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Do sims really remember events/ sights they experience. One of my sim's pee'd themselves cause they were stuck in a conversation. They were at the park and, like, everyone saw it lol
Immediately they all had the moodlet of my sim's pic so: Will that sim forever be remembered as the pants-wetter or does that event erase with the start of new day. Will he be gossiped about? - At first I laughed then I was like 'damn, the WHOLE park saw that' Also, if you d/l a sim with a new hairstyle, do you get to use that hairstyle on new sims or is it exclusive to the sim you d/l'd it from? |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
They forget things in about five seconds so I doubt they will remember your Sim peeing. You have to DL the hairstyle for it to even work on the Sim you downloaded (or the mesh has to be included in the download of the Sim). Once you have the hair in your game, it can be used for other sims, depending on how it's classified (some hairstyles only work for certain age/gender combos). |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
They 'forget' it after the debuff wears off |
You could use a fence with a tall gate in it as the door. It doesn't look quite right, but none of the EA doors look quite right for a greenhouse either. There was one gate that works fairly well for that. And since the gate takes up the entire fence, you don't need to worry about the fence not looking right.
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
I'm in the game right now. I have both expansions and some CC (but no children's toys CC) and I have only one play table, the "Genesis Building Blocks". There's the peg box, three different toy boxes, the baker's dozen stand, the toy oven, the dollhouse, the xylophone and the music box with gnome. I'm stumped. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Ranissa
Chances are Exyll has the Animal Friends Activity Table that is sold over at the Sims 3 Store. I saw it yesterday or the day before when I got my free 500 points from the NVIDIA contest and I considered buying it, since the one in game is UGLY and my kids never get to use it. If that isn't what she has, it's gotta be CC or something. |
Can you use glass fencing instead? Or if the windows are full height, use moveobjects to put it where one wall space is missing. Should look natural, but Sims may walk through it, though... Edit: Just saw these, may solve your problem. http://lunasimslulamai.jimdo.com/te...e-y-ventilador/ |
Yes, the other table was the AF/AT, must have been part of some themed pack?
Blaise thanks for that link, some nice designs that I can use. One question where does one get those glass ceiling panels? Or glass fencing for that matter? I keep hearing about the 'stories' the NPC sims have, (Landgraabs, Altos, Goths etc) I know these are key players in the town's history but is there something for the player to do to be involved in the story? Or are they just preset scripts that run as your town ages? (ex - how would one know that Cornelia Goth and Agnes Crumplebottom are sisters? or the tension between the Altos/Landgraabs other than the little blurb at the new game screen? |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
I use Twallan's Super Computer to look at their family trees. Also, if you go into those families and take a look at who they like, who they dislike, their traits and LTWs, it sorta tells the story itself. Also, each household has a bio that you can set (I do it myself for the families I make) *and* each Sim has a bio you can set. EA has them set already for the beginning families in the neighborhoods. |
When you have a firefighter sim, do the events, such as meteors, or earthquakes occur only when the sim is working? Or do I have to keep an eye out for other events while I am doing something else? It is boring to me just to have one event, and only small fires. My sim has been working for four sim weeks and nothing happens but small house fires. She needs to save 30 people for her life time want and at this rate, it won't happen.
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
You are welcome. To find glass fencing, head over to WCIF and ask there, sure there's some out there. *psst* Here's a good place to start: http://livingsims.nl/forum/showthread.php?tid=213 |
How is it that TS3 is supposed to take place 50 years before TS2 (or the other way around?) How did you get to that conclusion
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Quote: Originally posted by Kaospilot
It has been confirmed fact since before the game came out. The Sims 3 is 25 years before The Sims 1 which is 25 years before The Sims 2. |
But wouldn't it make sense to just move forward from TS1? To be honest I thought it all was supposed to be set in present time. Didn't know that it was all different until about 10 minutes ago.
Quote: Originally posted by rosieposiepudnpie
For my sim,he didn't complete his firefighter LTW until he was maybe 2 or 3 days into elder.I didn't think it'd take that long,but I had a lot of game crashes and one house with a room is bugged where you can't get to the sim at all.He also never had earthquakes or meteors. Just when the criminals stole the clouds. And the events,I think,only occur when your sim is on duty. |
Quote: Originally posted by Kaospilot
Don't expect it to make sense ![]() But according to EA, the order is TS3 > TS1 > TS2. And the evidence for that is what members of certain families that carry over can be found in each game. For instance, Mortimer Goth is a kid in TS3, an adult (I think) in TS1, and an elder in TS3. |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
There are no preset scripts, no. What Ranissa mentioned is pretty much it. In-game, they're just like any other premade family. |
Quote: Originally posted by Srikandi
I think you meant an elder in TS2. See, it *is* confusing. :-) |
LOL, yes, I did. Whoops!
