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liogab11 21st May 2021 5:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Kylaaab

Man do I wish there was a mod... Anyone else?

When you hover over the time, you can see how many weeks and days have elapsed
I'd like to see a mod that changes the "Week 9, Day 1" format to something like "Year 1, Month 2, Day 8"

The mod would have settings allowing you to define how many days make up a month, and if you would like a four-month (one season, one month) or 12-month year (as IRL) year.

olomaya 21st May 2021 12:28 PM

I'd just like to point out that a mod for the very first wish that kicked off this thread now exists. Sims 3 is not dead yet.

flloetryresident 24th May 2021 3:13 AM

I wish there was an actual inheritance mod.

how the sims allows us to have loans at the business building (that could be nraas story progression, i've used it so long, i don't know if EA is doing that or Nraas), there should be a mod at the business building where they can allow us to set up an inheritance for anyone in town and that sim can keep going to the business building to keep adding money.

Instead of the first born or their children getting money, it could be a nephew or cousin or something.

rsanda 25th May 2021 8:52 PM

I wish there was a mod that added proper skill icons for skill certificates of ITF skills. It really bothers me when I reach level 10 in Bot Building for example, and the certificate has the icon of the scuba diving skill.

Elynda 7th Jun 2021 3:17 AM

If I've posted about this before (really can't remember) I apologize, but it has become a pet peeve of mine.

I really wish there was a mod that stopped my sims bosses and workmates from buggering off to become singers, magicians or acrobats. It really isn't such a problem in pre-populated worlds, where those sims will be residents and already employed. They tend to stay in the job. But in worlds that I have populated myself it is a real pain. It is also a problem in worlds where a career didn't previously exist: for example, in Roaring Heights, where their isn't a film studio to start with, but I usually place one myself. My sim joins the career, and the game then goes and recruits unemployed homeless sims as their boss and workmates. Which would be fine, except that along comes Showtime and lures them off with the tantalizing prospect of earning a few coins performing on street corners, come wind, rain, blizzard or tempest. Yeah, that's the life for a sim! Who'd want to be CEO of a company, earn a huge salary, and work in a nice warm office? Who'd want to be a glamorous movie star?

Well, whatever! They never stay in a job long enough for my sims to get to know or befriend them, and the same thing will happen to their replacements. If I didn't set Nraas Overwatch to run their sorry asses out of town there would be a veritable plague of itinerant crooners, conjurors and, worse of all, street mimes!

I've been told that you can use Nraas Story Progression to stop this happening, but that is quite a big busy mod and really tanks performance in my game. So if somebody could make a more lightweight, standalone mod, I would very much appreciate it.

jje1000 7th Jun 2021 2:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Elynda
If I've posted about this before (really can't remember) I apologize, but it has become a pet peeve of mine.

I really wish there was a mod that stopped my sims bosses and workmates from buggering off to become singers, magicians or acrobats. It really isn't such a problem in pre-populated worlds, where those sims will be residents and already employed. They tend to stay in the job. But in worlds that I have populated myself it is a real pain. It is also a problem in worlds where a career didn't previously exist: for example, in Roaring Heights, where their isn't a film studio to start with, but I usually place one myself. My sim joins the career, and the game then goes and recruits unemployed homeless sims as their boss and workmates. Which would be fine, except that along comes Showtime and lures them off with the tantalizing prospect or earning a few coins performing on street corners, come wind, rain, blizzard or tempest. Yeah, that's the life for a sim! Who'd want to be CEO of a company, earn a huge salary, and work in a nice warm office? Who'd want to be a glamorous movie star?

Well, whatever! They never stay in a job long enough for my sims to get to know or befriend them, and the same thing will happen to their replacements. If I didn't set Nraas Overwatch to run their sorry asses out of town there would be a veritable plague of itinerant crooners, conjurors and, worse of all, street mimes!

I've been told that you can use Nraas Story Progression to stop this happening, but that is quite a big busy mod and really tanks performance in my game. So if somebody could make a more lightweight, standalone mod, I would very much appreciate it.

This- I wish the game sort of hard-locked NPC sims into their careers.

I think NRAAS can fix this to a degree, right?

Jathom95 7th Jun 2021 3:46 PM

Didn't Shimrod have a lighter SP mod over at the Asylum that only tweaked certain parameters of EA SP? Not sure if it specifically affected careers though. Never used it.

