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mimi250 20th Sep 2012 1:34 PM

it seems to me, like you Melissa, that it had never been forbidden in this challenge

But I think I'll solve the problem by sending Liam back to his family, and adopt another child as I had previously planned

Here is a screenshot of what Raven, the ghost baby, can do

At first, I thought it was a bug, but he has done this cute thing a few times and I can only consider that his ghost nature could be the cause

Buckley 20th Sep 2012 1:35 PM

Oh, maybe I'm thinking of the rule in regards to perfect children. Lol, that's probably what the discussion was about then. Sorry, Mimi, for any confusion!

mimi250 20th Sep 2012 1:46 PM

No problem, Buckley.. Rules have to be a bit different when we are unlucky enough to fall on "perfect children"

So, now if we are allowed to adopt teenagers, I'm confused on if I've to consider Liam as a second child. He has taken care of his little "brother" the last 2 days, while Pepper was outside finding new ingredients for her elixirs..So, he' s a big help in the house and I've rolled "mixed single parent".

I'll have to think about it, until I get an headache lol

NutsAndDolts 20th Sep 2012 1:49 PM

You're not crazy Buckley, I remember the conversation. The jist of it was that adopting teens removes the challenge of raising them, since they're in your house for so short a time.

But teen is the longest stage for most people, and every child deserves a loving home, no matter how close to adulthood they are.

Edit: actually... maybe you're right. Now I'm remembering. Someone brought up mixed couple + perfect children, and we told them to adopt a very young child, otherwise they wouldn't get to raise it up perfectly and choose its traits.

ashaw814 20th Sep 2012 2:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Buckley
@ashaw814 and Willow's Tara- Have you all checked out the system requirements list on MTS? They have a really helpful chart of graphics cards and how they perform with the game.

OOOh! No, I didn't check it out. I think if I ever get the money to get a new card, I'll definitely consult with this list before doing so! Thanks :-)

Also...personally, I think adopting a teenager takes away a lot of the challenge of raising a child, but at the same time, I think it's a great idea for stories and darnit, those poor teenagers need homes too! So ultimately, I think I have nothing of use to add here!

calisims 20th Sep 2012 2:59 PM

*hugs Marvin*

mimi250 20th Sep 2012 3:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ashaw814
OOOh! No, I didn't check it out. I think if I ever get the money to get a new card, I'll definitely consult with this list before doing so! Thanks :-)

Also...personally, I think adopting a teenager takes away a lot of the challenge of raising a child, but at the same time, I think it's a great idea for stories and darnit, those poor teenagers need homes too! So ultimately, I think I have nothing of use to add here!

Be careful before changing your graphic card.. Your CPU's speed (in GHz) has to be taken in count.. If your CPU is not pwerful enough, it won't change anything.

Yesterday I called my retailer because I have been thinking about changing my graphic card since a week, but he replied to me that it'll be better to take in Intel (5 ) or more because I have a quadcore of 2,5 GHz.. even if the graphic card I want is much better than mine (GTX560 and I have a GeForce GT 430) it seems that it won't change a lot of things in my game

About the problem I talked above, I've found a way to solve it. I'll send Liam back to his family, adopt another child and consider I've used my Joker (like a penalty point). So I'll continue my challenge but won't be able to use my Joker anymore.

I have a question for those of you who use Story progression's modules (extra and expanded):

Last evening, I was playing my game when I suddenly realize that Story progression's Extra and Expanded could have a big parts in the lags and freezes I have in my game.. Actually when I've moved Liam in my household, I realized that his inventory was full of gems, insects, and books and he even sell things at the consignment store.. So I start to think that if every sim's inventory in town is FULL of items they sell at the consignement or elixir shop, these can explain the lags and the freezes I've to deal with ...

for those who use these modules, have you noticed any difference before and after installing them??.. I use them since january and I'm really thinking now of removing them from my game...

Liquid 20th Sep 2012 3:29 PM

SP totally causes lag, but there are ways to remedy it. I used to have SP, Extra, and Expanded, but Ive since then deleted the Expanded portion and just kept SP and Extra. I dont see a difference in gameplay after deleting the Expanded part, but there was a huge difference in lag.

I changed my SP settings to only show certain notifications, I set story logging to false and I increased the speed in all of the options so the module would work a bit slower. I also turned off memories because not only is it annoying, its laggy! All of these things really helped my lag and now I run a smooth game. Im in the process of moving my sims to a smaller world also, Ive found that helps IMMENSELY.

I moved them to a small sized world and found that I was suddenly completely lag free, even with my settings up higher. Now Im just making a better small world for them, since the last one didnt include all of the rabbitholes. Good luck

ashaw814 20th Sep 2012 3:40 PM

Yea, I also noticed that SP causes lag...but if you're in a small enough town it's not so bad. And it definitely helps to turn off the notifications. Speaking of Twallan's mods, has anyone downloaded the new vector mod? I all the diseases. And then I enabled them all in my legacy hood. Big mistake. The entire town was overrun with zombies. I disabled the two zombie diseases and cured everyone in the town that I came across, but it was a hectic couple of Sim days. It would be a lot of fun if I WANTED a zombie apocalypse...

mimi250 20th Sep 2012 4:21 PM

Thanks for your replies.. I'll remove the Expanded module to begin and turn off all notifications (I had only kept notifications for family and friends, but I'll remove them too).

