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Oh that reminds me, it's not that important but anyone who might want to know: Jessica Amberstone also became a one star celebrity, because she did something, so thanks to that it caused Chauncey to become one (I think). Kate later on became a Celebrity as well, I think due to her parents and caused Drake to become one as well >.>, yeah I don't have patches loaded, mostly because my internet connection is crap and stops in the middle of the download, so I have to restart it and I don't have the patient for it to keep doing the same thing..
Titania is also a one star Celebrity. Falarae, Cyrus and Tara have yet become Celebrities and I am hoping to keep it that way, but that means keeping them away from the others until they die (And since Titania's an Adult Fairy.. That's about oh a 100 hundred days). Also, Kate is a 4 star Celebrity, I might make her five star before she dies, she's gotten this far, she might as well make it the whole way. |
I don't feel qualified to vote since I haven't been playing long, but here's my two cents:
Deadbeat Parents: Scrap Idle Career: Keep Born With It: Scrap 5 Star Celebrity: Keep Ashaw814, my intention is to keep my blog totally safe for work. I haven't updated it in weeks, but I'm planning on keeping it SFW once I get around to updating it again. |
I really need to start posting here more then just when I update my blog! Speaking of which I actually kind of scraped that legacy... I got a little excited to play supernatural and for whatever reason my legacy wouldn't load and I deleted them thinking I had a back-up copy somewhere and I didn't then in the end it wasn't even a game issue that was keeping it from working it was a computer issue which is luckily all better now and I'm currently in the process of writing my first chapter of a new legacy... I'm so determined to get to 10 generations.... It will happen... someday.....
Anyway now that I've told you my whole long story, on to the important stuff the poll! Deadbeat Parents: Scrap Idle Career: Scrap Born with it: Scrap 5 Star Celebrity: Scrap I usually avoid deadbeat parents but I rolled it for an upcoming generation and I thought I would give a shot I don't know if I'm actually going to be able to go through with it though. Idle Career I've always hated that one. what can I say I like successful sims. Born with it I play it but I usually end up changing my sims appearances anyway and just pretending that it's not there. 5 Star Celebrity never played with it. And now that I've told you way more then you wanted to know I will stop and be quiet now. |
![]() Terrible chapter though. I just took whatever photos I had and threw them together really quickly. I promise the next chapter will be better, and explain things. :P |
Good to see you again, musicalgirl2010!
Quote: Originally posted by ashaw814
My blog should be safe. There is one picture in the shower, and another I might post in an upcoming update where the sims are nude, but in both they're covered enough that you can't see anything other than shoulders. My usual approach is to lead up to woohoo, but then leave them some privacy for the details. ![]() ![]() |
My own vote:
Deadbeat Parents: Scrap Idle Careers: Keep Born With It: Scrap 5 Star Celebrity: Keep |
I vote to keep them, in case anyone wants to try them. I don't want to. lol
That was an adorable toddler picture. :lovestruc
Quote: Originally posted by ashaw814
I don't have mine marked as adult---I hint at woohoo rather than show it. I have a couple of *nude* pics--but I play with the censor on. So it's all a blur. lol I'm probably one of the few that still plays with the censor on. Yet another chapter. I'm trying to get my story caught up. I take too many pics! Chapter 11: Future Adventures ![]() |
Mine is safe for work also, I don't have any nudity even with the censor on.
![]() Can't say that will always be the case, but for now it's very PG. I'll post a warning if it ever gets mods added making it not PG. |
Mine is safe for work, there's no nudity in it, I can't bring myself to do that. But I do have the censor on.
I also have a safe for work one. I don't see that changing anytime soon.
If it's not too late to vote, here are my thoughts on the rolls. Deadbeat Parents: Keep. Born with it: Scrap Idle Careers: Eh, I don't know. I guess scrap. 5 Star Celebrity: Keep |
My story is most definately NOT safe for work. I don't have nudity every single chapter, but its there. Sorry.
I don't know how to classify mine, since I wouldn't want my hypothetical boss even seeing sims kissing.
