Mod The Sims
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jje1000 15th Oct 2019 9:15 PM

I wish health mattered more in TS3.

Stuff like fitness should affect your sims’ lifespans.

TBH, there’s not enough cumulative effects in the game IMO.

jje1000 16th Oct 2019 3:56 AM

Double post, but I wonder how feasible a project could be to rework all deco objects and clutter in the game so that they're all classified as 'small clutter'?

Goodness knows how many objects could technically fit onto a slot that are considered 'too large'.

AGuyCalledPi 16th Oct 2019 4:16 AM

Here's something that's been bouncing around my head for a few years - accessory hair extensions. You can pick any hairstyle you want, and colour it, but the shape is non-negotiable. Yet an accessory with a hair texture could add length, volume, details, or sheer floofiness. I've complained before about the lack of mall bangs in TS3 (not out of good taste of course) since it essentially prevents me from making an entire generation of young adult blondes. You could just take any old hairstyle and have more of it with these weird, CAStable chunks of hair that sit on top of the base hair mesh.

That's not a mod though, I suppose, so how about this: a notepad for your Sim's inventory. Carry one, carry two, carry seven.....each will let you enter a short paragraph of text convenient for future reference and/or record keeping.

MurderPrincessK 16th Oct 2019 7:52 AM

There are bang accessories here.
Not sure that they are the style you are looking for.
No 80's hairsprayed, feathered poofs.

enable_llamas 16th Oct 2019 11:48 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Double post, but I wonder how feasible a project could be to rework all deco objects and clutter in the game so that they're all classified as 'small clutter'?

Goodness knows how many objects could technically fit onto a slot that are considered 'too large'.

That's relatively easy to do, just would be pretty tedious for a gazillion ones. Most of the time all you need to do is change a couple slot placement flags, tho if the mesh itself is bigger it may still not let you place it on a small slot, even it's technically enabled. Or you'll be able to place it but you won't be able to fill up all of the other small slots. I think it depends on the footprint/bounding box of the object in question.

It has annoyed me as well and I've changed a few of the most offending ones like the writing pad with pens that is tiny but could literally be the only deco object on a desk or some of the table lamps that have no discernible reason to take up a huge slot other than someone couldn't be arsed to set them up right... Then again I went and changed that big BG prairie style stained glass lamp's slot placement flags to "small" and now you can place it on the edge slots of an end table as well as the middle (looks stupid with most ea tables but you can), but if you do you can only use the opposite slot for something else. So yeah, mostly very doable for reasonably sized stuff.

I've been attempting to tidy up the whole Decor section and make it less of an absolute chaos and even plan to get rid of all the sht props from the Sculpture category, but it's just so slow and annoying to find and clone all 60+ of them in s3oc...

AGuyCalledPi 16th Oct 2019 9:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
There are bang accessories here.
Not sure that they are the style you are looking for.
No 80's hairsprayed, feathered poofs.

Well I'll be damned. I'll have to try to know. Can't imagine I won't have any use for these. It certainly doesn't take mall bangs, shoulder pads and denim to make a good Sim where I'm at. Funny thing is, I make my best Sims when I'm not trying.

GabyPurpleB 18th Oct 2019 11:56 PM

A proper social media mod and even a youtuber career

dinadine 22nd Oct 2019 5:38 PM

I would love a calendar like they have in sims 4...... I l don't play sims 4 but i know they have a calendar and can kinda plan events from it... that would be cool even if it could only reminder to do stuff.... Or of up coming holidays so you can get your decorations ready or get everything in order

No Imagination 22nd Oct 2019 5:48 PM

Make The Sims 3 playable mod.

jje1000 22nd Oct 2019 7:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by No Imagination
Make The Sims 3 playable mod.

TS3 is entirely playable, but it takes too much time to set up and optimize, and even then, you’re not playing it at its full potential.

The more playable mod is probably more like the 64-bit mod!