I've the vector mod in my game. I had A LOT of notifications saying that everyone in town was sick (I was silly enough to enable all the diseases of this mod lol).. But I disabled everything when Pepper got sick (SIV). I've spent 2 awful days trying to fulfill her energy bar, but the bar always decreased whatever I did.. I got totally crazy with this mod and disabled everything. I have planned to re-introduce diseases one after another, but I think I'll remove this mod sooner or later. i'll wait EA gives us simple illness like a cold or the flue (maybe in Seasons, who knows..)

For those who use smaller worlds, have you got links for worlds I could use? I use only EA's worlds but I prefer playing in smaller worlds and deal with less lags and freezes

calisims 20th Sep 2012 4:30 PM

I've kept the Expanded module of SP, but I turned off a lot of the options, like allowing the inactive Sims to collect things, enemy making and anything beyond the basic of getting careers and having relationships that will produce more children to keep the neighborhood going. And I also decreased the speed so it goes slower. And I've had much less lag, thankfully. Because the lag is what drove me off from playing legacies.

My Sim Realty has lots of nice, small worlds, mimi. If you use the older ones you will have to add new EP lots, but you have to do that with most EA worlds as well.

Nirar22 20th Sep 2012 6:06 PM

I love the Vector mod---it's a lot of fun. And I had read a warning from Twallan that you would get a zombie apocalypse if you used the Zombie one. I don't like zombies, and I don't have zombies, so I didn't download that one. And while everyone does get sick, it is tunable, so you can slow the pace down a bit. I also love his new mod, Hybrid. You can get some interesting combinations with that!

SP causes lag because it is pushing sims around---if you add the two modules too, it causes more lag. There is a reason they are separate from the main mod. I have read though, that disabling the notifications doesn't really do anything, the mod still creates them, you just don't see them because it no longer displays them. Thankfully I can run the whole lot without too many problems, as SP really makes my towns feel alive!

Now I will put a little plug in for one of my favorite worlds---if anyone is looking for a medium sized world that runs beautifully, and looks lovely, then Sleepy Falls is for you. It is not populated, and you do have to do some setup, but it runs terrific. You do have to be registered at TFM's Sims Asylum to see it and download it.

ashaw814 20th Sep 2012 6:23 PM

I was interested in how the zombies would work, so I thought I'd give it a shot. But they don't really do a whole lot, so I wasn't thrilled with it. I downloaded Hybrid too. I plan to use it in later generations if I breed two different Supernaturals.

In regards to worlds, I'm currently playing Eltham's Drift from GOS and I love it. It's quite tiny, which is perfect for me. And I really like the Sims it comes populated with.

mimi250 20th Sep 2012 6:41 PM

Thanks so much for your replies..Calisims, I'm going to remove Extra and Expanded as the only interest of these mods are inactive sims able to do the same actions than our active ones (collection things, selling things and so on..). I like the Extra module just because it allows my active sims to have money from their ex-partners when they have childrens (I don't remember the name in english, but it's when you divorced and you live in another house and continue to pay money in order to take care of your children).

So I think I can live without these modules, and above all I want my game to run fine. I start to be upset by these lags and freezes.

I've also Woowooher, Traveller, Register, Consigner, Decensor, Overwatch and many other mods (some of them are much needed like the one from Velocity to avoid memories). I don't know if they have so much effects on lag and freezes. Storyprogression seems to be more implied in these issues.

Thanks for the links. I have to say that I don't like empty worlds, I don't like unpopulated worlds neither.. I prefer worlds already populated by their creators..

QUESTION: How do you decrease the speed of actions in SP?

Envie42 20th Sep 2012 6:48 PM

I know, I'm one of the weirdos, but I love zombies! I use twallan's vector zombie mod specifically for one town I have a complete zombie apocalypse going on (in fact I'm working on a challenge for it) Sorry to hear you had such an infestation Mimi, I guess lesson learned, the vector mods can be rather dangerous if not used carefully haha! A couple of the 'diseases' are quite hilarious too btw. Happily he has them divided up into easy to use or remove categories. I would never use the zombie vector mod in any world except the one I intentionally wanted them to overrun the town haha!

So humorously enough, when I am not playing my cute little picture perfect picket-fence legacy challenge family, I can be found in a massively modified (trashed) version of Twinbrook having sims surviving a zombie apocalypse in their 'compound' haha! That's where I'm going to give and receive ingame 'gifts' now since it was decided (and makes sense) that it is too cheaty for the legacy challenge. I only play it every few days, I don't have time to maintain more than two active worlds now. (I used to have 4-5 running!)

Also, another note about the Vector mod zombies - you can tune the two types of outbreaks (Rage or Scourge) ... and it will alter the AI of your zombies. They will 'wander' (like zombies should) from lot to lot in search of sims to try and attack to turn them into zombies as well. This is different than the zombies EA scripted, which sort of just stand around on your home lots or go about their daily habits like reading books, going to work etc. So if you are like me and WANT zombies in a specific story or world, its worth giving the detailed tuning functions of Vector a look.

mimi250 20th Sep 2012 6:57 PM

It didn't seem to me that Twallan's vectors settings were so tunable.. I have only the "enabled" or "disabled" options on them.

I started to disable a few options on SP.. I think I was too ambitious in using a mod that have so much influence in the game.. For instance, I've disallowed tourists in towns. My town was full of tourists, mainly from Shang Simla. I think I can find a lot of things to change in all my mods options

calisims 20th Sep 2012 7:03 PM

mimi, there is a setting in MC to remove memories as well, if you want to cut down on mods you have to update with every patch.