But you won't ever see naughty bits in my blog, since my sims don't actually have naughty bits. |
With all my "started but never finished" legacies, I've never managed to play those rolls...
But: Deadbeat Parents: scrap. Toddler is easy enough but I wouldn't remember to try and fail the child/teen school thing. Idle Careers: keep Born with It: scrap 5 Star Celebrity: keep Ultimately I'm not bothered either way by what happens |
Deadbeat Parents: Keep
Idle careers: Keep Born With It: Scrap 5 Star Celebrity: No Opinion Not that I'm actually able to PLAY right now...but I've been laying down blatant hints to my DH that he could provide the materials and have my stepdad build me a gaming rig for Christmas...so I'm *hoping* to be back up and running in a few months. I personally find that ALL of my sims end up as 2 star celebrities, no matter what I do, but it's REALLY hard to get them up to level 5. So I'm pretty *meh* on that one. |
My blog is safe for work too. Any "graphic" stuff is pixilated.
Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
*runs screaming from Becky's mutant sexless Sims* I used to work in a darkroom, and, well, you work in photography in L.A. and you will be handling porn. Lotsa porn. All kinds of porn. So, my whole concept of 'safe for work' is severely and permanently damaged. I remember one time a plumber who'd come in to fix our drains had to tell me and another cowoker to tone it down because we were discussing the prints we were working on, which were close ups of some guys' penile piercings. *hangs head in shame* Not only is my blog not safe for work, I'm not safe for work. |
1. Deadbeat Parents: Keep
2. Idle Careers: Scrap 3. Born With It: Scrap 4. 5 Star Celebrity: Scrap |
1. Deadbeat Parents: keep.
2. Idle Careers: keep. 3. Born With It: scrap. 4. 5 Star Celebrity: *shrug* I don't think it's confusing with people skipping rolls they don't want to play. I just know when you scrapped Living in the Past I was disappointed because I had some awesome story ideas for it and now I'll never get to try them (if I ever get past gen 2) :P |
Aw, Tamlyn. *hugs*
You could still do that story idea without having rolled the roll. ![]() |
The "ken doll" look on sims with Decensor weirded me out enough that I put the mosaic back on...
Argh! Why did my heir have to be the oldest?!
1. Deadbeat Parents: Keep
2. Idle Careers: Keep 3. Born With It: Scrap 4. 5 Star Celebrity: Scrap |
Are you playing by the "roll the heir" rules where if you roll firstborn, that's the heir?
I decide my heir by who is best prepared to carry on the overlord legacy and continue to take over the world. It may or may not be the firstborn. |
No, she's just the one I have the story for. Usually I don't choose the oldest if there is that much of a difference between ages. At least she only needs two kids so I can wait till their uncle is out of the house before they're born
Oh. You're frustrated you chose the firstborn because there's too many people in the house
![]() |
There isn't, not really, I like a full house and have Mover, the story requires her and maybe her parents to be there-so I have to wait for her youngest brother to grow up-almost 9 days after she does.
![]() So instead I'm editing my save game template for Moonlight falls and fixing some of the sims |
Quote: Originally posted by ashaw814
Mine should be safe for work, If there are any nude pics (shower pics etc) I censor the relevant parts out before putting the pics up |
My sim needs to be a rock star can i play for tips at community lots or not
Quote: Originally posted by Skyegal19
Not unless you've received a phone-call opportunity asking you to do so. |
Okay, so about the SimPort gifting, here's how I thought I'd word it. Let me know if you disagree, see changes I need to make, etc:
With SN, we now have the ability to send gifts to our friends' Sims through SimPort. If you receive gifts (objects or elixirs) from your friends while playing your legacy house, you may not sell those objects. You may use those objects in your Sim's house, or use any elixirs sent to you. (You may not use this to get around Living Green restrictions. Any object gifts you receive must be kept in the family inventory until the Living Green generation is over. Also, nothing you receive as a gift can count toward the Luxury or Expansinist goal) Now, depending on how many friends you have and how often you get gifts, this can get rather cheaty, so don't abuse this to furnish your Sims' houses far beyond what they can afford. A few gifts is fine, but if you get gifts daily from your hundreds of friends, you do have the option of receiving your gifts from friends while playing a non-legacy family, so if you see your mailbox is sparkling, try to wait to open it while you are playing another game. Also, would we put this in General Rules or the Misc Stuffage section? |
Lucky I don't have to worry about that too much... I gots no friends
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Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
ok thanks |
Quote: Originally posted by calisims
I'm ok with this rule (in General rules section rather) ![]() You can add rules to send gifts too, because when a sim send a gift he receives automatically 600 points of rewards.. Which means 3000 points per day if we take in count that we are allowed to gift friends 5 times/ 24 hours. |
Quote: Originally posted by teal_moonshine
I would happily friend you, teal. ![]() But I really don't play online or participate in that aspect of Sims, generally speaking. I had to connect once to receive a gift from one of my few friends, because I thought it would be impolite to not receive her gift, but outside that, I don't care about achievements or badges and avoid being connected to EA while I play.
