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nimahrv 6th Apr 2011 4:35 AM

Hi.. I just create a band. There are two sims.. Where can i play/record a gig?!

Menaceman44 6th Apr 2011 5:37 PM

Gigs are gained through opportunities. You have to wait for one to show up.
Otherwise you can just turn up at any lot that has the instruments your band can play and then start a Jam Session.

NickeyElysse 7th Apr 2011 7:33 AM

What are the odds, if a vampire and human mate, that the baby won't be a vampire. I've never seen that happen. Is it not 50/50 like with the ghost/human mating? Does anyone know?

BenC0722 7th Apr 2011 8:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NickeyElysse
What are the odds, if a vampire and human mate, that the baby won't be a vampire. I've never seen that happen. Is it not 50/50 like with the ghost/human mating? Does anyone know?

The chance of vampirism is increased by 50% for each parent who's a vampire, so for a Vampire/Regular couple, the chance is supposed to be 50/50.

To be honest though, I haven't tested that. I've only had vampire mate with other vampires, because I wanted them to have vampire children. Why? The rate of skill gain is very fast. A child vampire Sim could complete the "Renaissance Sim" LTW in a single day (probably why I never give vampires strictly skill based LTWs). If you want to test that, have them learn Painting, Logic, and Writing. They even seem to learn skills faster than Adult vampires do. For a vampire, the Teen life stage is a prime time to build skills, since they can learn every skill, and most are learned at a very fast rate.

NickeyElysse 7th Apr 2011 8:38 AM

Every vampire human mating I've ever seen ended in a vampire baby. I don't know if I'd made that clear in my previous post. So it's supposed to be 50/50 chance?

BenC0722 7th Apr 2011 9:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by NickeyElysse
Every vampire human mating I've ever seen ended in a vampire baby. I don't know if I'd made that clear in my previous post. So it's supposed to be 50/50 chance?

That's my understanding, yes.

Regular Father/Regular Mother - 0% chance of a vampire baby

Regular Father/Vampire Mother - 50% chance

Vampire Father/Regular Mother - 50% chance

Vampire Father/Vampire Mother - 100% chance

How many such matings have you attempted? If only one, twice, or even thrice, it's conceivable that each "trial" would result in a vampire baby.

So....three matings, all children are vampires - 12.5% chance

Ten matings, all children are vampires - roughly a 0.10% chance

That's according to binomial probability distribution, for anyone who's interested in how I arrived at those numbers.

On a side note, I've only attempted a ghost baby once, and I happened to get lucky. The father is a vampire who died of thirst, and the mother is a vampire. So their son is a vampire ghost baby with the dark red "Died of Thirst" ghost color.

CinderEmma 7th Apr 2011 12:15 PM

The whole vampire/human offspring is really odd though, I really think the vampire genetic is more dominant then 50/50. I've had three vampire/human families, and only 1 out of the 8 children wasn't a vampire. Is there a code in the game that specifically says it is 50/50?

secretsim 7th Apr 2011 4:17 PM

Does anyone understand why/when a Sim randomly gets limo service? It's so annoying. My poor, hardworking Sim somehow became a 5 star celebrity and occasionally tools around town in a limo. But it doesn't seem like all my 5 star celebs get limos... just trying to understand the reasoning/pattern. My rich Sim also alternates between limo and his expensive car.

Menaceman44 7th Apr 2011 4:48 PM

Does your Sim own the limo or does it just turn up when they go some place cos in that case it may depend on if their own car is in their inventory or not.

CeJaye 7th Apr 2011 10:27 PM

Major stupid question, I think: Are the activity tables for children/toddlers block building only? Because there's the tiny crayons and paper on it, so I would think they'd be able to draw too...but I'll be darned if I can figure out how.

NickeyElysse 7th Apr 2011 11:19 PM

They cannot draw on it. That makes me sad. I liked the multi-functioning play table from sims 2, and they tricked us with this only singularly functioning one that looks multi-functioning one.

simsamu 8th Apr 2011 8:05 AM

Alright here is a stupid question, I just built a couple of bars that go better with the look of sunset valley than the premades and every single one plays classical music, I have tried everything I can think of to change the style of music but nothing seems to have worked (it's probably real obvious but I haven't figured it out). Even my sims looked confused dancing away to classical tunes at the old school warehouse and the patrons of smurf murphy's devious dive bar looked plain old aggravated. Anyway how do I set the style of music in clubs, bars and what not?