In SP there is a setting for speed, I forget exactly where it is though. But I do know I set mine to 'slow'. I still get plenty of marriages and babies happening in town, and everyone gets a job and skills themselves in their job, and so far no lagging.

mimi250 20th Sep 2012 7:21 PM

About memories, A simguru from EA said in an interview that there'll be an option in Seasons EP that will allow players to turn them off (finally!! 1 year and half after the release of Generations lol)

For the speed of actions, do you talk about managers cycles? There is a manager cycle for each options in SP (options: friends, options: romance, options: pregnancy and so on...). Do I have to set them all on "slow"?

Edit: Maybe there is also a unique manager cycle for all options? I'll check in my game and let you know

calisims 20th Sep 2012 7:43 PM

I know that I only set one thing to slow somewhere in the main options. If you don't find it before I get in game, I will check later when I"m playing.

Well, I'm glad they are *finally* letting us turn off memories, lol. I've had them modded out forever now, but for all the players who don't use mods, that will be huge help.

Envie42 20th Sep 2012 7:57 PM

It's nice to know they are finally going to allow players to turn off those annoying memories. At first I thought the idea of a scrapbook would be kindof cool - at least for legacies, but then I realized I never looked at the scrapbook, nor did I care about 90% of the memories (saw a horse for the first time, who cares!) ... so yeah, memories not wanted so much.

Mimi: you should be able to tune vector outbreaks to be very small or large, depending on how many you want to get 'infected' with whichever of the illnesses you want. Personally I don't find a lot of use for Vector except in very special made worlds like I mentioned for a zombie apocalypse. I think I could see using the deadly diseases if you were writing a story where you had a doctor sim who was trying to cure a terminally ill loved one, or out to save the world from a deadly virus or whatnot... just another story telling tool for people to consider.

calisims 20th Sep 2012 8:07 PM

The worst thing about memories is everyone in town gets them, which causes lag.
I swear EA doesn't think anything through or consider that some people play a neighborhood for longer than a few minutes.

Liquid 20th Sep 2012 8:20 PM

Yeah, I turned off memories with Twallan's MC. I keep my notifications on, but I customize them so I only see certain ones that are important to me.
To slow down your SP speed, you can set your speed in general options to "Snail" and then in every unique category (eg. Options: Romance, Options: Sims, etc) there should be an option for 'speed' and then a number. The number is how many sim minutes go by in between each cycle of updates, the higher the number, the slower the speed. I simply doubled the number in every option and it helped considerably with lag.

I kept the Extra module for SP, because I really love the map tags. Im sure the map tags cause quite a bit of lag, so if you dont mind getting rid of Extra then hopefully that helps.

I second ! They have some awesome small worlds there. Some of them even come with a population/save file. I think switching over to a smaller world is one of the best things you can do to remedy lag.

mimi250 20th Sep 2012 8:42 PM

Thanks to everyone, I'm always finding options to disable in Twallan's mods but thanks to your advices I've great hope to have much less lags and freezes in my game, as soon as I'll be able to play again.

If I choose to remove some mods (for instance I think I'll get rid of Expanded and Vector) have I to reset town using MC before removing them? I know I had read one time that Twallan adviced everyone to reset town before removing his mods..

Envie42 20th Sep 2012 8:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Liquid
Yeah, I turned off memories with Twallan's MC. I keep my notifications on, but I customize them so I only see certain ones that are important to me.
To slow down your SP speed, you can set your speed in general options to "Snail" and then in every unique category (eg. Options: Romance, Options: Sims, etc) there should be an option for 'speed' and then a number. The number is how many sim minutes go by in between each cycle of updates, the higher the number, the slower the speed. I simply doubled the number in every option and it helped considerably with lag.

I kept the Extra module for SP, because I really love the map tags. Im sure the map tags cause quite a bit of lag, so if you dont mind getting rid of Extra then hopefully that helps.

I second ! They have some awesome small worlds there. Some of them even come with a population/save file. I think switching over to a smaller world is one of the best things you can do to remedy lag.

Awesome suggestions Liquid, thanks! I have been using twallan's mods for quite awhile, but even I'm still unfamiliar with many of the hundreds of settings there are that can be tweaked. I did not realize you could modify the speed of individual notifcations that way, that's great news! And yes, I agree that disabling or slowing down notifications and memories will really help people who experience a lot of lag, as will playing smaller worlds.

Personally I feel twallan's mods are far more helpful than harmful because I depend on overwatch and error trap to catch all the pesky pathing issues and conflicts with objects that are sometimes EA caused and sometimes CC caused. I do have a top of the line gaming machine however, so size of the world and graphics don't end up being the biggest issue as much as memory leaks (which is the game's fault and no matter how fast your machine is, Sims 3 will cripple it after long play sessions) - for me anyways.

But honestly I prefer smaller worlds so that the sims are more compacted into a smaller area for socializing and keeping track of them on the map and to keep population at a manageable size simply because I'm a control freak and like to constantly tweak townies clothing, relationships, where they live, etc. Even if my played family never interacts with them, I tend to obsess about them, unless its a family I don't like and they usually magically 'emigrate' out of town eventually hehe.

