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Envie42 22nd Sep 2012 11:38 PM

Ok thanks for clarification on that - I understand that my sim can only sell the relics they get from adventuring trips - gotcha. But I'm still confused as to what profession / job my sim will actually have as a 'day job' since Adventurer does not have its own career path. Does the heir stay unemployed or self employed?

calisims 22nd Sep 2012 11:48 PM

My adventurers stayed officially unemployed as far as the game was concerned.

Envie42 22nd Sep 2012 11:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by calisims
My adventurers stayed officially unemployed as far as the game was concerned.

Ok - that's easy to do with the unemployed category - that's a twallan career pack thing I think ... thanks!

edit: I mean to say, there's one category where you can specify yourself as simply an 'entrepreneur' or a 'hippie' or something like that, right?

calisims 22nd Sep 2012 11:56 PM

I don't use Twallan's careers mod myself, so I don't know.

Becky, a clarification...I thought collectors could sell gems/insects/metals found even on vacation worlds, though not relics and the like. Not sure what was included by 'crap' lol.

calisims 23rd Sep 2012 12:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mimi250
Calisims,Thank you for sharing the so-hot Cooby Sheffield ..Just tell me where and when I'll be able to download him..

I just sent you PM

NutsAndDolts 23rd Sep 2012 12:14 AM

Oh. I thought they couldn't.

Should they? I feel it's like being able to work off the clock, but... then again I don't care too much.

It's the roll where you either get rich, or you drown your family in massive bills.

Buckley 23rd Sep 2012 12:30 AM

It does seem a bit weird that a collector would be interested in selling bugs and gems and rocks they find at home but not be interested in selling the ones they find abroad. But, I get your point about skilling off the clock. But then again, it's not really skilling cause it's not really a skill. But then again, it's making money while traveling, whereas painters aren't allowed to paint (and thus make money) while traveling. Hmm, tricky...

^Sorry, that was unhelpful.

Liquid 23rd Sep 2012 1:11 AM

I thought collectors could sell the things they find on vacation worlds. They are collectors, afterall.

I wanted to ask, what do you guys do when your loading time gets waay too long? Im thinking that when I get further into my legacy, I'll have to move the heirs to a fresher town or something, because I absolutely hate long loading times. It just makes me exit out altogether and do something else, lol.
*repeats to self* Patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue...

NutsAndDolts 23rd Sep 2012 1:34 AM

Then can buskers go busk in France?

The collectors can still collect the stuff, they just can't sell it.

Adventurers can't work at home, other people can't work abroad.

But I'll still change it back if you guys think that's too weird.

Edit: I take our custom content I don't use, delete stuff in the town (and more importantly, on the home lot) I don't like, and as a last resort I'd move the family to a fresh town when the next heir takes over.

calisims 23rd Sep 2012 1:50 AM

You certainly couldn't busk in France if you weren't already at level 10 because skilling is forbidden. Collecting doesn't have an associated skill.

I've only played one collector, who did travel, and who probably did sell some of the gems etc he found there. But he never sold the vast majority of anything he picked up because he was putting it all in a museum. He saved gems for transmogrification to make big gems and skull cuts for the displays, and mostly only sold the smallest space rocks and cheap metals like iron. I would have found it a little weird, and also difficult to manage, if I couldn't sell the iron in my inventory that came from China, because once it's in inventory, it's impossible to distinguish from stuff picked up in the homeworld. Especially if your homeworld has WA spawners on it, as the one I was playing at that time did. I could pick up amethysts at home and in France.

I suppose one could exploit the ability to sell travel collected items for an advantage, but honestly, I don't see it as a big deal. Either way, really. I only sent that collector traveling to pick up stuff for the museum, which I was building as the Awesome goal for that generation, not to sell, and if I rolled collector again, I'd be very unlikely to travel for it. To me it seems like too much hassle for little gain, compared to staying home and collecting.

NutsAndDolts 23rd Sep 2012 1:58 AM

*fixes back*

mimi250 23rd Sep 2012 2:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by calisims
I just sent you PM

Thank you very much. I've downloaded the sim and will search the hair on the sites you gave me

NutsAndDolts 23rd Sep 2012 2:34 AM

Sorry I get all carried away sometimes.

ReyaD 23rd Sep 2012 2:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
Sorry I get all carried away sometimes.


We still love you.

ginj 23rd Sep 2012 2:50 AM

So, are you playing too much Sims if you look at the game clock and mistake it for the real time?

whitness 23rd Sep 2012 3:29 AM

I do that all the time. "Hey, what time is it?" "Oh, 1:40 - wait that's the sims, it's 4:00, sorry."
longtime lurker first time poster, I constantly change everything in my game and lose saves so I've never gotten past 'first heir is a teen' in an RLC, but I think I've got it all set for now. I'm not gonna blog it, but I might post images sometimes
I'm also the phantom list fixer - I added misslaheela & nirar22's blogs when they got to 10 chapters, because I know Nirar mentioned having trouble figuring out how to get into the account and Laheela was so excited to get there. I hope that's OK, but I assumed it would be since I didn't mess with anything and they'd met the requirements.
anyway, here's the stats of the random legacy I'm playing:
Rosehall family
Brava & Einrí, founding couple
mixed couple
2 kids
so you

adopted Haru, a boy who I edited to have an Asian skintone to add some diversity
& had Móirín, a girl
I chose Móirín as my heiress, because I don't think I'm going to use adopted kids as heirs
her roll is
1 kid

I don't have any screenshots right now, and I can't remember which town they're in or their traits (I'm on a roll here!), but B has just gone back to work (I believe she's level 2 in business), H just started school, and E is level 3 of firefighting (I think), & M has just become a toddler with (I'm almost positive) E's orange-red hair and B's brown eyes.

ShakespearesSunshyne 23rd Sep 2012 3:30 AM

I've done that before. *sigh. My son was SO excited when I showed up at school over an hour early thinking I was 20 minutes late. That was before my cellphone became my watch.

NutsAndDolts 23rd Sep 2012 3:33 AM

Nice to meet you, Phantom List Fixer. :lovestruc

Your sims family sounds interesting! I like the names. All the names. Cool.

I also never choose adopted children as heirs. Not because they're any less the children of their adoptive parents... but because part of the game, for me, is amusing myself seeing how long it will take it breed out characteristics and get a child who looks nothing like either founder.

heaven 23rd Sep 2012 3:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
There's a lawyer in my area named Robert J. Roberts... Jr.

