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Suncat 7th Sep 2010 6:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nalia
But you can have simultaneous love interests, although I have no idea whether it counts towards the Heartbreaker LTW. My Sim was married when he got romantically involved with another Sim (who later became his second partner).

Nope, it doesn't. I've started a character with the Heartbreaker LTW. When he developed his first romantic interest, it did not count towards his LTW quota. I specifically looked, as I was wondering the same thing.

el_flel 7th Sep 2010 7:18 PM

^^ That. Romantic interests don't count, only boyfriends/girlfriends, fiancees or spouses.

- I had so much fun with my heartbreaker sim. She was the reason for almost all of the breakups in that town and, needless to say, ended up with a lot of pissed off divorcees trying to fight her wherever she went!

wickedblue 9th Sep 2010 11:52 PM

I was a little surprised when I had my newest sim go to the dresser to change outfit and there was that circle with a slash through it on that option. I can't figure out which of her traits would be against changing clothes? My vision is terrible and I just can't make sense of what's under that circle.

Her traits are charismatic, friendly, eco-friendly, vegetarian and easily impressed.

My best guess is the eco-friendly though that seems a little extreme and the icon isn't green like the eco-friendly one is.

Edited to add a pic:

el_flel 9th Sep 2010 11:55 PM

Hmm that is a bit strange. Eco-friendly would make the most sense to me, because changing clothes means making laundry and eco-friendly sims don't like making too much laundry because it wastes resources - that's my guestimate anyway.

Peace.and.Chaos 9th Sep 2010 11:59 PM

Hmm that is a bit strange. Eco-friendly would make the most sense to me, because changing clothes means making laundry and eco-friendly sims don't like making too much laundry because it wastes resources - that's my guestimate anyway.

That if you have a laundry system in the house. Also, keep in mind that a cheap laundry system does waste a lot of water, if you want to keep your eco friendly sims happy you have to get them the most expensive dryer, washing machine.

gobot101 10th Sep 2010 12:04 AM

wickedblue, that's the easily impressed symbol. Apparently easily impressed sims don't feel a need to change into new outfits?

wickedblue 10th Sep 2010 12:05 AM

That's why I was thinking that it might be the eco-friendly trait. Funny thing is she keeps pestering me about getting a washing machine, yet freaks out if I have her take a bath.

So am I wrong in thinking that the icon underneath the slashed out circle is supposed to represent the trait that it goes against? I always thought it did?

Quote: Originally posted by gobot101
wickedblue, that's the easily impressed symbol. Apparently easily impressed sims don't feel a need to change into new outfits?

Thanks! Though that really doesn't make sense!

Peace.and.Chaos 10th Sep 2010 12:49 AM

Originally Posted by gobot101
wickedblue, that's the easily impressed symbol. Apparently easily impressed sims don't feel a need to change into new outfits?

Maybe they were too easily impressed with one outfit and now don't want to change it. Anyway, strange. Maybe it's because "easily impressed" is the opposite of "snob" and snobs love everything related to a mirror or a dresser.

el_flel 10th Sep 2010 1:21 AM

Oh, the pic was added after I posted. I can understand it being related to easily impressed now, because of the reason Peace.and.Chaos said.

wickedblue 10th Sep 2010 1:26 AM

That makes sorta-sense in a weird sim-logic way.

I just noticed she has that same icon when I click on the mirror.

el_flel 10th Sep 2010 1:28 AM

I guess easily impressed = not fussy about their appearance!

I'm with you on how hard it is to figure out which trait is being referred to when things are crossed through. That darn icon is so small anyway but with a bit red line through it, it's almost impossible to read!

Tzigone 10th Sep 2010 1:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wickedblue
That's why I was thinking that it might be the eco-friendly trait. Funny thing is she keeps pestering me about getting a washing machine, yet freaks out if I have her take a bath.
In my experience sims tend to want a washing machine when their hygiene is very low. And eco-friendly sims don't like baths because they waste water. They get good "quick shower" moodlets from showers, though. At least the expensive ones, not sure about the cheap ones.

Nalia 10th Sep 2010 1:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Suncat
Nope, it doesn't. I've started a character with the Heartbreaker LTW. When he developed his first romantic interest, it did not count towards his LTW quota. I specifically looked, as I was wondering the same thing.

Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
^^ That. Romantic interests don't count, only boyfriends/girlfriends, fiancees or spouses.

Thanks for the info, both of you.
Stupid EAtards!