Quote: Originally posted by mimi250
Okay, thanks mimi, I didn't know about the points for giving gifts. I only ever sent one, back to the friend who sent me a gift, and I didn't notice the points thing. I will add in a line that you cannot send gifts while playing your legacy family. If you want to send gifts to a friend, you must do so while playing another family/neighborhood. |
You all can certainly friend me too, I'm Envie42 on the Sims forums as well. I rarely log on though. I got so mad after trying to upload to the exchange and failing for the past year now that I gave up on it. The issue has never been resolved for a lot of people. (I have very old stuff up there from ages ago) -- I will probably just start a mediafire account so I can at least share sims and lots with you all here. But if people wanted to start connecting that way, I'd love it! I even have a facebook page for my Sims... but that's sadly outdated as well. I intend to renew that soon though as I want to make some more public stuff with my upcoming zombie survival challenge I'm cooking up
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Quote: Originally posted by calisims
HAHAHAAH! ![]() I'm so excited that there are so many blogs I'll be able to read during breaks. And then the few that are NOT safe for work, I can hole up in a dark bedroom with no one around and read them! ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by ashaw814
I got really desensitized to pornography when I worked there. I just don't see graphic sex as any more exciting or different than say a landscape picture. What was fun was getting to work on the costume shots of movies in production, seeing them way before the movie was released. My legacy blog is actually pretty tame. I do have the adult content warning because I have anatomically correct Sims and the occasional nipple or penis will be depicted. It's my other two blogs, Stardust especially, where I'll use the graphic poses for sexual situations. |
The rule you wrote sounds good, Melissa. =)
I PM'd five people, asking them to vote yes/no/don't-care on the rule scrappages. I might PM some more. So far, though, it looks like Born with It will definitely be scrapped, and 5 Star Celebrity will be kept. Twenty-seven of us have voted. That's a really big number. |
I dunno, I've never really seen the human body as being anything perverse, so it was hell learning THOSE boundaries growing up. I guess thats why I didn't want to be the first to show adult scenes in my blog since while I was perfectly fine with it I didn't want to alienate readers who had a problem with naked sims. I'm so glad things went the way they did and everyone seems to be fine with a blog, wether or not there are nekkid simmies involved.
