guy screamed as long as he could, Mike opened his eyes, and as he pressed on the brakes, everyone heard a blood curdling scream come from the car. The sirens sounded like they had died once they went off. Once the steamroller rested on the car, the steamroller had managed to roll over Marcus a good three times. Dave and Robert saw their car completely smashed, "Oh shit." Dave went to his radio on his shoulder, "We are going to need an ambulance at the Cafe Olay." Dave stated, "Well...Uhm." Robert began, "Don't Robert." They went to Mike and Mike stated everything was an accident. And everyone declared he wasn't lying. Marcus was officially smashed. Dead. Literally just a blood spot on the pavement. Soon enough new reporters flocked the scene, and knew exactly who was in the car. During this time, Raven was in her bed, and she had been watching TV and flipped the channel too the news. ----------------------------------Story at ten!-------------------------- "Behind me, is the famous Cafe Olay. Usually popular for their amazing food, and drinks. Became a grisly scene, when just hours before Marcus Halliwell was getting taken to the State Penitentiary. The police officers on duty were just getting a cup of coffee, when a construction worker's steamroller happened to change course running over the cop car. And killing Marcus Halliwell. Marcus Halliwell was just convicted of murdering Sydney Mitchell. Who was to believe was Raven Van Dawn." Channel Five News: "Hello, I'm Margaret with Channel Five News, and behind me stands Cafe Olay, a cafe for years has been bringing delicious food and beverages. However, on this day, they were known for something more horrific. Where a construction steamroller managed to change course and immediately running over the police car, were Marcus Halliwell was sitting in. He was crushed and died immediately. If you do not remember, Marcus Halliwell was just convicted of the murder of Sydney Mitchell. Marcus Halliwell was supposed to spend the rest of his life in prison. However, Marcus's life was cut short, after this freak accident. Raven's eyes were wide, as she shut off the television, "Ahem, well you don't see that everyday." She whispered, as she said those words, she saw her friends, and family. "Oh my god! Hey!" She leaned up and hugged them, "Well, its about damn time girl. I never thought you would wake up." Razor stated, Raven shrugged, "Eh, I am a fighter." She playfully punched him, "That nurse, Aurora." Rage clicked his tongue and winked, "Eh, she is aight." Raven stated, not knowing Aurora was around the corner. She lowered her head, and walked away. Barbara watched her, and knew that she had heard something that was upsetting. "So when can ya leave?" Razor asked, "In about a week. Just need to do some tests. You know all that jazz." Raven whispered, "So what are you all up too?" Raven asked, Maureen smiled, "Coming to check up on my precious daughter." Raven shook her head, "Ah shucks mom!" She leaned over and hugged her mother tightly, "Thank you, mom. For staying so strong." Maureen whispered back, "It was the hardest thing I had to ever do." ------------------------------------Meanwhile------------------------------ Angelina's friend, Benji came to see her, "How are you doing?" Benji asked, "Alright, I guess. How is Marcus?" Angelina asked, Benji was shocked that everything that Marcus admitted too, she didn't ask about Raven, "Uhm, well...He is dead." Angelina nodded, "I see. And Raven? How is she?" Angelina asked with a little more concern, "She actually woke up. She is doing a lot better." Benji stated, and Angelina began to cry, "Why did I ever give her up? Why? She treated so right." Benji took in a deep breath after hearing the question, "Because your a dumbass. You had this amazing girl, and you let her go, because you were lonely. I mean damn, Angelina, you gave up someone that did more for you in her left pinky, then Marcus had ever done with his whole entire body!" Benji exclaimed, "I know! I know, alright! I still love her, I want her back!" Benji laughed, "A little too late for that, sweet cheeks." Benji stated, "I know, alright?! I KNOW!" Angelina screamed. Benji hugged her, "Stay strong. The judge is willing to listen to your appeal in a few months. So keep your chin up. And maybe you'll be able to get out, and win her back. But Angelina, you will have to do some massive groveling. Well, I need to go." Benji whispered, Angelina went back to her cell, waiting for her appeal to go through so she could have another hearing. ---------------------------------------3 Weeks Later----------------------- "Raven, you seriously need to get out of the house." Raven looked out the window as she listened to Razor, "Yeah yeah." Razor picked up Raven, "Please come to the club, if you don't like it, we will leave. Just please come." Razor pleaded with puppy eyes, "Alright, alright." Raven got ready, and by ten o'clock they were at the club. Raven looked around and saw everyone having a blast. And she knew she needed this as well. Raven walked to the bar, "Hmmm, get me something hard." The bartender smirked, and handed a shot of Jack Daniels, "Yum yum!" She laughed, as she shot the glass back. Raven happened to look over to her right, and saw Aurora. She was of course with another girl. Raven sighed, and she knew that she had lost her chance with Aurora. She ordered another shot. But when she looked back over, she saw the girl that Aurora was with was kissing on a guy. Aurora happened to see Raven, and walked over to her, "I bet ya don't remember..." She didn't even get out the me part, "Aurora, I remember you. You were the kind nurse that sang too me. And kept me going." Raven stated. Aurora of course blushed, and nodded, "I knew I recognized you." Raven stated, as she looked into her eyes, "I could get lost in your eyes." Raven whispered, Aurora blushed so red, she looked like a tomato. Raven grabbed Aurora's hand, "Come on, dance with me." Razor watched her, and nudged Damsel, "Yes yes yes! She is back! I bet you twenty bucks they go into the bathroom, and get down and dirty." Damsel stated, "Your on." Razor replied. Raven pulled Aurora close to her, they began to bump and grind each other. Aurora continued to look into Raven's eyes, and Raven returned that gaze. Knowing that this could be the one, maybe. Soon Raven took the moment, and leaned in, "Don't pull back." She whispered, soon enough Raven's lips were against Aurora's. Aurora softly gasped into the kiss, her body went relax, and she deepened the kiss. Her arms wrapped around Raven's neck, and for that moment time held still. People danced around them. Their kiss only heated up, their tongues were massaging each other in a heated dance. Raven pulled away, and Aurora gulped. Raven took her hand and led her to the bathroom. By this time Damsel saw this, "I'll be right back." Damsel followed them, and as she walked in, she heard moaning coming from the stall. Damsel called Razor, and Razor heard the moaning. But he wasn't buying the whole thing, until he heard that one moan, "Oh...Raven...Don't stop." Razor whispered, "Shit." Damsel skipped merely back to her husband, "Twenty big ones." Damsel giggled, "Why do you have to be so cute?" He kissed her on the nose, and handed her the twenty dollars. Raven left the bathroom first after making herself look decent. Aurora walked out of the stall, trying to breathe. Raven walked over to her friends, "How was your piss? Was it pleasurable?" Damsel asked, "Shut the hell up." Raven replied, "Awww look Razor she is a tomato! Should we pluck her?" Damsel asked, and soon enough they were tickling Raven, she was laughing hard, "Stop stop!" Raven stated in a gasping breath, "I don't..I don't know what it is about her, but damn...I like her." Raven whispered, Damsel did a cute pose, "I am so in love!" She exclaimed, Raven playfully punched her. Raven turned and walked towards Aurora, were she kissed her softly, and slid Aurora her number on a piece of paper. "Call me." Raven whispered in Aurora's ear. Raven then left the club with her friends. ---------------------------------------A Year Later------------------------------- "Tonight was amazing." Aurora stated as she leaned into Raven, Raven was finally happy again. Raven had her arm wrapped around Aurora's shoulder. She then leaned in and kissed Aurora's temple, "I'm glad you liked it." Raven whispered, "I loved it, Raven. As I love every moment with you. I love you, Raven." Aurora stated with a smile, "I love you too, Aurora." Raven leaned in and kissed Aurora. "Hey! HEY!" A male yelled, Raven looked over to the male. He was a tall and frail looking guy. He was in a hoodie, and dark blue jeans, "Give me all of your money and no one gets hurt." Raven immediately handed him all of her money, "And that ring. I want that ring!" Raven shook her head, "Hell no, this belonged to my grandmother, its my family's heirloom. So fuck off ass!" Raven exclaimed. "That's it, I'm gonna shoot ya!" He aimed the gun towards Raven, Aurora stepped in the way, "If you want her, you'll have to get through me." Aurora stated, and soon a loud boom sound echoed the alley way, and Aurora hit the ground, "No...No...Aurora!" She screamed, the man ran away. "Hey...Raven." Aurora whispered as her hand went to Raven's cheek, "I..I love you...I..I remembe...r the day..I..Met you." She stated in gulps of pain, "I..I..I fell..in..lov..e wi..th you then." Raven was now crying, Raven's hand rested her hand against Aurora's, "Please..Please don't leave me. Please. I love you so much!" Raven exclaimed, "Raven...Please...Please remember me." Raven cried only harder, "I won't remember anything else." Raven felt Aurora's hand go limp, "No..No..No! Please stay with me. Please! Aurora, I love you. I need you. Please stay with me. I can't live my life without you." Suddenly Raven jolted upward, she was breathing hard. Aurora slowly sat up, "Baby, are you okay?" Aurora asked, as she turned on the light, of course they were naked they just got done making love. Aurora's hands slowly turned Raven's head towards her own, "Raven.." Aurora felt Raven's arms around her, "I can't live without you." Aurora rubbed Raven's back, "That nightmare again, huh?" She asked, as she slowly pulled away and looked into Raven's eyes, "Y..Yeah." She whispered, Aurora leaned in and kissed Raven softly, "I'm not going anywhere. You'll have to walk away first." She mustered, Raven smiled as she kissed Aurora again. "I love you." Raven whispered against Aurora's lips, "I love you, Raven." Aurora whispered back. The next day, Raven and Damsel went ring shopping, "Raven and Aurora sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage." Damsel giggled, "You are so weird." Raven went up to the place were Aurora had been looking at a few days ago, "Excuse me." The female smiled as she turned and looked at the lead singer of Alice Project, yes, the band didn't break up, instead was even stronger. "Do you remember me and the woman I was with?" Raven asked, "Yes, I do." The female replied, "Do you know what ring she was looking at?" Raven asked, the woman pulled out the most expensive ring, and then pulled out another, "She was looking at both?!" Raven asked, the female then put away the most expensive one. Sure the one Aurora wanted wasn't cheap, but there was story behind the ring, "She wanted this one?" Raven asked, the female smiled, "She said, she didn't need a ring to know that you loved her. Just your heart was enough." Raven blushed, as she looked towards her, "Can you engrave: An Eternal Love Between The Clouds." The female looked at her, "When I am with her, I feel as if I'm on Cloud Nine." The female nodded, "The ring can be done in three hours." Raven smiled, "That's perfect." ----------------------------------5 Hours Later-------------------------- Raven was dressed up in a suit with a thin tie. She was really excited for this night. She was looking rather damn sexy. Raven had a limo pick up Aurora, who decided to wear a sexy tight black dress. Aurora was nervous as hell, because Raven used the "We need to talk." And Aurora thought this was the break up, we need to talk. Once she got to the restaurant, she saw Raven, her heart stopped. Raven helped her out of the limo, and went to their table. About an hour passed, "If your going to end things with me, Raven. Then just do it! And get it over with!" Raven was shocked with this outburst. "Whoa whoa...Aurora listen to me..." Raven got up, then got down on one knee, Aurora looked at her, and sounded like she was Lamaze Breathing. Raven took in a deep breath before speaking, "Aurora from the moment I met you, I knew I was the luckiest person alive. I heard an angel sing to me, and kept me alive. From our very first kiss, I felt that shock that told me, I needed you in my life. At first I thought I would never move on in my life, but you gave me that push. No matter what I do, I can't stop thinking about you. No matter what I say, I always want to scream your name. I have found true happiness in you. Because you gave me that hope. And I never want to lose that. You complete me, Aurora. And you make me smile more than I have ever in my whole life. You are my breath, my air, my flesh, my heart, my mind, my very soul, my everything. So, I do not ask you too marry me. I ask you this. Aurora Forsythe, will you be my soul mate, forever?" -----------------------------------Fin Part 4------------------------------------- |
Wow! This is great! THANK YOU FOR USING THE STEAMROLLER!!! It was like the best thing that ever happened to me. Please continue! You always put cliffhangers in spots that make the suspense high. Great job!
You're welcome. It sort of fitted the Steamroller, I mean. And of course I couldn't just Aurora state her answer, but its good that Raven has found a new lover ^.^ A lover that she can be happy with :D
Sooo damn cute! Marcus deserved what came to him. Also, this quote Her eyes. I swear I could get lost forever in them.... I totally know the feeling.
