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On the next "The Medical Misadventures of PANDAQUEEN"...
Panda has to see the dentist about her mouth for a follow up on her dental surgery AND see the nephrologist about the fate of her kidneys all in the same afternoon! Will our heroine get her healthcare or will time turn its back on her...tune in tomorrow. Same thread, same subforum... In other news... Today, I took a bath and my hair, as per usual, has puffed up like dog hair on a Cocker Spaniel's ears or a Labradoodle's coat. My mother was more or less reminded of Lady Godiva's hair in protest of taxation. My hair isn't that long yet, but I admit it's getting there. ![]() I also colored that bleached-out strip in my hair from my hair bleach mishap a month or so back a rainbow of color. ![]() |
Today was a Wal-Mart run. I bought a soft nightshirt, a t-shirt of Stitch moping with the phrase "Nope...not today", 5 bottles of nail polish, 3 bikinis on clearance, hair bleach for my black coffee colored hair and hair ties as they commonly go missing. I suspect the cat is guilty of the thefts.
My mother and I brunched at Taco Bell as there are very few restaurants that allow lobby dining during the pandemic. My father is still struggling with depression and his sober drunkenness in his dreams, which, according to AA, is the being sober and craving alcohol at the same time. He moved me to tears when he explained his reasons to abstain drinking. We also talked about the world situation and how a truck in New Jersey carrying 5 tons of fireworks blew up, causing a tragically insane light show that required 7 fire departments and a Hazmat team to quell the sparks and fire. Today on "The Medical Misadventures of PANDAQUEEN"... Dentist was a quick check up, I have to brush with diligent scrutiny. Nephrologist did a check up and updated my medical records to reflect my new medication since last seeing her. Today, was exhausting, but otherwise we were able to get everything done. Will Panda have sweet dreams of her favorite mental harem of android husbands (I have hasubandos in various places in my memory. Bit of an anime fan with experience dealing with glitches in the Matrix.) or will the dreamscape get "grunked up" by subconscious fears when Erik Estrada tries to get her to sit down, pass out, or something similar? Will her busy day help her sleep through the night? Tune in next time...same thread, same subforum... And now for something completely different... I also had my favorite dinner with my parents and got to see my mom make a wubby for my older cousin's son. Lately, my droid programming experience is getting better, but randomizing identities for every single one is tougher than I thought. |
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
You're not alone. Although I have gain self-confidence when it came to body issues, my mental health concerning my abilities and achievements has led me to have Imposter Syndrome-like symptoms of inadequacy. Good thing Ms. SM, my case manager is calling me tomorrow. ![]() |
Updated without any complaints. Maybe the days of Windows Update making my life miserable are finally (mostly) over. Mostly, because that pesky thing is still going all "Get windows 11 NOW!!1!!1!" (mhm... nope, don't think so
![]() EDIT: Nvm, still messing with my computer. Now it has somehow made it so URLs/links dragged over from a browser won't save if they've got any sort of special characters in them, and just making them in to a "file" that won't delete until I restart my computer (that's been an issue for a while - files that say they can't be found on the computer, but they stay visible until a reboot) - so far I haven't found a solution for the link issue, only a hopefully temporary workaround. Very annoying, because Tumblrs in particular LOOOOOOOVE to put pictures and other weird characters in their links ![]() |
What is it with the New Jersey government staff calling me while I am on the toilet? This is getting out of hand.
So I did my online shopping, my banking, breakfast at a tiny bagel shop with 4 fridges full of drinks and paying the septic guy for services rendered. Not much beyond the mail, where I received a How to Draw book for SpongeBob SquarePants from the Golden Age of the series (seasons 1-3), when the late, great Stephen Hillenburg has more control over the portrayal of various species of sea critters. I did receive in the same envelope a free 17 meal voucher from Hello Fresh (we tried them, but they were rather sloppy packing our delivery.), a $100 wine voucher (my parents and I don't drink due to medical reasons and my father's health.) and a Doordash voucher (for restaurants outside our reach in terms of delivery. BTW, the Cheesecake Factory in the Seattle area is much nicer looking than they made it look on The Big Bang Theory.) July 2, 2022 edit: I did grocery shopping for the week and found out that, in the American economy, prices WERE ONCE reasonable. Good thing my membership card knocked about $7 off the total. Ranch Chicken Black Bean Quesadillas tonight, Velveeta's answer to Hamburger Helper: Ultimate Cheeseburger Mac tomorrow; Grilled chicken and toasted corn for the 4th and fried rice on the 5th. We had some ingredients, but I was busy running in a zig-zag all through the store to get the necessary ingredients. When I saw the cash register display, I was at the point of feeling like I had a lump in my throat. I ended up paying about half my food money. Like I said: prices WERE ONCE reasonable. Received 4 boxes in the mail of large sizes. Some contain dolls, some contain cash boxes, some contain storage items and some contain herbal tea. |
Well, how do I say "Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman is getting a complete series release on DVD from SHOUT! Factory" without sounding like I'm going to explode?