I try to tone myself down still, but that's mostly cause BDSM poses are hard as hell to find. So thats why I don't think I'm quite SFW either. (But seriously Cali, I dunno if that would've been the best job ever or the worst O_o) Also: One loooooong ass update since I couldn't just cut any of these scenes in half. 5.2 - You Broke My Heart http://sarisimsrandomlegacy.blogspo...50ea01b35611364 Jade's romance is adorable, Coral and Nico's.... less so. |
Quote: Originally posted by Envie42
Okay, I will send you a friend request. I go by caterpillar on the sims forum. But, I don't post there ever, and I play offline so I don't have an active my page thing or anything like that going on. But if I do ever log on, I will send you gifts. Then accuse you of being cheaty when you accept them. ![]() I am interested in what can be sent from inventory, as opposed to the random gift/elixir thing. Like, can we exchange camera snapshots or paintings our Sims have made, or just elixirs and other junk like that? |
My new post is up
http://scarlettlegacy.blogspot.co.u...r-8-tabitha.htm |
Quote: Originally posted by calisims
Friend invite accepted! Gah! Now you are going to see my 'old' Sim obsessions (Simbots and half simbot 'simdroid' sims) haha! I got over it after awhile. I got sick of the constant freaking out about them, and yes I know there's good mods now to stop that from happening. Simdroids are very odd hybrids btw... they look and act differently from 'human' sims... I had so much fun making them for a long while. I have a whole colony of them stored somewhere on a backup disk of mine from long ago Sims worlds I removed to save drive space. Like I said, I'm a super sim hoarder. I can't delete anything. Someday the simdroids will make a reappearance! You can download my top three favorite ones I managed to get uploaded to the exchange before it broke for me and would never upload again. Simdroids look like weirdly plastic sims but are simbots on the inside and walk / talk / behave like simbots. No you don't need a mod to play one, just to create them or breed them. ![]() Edit: awww *nostalgia* ... just went and looked at "Anna Droid" ...my very first simdroid who was born completely by surprise on an island I was playing (I was just starting to use woohoer back then and had no idea what settings I had flipped on to make that happen so it shocked the crap out of me when her Mom got pregnant by a simbot hahah!) http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail...assetId=3589667 |
LOL, well if you look at my page, I might look like I was obsessed with fishing and potty training Darryl Enmity, since my whole page is filled with snapshot memories of those events. I was spamming my page with memories to get all the free crap you earned from posting memories. Once I got it all, I turned off memory creation entirely.
Anna Droid, ha ha. So, I added the rule about gifting. If we find out that we can actually exchange things like snapshots and the like, I'll modify the rules about no gifting from the legacy famly to allow that kind of personal exchange only. (and a suggestion not to abuse that for the happiness points) |
just wanted to ask does anyone else have zombies around thier house every night and thier sim creeping about
I'm using a no zombies mod, so no zombies for me. There are some thread in the SN subforum about zombie problems and how to fix them, so I would check that out.
If anyone wants they can add me to their friends list---I have the same name on the official forums, lol. I rarely ever went on there, but then they had SimPort, and I had to try that out. I just have a few friends---maybe 6? Enough to play around with the SimPort. I tried to use the new gifting thing once---but apparently you have to register your copy of SN with EA in order to send them gifts---well, the potion gift I wanted to send my friend anyway. I log on occasionally, but most times I play logged out. I find the text bar in the upper right corner annoying---it doesn't go away. lol
The rule write up looks great. ![]() I made my own no zombie mod before I realized that Blue at SimsAsylum made one. Would have saved me a little bit of work, but I knew I did not want zombies of any kind in my game! There is a zombie EA bug--so if you don't want them constantly swarming night and day---don't save on a full moon, especially between the hours of 5 pm and 8 pm. I have another chapter. I'm sure no one could see this one coming--lol Chapter 12: Wedding Bells |
Gah. I rolled tattoo addict and just got Jasmine her first tattoo. Getting her a tattoo reset her sim age. Darn bugs.
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Quote: Originally posted by Nirar22
Nirar22 I'll add you as a friend on my page.. My name on the official forum is Lea347. I don't go on the forum so often but I stay connected during the game. My sim is pretty good in creating elixirs, now.. i'll send you a few of them ![]() If others want me to add them, no problem |
Quote: Originally posted by Liquid
You can use MC (if you use it) to add your Sim's tattoos to avoid that glitch. It does make the tattoo free, so if you want you can fund the $150 from your Sim afterwards. (Though really, it doesn't matter. I don't think that rule was about costing you money per week). If you don't use MC, you can might want to reroll that because the age will reset every time. |
Coming out of Lurker ness to vote.
