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Johnny_Bravo 4th Nov 2019 6:19 PM

It's a nice thing to guess, but aren't the viruses that cause the cold and flu able to mutate incredibly quick? Does a flu shot even make any sense?
Not getting a flu shot after all, lol. I feel kinda silly thinking about that.

smorbie1 4th Nov 2019 6:25 PM

They do mutate rapidly. Sometimes, though, the researchers do guess correctly and the flu shot is really effective.

My own personal prejudices aside, if the flu is a horrible one and you've not heard that the vaccine was ineffective, you might want to consider getting it. If your health is not good, you might want to consider protecting it with whatever value the shot might have.

fascisthater 4th Nov 2019 8:57 PM

I think avoiding sick people and washing your hands correctly & often may be even more effective than any type of vaccine. However, if you are among a susceptible population-every bit helps.

sailorplanet97 4th Nov 2019 11:30 PM

when i was to my parents, i took a shower and saw blood clots, i thought at first it was nothing, so we went out after i changed my clothes (my dad had to go home first though)
we went out to an greek restaurand, i was nauseous since i kept eating even though i was full, but it was gone in 10/15 minutes so i wasn't nauseous for that long and it was mild so i didn't throw up and wasn't about to
my parents took me home after we leaved the greek, i went to the toilet and i saw blood, i was in shock because i didn't had any symptoms of menstruations so that was unexpected :/

and i'm not supposed to be since i continue taking birth control without any stop-weeks, and the worse of it all was i already put on my PJ's so my PJ's leaked and also didn't had any symptoms, and 2 or 3 weeks ago i was in the same situation, expect i had symptoms that fits with the period, and this time i don't have symptoms that fit with the period/menstruation, i didn't threw up nor was i having diarrhea (well expect last hour but that don't count)

i already left an letter to an female quidance so hopefully she'll read it in the morning and talks about how i'm doing, maybe even visit the doctor if possible, i'm started to get worried
so yes the period literally ruined my day (literally on my mom's birthday)

PANDAQUEEN 4th Nov 2019 11:55 PM

Got Season 5 of the Simpsons in the mail...

Then had Seasons 2 & 4 of the Simpsons along with 6 pounds of unpopped mushroom popcorn stolen from my porch!

Emmett Brown 7th Nov 2019 1:33 PM

I'm worried about my daughter. What will happen to her when she gets older and I can't take care of her anymore? How do I keep her from becoming homeless? I really ought to start to homeschool her, she's learning all the wrong things in "school". Her mom is dead set against it. I don't see how homeschooling can be any worse... she's failing school in almost every subject and the "socialization" is that she can get what she wants with anti-social behavior.

HCAC 7th Nov 2019 4:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
I'm worried about my daughter. What will happen to her when she gets older and I can't take care of her anymore? How do I keep her from becoming homeless? I really ought to start to homeschool her, she's learning all the wrong things in "school". Her mom is dead set against it. I don't see how homeschooling can be any worse... she's failing school in almost every subject and the "socialization" is that she can get what she wants with anti-social behavior.

Does she have special needs? At risk kids also have "special needs" in my opinion. I homeschooled but who will do it if you want her to be homeschooled? If your wife is home all day will she do it? Does your daughter want this? My son has special needs (not severe but the schools failed him after 5th grade), so after 6th (terrible year) I took over.

Emmett Brown 9th Nov 2019 7:38 AM

I have the college unit requirements to be allowed to homeschool. My wife won't do it. My daughter doesn't want this because she had gamed the public school system to her short term advantage. She's smarter than her teachers and the average bear.

HCAC 9th Nov 2019 3:27 PM

If you live in the USA you have the right to homeschool. I don't know your district or state but they may have more constraints.

Emmett Brown 9th Nov 2019 7:11 PM

I ruined my own day, by procrastinating. I have chores I want to get done and now it's raining and I have to be outside to do two of my chores. I can't really put one of them off either.
So, I'm gonna get wet and cold. Serves me right. Humm... maybe I'll play the sims until it warms up a bit. yeah, that's the ticket!

PANDAQUEEN 9th Nov 2019 7:37 PM

Went food shopping and they decided to add taxes that can only be paid in cash. Right now, still angry I couldn't take advantage of my food allowance.

Way to bust up a party.

Wojtek 11th Nov 2019 3:52 PM

PANDAQUEEN 11th Nov 2019 10:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Wojtek

Yep, Dark Period.

Wojtek 12th Nov 2019 1:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Yep, Dark Period.

Yup in December and January the day length is 7-8 hours and 16-17 hours in June and July depending on region (Poland). I think I'm suffering from vitamin D deficiency and need to buy some pills at a chemist's. It's not expensive and i think it'll help me feel better during long winter nights.

PANDAQUEEN 12th Nov 2019 1:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Wojtek
Yup in December and January the day length is 7-8 hours and 16-17 hours in June and July depending on region (Poland). I think I'm suffering from vitamin D deficiency and need to buy some pills at a chemist's. It's not expensive and i think it'll help me feel better during long winter nights.