BenC0722 8th Apr 2011 8:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsamu
Alright here is a stupid question, I just built a couple of bars that go better with the look of sunset valley than the premades and every single one plays classical music, I have tried everything I can think of to change the style of music but nothing seems to have worked (it's probably real obvious but I haven't figured it out). Even my sims looked confused dancing away to classical tunes at the old school warehouse and the patrons of smurf murphy's devious dive bar looked plain old aggravated. Anyway how do I set the style of music in clubs, bars and what not?

In build mode (for the bar lot) I think you have to left-click the wall speakers while holding down Ctrl and Shift to see that option.

You may need to type in testingcheatsenabled true first.

simsamu 8th Apr 2011 9:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BenC0722
In build mode (for the bar lot) I think you have to left-click the wall speakers while holding down Ctrl and Shift to see that option.

You may need to type in testingcheatsenabled true first.

Thanks a million

sims3noob 9th Apr 2011 5:30 PM

Here is my stupid question
hi, okay this is my first time doing this sort of thing. this is my first custom thing i have tried to make and i looked at the mod the sims thing but it was too complicated. I wanted to make a custom T-shirt in the sims 3 by myself using tutorials on you tube and tools and stuff I needed. apparently i could download a paint program and that would work? the only problem was that i couldn't recolour my new shirt when i had finished it. most examples of how to make shirts are with photoshop which i dont have. i just need somebody who can explain it nice and easy for me so i can understand?. help much appreciated! thanks

el_flel 9th Apr 2011 5:33 PM

You want the Create section. Top of the screen - Create - Sims 3 - CAS Parts.

nimahrv 10th Apr 2011 4:26 AM

Hi... Where can i find Palladium!? (something used for create master invention)

Pax 11th Apr 2011 1:55 AM

How can I make my sim wear her "epic hero ghost hunter" medal? The info box said she could wear it, but I can't figure out how...I checked in accessories in CAS, no luck.

sunfromhere 12th Apr 2011 9:43 AM


Is there a way or a mod to force Sims to wear their clothes?

I spend lots of time in CAS choosing outfits, and the second a Sim becomes non-active, he walks around in his work clothes - not only for a stroll in the city during the work hours, but at home too and when he comes to visit. Even his portrait shows him in work clothes. I want this to stop!

BenC0722 12th Apr 2011 9:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by sunfromhere

Is there a way or a mod to force Sims to wear their clothes?

I spend lots of time in CAS choosing outfits, and the second a Sim becomes non-active, he walks around in his work clothes - not only for a stroll in the city during the work hours, but at home too and when he comes to visit. Even his portrait shows him in work clothes. I want this to stop!

Hm....Twallan's MC may have that option.

If your sim has a pool, you can ask that other sim to join them. The other sim will change into their swimwear. If they change back, it should be into "every day" clothes.

You can also take them to dinner at the Bistro or to one of the clubs/lounges (if you have LN), and they will change into formal wear.

sunfromhere 12th Apr 2011 10:14 AM


While I'm on the roll, here's another one.

Is there any normal-er way to transfer foods from the inventory to the fridge? So far I can only pull one by one, and I've clicked every key combo I could think of. This is rather silly when a Sim has 10 apples, 14 grapes and 6 different fish in his inventory. Also, why doesn't stocked fridge sort itself? I get this: 2 apples, 4 cheese, 1 apple, 2 catfish, 1 apple...

nimahrv 12th Apr 2011 10:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by nimahrv
Hi... Where can i find Palladium!? (something used for create master invention)

any help?

Don Babilon 12th Apr 2011 11:10 AM

If you're doing the Simbot opportunity the game should produce map tags for Palladium when you enter Map View, making it rather easy to find. Palladium is really scattered around the world and its appearance is rather random and due to daily change.

nimahrv 12th Apr 2011 1:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by babele44
If you're doing the Simbot opportunity the game should produce map tags for Palladium when you enter Map View, making it rather easy to find. Palladium is really scattered around the world and its appearance is rather random and due to daily change.

yes. I'm doing that.. now i should find 10 life fruit.. i know i must plant a life tree.. but is there any way to buy it?!

Ranissa 12th Apr 2011 3:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by nimahrv
yes. I'm doing that.. now i should find 10 life fruit.. i know i must plant a life tree.. but is there any way to buy it?!

