![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
Lol. Bah! Gonna poke some buttons and see if it fixes it! ![]() |
It's been a while for me too, but I finally have something new:
Goldbeard RLC Chapter 146 I'm working on 147 now, and will hopefully get to an update on my Aurora Skies legacy after that. |
I have a new chapter, to try and make up for the lacklustre previous one: Chapter 2.8 - Love and Glitches
I'm having a lot of fun with this roll so far!
https://randomlegacymoonlightfalls....m-fortunam.html |
Chapter 4.07 - Nightcrawlers
I got distracted for a day or two, and the thread turns into a game of pass-the-parcel! Here's my latest, BRB, I gotta go read all the new chapters! |
Two more updates for me.
https://randomlegacymoonlightfalls....night-life.html https://randomlegacymoonlightfalls....-about-job.html Enjoy! :P |
Alrighty, got both of my "current" blogs updated.
Goldbeard RLC Chapter 147: Larry Won't Judge Lawful Chaotic 1.15 Total of Teens |
Jettstar update Chapter 4.09 - Thats What You Get For Horsing Around
I have another update,Chapter 8.2
@MommyIce to answer the wordpress question, you can have as many wordpress blogs as you want, all under the same account!
So great to see you back! |
4.11 Generation Rolls Catch Up Time
10 chapters late, because I'm a bit like pooh bear, by that I meant a bear of very little brain, not two foot tall and furry :P |
Another update from me -> Jettstar RLC Chapter 4.12 - Runaway
I have an update for my Aurora Skies legacy.
Lawful Chaotic 1.16 Actually a Lizard I also have one for my Monte Vista legacy. Goldbeard RLC Chapter 148: Springtime Crush Enjoy this week's offerings. I shall endeavor to return next week! Or whenever. |
Good news, everyone! I have a new chapter: Chapter 3.2 - Surprise!
Jettstar RLC Update 4.13 Lost Boy
Wishing everyone a happy month of May!
I have updated my Aurora Skies RLC: Lawful Chaotic 1.17 This Nemesis Thing |
Jettstar RLC 4.14 - Woohoo On The Beach
It's a little bit wordy, even for me. I suggest preparing a coffee and an iced doughnut in advance... |
After a bit of a break, I have a new chapter: Chapter 3.3 - A Slice Of Life
It's a bit of a filler chapter, but it's needed because of what's coming up D: |
Chapter 4.15 - Last Drinks
Its almost closing time for this generation, so I'm calling last drinks! This is possibly one of my most wordy chapters, slow readers might need a deck chair and a packed lunch to get through this one... |
So, um... hi! I'm back. I fully intend to get caught up on everyone's legacies, but first:
I have four new chapters and an heir poll. The first of those chapters is linked below: Chapter 2.17 - Alaric And the heir poll is here: Generation 2 Heir Poll |
Chapter 4.16 All the things I didn't say
The final chapter for Generation 3. A very, very brief (half a screen brief) addition to tidy up some loose ends. Includes the Gen 3 Rolls. |
I have a new chapter, because the next few days are going to be manic: Chapter 3.4 - The Squabbling Quads
Chapter 5.02 Gardening For Ding-Dongs
Again, another big one, I apologize to readers playing catch up ![]() |
I am back with a double whammy. There were so many birthdays that I had to split the chapter into two to fit everything in D:
The normal chapter is here: Chapter 3.5 - Birthday Inferno And the birthday chapter is here: Chapter 3.6 - Birthday Chaos |
New Update- Chapter 8.5
Update: 10.5 "You're Up"
Slightly less than two months since the last chapter. :P |
Next Chapter is available for the Jettstar RLC
CH. 5.06 - Time To Move On! |
I have a new Update
I have a new chapter, which doesn't feature as much China as I said it would. Sorry D:
Chapter 3.8 - Like Father, Like Son |
I have the first chapter of generation 3 out!