I know a guy named William Franklin Williams. And he's the IV. So it's an inherited name. Poor kid. Goes by Franklin though, not that I blame him. His dad also doesn't go by William.

Also, I am now caught up with the RLC thread! I have so many blogs left to catch up on though. I feel bad because I am usually pretty good about commenting so I haven't gotten around to doing that. I should be starting to catch up soon and will try to leave some comments, maybe. Can't promise anything though.

My poor little sims have been neglected too. I can't even remember the last time I opened my game. Now that James is home, I realized that Seymour is upstairs. Right now I am sitting downstairs on the laptop to catch up on internet stuffs while James watches football. I don't want to sit upstairs away from him. I might have to invest in a corner desk for downstairs in the living room because, other wise, we have no space down here for the one we already have.

Last, just a friendly reminder about the double posting. *winks at ginj*

Nirar22 23rd Sep 2012 5:22 AM

Thank you Phantom List Fixer! I appreciate the help, Lord knows I can use all the help I can get! lol

I have another question. My Generation goal is, *winces*, Idle Career. So I have a couple of questions related to that. The Career I rolled for my heir is Professional Sports. So---can they build their athletic skill as a teen, or does that idle career take effect immediately? Can they join the Professional Sports part time career while a teen? I am going to assume, that if he joins the career as a teen then he definitely cannot build his athletic skill. I just want to make sure I've understood it all correctly before I forge ahead on my story. I've got lots of ideas--depending on what the rules will let me do.

The Idle Career only pertains to the skills that goes with his career correct? So he could still learn to cook, fish, etc. He'll need to for the misc. fun.

Misc. fun---homemade. I am so going to miss them being able to eat ice cream!

Oh---I just thought of another question---I rolled single with double help, but I don't have to move my previous heirs out of the house, correct? I'm not done story wise with them yet.


calisims 23rd Sep 2012 5:35 AM

You can skill as teen with Idle career. Since the part time jobs in the 'real' careers are part of Twallan's mod,we don't really have a rule about how those fit in, but in my opinion, they probably shouldn't even be allowed at al for teens because of the career boost you get later when you transition to the 'real' career is a pretty big advantage over regular gameplay.
However if they are allowed, I would say that if you start that career part time as teen, then Idle Career kicks in as a teen and you are banned from skilling. And, you wouldn't be allowed to join the after school sports club because of the skill points.

Idle career does only pertain to the career skills, so feel free to skill fishing etc.

You never have to move your previous generation out. You are only required to move out any non-heirs (if they are not going to be the 'help', that is) The previous generation cannot count as the 'double help' though.

misslaheela 23rd Sep 2012 5:47 AM

Awh, Phantom List Fixer. You're so nice. :D

Nirar22 23rd Sep 2012 5:52 AM

Okay, thanks Cali! I've played with Twallan's Careers for so long---I forget what is EA and what is Twallan. Doh! If it's not allowed, that's okay. In fact, for the moment, I will take it as not allowed, as it is mod-related, I just didn't realize it. I had several different ways of going about what I wanted to do, it just depended on the rules which way I went. If that made sense! lol

Story wise, I can have him be on a football team or something, correct? So long as he is not actually getting any athletic skill points?


whitness 23rd Sep 2012 6:01 AM

Thanks, Becky, I used behindthename to pick them. (:
& you're welcome Nirar & Laheela, glad to help.
Oh, and my name's Whitney. because I skipped the part where I tell you guys that earlier. I'm a genius. You can totally still call me Phantom List Fixer (or whitness). haha

I popped into stylist with MC and got pictures of the family when I loaded up the game
I'd take one of the house, too, because of the so YOU! roll, but lilac and lime make it look pretty garish and it's just an edited EA one (and I apparently missed some stuff when I was recoloring things the first time through).
I plopped the pictures onto a blog here

misslaheela 23rd Sep 2012 6:08 AM

You will always be Phantom List Fixer to me. My blog is forever in your debt. =)

NutsAndDolts 23rd Sep 2012 7:18 AM

I have chapter 12 up.

ReyaD 23rd Sep 2012 7:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
I have chapter 12 up.

Yep. We need that hate button.

You are a cruel, cruel person.

misslaheela 23rd Sep 2012 7:54 AM

^Hey, me too! (Well, chapter eleven, not twelve...)
Chapter Eleven - It's All Up To You Now
It's finally time to completely shift gears and focus on Midnight's story. She aged up beautifully. Somehow Rufus Overlord popped out some incredible offspring. o_O

I also transformed the house into a castle! Yayz!
Making the Overlord Castle
^There you can see comparisons on what the house originally looked like and the small castle it has now become. It even has a moat. :D

Next chapter includes the members of Midnight's full house. I can't wait!!

whitness 23rd Sep 2012 8:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
I have chapter 12 up.

Seconding what Cece said.
Because, my brain's not even allowing that to process right now. It was so GOOD but so UGH.
(Also: I recently read all the way up from the beginning of the R&R legacy. And Cece's Starr legacy on up. I go all the way back to the first I can find on everyone's from time to time just to read them again.)

edited to remove redundant 'also's

LadyAwesome 23rd Sep 2012 11:07 AM

I tried to save the Vashers..... but I cant it wont work Soo....

third times a charm?
Marital Structure: Single with Help
Number of Children: One Child
Primary Income: Business
Secondary Income: Freelance Scientist
Generation Goal: The Opportunist
Misc. Fun: It's So You

teal_moonshine 23rd Sep 2012 1:16 PM

Gotten to the pointy end of my first legacy...

Gen 10: Kizzie Hemlock-Fox
Second Chance
2 Kids
Fortune Teller - Scam Artist
1: Busker
2: Artist
Perfect Careers
Runs in the Family

Now, with the 2 husbands and the perfect careers... Do I have to raise hubby #1 to full instrument skill before he goes, OR just skill him until I get tired? I'm assuming the first.

NutsAndDolts 23rd Sep 2012 1:40 PM

You have to fulfill Perfect Careers for one of the spouses, but not both.

So, I guess whichever is with you longer.

teal_moonshine 23rd Sep 2012 2:05 PM

Danke for the quick reply . Makes it a smidge easier then lol

Skyegal19 23rd Sep 2012 5:49 PM

I have two new posts up. Generation 3 has finished and Generation 4 will start soon. Check them out

Amp_RNA 23rd Sep 2012 7:02 PM

So, good news and bad news.