SneakyWingPhoenix 26th Oct 2019 2:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by No Imagination
Make The Sims 3 playable mod.

Do able with PC designed to play it (available at techny stores) and essential mods (errortraps and overwatch are the ones I know only).

igazor 26th Oct 2019 6:42 PM

A solution that requires the player to go to two different places is less than convenient. Since we are never going to get tech stores to "carry" NRaas mods, I wonder if maybe we should start selling computers at NRaas with the mods already loaded on them.

enable_llamas 26th Oct 2019 8:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
A solution that requires the player to go to two different places is less than convenient. Since we are never going to get tech stores to "carry" NRaas mods, I wonder if maybe we should start selling computers at NRaas with the mods already loaded on them.

You should patent that idea quickly

enable_llamas 31st Oct 2019 11:06 AM

Double post but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I wish there was a way to put various drinks served on trays in the personal inventory... Cause I don't buy that you can carry an eight-serving-worth bowl of stew in your back pocket but coffee to go? Unheard of!

Mrmo 7th Nov 2019 12:30 PM

A mod to stop modern objekts from appering in my Roaring Heights world (and only there). Modern cars and townies sitting round playing games on laptops looks extremly silly in a town/world based on the 1920's Art Deco era.

PANDAQUEEN 7th Nov 2019 8:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mrmo
A mod to stop modern objekts from appering in my Roaring Heights world (and only there). Modern cars and townies sitting round playing games on laptops looks extremly silly in a town/world based on the 1920's Art Deco era.

Don't have those worlds. I'm against buying worlds unless it was a physical disc transaction. Either way, I like to think of such anomalies as like those weird "time traveler" pictures.

Karlissa 7th Nov 2019 8:55 PM

A mod which makes it so that the energy modifier for a bed is in the buy catalog rather than just a number from 1 to 10. Or just that the numbers actually correspond to the modifier as in some cases the numbers are higher or lower than they should comparatively be.

mithrak_nl 11th Nov 2019 1:46 AM

A mod that makes TS3 64bit. Please EA, learn modding.

dinadine 12th Nov 2019 2:44 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by enable_llamas
Double post but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I wish there was a way to put various drinks served on trays in the personal inventory... Cause I don't buy that you can carry an eight-serving-worth bowl of stew in your back pocket but coffee to go? Unheard of!

Arsil has a cooler which ATS3 converted to a lunch box and other various items..... i was thinking of making a drink carry case (like the ones you get from Starbucks and various size to-go coffee (again arsil has already made to-go drinkable coffee) and making a set of coffees and the to-go set ......

SneakyWingPhoenix 12th Nov 2019 3:23 PM

A mod that change athe map tags of community lots in edit world to that of map view. Would make it a lot easier to identify lots.

JDacapo 14th Nov 2019 8:24 PM

Burning Sim festival. Attracts wannabe rebels, but the true rebels will be quick to see the irony.

floopyboo 15th Nov 2019 5:57 AM

Walking sticks for everyone. I mean the animation is RIGHT THERE! It pisses me off how ablist sims3 is.

tunafishfish 15th Nov 2019 1:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mrmo
A mod to stop modern objekts from appering in my Roaring Heights world (and only there). Modern cars and townies sitting round playing games on laptops looks extremly silly in a town/world based on the 1920's Art Deco era.

I think you can ban certain cars in NRAAS MC and you can also sell off laptops using "Sell inventory." You can't prevent them from buying them again, but it'll help.

Edit: Honestly, this is why I'm making my historic town in Sims 2. No one will have anything I don't purchase for them and there aren't really laptops.

jje1000 15th Nov 2019 8:05 PM

Wish there was a way to make TS3 Uni's Murphy beds more useful.

Wonder if there's a way to make all furniture draggable in Live Mode?

AGuyCalledPi 15th Nov 2019 10:13 PM

Not without manually adding flags to each. Same goes for stuff like gridless placement and height shifting.

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