Chapter 3.1 - A Single Choice Beware, because while it isn't particularly long, it's extremely text-heavy compared to my more recent chapters. |
I have a new chapter out, earlier than usual: Chapter 3.9 - A Clash Of Heirs
I was thinking about starting this challenge, my first ever, so I went on with the planning and decided to roll every generation previously.
Some awesome results came in, like the Gen 4 (Second Chance, 2 children. The careers rolled for the three YA were Criminal, Law Enforcement and Culinary. The Misc Fun Roll was Opposites Attract, so you can imagine the plot). This made me so amused that I'm even considering running a blog just for the challenge. So basically, this challenge seemed very exciting for me, who was getting slightly bored with my The Sims. |
Welcome, deathmaca! If you decide to blog, please share. :D
Welcome to the thread Deathmaca! I agree, If you decide to blog please post here!
I'm a terrible writer, but a fantastic reader, and like most here, I just can't get enough! New Chapter 5.08 I Am Not A Monster |
I have a new update, Chapter 8.7
Guess what! We have another new legacy here! I swear I won't try to use the roller anymore, it sure likes to give me full houses like the plague...
It´s Always Sunny In Sunlit Tides - Chapter 1.01 |
What's this? A new chapter?
It's the final chapter of Generation Three: Chapter 3.10 - Wrapping Things Up |
Chapter 5.09 - The Midnight Hollow Voodoo Dollies
A new and improved chapter that also comes preloaded with a method for identifying the auto water sprinkler failure glitch! ![]() |
Hi friends! It's been a while.
Summer break has finally arrived for me, and with it, time to actually play sims and do all the sim-related things I love. A few of you might've noticed I'm loitering in the comments sections again, catching up on blogs. As for my blog--it is sorely in need of an update. And there is one... half-written! Or a fourth-written? It's hard to tell. Unfortunately, I've been having a lot of problems with my Moon family save recently, lots of annoying bugs and glitches and lagging, and it's made playing them for the sake of a blog very... difficult. Despite what I promised myself, I realized I got in over my head with plot and planning for their story, and while I have tons of screenshots and tons of ideas for their blog, I set up a lot of work for myself, to the point where creating the story isn't fun. Which sucks, because I love playing the Moons. Just not writing them, maybe. So, I'd started another random legacy using a spare, just for fun. And I got attached to her story, which was much more fun and much less work to tell. So! Here it is. A spin-off blog of a blog with only two posts. I have a lot of summer projects, and this blog is one of them. And maybe I'll even be able to catch up the original Moon blog to the point I'm at in-game, if I'm feeling up to it. Until then, here's Where The Wilder Things Are: 1.1 Out Of Trouble |
Chapter 5.10 First Day On Campus
In which we find our intrepid adventurers on the brink of something, something, something. :p |
The ongoing adventures, delivered bi-daily, bi-weekly, or somewhere in between
![]() Jettstar RLC Chapter 5.11 The 'Midnight Hollow Voodoo Dollies' Go Live |
A new chapter, with another to follow tomorrow (with any luck).
Chapter 3.2 - Serendipity, I Suppose |
I promised another chapter, and here it is! The next one is also done, so it should be out sometime later today.
Chapter 3.3 - Delayed Gratification |
A legacy update: 1.2 Eternal Blue
Idk about anyone else, but I think one of the biggest challenges I face while writing is trying to strike that balance between making sure things happen at a "realistic" pace while also keeping up with how quickly stuff happens in-game. x_x |
Chapter 5.12 Do You Even Lift?
Being a chapter mostly about the second part of the first part of Jess' tertiary education. Which in hindsight probably won't make sense to anyone other than myself until after the second part of the third part of Jess' tertiary education. This may or may not be a blatantly obvious clue as to her generation goal roll! ![]() |
A new chapter, fresh off the line: Chapter 4.2 - The Mysterious Woman
The last posts for generation 4, 'WARNING' post 5.13 is 'wordy' even compared to some of my previous 'wordy' posts!