![]() 1. Deadbeat Parents: scrap, or keep? Abstain. If I rolled this I'd probably try to play it but I think it would get frustrating trying to keep them from doing their homework. 2. Idle Careers: scrap, or keep? Keep. I rolled this for my first generation and it was driving me crazy at first because I'm such a perfectionist, but it became fun. I augmented it by having her skip work or call off randomly whenever she had other things she'd rather be doing than going to work. 3. Born With It: scrap, or keep? Scrap, this is the one rule in the whole set that I absolutely could not do, it would drive me completely bonkers to be left with EA's "style" choices. 4. 5 Star Celebrity: Keep. I avoid celebrities a lot, but I think it's a great roll to have in for those people playing through who want to try something new. |
Quote: Originally posted by calisims
I dont use MC, so I think I'll have to reroll. I'm going to use a cake to age her when her spouse ages to adult, so she can 'catch up' to him and theyll be on the same level again ![]() I'll have to look into MC though, does it cause any lag? Edit: I never posted a picture of Jasmine Fleur, so here she is! ![]() Her first (and last) tattoo: ![]() |
MasterController... I know it sounds scary, but once you download it and get to know the features, you'll never want to play a legacy without it. I use it constantly, to remove beekeeping hats from my neighbors, and see who is related to who. It's not caused me any lag.
Thanks for voting, tessalion13. I hope you have fun with the challenge, and tell us about your blog if you blog it. =) |
Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
It does sound scary :P I'll download it and check it out then! I just recently got SP, and now I dont even know how I played legacies without it. Oh, I remember now. I didnt. I would get a few generations in and then there would be no sims left in the town to make babies with xD Edit: Whoa, there are lots of different modules for MC. Would you suggest I download+install all of them, or just select ones? |
I suppose it might cause some lag since it really is a big file, but I couldn't live without it and story progression.
I have MC + MC cheats and I use it for everything. Styling, fixing sims around town, checking family trees of potential mates, assigning proper careers to townies and NPCs, fixing my labour hang glitch (When a sim not in my main family goes into labour the whole game hangs eternally and I have to exit without saving), and of course fixing other misc glitches. |
@Liquid: I love Jasmine's hair, such pretty colors!
I agree with ReyaD, get at least the base MC (which you have to have for the others to work) and the MC Cheats module if nothing else to start with. If you end up loving it, you can always add the others. ![]() |
I use Master Controller, MasterController Cheats, and MasterController Expanded Tattoo. =)
Some of the cheats are necessary sometimes to fix bugs in my game. |
Alright, alright, I'll do it!
![]() @Envie42 thank you! I tried to go for an ombre look and thats as close as I could get it. :P I have a problem, guys. Whenever I create a legacy founder, I get so attached that I never want her/him to die or get old. Its a disease! |
Quote: Originally posted by Liquid
I think we've all gone through that. But just remember, they're never truly gone. Some of us keep their ghost on the lot (or nearby), I just make sure to have all my sims saved as a .sim so that if I REALLY miss them I can go back and play a bit with them in a different game. It gets easier. I promise. |
Quote: Originally posted by ReyaD
/sob I always save all my founders as a .sim so I can ressurect them in a later game ![]() Also, oh my god, MC is amazing. Im fixing Justin Kaye's broken nose right now. I mean, just look at it. ![]() Ah, much better. ![]() I only fixed his nose and then changed his hair/clothing. Nothing else was altered, I didnt want to change how he acts and how our future children were going to turn out. ![]() |
I'm already sad that my founder is getting older. The Overlord legacy will continue, but it'll be a little bit sad without Rufus, for me anyway.
![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by tessalion13
*waves* Hello Tessa! I'm glad you came by! ![]() Edit to add---I just said goodbye to my first set of spares. Now that was sad and hard as well! |
Yeah I got sad when Jessica was about to become an Elder, I really like her look.. So I killed her off as an Adult so she could keep the clothes and look she had.