Question: Any guesses why playing video game is against the Disciplined trait?

wickedblue 10th Sep 2010 2:15 PM

Disciplined sims don't have time to waste on such frivolous activities as video games. Put them to work!

Nalia 10th Sep 2010 2:24 PM

Well, they all work hard, but sometimes one of my Sims, when coming back from work --he is a Cheuf-- he feels so exhausted and worn out that he goes straight to the computer to play a game, but he has the Disciplined trait [he has excelled in Martial Arts]. I don't understand why a video game is a no-no for Disciplined Sims, but reading a novel or watching telly is not. Personally, I think watching TV is worse than playing a video game.

Ive 10th Sep 2010 3:10 PM

If I got three TVs in the house. One is expensive and gives the "clear image" moodlet and the two others are the cheapest ones. Why do they always choose to use the cheapest one that has a console with it? I mean they don't go to play the console, but to watch TV. Why do they not choose the good TV for that?

wickedblue 10th Sep 2010 3:12 PM

I've never played a sim with the disciplined trait and didn't realize the thing about the TV, which doesn't make sense but it does make sense about the video games to me. I don't think of reading a novel as a waste of time so that one makes sense to me.

Nalia 11th Sep 2010 12:45 PM

Personally, I don't consider reading a waste of time either, not at all. I'm just saying that, for a Sim with the Disciplined trait, anything falling under the leisure time activity should have been treated the same.

rosieposiepudnpie 11th Sep 2010 3:01 PM

Junk cars
Ok I would like to make a trailer trash family, I think it would be neat to put in the junk cars that are shown in the junk yards in Twinbrook. Is there a way for me to use them at my own lot? I tried buydebug and the cars were not in there. Thanks in advance.

Menaceman44 11th Sep 2010 6:51 PM

As far as I know the wrecked cars show up only as neighbourhood decoration and community objects so you would need a hack or edited clone to make them available for residential lots.

HazelEyes 12th Sep 2010 12:15 PM

This has probably been asked, but I can't get the search function to work for me. How much money does a Sim need to have to count as rich? Does property value count, or is it only raw cash? I'm asking for the Gold Digger LTW.

tofanpw 13th Sep 2010 3:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by HazelEyes
This has probably been asked, but I can't get the search function to work for me. How much money does a Sim need to have to count as rich? Does property value count, or is it only raw cash? I'm asking for the Gold Digger LTW.

i think it's having $100,000(the value is your sim's property + funds), although some mod change the value for a sim to be rich

Mia138 13th Sep 2010 3:39 PM

Firstly, Mods, this is not a techinical query - although its kinda techinical stuff. (Just in case you thought Id posted in the wrong thread)

I don't pretend to be knowledgeable about the technical workings of Sims 3, especially the mods etc. I leave all that up to our talented modders and creators. But something happened last night that has intrigued me..

A couple of days ago I got the invitation to update when I went to play my game using the Launcher to start up as usual. I tried several times to download and apply the patch but each time I got an error message and decided not to bother for the time being and try again when it became essential.

Later in the day, after reading so much about how the launcher is not the best way to launch the game, I made the alterations neccesary to launch without it. Fine.

Last night when I played the game I suddenly noticed that there were vehicles appearing in my relationship panels for my sims???

It seems like my game has updated itself to the new patch without me doing anything?? In fact, doing something I was unable to do??

How did that happen?

WoohooAndTheCity 13th Sep 2010 7:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mia138
Last night when I played the game I suddenly noticed that there were vehicles appearing in my relationship panels for my sims???

Just cause Ferraris are sexy don't mean you gotta hit on them.

wickedblue 13th Sep 2010 8:43 PM

Silly EA. I know people who love their cars, though I am not one of those, but a relationship? It's already gotten on my last nerve that I open the relationship panel and see my sims' car or bike listed there in the first spot as their best friend. I've seen the hack that squishes it but always get my game loaded before I remember that I need to install it.

I do actually have a question.

Is there a way to track earnings from the ambitions careers? I'd really love to see it broke down by day and even job if at all possible. I could swear I saw my stylist sim get paid over 5000 simoleans from a job that was only for new facial hair, she's at level 7 but that seems a little high, yes?

WoohooAndTheCity 13th Sep 2010 10:21 PM

Can we ask our cars to marry us?

Menaceman44 15th Sep 2010 1:39 PM

There are no social interactions for cars other than giving them names so Sims aren't going to become romantically involved with them.