Good news: Yay the fps limiter worked and the game runs fine again! I'm going to spend a little more time playing around with Supernatural, then I'll get back to my legacy.
Bad news: So, my cousin gave me Kingdom Heart: Dream Drop Distance for my birthday. Started playing the other day, thinking I would just get a bit of a feel for it, then save it for winter break. But, yeah, I think I might be hooked. So probably going to split my video game time between it and Sims, so updates are going to get fairly slow.... (Not that they already weren't, of course)

CinderEmma 23rd Sep 2012 7:26 PM



NutsAndDolts 23rd Sep 2012 7:34 PM

*back away slowly*

You'll... see?



Skyegal19 23rd Sep 2012 8:37 PM

can ghost hunters donate spirits to the sciennce lab thanks

NutsAndDolts 23rd Sep 2012 9:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skyegal19
can ghost hunters donate spirits to the sciennce lab thanks

Yep, they can. =)

mimi250 23rd Sep 2012 9:09 PM

Skyegal19, yes you can sell spirits to the science lab

Does someone use the new SN shop to sell elixirs? It's incredible because items can be sold 300 % more than their original price. I had printed a page found on the web mentioning all exilirs that can be made with SN and all their values.. And Pepper sold elixirs which values were estimated around 2000 simoleons for more than 6000 simoleons.. It's possible to become very rich with this career only..

I think we have to think about SN's creatures lifespans.. I know there is no restrictions on it and I think it's nice. But when her son will become YA, Pepper will be a YA yet. At the moment, she should be a elder..So, she has plenty of time to build a big fortune and I think a big fortune like that could reduce the interest of the challenge. So maybe we can have a rule saying that if we choose to play with SN creatures with very longlifespans they must leave the house in the 24 hours as soon as the heir become YA.. By this way we will always take advantages of the long lifespans because it's us, players, who decide to give birth to an heir (so we can decide to have it after 20, 100, or 300 days of life) but having a rule after the heir is born will allow us to focus on the next generation.

Players who have goals to complete before they move would have to think about when they'll have to give birth to an heir, in order to be sure they'll have accomplished them before the heir turns YA..

Moreover, the new SN creatures have so much powers and advantages that we can balance that by removing them from the challenge as soon as possible

Skyegal19 23rd Sep 2012 9:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mimi250
Skyegal19, yes you can sell spirits to the science lab

Does someone use the new SN shop to sell elixirs? It's incredible because items can be sold 300 % more than their original price. I had printed a page found on the web mentioning all exilirs that can be made with SN and all their values.. And Pepper sold elixirs which values were estimated around 2000 simoleons for more than 6000 simoleons.. It's possible to become very rich with this career only..

I think we have to think about SN's creatures lifespans.. I know there is no restrictions on it and I think it's nice. But when her son will become YA, Pepper will be a YA yet. At the moment, she should be a elder..So, she has plenty of time to build a big fortune and I think a big fortune like that could reduce the interest of the challenge. So maybe we can have a rule saying that if we choose to play with SN creatures with very longlifespans they must leave the house in the 24 hours as soon as the heir become YA.. By this way we will always take advantages of the long lifespans because it's us, players, who decide to give birth to an heir (so we can decide to have it after 20, 100, or 300 days of life) but having a rule after the heir is born will allow us to focus on the next generation.

Players who have goals to complete before they move will have to think about when they'll have to give birth to an heir, in order to be sure they have accomplished them before the heir turns YA..

Moreover, the new SN creatures have so much powers and advantages that we can balance that by removing them from the challenge as soon as possible

Thank you.
I think that too about sn creatures lifespan.

NutsAndDolts 23rd Sep 2012 9:18 PM

I'll only point out that the people who want to preserve the challenge aspect have been pretty good at policing themselves, when it comes to these new life states.

ReyaD 23rd Sep 2012 9:35 PM

Exactly as Becky said. I don't believe we should make the previous generation leave/have their goals finished before YA. And I definitely would be against a ban on any of the life states because that's part of the fun, part of the game. If you use the creatures to cheat then you're really only hurting yourself.

When I play with vampires I don't let them skill as children, and as teens only on school nights. Would I want this to become a rule for other players? Of course not! Its how -I- police myself.

The alchemy store doesn't work for me. Whenever Jade tries consigning nothing gets sold. My bills are only at like 900 right now so it isn't a big deal since Nico has a steady income and Coral paints, but damn its annoying.

EDIT: Aaaand I have an update

5.7 - Life Life Without You http://sarisimsrandomlegacy.blogspo...ithout-you.html

Titles really are so important for setting the tone of the piece, aren't they? *Runs*

Skyegal19 23rd Sep 2012 10:58 PM

Frist post of gen 4 is up. Check it out here

Envie42 23rd Sep 2012 11:09 PM

I've got a whopper big chapter up too!

Ch. 1.11 - "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie"

Let the drama begin!

And now, I'm off to catch up on everyone else's blogs and find out why CinderEmma is unhappy with Becky for whatever juicy drama her own sims are having! :D



I've got a whopper big chapter up too!

Ok, I recant this previous remark.

Compared to Becky's story, I have only a junior burger of drama chapter to present.

Kayla_Elaine 24th Sep 2012 1:33 AM

New chapter, it's mostly filler.

Skyegal19 24th Sep 2012 2:04 AM

just wanted to ask. How do you link back to chapter 1 on your sidebars thanks

ReyaD 24th Sep 2012 2:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Skyegal19
just wanted to ask. How do you link back to chapter 1 on your sidebars thanks

Add a text piece to your side bar and then add in the link to your first chapter.

misslaheela 24th Sep 2012 3:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Envie42

Ok, I recant this previous remark.

Compared to Becky's story, I have only a junior burger of drama chapter to present.

Compared to Becky's story, the freaking Iliad and Odyssey are a junior whopper of drama.

ginj 24th Sep 2012 3:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by heaven
I know a guy named William Franklin Williams. And he's the IV. So it's an inherited name. Poor kid. Goes by Franklin though, not that I blame him. His dad also doesn't go by William.

Also, I am now caught up with the RLC thread! I have so many blogs left to catch up on though. I feel bad because I am usually pretty good about commenting so I haven't gotten around to doing that. I should be starting to catch up soon and will try to leave some comments, maybe. Can't promise anything though.

My poor little sims have been neglected too. I can't even remember the last time I opened my game. Now that James is home, I realized that Seymour is upstairs. Right now I am sitting downstairs on the laptop to catch up on internet stuffs while James watches football. I don't want to sit upstairs away from him. I might have to invest in a corner desk for downstairs in the living room because, other wise, we have no space down here for the one we already have.