Now Kate Amberstone is an Elder, I don't want her to die, she's meant to be a full fledged witch but she hasn't even gotten to the Pestilence Curse yet (It takes way too long to learn all these spells, and I don't have that spellbook), and she's becoming corrupted, I don't want her to go yet. (I haven't played them in a day, I was playing a another Sim in a different savefile, who also is an evil witch who uses Fire Blast to murder people, being a witch in Sims 3 is so much fun! Especially the evil ones). I got a little poll of my own actually: With Kate Amberstone marrying Titania Summerdream (Now Amberstone), I want Titania's legacy to go on, sadly since she's a lesbian now I can't carry on those genes of hers, of course she's a fairy so she will outlive Kate Amberstone, hell she will probably outlive the current heir, Tara Amberstone (Fourth, she's a toddler). So should I A: Make Titania and Kate adopt a child, who then will move out when she becomes a YA, as Cyrus is the heir and then Tara, and let that child live their own life. B. After Kate dies, make Titania marry a male and carry her genes on, or do both A and B (However Titania and the could be husband, which I think Obereon might still be.. Wait no he's dead. But they aren't the legacy founders, so maybe Titania will move out afterwards and live her own life with said child and new husband, and have another to carry the legacy on of her genes). C: In a much more creepier way, I want those Elf ears to come part of the Amberstone Legacy, should I make Titania marry the next male heir of the family so those genes and ears can still move on? (I am sure she will still be an adult, she will have like the lifespan of 100. So she would marry Tara's son if it's a boy). D. After doing B, should I make Titania's child marry Tara or the next heir? They will have to wait a while but it will bring the genes on, and come into the Amberstone family (Provided Titania's kid gets her ears, probably her fairy as well). And what should I do with Titania/Falarae (Cyrus's wife, mother of Tara), both are fairies and will probably outlive nearly everyone but maybe Tara. I am not sure if I want them to still be living by then XD. Opinions? |
Well speaking of founder attachments ... *sighs with love*
I will have TWO chapters up. One now, and one later tonight, weee! (weekends are my best writing times) ![]() So much happening in Appaloosa Plains, I had to break it into two chapters, the latter of which will be the baby (and gen 2 roll) I've waited all week to see happen! It will probably be up a bit later tonight. :lovestruc |
Quote: Originally posted by calisims
Oh neither do I... I'm generally not signed in. I tried to use Simport once to send Nathaneal on tour because the opportunity came up. It hated me and was continuously processing it. So I gave up. I had 2 randoms add me when SHT came out, but they've done zilch. |
...I just woke up. It's 6:00 p.m. here in Texas and I just woke up. I'm such a slacker. BUT in my defense I had a really late night last night AND no sleep the night before. Lol, failure.
This is from last page (gosh, I can barely keep up anymore!), but if anyone wants to add me on the official Sim thing I'm cmdavis . Probably shouldn't have chosen that as my username, but I created that account long before I became active in the community and made some Simming friends. I wonder if there's anyway to change it? Ha, oh well. I'm not too worried. I use my firewall to block internet access to my game, but if anyone wants to add me I'd be more than happy to change that. ![]() |
It's ok Buckley, that's what the weekends are for.... chillaxin and sleepin!
Oh yeah, if anyone DOES want to add me, it's Teal_Moonshine or teal_moon or something along those lines... Can anyone see a trend with me and my monikers?
If anyone wants to add me its ReyaD (Yeah, I'm SO creative, aren't I)
xD I have a grand total of one friend, and have never played with the internet on, so I might be no fun but who knows. I might have to at least give gifting a try. |
Ack, my game was left unpaused while I went to get some groceries!
I wonder when my last save was ... ![]() |
That sucks, I presume they all died? (If it was on normal play you think they might still be alive).