Lemon&Lime 15th Sep 2010 3:32 PM

Oh but wouldn't it be awesome if they could have romantic relationships with their cars? I mean you're allowed to have gays, lesbians and straight Sims, why not mechosexuals! I think that's their name. Watched a documentary about them.

By the way, when I say "awesome" I mean creepy and wrong.

coltraz 17th Sep 2010 8:19 AM

I hope this isn't too "technical" of a stupid question, but I am wondering how when you merge .package files you go about adding more .packages to it? Let's say you have 60 hairs, put all 60 hairs into one .package, then download another 10 hairs. How do you put the new 10 .packages in the .package with the original 60? Do you have to start all over again compressing all 70 hairs?

Nalia 17th Sep 2010 9:19 AM

Decompress and compress all over again. Or, you simply make a new .package file.

coltraz 17th Sep 2010 9:24 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Nalia
Decompress and compress all over again. Or, you simply make a new .package file.

Ah, decompress. That makes sense!

Thanks. :D

Buzzler 17th Sep 2010 9:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
I hope this isn't too "technical" of a stupid question, but I am wondering how when you merge .package files you go about adding more .packages to it? Let's say you have 60 hairs, put all 60 hairs into one .package, then download another 10 hairs. How do you put the new 10 .packages in the .package with the original 60? Do you have to start all over again compressing all 70 hairs?
You shouldn't delete the source files. Keep them in a separate folder and create a new merged package when you want to add stuff.

Chronicle 17th Sep 2010 11:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lemon&Lime
Oh but wouldn't it be awesome if they could have romantic relationships with their cars? I mean you're allowed to have gays, lesbians and straight Sims, why not mechosexuals! I think that's their name. Watched a documentary about them.

By the way, when I say "awesome" I mean creepy and wrong.

It would make sense for SimBots, though. I mean, they already flirt with microwaves.

Princess Leia 18th Sep 2010 4:46 AM

Here's a stupid question (or rather, a question that no one should want to ask):

How long does it take for cars to appear in the relationship panel? I patched my game a few days ago but my Sims only really use cars to drive home from work, sooo...

I just wanna see a car appear on my relationship panel so I can finally stick up my nose and say, "Why, I never! That's just creepy and wrong."

wickedblue 18th Sep 2010 5:16 AM

Princess Leia, My sim was only using her car to get back and forth to work and I noticed it immediately.

Chronicle 18th Sep 2010 6:23 AM

Weird. I had my SimBot literally driving back and forth for 24 hours straight, his car never appeared on his friendship list.
I'm sure it was most disturbing to the townsfolk, though. "Uh... Why is our retired Super-Awesome-Heroic-Fireman-Robot driving back and forth between the pool and the library over and over?"

Buzzler 18th Sep 2010 1:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Princess Leia
How long does it take for cars to appear in the relationship panel?
By default, it takes 60 rides for non-enthusiast sims. My testing sim had to drive distances just long enough to use the car for ~16 sim hours straight.

I just wanna see a car appear on my relationship panel so I can finally stick up my nose and say, "Why, I never! That's just creepy and wrong."
Well, why not. I just wanted to see a car in my sim's relationship panel to say "And now to make it go away again."

murfee 18th Sep 2010 10:10 PM

I KNOW this has gotta be a stupid question: How do you make it so that when you raise the terrain on a lot and put a floor tile on it, the terrain doesn't flatten itself out again? I thought Controlfloorelevation did it, but it's not working, on or off. :\

Menaceman44 18th Sep 2010 11:20 PM

Well you might want to try the right cheat. It's constrainFloorElevation false
Other than that I don't know what to suggest. I rarely use the cheat.

heartbreak 19th Sep 2010 2:54 AM

Hey everyone! Long time no see!

My question is this...
My female sim has a LTW of having 10 boyfriends. She currently has a live-in boyfriend; however, all her "romantic interests" have full relationship bars, are single, yet the option to go steady will not come up. I'd say she knows all the traits on 75% of the men, too.

ETA: If they were not single at the time they met, the option for her to ask him to break up with his GF came up.

Is this because she has a live-in BF? (FTR, I clicked randomize and her traits are Hopeless Romantic, Flirty, Lucky, and Great Kisser - still nothing)

Chronicle 19th Sep 2010 2:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by heartbreak
Hey everyone! Long time no see!