ReyaD 20th Sep 2012 8:58 PM

I turn off memories at the start of every single game, regardless of it being a legacy or not xD. But I didn't realize we could turn off certain notifications as well. How very very fascinating (and helpful).

Lag, thou art the bane of my existance.

calisims 20th Sep 2012 9:03 PM

That's what's always annoyed me about Sims, I have a top of the line gaming rig, too, but still get lag from Sims. But I have found story progression to be my biggest issue, and that slowing it down has really helped.
Thanks for the tip, liquid, I'll go in and fiddle with the individual speed settings myself.

I love small towns to. The biggest drawback to those for legacy play is you quickly run out of housing as the families reproduce and the children grow and move out. Having the option to move to a new town really helps in this legacy.

ReyaD 20th Sep 2012 9:14 PM

Thats why i love empty towns that I can fill up with lots myself. Its just the community lot building that kills me every time.


5.5 - Ready or Not http://sarisimsrandomlegacy.blogspo...ady-or-not.html

Omg, the Wolff family had a kid named Gator. He aged up exactly as shown in game. I am in love.

Envie42 20th Sep 2012 9:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ReyaD

Omg, the Wolff family had a kid named Gator. He aged up exactly as shown in game. I am in love.

I went and sneaked a peek at the shot you were referring to, and yes your version of Gator aged up so cute! (The one in my game had bad hair) He turns in to one of the better teens / adults in the powermode session I did with Moonlight Falls right after I got the EP.

I hope to be caught up with your Sari story soooooon!

EDIT: Tacking on my Generation 2 Random Rolls Results!

And if anyone missed chapter 10, its also up: HERE

I am still sorting out how to make the story work transitioning to gen. 2 rolls, ugh!

mimi250 20th Sep 2012 9:36 PM

Another thing that could help players to solve lags and freezes is fixing routing issues.. Ellacharmed (on MTS) has created routing fix for every EA towns.. It seems that it has a great success between players. I wanted to use it for Moonlight Falls but unfortunately she hasn't uploaded yet the file containing the fixed world.. She only uploaded files that players have to modify with Simpe and CAW in order to fix the routing issues. And I'm not an expert with CAW and Simpe.. So I'm waiting the modified world, hoping it'll fix some issues in my game...

Liquid 20th Sep 2012 10:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ReyaD
Thats why i love empty towns that I can fill up with lots myself. Its just the community lot building that kills me every time.

Me too, I love filling up empty towns myself. Im just way too picky to start with a pre-made town and not revamp the entire thing. Im way too particular about where things should be.
I love building houses, but building community lots? Eh.. I'd rather download a few :P

NutsAndDolts 20th Sep 2012 11:59 PM

Anyone know how to get blogger's old look back?

I don't like the new one.

ashaw814 21st Sep 2012 12:03 AM

Chapter three is up!

DarkMel 21st Sep 2012 12:51 AM

Under miscellaneous fun I got born with it, but its not on the site?

Envie42 21st Sep 2012 1:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DarkMel
Under miscellaneous fun I got born with it, but its not on the site?

This particular category was just voted on to be removed, but the roll generator app has not been updated.

Re-roll that category would be my suggestion.

ReyaD 21st Sep 2012 1:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
Anyone know how to get blogger's old look back?

I don't like the new one.

I don't believe you can get it back. They've been trying to switch it to this for a year. I guess the final straglers have been forcibly switched over.

Willow's Tara 21st Sep 2012 1:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Envie42
This particular category was just voted on to be removed, but the roll generator app has not been updated.

Re-roll that category would be my suggestion.

Oh, so I can get rid of Live By your Trait? I think that was what I rolled in Misc, it's not hard but annoying when Tara takes forever to paint sometimes, and I want her to do other things, so that's good she doesn't need to do it.

mimi250 21st Sep 2012 1:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by calisims
Thanks for the tip, liquid, I'll go in and fiddle with the individual speed settings myself.

Big thanks to liquid, because I've just tested my game after changing the speed in general options (except that I've chosen "slow" and not "snail) and for all specifics options.. And it's REALLY MUCH BETTER ..I've no lags and freezes so far, while previously it was often painful to play..I think I can disable a lot of other options (These ones that push inactive sims to do unnecessary actions like reading a newspaper or putting a book away, they are purely unusable) but the game run (almost) fine now. I was just at the point to buy a new graphic card the last Saturday and a voice inside said to me "wait, don't waste so much money without thinking a bit about it, your graphic card is not so bad, there may be some explanations to your lags and freezes in game..." And I decided to wait a bit. So Thanks again.. You saved my bank account lol

calisims 21st Sep 2012 1:49 AM

Willow' Tara, we didn't get rid of the whole Misc Fun category, just the Born with It rule, so Live Your Trait is still valid.

mimi,I'm so happy your game is running better. Mine has too since I turned off a lot of the unnecessary pushes on inactives.

Liquid 21st Sep 2012 1:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mimi250
Big thanks to liquid, because I've just tested my game after changing the speed in general options (except that I've chosen "slow" and not "snail) and for all specifics options.. And it's REALLY MUCH BETTER ..I've no lags and freezes so far, while previously it was often painful to play..I think I can disable a lot of other options (These ones that push inactive sims to do unnecessary actions like reading a newspaper or putting a book away, they are purely unusable) but the game run (almost) fine now. I was just at the point to buy a new graphic card the last Saturday and a voice inside said to me "wait, don't waste so much money without thinking a bit about it, your graphic card is not so bad, there may be some explanations to your lags and freezes in game..." And I decided to wait a bit. So Thanks again.. You saved my bank account lol

Yay, mimi! Im happy to help, and even happier that your game is saved! Haha.
Youve just helped me out too - Im going to go play with the push options now, I completely forgot about those.