Post 5.14 by comparison is bantam weight, containing only a list of the rolls for the founders fourth generation of descendants. Chapter 5.13 My Much Older Cousin (5.14) Generation 4 (Edward Jettstar) Rolls Revealed |
Chapter 6.2 - Get it while its hot!
Hot Wings, Onion Wings, Tequila. |
Hello all!
I've not been posting any new McKracken chapters because I needed a break D: Churning them out and worrying about their quality has taken a strain on my mental health. I can't say when the next one will be out. Hopefully by the end of the month, at least xD The legacy is not dead, it's just resting. |
Now that I've populated Meadow Glen with all the NPCs from Stardew Valley, I think I'm gonna give this a go. I'm combining it with the Rags to Riches challenge to make it more fun for myself. I rolled Mixed Single Parent of 3 children. She'll be a freelance scientist with a second chance career as a vocalist and the misc roll got me "half sibs" which I was planning on doing anyway.
Day 1: Lupe Estes arrives in the bustling little town of Meadow Glen. She purchases a 6 acre plot and puts down her tent. She cobbles together a fire pit and some tree stumps from junk strewn around the property. She really wants a stove and a fridge, but can't afford it. She finds some excellent rare flower specimens and sells them off gaining her enough money for a bicycle. She heads to the consignment store and meets Pierre. He's happy to meet an ambitious young woman like her, she reminds him of his daughter. Lupe learns that Pierre is a friendly, ambitious workaholic. She mooches a bowl of soup from him and heads home. Twitter tells her that Alex and Haley have hooked up, Pam adopted a puppy and bought a bike, Jodi and Kent took a walk to the summer festival together, and that Sebastian got a job working for his stepdad at the science center.
@ Toolsie: Sorry to hear the wheels have temporarily fallen off of the McKracken Legacy. Hopefully by the time you are rested and ready to return I have invested in a fully liquid proof keyboard! Until then I will do my best to bring justice and honor to the world 'noodley', for which I again thank you.
@Tunafishfish You have managed to include a tent, a mooched bowl of soup, and a puppy into your intro, you have my attention. I am guessing Lupe is your founder, although I'm not sure how everyone one else fits in yet. Do you have a site up yet where I can find out more? |
1 Attachment(s)
I hate blogging, so I'm going to update here occasionally, if that's ok? I made all the NPCs from my other favorite computer game Stardew Valley, so I'm really amused by how story progression is handling them since I have a good sense of who they are. Lupe is my founder and she's getting pretty anxious about finding a partner since everyone is pairing up and having babies at lightning speed. Luckily she's supposed to be a single mom, so she can have an affair baby, but I'd prefer if her first romance was above board.
Quote: Originally posted by peaceful_apocalypse
Please take care of yourself! Blogs are only fun when the author is having fun. I'll be looking forward to the time when the McKrakens rise from their slumber beneath the sea, but yes, rest is always important!
Quote: Originally posted by tunafishfish
Ooohh, it's been a while since I've done anything Stardew Valley related, so I can't remember every character, but this sounds fun! Makes me want to add some video game-inspired sims to my town, just for the fun of it. And yeah, SP will definitely hook everyone up ASAP, so good luck fighting against it to get those kids, lol. |
Good news, everyone! The McKrackens have risen from the sea!
I have come back from my little break and have started to write a new chapter, but it also twenty to one in the morning and I need sleep as I have to work in twelve hours xD It should be up later on today/tomorrow. |
It's funny, I keep getting disappointed in people's behavior! Like for a while Abigail was seeing Sebastian and sleeping with Sam while flirting with Lewis! Then she and Sebastian broke up and she started going steady with Sam while still sleeping with Sebastian, then she and Sam got engaged. I thought that was the case so imagine my surprise, when Lupe met him at a Halloween party and asked him if he's seeing anyone and he said "no!" So now she has a philandering boyfriend running around with half the town. I guess it gives me a really good story reason as to why they don't get married. |
Next chapter in the Jettstar RLC is posted.