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Hehehe, Raven deserves happiness, seriously. After all, Angelina was a biotch. And Marcus. I kind of giggled when he was screaming shit shit. I am glad that before he died, he did realize that he took away happiness from a lot of families. But don't worry Drama ahoy :D
Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Much as I expected. ![]() |
Thank you, The Creeper. It does mean a lot. I just love to write, I for some reason can write a lot. If I didn't need pictures to tell a Sim story, I would do that as well. But sadly I need pictures, and honestly, I don't like taking pictures when playing the Sims *shrugs*
Thank you so much, The Creeper. And I loveith the drama :D |
Yeah. I love the way you make it a drama, without being non-realistic.
You're welcome, Levera. I was tempted to post a story or whatnot on here, but it's harder for me to write a good one in English, as it's not my native language.
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Quote: Originally posted by The Creeper
^Oh, I didn't think it's bad, it's just hard for me to express everything I want to express in English, harder than doing it in Romanian, anyhow. But, fuck it, I'll try.
Quote: Originally posted by The Creeper
@The Creeper: You shouldn't let the...Damn how to explain this.You shouldn't let the language barrier take a hold of your creativity. Just go with the flow, you'll be surprise what you come up with :D
@Hladgunnr: Thank you, darlin'. I needed to put some...I guess keep everyone on their toes ![]() |
Man I just love how this story is full of drama and cliffhangers.
Well, I don't know how this story came to life. But it just did. I just had this idea, and I ran with it. And bam here it is :D
^Yeah, I think that's pretty much how every good story comes to life.
I agree. In fact almost every story I write is a random thought/dream, usually made while I'm sleeping or trying to go to sleep.
Am I the only one pacing back and forth waiting for the next part to come? |
@The Creeper: Yeah, that is true. That is how I came up with a very detailed story of a mother murdering her husband, and her daughter walking down the stairs, and her mother is cleaning her dead husband's intestine. I got an A+ for that story. Because it was very detailed. My teacher said:
"I feel like I was the mother, and feeling this dark aura around me. Very good. But are you ever going to write a happy story?" @Hladgunnr: Awwww ^.^ I am glad you are liking it so much, that you are on the edge of your seat ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Levera
![]() ![]() But seriously, though, I took the time to speak with my Romanian cousin, who is currently working on a massive book, and she said the same -- she had only a slight idea as to what she wanted to write, and it started as a small story, but it later developed into a novel which is truly amazing, especially for a 14 year old like her. That's why I love literature (one of the many reasons, anyway). |
Yeah I still am. I hope that the next part will be out by the time I get back from my vacation.
@The Creeper: Wow, a 14 year old?! That's just amazing. Yeah that story I wrote, was very graphic. I had a friend read it, and she ran to the bathroom, and threw up.
@Hladgunnr: Aren't you in luck? Part 5 is out now ![]() |
---------------------------------------Part 5--------------------------------------
Aurora looked down at Raven, she smiled. Her heart was screaming yes yes! But her mind was clouding her judgement due to about eight hours before this question, Angelina was released on Parole. And Aurora imagined Raven was going to choose Angelina over her, after all, Angelina was her first love. And Aurora was just a love. Aurora chewed on her bottom lip, and stood up, "Raven, I need to go." Aurora whispered, she grabbed her purse, and walked away, tears running down her cheeks. Raven was shocked, completely shocked. Raven ran after her, "Aurora, why? Why are you leaving?" She asked, Aurora lowered her eyes, "I..I think we need to break up, Raven." Aurora gulped holding back her tears, "Wh..Why?" Raven asked, "You said, I would have to walk away first. And..." Aurora stopped her, "I am walking away." Aurora walked away, as she cried even harder, but didn't let Raven see that she was crying. Raven walked back to her table, everyone that was watching, was just shocked. Raven looked around, and felt arms around her, "Hey, you okay girl?" A male voice asked, "Who the fuck cares?" Johnny turned her around, "Is that anyway to talk me?!" Raven smiled, Johnny shook his booty, if people haven't caught on, Johnny is gay. "What's wrong, Rave?" He asked, "She just walked away, not even giving me a reason why." Johnny leaned over and hugged her tightly, "Come on, babes, you and I dance the night away." Raven shook her head, "Come on, we'll go to a gay bar! Not a lesbian bar, just an assload of homos. Guys that is." Johnny took Raven's cheeks, and making her lips move, "Oh yes, Johnny, I want to go and party! With those sexy boys!" Raven smirked, "Not tonight Johnny." Raven whispered, "Then let me join you." Johnny replied, Raven nodded. The waiter walked out, and knew that this night was going well. "Can I offer you a strong drink?" The waiter asked, Johnny spoke up, "I will take a Martini, and make it filthy. And as for her three shots of Ever Clear." Johnny giggled. The waiter smiled, and shook his head. Johnny grinned, and turned and watched the waiter walk away, "Mmm, oh yum! I could so take a bite out of that!" Johnny stated, he looked towards Raven, "Ah, cheer up sweetie, love is a diamond, and every now and again, we gots to clean it. Or like dirty bed sheets, gotta clean them like all the damn time." Raven shook her head, "What are you doing in town? I thought you and Jason were doing awesome." Johnny scoffed, just moved his wrist, "Ah, pssh posh, he was a little gay whore. Found out he was cheating on me, with my sister." Raven's eyes widen, "I know, right? So thought he was a flamer, but to my surprise that little bastard was cheating on me. And when I say little, I mean REAL little." Raven laughed, "To much information." Johnny giggled, "Gotcha to laugh though. No, but Jason is a schmuck." The waiter brought their drinks, and Johnny had his leg crossed, and making himself a little too available, "So, I gotta question. Are you straight, or do you curve?" Johnny asked, Raven rolled her eyes, "He is asking are you straight or are you gay? And sometimes he is talking about other things." The waiter shook his head, "I am straight." Johnny grinned, "Give me one night, and I'll make you gayer than BenGay." Johnny winked, the Waiter shook his head, and walked away. "Johnny! Keep it in your damn pants." Johnny giggled, "He is cute! And love that haircut! Come on, Rave Rave, pwease come to the club!" Raven sighed, "Lets go to a straight club." Johnny was shocked, "Going to give a guy, a little token to Raven's choo-choo?" Raven shook her head, "No. Just need a new scene." Johnny smiled, as he drank away his Dirty Martini. And Raven shot back the three shots. ----------------------------------------Eight Hours Earlier------------------------ Aurora was alone at home, Raven had went to rehearse. And she happened to turn on the TV, and flipped through the channels and saw the news blasting about Marcus's death still, and Angelina managing to getting out of Prison. Aurora had tears fill the rim of her eyes, as she knew deep down, Raven would pick Angelina over her. Aurora grabbed her chest, "No..." She whispered, and knew that tonight Raven "needed" to talk. "Behind me is the court room, that only a year ago convicted Marcus and Angelina on not only murder charges, but accomplice to murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Now this is the same court room that found Angelina innocent. She claimed that Marcus was abusive not only physical, but emotional and sexual. She was told by Marcus that if she didn't go through on the plan, he would kill her. The Lawyer stated: "She didn't want to do this, it was all Marcus's idea. He wanted to do even more worse things. Mutilate her. He wanted to make sure that there was no trace of her left. But when the gun went off, Marcus panicked and wanted to get out of there. Angelina told me this, and was scared to even state this statement." "If she was indeed getting abused, why didn't she show this during the trial? And why didn't she bring this up then? People are saying different things, such as Martha from Florida stated in a letter, saying: "That bitch did this too herself, she shouldn't get off that easily. She is nothing but a deceitful whore. She had everything and threw it away. Why should that bitch not be condemned for that crime? She killed an innocent woman." "People are very upset with the verdict. More of this story at ten." Aurora turned off the television, "She is going to leave me. I just know it. That is why she wants to talk too me, she saw this. Fucking stupid bitch! She ruined everything." Aurora pulled her knees up to her chest, and began to cry hard. -----------------------------------Back to Johnny and Raven---------------------------- Johnny took Raven's hand, and acted straight, "We need to be straight, baby." He said in a very deep voice, then laughed very girly like, "Oh my god, I so can't be straight." Johnny put his hand to his chest, and moved his hips as if he was posing, "Raven, babes, cheer up, please. Smile that sexy smile, and coo away!" Raven shook her head, "Damn I love you." She whispered, Johnny shook his ass, "Everyone loves this!" As he smacked his own ass, "Alright, straight we be straight." Raven smiled, and leaned into Johnny, "Oh, my hero." Raven smiled, as they walked into the club, "Uhm, I am getting this vibe that this isn't just any club." Johnny was pretty Gothic himself, black eyeliner, his hair was black with silver tips. A little fohawk. He always had a chain around his neck, making sure that the guys knew they he was into some kinky stuff. He always wore tight black pants, more like bondage pants. And then you have Raven in a black suit with a slim tie. Very nice. "What can I get you?" The bartender asked looking at the "couple". Raven thought, "What's the strongest you got?" She yelled over the music, "We got Rum, Vodka, Tequila, Ever Clear." Raven heard the two words that she loved the most, "Ever Clear!" She yelled, "And you?" She asked towards Johnny, "A beer." Raven was shocked, "When did you start drinking beer?" Raven asked, "I gotta be honest, I'm bi, Raven. Not gay. It was an act because this bitch wouldn't stop hitting on me, and so I pretended to be gay. But soon that act wasn't such an act. I started dating guys. But I still love girls." Raven smiled, "You are such a tease!" Raven yelled, "Don't ya know it, honey!" He screamed, he took Raven's hand led her to the dance floor. Raven and Johnny began to grind up each other. Johnny could only do this with Raven. And Raven could only do this with Johnny, the only guy that she could ever dance dirty with. Raven was dancing and smiling, and Johnny's eyes were wondering around to see who would end up in his bed. The strobe lights were flashing, making everyone seem like they are moving in slow motion. Upbeat techno was screaming in the background, making Raven's heart beat to the beat of the bass of the music. She was trying to not think of what happened about an hour ago. Johnny and Raven soon were plastered. Raven stumbled out of the club about three hours later. "You..." Raven was now slurring her words, "I loves yasssssssss, Johnnnay!" Johnny giggled, "Allllllllllrighta!" He was drunk as well. Raven and Johnny went to his place. Raven crashed on the sofa, and Johnny crashed on the bed. ------------------------------------Next Morning------------------------------ Aurora came into work, looking like a mess. Barbara noticed this immediately, "Aurora, what the hell is wrong? You look like you've been hit by a mack truck. Aurora..." Aurora looked at her, "I did something really stupid last night." Aurora whispered, "Okay, and what is that?" Barbara asked, "Last night, Raven proposed to me. I got up, and walked out of the restaurant. And broke up with her." Barbara's eyes went wide, "You walked out on her, and ended it with her?! Why in the hell would you do that?!" Barbara asked as she was just shocked, "Because