NutsAndDolts 21st Sep 2012 2:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ReyaD
I don't believe you can get it back. They've been trying to switch it to this for a year. I guess the final straglers have been forcibly switched over.



Willow's Tara 21st Sep 2012 2:12 AM

Cali- Oh sorry, misread then, Although I always forget she;s meant to do aleast one painting a day (I want to focus on her magic so I can get Love Charm, so Titania and Tara can fall in love with two different men and fall pregnant at the same time). Are Love Charms banned though? Actually are any spells from fairies and witches not recommended? (Werewolves, Vampires and Ghosts don't seem to have much cheaty stuff)

Nirar22 21st Sep 2012 2:53 AM

So I've been reading an older legacy--As the Romans Do--I was so excited to see Aymeri show up---and then so sad ( )when Tearney had to move away because of a laggy town. No more Aymeri--

It is fairly easy to bring any world into CAW and do some fixing on it. I love CAW, it is addicting. lol I took Sleepy Falls into CAW and added all of the lots that I wanted in it. So I didn't have to keep doing setup every time I wanted to play in that world. I like making both residential and commercial lots---though commercial lots are more time consuming. I just made my own Library today, on a 20 x 20 lot. I love smaller lots, they fit better in crowded worlds! One of these days I am going to attempt to make my own Showtime lot. I've only done the performance park, I haven't tried messing with the audience stuff yet.

I'm also happy because Kona achieved all his goals/challenges. So generation 1 is a success! Woot!

calisims 21st Sep 2012 3:06 AM

Congrats on getting through Gen 1, Nirar!
I love building community lots, myself, though I haven't done one in awhile.

And, hey, I'm so happy you are enjoying the old legacy. If you haven't finished it yet, here's a little spoiler...Aymeri shows up again in a few generations after Tearney moves. He is immortal, after all. That generation was one of my favorites in the whole legacy. Because, MorcuCorp, clones and mummies, and dragons and fairies.

Liquid 21st Sep 2012 3:56 AM

I love small lots. In the world Im revamping right now, nearly all of my community lots/rabbit holes are 20x30 and Im currently building a bunch of tiny homes (10x20) on two of the roads. I love making good use of small spaces.

ginj 21st Sep 2012 4:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ReyaD
I don't believe you can get it back. They've been trying to switch it to this for a year. I guess the final straglers have been forcibly switched over.

This must have *just* happened; I was in old Blogger just the other day but just now tried to retrace how it was done and couldn't do it.

ginj 21st Sep 2012 4:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Envie42
I totally agree with misslaheela, you can take any 'normal' roll like that and turn it into something amazingly humor/drama/mystery/fantasy all rolled up in one giant sim sammich!

I've had a hectic couple of work days, so I stayed up late to crank out another chapter because I find it very therapeutic now to escape into my sims perfect (thus far) little lives for an hour or so! Of course, all that amazing perfectness is about to end!

BUT... let us revel in the magic cuteness of babies!

(One of THE cutest screenshots I have ever been lucky enough to pause just at the perfect moment to capture!)

And please read my new chapter:

Ch. 1.10 - "Salad Days"

I'll be posting the roll for Gen 2 tomorrow as well!

PS: I've got tons of reading to catch up on everyone's blogs and this thread too. Tomorrow!

Yay! Off to read it now; I love your blog!

ginj 21st Sep 2012 4:12 AM

New chapter of Corcoran story is up at

Now, to catch on some other blogs and gameplay.

ginj 21st Sep 2012 4:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AJH
I have an update:-

So far as the gambling is concerned, I'm guessing that's from the latest premium content from the store? Personally I doubt I'll be getting it, but I think if it's very profitable then it should go into a career and if it's got a decent probability of your sim losing money then it should just be left.

Edit to add: I could do with a couple of Chinese sims to add in if anyone's got any recommendations

Am enjoying your blog very much, Ali. I feel like a cartoonist in the Louvre! Looking forward to getting all the way up to date.

Kayla_Elaine 21st Sep 2012 6:02 AM

I've read both McDermott legacies and am working on Enmity which I started once and lost track of where I am. I am caught up with the Brannon legacy.

CinderEmma 21st Sep 2012 6:06 AM

Would anybody be interested in a last chapter for my old legacy with pictures of the five kids, Irish, and Kipp to the point I have? A chapter or two kind of summing up where I was going? I'm clearly done with that legacy, though I'll still probably play it now that I don't have the pressure of making it a legacy (and yes, I do want to make a new legacy, I just might make it a 3-5 gen legacy instead of a 10er). I just hate leaving it the way it is

NutsAndDolts 21st Sep 2012 1:42 PM

I think all stories deserve an ending, C.E., so yes. =)

calisims 21st Sep 2012 4:35 PM

Chapter 12 of the Brannon Legacy is up:

Chapter 12: It's Supposed to Be Perfect

Envie42 21st Sep 2012 7:55 PM

Ok - As I previously posted, I rolled for my Gen. 2 and put up a page with those on my blog. I have a couple questions that pertain to the way I want to do my story plot for gen. 2.