Last, just a friendly reminder about the double posting. *winks at ginj*

*blushing and begging pardon for irrelevent postage*

Anyway, Chapter 4 of Corcorans is up at

ginj 24th Sep 2012 3:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Envie42
I've got a whopper big chapter up too!

Ch. 1.11 - "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie"

Let the drama begin!

And now, I'm off to catch up on everyone else's blogs and find out why CinderEmma is unhappy with Becky for whatever juicy drama her own sims are having! :D



Ok, I recant this previous remark.

Compared to Becky's story, I have only a junior burger of drama chapter to present.

Yay!!! Off to read now!

NutsAndDolts 24th Sep 2012 4:08 AM

My blog is being compared to Greek melodramas? o.o

Man, I'd better start cutting back. xD

heaven 24th Sep 2012 4:12 AM

Ginj, it's not irrelevant posting that is the issue. It's the posting multiple times in a row that is frowned upon. If you comment and then want to comment regarding something else before someone has responded, edit your first post.

teal_moonshine 24th Sep 2012 4:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
My blog is being compared to Greek melodramas? o.o

Man, I'd better start cutting back. xD

No!!! Don't cut back... I like-a to read.

Liquid 24th Sep 2012 4:35 AM

Oy, its happened, guys. I got sick of my second generation. xD
Must.. fight urge.. to delete!

I rolled collecting as the primary income for her, and she's SO poor. Our household bills are 10k+ simoleans each week, thanks to the harder bills mod. I wonder how many times the repoman will visit us this gen.
I havent ever used the transfiguration thingy. I dont even know what it is/how to do it. This will be fun.

misslaheela 24th Sep 2012 9:59 AM

Chapter Twelve - Quite Supernatural

Midnight's full house is revealed. I've already gotten thoroughly attached to them. I was beyond excited to play with Rufus and Bambi, and now, if it were possible, I'm even MORE excited to play this full house. :DDDD

LadyAwesome 24th Sep 2012 11:04 AM

*tries to read the old Archers really fast so she can catch up - somehow that never works*

ginj 24th Sep 2012 11:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by LadyAwesome
*tries to read the old Archers really fast so she can catch up - somehow that never works*

What she said

teal_moonshine 24th Sep 2012 2:45 PM

2 Attachment(s)
OK, kiddies have been born. One is human, the other is fairy. For the sake of a new legacy, Eva, the human, will be heir. However, her brother Finn will be brought over to run around the town...


ashaw814 24th Sep 2012 3:41 PM

So many weekend posts! So many blogs to catch up on!

kadience 24th Sep 2012 7:09 PM

2.4 - Burning Bright

2.5 - Pocket Full of Sunshine

Though they are two seperate chapters... Count them as one, cause one doesn't have pictures thanks to me being stupid. :P

Envie42 24th Sep 2012 8:07 PM

Ch. 1.12 - "The Sink That Broke The Llama's Back"

The chapter which prolongs the suffering inevitable, but also in which we learn that toddlers are born with a mind of their own!

misslaheela 24th Sep 2012 8:27 PM

^Lol the chapter makes it sound like you just called Emma a llama, since that's what Simon called her after fixing the sink. XD

calisims 24th Sep 2012 8:31 PM

Chapter 13 of the Brannon Legacy is up:

Chapter 13: Puzzling

heaven 24th Sep 2012 8:51 PM

Damn you all. Every time I think I am caught up and start to open my game, someone posts an update and I must go read it.

Envie42 24th Sep 2012 8:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by misslaheela
^Lol the chapter makes it sound like you just called Emma a llama, since that's what Simon called her after fixing the sink. XD

Bingo! :D

Quote: Originally posted by heaven
Damn you all. Every time I think I am caught up and start to open my game, someone posts an update and I must go read it.

I know!! I'm FINALLY catching up on CeCe's (she writes faster than I casually read from work haha) ... I'm catching up on others slowly but surely, and there's a bunch of new ones too. ugh! Fun, but - I didn't play at all last night, was too tired and just read blogs instead. haha.

heaven 24th Sep 2012 9:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Envie42
I know!! I'm FINALLY catching up on CeCe's (she writes faster than I casually read from work haha) ... I'm catching up on others slowly but surely, and there's a bunch of new ones too. ugh! Fun, but - I didn't play at all last night, was too tired and just read blogs instead. haha.

I am caught up with everyone besides these newest updates, I think. I've had so much reading to do that I've not commented on many since it's likely I may get confused. I haven't opened my game to play in over two weeks.

I hope I can remember where I was even going with my story. I looked at the pictures for the next chapter and just scratched my head.

misslaheela 24th Sep 2012 9:29 PM

Yeah, earlier I was thinking, Curse this thread. I avoided it for so long, then SOMEONE had the genius idea to start a new one. Reluctantly I looked at it, then for fun, I made my first roll, just to see what it would look like if I ever decided to play a challenge like this.

Then the stupid roll gave me an evil criminal and a good police officer living in the same house, so I just had to play it, because if I scrapped it and rolled again later for real, it might not be as interesting.

Then I just had to decide to make a blog after my mind came up with the Overlord concept. And once I made my own blog, of course, I got interested in everyone else's blogs, and now much time is consumed reading and writing.

Now I get so excited about writing the next chapter that I usually plan time everyday to play and write. It's become my source of relaxation and creativity. So much time and effort and enjoyment put into this hobby ever since I began.

Curse this silly thread and the time investment it demands of me. If I didn't enjoy any of this, it would be easier.


CinderEmma 24th Sep 2012 10:10 PM

*pokes the time until my birthday to HURRY* XD

I will eventually make a summary chapter or two, hopefully soon? XD

LadyAwesome 24th Sep 2012 10:48 PM

Yes so many blogs take over your life lol

ReyaD 24th Sep 2012 10:57 PM

You guys are starting to make me feel bad about how often I update!

Willow's Tara 24th Sep 2012 11:05 PM

I haven't gotten to reading more blogs haha, I haven't even managed to do stuff on my legacy, stuff's been going on and computer's stupid, (Nothing's happened yet, but I can tell.. If I keep playing Sims 3 without getting a new graphics card.. Which sucks because I may be moving out of my mother's place, and I may not afford the card I want soon).

But yeah, sorry to anyone who may be waiting for my blog to update, might be a bit but I will let you know when I update it on here.

Envie42 24th Sep 2012 11:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ReyaD
You guys are starting to make me feel bad about how often I update!
No no its a good thing, I love your story, don't stop!!

musicalgirl2010 24th Sep 2012 11:31 PM

I need to work on reading blogs too.... I always have one open on my phone for when I'm waiting for classes or have downtime but for whatever reason I never read it... I don't have much planned tonight so maybe I'll get through a bit.