My question is this...
My female sim has a LTW of having 10 boyfriends. She currently has a live-in boyfriend; however, all her "romantic interests" have full relationship bars, are single, yet the option to go steady will not come up. I'd say she knows all the traits on 75% of the men, too.

ETA: If they were not single at the time they met, the option for her to ask him to break up with his GF came up.

Is this because she has a live-in BF? (FTR, I clicked randomize and her traits are Hopeless Romantic, Flirty, Lucky, and Great Kisser - still nothing)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that if your sim is already dating someone, you can't ask anyone else to go steady. Sorry. In order to complete that LTW, you'd have to leave a trail of broken hearts as you date and break up with all those guys in quick succession.

Spretten 19th Sep 2010 1:29 PM

when you adopt kids, can you choose if you want a toddler/kid/teen, or does it just go by random? and what about traits?

Alek 19th Sep 2010 1:39 PM

You can choose the gender and the age, but the traits are random.

Spretten 19th Sep 2010 1:59 PM

Ah thanks for the quick reply!! :'D

wyiet 19th Sep 2010 11:17 PM

Here's my stupid question!

So when placing a lot down in edit town, is there any way to place it more freely or so it lines up with the road? Like with a cheat or mod or something? Because it's very annoying to place a lot and the closest you can get the lot to the edge of the road is at a weird corner.

Also, is there any way to unlock the rest of the neighborhood/world decorations? Like fences? Because it's very limiting selection...

Menaceman44 19th Sep 2010 11:37 PM

Holding the ALT key allows lot rotation through 360 degrees but it still seems iffy with how close you can place them to roads.
I think there is a mod here somewhere to unlock the extra deco. I think it's labelled as adding them for CAW but also works in game.

I'm just annoyed we can't add addresses to the new lots we place, only names.

wyiet 20th Sep 2010 1:59 AM

Thanks so much! That's been bugging me for ages! :D

kittenette069 21st Sep 2010 9:38 PM

I have a few stupid questions:

1) Can you run CFF and FPS limiter at the same time?
2) What the heck is 3booter?
3)What is decrapifying, and how do you do that?

Menaceman44 21st Sep 2010 11:24 PM

I can't answer the first two questions but if you want to find out about the third then I suggest Googling MoreAwesomeThanYou decrapify.

kittenette069 22nd Sep 2010 1:13 AM

^Thank you for answering my question so quickly! I'd ask these questions at MATY but I'm scared of the people over there.

WoohooAndTheCity 22nd Sep 2010 1:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by kittenette069
^Thank you for answering my question so quickly! I'd ask these questions at MATY but I'm scared of the people over there.

There's nothing to be afraid of. And they're not people.

kittenette069 22nd Sep 2010 1:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by WoohooAndTheCity
There's nothing to be afraid of. And they're not people.

That makes me even more afraid. What are they if they're not people?

Next stupid question:

If I have a .bad in my save file, do I delete them?

WoohooAndTheCity 22nd Sep 2010 1:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by kittenette069
That makes me even more afraid. What are they if they're not people?

Next stupid question:

If I have a .bad in my save file, do I delete them?

No, just rename it to .good.

kittenette069 22nd Sep 2010 3:09 AM

^Okay! Thanks for answering so quickly!

Nyami 22nd Sep 2010 9:26 AM

^ I'm quite sure that was a joke xD
I'm pretty sure you can delete .bad folders. But not 100% sure.

My question is, do sims hate Eggs Machiavellian or something? It's not on the list of choices for favorite foods.

Nobody 22nd Sep 2010 1:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nekonyami
^ I'm quite sure that was a joke xD
I'm pretty sure you can delete .bad folders. But not 100% sure.

My question is, do sims hate Eggs Machiavellian or something? It's not on the list of choices for favorite foods.

It has watermellon in it and a few but not many sims have high enough cooking skill to make it. It could set off a problem of female baby machining if it was a favorite food.

severedsolo 22nd Sep 2010 2:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nobody
It has watermellon in it and a few but not many sims have high enough cooking skill to make it. It could set off a problem of female baby machining if it was a favorite food.

Since quite an early patch (1.3? not entirely sure) only eating raw apple or watermelon infuences sex. Foods cooked with Apples or Watermelons don't influence sex, as Sim's tend to live off of Apple Pancakes in the early stages.

Anyway my stupid question: Does a Sim need to have the "Veichle Enthusiast" trait to have a relationship with their car?