It's a life bush. And there are a couple of mods out there that put all of the ore/plants/food/etc for buying in the store. I cheated for ambrosia a couple of times with them.

el_flel 12th Apr 2011 3:42 PM

This mod will make it buyable:

BenC0722 12th Apr 2011 6:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
This mod will make it buyable:

That one is good, but this one is better because you can choose the quality level of the produce sold at the grocery store. Well, not in have to choose which file to use for "Very Nice," up to "Outstanding."

I recommend using the "Outstanding" file. Yes, that means Life Fruit will cost a staggering $5,120 (or so) per unit, but believe me when I say it's SO worth it when used with the Simbot opportunity chain.

I won't spoil it, but you'll be pleased, I promise. I'll give you a hint: The higher the quality of the Life Fruits, the more money the Science Facility will give you for them.

Quote: Originally posted by Ranissa
It's a life bush. And there are a couple of mods out there that put all of the ore/plants/food/etc for buying in the store. I cheated for ambrosia a couple of times with them.

It's funny but those mods make the Ambrosia buyable from the fridge, with a price tag next to the name of the dish (which you see if the active sim doesn't have the right ingredients). Of course, it's by far the most expensive dish. In my game it's $2,235 per serving because of mods I have installed.

I should warn you....if it's a leftover, there's a chance that a hungry sim will autonomously eat it. I discovered this by accident when the child sim in the household had the +75 Divine Meal (for 7 days) moodlet. I guess he just happened to be hungry. Fortunately, his family can afford it. But it's something to consider if you had your sims make Ambrosia without any of these mods, or if they don't have much money.

Jinyuu 12th Apr 2011 7:52 PM

Any one have problems with brightness? I heard it's an "auto-calibration". When I start my game the brightness is high like it should be, but if I minimize my game and pop it back up it gets real dark. It's really annoying. The only way to resolve it from what I found is to restart the game, which is Also annoying. How does one stop this?

Menaceman44 12th Apr 2011 8:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sunfromhere

While I'm on the roll, here's another one.

Is there any normal-er way to transfer foods from the inventory to the fridge? So far I can only pull one by one, and I've clicked every key combo I could think of. This is rather silly when a Sim has 10 apples, 14 grapes and 6 different fish in his inventory. Also, why doesn't stocked fridge sort itself? I get this: 2 apples, 4 cheese, 1 apple, 2 catfish, 1 apple...

When you look at a 'stack' of items in a Sims' inventory there should be a slightly darker triangle in the upper left corner of the item. If you click on that before dragging, the entire 'stack' of items will be moved all together, not just one by one.

Menaceman44 12th Apr 2011 8:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Pax
How can I make my sim wear her "epic hero ghost hunter" medal? The info box said she could wear it, but I can't figure out how...I checked in accessories in CAS, no luck.

Have you tried placing it in her personal inventory? Just a suggestion as I've never had one to try with.

brillo_pad 12th Apr 2011 10:45 PM

WTH does this mean, if anything?

EDIT: D/W.. I know now.. lol..

askemagus 12th Apr 2011 11:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Jinyuu
Any one have problems with brightness? I heard it's an "auto-calibration". When I start my game the brightness is high like it should be, but if I minimize my game and pop it back up it gets real dark. It's really annoying. The only way to resolve it from what I found is to restart the game, which is Also annoying. How does one stop this?

I have had this problem, too. I was able to go into my monitor settings and change the color setting from "standard" to "game" and this restored normal brightness. When I exit though, I have to change back to "standard" again, or everything else will be too bright.

coltraz 13th Apr 2011 3:22 AM

I haven't played SIms 3 in a really long time so a lot of the happenings are making me confused.

Why does laying ceiling tiles get rid of my roof?

Is it a bug, or are my appliances, plumbing, and electronics supposed to break 50% of the time I use them?

Why am I given the option to replace my toilet for some amount when it is not broken?

Why do I keep getting alerts that my Sim who is in a child stage is a celebrity, even though he hasn't done anything other than eat, go to school, and sleep?

Why is my Sim's plumbob and mood meter a deep red in spite of having a line of positive moodlets on display, and decent stats in all his Needs? Also, if his mood is inexplicably in the red and he has 1 negative Moodlet concerning dirty surroundings, I cannot get him to clean up anything because his mood is too bad. Huh? So how am I supposed to fix him if he is unwilling to make any changes to his environment?

Why does High Free Will create a game of chase-the-Sim, while Low Free Will might as well be NO Freewill, because Sims will stand there and die of exhaustion or starvation with a low free will setting it seems.