I was playing my Legacy for almost an hour today, and then when I saved got an error code 12 >.>, had to revert to my last save, when I saved last night before quitting (So Tara now doesn't know how to walk or talk, Kate is not an Triple Agent now >.>, and her cop partner is still alive (Because she used a Love Charm on herself, and the next person she spoke to was him when she went to work, and I told her to chat to her partner to improve her chances of promotion. Had to kill him so Titania didn't find out, so she used Fire Blast on him. I guess that part's alright, oh also Titania's book hasn't been published yet >.>, screw you Error code 12!) |
Hah, you'd think that with autonomous actions your Sims would be able to function on their own. Nope, not even close. :P
Error 12? Do you know how you got it? Edit: Jasmine finally got promoted at her job, and was given the choice between two branches: Special Agent or Forensics. Of course, with Jasmine being so interested in science and logic, she chose to continue her career in the field of Forensics. With the extra cash she earned from her promotion, Jasmine and Justin decided to remodel the bathroom ![]() ![]() Shame I dont have a before shot, but it was BAD. Trust me. Pink tile floor, pink rubber toilet seat, pink tiles on the shower walls... yep. This is much better. Sorry about the crappy walls-down shots, its pretty much next to impossible to take good pictures of the small bathroom from the inside! |
Not sure, I was just playing around. Although, with the guy Kate "fell in love with and then kiss" (Literally, she ran out of her work, ran towards the library and kissed her cop partner.. Um if she was chatting to her partner inside the cop station, how the hell did he end up at the library?), anyways I used testingcheatsenabled and forced him to join the family, before killing him off at the Graveyard with the Fire Blast spell, but I have done it before and nothing happened, maybe it was him in particular. But I went in again, saved and it worked so it was something during that hour.
Actually I was mostly mucking around with Kate Amberstone, and the rest of her family seemed to take care of themselves, getting food and going to sleep etc, even Tara was taken care of, I didn't even do anything and Falarae or Titania or Cyrus would attend to her if she needed it. Maybe it's only sometimes. |
Quote: Originally posted by Willow's Tara
Apparently error code 12 has something to do with memory. It happens if you run out of memory during that playing session. Or something like that haha. |
If anyone wants to add me, it's FearlessLove. Don't even bother asking about that.
I'm so happy I can finally play my game again with minimal lag. And I've been slowly going through downloads, getting rid of things I don't like anymore, and don't use. Unfortunately, I've also deleted several of my favourite things that I'm not allowed to redownload. ![]() And I'm still getting my "sims 3 has encountered a promblem" thing going on. Don't know why though. Also, just need to get the pictures and I'll have another chapter out tonight. I've already written it. |
So wait I am confused, does that mean my computer's full or my game? (I do have quite a few savefiles..., some I can't play the households of anymore since it's stuffed up but I kept it there for some reason). And why does it allow me to save now?
Quote: Originally posted by Willow's Tara
Read this FAQ from Twallan's site. It explains it well! Error 12 FAQ ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Nirar22
Thank you for the link, Nirar! |
You don't wanna miss this one!
![]() Tons of great unexpected drama for the birth of Emma's baby! ![]() ![]() |
Apparently the taxi driver doesn't drive fast enough. Karla decided to drive herself home.
![]() |
You're welcome Liquid.
![]() 2 more chapters, and I am finally caught up to myself. First there is : Chapter 13: So This is Happiness and then there is Chapter 14 : And Then Comes the Mourning My disclaimer---I blame Reya for the way my last chapter ends. Just kidding, lol. I just happened to be reading the Sari Legacy and I was on chapter 1.9---- ![]() Edit to add--now back to reading--- |
Usually if no one comments on a chapter, I take a cue that it was a bad idea. But seeing as I've had barely any views I think this time around it was due to the fact that I posted this chapter right smack before the rush of posts to this thread came. So I'm reposting my update.
5.2 - You Broke My Heart http://sarisimsrandomlegacy.blogspo...e-my-heart.html Oh and Nirar? Don't blame me for being awesome <3 |
I think everyone's out partying tonight - there's not very many blog views and the forums are quiet too.
I'm still catching up on your blog CeCe, I've slowly made it through most of July, loving it but reading in small doses so I can read all the comments and be sure I'm not missing a lot of the details you put there. |
D'aaaw, that's sweet of you to say. I know I'm not the best writer out there but I do try. It makes me happy when I put a tiny little snippet in there and people notice it.
Since the forum's finally slowed down, now might be a good time to share the little project I've been working on... The TS3 Pose Directory Since the old database was pretty much dead and hadn't been updated in over a year I figure its time we have a more current one. Obviously it isn't fully updated (will it ever be?). But I have a list of creators on my list in the sidebar, and if you guys have any others that I missed (I know there are LOTS) I'll add them to the list and get through them in my spare time. I just really hope some people can get use out of this. It's been a lot of hard work, but its been fun. |
If anyone wants to add me on the Sims3 site I'm Ali51280, although I don't think I've ever played while signed in & frequently turn my internet off while playing!