Without revealing too much plot spoiling, I think it will be great - but need advice!

If you want to help me by answering my story line question, I'm putting it in spoiler tags so those who are just reading along won't get it spoiled if they don't want:


calisims 21st Sep 2012 8:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Envie42
Ok - As I previously posted, I rolled for my Gen. 2 and put up a page with those on my blog. I have a couple questions that pertain to the way I want to do my story plot for gen. 2.

Without revealing too much plot spoiling, I think it will be great - but need advice!

If you want to help me by answering my story line question, I'm putting it in spoiler tags so those who are just reading along won't get it spoiled if they don't want:


Envie42 21st Sep 2012 8:48 PM

Thanks calisims! I'll be playing all this out over the weekend and we'll see how it goes.

ashaw814 21st Sep 2012 9:35 PM

Oh, yay, Envie! Even though snobby Emma is growing on me, I am excited to see how it all turns out.

Envie42 21st Sep 2012 10:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ashaw814
Oh, yay, Envie! Even though snobby Emma is growing on me, I am excited to see how it all turns out.

aww thanks! It's funny, but I actually intended Emma to be a lot more like calisim's "Rochelle" character but she just ended up being way too cute, plus she has social butterfly trait which makes her love making friends and that seems to over-write the occasional bouts of snobbishness. One funny off-screen moment I considered including in the last chapter but ran out of room was when Susannah tried to give the rocking chair I mentioned to Emma as a gift (yes I actually made the effort to switch families and pack up the rocking chair in the Steele home inventory so she could give it, that's how silly I am) ... Emma REFUSED the gift! They are good friends so the reason she refused it was because it wasn't fancy enough for her tastes! I was like "Emma you little twat!" ... I have screenshots and all, but decided to leave it out at the last minute, wanting to preserve the friendship with her and Susannah because if that was me I would have thrown the chair at her haha!

Skyegal19 21st Sep 2012 10:38 PM

Generation 2 is finished. Gen 3 will be starting soon with a Fairy Leader.
Post chapter 13 is here

Skyegal19 22nd Sep 2012 12:32 AM

can adopted children be heirs

Nirar22 22nd Sep 2012 12:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by calisims
Congrats on getting through Gen 1, Nirar!
I love building community lots, myself, though I haven't done one in awhile.

And, hey, I'm so happy you are enjoying the old legacy. If you haven't finished it yet, here's a little spoiler...Aymeri shows up again in a few generations after Tearney moves. He is immortal, after all. That generation was one of my favorites in the whole legacy. Because, MorcuCorp, clones and mummies, and dragons and fairies.

Thanks! And thanks for the heads up on Aymeri---I just got to the part where he comes back. *is happy* I've been enjoying it greatly---I love your names. You pick out the same type of names I do. lol I have a Raven, Wolf, Rory... No Aymeri's though!

I actually started reading this Legacy because I thought it was where Wolf Roman came from. lol Figured out too late, it's in the previous one, but by then, I wanted to know what was going to happen next, so I kept reading.

Willow's Tara 22nd Sep 2012 12:41 AM

Nirar- Hey, I am hoping the next heir will be a girl so I can name her Raven(I like it as a girl more then a boy), I got some names I might give out, mostly girls though. But some guys as well.

There won't be a chapter 5 until sometimes early next week, weekend kinda busy for Sims 3, and even then busy to upload.

NutsAndDolts 22nd Sep 2012 12:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Skyegal19
can adopted children be heirs

Yeah, if you want.

Nirar22 22nd Sep 2012 1:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Willow's Tara
Nirar- Hey, I am hoping the next heir will be a girl so I can name her Raven(I like it as a girl more then a boy), I got some names I might give out, mostly girls though. But some guys as well.

There won't be a chapter 5 until sometimes early next week, weekend kinda busy for Sims 3, and even then busy to upload.

I love that name for a girl too! My Raven is a girl. I swear I have ADD when it comes to sims, I play---I know this is sad to say---around thirty different games or more. Each one is slightly different, or follows a different family. My original Legacy (the hard one!) was the MacKinnon family, and Rory was my 4th generation heir, I think. I haven't actually played that particular save for several months now---I just found it neat that Cali used a lot of names that I have used. (Other than the fae ones.)

Willow's Tara 22nd Sep 2012 1:05 AM

I know what you mean, I always fill up my hoods (Especially Sims 2) with sim families, although don't play all of them but still they are just there because, and still alive when I play an legacy to the fifth gen, which doesn't happen often, I always hoop to different hoods XD

I even got names figured out for legacy heirs. Girls- Raven, Scarlett, Sable, Katherine, Annabelle, Claire and so much more. Boys- Charlie, Chase, West, Cooper, Damian and some others.

I have thought about naming a legacy heir, maybe the tenth Amber since I always liked that name.. But the last name is Amberstone, so it would be Amber Amberstone, so I don't know if that's a good idea or not. Thoughts?

NutsAndDolts 22nd Sep 2012 1:24 AM

All you need is a parent mean or crazy enough to give their child such a name.

Willow's Tara 22nd Sep 2012 1:41 AM

I presume you mean because of the last name and not because the first name is bad? (I am planning to name my daughter Amber when I have a kid and get married:P), I could always make them mean spirited or something XD.