Chronicle 22nd Sep 2010 2:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by severedsolo
Anyway my stupid question: Does a Sim need to have the "Veichle Enthusiast" trait to have a relationship with their car?

No, Vehicle Enthusiasts can just name their cars right away, and gain car relationships faster.
Someone else said it took them about 60 car trips before the car turned up in their regular Sim's relationship bar, so there's a number to shoot for. (Or avoid like the plague, if you're so inclined.)

WoohooAndTheCity 22nd Sep 2010 7:37 PM

Can servos woohoo with Porches?

kittenette069 22nd Sep 2010 7:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nekonyami
^ I'm quite sure that was a joke xD
I'm pretty sure you can delete .bad folders. But not 100% sure.

Thank, you, I've deleted them with no apparent trouble. I feel silly for not realizing WhoohooandTheCity was joking.

WoohooAndTheCity 22nd Sep 2010 8:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kittenette069
Thank, you, I've deleted them with no apparent trouble. I feel silly for not realizing WhoohooandTheCity was joking.

If it makes you feel better, I laugh even when someone's not joking.

Menaceman44 22nd Sep 2010 10:15 PM

.bad files are generated when the save file has become corrupted or developed an issue that may cause issues with play later on. What you are supposed to do is find the .backup file and remove the .backup extension allowing it to overwrite the current file. This does mean you will more than likely lose a lot of recent play data.
I currently have two .bad files for two of my worlds which I only discovered while trying to answer this question. They don't seem to be causing any issues for me though.
I think that's right but it's best to verify it with somebody else first

kittenette069 22nd Sep 2010 10:43 PM

^ Ooooooh okay. Will do that now. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.

And no, Whoohoo it doesn't. I still feel silly.

WoohooAndTheCity 22nd Sep 2010 10:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kittenette069
^ Ooooooh okay. Will do that now. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.

And he appreciates you taking his time to ask it.

kittenette069 22nd Sep 2010 11:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by WoohooAndTheCity
And he appreciates you taking his time to ask it.

That's what this thread is for :p

LethalLaurie 22nd Sep 2010 11:57 PM

Okay, so I want to recreate my favorite family when Late Night comes out and stick them into the new neighborhood, and I also want to delete the current incarnation from the bin when that time comes. I don't want to delete the current family's save file though. My question is, will deleting the family from the bin also get rid of any copies that are already placed in a neighborhood?

el_flel 23rd Sep 2010 12:00 AM

No. It will just delete the copy in the bin, no effect on the copy that are already 'living' in the neighbourhood.

LethalLaurie 23rd Sep 2010 12:01 AM

Ah, well that's a relief! Thanks! :D

el_flel 23rd Sep 2010 12:22 AM

You're welcome

Menaceman44 23rd Sep 2010 12:24 AM

Here's a family related question for ya.
Am I right in thinking that I can move a family from one neighbourhood to another? If so I am aware that they would lose external relationships but will they keep internal ones so that they still know who is the father, mother, son and so on? I would assume so otherwise families on the exchange wouldn't work.
I'm also considering taking a dead relative with them. Will that work if I go and reclaim their grave from the graveyard before I move them or will the game empty their inventories?

I guess that was quite a lot of questions actually. 0_0'

severedsolo 23rd Sep 2010 4:04 PM

Sim's will keep relationships with family members in the household (who move with them) they will also keep relationship levels, career's and skills (at the time they were dumped to the bin)

Don't know about the dead relative, might be worth bringing them back as a playable ghost before you move to be on the safe side

Princess Leia 23rd Sep 2010 5:16 PM

I've never lost any items in my inventory during a neighbourhood move but I play with AwesomeMod so I don't know if that feature is unique to it. Like severedsolo said, it's best to resurrect the dead relative first. When my Sims moved, they ended up losing all familial ties to their dead relatives even though I brought the urns with me.

Tip: if you wanna keep external relationships as well (say your Sims have a large extended family living in inactive households), you can download a mod that allows you to bypass the 8 Sim limit and shove everyone in one household. I once moved an entire neighbourhood - put about 40 people in one household before organizing a mass transport.

Menaceman44 23rd Sep 2010 8:09 PM

Cheers for the answers. I'll make sure I resurrect the dead relative first then. Thankfully it is just the immediate family I want to move as I haven't played them long enough for there to be multiple generations.
Oh, and I do use AwesomeMod.

rosieposiepudnpie 25th Sep 2010 4:50 PM

The collection skill in my skill panell, is missing. Is it a glitch from cc or from EA. I have no idea how to tell what I have collected, like for meteors.