And last but not least, is there a quick way to stop the fireplace from being useless? You light a fire and your house burns down. Totally absurd. What is the point of a fireplace if it's going to ignite every object remotely close to it?

QueenJimmyIV 13th Apr 2011 3:32 AM

I've found that child celebrities tend to happen when their parents are celebrities. I think that they get an automatic boost when born and then, as they develop a relationship with their parents, they "befriend celebrities," which increases their star level. I had triplet girls that had a five-star mother and a four-star father. They maxed out their relationship with their parents and then befriended Belisama (little girl vampire in Bridgeport) and the Striker kid (also in Bridgeport), who I think have star levels as well, though I'm not sure how high. They also had many activities outside the home, like fishing, collecting bugs, and one really liked to hang out at community lots. This allowed them to be photographed more often and increased the likelihood that they would be asked for an autograph or have their picture taken by another sim. All of these factors caused them to be four-star celebrities by the time they transitioned to teens, despite the fact that I had made no effort to turn them into celebrities.

RoseCity 13th Apr 2011 5:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
And last but not least, is there a quick way to stop the fireplace from being useless? You light a fire and your house burns down. Totally absurd. What is the point of a fireplace if it's going to ignite every object remotely close to it?

I hate that - who would have a fireplace if it was that dangerous? And it takes a lot of annoying hammering on the fireplace to make it fireproof. Somewhere I read that a firefighter's house wouldn't have fires, but I found out that's not true when my firefighter's fireplace started 2 fires in one sim day.
I buy the Fire Proof Homestead lifetime happiness reward and you can leave the fire burning all the time safely.

Menaceman44 13th Apr 2011 11:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
Is it a bug, or are my appliances, plumbing, and electronics supposed to break 50% of the time I use them?

Why am I given the option to replace my toilet for some amount when it is not broken?
Why is my Sim's plumbob and mood meter a deep red in spite of having a line of positive moodlets on display, and decent stats in all his Needs? Also, if his mood is inexplicably in the red and he has 1 negative Moodlet concerning dirty surroundings, I cannot get him to clean up anything because his mood is too bad. Huh? So how am I supposed to fix him if he is unwilling to make any changes to his environment?

How old are your appliances? They break more often the older they are.

You get the option to replace objects, again, when they reach a certain age. It may also happen after they have broken a certain amount of times as I have had the option to replace a Sim's TV after it had broken and been repaired a few times.

Do your Sims sleep in cheap beds? There is a bug, to which there is a fix here on MTS, that makes Sims gain a permanent mood drain if they receive the 'Good Night's Sleep' moodlet. If you wake them up before they get the moodlet then the issue doesn't occur. Likewise, expensive beds give a permanent mood boost each time.

DrunkenWriter 17th Apr 2011 9:39 PM

Can anyone tell me what's on the right side of her neck? Bad mod maybe?

Menaceman44 17th Apr 2011 9:41 PM

It's a V tattoo that all vampires get marked with. Nothing to do with bad mods or CC. It's perfectly normal game behaviour for vampires.

DrunkenWriter 17th Apr 2011 9:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Menaceman44
It's a V tattoo that all vampires get marked with. Nothing to do with bad mods or CC. It's perfectly normal game behaviour for vampires.

Thanks This is my first time getting around to play with vampires lol I had no idea =x

lisfyre 17th Apr 2011 10:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DrunkenWriter
Can anyone tell me what's on the right side of her neck? Bad mod maybe?

Cute little simmie!! Can I ask where you got those eyebrows for toddler/child? I only have EA ones for my little girls and I'm in need to better ones.

DrunkenWriter 17th Apr 2011 11:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lisfyre
Cute little simmie!! Can I ask where you got those eyebrows for toddler/child? I only have EA ones for my little girls and I'm in need to better ones.

Thanks! I can't remember, I think it was either TSR or Sims 3 updates =\ I hope you can find some similar, sorry!

Don Babilon 18th Apr 2011 6:26 PM

How can I determine where the paper girl/boy will put down the newspaper? I am tired of having to constantly fish them from underneath the bushes on the side of my current house. There's plenty of space in the front but she always hides them in the bushes

twallan 18th Apr 2011 7:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by babele44
How can I determine where the paper girl/boy will put down the newspaper?

Route tuning for the newspaper delivery is in the EA "DeliverNewspaper" tuning file.

The deliverer will first attempt to place at the front door, and then at the mailbox.