Ooh - are we adding people on the sims forum? I don't go on much (*cough*ever really), but my name is AdaraLeon there.
Great job on the database Cece. I was looking through the wiki thread a week or so back and was tempted to help - but didn't have the time. : / |
That looks great Cece! I can't imagine how much work it must have been. Thanks for sharing the link!
![]() ![]() |
Zhippidy has been added to my list (omg so many poses! O_O) but if you notice anymore I'd really appreciate the PM. Thanks!
The new post is up. Moonlight Falls had too many glitches so my family is back in Sunlit tides.
http://scarlettlegacy.blogspot.co.u...airy-twins.html Heir poll will be next post. Just wanted to ask, can I age up to ya for heir poll in cas save sims in bin for the future the exit without saving or is this not allowed thanks |
Short chapter 10 is up: http://archers3.blogspot.com/2012/0...10-empathy.html
Wow... thanks for the new list, Cece! Edit: since I hit chapter 10, I added my blog to the active legacies list. I also added Melissa's. I know someone else hit ten, like, yesterday, but I'm too lazy to go back and see who it was so they'll have to take charge of that themselves, lol. |
Quote: Originally posted by ReyaD
Don't worry about it Reya, I never get comments on my blog. But then my legacy isn't all that good, nor are my posts regular |
Phoebe won becoming heir by 1 point. SO...
Gen 9: Phoebe Hemlock-Fox Single 2 Kids Movies - Director Property Mogul Joker |
Ugh! I am soooo stuck on getting my Gen 3 heir. I really should stop playing them until I get my blog up to date....
Since I am so good at them, here is my dumb question for the day---how exactly do you add your blog to the list? I looked at it, saw that is says anyone can edit it if they follow the rules---but I don't see an edit button or anything. *is confused*
Thanks for the help! I try to comment on everything I read---unless I am working on reading through a long legacy. Then typically I will comment on the first page---and when I catch up I start posting comments. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Anarathiel
I've bookmarked yours now too ![]() ![]() I know how nice it is to get remarks now as I create my very first one. It's encouraging and feels good because you've put a lot of work into your story. Just don't get discouraged if you don't get remarks. Again, I am sure there are a lot more people reading them than are leaving comments because I watch my view counts. ![]() @CeCe: love the poses database!! I'm very curious about poses, but not quite at a point I want to try and use them yet. I am so new to the whole thing and my playtime ingame is long and the writing of chapters even longer. I don't think I'm efficient enough to add another layer to storytelling that poses would bring. I do admire yours and others blogs who use them, some of them are just stunning! |
I just guessed that nobody really reads my blog to be honest. I don't mind if it's true. I just kinda gave up on getting a lot of comments.
Like i said, I'm not that great a writer. I just expected my wedding chapter to get at least one comment *shrugs* Here's the next chapter if anybody is interested: http://mitchellrandomlegacy.blogspo...x-honeydew.html |
Quote: Originally posted by Anarathiel
Don't get disheartened - keep writing. Write for the enjoyment of your legacy and recording its history for yourself not for others. ![]() --- I have a question for the veterans and rule writers: If you've rolled second chance (and two kids), like me, and your first child is going to end up most likely being the heir, but you've got a space between it and your second because there's going to be two different parents - would it be acceptable to have the eldest go away to boarding school for highschool and then return as a young adult to become the heir? It's not 'cheating' to have the kid from your first marriage gone while your heir is developing a second marriage? I'm having a time trying to figure out my first 'plot switch' from 1st gen to 2nd gen and how to make it flow. I know most of you longtime writers are used to switching gears and going a totally different direction than you expected (part of the random challenge fun!) but this is my first time, so be gentle on me as I struggle with the roll I just got! I'm keeping it a secret for now until I'm ready to reveal the next generation's storyline. |
I'm not disheartened at all Envie, just saying.
Even before i went on a break i never got many comments. I'm used to it. Guys! I really miss my old legacy. Maybe I should integrate one of the sims from gen 2 of the Sharp family in huh? |
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