When I lived in Washington state, Greater Seattle area, I was on Vitamin D pills and on artificial sunlight therapy during monsoon season. (Trust me, we didn't have defined seasons in Seattle like we do here in Asshole. Seattle had two: dry and monsoon. Asshole has the typical 4 and a rainy season between Spring and Summer and Summer and Autumn. Winter is going to set in tonight.)

Wojtek 12th Nov 2019 1:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
When I lived in Washington state, Greater Seattle area, I was on Vitamin D pills and on artificial sunlight therapy during monsoon season. (Trust me, we didn't have defined seasons in Seattle like we do here in Asshole. Seattle had two: dry and monsoon. Asshole has the typical 4 and a rainy season between Spring and Summer and Summer and Autumn. Winter is going to set in tonight.)

Seattle looks like the northernmost large city in contiguous USA and thus experiences noticeable differences in day and night lengths in summer and winter. Wrocław is situated further north and its latitude can be compared to Calgary in Canada. Its climate is a transition between marine west coast and warm continental. Anyway, vitamin D is what I'm currently craving for.

HCAC 12th Nov 2019 5:04 PM

I'm not sleeping right. I have an underlying medical problem which has now returned to be another tick on my I hate getting older list. Add to that our road is incredibly noisy, our apartment has very high heat (something I thought I would love after freezing most of my renting life in cold, crappy apartments), and now the management has set out some very bright lights that point at all the windows (bedrooms) that already face a highway that has traffic 24 hours a day/night. I can't close the windows because of the heat (we can't regulate it properly). So it's light, heat and noise all night. My husband is looking into another set of blinds or shades. Meanwhile I have to decide which wheel of doctors I want to put my (lack of) confidence in to get my problems "solved." I'm going to just hide under the bed till the full moon is over. I realize people have "worse" issues but nevertheless...

PANDAQUEEN 13th Nov 2019 7:19 AM

Realizing the holidays are going to be rush-rush in a couple weeks.

The fact I have info on Dr. Nye (enough to at least wish him a happy return upon meeting him) was enough to set off that stupid stressor I have when it precedes Black Friday.

For one, shopping during the holidays is more an epic quest a la Link in Legend of Zelda. It's almost like having to talk to all the villagers before finding what's on the list.

Then, there's the crowds...I hate them so much! I have medicine for it because the effect is like being hanged alive like Clint Eastwood's character in Hang 'em High where, once the meds kick in, you probably have a rope burn equivalent from the anxiety.

I have a party next weekend (this upcoming weekend) and I need to assemble my outfit. I bought a new shirt to go with a merlot red pair of shorts and now I need to find shoes. I have my leopard print slip on sneakers which I recently outfitted with gel insoles from Dr. Scholl's.

Kids these days call them their "rides". Can't argue with that logic, because I grew up in a number of towns where it was pedestrian friendly. Princeton Junction, NJ; Redmond, WA, and Lynnwood, WA are the ones I grew up in.

Or I could break out my fancy thick strap sandals from Rocketdog. After all, it's a party.

ARGGH! I have all this energy and I am in bed!

11/13/2019 18:06
Slept until noon. I had a rough night.

Emmett Brown 18th Nov 2019 7:29 PM

This is a downer of a day
I'm doing okay and it looks good for me up until the slam the lid on the casket and drop me into the ground.
It's my wife and daughter that I'm kinda grim about, especially after I'm gone or too feeble to look after things.
Edit: Day Two of Downer Days
My wife and daughter seem angry at me. Daughter because she has to go to school, wife because of my daughter - it's my fault I'd rather stay home than go visit my brother in law.
  • My Brother in law doesn't like my daughter
  • My wife doesn't like her brother.
  • I'm of a different religion than my Brother in law, and I don't care to argue religion. It's going to be a thing on black Friday, too.
  • I can't have coffee in his house. I'd rather stay in a hotel. Without coffee, I'm going to have a headache all day and be in a foul mood. I don't like being in a foul mood.
  • All in all, I'd rather not board my dog and use the money to buy a nice big roast and celebrate thanksgiving with my family on Saturday.

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Nov 2019 1:44 AM

Now feeling the side effects of getting two vaccines at once. I think I will crawl into bed and sleep off this malaise of chemical warfare against sickness.

Besides, I have baking and cooking tomorrow.

P.S. I got a 5 year tetanus shot in the left shoulder and a seasonal flu shot in the right shoulder.

sailorplanet97 25th Nov 2019 12:52 AM

i woke up in the morning and started having headache, and was tired (i'll be honest i couldn't sleep well because i was worried about my symptoms)
i took a power-nap after buying some stuff but it didn't got any better, infact i'm nauseous and still having headache now :/

PANDAQUEEN 29th Nov 2019 8:58 PM

Forgot to buy drip pans and my mother is going rip me a new one for not following through. She hates people who don't follow through on promises.

PANDAQUEEN 1st Dec 2019 11:58 PM

The weather is indeed frightful.

It's a mix of rain, ice, sleet, and snow.

This is the rage of Winter Storm Ezekiel.

kidhedera 2nd Dec 2019 2:27 AM

My team at work is running at half staff. One person got fired and 4 people are off sick. It's not fun.

TrillianRikku 2nd Dec 2019 2:53 AM

Shoveling snow all afternoon

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