By default, the paper must be placed a minimum 3 tiles away from the object, and a maximum of 9 tiles.

twallan 18th Apr 2011 7:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Menaceman44
I think the game picks the door closest to the mailbox as the front door.

Actually, you can specify the "Front Door" manually, there is an interaction on the door to that effect.

Menaceman44 18th Apr 2011 7:41 PM

Sorry for the comment delete. I felt what I had typed was irrelevant after reading your post. It wasn't there when I typed my original reply.

Don Babilon 18th Apr 2011 8:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by twallan
Route tuning for the newspaper delivery is in the EA "DeliverNewspaper" tuning file.

The deliverer will first attempt to place at the front door, and then at the mailbox.

By default, the paper must be placed a minimum 3 tiles away from the object, and a maximum of 9 tiles.

Thanks for this. So, I guess when she doesn't even put it near the mailbox (it's on the right-hand side of the front stairs and she puts it on the left side quite far away from the stairs) this could mean that the ground around the mailbox is not even while the ground around the bushes is. Gonna check right away. Thanks again.

nimahrv 19th Apr 2011 4:34 AM

Is there any mod to delete limitation in household?(have more than 8 sims in a house)

VampireSim 19th Apr 2011 7:23 AM

You can use Twallans Master Controller which allows more than 8 Sims.
And The Portrait Panel to display all the sims in your household.

QueenJimmyIV 19th Apr 2011 7:30 AM

AwesomeMod also allows more than 8 sims if you select it in the custom tweaking file that's available.

DrunkenWriter 20th Apr 2011 9:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by QueenJimmyIV
AwesomeMod also allows more than 8 sims if you select it in the custom tweaking file that's available.

I thought it wasn't compatible with newer expansions?

Has there been an update to mods that allow teens to woohoo and get pregnant? Last I heard it wasn't compatible with WA, NL or anything newer than WA

and kind of off related..does anyone else think that the things featured in the new Generations trailer should have come with the S3 base game?

lightleggy 20th Apr 2011 9:30 PM

if I have awesomemod should I turn off the EA story progression at the options menu? its just that I have it deactivated and I Have awesomemod but the other sims dont have kids or get married on their own (not even if they are engaged or have enough space in the house)

sorry for asking this here, its just that the guys at MATY are jerks...its impossible to register and when you ask somewhere else they just tell you "IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO YOU CANT REGISTER AT MATY" or some crap like that...seriously its one of internet's unsolved questions...

PharaohHound 20th Apr 2011 9:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lightleggy
if I have awesomemod should I turn off the EA story progression at the options menu? its just that I have it deactivated and I Have awesomemod but the other sims dont have kids or get married on their own (not even if they are engaged or have enough space in the house)

As I understand it, AM's story progression automatically overrides EA's, so if you turn off EA SP you have also turned of AM SP.

Don Babilon 20th Apr 2011 10:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lightleggy
if I have awesomemod should I turn off the EA story progression at the options menu? {...} seriously its one of internet's unsolved questions...
I didn't know that AwesomeMod was that famous . But to answer your question: Awesome SP is supposed to replace EA's if you have the option enabled in your options menu. If you don't get any children even with SP on it might also be that there is not enough space for children in your houses, i.e. no cribs, not enough beds.

Edit: I should really learn to type faster.

lightleggy 20th Apr 2011 10:11 PM

thanks, its great to know what the problem was...but too bad that the generation I had made is about to become elder, and they didnt reproducted :/ guess I'll have to start over

Menaceman44 21st Apr 2011 10:56 AM

DrunkenWriter, AwesomeMod gets updated after every game update to make sure it is always compatible. The updates may come a few weeks later but they come none-the-less.

As to the story progression, there is an option in the tuning file that allows you to use either the EA story progression or AM story progression. I would advise using the AM one as whenever I have attempted to use it with EA left on the game will always crash to desktop at 1am game time.

Don Babilon 23rd Apr 2011 10:12 AM

This might be an extremely stupid question or maybe it isn't that stupid at all: Most of you probably know Christopher Steele from Sunset Valley. He wears a dark green, short t-shirt as everydaywear. Now when I took him into the dresser's CAS I noticed (for the first time ) that by default this t-shirt only comes with stencils (some weird skull, a motorbike, some college logo etc.). His, however, is stencil-free. How on earth can I achieve this, i.e., get rid of the stencil when planning a new outfit for a Sim?

el_flel 23rd Apr 2011 5:14 PM

If you can recolour the stencil you can make it the same colour as the rest of the t-shirt, but apart from that I think you'd need a custom replacement version that doesn't have the stencil on.