I just installed Twallan's Story Progression Mod, and I was wondering how I can change the settings of individual homes. I want to move out my spares, and set it so that they are "off" for everything so I have control over their stories.. and I want all the random townie homes to have progression/aging on so that they will live their lives without interference. Is there somewhere with a break-down of how to use the mod?
& is there a way to age someone down besides ambrosia & life fruit? if not.. where can i find life fruit growing in riverside/how do i get some? |
Quote: Originally posted by dancehallsim
Ask in Twallan's forum for help with his mod. He's really awesome about questions over there (and sometimes over here). Since it isn't a MTS's mod, though, it's frowned upon a little to ask over here. However: in the zoomed out town view, left click on the green house picture of the household you want to freeze. Click on "Story Progression" and then "Household Options" and then scroll down that list until you reach "Stasis". Click on it and that will save the house as-is until you play it again. A word to the wise, though, that means the house will literally do nothing - no career advancement, no falling in love, nothing. To find special seeds in Riverview, scroll down this page a bit and look at the map the poster provides: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/s.../find-seeds.php Good luck! |
Why does my health nut,eco freak sim hate taking baths?She gets the wasting water moodlet everytime she takes a bath.Is it because it's a bath?Would it go away if she took a shower?
Yes, it's because it's a bath. Eco Conscious sims don't like taking baths because it wastes water, they'd rather take short showers.
I created 2 Sims siblings and split them into different households. If I save a copy of each of them in the library, will their relationship as siblings disappear, or won't it?
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
Quote: Originally posted by vhanster
They will be completely unrelated unless you save them to the library while they both in the same household. |
Ok now for an other stupid question. I moved into a house in Twinbrook and it had ghosts in it. I thought cool I will let them stay and hang out with them. Well right away when I moved in, the ghostbuster guy came over and asked if I wanted to get rid of the ghosts and I foolishly said no. Now they are driving me nuts. My house is to small to have 3 ghosts and 3 sims. Is there a way to call the ghostbuster back? I know I can get rid of them by deleting the tombstone, but I wanted to call the ghostbuster back and watch him work.
Quote: Originally posted by Ranissa
Thank you! That was extremely helpful. =] |
If you put a house in stasis and then play another house will you be allowed to interact with the sims from the frozen house? You know kind of like TS2 or no?
Quote: Originally posted by rosieposiepudnpie
Nope. That's a one-time thing. You don't have to delete the tombstones... you can take em to the cemetery. |
Quote: Originally posted by Finxxy
If you use the switch household option, then yes, you can visit and interact with the other house. If you buy the grocery store, will you ever be able to build on the lot? |
Quote: Originally posted by Srikandi
Thanks, it is too bad that you can't call them up. Who are you going to call "Ghostbusters". Well not this time. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by ani_
Nope, all you can do is collect money and hire people. |
Quote: Originally posted by Ranissa
How do you hire? I've always been able to fire them. |
Monday. :/
The reason I asked about the sim relations/ histories cause I saw here that Cornelia and Agnes are sisters. How would one know that unless they looked 'behind the curtain'. Also, one of the rumors I got was that Erin Kennedy is hiding a deep, dark secret...besides learning their traits, how would you find something like that out? More importantly: Is there a way to force career events? I just spent 3 in game weeks post master inventor and still no Simbot call. I just did inventing to invent, didnt know about the simbot at the end so my grind was on/off (in between vacations, working other more fun skills). And I play a 6 person household. I know you can miss sim-phonecalls but opportunities usually pop up if you miss the call / are playing another sim. Is it possible I missed the opp? I've done all the skill challenges, got tons of life fruit, tons of palladium and 4 heart cut pink diamonds...whats up? btw- Inventor is the W O R S T profession I've ever played, total time sink, promotions take way too long, inventions sell for way too little. I'd like to force this event, make this bot and wake up from this nightmare. |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
Twallan's Super Computer (now called Master Controller) has the ability to force opportunities.
So it's right click on the Sim, click Master Controller, click Basic and then click Opportunity. You'll get a list of possible opportunities and you just pick the Simbot one. |
thanks, I'll try it tonight, hope it works!