Angelina got on Parole, and what if Raven leaves me for her?! I couldn't deal the heartache. I love her too much." Aurora whispered, "So, you left her instead? Aurora, I highly doubt that Raven is going to go back to that monster. And leave everything with you behind. I mean damn, that bitch loves you! You can see it in her eyes. If I was her, and my psycho ex came back into the picture. I would totally choose the one I love, in which that is you!" Barbara exclaimed. Aurora nodded, as she sighed, "I know...Help me." She whispered, Barbara nodded, "I'll see what I can do." She whispered, Aurora went on her floor and began to check in on her patients, trying to not think about last night, her true answer was yes. But she couldn't believe that Angelina was out, and was going to try and get Raven back, she knew what she needed to do. She needed to get Raven, and say her true answer. ------------------------------Meanwhile--------------------------------------- Johnny woke up Raven with a cup of Coffee, "That was the first night, I've ever went to bed alone. And I lied, I am like supa gay." Raven laughed, as she took the cup, "Yeah, you can't hide that gayness." Raven stated as she took a sip of the coffee, "Holy shit this is good!" She exclaimed, Johnny smiled, "I know. Its what I give all of those busy bees to wake them up. I am not hosting a damn hotel. The bed is for fucking, they can get the hell out when they wake up." Johnny smirked, "Johnny, you do use, ya know condoms, right?" Johnny made a shocked face, and put his hand against his chest, "Moi? Use condoms? Of course, sweetie. You never know who has some disgusting disease. Those little bastards." Raven chuckled, "I am going to ask you something, alright. Have you ever, you know got someone really small?" Raven asked, "That is like a super personal question, but yes. Sadly, he was really small. I felt bad for the poor guy." Johnny sat next to Raven, "Alright, I have a plan for tonight, you, me and the gay club. Its very Gothic. I hear its like Blade, that at one point blood splurs down from the sprinklers. I mean seriously, how cool is that?!" Raven thought about this for a moment, "Hmmm, I haven't been to a rave in forever, lets go." Johnny looked at her clothes, "No offense sweetie, but eww." He pointed at her attire, "Do you have something for me to wear? After all, I don't want to go home, not right now." Johnny nodded, "Of course! They can't have shopping with gay!" Johnny grinned, "Uhm, Johnny, gay is not in the word shopping." Raven replied, "Of course there is, think about it. You got the G and I got the Y, and I am totally gay. So, there you have it, Johnny equals amazing shopping." Johnny smiled, and took Raven's hand, "Hmm, what to wear, what to wear..." He grabbed a black baggyish shirt, and skinny bondage pants. He grabbed a pair of boxers from an unopened package, and did the same with a pair of socks, "Do you wear a bra?" He asked, "I have really small boobs. No." Raven chuckled, "Hmm, remind me of Shane. Got that whole bad ass ideals. Love it!" Raven got into the shower, and rinsed her body, and cleaned herself. She was needing a night out. Just her and her friend Johnny, he always knew how to cheer her up. And she knew that he would do anything to make her smile again. When she got out of the shower she did her hair up. She had that scene hair theme going on. She put on the clothes, that black shirt turned out not to be baggy at all, but tight. Raven looked hot. Johnny walked into the bathroom, "Here ya go, babes." He handed her a choker with spikes on the band of the choker. "You gotta look like a sexy bitch." Johnny scooted Raven out of the bathroom, and then he got ready. Raven and Johnny looked really sexy, and he knew Raven could probably get laid tonight. --------------------------------------That Night---------------------------------- Raven and Johnny walked into the club, and the strobe lights will flickering fast. Raven looked around, and saw people were dancing hardcore. This wasn't a gay club. This is what people called a Vampire Club. Or Goth Haven. Goth Haven was an underground night club, because they were too dark for people to actually know what the club was about. The upbeat techno was making everyone dance fast, and yet in the strobe lights were making everyone look like they were moving in slow motion. People were dirty dancing. Raven then looked up to the DJ. "Shit!" Raven yelled, "What is it?! Don't you like it?!" Johnny yelled, "No! I love it! But that DJ I dated her." Johnny grinned, "Mmm DJ's are so hot. They can turn my disk anytime!" Raven laughed, "You are one sick mofo!" Johnny laughed, "Oh, and your not? Raven the girl who came home sometimes with three chicks at one night. Tell me, how did you keep it up?" Raven laughed hard, "Oh wouldn't you want to know." Raven went to the bar, and ordered a Tequila Sunrise. And Johnny order his Dirty Martini. Raven drank her Sunrise down, and ordered something else. She was relaxing, "Babes, we need to dance!" Johnny exclaimed. Raven and Johnny went to the dance floor and began to dance. But soon they looked around them and saw people's hand reaching to the air. As everyone began to dance. Everyone counted down, and soon as they hit 1. Blood shot from the sprinklers, immediately soaking people head to toe in blood. "FUCK YES!" Raven screamed, a girl turned Raven, and began to dance with her. Raven shrugged, and began to dance with the girl. Soon the girl leaned in, and licked the blood away from her lips. Then pressed her lips against Raven's, Raven immediately pushed her away, and who happened to walk in? Aurora. Raven looked over, and Aurora saw her, and ran out. Raven pushed everyone out of her way. "Aurora!" She screamed as they left the club, "What?! WHAT RAVEN?!" Aurora screamed, "Why...Why are you leaving?" Aurora sighed, "I don't know, Raven. You were kissing on that girl!" Aurora exclaimed, "What the hell is your problem?! You dumped me, remember?! You walked away! And I want to marry you!" Raven yelled, Aurora was shocked, Raven didn't say wanted, she said want. "You still want to marry me?" Aurora asked, "Yes. I will wait forever for you. Fuck that bitch that kissed me. I didn't kiss her back." By this time, Johnny made his way out, "I saw the whole damn...Aurora Forsythe?! Oh my god girl, its been like foreva!" He exclaimed, "Johnny. Oh my god!" Aurora stated, "Wait you two know each other?" Raven asked, Aurora nodded, "Him and I went to college together." Johnny smiled, "Oh, yes we did." Raven then looked back to Aurora, "Wait...Your Auro?!" Raven looked towards Aurora. She chuckled, "Guilty." Raven was shocked, "Damn! I just never saw this coming." Johnny smiled, "What are you doing at this club, anyway?" Johnny asked, "Well, besides getting your blood on." Raven was now shocked, "What? She showed me this club." Aurora smiled, "I am sorry." Raven whispered, "I..." She shook her head, and turned around, "I am going to go." Aurora ran over to her and grabbed her hand, and turned her around, "Do you want to know my answer?" She searched Raven's eyes, "Yes I do." Aurora smiled, "My answer is, oh shit..." Aurora looked passed Raven, and saw Angelina standing there. "This is so where we play dramatic music in the background. But instead we got New Order: Confusion. Just great. So ruins the mood!" Johnny whined. Angelina walked over to Raven. "Who the hell is this?" Angelina asked in a snarling tone, "Who the hell wants to know?" Aurora asked, "Her wife, that's who." Angelina spat out, Johnny walked over to her, "Uh, sweetheart if you remember, you two weren't married. So get the hell over it." Johnny said in a disgusted tone, "No one is talking to you, fag." Johnny eyes widen to Angelina's statement, "Exquease me. Darling the only fag here, is you. So hold your damn tongue before I cut it out, and make it an ash tray." Johnny snarled, Raven looked at Angelina, "Get the hell away from me." Angelina looked into Raven's eyes, "I thought you loved me." Angelina whispered as she leaned in, and kissed Raven. Aurora was shocked, but when she saw Raven push her away, "Get the hell over yourself, Angelina! Your nothing but a fucked up skank." Raven snarled. Johnny and Raven by now were getting pretty cold, due to the fact they had blood all over them. Their breath was now crystallizing against the air, leaving a small mist, "Just go, Angelina. No one wants you here." Aurora grinned at Raven's statement, "Who are you seriously?" Aurora grinned, and turned Raven's face to her own, and slowly let her tongue over Raven's lips, tasting the blood as the blood hit her tongue, "Her girlfriend." Aurora stated, as she took Raven's arm and wrapped her around her waist. Angelina snarled. "Oh I will win, Raven back." Slowly Aurora's arms wrapped around Raven's neck, and her ass stayed close to Raven, she watched Angelina walk away. Johnny smiled, "You two make such a cute couple. Wait...Are you two a couple again?" Johnny asked, Aurora turned around, "Are we?" Aurora looked into Raven's eyes, "Yes, I want that more than anything." Aurora smiled, "I need to tell you my answer." She stated, as she reached into Raven's pants pocket, she could feel the box against her body. She immediately took the ring out of the box, and slipped the ring on, "Yes." She whispered, as she kissed Raven hard with passion. They soon were making out, "Ewww." Johnny whispered. ------------------------------------The Next Morning----------------------------- Aurora was late getting to work, and she got to work she looked really relaxed and very happy, "What has you so happy?" Barbara asked, Aurora looked around and leaned in, "Raven and I had hard kinky sex last night, and..." Aurora paused and took her hand out of her pocket to show the ring, "You two are engaged?! Hell yeah!" Barbara smiled, Aurora lowered her eyes, "But there is something that is bothering me." Aurora whispered, Barbara looked at her, "Angelina is back, and she wants Raven bad." Aurora whispered. "I doubt that she will ever win her back. Besides Raven is like clung to you, girl." Barbara reassured her. Aurora smiled, as she leaned into her chair. Everything was going amazing. She was engaged to the love of her life, and finally she could be happy. But Angelina? She wasn't going to give up, not now. Not ever.... -------------------------------------Fin Part 5------------------------------------- |
Oh, my god, Johnny is so damn funny, he reminds me of someone I used to be friends with, but we eventually drifted apart because he moved abroad.
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Awwww I am sorry hun. *hugs*
Angelina is biotch. And will do anything to get Raven. As for Johnny he is exactly like my gay friend Adrian. I love that boy.to death |
Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Oh, amen to that. *patiently sits down and waits for part 6* |
Honestly, when I posted this story. I never knew anyone would like it o.o And that's me being, serious.
^Why? :O It's awesome.
I am not sure actually. I am really keen on my writing. And sometimes if I do not think its good enough, then I do not think others will like. HOWEVER, this story just kept rolling out of me. And I don't want it to stop. But I did start a new project. A new plot, and yet, better twists in the story
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^I know, right? I hate page, or even worse, paragraph limit. I am dealing with it daily at college, as I'm at Philology, and it's so frustrating.
Page limits are the worse, seriously. Give me a limit? Yeah, deduct my grade. Writing should be about quality not quantity. I mean seriously, I hated when I had a limit. But then again nothing is worse when your English teacher (My 12th Grade English teacher, my 12th grade English was a bitch) accused me of plagiarizing. And so my other English teacher told her this (He was the kick ass teacher!)
"This is an A+ paper, if you do find anything that resembles what she has written, give her an F, however if you don't. She gets an A+" Sure enough when I got the paper back, there was an A+ My story was about Emily Dickenson. And I ended up writing a 35 page story about her. Non-Fictional, but Fictional stuff added to it. I had other students read the story, and they were amazed :D |
I am back! By the way I LOVE THE UPDATE! Can't wait for part 6!!! MAN I CAN'T STOP PACING AROUND!!!