Srikandi 23rd Apr 2011 10:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
Is it a bug, or are my appliances, plumbing, and electronics supposed to break 50% of the time I use them?

Cheap ones break faster than expensive ones. If it is LITERALLY 50%, though, you may have a bug.

Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
Why do I keep getting alerts that my Sim who is in a child stage is a celebrity, even though he hasn't done anything other than eat, go to school, and sleep?

Could be meeting celebrity sims at school. Do you have him tuned to making friends? Or from interacting with celebrity parents. Celebrity comes from interacting with celebrities.

Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
Why is my Sim's plumbob and mood meter a deep red in spite of having a line of positive moodlets on display, and decent stats in all his Needs? Also, if his mood is inexplicably in the red and he has 1 negative Moodlet concerning dirty surroundings, I cannot get him to clean up anything because his mood is too bad. Huh? So how am I supposed to fix him if he is unwilling to make any changes to his environment?

There's a mood bug. Try Buzzler's fix:

Generally speaking you should be able to tell where the negative moodlet comes from. The moodlet tells you the AMOUNT your mood is affected, which is what you should be attending to, not how many there are :-)

Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
Why does High Free Will create a game of chase-the-Sim, while Low Free Will might as well be NO Freewill, because Sims will stand there and die of exhaustion or starvation with a low free will setting it seems.

This is a complaint, not a question, right? You do know that you can always find your sim by clicking them in the portrait panel, I assume.

Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
And last but not least, is there a quick way to stop the fireplace from being useless? You light a fire and your house burns down. Totally absurd. What is the point of a fireplace if it's going to ignite every object remotely close to it?

You can buy a fire alarm, upgrade the fireplace to fireproof with a high enough handiness skill, get the fireproof house happiness reward, or get a mod, e.g. . I think there's something from having a max level fireman, too.

wickedblue 24th Apr 2011 1:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by babele44
This might be an extremely stupid question or maybe it isn't that stupid at all: Most of you probably know Christopher Steele from Sunset Valley. He wears a dark green, short t-shirt as everydaywear. Now when I took him into the dresser's CAS I noticed (for the first time ) that by default this t-shirt only comes with stencils (some weird skull, a motorbike, some college logo etc.). His, however, is stencil-free. How on earth can I achieve this, i.e., get rid of the stencil when planning a new outfit for a Sim?

Couldn't you go into CAS while he is wearing that shirt and save it as custom?

Don Babilon 24th Apr 2011 8:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wickedblue
Couldn't you go into CAS while he is wearing that shirt and save it as custom?
Yes, of course, and that's what I did in this case. I was nevertheless curious whether there was another way to unhide this hidden stencil-hiding. Because, obviously, it is an available style, but one I cannot, apparently, activate on my own. Would have been handy, because the same t-shirt also exists for teens and elders and unless I find other pre-mades who wear it stencil-free I could use it only with either skull, motorbike or college logo.

ani_ 28th Apr 2011 11:27 AM

Can you get hit by a meteor if you are playing in a custom hood?

I've had ambition since it came out but I have never yet been a meteor hit. So now I started wondering does it have something to do with the custom world I'm using because it was done pre-ambition.

Don Babilon 28th Apr 2011 11:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ani_
Can you get hit by a meteor if you are playing in a custom hood?

I've had ambition since it came out but I have never yet been a meteor hit. So now I started wondering does it have something to do with the custom world I'm using because it was done pre-ambition.
I don't think so, even in Twinbrook I've only ever had two meteors and I've been playing almost every day.

ani_ 28th Apr 2011 6:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by babele44
I don't think so, even in Twinbrook I've only ever had two meteors and I've been playing almost every day.
Well, good to know it's not the hood, but my unlucky trait.

ani_ 14th May 2011 11:44 AM

About the photography skill. There are a few photoes I need help in getting.

1. One of the photos I need to take is called Gadget Galore. I've been assuming this means widgets, so I've been buying any widgets that I have found in the consignment store, but the camera never recognizes these as gadgets. So are they widgets, or is it something else.

2. Where in the flower category is the white rose? I don't seem to be finding it

3. The beach, I have a beach lot in my hood, but the camera doesn't seem to be seeing it. Currently the lot is empty, so does it need to have some specific object on it so the camera would recognise it as a beach?

Don Babilon 14th May 2011 1:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ani_
About the photography skill. There are a few photoes I need help in getting.