On the note of blogs...

I have Chapter 1!!!!

Generation 1

On another note... I really need to work on titles...

Skyegal19 25th Sep 2012 12:10 AM

Chapter 20 is up . It's quite a short chapter.
Check it out

Nirar22 25th Sep 2012 12:28 AM

Ooh---lots more updates to read tonight! I love reading everyone's stories! I finally finished reading the Roman Legacy, and that was a terrific story! I loved it, especially the parts that had Aymeri in it, lol. Now I understand some of the comments made in the Summerdream story a little better. It was sort of interesting reading it backwards like that, reading the Summerdream one before the Roman Legacy one. As I was reading the Roman Legacy, I was thinking---oh I know her! That's Ico! Fun stuff. It is sad that I have read all of it though---

I have another update: Chapter 17: Second Chances

calisims 25th Sep 2012 1:06 AM

Thanks, Nirar, I'm so happy you like the Roman legacy. I try not to make anything in Summerdream dependent of having read that legacy, but I can see where it can help understand some of the characters more.

Wyldhawke 25th Sep 2012 2:03 AM

Ohh boy. I was going to try to read back just a ways to see what might have changed (or not changed) since Supernatural Launch, but my brain started hurting. hehe... I had a thought on some changes as I was (carefully) reading over the rules - or, at least, some additional rolls and random-ality that I want to add to my game. I've been putting off playing an actual "Legacy" for what seems like millions of years. Heck, I've been putting it off since I started with Sims 2 (didn't know about challenges back in sims1). I've started a couple, but my interest seems to wane as things get too easy. Hence, the reason I figure the more random I can make my legacy, the more interesting it will be... anyway.. couple questions, then my additions/thoughts: (and please forgive me for being rather wordy, I'm trying to explain my thoughts as clearly as possible.)

How do traits work? Random roll always? Pick them for your first generation, then only pick the traits the game says you can pick from good parenting?
The app for random roll - you use that at the "start" of each generation, right? So - before you make your CAS family in the beginning, then when your chosen heir reaches young adulthood, roll for that generation. At least, that's the way I'm reading it.

Assuming I understood the time to roll correctly, here's a couple additions I'm thinking of making based on the Supernaturals. Instead of lumping them into the "multicultural" as in the rules - leave that for the world adventures "cultures" - and make an entire new category. When you roll for the generation, roll another "dice" with the following options:

1. Normal Sim
2. Ghost
3. Mummy
4. SimBot
5. Vampire
6. Imaginary Friend
7. Genie
8. Werewolf
9. Witch
10. Fairy
11. Zombie
12. Alien (obviously, ignore this one until Seasons is out, I'm just thinking ahead.. hehe)

Then, use that as the "target" life state for that generation. Obviously, certain life states will be tougher, because they can't procreate - meaning they will have to adopt. By "target" - I mean, that's what the family all wants to be. How that works would change based on the life state's particular quirks.
- For Werewolves, Witches, Fairies, Vampires, and "Normal" sims (who can all procreate with a 50/50 shot and be transformed by existing supernaturals in the town) - every family member will try to be transformed into the chosen creature by the time the next generation starts. Lose points per sim that doesn't.
- For Genies (and probably Aliens) - (who can procreate but can't be transformed by other genies) - your goal will be to free a genie and use them to procreate.. whether it become your spouse or live-in, whatever. Then, the chosen heir MUST be a genie, if you have to pick a specific number of heir, say the second kid born.. it would be the second GENIE kid born.
- For Ghosts - either you need to use a ghost to procreate and hope for the best, or you need to have the primary generation "heir" from the previous generation die, and then be resurrected (and then find another ghost to procreate with - of someone else to kill and resurrect). Obviously, the goal would be to have all ghost children, and pick the heir from only the ones that are ghosts. The above choice is really going to depend on how difficult you want this generation to be. Obviously, killing them and bringing them back will be the toughest.
- For Imaginary Friends - The best thing I can think of here is to have your chosen heir bring their imaginary friend to life at the start of the generation, and use them to procreate... any previous generation kid not born with an imaginary friend is disqualified... and only an imaginary friend baby can be chosen as the next heir.
- For Mummies and Zombies - you can be turned into one, but you can't procreate. So - the goal, get all of your family to turn into mummies - after they're born. Alternatively, if you get a mummy as a spouse/signifigant other, then adopt and have them turn into mummies asap. The "problem" with Zombies is that they're not always permanent - unless you can get a witch to cast the perma-Zombie spell. So, the choice as a player here would be whether to try to become perma-Zombies, or just count it a success that everyone was a zombie at least once..?
- For SimBots - these guys can't procreate, so things get a little tougher. The goal isn't to make sure every member of the family tries to turn into one, but to get one into the family. For SimBot - this means your sim needs to pick up inventing as a "hobby" and bring a SimBot to life... (or more than one, if that's what your roll calls for. Obviously, the major challenge with the sim-bots, at least, is that they won't be a bloodline continuation on the family tree (I don't think?), so once you get your sim-bot made, instead of using them to procreate you marry them and adopt with them.. or, I suppose there's other ways too.

My other "issue" is that I always have trouble with picking out pets.. I always WANT to have them, and if there isn't a specific rule, I'm likely to have as many as I can - so I'm going to throw another roll or two in there about pets:
Pets Roll: 1. No Pets, 2. Cats, 3. Dogs, 4. Horses, 5. Minor Pets, 6. Bug Collector (since you don’t have to care for them, they’re easier), 7. Multiple Pets (roll a second die, below), 8. Unicorn (i.e. have to tame one before the end of the generation - if you need to have other pets to do so (for the friends requirement), feel free.
Multiple Pets Roll: 1. Cat and Dog, 2. Cat and Horse, 3. Dog and Horse, 4. Cat Dog and Horse, 5. Minor Pets + Cat, 6. Minor Pets + Dog, 7. Minor Pets + Horse, 8. Minor Pets + Cat + Dog, 9. Minor Pets + Cat + Dog + Horse (I don't include Unicorn here, because they're a challenge all on their own.. and minor pets, roll to find what type, and try to collect all of just that one type)
Minor Pets Roll: 1. Snakes, 2. Small Birds, 3. Large Birds, 4. Turtles, 5. Rodents, 6. Lizard

Any thoughts?

NutsAndDolts 25th Sep 2012 2:27 AM

Hi Wyldhawke! You may choose traits, unless you have rolled "random traits", or bad parenting prevented you from choosing traits. =)

Also, once you've earned the points, you may purchase the lifetime happiness reward that changes traits, unless you've rolled random traits.

