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rosesforme17 21st Oct 2009 6:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simbalena
Lots of people have had a similar problem, one theory is it's a bug related to royalties received from writing a book.

That would make sense since that sim had written many books. I certainly won't complain, but I was curious where it came from. Thanks.

interpolarity 21st Oct 2009 11:25 PM

why did my sim die twice by getting electrocuted by trying to repair the teleportation pod and then become a ghost and then become a human again each time with the Grim Reaper saying something along the lines of "you have enough misery and I don't want to come in the way of that" (loose paraphrasing)?

twallan 21st Oct 2009 11:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by interpolarity
Grim Reaper saying something along the lines of "you have enough misery and I don't want to come in the way of that" (loose paraphrasing)?

Your sim has the Unlucky trait? That makes them unkillable by anything but old age.


HarlequinnRomance 22nd Oct 2009 12:07 AM

If I expanded the life span of my sims,would the number of hours a sim would be pregnant lengthen also?

twallan 22nd Oct 2009 12:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by HarlequinnRomance
If I expanded the life span of my sims,would the number of hours a sim would be pregnant lengthen also?

No, it's 72 sim-hours no matter what the age-length.


mdossantos047 22nd Oct 2009 2:02 AM

To put a Sim picture in the Art Museum, do I put the portrait in the inventory and just hang it on one of the walls?

ani_ 3rd Nov 2009 10:53 AM

Is there any way to stop homeless sims from spawning into the homeless bin? I got one homeless family to move into my hood, just to have more take their place.

Phoeberg 3rd Nov 2009 3:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mdossantos047
To put a Sim picture in the Art Museum, do I put the portrait in the inventory and just hang it on one of the walls?

Sometimes paintings you sell just randomly apear in the art museum, but you can also drag them out of your sims inventory and place them right onto the walls.

twallan 3rd Nov 2009 6:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ani_
Is there any way to stop homeless sims from spawning into the homeless bin? I got one homeless family to move into my hood, just to have more take their place.

I presume you are using the EA-core. Those homeless sims are spawned by the system to satisfy the coworker and boss requirements of your active sims.

If you have a tendency to switch between households in town, you could end up with many homeless being spawned.

EA Story Progression will eventually move them into unoccupied houses, provided you have it enabled.

If you want to eliminate the issue entirely, you need a mod the "fixes" the issue (such as Awesome Core-Mod or NRaas_StoryProgression).


ani_ 3rd Nov 2009 8:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by twallan
I presume you are using the EA-core. Those homeless sims are spawned by the system to satisfy the coworker and boss requirements of your active sims.

If you have a tendency to switch between households in town, you could end up with many homeless being spawned.

EA Story Progression will eventually move them into unoccupied houses, provided you have it enabled.

If you want to eliminate the issue entirely, you need a mod the "fixes" the issue (such as Awesome Core-Mod or NRaas_StoryProgression).


I have awesome mod, and I just re-checked it's settings, but I can't find anything about no homeless spawn.

The homeless I talk about are the one you see when write list homeless in the cheat window.

twallan 3rd Nov 2009 9:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ani_
I have awesome mod, and I just re-checked it's settings, but I can't find anything about no homeless spawn.

The homeless I talk about are the one you see when write list homeless in the cheat window.

Yes, those homeless are most likely coworkers and bosses spawned by the system.

If you use the "Suck Up to Boss", "Meet Coworkers", or "Chat with Coworkers" career tones, Awesome can still spawn homeless.

As long as you don't use those tones, the system should not spawn homeless.

Good Luck.

Ciane 3rd Nov 2009 10:50 PM

Helgamatic - I too didn't update past 1.27 for a long time as I didn't see that it fixed anything unless the previous update got hung up somewhere. I used AwesomeMod without a problem, but I had a wierd problem where I had no bugs/insects in my legacy game. When I updated, the insects came back again; so something was refreshed or reset.

On your other issue, I read over at moreawesomethanyou that some clothing issues were affected by a pregnancy or nudity mod, I think. You might search over there and see if you can find some threads that fit your situation.

simbalena 4th Nov 2009 1:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by xx.loveyou
My stupid question is, is there a hack, like there was for Sims 2, where the blur when they shower, etc is gone?

Yes, it's called nomosaic.

Claeric 4th Nov 2009 1:54 AM

Um, is there any way to tell if a hack is installed and recognized by the game? I've only got one at the moment and I can't tell, when playing, if it's even working. But i don't know if this is a performance issue or if it's an issue with it not being recognized.

xx.loveyou 4th Nov 2009 2:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simbalena
Yes, it's called nomosaic.

thank you. I had just found it before I saw this post, lol

I had just started playing today and I notice when I move an object (buy, sell or just move), there's this awful green.. thing. It's like a ray, I'm not sure. Anyone know what it is?

Phoeberg 5th Nov 2009 2:28 PM

I was playing the Crumplebottom house when I read in the paper that Malcolm Landgraab had married Anne Song. A few days later they had a baby. So I decided to switch to the Landgraab household, only Anne wasn't living there. This wasn't a major shock, I frequently have to move married couples and their children in together after the game has married them but left them living seperately. However, when I went to search for her in the neighborhood to move her and her daughter in with Malcolm, she was NOWHERE to be found. I have checked every house numerous times, I have restarted the game, I have had Malcolm invite her over and then followed her afterwards, but she alway disappears into random places like the bistro. Basically, my question is, if she hasn't moved away from the neighborhood (which I assume she hasn't as Malcolm can still invite her over), where is she?! It's really frustrating me!