Chapter 6.03 The Weekend Before Finals |
*is dying inside*
https://anotherrandomlegacy.home.bl...nstall-windows/ |
The one chapter of 'Iasist' was quite an interesting read, wether you 'reboot' the RLC anew, recreate it, or begin a new one, I look forward to reading it. (Even if I don't get 99.9% of the anime references!)
4 Attachment(s)
Over the course of two seasons, Lupe Estes has gone from living in a tent with an outhouse, to a cabin built around the outhouse with enough space for a bed with an outdoor kitchen. From there the cabin grew to have enough space for an indoor kitchen. Then it got enough space for a living space. Finally she was able to add a bedroom and an eating area. It's still super tiny, but there's enough space for her and her dog, Floyd.
On Halloween, Lupe got an invitation to a party at Willy's boat. She went and the only other person there beside her and Willy was Sam. Gossip told Lupe that Sam was involved with Abigail Clark, but she really liked his easy laugh, athletic physique, and the twinkle in his eye. So Lupe took a chance and asked him if he was seeing anyone. Sam heaved a sigh and told her that he and Abigail were through. Lupe hid a smile and told him that she was crazy to let a handsome guy like him go. Sam smiled crookedly and leaned in, "Oh yeah? Why's that?" and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear making knees go weak. "Do you want to go to Shenanigans?" Lupe blurted out. Willy was busy on his computer, he wouldn't care if they left. This part was lame and he had to know it. Still, she wished him goodbye and headed out. They had so much fun on that first date playing foosball and shuffleboard, laughing and chatting the whole time. Then, during a lull in conversation, Lupe worked up her courage and said, "Sam, I think you're great. You're funny and smart and any girl would be lucky to have you. I wish I could be so lucky." His eyes crinkled at the corners, "I think you could be" he said cupping her face. Lupe rode her bike home practically floating! The next few days passed in a blur of dog training, lab work, and Sam. Always Sam. Then came the call. A voicemail, actually. "Hey, Lupe, it's me. I ran into Abby today. It's been fun, but we're gonna give things another shot. No hard feelings, ok?" No hard feelings, indeed. She was going to call him and give him a piece of her mind! No, she was going to call him and set up a date. Show him what he was missing. Even if they didn't get back together, he shouldn't be toyed with like that. It wasn't fair to Sebastian or Lewis either. Maybe it was childish, but Lupe no longer cared about having a boyfriend, this was about justice. |
Quote: Originally posted by TwistedSmiley
Thanks! I will start a new one, the founders are already created! |
6.04 Two Weddings And A Surprise
One day I may actually use the title 'Four Weddings And A Funeral', but today is not that day! |
ICYMI, as it was bottom paged, here's Chapter 4.3 - Chapter 4.3 - Rising From The Sea
And here is the new chapter, fresh off the production line: Chapter 4.4 - Three Babies, Two Birthdays, and a Death The title will make sense, I swear. |
I'm back, semi-finally! I wasn't gone for a month this time, so I guess that's something.
Chapter 3.4 - Regrets (Or Lack Thereof) |
I have a new chapter fresh from the production line. Get it whilst it's hot: Chapter 4.5 - Life and Death
This legacy is now officially longer than my last one. It wasn't exactly a tough act to beat, but still. ::1.4:: Another One
I also gave the blog layout a little makeover. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet; it's kind of busy. Might change it again later. |
I'm trying to get my legacy founder pregnant using only risky. She's constantly got the nauseous woohoo heart moodlet because she doesn't like the risk. However the RNG said single mother with 3 kids to different fathers so, here we go! This suggests unplanned pregnancies to me, so we're doing risky with her romantic interest until she either conceives or I get bored. Is it cheating to set risky to 50%? I try not to use "Try for Baby!" unless someone is actually wishing for a baby.
@Tunafishfish - upping your chance of a preganancy if you need it for the story or the rules isn't cheating in my book, (says me, who had octuplets a few generations ago.. And nobody slapped me for it, or told me I was a very naughty boy!)