As for when you roll for the next generation... you roll for gen 1 before you start, of course. You can roll for gen 2 far in advance, or you can wait until gen 1 has its first required child. You don't want to wait until gen 2 reaches adulthood to see what their roll is, because you might roll something that needs them to start on it in childhood. Not to mention you might want to groom the next heir for their future career.

We've lumped supernatural creatures in with multicultural in order to give people more freedom with what kind of story they are writing.

You mentioned turning everyone into a certain supernatural or losing points... I need to stop you and point out that we do not have a point system. We have a "pass or fail" system, basically. And if you fail, we're not going to tell you to stop playing your family or anything. That would be up to you.

For Pets, check out general rule #13. Basically it says you can have pets, but not to make money off of them unless a roll tells you you can.

I think a roll determining how many pets your family has would go really well in the "optional rules" section. Reason being, I usually don't even play with pet sims, because they cause massive LAG... and as the OP I speak for everyone muahahaahahaaa just kidding. Honestly it seems about half and half; I see a lot of legacies with pets, and just as many that had pets as soon as the expansion pack came out, then got tired of having them around and never had them again.

Buckley 25th Sep 2012 2:32 AM

Hi, Wyldhawke. Welcome to the challenge! Answers:

-You only have to roll random traits if you roll the random traits miscellaneous fun or another such rule says to.
-The app is used at the beginning of the first generation, before you make your Sim in CAS, and before (*fixed*) the first child of the next generation is born. So, when generation 2 is born, you roll for them. Because some rolls, like random traits, start from the time of birth.

I see a couple of issues with your new rule idea. First of all, we generally don't like to force supernatural creatures on people. I don't want to be forced to play a zombie or mummy, for example. I kind of like my human Sims, lol. Also, a lot of people don't like to travel with their families (because of glitches), so leaving the supernatural creatures lumped in with the multicultural roll allows people to choose. Would this be like an optional side rule type thing? Or were you thinking that it would go under a generation goal or miscellaneous fun? Also, same question for your pets idea.

I don't see any problem for you playing those rules, but I'm just not sure I'd like to be forced to play them. You know?

Edit: Becky beat me. I debated deleting my post, but oh well.

Edit 2: I like the idea of the pets being an optional rule. BUT would that mean I'd have to roll if I wanted pets? Or not?

Kayla_Elaine 25th Sep 2012 2:33 AM

I would like to have a pet, but I didn't want to start out with a pet since first gens are busy enough trying to earn money. Then I kept forgetting. Now I will wait until it "fits" with my story/roll, which may happen with my heir for fourth gen.

ginj 25th Sep 2012 2:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Wyldhawke
Ohh boy. I was going to try to read back just a ways to see what might have changed (or not changed) since Supernatural Launch, but my brain started hurting. hehe... I had a thought on some changes as I was (carefully) reading over the rules - or, at least, some additional rolls and random-ality that I want to add to my game. I've been putting off playing an actual "Legacy" for what seems like millions of years. Heck, I've been putting it off since I started with Sims 2 (didn't know about challenges back in sims1). I've started a couple, but my interest seems to wane as things get too easy. Hence, the reason I figure the more random I can make my legacy, the more interesting it will be... anyway.. couple questions, then my additions/thoughts: (and please forgive me for being rather wordy, I'm trying to explain my thoughts as clearly as possible.)

How do traits work? Random roll always? Pick them for your first generation, then only pick the traits the game says you can pick from good parenting?
The app for random roll - you use that at the "start" of each generation, right? So - before you make your CAS family in the beginning, then when your chosen heir reaches young adulthood, roll for that generation. At least, that's the way I'm reading it.

Assuming I understood the time to roll correctly, here's a couple additions I'm thinking of making based on the Supernaturals. Instead of lumping them into the "multicultural" as in the rules - leave that for the world adventures "cultures" - and make an entire new category. When you roll for the generation, roll another "dice" with the following options:

1. Normal Sim
2. Ghost
3. Mummy
4. SimBot
5. Vampire
6. Imaginary Friend
7. Genie
8. Werewolf
9. Witch
10. Fairy
11. Zombie
12. Alien (obviously, ignore this one until Seasons is out, I'm just thinking ahead.. hehe)

Then, use that as the "target" life state for that generation. Obviously, certain life states will be tougher, because they can't procreate - meaning they will have to adopt. By "target" - I mean, that's what the family all wants to be. How that works would change based on the life state's particular quirks.
- For Werewolves, Witches, Fairies, Vampires, and "Normal" sims (who can all procreate with a 50/50 shot and be transformed by existing supernaturals in the town) - every family member will try to be transformed into the chosen creature by the time the next generation starts. Lose points per sim that doesn't.
- For Genies (and probably Aliens) - (who can procreate but can't be transformed by other genies) - your goal will be to free a genie and use them to procreate.. whether it become your spouse or live-in, whatever. Then, the chosen heir MUST be a genie, if you have to pick a specific number of heir, say the second kid born.. it would be the second GENIE kid born.
- For Ghosts - either you need to use a ghost to procreate and hope for the best, or you need to have the primary generation "heir" from the previous generation die, and then be resurrected (and then find another ghost to procreate with - of someone else to kill and resurrect). Obviously, the goal would be to have all ghost children, and pick the heir from only the ones that are ghosts. The above choice is really going to depend on how difficult you want this generation to be. Obviously, killing them and bringing them back will be the toughest.
- For Imaginary Friends - The best thing I can think of here is to have your chosen heir bring their imaginary friend to life at the start of the generation, and use them to procreate... any previous generation kid not born with an imaginary friend is disqualified... and only an imaginary friend baby can be chosen as the next heir.
- For Mummies and Zombies - you can be turned into one, but you can't procreate. So - the goal, get all of your family to turn into mummies - after they're born. Alternatively, if you get a mummy as a spouse/signifigant other, then adopt and have them turn into mummies asap. The "problem" with Zombies is that they're not always permanent - unless you can get a witch to cast the perma-Zombie spell. So, the choice as a player here would be whether to try to become perma-Zombies, or just count it a success that everyone was a zombie at least once..?
- For SimBots - these guys can't procreate, so things get a little tougher. The goal isn't to make sure every member of the family tries to turn into one, but to get one into the family. For SimBot - this means your sim needs to pick up inventing as a "hobby" and bring a SimBot to life... (or more than one, if that's what your roll calls for. Obviously, the major challenge with the sim-bots, at least, is that they won't be a bloodline continuation on the family tree (I don't think?), so once you get your sim-bot made, instead of using them to procreate you marry them and adopt with them.. or, I suppose there's other ways too.