LMAO xD I am glad you are enjoying yourself, Hladgunnr. Until part 6 is out, you can read another story I'm writing :P
Yeah I read that too. Now can you run Angelina over with a steamroller??? I can already can tell she's going to be a bitch... *Starts to pray that Angelina gets run over by a steamroller*
LMAO xD you and those steamrollers :P
-----------------------------------------Part 6---------------------------------
Months had seemed to fly by, alright, honestly, only two. But still. Raven and Aurora had gotten really close by this time. They began to plan the wedding. And Johnny was there every step of the way, "Oh my god, ew ew ew. That is soooooooooooo not the tux for you." Raven looked at the tuxedo, "Yes it is." Johnny rolled his eyes, "Unless you want people either laughing at you, or running to the bathroom throwing up and wondering why they hell you would wear that during a wedding. OR even being on that shizznit were they ask, WHAT IN THE HELL WAS SHE WEARING?! Yeah, believe me, le gross." Johnny nodded as he looked at Raven, "I guess you're right." Raven smiled, and flipped the page, "You know, you and Aurora, so cute. You and Angelina, like gag me with a spoon." Johnny stated, as he looked at the tuxedos, "Johnny, do you think I made a mistake getting with Angelina?" Johnny sighed and stood, "No, honey. She made the mistake for letting you go. You're an amazing catch, Raves, besides if you were a guy, and gay. I would ask you out in a heartbeat. Because you have an amazing personality, and even if people can't see that, then you know. I just hate that Angelina made you so...Well, dead to the world. Rave Rave, you almost died, I cried when I found out were dead, then cried when you weren't dead. We have been close friends, and I'll be damned if that stupid bitch gets in the way of you and Aurora. With that said, I'm scared that Angelina will try to do something to hurt you, or her, or both. Please sweetie, be careful." Johnny walked over to Raven, and hugged her. Raven held Johnny close to her, "I love you, Johnny." Raven whispered, "I love you too, Rave Rave." He smiled as he pulled away, "I had a straight moment, like squeal!" Johnny laughed, and which made Raven laugh. Raven sighed softly, "I am so tired." Raven whispered, "Go take a nap. Please. You've been working non-stop. Rehearsing and planning a wedding. Not to mention you'll be on tour soon. Are you going to take Aurora with you?" Raven smiled, "It's a secret. I want to surprise. I already talked to her boss, and he is down with her coming. Please, Johnny, do not tell her." Johnny smiled, "You got it!" Johnny pointed and winked. ---------------------------------Nap Time------------------------------------ Raven slowly removed her shirt, and dropped her pants. Letting herself only be in her boxers. She got to hot when sleeping. Raven yawned, as she stretched. She then laid down, and pulled the covers over her, and began to dream: Raven was walking down the street alone, trying to clear her head. She slowly put the cigarette to her slender lips, and took a drag. Aurora was now calling her, Raven immediately answered the phone, "Hey Baby." Raven said, "Hey sweetie. I wanted to see if you wanted to go too lunch with me. Olive Garden." Raven didn't have to think twice, "Hell yes! Which one?" She asked, "Uhm, the one nearest to the hospital. Meet me there at like 11. Please." Aurora replied, "Alright baby, I will." Raven stated, "I love you." Aurora replied, "I love you too, Aurora." Raven heard the click, and shook her head, "Such a cutie." Raven whispered. Raven then began to hear footsteps behind her, but she didn't think anything of the footsteps. "Hey, fag!" The male exclaimed, Raven turned around and saw Issac, Angelina's older brother, "Yeah, you fag. You've gotta lot of nerve for messing my sister up!" He exclaimed, "Whoa, whoa dude. I didn't do shit that bitch left me and even tried to freaking kill me. Get your head out of your ass, and grow some brains." Raven turned on her heel, and began to walk away, "Whoa bitch, we aren't done here. Get this through your head, Angelina will be your's again. And I'll make sure of it." Raven laughed, "Hell no. I don't do sluts." Raven winked. Issac got pissed and punched Raven in the face. Raven went down to the ground. Issac then whistled and got his buddies to literally beat the shit out of Raven. Raven screamed loudly as the feet began to hit her in the ribs. Punches were flying at her face, and Raven continued to scream. Suddenly she felt something or someone shaking her, "Wake up, Raven! RAVEN WAKE UP!" A female voice screamed, Raven slowly came too, "Au..Aurora, I thought you were working." Raven whispered, "Johnny called me worried, because he couldn't wake you up." Aurora brushed a strand of hair out of Raven's face, Aurora looked and saw Johnny, "Like ewwww!" He covered his eyes, Aurora shook her head, "Johnny, give me a moment with Raven. Please." Johnny nodded, "Yeah because I just saw dirty pillows!" He exclaimed. "Raven what is going on? You've been having a lot of nightmares. Your not getting cold feet, are you?" Aurora asked now searching Raven's eyes, "No." Raven said immediately, "I just keep having nightmares of Angelina and her brother Issac." Aurora tilted her head, "What kind of nightmares?" Aurora asked with a concerned tone, "That they beat the shit out of me, and I am rushed to the hospital. And...They kill you." Raven began to tear up, "Raven, I'm fine. I'll be alright. I'm strong. Raven, I love you. I'm taking the rest of the day off." Raven grabbed Aurora softly, "No baby, you need to work. I'll just try and stay awake. I love you so much, Aurora." Raven whispered, and kissed her fiancee softly. Aurora returned the kiss, "If you need anything, please call me. Please." Raven nodded. ------------------------------------Back At The Hospital----------------------- Aurora walked back into work, and Barbara greeted her, "So, is everything okay?" Barbara asked, "Ever since that bitch returned into Raven's life. She keeps having nightmares of what could have happened. She is having nightmares that I get killed by her. And she is having nightmares were she gets beaten to death. I am sick of it. Not sick of Raven. Just that stupid bitch. She has ruined so many lives. I still don't get how she got out. Seriously." Aurora sighed, Barbara hugged Aurora, "Listen, Raven loves you, that is the best and biggest thing. And as for her nightmares. She is probably seeing the car accident in different aspects. And now that you are in her life, she is scared that shit is going to happen to you. Because it seems Angelina will do whatever, at any cost to get rid of either her or you." Barbara stated. "Do not let this push you apart. This is the happiest I've ever seen you." Aurora smiled, as tears ran down her cheeks, "Barbara, I've never been this happy. Even with Raven on the road, I work, and I wait. I can't see my life without her. Sometimes I cry because she isn't near me. You know what she does for me?" Aurora asked, Barbara shook her head, "She puts in this like spraying mechanism her Axe Body Spray, so it goes off, I get a scent of her. So, I feel as if she is there. And when she gets home, I hear the door bang open. I literally run to her. Barbara, I wish I met her sooner. I wish I was her first love. I wish I was her first kiss. I wish I was the one who got to make love to her first. But I got the biggest part." Barbara looked at Aurora, "I got her heart. And I am her true love. And that makes me truly happy." Aurora smiled, Barbara smiled with her, "I am still the maid of honor, right?" Aurora chuckled, and punched Barbara in the arm softly. "Ouch!" Barbara laughed as her and Aurora did their rounds. On lunch break, Aurora called home, and heard Raven's sleepy voice, "Hello?" Raven asked, "Hey baby, how are you doing?" Aurora asked, "I am good, sweetie. How is work?" Raven asked, sleepily. "I'm doing great, knowing that you are doing good. I just miss you that's all." Aurora whispered, "I miss you too baby, but how can someone miss someone if they are always dreaming of them? Raven asked, "Is that why I am sneezing all the time?" Raven chuckled, "Maybe. You on lunch break?" Raven asked, "Yes, I just had to see how you were. Raven, baby, I love you." Aurora stated, "Aurora, I love you too. Your my girl till the end. Now...get back to work." Raven chuckled, "Alright, dream of me." Aurora stated with a blush, "I always do, baby. Always do." Raven heard a soft kiss against the phone, and Raven returned the soft kiss against the mouth piece. And then she heard the click. ---------------------------------------3 Weeks Later----------------------------- Raven and Aurora were still planning the wedding. Aurora was leaned up against Raven as they sat and listened to the wedding planner, "So, there is these beautiful creme colors, and these different reds. Truly both would go great. But one would be better." The woman stated, "Pick whatever you think is best, you are the wedding planner. Besides we trust your judgement, but please do not screw us in the end." Raven stated, "Well, what do you plan on wearing?" She asked, "I am going to wear a black tux with a red bow-tie, and a red vest with black shoes." The female saw that image in her head, knowing that Raven would be very handsome. "And you?" She looked at Aurora, "I will be wearing a long white wedding dress. With a veil to match." Aurora stated. The female began to think, "You want a huge wedding, is that correct?" She asked, Raven smiled, "Yes, everyone is too be there." The female smiled. "Besides, I want everything to be perfect. Aurora means more to me than anything. And if everything can just be perfect, it'll be amazing." Raven stated, "What is the best day of your life so far?" The Wedding Planner asked, "There are four so far. The Day I woke up. The day I met Aurora. The day I finally asked her out, and she said yes. And the day I proposed to Aurora, and she said yes." The female smiled, then watched Aurora kiss Raven softly, "I love you." Aurora stated, "I love you too." Raven replied. The wedding planner couldn't help but smile. -----------------------------------Meanwhile------------------------------- "I want that bitch to pay, Issac. I want Raven back. And I'll be damned if she gets away! If you have to beat that bitch up then fine. I seriously want that whore out of her life." Angelina stated, "Angelina, you got to realize, she moved on. She is in love again. You had your chance, instead of picking love, you picked, well you know. I am sorry, Angelina, I'll not do this. You know Raven and I go way back." Issac stated, "Why is it you always choose her side?!" Angelina asked angrily. "Because at she doesn't go cutting brake lines, and shooting people she loves! Angelina you are fucking insane! You had your chance, you threw it out the damn window. Your so damn stupid. And answer me this, what did you fucking gain?! Nothing! NOTHING!" Issac snapped. "Shut up, Issac! I didn't blow my chance. I know when I'll get her. I'll show up at the wedding, and when they ask does anyone object, I'll simply proclaim my love to her, and she will choose me over that tramp. It'll be awesome, watching her fiancee bawl her eyes out." Issac rolled his eyes, "Well, I'm going to go on the Groom side. Angelina, please let it go, please. Angelina, you lost her." Issac walked away pinching the bridge of his nose. -------------------------------------A Year Later-------------------------------- The wedding was on. Raven spent the night at Johnny's house. She couldn't see the bride of the day of the wedding. Raven was told that seeing the bride was bad luck. Johnny was helping Raven dressed, making sure everything was straight, "Wow, Raven, you look amazing." Johnny whispered, as he looked her over. Raven turned around and looked at herself in the mirror, "I do, don't I?" She asked, and then she felt Johnny's arms around her, "I am so happy for you, and so proud of you. I can't believe how fast you've grown up!" He exclaimed, "Awww, Johnny. Lets get ready to go." Raven stated. Once they were ready, Raven looked rather sexy, and Johnny looked handsome. They walked to the limo, and got in. Raven was now slowly getting nervous. Aurora was trying so hard not to cry, "Aurora..." Aurora's mother began, "Why are you crying?" She asked, "I'm getting married, mama. And I can't believe that this day is finally here. Are you disappointed that I'm getting married to a female?" Aurora asked, as she sat in the dressing room of the Cathedral they were getting married at, "Aurora, I love you for you. And Raven is such a sweetheart. I've never seen you smile so much. And yet cry at the same time. But your tears were never out of depression, but happiness." Aurora smiled as she listened to her mother's words, "And besides I already consider Raven part of the family." Aurora's mother spoke. Aurora was so gorgeous on this day. Aurora's mother slowly put the veil over her face, "Thank you." Aurora whispered, as they got in line. Raven was now at the Cathedral. She was greeting people, and then finally walked in, and took her place in front of everyone. She took in a deep breath, as she thought to herself, "Usually I am excited to see people. But damn today...I am nervous as all hell." Raven heard the music begin, Canon in D Major began. Raven smiled as she watched first the Maid of Honor, Barbara, and the Best Man, Razor. Raven was trying to hold herself together. As she now watched Razor stand next to her, soon Rage was standing next to her, then Johnny. Raven looked over and saw Tinkerbell and Damsel on the side of the Bride's Maids. Raven smiled when she saw Aurora's niece throwing rose petals on the floor. And when everyone rose, Raven gulped to hold back her tears. She saw Aurora walk down the aisle with her father. Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. Aurora looked so gorgeous. Aurora was looking at Raven the entire time. Her heart was beating so hard that she could hear the beat in her ears. Once at the end of the aisle. Aurora's mother stood next to her daughter, "Who gives this woman away?" The Priest asked, "We do." Her parents said in unison. "Thank you mommy, and thank you, daddy." Aurora whispered, she was now standing in front of Raven. Her hand went up to Raven's cheek, and wiped away the tear away. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to watch Raven Van Dawn and Aurora Forsythe to get married in holy matrimony. In a billion people, these two found each other. Through fate, and through destiny. Raven Van Dawn and Aurora Forsythe had found love and happiness in each other. And with happiness they shared an eternal bond. And I've seen this in both of their eyes, that sparkle that keeps them running in a happy path." The Priest smiled, "Before we being, I must ask, is there anyone here that objects to this union, please speak now or forever hold your peace?" For a few seconds everyone waited, until they heard from the back, "I do!" Angelina stated. |
OMG, Angelina just wouldn't give up, would she? God, what an obnoxious bitch.
LMAO xD. Hey you can't have the perfect wedding. No no, not with Angelina still around. And I so agree
Oh steamroller just hurry up! By the way, I love the update. *Just keeps praying*
I am thinking about it. I want something different for Angelina. :D
^Invoke Satan and make him kidnap her and turn her into a mindless demon?