6.06 Farewell, Coral Seabreeze In which my household contains only those who are supposed to be there, according to my legacy roll! (like, for the first time in weeks...) |
Quote: Originally posted by tunafishfish
I wouldn't see anything wrong with this! Honestly, it sounds pretty much like using the Try For Baby option (but correct me if I'm wrong), since there isn't a 100% chance of getting pregnant every time you use that, either. The only risk I'd watch out for is if you continue to use Risky Woohoo after you have that generation's required number of children, you might accidentally have more kids than that generation is "supposed" to. Otherwise, it sounds like a fun way to switch things up. |
I think "Try for Baby!" is like 75% for Adults and 100% for Young Adults? If I feel like a baby is out of the question for that sim for whatever reason, it's woohoo all the way! But if I'm unsure or would be ok either way, then I mostly use risky because life isn't completely predictable. I only use Try for Baby if one or both halves of the couple have the wish locked for a baby.
@twistedsmiley How on earth did you manage octuplets? |
Quote: Originally posted by tunafishfish
I cheated. A lot. Not that I actually consider it cheating. I have over 9GB of mods and CC, among them is the ability to have 24 (or more) sims in one house, and the ability to impregnate any sim via any donor in the same town. I am not doing the challenge for the challenge itself, I am doing it for the opportunity to tell a story, so I quite happily bend the rules if my story needs it. -> Quoted from 1st post in thread by NutsAndDolts-> We're laid back. There aren't points. There's no competition. This is followed up over the next 656 pages of examples of people's opinions that Story > Challenge, a concept of which I am a firm believer, I'm not telling a story of what is happening in my game by following the challenge, I'm creating a story from screencaps taken while playing the game using the challenge to help shape the stories direction. If you want to know more about having more than 8 sims in a household, check out -> Sims Mod God Twallan's Solution here on MTS. |
I know how to have more than 8 sims per house, but I meant the whole "8 babies at once" thing. Twins are hard enough!
Quote: Originally posted by tunafishfish
Oh, I had 7 surogate female sims living in a house, a vampire, a werewolf, a fairy, a witch, a mermaid, a genie, an alien, and several plantsim seeds. I planted the seeds and used the fairy gift 'Bloom' to get them ready for harvest, then used NRAAS mods to pollinate each of the females with Natalie's genetics (The Gen 2 Mother). When the babies were born, which happened to be four boys and three girls, I had Natalie harvest the plantsims and kept a girl. Then I used NRASS mods again to 'erase from history' the surrogates and the leftover plantsims, and then to edit the family tree, linking each of the babies as siblings, and Natalie and Eric as parents. The most difficult part was to make it appear as they were all aging up on the same day, as many of the different life states get a few extra days (or more) for each age span. That and the fact that my game refused to allow more than 6 sims celebrate their birthday on any single given day. I think all of the relevant mods for all the actions I listed in this post are covered by... MasterController MasterControllerCheats MasterControllerIntergration MasterControllerStoryProgression Portrait Panel And all available at NRAAS.NET (feel free to follow up this post with a PM if needed) ![]() |
First, @tunafishfish, I agree with TwistedSmiley and everyone else: it's almost never cheating if it's for plot purposes or character purposes or anything like that. We're pretty relaxed like that. If there's something you want to do, do it. If there's something you don't want to do, don't do it.
Second, I now give you all: the penultimate chapter in Sunset Valley! Chapter 3.6 - We Need to Talk |
I come bearing gifts in the form of the final chapter of Generation Four: Chapter 4.7 - Ushering In A New Era
New Wilder-Moon update! ::1.5:: Winter
Also: just for fun, and since I unfortunately have too much time on my hands this summer, I started writing an abridged version of an old random legacy challenge I did a while back. It's not an "official" legacy blog, mostly just a very long summary of an overcomplicated plot. Or... it was going to be overcomplicated, if it ever got finished. Which it didn't. Anyway! Feel free to read it, but also feel free not to. Here's where it is. EDIT: I accidentally had the blog set to private (thanks Smiley for pointing that out!) and then forgot I'd done that, but the link should work now. ![]() |
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