My other "issue" is that I always have trouble with picking out pets.. I always WANT to have them, and if there isn't a specific rule, I'm likely to have as many as I can - so I'm going to throw another roll or two in there about pets:
Pets Roll: 1. No Pets, 2. Cats, 3. Dogs, 4. Horses, 5. Minor Pets, 6. Bug Collector (since you don’t have to care for them, they’re easier), 7. Multiple Pets (roll a second die, below), 8. Unicorn (i.e. have to tame one before the end of the generation - if you need to have other pets to do so (for the friends requirement), feel free.
Multiple Pets Roll: 1. Cat and Dog, 2. Cat and Horse, 3. Dog and Horse, 4. Cat Dog and Horse, 5. Minor Pets + Cat, 6. Minor Pets + Dog, 7. Minor Pets + Horse, 8. Minor Pets + Cat + Dog, 9. Minor Pets + Cat + Dog + Horse (I don't include Unicorn here, because they're a challenge all on their own.. and minor pets, roll to find what type, and try to collect all of just that one type)
Minor Pets Roll: 1. Snakes, 2. Small Birds, 3. Large Birds, 4. Turtles, 5. Rodents, 6. Lizard

Any thoughts?

Actually, created Simbots do show up on the family tree as relatives

ashaw814 25th Sep 2012 2:47 AM

Update! Chapter 4: A Lady of the Evening It's a short chapter. I should have a longer one up on Wednesday.

Welcome, Wyld. I like your ideas and might incorporate them into my own personal set of rules at some point.

Wyldhawke 25th Sep 2012 2:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ginj
Actually, created Simbots do show up on the family tree as relatives

Ah, well that's really good to know!

Quote: Originally posted by Buckley
I see a couple of issues with your new rule idea. First of all, we generally don't like to force supernatural creatures on people. I don't want to be forced to play a zombie or mummy, for example. I kind of like my human Sims, lol. Also, a lot of people don't like to travel with their families (because of glitches), so leaving the supernatural creatures lumped in with the multicultural roll allows people to choose. Would this be like an optional side rule type thing? Or were you thinking that it would go under a generation goal or miscellaneous fun? Also, same question for your pets idea.

I was honestly seeing both as an optional thing - because not everyone is going to have supernatural or pets - or want to play them. I know I like to play them - they make the game tougher, but they're still new-ish to me... so that works out fine. Also, if you don't want to play a certain kind of sim, just take that option out of the roll, and reduce the number of possibilities. Obviously, if you only want to play normal simmies, you only have one possible - so you don't have to roll. Same thing with pets. Makes it a "fairer" rule, anyway. I was just thinking that the ability to have a random supernatural element would be a lot of fun, and definitely "up" the "interest" factor for me.

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
As for when you roll for the next generation... you roll for gen 1 before you start, of course. You can roll for gen 2 far in advance, or you can wait until gen 1 has its first required child. You don't want to wait until gen 2 reaches adulthood to see what their roll is, because you might roll something that needs them to start on it in childhood. Not to mention you might want to groom the next heir for their future career.

Oh, that answers most my questions right there. I was seeing stars thinking of having to random roll every trait for every sim and then make them succeed at a career. As a roll option, that would be really a tough one to get, methinks!

As for pets making money, I'm okay with that! I don't need them to make money to have them be fun - and often, an additional challenge .. and the points thing. my bad. I'm so used to looking at score-based legacies. Guess they can just remain as "goals"

misslaheela 25th Sep 2012 3:11 AM

I would definitely make the rolls for supernaturals and pets optional. When I'm focusing so much on people for my legacy story, I just don't have time to focus on pets (it's already a big juggle handling a full house for my second generation!). For my legacy family, I also don't want to play supernaturals as the heirs, mainly because they can be cheaty (vampires can skill faster, witches can get around a lot of rules, etc) and also because I can't stand long lifespans, which knocks out fairies and vampires, and also werewolves to some extent. I can play with them in this generation because I'm not required to keep them forever and ever in the house - it gives me more flexibility.

calisims 25th Sep 2012 3:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Wyldhawke
I was honestly seeing both as an optional thing - because not everyone is going to have supernatural or pets - or want to play them. I know I like to play them - they make the game tougher, but they're still new-ish to me... so that works out fine. Also, if you don't want to play a certain kind of sim, just take that option out of the roll, and reduce the number of possibilities. Obviously, if you only want to play normal simmies, you only have one possible - so you don't have to roll. Same thing with pets. Makes it a "fairer" rule, anyway. I was just thinking that the ability to have a random supernatural element would be a lot of fun, and definitely "up" the "interest" factor for me.

I don't mind adding new optional rules, but if we did have some optional roll for supes, it would have to be opt in only for those that want to roll for a random supe generation. We currently allow people to play supes or not freely.
I mention this because you say those who 'only want normals' won't have to roll. Some of us do play supernaturals but wouldn't want that as a generational goal or restriction, so we also wouldn't have to roll and still be allowed to have supernaturals in our families at will.

Envie42 25th Sep 2012 3:59 AM

Re: Supernaturals added to rolls --- I had a big long reply written up and I think my browser crapped out or something. Everyone else answered everything better anyways. While I do have SN expansion, I don't think I want to include it in my legacy just yet and I don't want to roll for it. I like rolling for sims life states such as how many kids they'll have, what jobs they'll have, etc. etc... but I don't want other conditions put on them such as what supernatural type they might be or even where they live. That's why I like this particular random legacy. It has a lot of randomness without too much restriction. You can choose any world you like and any type of sims you like so long as its within the restrictions of the roll categories given. I think they're just enough to make it interesting without being too heavy handed.

And for me, supernaturals are a pretty rare thing - which is why Moonlight Falls didn't really work that well in my mind. I realize supernaturals would tend to gather with their like kind, but I couldn't seem to get a feel for the town at all after playing through a couple generations. I love the fantasy supernatural stories I'm reading by calisims and ReyaD, but I don't find myself able to write that well about it...yet. Maybe later when I'm more comfortable with the legacy format.

misslaheela 25th Sep 2012 4:09 AM

Those who can write supernatural legacies, I applaud you. I can think of plenty of story ideas to involve with supernaturals (which, after I'm done with this legacy, I might put into play), but I wouldn't want to do this legacy challenge with a supernatural family. I'm guessing it will probably 100+ chapters to complete this legacy with human heirs (and that's on a Medium lifespan), so playing with supernaturals on a normal lifespan would just take forever, in my mind.