ItsOnlyThunder 8th Jun 2021 8:29 AM

I wished there was a mod that would let sims paint a custom picture that was put into a folder a la Sims 2, instead of going through the hassle of manually replacing or adding pictures with a .package file. If I had in-depth C# skills I would try to make one myself.

rsanda 8th Jun 2021 12:30 PM

I wish there was a mod that added dynamic titles to Sim names. Like when you reach Level 10 in political, it would say President [Sim name], or when you reach a certain level in medical or science career it would say Dr. [Sim name], or when you become a vampire with immortal LTR it would say Lord/Lady [Sim name] etc. If you have multiple titles you would be able to choose which one you want and so on. I think it would be a cool addition. Maybe even give specific benefits for specific titles?

KatyFernlily 9th Jun 2021 1:15 AM

I wish there was a mod to make restaurant employees wash the dishes so the customer sims can just sit and have coffee or whatever. I think it's dumb that they clean up after themselves. If such a mod exists, please let me know!

igazor 9th Jun 2021 1:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by KatyFernlily
I wish there was a mod to make restaurant employees wash the dishes so the customer sims can just sit and have coffee or whatever. I think it's dumb that they clean up after themselves. If such a mod exists, please let me know!

What I usually do is put the kitchen, where the sinks and dishwashers would be, behind a door that only staff can get into by way of NRaas GoHere or the Barrier to Entry system. But that means also locking the bathrooms, not having any, or not having any bathroom sinks. Not sure which of those is the worst of the three, but I think some players might use the all-in-ones on such lots since sims can't wash dishes in them.

PlyPlay665 9th Jun 2021 6:14 AM

It would be neat if there was a way to lock a household's funds amount when you're not playing. I have to keep a record of the amounts at the end of my cycle and then alter them when I go back. It would be nice if I could skip that step!

Deshong 9th Jun 2021 7:13 PM

It may be likely not many, if anyone at all except for me, would have any use for this type of mod.

Long story short: I play multiple worlds in rotation according to the main starter neighborhood which is Moonlight Falls. I am currently playing 2 Sim years at a time for each world which takes a really, really long time to finish just one round. And the more worlds I add, the longer a round is. So the length of seasons and a year in my game is the realistic version TS3-style.

Spring ------93 days
Summer ----94 days
Autumn ----89 days
Winter ------89 days
Year---------365 days

It would be very helpful to fast forward time, as in, the weeks and days. But, not only that, to also automatically and accurately adjust all the Sims and cats/kittens/dogs/puppies/horses/foals ages to reflect that passage of time. And of course accordingly age up those whose birthday(s) would have passed. If a mod like that existed, it would be a lot quicker to get through not only the round, but also the generations.

fraroc 11th Jun 2021 2:23 AM

I know I probably mentioned before, but one of the things Id love to see is a true lag fix that works.

Jathom95 12th Jun 2021 6:22 AM

With actual businesses now taken care of by SimStateDude, the only other thing I really want out of TS3 now (besides a real vacation system, probably impossible ugggghh) is a similar system for restaurants.

I know there's BAU in all its terrible glory, and while Ani's mod makes it much better, it's still not on par with the other games. And now I've been spoiled by the implementation in SimState. I'm hoping that somehow that system could be adapted to be used for restaurants as well.

olomaya 14th Jun 2021 7:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by fraroc
I know I probably mentioned before, but one of the things Id love to see is a true lag fix that works.

Have you checked out this thread:

Quote: Originally posted by Jathom95
With actual businesses now taken care of by SimStateDude, the only other thing I really want out of TS3 now (besides a real vacation system, probably impossible ugggghh) is a similar system for restaurants.

I know there's BAU in all its terrible glory, and while Ani's mod makes it much better, it's still not on par with the other games. And now I've been spoiled by the implementation in SimState. I'm hoping that somehow that system could be adapted to be used for restaurants as well.

Can't help you on the restaurants, though 100% co-sign it. Not sure what you mean by a real vacation system, but do you use NRAAS Traveller? That's what I use for my vacations. The only thing is that it's a bit of a pain to have to travel in-game first to your designated vacation worlds and set up base camps, resorts so your Sims can stay but once you have it set up, your Sims can go there on vacation whenever they want. It's a great way to use beautiful but laggy worlds that you can't feasibly play for more than a few Sim days.