Some say I turn into a fiery column like in the Exodus of the Old Testament. Maybe this may help: https://youtu.be/30cttZrY_yw Yes, spandex and latex are just part of my factory supplies. P.S. Yes, my parents make me read BOTH Testaments when they catch me in a learning mode. July 5th, 2022: Went out with my mother and made a mad dash out of the 7-11 when a man started using a threatening tone to the cashier after he came back in complaining about the cold coffee. I didn't want to stick around. Today was kind of hot and soupy in terms of temperature and humidity, like "Florida Winters" Good thing the Hermitage is climate controlled. Tonight is fried rice night. I bought the veggies, meat, soy sauce, eggs, cooked the rice and let it set up for the night, we have 8 spice packs that need to get used up. I have been waiting for a decent meal that I helped with planning. Quesadillas, Hamburger Helper, Barbecue and Fried Rice. ![]() |
Daydreaming while dealing with PMDD.
First time in a while since my PMDD came back...and from what I remember it had been 15 years since I had my backend handed to me by such severe conditions. |
Picked my nose and gave myself a rather killer nose bleed. Took 3 paper towels to clot it up. Accidentally pulled out a banana slug-sized blood clot (gross) during the changing of one of the paper towels.
My olive t-shirt is bloodied from my dripping nose during the mad dash to get paper towels. |
I got my mother's lazy ass off the couch and she thanked me because last night was spaghetti night. Had she stayed on the couch, she would have watched X-Files on prime video with the cat, ordering take out. We went to Walmart and picked up ALMOST all the stuff we needed for our dinners (my caffeine free Coke wasn't available at this particular one. They only had the diet version.) Then brunch at Taco Bell. (it's the only restaurant right now letting people in the lobby.) Then the dollar store, which was a misnomer due to inflation, which now it averages to $1.25. Found a €2 coin in the parking lot. That coin was a long way from home. Should be on the streets of Europe. Picked up my father's medicine. That was yesterday morning. Yesterday afternoon, I cleaned up the floor of my room. Got a ton of paper trash, dust, dead bugs (eww) cat fur and my hair swept out. Picked up various items I was going to sort and donate or keep. Today, I have to tend to underneath the bed. That was my main issue, but my floor was a certified fucking mess that it could be denied no longer in terms of procrastination of cleaning it up. It had to be cleaned up, case closed. I still need to tackle under the bed. It's going to require a cleaned-up broom or one of those rakes casinos use when dealing with poker chips at different tables like roulette. Edit: I tackled underneath the bed with my plastic scythe as part of my gimmick as the neighborhood Grim Reaper. I can universally speak the truth that the media tells: the Grim Reaper appreciates human junk food. Especially full sized candy if you're trying to buy him off so you may live another year. But enough about the Reaper. I finally got the majority of the work done. Now I need to to take some lint rollers, laundry soap and trash bags and clean up my plush dolls and the cat's pillow, wash the bedding and other assorted laundry and take out the trash again. |
I finally got my bed put back together after washing the bedding and had a new organizer for my doll collection hung up.
I still need to dry my comforter. |
My period didn't come yesterday or today.
I just hope it's not doing that bimonthly thing (every 2 months) like when I was in school. Edit 7/16/2022: A "Banksy" has been "spotted" drawing on cardboard in my mother's warehouse. Pokémon, random anime girls and today, Squidward Tentacles of SpongeBob SquarePants. If there's unmarked cardboard, it's fair game for their scribbles in black marker. They were "spotted" in other departments before reaching my mother's department. No one knows who exactly they are. |
My aunt Lucinda visits and gave us an update on the family. She told about her brother-in-law Bob (news to me) and his three built-like-engine-block, hyper, yappy dogs and his travel style. My cousins and their educational endeavors. I can't afford to go to college like they did. If anything, I am stuck with my high school degree and remain a starving artist among my cousins. My aunt Mary, who we thought couldn't handle life on her own is practically running laps around me in capabilities. She's employed at a Stop and Shop and my grandfather is doing well, his artificial pace maker is working fine and his book event was a big success.