NutsAndDolts 22nd Sep 2012 1:51 AM

Yes. Only a cruel or ignorant parent would think their kid wouldn't be laughed at (at least behind their back, if not to their face) for having a name like Amber Amberstone, or Cole Coleman, or James James, or Jack Jackson, or Robert Roberts, or Edward Edwards, or Roger Rogers, or Collin Collins, or Richard Richardson, or Alexandria Alexander, or Flora Flores, or Owen Owens, or Henry Henry, or Stanley Stanley, or Jacob Jacobs, or Connor Connor, or Paul Paulson...

Willow's Tara 22nd Sep 2012 2:02 AM

True true, I have never met someone like that, although I have seen characters like that (Including a Robert Robertson in a soap show).. Thus that sim won't be named Amber. I still haven't gotten to the other names aside from Kate, Tara, Cyrus and Drake.

NutsAndDolts 22nd Sep 2012 2:07 AM

There's a lawyer in my area named Robert J. Roberts... Jr.

Buckley 22nd Sep 2012 2:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
There's a lawyer in my area named Robert J. Roberts... Jr.

Lol! They must like the name Robert. I wonder if they had a girl, would she have been Roberta?

So, I have an update. Sort of. Under the spoiler if you are interested.

ShakespearesSunshyne 22nd Sep 2012 2:26 AM

Happy Friday everyone!
Nuts, I believe you forgot Michael Michaels.

NutsAndDolts 22nd Sep 2012 3:18 AM

WOO! More McKinley's! =D You really have a way of making me like your characters, so OF COURSE I am sad when we must abandon them. *fwaps Colleen with a rolled up newspaper* But I could never hate ya, and I'm happy you're back to blogging, and I'm excited to see where life takes Luca. =)

I guess you could stick all the old legacies on a different blog, and link to it. Kind of like "not required reading, but in case you wondered..."

...I am pretty bad about my own newer blogs using information from my old blogs. They're all supposedly set in the same universe, so it's hard sometimes, to make them mesh without being corn-ball.

...Then again, I apparently love corny stuff. Saw Dredd today. BEST MOVIE EVER.

CyyKosis 22nd Sep 2012 3:35 AM

Don't forget Archeron Archer

ginj 22nd Sep 2012 3:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
Yes. Only a cruel or ignorant parent would think their kid wouldn't be laughed at (at least behind their back, if not to their face) for having a name like Amber Amberstone, or Cole Coleman, or James James, or Jack Jackson, or Robert Roberts, or Edward Edwards, or Roger Rogers, or Collin Collins, or Richard Richardson, or Alexandria Alexander, or Flora Flores, or Owen Owens, or Henry Henry, or Stanley Stanley, or Jacob Jacobs, or Connor Connor, or Paul Paulson...

Of course there was Major Major in Catch-22

NutsAndDolts 22nd Sep 2012 3:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CyyKosis
Don't forget Archeron Archer


Though his mother might have found "Archer Archer" just as edgy. =P

Envie42 22nd Sep 2012 4:02 AM

Hey there's that cute guy who won American Idol named Phillip Phillips! I do NOT watch any of those talent shows but I see the clips of the popular ones on youtube. He sounds like Dave Matthews (more my era).

Willow's Tara 22nd Sep 2012 4:24 AM

So many weird names XD, it is weird naming the child after the last name.

Oh, again I have no idea if anyone's actually interested, but Chapter 5 might take a bit longer, I am writing a story and there's a whole bunch of storylines I was meant to get to months ago, and only just got to it now, so kinda wanna write on it next week.

Liquid 22nd Sep 2012 4:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Buckley
Chapter 1: Back to the Beginning

I wasnt around when your last legacy was up, but I loved this chapter! I dont know what you would do with your old chapters. I suppose you can put them on another blog, just in case. I wouldnt just flat-out delete them all. I do agree that keeping it on the same blog will be confusing, though.

ReyaD 22nd Sep 2012 4:40 AM

I have no idea who Dave Matthews is. But I am listening to the Rolling Stones right now so... do I get SOME oldie points?


5.6 - You Can't Leave http://sarisimsrandomlegacy.blogspo...0267aa679660d16

Another long one... don't hate me for the events throughout it.

NutsAndDolts 22nd Sep 2012 5:32 AM

There's a hidden "hate" button next to the "love". I pressed it.


Kayla_Elaine 22nd Sep 2012 5:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
There's a hidden "hate" button next to the "love". I pressed it.


This, exactly

ReyaD 22nd Sep 2012 5:35 AM

You guys are mean.

: P

Kayla_Elaine 22nd Sep 2012 5:59 AM

That chapter was mean. Especially the ending

My reaction to the part

ReyaD 22nd Sep 2012 6:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Kayla_Elaine
That chapter was mean. Especially the ending

My reaction to the part

I'm pretty sure everyone thought the same thing. xD I sure did and I friggin wrote it.

Kayla_Elaine 22nd Sep 2012 6:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ReyaD
I'm pretty sure everyone thought the same thing. xD I sure did and I friggin wrote it.

Haha. You make gorgeous sims, I'm jealous

hjaxon1701 22nd Sep 2012 7:25 AM

I finally got another chapter written! It only took four weeks, eek. Sorry for the delay, but grad school is kicking my butt. So. Much. Work.

Anyway, here's Chapter 10: You've Got Global Issues:

misslaheela 22nd Sep 2012 9:00 AM

I have disappeared from this thread for two days thanks to homework, a major test, a total body meltdown due to sleep deprivation, and a prank on my floor gone wrong that I had to mediate, being the RA. If there were a hysterical smiley, I'd be using it here.