1. One of the photos I need to take is called Gadget Galore. I've been assuming this means widgets, so I've been buying any widgets that I have found in the consignment store, but the camera never recognizes these as gadgets. So are they widgets, or is it something else.
I think it's several electric appliances in one spot (TV plus stereo, f.ex.)

2. Where in the flower category is the white rose? I don't seem to be finding it
They are outdoor plants in Build Mode.

3. The beach, I have a beach lot in my hood, but the camera doesn't seem to be seeing it. Currently the lot is empty, so does it need to have some specific object on it so the camera would recognise it as a beach?
Don't know about that, but lot recognotion is quite capricious anyway.

ani_ 15th May 2011 6:11 AM

babele44: Thank you, I would never had guessed the part about the gadgets, and the white rose, I was expecting the name to contain the word white in it, but it was in the description.

I did also get a picture of the beach, there was like one spot where the camera would recognize it, but even then the name would come and go even if I didn't move the camera, so I just had to wait until I was able to pause the game when the name was visible.

Don Babilon 19th May 2011 6:16 PM

In various places I have read that you can challenge the Grim Reaper to a game of chess in order to save someone from death. But I can't for the life of me figure out, how, when and under what condotions this can be done. The last time I had a death happen in my family I repeatedly clicked Grim, the chess table my Sim, the dying Sim - literally everything that is clickable but no chess challenge option. So, does anyone know or is this another unconfirmed rumour?

lilyandsnuggles2 19th May 2011 6:19 PM

I have the latest patch(es) and although I only have the base game I have tatoos. Does this mean I can download them (exchange + here?) ?

LifesLover 19th May 2011 6:36 PM

Yes. Tattoos were included in the patch so you don't need Ambitions. Ambitions just gives you the ability to get tattoos outside of CAS and more tattoos, obviously.

brillo_pad 19th May 2011 6:37 PM

Does anyone else have the issue with sims grabbing a plate of food, placing it on a surface, sitting in a chair across the room (for example) and then throwing a tantrum because the food isn't in front of them. It's like NO SHIT, DUMBASS!!

Illu 19th May 2011 8:07 PM

That sounds like a CC issue to me.

Also, is there a way to close the little popup messages on the right of the screen with a shortcut? I hate mousing up to the little teeny tiny X every time.

wickedblue 19th May 2011 8:19 PM

brillo_pad: I have never seen that! I'll have a sim cook the food, place the food on a counter and then stand there and throw a tantrum because they are Starving To Death (so dramatic they are) rather than just grab a plate of food already. Silly creatures.

LifesLover 19th May 2011 8:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Illu
That sounds like a CC issue to me.

Also, is there a way to close the little popup messages on the right of the screen with a shortcut? I hate mousing up to the little teeny tiny X every time.

No, there's no way to shortcut delete them. However, if you look up there, there's a little arrow button and you can click that and send the messages off to the side of the screen where they can't be seen. Eventually, the game just deletes them on its own.

Menaceman44 19th May 2011 9:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lilyandsnuggles2
I have the latest patch(es) and although I only have the base game I have tatoos. Does this mean I can download them (exchange + here?) ?

As I understood it, no. Only official tattoos will work if you don't have Ambitions. You need the EP for custom ones. I guess the exchange ones might work.

ani_ 19th May 2011 9:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by brillo_pad
Does anyone else have the issue with sims grabbing a plate of food, placing it on a surface, sitting in a chair across the room (for example) and then throwing a tantrum because the food isn't in front of them. It's like NO SHIT, DUMBASS!!

Yes, they do it sometimes. But they don't go across the room, my sims will put the plate on the table, and then sit on the wrong chair. I think this has something to do with routing, and having several Sims trying to get a food serving and maybe trying to use the same table slot to place their food, because it only seems to happen when there are several sims trying to get a serving, but it has never happened with only 1-2 sims.

brillo_pad 24th May 2011 12:21 AM

Do you think that normal sims sneeze more around vampire sims?

Apocryphallen 24th May 2011 9:48 PM

Wasnt sure where else to place this but... there are times when my sims will visit the park or someones house and for some reason there is a "broken toddler" I call it broken because no matter how much the sim parents use socials on the toddle its always screaming and crying that its lonely.. when I use twallan mods to make active and look at its traits there is nothing that would indicate that the child is naturally a loner/moody etc... so I max out the toddlers social bar and go back to play my regular sim only to discover within second the toddler is crying again about being lonely..... why?!!
Its frustrating, so I just end up aging the toddler up figuring it must be a bug/glitch... is it ?

twallan 24th May 2011 10:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Apocryphallen
I call it broken because no matter how much the sim parents use socials on the toddle its always screaming and crying that its lonely.