Also, will social workers come for your kids if they skip (well, quit) school? flipside, what is the benefit to keeping them in school, besides socialization? and the 1k pts for 3 days on HRoll I'm working on a Doogie Howser mad scientist type, and he feels his teachers are hindering his education |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
Yes,the social worker will come get all of your kids if they flunk school.But I believe you can delete the school and they don't have to go anymore,or use one of the core mods like AM or Twallan's,but I'm not sure. |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
Derail: Doogie Howser or... DOCTOR HORRIBLE?!?! /derail |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
If you play one of them the other one is listed as a sister in their family tree.
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
You don't have to be in the inventor profession to get the opportunity, you just need to have discovered all the other inventions and maxed out your inventing skill. |
Quote: Originally posted by simbalena
1- well that explains it, I dont play premade sims and I dont switch households, thanks for that. Is there more to it than that or am I reading in too far. 2- Is this 100% fact? I have a child who is lev 9 inventing but because of his age he (obviously) cant joing the inventor career or even detonate stuff yet, so I was waiting for him to mature before trying to advance further. But if this is correct, all the better, thanks! And: Is it possible to have twins or triplets that are a mix of male and female? Or will it be all of one or the other? Does being a Rock Star still mean doing the RH musician job or is it more like an ambitions style career where you actually work the job? If you download a new sim with a new hairstyle, can you then make your own sims with that hairstyle or do you have to actually d/l the hair? You plant some crops, they mature, you dont harvest for (example) 4 days. When you go to harvest, will you get 4 harvests or 1? (ie is a day not gardening, a day of lost produce?) Doogie Howser made rennaisance sim at age 10 and now teaches his teachers. That is, when he graces the school with his presence. |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
It is possible to get mixed gender births. However, from what I understand, the process is complicated. Here's a quick synopsis: 1) Have a doctor in the household at high enough profession (5?) who can "determine baby gender". 2) Have the fertility treatment LTW for at least one, if not both, of your Sims. 3) Have the doc Sim "determine baby gender" on your pregnant Sim. 4) Eat watermelons if the doc says it's a boy, apples if the doc says it's a girl. If there is an easier way, even with a mod, I don't know it. I sorta let babies work it out themselves most of the time. I like surprises, I guess.
It's an RH career. You can "Hold Autograph Session" which is a bit like a mini-game but you can hold a session even if you're a Movie Composer.
You have to actually d/l the hair *unless* it's included as part of the package. Most people who upload whole Sims tell you if you need to d/l certain CC to make them look the way they look in the promo pics.
It's a lost day of produce, I think. Can't confirm it, though, as a mod I have auto-harvests.
I still vote he be Dr. Horrible. >.> |
Jeez, thats a lot of work, probably easier to just get pregnant twice and age them at the same time and just pretend they're twins
![]() So Rock star doesnt sound very glamourous... Can teens get full time jobs? Do you get exp for the auto-harvested items? or is more for maintaining large gardens post-mastery? (I tried the inventor made harvester...sucks. And it gets you dizzy) Why on earth would a sim 'confess cheating'? (other than having a need to fulfil 'use smooth recovery') Has anyone noticed those gnomes like to hang out by the gardens? If they're not directly in the mix, they lurk on the fringes and just watch the leaves. |
Rock Stars also don't have normal work hours at the top level. You get your money by doing 'Concerts' either at the Theatre or the Stadium.
Quote: Originally posted by SilentPsycho
Better at the Stadium. You perform more hours than at the Theatre but you get more money as well. |
In the Prima Guide, it says that Sims can have multiple skill-based careers? Is this true in the game, or or is it another Primaism?
I dont think so, I registered my Writing Artistic Sim as a Painter, maxed the painting skill, then moved on to register as an Author, Painting disappeared. (Course it could have been a glitch, but we all know that TS3 doesn't have any glitches
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My sim man was spending way too much time on his garden
Quote: Originally posted by wolverine boots
Put sprinklers in your garden (Ranissa ftw) and /cue harp music You have free time again So, whats the youngest age level a sim can make a simbot and at what age do they start once created? *Private Investigator is the most fun profession so far |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
It's either YA or teen,I'm leaning towards YA.The simbots start out automatically the elder stage but apparently can live a VERY long time. |
Quote: Originally posted by SilentPsycho
If that is the wording in the guide then I can take it two ways: 1. That there are multiple skill based careers that a Sim can apply for or; 2. A sim can have several skill based careers at once. I'm thinking the intended understanding is 1. |
I would think that it was option 2 (and was looking forward to that when I read it) but it's intended to be 1
When you move a family into the family bin and move them into a new save game do they keep their family trees (incl. dead relatives)?