Nirar22 25th Sep 2012 7:27 AM

One more update. Chapter 18 : Life's a Party

This is where I discover what happens when everyone's birthday falls on the same day. The game camera literally went from sim to sim, lol. Through all of the children anyway. I am just about to switch gears to the third generation. Woot! Exciting!

NutsAndDolts 25th Sep 2012 7:29 AM

I told myself I wouldn't let my lazy butt go to sleep until I had the next chapter up.

Passing out... now.

ReyaD 25th Sep 2012 8:35 AM

Three error 12s in an hour. Two of which I managed to bypass... the third of which crashed my computer. I played one full sim day. I think my game is either trying to drive me mad or kill me. I JUST MOVED, GAME, STOP MAKING ME WANT TO KICK YOU.

On a different note this is what comes to mind whenever I think of the roll "Deadbeat Parents":

Buckley 25th Sep 2012 8:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
I told myself I wouldn't let my lazy butt go to sleep until I had the next chapter up.

You updated! YES!

Quote: Originally posted by ReyaD
On a different note this is what comes to mind whenever I think of the roll "Deadbeat Parents":

LOL, how does that even happen?! Poor thing. Still love Jade though.

AJH 25th Sep 2012 10:29 AM

Yikes! I forget to check the thread for one day and so many chapters up! Please excuse me if I forget to comment on anyone's chapter while I read through all of them...

I finally got round to rolling for generation 5 and discovered that the rules for "fulfilled" are missing from the list, so could anyone give me a reminder as to what they were please.

Oh and I've also finally got round to putting the trips up for downloading if anyone wants them

NutsAndDolts 25th Sep 2012 2:00 PM

That happens when the kid's energy bar is enough in the red, but they aren't in the crib. They pass out on the floor, and if a potty chair is behind them...

4)Fulfilled – Both your heir and their spouse (if applicable) must obtain their LTW. Changing the LTW via aspiration reward is allowed.

In addition, any Wish that is "promised" (that is, pinned to the board) MUST be fulfilled. You may only cancel a promised wish if it becomes impossible to fulfill. (for instance, "play game with sim" when said sim has died.) You do not have to promise every (or any) wish, but once promised this rule applies.

Looks like Fulfilled wasn't bolded. Oops. Fixing now.

AJH 25th Sep 2012 2:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by NutsAndDolts
Looks like Fulfilled wasn't bolded. Oops. Fixing now.


calisims 25th Sep 2012 3:33 PM

Hey, so, I haven't used Bonehilda myself, but I've been reading other threads that her tuning is set to be highly attracted to activities like training toddlers to walk & talk, and potty. So, I was thinking we might have to ban the use of Bonehilda for generations with Perfect Children goal. I know we allow grandparents or even older siblings to assist in the rearing of kids in the Perfect Children roll, but letting an NPC slave do it seems a little cheaty.
And of course, for Deadbeat Parents rolls, because she will force fail you by training your kids behind your back, lol.

Envie42 25th Sep 2012 4:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by calisims
Hey, so, I haven't used Bonehilda myself, but I've been reading other threads that her tuning is set to be highly attracted to activities like training toddlers to walk & talk, and potty. So, I was thinking we might have to ban the use of Bonehilda for generations with Perfect Children goal. I know we allow grandparents or even older siblings to assist in the rearing of kids in the Perfect Children roll, but letting an NPC slave do it seems a little cheaty.
And of course, for Deadbeat Parents rolls, because she will force fail you by training your kids behind your back, lol.

I have only played with Bonehilda twice and both times she bugged out and I had to use twallan's overwatch to get her back after I reset her and she vanished for days. (NOT in her coffin)

In my household with a toddler, she bugged out because I finally did a manual reset on her, she seemed to be in a loop which caused her to tickle/snuggle/tickle/snuggle/tickle/snuggle the toddler, to death ...almost literally. His plumbob was orange and close to red by the time I intervened. She was better after that reset ...for awhile. She even let the toddler sleep ... but as soon as he was awake again and not actively engaged with a toy, she attacked him again and started the same routine again! There was no teaching him to walk or talk, just smothering him to death with affection! They kept getting double ++ interactions but there's never any social in the relationship bar either. The second time I had to do a reset on her, I got fed up and deleted her.

In the second household, she did the same thing to the pets...but in this case she DID train the dog to do tricks, for hours on end. The thing was starving to death.

So in summary, I would say my issue and the issue many are having from my research on the forums is that Bonehilda is TOO much and won't stop with the babies and pets. I did not read that she trained any babies to walk or talk though. Might need further testing.

I would say, however, she's exceptionally fast at cleaning and repairing things around the house - way better than a maid or butler!

Personally I found her to be far more detriment to the poor kids than help, but only because she's so buggy. If she is working correctly then she might be cheaty, if in fact she does train the kids to walk and talk or use the potty.

(I made a post about this on twallan's board because I wasn't sure it was maybe his SP doing it, but apparently its an EA glitch)

calisims 25th Sep 2012 4:28 PM

I have no personal experience, but I have read stories like yours and have generally been avoiding Bonehilda. But Bluegenjutsu says her tuning is set to be highly attracted to train toddlers, as well as harass them and pets to death, and I have read of other people catching her training their toddlers and pets obsessively. It could very well be that having Bonehilda during a Perfect Children roll my be more detriment than help if she just harasses your kid and not train them, but the drive to train is her in tuning, so I think she should be avoided during Perfect Children rolls.

Envie42 25th Sep 2012 4:44 PM

I agree, if you roll Perfect Children, or Deadbeat Parents (and you are going to use it) - I would say Bonehilda should not be allowable in case she does in fact work as intended and teaches the toddlers their skills. As for all other rolls, I would say purchase Bonehilda at your own risk, haha! It's a shame really, I absolutely adore her - especially for Supernatural families, how cute is that, a skeleton maid haha. She's very likable and very very efficient. Hopefully the bugs can be ironed out and she will stop getting stuck in the repetitive loop stage.

Oh and also, if you have a Sim who needs to skill up handiness, don't have Bonehilda around, she will beat you to the broken sink or toilet every time!

calisims 25th Sep 2012 4:51 PM

Yeah, everything I've read about her makes it seems like she's a nuisance at best and a total nightmare at worst, not allowing your pets/toddlers to even eat or sleep because of her relentless harassment.
iirc she was buggy in Sims 1, too, though that was more of I'ma crash your game bug back then, lol.

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