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, that is uhm, just wow, The Creeper. Nah, lol. o.O
^ xD I was kidding, but, well, that would probably only work in my story. :D
LMAO wow, The Creeper. Well, then. That would make an interesting plot. *Nods*
She already is a mindless demon! At least make a violent and painful end for Angelina. Please!!!! *Prays for painful end*
---------------------------------------------Part 7------------------------------
Everyone turned and saw Angelina. Issac who happened to see her stand, rolled his eyes. "I do object. Raven, baby. You and I have known each other since we were young. You made me feel worth everything. That I was priceless, because money couldn't buy our happiness. I love you, Raven, please give me a second chance. I didn't try anything, Marcus wanted me to kill you. I know what I did was wrong, but I never loved someone as much as I love you. Please, Raven, baby, please." Angelina pleaded as she headed up to Raven and Aurora. Raven slowly walked down the steps, everyone was just shocked. Raven was now only few a feet away from her, "I knew you would choose me." Raven then punched her in the face, "Fuck you, Angelina. See that woman standing there?" Raven slowly pointed towards Aurora, "That is my wife. And your just some slut that can't get the hint. Get this piece of shit out of here." Everyone was shocked that Raven even punched let alone asked people to get rid of her. A couple of guys picked Angelina up, who was still holding where she was punched. Angelina couldn't believe that the love of her life would even hit her. "Get out, and never come back." Angelina snarled, "Where is Issac?" They laughed at her, "He is watching the wedding, slut." The two men went back in. Raven had went back to Aurora, Aurora couldn't help but smile, and yet have tears roll down her face at the same time. "Ahem, shall we continue?" The Priest asked. "The couple has prepared their own vows." The Priest stated, "Raven?" Raven smiled as she looked into Aurora's eyes, well, tried due to the fact Aurora was wearing a veil. "Aurora, I never met someone that could make me so happy. A woman that gave me not only hope but happiness. I knew from the moment I met you, I knew I couldn't be just friends with you. And I was, well, am the luckiest woman in the world, because I have you. And no one could ever replace you. Aurora, I don't just love you. Love doesn't even touch how much you mean to me. My heart beat screams out your name every second of the day. I need you. But honestly, Aurora I wish words could describe how you mean to me. But sadly, none of those words would even come close. You mean so very much too me." Raven's voice had been breaking before she whispered, "I love you, Aurora." Aurora slowly handed Barbara her bouquet, she slowly pulled out a piece of paper. "Raven. When I first met you, I swore that you were sleeping. I didn't believe that you were in a coma, just taking a very long nap. Because I kept telling myself, I needed to get too know you. I felt the same way you did. Friendship wouldn't be enough. I remember our first kiss, and the first time we had sex." People cleared their throats, Aurora blushed, "Those moments were not only hot, but warming to my heart. When I got your number I was so very scared to call you. Raven, you make me the happiest woman alive. But when Angelina came back, I was so very scared that you would choose her over me. But here we are. A rough road, and we stayed with each other every step of the way. I certainly wish that words could explain my love. But they don't." Aurora was choking on her words, "I love you, Raven." The Priest smiled, "Do you Raven take Aurora as your lawful wife? From this day forward, through sickness and health? Through richer or poorer? Through thick and thin? Till death you part." Raven smiled, "Always have, and always will. I do." The Priest smiled, "And do you Aurora take Raven as your lawful wife? From this day forward, through sickness and health? Through richer or poorer? Through thick and thin? Till death you part." Aurora looked deep into Raven's eyes, "I do." Aurora whispered, "The rings please." The Priest watch Razor hand both rings to Raven. Raven handed Aurora her ring that would be put on Raven's hand. "Raven, please repeat after me. I Raven," The Priest began, "I Raven." Raven smiled, "Give you this ring, as an oath of my love. To hold and cherish you, and never show you any less. With this ring, I thee wed." Raven took in a deep breath before saying, "Give you this ring, as an oath of my love. To hold and cherish you, and never show you any less. With this ring, I thee wed." Raven slowly slid the ring upon Aurora's ring finger. Aurora was slowly breaking down, she was so happy the tears wouldn't stop, "Aurora please repeat after me." Aurora smiled at Raven, "I Aurora." The Priest once again began, "I Aurora." The Priest smiled, "Give you this ring, as an oath of my love. To hold and cherish you, and never show you any less. With this ring, I thee wed." Aurora's words were almost too soft for people to hear, seeing she was crying happy tears, "Give you this ring, as an oath of my love. To hold and cherish you, and never show you any less. With this ring, I thee wed." Aurora slowly slid the ring on Raven's finger. "By the power invested in me. I now pronounce you, uhm..Husband and wife? Is that right?" The Priest asked, and Aurora and Raven smiled, "Works for us." They said at the same time, "Then Raven, you may kiss the bride." Raven gulped, as she slowly rose the veil up, and over Aurora's head, "I love you, Aurora." Aurora blushed, "I love you too, Raven." She whispered, Raven immediately pressed her lips against Raven's, soon they were making out in front of everyone. Then again everyone was cheering loudly. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present you, Mrs. and Mrs. Raven Van Dawn." Everyone was cheering loudly, Raven picked up her wife, and walked her down the aisle bridal style. They kissed each other again, Johnny was in tears, "Oh my god, she grew up so fast." ------------------------------------The Reception------------------------------ Raven and Aurora were dirty dancing on the dance floor. Johnny was dancing with a guy he met at the wedding, "See that girl?" Johnny pointed to Raven, "She is my bestie! See the other girl?" Johnny pointed to Aurora, "She is also my bestie." Johnny giggled, "You really love them, huh?" Issac asked, "Oh hell yes. They my girls!" Johnny stated, "I never knew you were so gay." Johnny winked, "But also you are the enemy's brother." Johnny whined, "Angelina is a dumb bitch. I hate her, actually. She tries to ruin everything and anything. She hates everyone that is with Raven. You know she got pissed when Raven got with Julie." Johnny was shocked, "Wait, hold the phone. Are you fo reals?" Johnny asked, "Yes. Julie and Raven were an item. And Raven's parents told her, and she got pissed." Issac stated, "That hasbian!" Johnny exclaimed, "But lets not talk about her, lets dance, and talk about us." Issac winked, and Johnny giggled. "Alright ladies and gentlemen." The DJ began, "Now its time to dance with bride and groom. But remember you have to pay. The larger the amount the longer you get to dance with them." Damsel walked over too Raven, and smiled, "Here ya go doll." Raven began to dance with Damsel, "I never thought I would see my home girl, get married. You grew up so fast." Damsel stated, "Damsel, I never thought I would see the love of my life." Raven stated, soon Razor handed Raven a ten, and cut in, "Like oh my god, dancing with my best friend." Razor stated, "So does this mean we are over?" Raven looked at him, "What do you mean?" She asked, "Like the band." Raven spun Razor around, "Hell no." Raven brought Razor back up. Raven looked at Aurora, as she saw her dancing with Rage. "I am so happy that Raven met you." Rage stated, "I know, as I am glad that I met her. She is so gentle, and yet can be a cold hearted bitch, protecting those she loves." Aurora stated, and then saw Tinkerbell hand her a twenty, "Scoot babe." Aurora began to dance with Tinkerbell, "I am so so so so happy!" Tinkerbell squealed, "Can I ask you something?" Aurora asked Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell nodded, "How did I get so lucky?" Tinkerbell giggled, "Raven says she is the lucky one." Aurora happened to glance at Raven who was now dancing with her niece. She saw her niece on Raven's feet dancing with her. "Pwease, Raven treat my aunty good." Raven listened to the young girl's words, "I'll never hurt her." The girl giggled, "Good or I haf too kick your ass." Raven was shocked at her words, Aurora's mother then cut in, "My sweet daughter-in-law." Raven smiled, "Thank you for accepting me into the family. And giving me permission to marry your daughter." Aurora's mother broke down in tears, "Please..Please Raven don't hurt her." She clung to Raven, Raven tried to hold her back her tears, "I'll never hurt her." The music stopped. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, its time for the bride and groom's dance." The DJ stated out loud, then Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers began. Raven wrapped around her arms around Aurora's waist. And Aurora wrapped her arms around Raven's neck. "I am so in love with you, Raven." Aurora whispered, "And I am so in love with you, Aurora." Raven whispered, Aurora slowly rested her head on Raven's shoulder, Aurora's hands were holding onto Raven's shoulders. Aurora slowly felt tears running down her cheeks, then soon she felt tears hitting the top of her head, Raven sniffled. They continued to dance together. Raven couldn't get enough of Aurora, and Aurora couldn't get enough of Raven. Aurora slowly pulled back just a little bit. Aurora looked into Raven's eyes, she slowly leaned in and kissed Raven with passion of their love. Raven immediately returned the kiss, they continued to dance as they continued to kiss each other. Johnny by now was crying, "They were made for each other. They completed each other's puzzle." He whispered, Issac nodded. Razor, Rage, Damsel, and Tinkerbell, were wiping away their tears. As they watched Raven and Aurora dance together. "They deserved happiness, and they now have it." Tinkerbell whispered, she felt Rage's arms wrap around her. Then Razor wrapped her arms around Damsel. This wedding was just so damn beautiful. Soon the music ended, Raven and Aurora slowly pulled away from each other. They sat down, and everyone did the same. Razor stood, "I knew Raven for so damn long. And she has never been happier. Even when she says she is. She used to joke..." Razor went on, and people laughed to some of his comments. Barbara gave her speech. Then everyone tapped their glass. Raven grinned towards Aurora, Aurora bit down on her bottom lip. She leaned in, then Raven leaned in then kissed Aurora hard with passion. -------------------------------------Later That Night-------------------------- The Reception was now over. Raven smiled as her and Aurora were alone. Raven looked at Aurora, "You know what people do on their honeymoons?" Aurora pulled Raven down over top of herself, "Oh, I already know." Raven grinned, as she began to make out with her wife. Soon enough they were making hard rough love. After a few hours. Aurora rested her head on Raven's shoulder, and cuddled close to her, "Mmm, Raven." Aurora whispered, breathlessly. "Oh, I so agree." Raven stated. Raven and Aurora slept the rest of the hours of the night away. Raven was just so happy, and so was Aurora. Raven woke up the next morning. She went down the stairs and made Aurora breakfast. Eggs, bacon, toast, and Orange Juice. She brought the breakfast up to her wife, "Wake up, sweetheart." Raven stated, Aurora slowly awoke, as she smiled, "Aww baby." She leaned up and kissed Raven. "I still can't believe Johnny caught the bouquet." Raven laughed, "Well, Issac caught the garter. You think those two will tie the knot next?" Raven asked, as she kissed Aurora softly, "Mmm, maybe." Aurora giggled, Aurora looked down at her ring, and smiled. -----------------------------------A Year Later--------------------------- The Alice Project was bigger and better than ever. Aurora had became a doctor. Raven and Aurora were very close. And when Raven wasn't around, Aurora was working, and watching her girl on the TV. Aurora couldn't live her life without Raven, and Raven couldn't live her life without Aurora. But things seemed to starting to take a turn slowly downhill, when the news was reporting that Angelina and Raven were secretly seeing each other. People had so called pictures of them together. Aurora was now pissed and threw the remote at the TV, "That fucking bitch! She just won't stop." Aurora was hating Angelina more and more. She knew the rumors weren't true, but she knew Angelina would make things very complicated for her and Raven. |
That bitch, Angelina. I swear I hadn't hated a character of a story in a long time until her. Bitch.
LMAO xD I know how you feel, The Creeper. I feel the same way about her. But I did have tears in my eyes when Raven and Aurora danced together
---------------------------------Part 8-------------------------------------