Tzigone 5th Nov 2009 7:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BewitchedPrue
I was playing the Crumplebottom house when I read in the paper that Malcolm Landgraab had married Anne Song. A few days later they had a baby. So I decided to switch to the Landgraab household, only Anne wasn't living there. This wasn't a major shock, I frequently have to move married couples and their children in together after the game has married them but left them living seperately. However, when I went to search for her in the neighborhood to move her and her daughter in with Malcolm, she was NOWHERE to be found. I have checked every house numerous times, I have restarted the game, I have had Malcolm invite her over and then followed her afterwards, but she alway disappears into random places like the bistro. Basically, my question is, if she hasn't moved away from the neighborhood (which I assume she hasn't as Malcolm can still invite her over), where is she?! It's really frustrating me!
There are homeless families - they wander around, have jobs, but don't have actual houses. Might she be one them? I use awesomemod to move in my homeless sims. Can you just have Malcom invite her over and ask her to move in instead of merging the household?

I know Anne Song is in a house in my game, but I just can't remember if that's because I moved her in or not. She's not one I play.

Side note: what are all the homeless families you start the game with? I know the DeMayo family and Bakshi (or something like that) and Sue Scotch?

ETA: Checked with my sister (asked where Anne was in her game), and it definitely sounds like she's a homeless sim.

baileywll 5th Nov 2009 11:57 PM

Funny that, Demayo and Bakshi are both in houses in my game and I definitely didn't move them in, I don't use awesome mod though, so who knows. Some strange things do happen though, I have stopped inviting work friends that I don't play to parties as half the time they ended up dying at the party, the grim reaper is not the best guest when uninvited.

Tzigone 6th Nov 2009 12:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by baileywll
Funny that, Demayo and Bakshi are both in houses in my game and I definitely didn't move them in, I don't use awesome mod though, so who knows.
Oh, the regular game engine will move them in sometimes. I just use awesomemod to force the event - I don't like having anyone without a house.

Some strange things do happen though, I have stopped inviting work friends that I don't play to parties as half the time they ended up dying at the party, the grim reaper is not the best guest when uninvited.
Dying of old age, starvation, what? I very rarely have parties, but so far no one has died at one. Of course, I progress so slowly (and did quit playing for a couple months, at least, at one point) that Buster Clavell (hope I got his name right) is the only starting sim to have died.

Simmahollic 6th Nov 2009 1:48 AM

Here's my stupid question... If my sim's nephew has a son, would my sim be called a "great uncle" in the game? I'm working on my legacy and I wanna know how long my family tree will go before it starts to repeat itself.

SuicidiaParasidia 6th Nov 2009 2:21 AM

have you tried selecting the nephew, then opening the family tree?

sadly it wont show relatives past a certain point, but maybe itll work.
*cant test because her comp is dead and this one does not have TS3 on it*

xx.loveyou 6th Nov 2009 2:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by xx.loveyou
I had just started playing today and I notice when I move an object (buy, sell or just move), there's this awful green.. thing. It's like a ray, I'm not sure. Anyone know what it is?

Just wondering if anyone knows what causes this/how to fix it.. because it's really obnoxious to see a red and green sphere/light whenever I wanna move something.

baileywll 6th Nov 2009 11:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Tzigone
Oh, the regular game engine will move them in sometimes. I just use awesomemod to force the event - I don't like having anyone without a house.

I don't seem to get any random move in's with story progression switched off, but the game I'm playing was started before EA fixed the progression on/off issue, so could have happened then. For me, if I am not playing a sim, I don't really care if they are homeless or not,

Dying of old age, starvation, what? I very rarely have parties, but so far no one has died at one. Of course, I progress so slowly (and did quit playing for a couple months, at least, at one point) that Buster Clavell (hope I got his name right) is the only starting sim to have died.

Dying of old age. I tend only to have wedding parties. I guess I know why it has happened, I extend the lives of the sim families I play so I can create lots of living generations (life fruit, ambrosia etc), so as aging is on many of the people I don't play are bound to die, just don't want them doing it at a wedding.

Phoeberg 6th Nov 2009 11:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Tzigone
There are homeless families - they wander around, have jobs, but don't have actual houses. Might she be one them? I use awesomemod to move in my homeless sims. Can you just have Malcom invite her over and ask her to move in instead of merging the household?

I know Anne Song is in a house in my game, but I just can't remember if that's because I moved her in or not. She's not one I play.

Side note: what are all the homeless families you start the game with? I know the DeMayo family and Bakshi (or something like that) and Sue Scotch?

ETA: Checked with my sister (asked where Anne was in her game), and it definitely sounds like she's a homeless sim.

Thank you very much. I'll have to move her in by other means then! I remembered having her in a house in the other version of the neighborhood I played, but she'd long died so I couldn't check. I have tried to have Malcolm ask her to move in but non of my sims seem to have that option.

Tzigone 6th Nov 2009 12:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BewitchedPrue
Thank you very much. I'll have to move her in by other means then! I remembered having her in a house in the other version of the neighborhood I played, but she'd long died so I couldn't check. I have tried to have Malcolm ask her to move in but non of my sims seem to have that option.
I'm not positive, IIRC, move in is a friend option. So you have to do lots of friendly interactions until their conversation is going good enough and then you can ask her to move in. I haven't actually used that option, though, so I can't be positive.

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