Jathom95 14th Jun 2021 8:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by olomaya
Have you checked out this thread
Can't help you on the restaurants, though 100% co-sign it. Not sure what you mean by a real vacation system, but do you use NRAAS Traveller? That's what I use for my vacations. The only thing is that it's a bit of a pain to have to travel in-game first to your designated vacation worlds and set up base camps, resorts so your Sims can stay but once you have it set up, your Sims can go there on vacation whenever they want. It's a great way to use beautiful but laggy worlds that you can't feasibly play for more than a few Sim days.

What I mean by a real vacation system is that in TS3, "vacationing" is intrinsically tied to adventuring with World Adventures. Even with Traveler, the game largely treats traveling as going to one of the WA worlds. Even with Island Paradise, you can only stay at resorts in your home world, not while traveling to other worlds.

I just wish they'd made the adventure aspect separate from actual traveling. Even in EA's worlds, you're constantly reminded by the game that you're there to raid tombs for artifacts, instead of having a week away with the family or something like that. But I doubt something like this can really be changed.

igazor 14th Jun 2021 9:30 PM

Traveler mod vacations to non-WA worlds do not require a base camp. I almost never use those. If there are any unoccupied residential lots in the world, you will be offered a chance to stay at any of them upon arrival. I usually keep an unused mostly empty 10x10 lot in each world for things like this, and especially so that the arriving travel party does not get stuck on the arrival screen with no place to stay. So visiting actively played sims can stay in a nice (or ugly, whatever they have to offer) furnished house that no one in town is using or they can officially stay on a vacant empty residential lot with nothing on it but a mailbox and trash can, and then check into an IP Resort if those are in play, go spend time with the grandparents, grown kids, friends, or whoever, stay the night at their place, etc. and pretty much ignore their officially assigned lodging.

I never get any fuss from the game about adventuring when my sims are visiting non-WA worlds. Maybe I am missing what is being referenced above?

I mean, I agree it's not natively designed in the sense that wow, you have arrived in Lucky Palms, here's your choice of hotels where we are going to take care of you during your stay and be sure to check out the room service menu or stuff like that. But we can get it pretty close to that experience if we work at it.

Jathom95 14th Jun 2021 9:58 PM

Heh, yeah I see your point. I suppose it really is all about the perspective you put on it.

olomaya 15th Jun 2021 10:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Traveler mod vacations to non-WA worlds do not require a base camp. I almost never use those. If there are any unoccupied residential lots in the world, you will be offered a chance to stay at any of them upon arrival.

Maybe I'm misremembering but won't Traveler automatically drop you at the base camp when you arrive if there is a base camp available in that world? I think that's the only reason I put them in my vacation worlds, for the realism. I usually make them look like parking lots, rest stops or tourist information centers and then like you said, check in at a resort or stay with the family/friends my Sims are visiting.

Jathom95 18th Jun 2021 6:04 PM

This is such a small thing, but I really wish there was some way to make the suntan system similar to TS4 (never thought you'd hear me saying that, did you?)

Besides not lasting that long anyway, it's just weird to have certain Sims basically covered head to toe and their whole body is still completely tan.

Jathom95 19th Jun 2021 4:40 PM

Another thing I thought of yesterday. A mod to separate the squats and jumping jacks from the TV so you can do them wherever without being autonomous. I don't mind the interaction itself, but it's annoying that you have to use the TV or stereo to do it, even for tech-averse Sims.

That one probably wouldn't be too hard actually. Just a custom interaction that uses the animations from working out.

KatyFernlily 19th Jun 2021 5:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Jathom95
Another thing I thought of yesterday. A mod to separate the squats and jumping jacks from the TV so you can do them wherever without being autonomous. I don't mind the interaction itself, but it's annoying that you have to use the TV or stereo to do it, even for tech-averse Sims.

That one probably wouldn't be too hard actually. Just a custom interaction that uses the animations from working out.

This is not quite the same but they can do pushups and crunches without the machine. If interested -

Jathom95 19th Jun 2021 6:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by KatyFernlily
This is not quite the same but they can do pushups and crunches without the machine. If interested -

I actually do use that one, but thank you anyway! That's actually the mod that made me think of that.

jje1000 30th Jun 2021 7:43 PM

Jerry Martin just released some of his rave tracks from TS1:

Wonder if we could replace some of the electro radio tracks with some of these...

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