Aurora was at work, she sighed heavily as she scanned her card, telling the system that she was clocking in. She was walking past the magazine stand, and she kept seeing "Is Angelina and Raven back together?" Aurora felt her heart break slowly. Barbara was now Aurora's personal nurse, in other words Barbara worked for Aurora, and Barbara liked being under Aurora, due to the fact Aurora paid her more. And they are best friends. Aurora walked to her office and sat down, Barbara knocked at her friend's door. "Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?" Barbara tried to smile, "Not too good." Aurora whispered, "I hate Angelina. But those tabloids are driving me insane! People keep calling me asking how do I feel that Raven is cheating on me. We have been married a fucking year! A year! And that bitch is trying to ruin everything." Aurora spat out. Barbara walked to Aurora, "Aurora, I saw how Raven looked at you when you two were dancing together. I saw how she cried when you two were stating your vows. I doubt she would ever cheat on you. Aurora, she loves you way too much. And I know that she needs you." Barbara trying to reassure Aurora, "I know." Aurora whispered with her voice cracking. Aurora was truly upset, and now was ever so scared that Raven would cheat on her, with her ex. Aurora looked out the window that looked over the city, "Please come home to me, and me alone, Raven." She whispered pressing her hand against the window. -------------------------------------Meanwhile------------------------------- "Wake up, Raven...Raven." Razor nudged Raven, she was once again sober. She wasn't smoking or drinking. Nor was the band. "Have you seen these?" He asked, and dropped twenty different magazines. Raven was the headline. And all asking that one question: "Is Angelina and Raven back together?" Raven was wide awake, and she jolted up, "What the fuck?! What the fuck is this shit?!" Raven asked, she looked through the magazine, "Look at this picture." She showed Razor, "Whoa, that picture is hella old. Look at how young you look, not saying your old looking. Just you can tell that you were in your early 20's. This is bullshit." Razor stated, "Raven..." Damsel walked in, "Turn on the news." She whispered. Raven did just that, and watched the lies fall from the woman's lips: "People have been reportedly seeing Raven Van Dawn and Angelina Hollbrok together, and kissing. They say things are getting heated up between them. And that Raven and Aurora are headed for a divorce. Aurora didn't know that Raven was cheating on her, with Angelina. What'll happen next? Will Raven leave Aurora for Angelina?" Raven immediately threw the remote at the TV, cracking the screen, "Raven, you'll..." Razor got cut off, "I will pay for the fucking TV! God, I fucking hate Angelina. I seriously do. She is nothing but a stupid bitch. Who ruins people's lives. Why in the hell would I get with that fucking bitch?!" Raven was beyond pissed, she went to her phone, and immediately called Aurora, "Please pick up!" Raven exclaimed. "Hi!" Aurora stated, "Ah thank god, baby." Raven began, "You've reached Aurora Van Dawn! I am not able to come too the phone right now. Please leave a message at the beep. And I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Raven heard the beep, and literally broke down in the phone, "Aurora...Please call me back. I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you too much. You are everything to me." She whispered, with a cracking voice. Razor watched Raven throw her phone. Tinkerbell came in, and hugged Raven, "We hate her too, sweetie." Tinkerbell whispered, as she rubbed Raven's back. "I am going to fucking kill her." Razor mustered, as he now sighed. He hated seeing Raven like this. This story was hitting big. Nothing else seemed to matter. Once a huge scene with Aurora and Raven's wedding, now became a ghost in the past. The "Affair" of Angelina and Raven was the biggest news out there. And Aurora was getting pulled both ways. Only Raven knew the truth. And Aurora didn't know to believe. She kept looking at the pictures, and saw some that were defiantly photoshoped, and others didn't. Aurora had been crying for three days straight. And she needed Raven in her arms. She needed to feel Raven's lips. But she knew that Raven wouldn't be back for another two months. ----------------------------------A Month Later--------------------------------- The pictures were coming off the press. And soon Raven finally called Angelina. Asking her to meet up with her. Angelina squealed as she got off the phone. Angelina made herself look sexy. Raven was beyond pissed. She walked to the restaurant and sat outside. She wanted paparazzi to see this. Angelina came about thirty minutes later, "Hey, Raven." Angelina winked, Raven looked at her in disgust, "Is it not enough that you tried taking my life? Is it not enough that we were together and you ruined it? IS IT NOT ENOUGH THAT YOU RUINED MY LIFE AND NOW YOUR MAKING MY FUCKING LIFE A LIVING HELL?!" Raven screamed, "You've done so much to push me to the breaking point. I told you to get out my life. And yet you keep coming back. Do me a fucking favor bitch, get out of my life and stay out!" Raven snarled, Angelina looked around, until she saw something shine. She immediately sat up, and kissed Raven hard. And shutters went off. Raven pushed her away in disgust, "Stop! Seriously!" Raven spat out the nasty taste. Angelina slowly stood, "Alright. I am done." Angelina winked and walked away. Raven shook her head, she never hated anyone as much as she hated Angelina. Raven was happy with Aurora, and Angelina was making things nearly impossible for Raven to stay happy. Raven walked back to the hotel about three hours later, and Razor lowered his head, "I think...You and Aurora might not last much longer." Raven looked at Razor confused, "Why?" She asked, he turned on the news, and she immediately saw the picture of Angelina kissing her. "Oh my god." Razor hugged Raven, "I know that you would never do that. In fact, we sort of called the restaurant, and they showed us footage of the so called kiss. And they even said, it was a set up for you." Raven took in a deep breath, and went to call Aurora. But instead of hearing the phone ring, she was directed to Aurora's voice mail. Raven began to cry, "If we make it, Aurora and I. Can she please go on tours with us? Please." Raven begged, "Yes, of course. Maybe she can be our personal doctor." Razor suggested. Raven nodded. She missed Aurora. She could barely see by now, due she was bawling. She kept on calling Aurora and kept getting her voice mail, over and over again. "Please turn on your phone." Raven whispered. ----------------------------------------Meanwhile--------------------------------- Aurora had just got done watching the news, "That's it! I am done. I am fucking done." Aurora took off her ring, and threw the ring against the wall. Barbara heard the commotion, and walked in. "Aurora..." Aurora glared at her, "Don't. Just please don't. I am going to summon Raven. I am done. I want a divorce." Barbara was shocked at Aurora's words, "But what happened to forever?" Barbara asked, "Apparently, Raven meant never." Aurora stated. "Just wait until she gets home, and let her explain herself." Barbara suggest, "What the hell is their to explain?! Its all over. And that is not a fake picture." Aurora spat, "Fuck her. She can go sleep with that slut." Aurora stormed out of her own office. Barbara knelt down and picked up Aurora's ring. Barbara saw that Aurora's phone was sitting there, and instead of turning Aurora's phone on. She noticed a book, that had all of her contacts. Barbara found a number to Razor. She immediately dialed the number, "Hello." A male voice answered, "Yes, I'm looking for a guy named, Razor." Razor didn't recognize the number, "Yes this is he." He stated, "And you're Raven's friend, correct?" She asked, "Yes, I am." Razor replied, "Aurora wants to get a divorce, because she is believing the fucked up rumors, and I doubt she will change her mind. I know she loves Raven. But with the way things are going, I am not sure what'll happen." Razor was shocked, "Please help me, they need to be reunited, and fast." Razor whispered, "Yes, I agree." Razor stated. "I'll see what I can do." Barbara scoffed, "Just fucking send Aurora there, damn." Razor took in a deep breath, "Alright, alright." Razor whispered. Aurora was alone in the break room, a female nurse came in, "What's wrong, Dr. Van Dawn?" She asked, Aurora sighed, "Everything." The nurse walked towards her, "Like what? It wouldn't be those lies the magazines are putting out?" Aurora nodded, "Yeah." The nurse began to rub Aurora's arm, "Well, you could always get back at her." Aurora looked at her, "What do you mean?" She asked, and the nurse leaned in, and kissed Aurora on the lips. Aurora immediately pushed her back, and shook her head, "I am sorry. I don't do that." The nurse grinned, "Well, they do." She pointed to a guy that was hiding, and he ran off. "Oh my god." Aurora whispered, and then turned to the impostor. Or the fake nurse, and punched her in the face. "You bitch!" She exclaimed. And soon enough the news was hitting the story that Aurora was cheating on Raven with a nurse. Raven and Aurora had fallen into Angelina's web. And Raven was fed up. Aurora needed to get a hold of Raven. And fast. Things were going down hill and fast. ------------------------------------Back At The Hotel With Raven------------------- Raven had been watching the news nonstop. Watching how they were claiming that she was cheating on Aurora with Angelina. And sure enough, the news was flooded that Aurora was cheating on Raven with a nurse, "What the hell?!" Raven asked, and threw her phone against the wall, "Fuck you, Aurora!" She exclaimed, and when she looked down, she saw that she had broken her phone. Razor looked at Damsel, "We need to get Aurora here, and fast. They need to see that they are NOT cheating on each other." He really wanted to emphasize the word not. Damsel nodded, as she walked into Raven's room, and that's when her eyes widened, "RAZOR!" She screamed, Raven was now bleeding from her wrists, "Get help, now!" Raven looked at Damsel, "I told you...I needed her." Damsel looked at Raven, and immediately screamed for Tinkerbell, when she ran in, her eyes were solely on Raven, "Get a few towels we need to put pressure on her cuts, and fast!" Damsel screamed, Tinkerbell ran to the bathroom, and came back with four towels. "Now put pressure on her cuts, hurry. Raven, stay with me. Come on." Damsel more or less demanded Raven to stay awake, "What did I do so wrong?" Raven asked, "Nothing, sweetie." Damsel looked towards the door, as she saw the EMTs rush in, and immediately pushed them away. They had put pressure on her cuts, "Is she going to make it?" Tinkerbell asked, "Yeah, she didn't cut herself too deep." An EMT replied. "Please I beg of you not to report this." Damsel stated, "I don't need this all over the news." The EMT smiled, "We gotta an idea." He looked around, and grabbed a few things, and disguised Raven. "Call her, Dawn. Alright?" The EMT asked, "Thank you." Damsel stated. By this time, Razor was watching the news, and nothing was new. Just them being idiots. Razor was getting ready, to go too the hospital. He called the number that once called him, and Barbara picked up, "Is Aurora coming?" He asked, "Yeah, I managed to lie and tell her that they had a special class. And she needed to take it." Razor smiled, "Good. When will she be here?" He asked, "In a few hours, a couple. She left like twelve hours ago." Razor smirked, "I'll pick her up." Razor then hung up the phone. He got into the limo, and headed towards the airport. -------------------------------At The Airport--------------------------------- Aurora had put the ring back on her finger. She needed to talk too Raven, and get down to what was going on. She grabbed her luggage, the limousine driver was waiting for her. He didn't have a sign, but knew what she looked like, "Follow me, please." He stated, Aurora followed him, and saw the limo, "Nice." She whispered, and once she was in, she saw Razor, "What the hell is going on?!" She asked, and was about to exit, "We are going to the hospital." Razor stated, "Wh..Why?" Aurora's eyes widen, "Raven tried killing herself." Aurora's heart fell into her stomach, "It wasn't you. Its Angelina. She is trying to push you two so far apart, so she can have her back." Aurora scoffed, "Yeah right. Is she okay? Is my baby okay?" Razor smiled, "Yeah, she is under suicide watch, and you'll have to call her Dawn. We are wearing disguises. We don't need anymore news." Razor smirked. On the ride to the hospital. Aurora was showing that she was nervous, and only one thought came into her head, "Raven, please. I love you. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay." Aurora lowered her eyes, "Does she believe the lies about me and the nurse?" She asked, Razor shook his head, "No. She doesn't." He replied. "Sure she was pissed, and sort of said fuck you, Aurora. But she knew it was a lie. I really think she meant, Angelina though." Razor handed Aurora a wig and sunglasses. The limo stopped to a beat up truck, "Get in." Razor stated. Aurora and Razor got in, and drove off. Once at the hospital, Aurora ran in, "Yes, I'm looking for a woman named Dawn." She winked the nurse knew who immediately of who she was talking about. Aurora ran towards the room that the nurse had told her. Once in the room she saw Tinkerbell and Damsel, "Is she okay?" Aurora asked, "Yes." Damsel replied. Aurora walked towards Raven, "Hey baby, it's me." Raven slowly came too, "B..Baby." She whispered as she looked into her wife's eyes. "Yeah, baby." Raven leaned up and hugged her wife tightly, "I would never hurt you. Ever. You are the love of my life." Raven whispered, "And your mine. I am so sorry. I would never hurt you." Aurora looked into Raven's eyes. "Please...Come back to me." Aurora whispered, "I'll always come back to you." Raven whispered before kissing Aurora. Damsel and Tinkerbell smiled. -----------------------------------------Meanwhile----------------------- Angelina waited for Raven or Aurora to come onto the news and tell the world that they were getting a divorce. She waited eagerly, but when the news changed to someone and something else. She was pissed, "What in the hell?! I guess I'll have to turn to more drastic matters." Angelina whispered as she turned off the TV. |
More drastic? Is that even possible? Stupid bitch. Hope she dies, and soon.
Maybe o.o It is Angelina. *nods* And I agree with you. I have never hated any of my characters like I hate her
This can get worse? How? I just hope she's dies a painful death in the next chapter.