Ranissa 26th Sep 2010 12:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by rosieposiepudnpie
The collection skill in my skill panell, is missing. Is it a glitch from cc or from EA. I have no idea how to tell what I have collected, like for meteors.

I'm not sure what you mean by "collection skill". Do you mean your skill journal that shows fishing, gardening, etc?

Nalia 26th Sep 2010 2:06 AM

Yes, I too think she means the journal section.
It is the first time I read the journal entry has gone missing though. Bad CC perhaps and/or conflicting mods?

wickedblue 26th Sep 2010 4:35 AM

I've just experienced the first death in TS3 today and the grim reaper stood there for the longest time after his job was done just ranting at nobody. Now, as funny as this was, is it normal? Am I going to have to deal with that every time there is a death? The dead person was the only person on the lot at the time, could that be why?

Dramamine 26th Sep 2010 5:04 AM

I dunno, but in my game every time someone dies the Grim Reaper hangs out for a bit. Yesterday an elder died of old age at a community lot and after taking her, the reaper sat down on the bench and opened up a book. He sat there and read for four or five sim hours. I'm not sure if that's normal either, but he seemed pretty content to finish his romance novel.

And about the collection skill, I'm not much of a collector, but I didn't know it was actually a skill... Is there a way to gain XP or skill levels? What does the icon look like?

wickedblue 26th Sep 2010 7:04 AM

Heh. That would be amusing to see. I'm quite used to grimmie hanging around after a death from TS2, it was the ranting that took me by surprise. I have no idea what he was going on about but he sure sounded pissed.

Don Babilon 26th Sep 2010 9:05 AM

You most probably got a Grim Reaper with the Insane trait. My current one behaves the same and he IS insane.

gobot101 26th Sep 2010 9:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Dramamine
And about the collection skill, I'm not much of a collector, but I didn't know it was actually a skill... Is there a way to gain XP or skill levels? What does the icon look like?

It's not really a skill, there are no levels to it. It's section in the skill journal lists how many bugs, butterflies, metals, gems, and rocks you've gotten, and the percentage you've found of all the ones there are. There are also a few challenges that once you complete you like find better rocks or unlock the heart cut for gems. Its icon is a butterfly, the 10th icon in this pic:

Menaceman44 26th Sep 2010 9:44 PM

Here's a silly question for you; What would a Sim talking jibberish sound like? lol

rosieposiepudnpie 27th Sep 2010 2:13 PM

Thanks for the reply. I will have to look for bad cc, and I have alot of it . I will now have switch over the help section now. Thanks again.

jerin8 30th Sep 2010 5:28 AM

I have a couple questions garnered from a Prior to release Sims 3 Q&A found here
The first is regarding this:
" However, you can switch between families at any time. You can also move families between save files, so you can develop one family to a specific point and then merge them with another save file. Story tellers will do that a lot."
Does anyone know how to do this?
The second question I have from the same article is this:
"It’s also possible to change all of the Sims in your town, so you can fill the town with whoever you like…yourself, your friends, characters from your favorite show, favorite band or sports team, anyone you can imagine…you get the point."

Really? how? just move them all into the bin? I mean I guess you could do that but then what would happen to all your relationships? and couldn't you do that in the past any way? I'm confused..

oh and on another note, I got a laugh out of this quote:
"The process of getting creations online is easier than ever. The Sims 3 launcher helps you install and manage custom content so that you don’t have to hunt around for directories or anything like that." yuk yuk hardy har har!

kisazeky 30th Sep 2010 1:56 PM

Here's my stupid question:

Is it ok to leave the sprinklers on in the garden 24/7? Will this kill the plants? I plan to upgrade them once my handiness is high enough, but until then I use them as a time saver.

RoseCity 30th Sep 2010 2:12 PM

Yes, it's okay to leave them on - it won't damage the plants.

el_flel 30th Sep 2010 2:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jerin8
"However, you can switch between families at any time. You can also move families between save files, so you can develop one family to a specific point and then merge them with another save file. Story tellers will do that a lot." Does anyone know how to do this?
To switch between a family you need to go into edit town and click the 'switch active household' icon. To move families between save files you need to save them to the bin (in edit town click on their house and there is option to save them to bin), open up the save you want them to live in and just place them like you do any other family.