But, I had a break tonight and SHAZAM! I have a new chapter.
Chapter Ten - Exits and Sunsets
Cheers! Confetti! Clapping till the wee hours of the morning before you finally realize you have to ResetSim! I can now be added into the Active Legacy List. :DDDD

It's a long chapter, but a chapter with lots of transitions, especially to Dungeon and Bambi. Sneak preview to Generation Two - not the next chapter but the chapter following will reveal who's included in Midnight's "full house." I SO EXCITED!! :lovestruc

Skyegal19 22nd Sep 2012 1:49 PM

I changed the way I write the post.
New Post is up. Check it out here

ginj 22nd Sep 2012 2:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Envie42
Ok - As I previously posted, I rolled for my Gen. 2 and put up a page with those on my blog. I have a couple questions that pertain to the way I want to do my story plot for gen. 2.

Without revealing too much plot spoiling, I think it will be great - but need advice!

If you want to help me by answering my story line question, I'm putting it in spoiler tags so those who are just reading along won't get it spoiled if they don't want:



FWIW, it doesn't smell cheaty to me, especially if it's for the sake of the story. As for the technical question, can't help; have never used that feature.

ginj 22nd Sep 2012 3:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by misslaheela
I have disappeared from this thread for two days thanks to homework, a major test, a total body meltdown due to sleep deprivation, and a prank on my floor gone wrong that I had to mediate, being the RA. If there were a hysterical smiley, I'd be using it here.

But, I had a break tonight and SHAZAM! I have a new chapter.
Chapter Ten - Exits and Sunsets
Cheers! Confetti! Clapping till the wee hours of the morning before you finally realize you have to ResetSim! I can now be added into the Active Legacy List. :DDDD

It's a long chapter, but a chapter with lots of transitions, especially to Dungeon and Bambi. Sneak preview to Generation Two - not the next chapter but the chapter following will reveal who's included in Midnight's "full house." I SO EXCITED!! :lovestruc

Good to see you back, Miss Laheela. Loved this chapter and am glad to finally be up to date with your story. Hope you get the drama in your other life resolved.

Skyegal19 22nd Sep 2012 4:03 PM

child support
This is probably a stupid question but is a single mother allowed to get child support

calisims 22nd Sep 2012 4:08 PM

No, it's not a stupid question, Skye. We discussed this awhile ago and decided to disallow child support.

Skyegal19 22nd Sep 2012 4:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by calisims
No, it's not a stupid question, Skye. We discussed this awhile ago and decided to disallow child support.

Ok thanks.

mimi250 22nd Sep 2012 5:47 PM

Calisims,Thank you for sharing the so-hot Cooby Sheffield ..Just tell me where and when I'll be able to download him..

Kayla_Elaine 22nd Sep 2012 5:53 PM

Okay so I've finally decided to post the link to my blog here. It's more of a 'Here's what happened in my game' one

First chapter

Edit: I'm in the second Gen in the blog, but just linked to the first one

Skyegal19 22nd Sep 2012 8:32 PM

Does anyone know where i could get a large town already populated with people as the town, my legacy family currently reside in is getting overpopulated as my family expands thanks.
Also I have two New posts up, If anyone is intrested. Check them out here
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Also, Should I have Biological Son Conner as Heir or Adopted Daughter Phoebe as heir. If you would like to vote on here because poll daddy is playing up

misslaheela 22nd Sep 2012 9:15 PM

Hey! Many thanks to whoever added me to the Active Legacy List. I was planning on doing that today, but it's already there! :D

Envie42 22nd Sep 2012 11:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by misslaheela
Hey! Many thanks to whoever added me to the Active Legacy List. I was planning on doing that today, but it's already there! :D

Oh, it's being updated - I think I missed the call out for that. Could I get the Twist legacy added as well? Muchos Gracias!

I have another question: The "Adventurer" career, which I rolled for my next gen. heir does not really include an actual job by the mechanics of the game. I guess I assumed I would give my sim the 'collector' profession and then simply sell the relics obtained from adventuring, but now that I'm actually reading the list of jobs, I see there's already a Collector roll anyways so now I'm confused. What job or profession should I give my heir sim who will become an Adventurer, traveling to far away destinations in search of relics? I have to admit I was a little intimidated by this roll, having never done a full scale adventurer type sim, but now I'm excited about it (so long as WA doesn't fudge up and bug out on me!).

Has anyone done this roll and if so, how did you handle your job/career?


misslaheela 22nd Sep 2012 11:28 PM

I think they just update as a new story pops up. I just finished my tenth chapter last night and it was on the list this morning.
And I will just stick my head in the ground for your second question, as I've been too chicken to buy WA. >.>

NutsAndDolts 22nd Sep 2012 11:30 PM

Hm, yeah. The rules were reworded recently; they used to say you could make money in any way that wasn't listed as a career. Meaning it was pretty obvious that adventurers couldn't sell crap found in their hometown, because that would fall under collector, and collectors couldn't sell crap picked up on adventures, because that would fall under adventurer.

But since there are now SO many loopholes for monies, we reworded the rules to say you can only make money with your career, plus some exceptions.

I'll go ahead and revise the collector and adventurer rolls to be more specific now. Thanks for reminding me. ^.^

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