I am going to take this in a whole new direction, for the next part. Its finally a blast from the past moment
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---------------------------------------------Part 9-------------------------------
Everyone had gotten back from the tour. And Raven and Aurora were once again happy. Raven was glad that she was out of the hospital, and she knew that she never wanted to do that again. She was finally home, she looked around the house, completely spotless. Clean, just clean. Raven smiled as she saw her wife getting ready for work, "Really? You have to go too work?" She asked, Aurora leaned in and kissed her softly, "Someone needs to put food on the table." Raven laughed, "Alright, sure you go. I love you." Raven stated, "I love you too." Aurora kissed her again, and left for the day. Raven was bored. She walked around the house, "What to do, what to do?" She asked herself, she stopped as she looked at the old yearbook. Her head tilted, "My old yearbook?" She asked, but then she remembered she didn't get one. She took the yearbook down, and saw that the yearbook was the same class as her. And even the same school. She slowly opened the book, and noticed right away, that this yearbook was Aurora's. "We went too the same school?" She asked herself. She began to flip through the pages, but the more she did, everything began to unravel. She got to a page, that her picture was on, and in Aurora's hand writing, she saw, "What a loser dyke." Raven's heart dropped. She continued to flip through the pages, and now noticed that Aurora Forysthe was the cheerleader that bullied her and her friends in high school. "Oh my god..." She whispered, she immediately called her friends, and they rushed over, "Look at the damn book!" Raven stated, as she lowered her eyes. Razor picked up the book, "Whoa...Aurora...You married your bully?" Razor asked, "What in the hell? Aurora...Is the Queen Bee?" Tinkerbell looked at the yearbook, Raven shook her head, "She lied to me." Raven whispered, "She told me, she never went to that damn school..." Raven whispered. "Why...Why must I always be sent to a depressing state? I remember the first day of Freshmen Year, like it was yesterday......." ------------------------------Freshmen Year (Flash Back)--------------------------- Raven was new to this school, after all she had to be seeing she just had finished Middle School or Junior High last year. She wasn't used to the new faces, just yet. Luckily for her, she had her four best friends. Damsel, Rage, Razor, and Tinkerbell to go through this Hell together. Raven wasn't all that beautiful in a lot of people's eyes. She had braces, a few pimples. She was a little heavy set, as well. She wasn't popular. Most would say she had the "Ugly Duck Syndrome." Didn't get hot until later. Raven looked at her class schedule, "Alright, did any of us get the same classes?" Raven asked with a huge smile, "I got Gym with you." Razor replied, "And I got Math with you." Damsel gleamed, "Hmmm, oh I got Science with ya." Rage added, "And I got English with you." Tinkerbell smiled. Raven walked to her locker, and sighed, "I hate new schools, I hate them." She whispered to herself. She knew being a Freshmen, some people got hazed. Raven put her books to her chest, and began to walk too her first period class: Math. She sat in the class, yawning because she was so bored. And the rest of the day went down without incident. She was happy that she got the first day out. "How was school, sweetie?" Maureen asked, "It was surprisingly well." Raven smiled, "Glad to hear that sweetpea." Raven's father, Shawn stated, "Thanks dad." Raven rolled her eyes, and immediately went up and did her homework. Raven was truly a homebody. People went out to parties, and she stayed home. Raven didn't really care, because she loved to draw and write. That is how she was. Raven yawned, and went to bed at around 10 o'clock. She knew that the next day had to better. To Raven's surprise the day was bad. When Raven got to school, she just had this eager smile on her face. Raven loved her classes, and soon she would hate them. During Gym, she was getting ready for the class, changing her clothes. Raven heard soft snickering. "Look at that fat ass. She could be the full moon." Raven lowered her eyes, and turned around and saw a beautiful cheerleader, Aurora. "What? Want to take a picture? Are you a fagot?" Aurora asked, she walked outside into the gymnasium. Raven tried to smile, as she walked out to the gym floor. The gym teacher smiled to everyone, "Alright everyone, lets start off with a couple laps around the gym." Everyone began to run, but seeing Raven wasn't the fittest woman in the class, people were passing her left and right, "Come on you fat tub a lard, pick up the pace. Or get the hell out of the way." A jock stated, before tripping Raven. Another jock made this loud booming sound, "TIMBER!" He yelled. Raven was on the gym floor, she slowly got back up, "Don't let them get to you, Raven." Razor smiled. "I'll try." Raven whispered. Raven was now hating school. Raven walked to the showers, and looked around, and saw no one was there. She slowly let the towel drop. "Oh my god, gross. Shamu is taking a shower. I think we need to throw it back in the ocean." Chasity stated, one of Aurora's friends. Raven quickly dried off and ran to the locker, and changed before getting shoved into the locker. Raven walked out of the gym with tears in her eyes. Tinkerbell saw her, "Raven..Are you okay?" She asked, "I don't want to talk about it." Raven hated everyone right about now. The only people she trusted was her friends and family. She couldn't believe how heartless people could be. Raven didn't come to school for a few days. She began to purge, as in eat a lot and throw the food back up. Raven now had an eating disorder. She didn't want to be fat anymore. Raven was starting to take care of herself. A little bit at a time. -------------------------------Few Months Later------------------------------- Raven had been decreasing in size, and her pimples were gone. But Raven wasn't the same, she had isolated herself. She didn't want to be around anyone. She hated people, and even herself. She wore long sleeve shirts to hide her cut marks. One day when she was sitting alone, she over heard Aurora and Chasity, "Like oh my god. Raven is still a fat ass. And a huge dyke. So gay!" Chasity squealed, "No, she is a fagot, and no wonder no one talks to her. I mean seriously. What a disgusting blob of puss." Aurora walked passed her, then dropped her tray, "Oops, well, Miss Piggy will it." Aurora then made pig sounds. Raven didn't even look at her, she continued to keep her gaze out the window. Her friends were worried. Raven was so alone, because everyone hated her. She didn't want to bring her friends down with her depression. Raven just kept her distance from everyone. She was now literally skinny. Lost all of her weight. But people only saw her as a fat ass. A fat cow, people would make mooing sounds through the hall. So, Raven began to listen to music, to drown out the pain of her peers. During classes, she kept to herself, she was getting A's, but she never answered the teacher's questions. She never murmured a single word. And when at home, Raven was silent. She was lost in her own solitude. On a Friday, Raven went to her locker, and she saw a piece of paper. When she turned over the piece of paper, she saw an invitation. She was shocked that she was invited to a party. Raven thought things were shaping up. But to her surprise, the night was going to take a downward turn to Hell. Raven was actually smiling again. Raven went through all of her classes with a smile. And her friends were so happy that their friend was back. Raven showed them the invite, and they told her, "Do not go." Raven shrugged their warnings off. -----------------------------------The Party-------------------------------- Raven was dressed in a sexy red dress. The dress was tight and fit around her curves. Raven did manage to make herself healthy again. She was eating, and not throwing her food back up. She was exercising, and keeping the weight off. She even wore make-up. Raven was now making herself look pretty. Raven was now ready to go too the party. And she was very excited. Raven showed up at the party at about 8:00. She looked around the house. The girl who invited her, was rich. Very rich. Aurora Forsythe to be exact. "Oh so glad that you could make it, Raven. That's your name, right?" She asked, Raven nodded. Raven saw all the people dancing. A jock named, Matthew came up to her, "Hey, you wanna dance?" Raven shrugged then nodded, "Sure." She whispered, and began to dance with Matthew, but her eyes stayed on Aurora. She fancied Aurora. Matthew then took Raven's hand, "Come with me." He whispered, "Okay?" Raven stated in a questioning tone. He took her to the bedroom, and shut and locked the door. "So, how are you?" He asked, "I am good. Look I want to go. I am not that way anyway." Matthew smiled, "I could make you like guys." Raven got really nervous, "Please...Just please stop." Raven whispered, he grabbed her hand, "Stop baby." Matthew then kissed Raven, and Raven bit his bottom lip, "I said stop." She stated. Matthew slammed her against the bed. He ripped off her clothes, and began to do what he wanted too. "No..No please..." Raven was crying, "Oh shut up." Matthew grunted, and when he was done, he stood, "You better not tell anyone this." He spat, Raven slowly got up and grabbed her clothes, "Got it?" He asked, Raven didn't speak, Matthew punched her in the face, "Got it?!" Raven nodded, "Yes." She whispered, Matthew walked out of the room. And Aurora walked in, "Wow, look we gotta slut." Raven shook violently, she was now bawling. "Oh, boohoo." Aurora laughed. Raven was now dressed. And she ran out of the house. Her dress was ripped. She walked home, her make-up was smearing. She ran inside of her house, and went up to her room. Raven slowly shut the door, and slid down the door. "Why...Why..." She asked herself. She just stayed there. She couldn't believe what kind of party that she had went too. --------------------------------------Sophomore Year------------------------------ Raven came to school the next year. And boy did she grow into something hot. She had been taking care of herself. She had gorgeous black tresses. She wore black eyeliner, and black lipstick. She had her tight bondage pants on, with a black tight shirt. She took a very dark turn during Summer. Raven even had a spiked collar around her neck. She was beautiful. Razor walked over to her, "Raven?!" He asked with a smile, "Damn girl." He whistled. Raven laughed, "I did discover myself this Summer." She whispered, "Oh?" Razor asked, "I'm a lesbian." She grinned, Razor laughed, "Uh huh, tell us something we don't know." Tinkerbell whispered. Raven was actually smiling again. Then came the mouth, "Oh look slut is back." Raven smiled, "Ah thank you. But you know when you rearrange the letters, you get lust. So I guess your lusting after me." Raven winked and walked the other way. She had Gym with the bitch. But she was now fit. And this time Raven ran circles around Aurora, "Oh come on, fat ass keep up." Raven winked, but as she ran past Aurora, she tripped her. Raven hit the floor of the gym hard. "Bitch." She whispered. Raven went to the shower room, and got naked, and began to shower herself. Aurora looked at her, bit down on her lip. Was Aurora crushing on, Raven? "Aurora what the hell are you looking at?" Chasity asked, "A fat fagot!" Aurora exclaimed. Raven shrugged her words off. Raven was actually doing well for herself. She did have a secret to end the pain, she cut herself when she was home. She would wear wristbands around her wrists where she would cut. So no one could see her pain. Raven was doing a lot better, or so people thought. She was starting to get used to the name calling. But what she hated the most is when her friends were getting picked on. The next day, she saw Razor backed in a corner, and she overheard the crowd, "Hey Razor! Do you need a knife or a razor to cut yourself?! Huh!? We got a few for ya! Come on! COME ON!" Raven stomped over there, "Leave him the fuck alone." The guys laughed, "Oooo, I am so scared." One stated, immediately he felt his nose snap, as Raven punched him hard, "You fucking dyke!" The guy stated, before hitting Raven hard in the face, leaving her a pretty shiner. They all ran off, Raven touched her cheek and squinted, "Thanks, Rave." Razor whispered, "Welcome." Raven smiled, as she walked with Razor to their class. Raven saw her friends get treated like shit day in and day out, sometimes they would make fun of Tinkerbell, by calling her a, "Dumb ugly ass fairy, that needed her forest burnt down." And with Rage, they called him, "A fucking dip-shit, that all he had going for him, was his dumb ass ways." And as for Damsel, she was always crying due to the people'e words, "Look at the pitiful Distressed Bitch. Damsel in Distress? More like dumb fucking slut in distress." Raven hated her peers, but she knew that she couldn't leave high school, so Raven and her friend endured everything. Even if they were all getting more and more marks on their bodies. --------------------------------------Junior Year------------------------------ Raven was hot, very sexy. Razor was handsome. So was Rage. Tinkerbell was just gorgeous, and so was Damsel. But they stuck together. They didn't want to break away from their group. Even if they were getting bullied, they were taking the people's name calling like a grain of salt, and so well in fact, they had even stopped cutting. Raven was wearing T-Shirts, she didn't care anymore if people saw her scars. Raven was better for the way she was anyway. Raven went to her first class, Raven sat down. And Aurora sat next to her, "You gotta be shitting me." Raven whispered, as she rolled her eyes. Raven didn't even look at her, but Aurora continued to look at her, Raven looked over to her, "Uh, need a camera?" Raven asked, Aurora shook her head. Raven smirked, "Good, because I don't have one, bitch." Raven stood when the bell rang, and headed to her next class. A few weeks, however, things changed towards the weird side. When Raven went to leave her English class the one she shared with Aurora, the teacher stopped her, "Raven, I need you too tutor someone." Raven let her brow arc upward, "And who would that be?" She asked, and Aurora stood next to her, "Me." Raven shook her head, "Oh hell no. Sorry. But fuck no." The teacher sighed, "If you don't, you'll get an F." Raven sighed, "When do I start?" She asked, "Today." The teacher replied. Raven sighed heavily, as she smiled, or at least tried too. ------------------------------------Later That Day--------------------------- "Well, this is my house." Raven stated, her house was huge. As Aurora went to walk to the front door, Raven stopped her, "Oh no, I do not stay in the house. I stay here." Raven walked Aurora to the pool house. "I live here." Raven smiled. She unlocked the door, and let Aurora in, "Alright, lets just get stupid shit over with." Raven stated, Aurora agreed. Raven sat down at a desk, and had Aurora sit next to her, "Alright lets get our hands dirty." Aurora rolled her eyes, "Ew." Raven shook her head, "Not that way." Raven stated, Aurora was listening to Raven speak. She just continued to stare at her, which was giving Raven the creeps, "What?" Raven asked, Aurora shook her head. "So, the noun is what again?" Raven sighed, "A noun is a person, place, or thing." She stated, Aurora turned Raven's face towards her own, "Don't pull back." Aurora whispered, as she pressed her lips up against Raven's. Raven's eyes were wide, but slowly closed. Aurora continued on to deepen the kiss. Raven slowly stood, and Aurora joined her. Aurora was getting hot and bothered, and so was Raven. Raven walked them to the bed. As they were walking Aurora was stripping Raven, and Raven was stripping her. As Raven was on top of her, she slowly interlaced her fingers with Aurora's and Aurora held onto Raven's hand. Aurora smiled softly, Raven leaned down and began to kiss Aurora again. But Raven was seriously getting too hot, and when she pulled away, Aurora let go of one of Raven's hand, and pulled her back down, "Don't stop...Please." Aurora pleaded. And soon enough Raven and Aurora were having hard, rough, sex. A few hours later, Aurora was still over, she looked over to Raven, "Oh fuck." She whispered, "I am sorry...But...I wanted to experiment. Do not tell anyone what the hell just happened." Aurora spat out, Raven nodded, "You got it." Raven winked. Raven was laughing as Aurora left. She just couldn't help but laugh. Raven just couldn't control herself, she was laughing so hard now, "What a dumb bitch." Raven slowly rose from her bed, "Mom." She whispered, "Oh god. You didn't, did you?" Maureen asked, "Yeah...I sort of did." Maureen shook her head, "My baby is all grown up." Raven laughed, "Your nuts. Don't worry it won't happen again." Raven stated, or so Raven thought. Every night Aurora came over to "Study" her and Raven were in the bed. Making something more than adverbs. Moans would escape. And soon Raven and Aurora were having sex constantly. But Aurora held onto her image, and didn't mum a word about her and Raven, nor did Raven. ------------------------------------Back To The Present--------------------------- "And we all remember how Senior Year was." Raven whispered, Razor stood up, "Whoa whoa back up, you were fucking your bully when we were in our Junior Year?!" Raven chuckled, "Yes. Maybe that is why Aurora didn't come over to be tutored anymore, when she saw me with Angelina." Raven stated, Aurora by this time had walked in, "What about Angelina?" She asked, everyone turned and looked at her, "Why did you lie?" Raven asked, Aurora looked confused, "Lie about what?" Aurora asked, Raven handed her the Yearbook. "I didn't want to remember those horrid years. I was so mean to you, and your friends. And I hated what I had became." Raven sighed, "You didn't..." Aurora cut her off. "The best thing that happened to me, was when I was at your house every night. And we were making love." Aurora stated, as she walked to her wife, and slowly wrapped her arms around Raven's neck, "That was the best year of my Junior Year." Aurora whispered. Raven slowly wrapped her arms around Aurora's waist, "Mm, is that so?" She asked, Aurora blushed, "I had the hugest crush on you." Raven blushed, "So did I." She leaned in and kissed Aurora. The group stated together, "ewwww." Raven pulled away, and chuckled. Aurora smiled then slowly frowned, "I am so sorry what I did to you all." Aurora slowly pulled away. She walked to the closet, and grabbed her other Yearbook. And flipped the page to the page were Raven's picture was on. She looked over her picture, and saw: "I wish I could just be with her. Our nights together were so hot, and I love her." Raven smiled and pulled Aurora back into her arms, "I love you, Aurora." Raven whispered, "And I love you, Raven." Aurora replied, as she leaned into Raven's arms. |
Awww, adorable. Absolutely adorable. And no idiotic Angelina in the picture now, at least, either.