Quote: Originally posted by jerin8
"It’s also possible to change all of the Sims in your town, so you can fill the town with whoever you like…yourself, your friends, characters from your favorite show, favorite band or sports team, anyone you can imagine…you get the point." Really? how? just move them all into the bin? I mean I guess you could do that but then what would happen to all your relationships? and couldn't you do that in the past any way? I'm confused..
Yeah that quote's a bit weird. I think they are just saying you can have whoever you want living in your town which, yes, you could always do in past versions of The Sims anyway, so nothing new or spectacular there. Make the sims you want and then place them in the town. You can delete/kill off any sims you don't want, which will obviously remove them from any existing sims' relationship panels.

simbalena 1st Oct 2010 2:26 PM

How do I get a meteor to hit?

I tried using the telescope, I tried the firefighter career. Still nothing

ani_ 1st Oct 2010 3:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simbalena
How do I get a meteor to hit?

I tried using the telescope, I tried the firefighter career. Still nothing

I heard you have to hangout outside a lot.
I hope you get a proper answer from somebody because I want to be hit by a meteor as well.

Shimrod101 1st Oct 2010 4:08 PM

According to the XML on this Meteor, it can occur when using the Telescope and also when a sim is outside standing around. The chances are very small though, which is why it may take forever to see. Chance while using Telescope is 1 in 1000, chance while outside is 1 in 10,000; and dice are rolled once every 60 minutes.

Menaceman44 1st Oct 2010 10:18 PM

Do spawners work indoors?
I fancy making a lot with an 'abandoned mine' with rare gems and bugs inside but will it work if the spawner is placed in a basement or does the game class is as invalid?

Fernweather 2nd Oct 2010 4:56 PM

Is there a way to get the tombstones for sims from other families who've died without switching to the dead sim's household?

RoseCity 3rd Oct 2010 2:48 AM

If they died after the game started, you can get their remains from the Mausoleum by clicking Manage the Dead. But I don't know about if they were already in the cemetery - I think I read once that klepto sims could steal the graves, but that was many patches ago. I always wondered what would happen if you brought the Tragic Clown grave to the Science Lab. But I guess if that was possible I would've seen a Tragic Clown by now. Sorry if this wasn't helpful.

Fernweather 3rd Oct 2010 3:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RoseCity
If they died after the game started, you can get their remains from the Mausoleum by clicking Manage the Dead.

That's what I was looking for. Thanks!

Don Babilon 3rd Oct 2010 10:33 AM

But as far as I know, only those Sims will produce a gravestone in the Mausoleum that you are either friends with or that you have played for a while. Sims you have no relationship with whatsoever will die and be lost forever.
And yes, you can resurrect Tragic Clown. In one of my games he is married to Agnes Crumplebottom and has two children. But he lacks some favourites so you will need a mod to change a few things.

RoseCity 4th Oct 2010 3:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by babele44
And yes, you can resurrect Tragic Clown. In one of my games he is married to Agnes Crumplebottom and has two children. But he lacks some favourites so you will need a mod to change a few things.

Thanks for letting me know! I want to try resurrecting him now.

Menaceman44 4th Oct 2010 4:09 PM

DO spawners work indoors?

ETA: And what icon should go in the black block when telling a Sim to clean all plates on a lot?

I thought knowing might help me track down what is causing it to be blank.

TUL 4th Oct 2010 9:48 PM

Do certain traits have a tendency to randomly throw up? I have Sim who has the insane, genius, light sleeper, evil, and childish traits and he keeps on running to the bathroom at random times to throw up. :/ It's been happening ever since he was made in CAS and moved in...

Tzigone 4th Oct 2010 10:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TUL
Do certain traits have a tendency to randomly throw up? I have Sim who has the insane, genius, light sleeper, evil, and childish traits and he keeps on running to the bathroom at random times to throw up. :/ It's been happening ever since he was made in CAS and moved in...
Insane sims do that.

el_flel 4th Oct 2010 10:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Menaceman44
DO spawners work indoors?
Not 100% but I think they do. IIRC I put a furniture spawner in my custom junk yard inside the shed and it worked, but I could be misremembering. You could always test it out though.

Quote: Originally posted by Menaceman44
ETA: And what icon should go in the black block when telling a Sim to clean all plates on a lot?

I thought knowing might help me track down what is causing it to be blank.
If it's all plates isn't it that cycling arrow? Can't think remember how it looks off the top of my head, sort of like the recycling arrow-ish I think.

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