Also, when my sims father died the family tree no longer shows his job and widow (as his partner), is this meant to happen? |
Quote: Originally posted by CamiiMania
Quote: Originally posted by CamiiMania
What if I create a sim and export it. Will it have the family tree then? If the parents/siblings are dead
Alright, thanks. :]
And it's okay about the second one, it's just weird because I'm sure that those things were on the trees of families I've had before... |
Quote: Originally posted by Kaospilot
Saving sims to the bin didn't work this way in TS2 which is why it caused so many problems. |
Utterly stupid question: can I get rid of a ghost I can't see and select?
The story is a bit long: during one of my missions for Ambitions, my ghostbuster found this lovely pre-historic ghost. I added him to my family using the testingcheatsenabled thing, and it worked for the first... two minutes. Later, when the "mission" was ended, the ghost disappeared from my family and became unselectable. I didn't care much, 'cos I thought it was definitely gone, since it was just a random character for a random mission. Now, I discovered that the ghost isn't "gone" for real: the game still recognizes him as a part of my family, and recognizes him as a sim who's about to die... but I can't see/select him. Well, actually, I can see him in the preview image when I load the family, but he isn't there when I play for real. I can't go in "edit city" and I can't make my family members move out of the house, seems that when a sim in the family is dying you can't do that .____. If I try to use the "editsim" cheat coming with AwesomeMod, I can see the ghost in CAS, but the game freezes when I try to get back to the live mode. Also tried using "resetsim", but nothing happens. Lesson I learned from all of this: I should definitely stop to make stupid experiments with cheats ![]() Seriously, anyway, I don't really care much for that neighborhood, since it was just a testing one for messing up with cheats and try Ambitions features, but I'm still curious to know if there's any way to get rid of that freakin' ghost ._____. |
have you tried the "resetsim" cheat? That might at least make him visible for long enough for you to be able to delete him.
Quote: Originally posted by severedsolo
Yep, tried that, as I said, didn't work, the sim doesn't show up ![]() |
Twallans Debugger has a "fix invisible sim" option I think. Google it
Quote: Originally posted by severedsolo
Aaaw, that's good! I'll take a look for it, so, thanks! :D |
what makes a sim /point and laugh at another sim?
Maid service does this to my guests from time to time |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
Quote: Originally posted by Tzigone
Also I think any sims with one of the "not quite right in the head" traits (Nerotic, Insane, Childish, etc.) will do that.
I would love to know the real reason, I find it hilarious (when it's done to other sims). Thing is, it's only the maid sims that do it, Kate and the other dude both do it whenever they visit.
I've never seen it done anywhere / anytime else. |
What's the difference between normal and delicate wash cycles when doing laundry?
Quote: Originally posted by joof
I don't think there is a difference. I think it was ment to be something, but it does nothing. I may be wrong. But I haven't seen anything different. My child sim can change the laundry type, but can't do laundry. I hate it also, my real life child of ten does laundry. I have tried both setting on my machine and no difference. |
Quote: Originally posted by rosieposiepudnpie
Ohh, okay then. How weird; doing it on delicate takes longer and everything, doesn't it? I'll just keep it on normal now. Thanks! |
As far as I know the delicate wash gives a bigger boost with the moodlet. I don't know the exact numbers though.
Where is the school in Twinbrook? I've looked and looked and can't find it. Not only that but my sims have stopped going to school. I haven't done any town editing so there is no reason for my school to randomly disappear. I'm getting really frustrated because not only are my sims not going to school but their grades are going down because of it. The bus comes but then drives off without taking them; even if they're on time/early.
Are you using any core mods? Is it only Twinbrook that is being effected? School rabbit holes were altered with Ambitions to include the new Education career and the early versions of AwesomeMod caused them to not be recognised by the game. I'm not sure but Twallan's stuff may have done it as well.
Make sure all your mods are up to date. |
Twinbrooks school is odd... I had this issue where nobody could get into it, for no reason. It seems to be all fixed with 4.2 though.
Quote: Originally posted by Menaceman44
Quote: Originally posted by joof
Quote: Originally posted by Menaceman44
The number is governed by: kFreshClothingBuffDelicateCycleMoodMultiplier in the WashingMachine tuning files. By default it is set to 1.3 . For comparison, the normal wash cycle uses a 1.0 multiplier. Cheers. ![]() |
Not Like Sims 2
Quote: Originally posted by TBalletToes
The relationships are not like The Sims 2. In The Sims 3, it's all about a chain of successful interactions, not how full the relationship bar is. If you have many successful romantic interactions, then more options will appear in the romantic section, and eventually 'go steady' and then 'marriage', plus 'ask to move in' will be available. Just keep doing a load of romantic kisses/hugs etc., even if you've done them before. It can take a while, or you may have to try again later. See, their moods change the options and the success of the interactions as well. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by innocentsorrow
I think you need to build a roof... if you get me. One layer below the roof, but one above the top room, there should be the white grid covering the empty space. Cover that with flooring of your choice. That worked for me... :P |
If I got the recycling main bin, can I delete the trash can?