As an added bonus, my mother and I were given $80 each to spend as we saw fit. I bought a drink, some Gummi candy, a doll I had my eye on and I treated my mother to lunch at Taco Bell, which is like the only fast food joint in my area that allows lobby dining. After stowing my change in my plush Pikachu bank and unboxing a doll...I gave myself a really bad nosebleed. My father, an expert because he was prone to them when he was young, guided me through as I bled over the sink. I'm a regular "Don't-leave-me-alone-Daisy" when it comes to independence. My mom is vacationing with her baby sister Frances, and her future fiancé "Uncle Joe" (I call him that out of respect of seniority as my elder and his 30+ years at the Herr's snack factory as the senior truck delivery driver.) In Virginia in the coming months. My mother needs the vacation. She's had to forgo her vacationing a couple years due to the pandemic and work hard while she and dad struggled to make our lives comfortable as possible. When grandpa passes, we're probably moving to the Easton area of Pennsylvania. We'll be close to Uncle William and his extremely large orange cat, Leonidas. We're not sure of his exact paternity, but he, Leonidas is big enough to grab the top of the counters at my uncle's house. |
Sometimes, I am pretty stubborn. But my dollarama is almost ready for display. I have to reassemble the 3 part doll stands for the dolls.
Yeah, I am back to collecting dolls again. Especially since I have been safe inside my climate controlled cottage we call The Hermitage. |
I am shy again. I accidentally flirted with my celebrity crush.
I accidentally got on my celebrity crush's good side while he's hobnobbing in Toronto for a Canadian anime convention. I admire his humor and the fact he wears his mask as part of of Covid-19 regulation, but when I said something like he's welcome to my house because we prefer Canada Dry ginger ale and he said "thanks" I felt like I wanted to recede inward into my hoodie. To clarify, I am on Twitter because I follow import entertainment news like anime and tokusatsu (Godzilla and Super Sentai, the latter was the basis of Power Rangers.) because it is like the fastest way to deliver release news. Also, my 5 quart pot is wearing out and I will have to replace it. I also need to up my dental hygiene game. Not to mention my dollarama is still incomplete. Also need to replace the burnt-out, caked-on drip pans on our electric range. |
I just made my first mod, so that's pretty cool. It's in the upload queue. Very exciting. Other than that, I'm alright. Coasting, and so on.
What can I say, in the UK right now, it is extremely hot. I feel, a lot of my time has been spent, trying to endure the heat. Outside of that, just getting back to the swing of things, new football season is about to begin.
Decided to approach my celebrity crush, Richard Epcar, carefully and ask about his job. I asked if he had a stipulation in any contracts not to smoke or scream (Tom Kenny is not allowed to scream outside of the booth, according to an interview) and he answered "I scream a lot depending on the character." (He's done about 600 voices) and then asked if he ever lost his voice and he said "Nope." At least he was as honest as possible.
I can only hope he take care of his throat and voice. Such things are an asset to a voice actor. Maybe I should be conscious about how I talk and not try anything stupid. I once flirted with my podiatrist. I was trying to compliment my podiatrist's silicone wedding band and he said "If I lost the real deal, my wife would kill me." Then came that awkward silence. I worry too much of flirting with other women's men in spite of my dangerous reputation of being as charming as the Devil himself. ![]() Was able to resubscribe to the Disney bundle. I might consider subscribing to the top tier to watch Camp Lazlo. (Old Cartoon Network show, requires live TV subscription) I've been meaning to pursue my dream job of voice acting. I can voice children, teenagers, married couples (both sides of the pair) and demons. I also do impressions of American and Canadian characters. |
Def glad the research project I like a month on is finished. Usually it would take like a week max but app this topic was massive and they didnt want to narrow it down (so rude) so it took forever. Im still not sure what it was supposed to be about, I just hope I never have to see it again
![]() Also, hello everyone, I'm not dead though I might die of boredom fairly soon. I should go on holiday somewhere but all the airports near me are having a bad time and I dont wanna have a bad time either so maybe I should go somehwere by car or train? Assuming the train isn't crazy busy...woudlnt want that either ![]() |
My allowance came in early and I bought an Autobrush and stocked up on 8 different foam toothpaste flavors for it (they were the kid-safe kind because I have a sensitive gag reflex and I needed something that would be safe if swallowed) and I bought a few Nintendo eShop Cards for my 3DS as it closes March 2023. The bank required verification I was purchasing them and by the time I started downloading Pokémon Sun after X and Y, I went to the bank.