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-----------------------------------Part 10-----------------------------------
Raven and Aurora were in bed, holding each other. They felt the softness of their naked bodies. "Raven, do you think if I had come out Junior year, and told everyone I was in love with you. Do you think you and I would be together?" She asked with a soft sigh, "Yes, I do actually. I need to be honest with you." Raven whispered, Aurora slowly sat up, and turned on the light, Raven hissed. "Angelina wasn't my first love." Raven whispered, "Then who?" Aurora asked. "You." Raven looked into Aurora's eyes, "Wait. Me? How y..." She was cut off, "Aurora, remember the fifth time we had sex. I wanted to tell you then I was in love with you. But you were with..." She stopped, "Yeah." Aurora lowered her eyes, "Matthew, who you slept with." Aurora rolled over and got out of bed. "You know, that party was awesome until, well you know." Raven brought her knees up to her chest, and looked away. Tears slowly began to run down her cheeks, and caressed her wrists. Aurora heard her wife sniffle, "What?" She asked, "You really think till this day, Matthew and I fucked?" She asked, "Well, yes." Raven slowly got up, "You are so naive." Raven then walked passed her. "I am going to go sleep on the sofa. Goodnight." Raven walked down the stairs, completely naked. She didn't care, this was her and Aurora's home. She lowered herself onto the sofa, pulling a blanket over her, and literally cried herself to sleep. Aurora wasn't sure what just happened, "I know that she slept with him. But Raven was my first, I was her second." Aurora scoffed, and got back into bed. She began to think back to that night, and just sighed. She slowly closed her eyes, as a tear roll down her cheek. ------------------------------The Next Day--------------------------- Aurora slowly woke up. She was tired, because her and Raven had a fight. She slowly put on her short nightgown and walked down the stairs, "Raven? Raven? Baby?" She called out, and Raven didn't respond. She walked towards the kitchen and saw the note, "Aurora, I went shopping for food, I'll be back in about an hour. I love you. Raven." Aurora sighed, "What did I do?" She asked, as she went to the fridge, and she noticed that the fridge was completely full. "Why did she have to lie?!" Aurora asked angrily. Aurora looked at the time, and luckily for her, she had the day off. She walked to the sofa, and laid down. She could smell her wife on the pillow. Aurora slowly curled up into ball, and began to cry, "I..I love you..." She whispered in between her tears. -------------------------------------Meanwhile----------------------------- "She thinks I fucked Matthew! She thinks I wanted to sleep with him." Raven lowered her head, and then shook her head, "What did I do wrong, Damsel?! WHAT?!" Damsel was sitting next to Raven, "Raven, maybe you should tell her the truth." Raven sighed and nodded, "I know, but its hard, ya know? To tell her what happened that night. I know, before you say it, I know her and I are married, but still." Raven whispered, "What am I to do?" Raven asked, then all of sudden looked around. "Uhm, where the hell did Razor go?" Raven asked, Damsel slowly stood, "Razor?? Oh baby?!" Damsel sighed, "He went to go and tell Aurora, I bet you twenty bucks he did." Damsel held out her hand, "Your on." Raven whispered, and shook her hand. -------------------------------Back At The Van Dawn Household---------------------- Aurora tried to compose herself, as she heard the doorbell ring. "I'm coming." She stated, when she opened the door, she saw Razor standing there. "Razor, come in." Aurora mustered, "Did you want something to eat? Or drink?" Razor just shook his head to Aurora's question, "I'm fine. Why do you think Raven and Matthew fucked?" He asked bluntly, "Because I saw him walk out. And Raven was sitting on the bed getting her clothes." Aurora stated, "Was she crying?" Razor asked, "Well, yes. I remember that." Razor took in a deep breath, "Aurora, Raven didn't sleep with Matthew willingly. He raped her. Because she said no." Aurora felt like she lost all feeling in her legs. "Wh..What?" Aurora asked, "You know what I said." Razor stated, as soon as he made the statement, Raven and Damsel walked in, "You were raped?" Aurora asked, "You owe me twenty bucks." Damsel whispered, "Yes...I was." Raven's voice began to crack. Aurora ran over to her, and hugged her tightly, "I am so so so sorry." Aurora held onto Raven, as if she would just disappear if Aurora let go. "And I called you..." Raven stopped Aurora, and pulled away, and looked directly into her eyes, "You were my first. My first real kiss. My first real sexual encounter. And my first real love. It has always been you, Aurora." Raven stated, "And that is how I'll always see you." Raven then took Aurora's hand and put Aurora's palm against her heart. "Do you feel that?" Raven asked Aurora nodded, "My heart, is always beating for you, and the love I have for you. And always will. I am sorry I didn't tell you. I was honestly to scared too. I didn't want you to think I was saying I was raped, and truthfully me and Matthew got it on. Because that isn't true. I went home bawling my eyes out. Because he touched me, and had his way with me. But...I should have told you the truth, Aurora. And I'm sorry." Aurora leaned up and kissed Raven ever so softly, "You told me now. And I understand why you waited. My heart beats for you as well, Raven. And every beat is always screaming your name. Please never forget that." "Aww look baby, they made up." Razor stated, and then got hit in his side, "Shut up." Damsel whispered. Aurora and Raven held each other close. ------------------------------------3 Months Later-------------------------- Months went by without incident. But there is always something that brings down those walls of joy and happiness. And this time, people were going to get caught off guard. Raven woke on a Sunday morning, with a soft yawn. She slowly scooted out of bed, and put the comforter back down, letting her wife sleep in a little longer. Raven felt her phone going off, "Hello." She asked sleepily, seeing she was just waking up, "Hey girl, its Johnny. Can Issac and I come over later?" Johnny asked, "Yeah, sure Johnny that's fine." Raven replied, "Good. Oh! And make sure, Razor, Rage, Tinks, and Damsel is there." Raven was thrown off, "Why?" Johnny sighed, "You'll see." Johnny immediately hung up, "What in the hell?" She asked herself. About four hours later, Razor, Rage, Tinkerbell, and Damsel were all at Raven and Aurora's house. Aurora was up and dressed. Johnny literally just barged in, like he always did. "Hey bitches!" Johnny exclaimed. Issac followed as he was holding his beau's hand. "Alright, sweeties, I really think you all should be seated for this. Like fo reals, sit the hell down." He stated, Raven sat in a white chair, and Aurora sat in her lap. Razor sat next to Damsel, and Tinkerbell sat next to Rage. "Alright baby, you have the spotlight." Issac sighed, "Raven, remember the day we left? My family and I. Angelina told you, our parents were making us move, because you were a bad influence." Issac looked at Raven, "Yes, I do. Why?" Raven asked, as she held Aurora close to her. Issac then released another sigh, "Issac you are scaring me." Raven stated. "Whoa wait, how long have you and Issac known each other?" Aurora asked, "Issac and I have actually know each other longer than I have known Angelina." Aurora nodded. "We didn't leave because you were bad influence. Angelina was a bad influence to you." Issac lowered his eyes, "Angelina was committed." Issac stated, "What the hell does that mean?" Razor asked, and Aurora spoke up, "Being committed means she was committed into a...Mental Hospital." Aurora looked at Raven, "Whoa back up, why?" Raven asked, "She has problems, Rave. You should know this by now. She takes what she gets, but she always wants more. If she can't have it, she longs for it. If she already has it, she gets bored." Issac replied. "Okay what exactly are you saying?" Raven asked, Issac began to speak of the story of why Angelina was committed.... ------------------------------------Angelina And The Asylum------------------- Issac was getting sick and tired of Angelina's outbursts, "Shut the hell up! Sheesh. No one wants to hear your damn mouth!" He exclaimed, "Shut up, oh shut up. Shut up." Angelina said in a cocky tone, "That is how you sound, dumb ass. Seriously, you are so fucking stupid." Angelina spat out, "Shut up, Angelina, I am serious." Angelina rolled her eyes, "Whatever Issac. Go get down and gay. You fagot." Angelina stated and skipped off. Issac rolled his eyes, "Bitch." He whispered. When their parents got home, they could see Issac was distraught. "She acting out again?" Their mother asked, "Yes, she won't shut the fuck up. And its irritating me. I can't get nothing done." He rolled his eyes. And walked to his room. Angelina was just not someone people could get along with. She literally gave what she wanted to give. And took more than anyone could give. She was literally an attention whore, and if she didn't get what she wanted, she freaked out. Angelina was jamming out to her music. "Angelina...Angelina..." She looked over and saw her dad, "Hey daddy-o. How are you?" Her dad smiled, "Good, and yourself? Have you been taking your medication?" He asked, Angelina shrugged, "Sure." She stated. Angelina's father, didn't like how is sixteen year old daughter was behaving. But he knew he needed to act fast. "We can't do this. We just can't." Roger stated, "We have too, she is driving everyone fucking nuts! I can't do this anymore." Sarah replied, "I am sorry, Roger, but she is my daughter too. But she is making everyone's life a living Hell. And she had Raven tied around her finger. I had to get Angelina away from her. I am sorry, it needs to be done. We came here because of what we needed to do." Roger sighed, "Fine." He whispered. They packed Angelina's things, and picked her up from school. When they were taking a different route, Angelina knew something was up. "Where the hell are we going?" Angelina asked, "Uhm a surprise." Roger replied, as he looked over to his wife. About an hour later, they arrived and the Insane Asylum. Angelina's eyes widened, "Whoa...Whoa what the fuck?! I am not staying here am I?" She asked, Roger stopped the car, and two guys in white came to the car and got Angelina out. She began to scream and kick around. Roger and Sarah walked in behind her. They walked to the desk, "Do not worry, she will be fine here." A member of the staff stated, Roger and Sarah signed the papers, "We love you sweetie." Roger looked towards Sarah, and they left. "Get your damn hands off of me! NOW!" Angelina screamed, a nurse rushed over and pricked her with a needle, and pushed down, letting the sedating medication course through her body. Angelina was completely relaxed. And the staff set her on the bed, and left her to sleep. About three hours later, Angelina slowly awoke, and saw that she was still in the Asylum, "Fuck those assholes. They are not my parents." She murmured. After a few months, she had made a complete 180. She was doing better, and the therapist saw nothing more wrong with her. And they sent her home. Everyone who saw her coming back were, just shocked. All the thing she needed to do was take her medication. But soon that even stopped, when she saw Raven again. And wanted her more than ever. And the medication wasn't even helping anymore, that is why Angelina stopped. ---------------------------------------Back To The Present-------------------------- "Oh my god." Razor whispered, "So, she is going to be after me, still?" Raven asked, Issac nodded, "She won't stop until you are her's or your dead." Issac stated, "Well, then, that was interesting, seriously. I never knew she went to a nut house." Raven whispered, "Well, now you do. You two need to be careful." Issac whispered, Raven shook her head, "Whoa wait a minute if she was in a nut home, how in the hell did she get her medical degree?!" Raven asked, Issac shrugged, "Beats me, because I have no fucking clue why or who would even let her try to get her medical degree." Issac stated. Raven looked towards Aurora, and Aurora returned the gaze, Raven kissed Aurora ever so softly. "Don't leave me, Raven." Aurora whispered against Raven's lips, "I never will." Raven whispered. ----------------------------------------Meanwhile------------------------------- "Raven will be mine. Oh, Raven will be mine." Angelina whispered, as she looked out her window, just staring out. |
Oh, she should return to the Asylum and be locked there. Forever. Left to rot.
Oh, I know. But ya know. Angelina is one interesting character, that makes people's blood boil, when just hearing that name. I am not sure if I am going to start hating "Angelina" Jolie, due to the fact I hate Angelina in this story. o.O
Amazing like all of your other stories! Man I just hate Angelina! I think you should run over her with a steamroller like Hladgunnr suggested.
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I'm just hoping for Angelina to die or go back in the asylum.
I think so far, a few people are wanting that. :P
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