There's nothing you can't recycle. Even food. And plates. |
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Hello all I just got sims 3 as a gift afew days ago. I installed the game and updates for it, I only downloaded a nomosaic mod from this site. The only issue I have is my sims seem to where pants when they bath or shower. I want my sims to be realistic but this has driven me nuts. I read all your threads but not sure want to do, I have downloaded any files from the sims site or any other mods. Please help me I even uninstalled and removed all files and installed and found out nothing helps, thinking the game needs a new update to fix this.
Yogi- Does (do) your sim(s) have the never nude trait? Probably a silly question but just want to make sure before you get into anything technical.
Quote: Originally posted by ktbcca
No they don't have this trait. Here are some pictures hope it helps. ![]() ![]() |
Look at this thread, Yogi8156: http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=412440
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I have read that thread but I don't understand what he did, I don't even know what clothing or package file it is. Like I said I have't downloaded anything for the game except the update and nomosaic.
uninstall the nomosaic and try showering in a new game.
I raised a sim from a toddler (no LTW to start with) I gave him a LTW when he reached a kid. Now that he is YA and has all his traits, I cant change it to his real LTW. His last LTW is metal and there is no option 'change ltw' reward. Is he screwed out of being a rockstar now? |
My sims threw a wedding party at their own house, and when I selected the "get married" action, one Sim appeared to ask the other to marry them now, but then the "exchange rings" action did not appear. After several times of trying, it still wouldn't work and the party ended in a failure. The couple also now hate each other, and took a serious blow to their relationship score. This has happened to me a lot recently since playing my new neighbourhood, although this is the first time it's had such a negative effect so now it's starting to annoy me. How do I stop this from happening?
Game Help:Showering with clothing onwiki
Reminder: this thread is for gameplay questions, not for game glitches. If you have an error in your game or a problem using custom content (general, not specific content), then please see the FAQs available in the Help section. If performing the steps in the FAQ relevant to your problem does not fix the problem, please post in the Help forum. |
Quote: Originally posted by Exyll
When you give them a LTW,it doesn't change unless you get the reward.Once you complete the LTW,you can still get to the top of any career you want,I just don't think you can change it. Your sim can still be a rockstar,but you gave him a LTW and it stays for his lifetime,hence the name,it won't change no matter the age he gets. |
^ I think what it means is you can change LTW anytime, as long as you haven't fulfilled it(in my game, once the LTW is fulfilled you the change LTW LTR is gone, too bad since fulfilling LTW gave 30,000 LT points)
Quote: Originally posted by tofanpw
Ya,I've never changed it before,but I'm pretty sure you can't.So you're stuck with the LTW after you've fulfilled it. |
i wonder if there's a mod for that :/
Ah I understand now, so you can only change your LTW if you have NOT completed your 1st ltw.
Wish I knew that before I would have waited Thanks |
Quote: Originally posted by tofanpw
Yes, you can use MasterController to change a Life-time want after it has been completed. Cheers. ![]() |
I have a question - in some of the posts I've read in other sections on MTS, sometimes people will mention a family's history such as "Bayless family's histories all seem to point to mysterious origins somewhere deep in the swamp" (from FriendlyQuark in a Twinbrook post), another post where a Sim's history will talk about what a rough childhood they had. Where does one find these histories? I feel like I'm missing out on a bunch of information! Thank you
@kateswan - As far as I know these stories are all user created with just hints left about by EAxis. Sometimes they are also pulled from summaries of the families. Like I love playing with the Shallow family because they're all evil and hate each other LOL.
So my school is overcrowded and that's why my sim can't go. I made another lot with a school, set it to acadamy, etc. but it still says the only option is to "Take a painting class". How do i set it so that they can go to school there? |
Can a sim make money giving tattoos? My sim is only able to practice giving tattoos at the salon after hours on the one or two stragglers left behind from getting make overs. I check periodically using the Master Controller to see what level she's at and she's at level 5 right now. I seem to remember reading somewhere that sims can get paid to give tattoos and I'm wondering if she has to get to a certain level before she can start charging people.
Click on the tattoo machine and click on ''offer tattoo to''(or something like that) and then a list of names will come up to choose who to give the tatttoo to.Hope this helps ![]() I also have a question,can i buy the wrecked boat thats in china? |
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