I withdrew my cash for the RUB and my phone payment this month and had some money left to buy 2 large Cokes from McDonald's. Something about the water-syrup ratio is just perfetto (chef's kiss goes here) but we joke there's an additive that makes people come back for more. So far, my plans for this month is to work on my Pokémon games and up my dental hygiene game. |
Went to two birthday parties, so basically had cake for dinner and dessert.
Now my social battery is completely flat... But that's fine, I'm not planning to do anything else than staying at home and doing nothing the rest of the weekend. |
Pretty average day until a few minutes ago. I never thought I'd see it happen, which shows how much I know. Oh me of little faith! Well played Lionesses!
Was going to go grocery shopping, but it was also the day the senior citizens, who live next to the grocery store, got their social security and SNAP benefits, and I was in no mood to fight with them in a passive aggressive manner.
Not even if it was to try that Snapple with the fire, water and air motif to the blends that would make the all female manga team CLAMP want to design bottles based on their classic "Magic Knight Rayearth". We decided to postpone until early tomorrow morning. The drive to and from was painfully slow because a pickup was driving terribly! Normally, you'd expect asshole driving from pickups because of how large and unwieldy they are. Eventually, we passed him. I bought a 32GB microSDHC card for my New Nintendo 3DS XL and a size 0 screwdriver (I'm pretty handy with screwdrivers) because I plan on transferring my data from the original card to one of a higher capacity because I play on buying the Yokai Watch games (sucker for collectible monsters with charm and appeal like Pokémon, Digimon, the Experiments from Lilo and Stitch, Spectrobes' creatures, The Piñatas of Viva Piñata, the Yokai Watch Yokai and the Sushi Sprites of Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido) from the Digital Library of the eShop before they close. |
Went grocery shopping and I have a full pantry again.
I might try my hand at making those cheddar biscuits from Red Lobster. (They sell a kit.) I also returned a duplicate I received in the mail of toothpaste for my Autobrush, which should be in the mail today, along with that microSDHC card and screwdriver. Sent it back via the UPS store. Edit 15:54 - Found my missing screwdrivers and a USB SD card reader that can even read microSDHC cards. Good thing, because I am broke working on my plans for tomorrow morning on transferring my data from the provided microSDHC card that came with my New Nintendo 3DS XL to the largest one compatible. 8/3/2022 - 1:21 I received my microSDHC card and SD card adapter, my size #0 screwdriver and my Autobrush. Got to test out the Autobrush and it doesn't instill nightmares of going to the dentist and getting my teeth polished. I also received the replacement toothpaste I sent away for. Now my toothpaste system is complete. I have a set of different Autobrush compatible toothpastes and I use it to remind me what day of the week it is because the days are blurring to the point I need more structure to my routine with giant Post-It notes saying "First, pants; then, shoes!" |
Yesterday, when I was working on my New 3DS XL, it turned out I already had a 32GB microSDHC card to begin with...oh well. I gave the new one to my father so he can work on his photos of fungus. His obsession with primary decomposition started when he made a thread and nail picture long ago as an 8 year old boy and it stuck.
Still daydreaming. I may be charming as the Devil in that I bewilder those in my path, but I also have a temper. As for my grocery shopping, my recent excursion bled me a little more than halfway dry. It's like taking out loans would be a requirement before stepping foot in a grocery store or the local superstore. I hate that part of being a grown up. I don't want to adult. I don't even want to human. Today, I want to cat. |
Yesterday, my mother revealed she wished I was born a boy so my father would have a son. However, they opted for a no spoilers pregnancy, even if the technology was around when I was in utero. They didn't care in the end that I was born a girl and that I required numerous health care bills paid off while I was growing up, they have me and right now, that's all that really matters.
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