Perhaps this mod may be of help :

joof 24th May 2011 11:22 PM

I hear a lot about having two school lots in one neighborhood, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make it happen! Do I have to use create-a-world, or can I do this through edit town? I vaguely remember there being a way to designate what an empty lot is supposed to have on it, but I don't remember how I got there. o_o
Many thanks!

el_flel 25th May 2011 1:01 AM

You select the type of community lot when you click on it, or just placing a rabbit hole on it should designate the lot type IIRC. Is that not working for you?

Apocryphallen 25th May 2011 3:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by twallan
Perhaps this mod may be of help :

Thx Twallan I'll try it :P

PinkArmadillo 25th May 2011 4:09 AM

Hi I have a stupid question. I'm making a superhero sim and I want her to wear a one piece bathing suit with boots and gloves almost all the time. So, I'm wondering if there is a way to enable all clothes for all categories (formal, everyday, etc.), or if there is a mod or cheat that will help with this. Thanks!

twallan 25th May 2011 5:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PinkArmadillo
I'm wondering if there is a way to enable all clothes for all categories (formal, everyday, etc.), or if there is a mod or cheat that will help with this. Thanks!

Either Awesome or MasterController have the ability to disable the clothing filter during CAS.

Charity 26th May 2011 1:56 PM

I've had a poke around but haven't found anything. Is there a body shop equivalent for Sims 3?

el_flel 26th May 2011 5:06 PM

No there isn't. There are third party tools that enable you to customise game clothing, but nothing official.

Randomone16 27th May 2011 2:18 AM

Is there any way to flip wall coverings? I ask because I'm trying to put diagonal slats on a roof, but the slats aren't facing the right way.

DrunkenWriter 27th May 2011 2:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Randomone16
Is there any way to flip wall coverings? I ask because I'm trying to put diagonal slats on a roof, but the slats aren't facing the right way.

I haven't really played with flipping wall coverings myself but I thought that the < > keys rotate just about anything that can be rotated. When you're putting them down and moving your mouse slightly are they moving? (like showing different ways in which they can lay) if they are then it is rotatable other than that I wouldn't think that it would. Sorry for the uncertainty as well >>

Charity 27th May 2011 3:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
No there isn't. There are third party tools that enable you to customise game clothing, but nothing official.

Ah, thanks for the info.

Charity 27th May 2011 6:05 AM

I always seem to have another stupid question, but I've searched in the World Adventures forum and couldn't find anything. Are there no taxis, shuttles, anything to travel in, in foreign lands? Every time I want to go somewhere I have to watch my Sim run there.

Srikandi 27th May 2011 6:58 AM

There are motorscooters in France and Egypt... in China, your sim will run or bike. However, if you have a vehicle in your inventory you'll use that.

Charity 27th May 2011 9:34 AM

Ok, thanks.

Charity 27th May 2011 12:53 PM

Where is the thing in Sims 3 that shows you how close to being fit or fat your Sim is? I cannot find it anywhere.

el_flel 27th May 2011 3:06 PM

I'm pretty sure there isn't one in this game, perhaps because it's not set values like in TS2.

Menaceman44 27th May 2011 7:09 PM

There isn't a fitness guage in Sims 3 because the change is gradual. Sims don't just 'snap' into the next body shape.

Charity 28th May 2011 2:26 AM

Heh, that does remind me. Sims really did snap into shape in Sims 2. They'd get off the treadmill or get up from eating, then stare at their body as it suddenly morphed into muscle or love handles. XD Thanks for the answers.

joof 29th May 2011 1:45 AM

There's a stove in the fire station, but my sim can't actually use it. Is it ever usable, or is it just there for decoration?

Menaceman44 30th May 2011 12:03 AM

Just decoration. Stove's can't even normally be purchased on community lots.

Srikandi 30th May 2011 12:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Menaceman44
Just decoration. Stove's can't even normally be purchased on community lots.

There's a nice mod for that, if you want your fire-sim to live at the station

Charity 3rd Jun 2011 7:49 AM

I recently started playing a house with a premade garden. Can you really not hire gardeners in the Sims 3? They don't show up under services. DX It takes my Sims all day to do it themselves and it always pisses them off.

Thranduil Oropherion 3rd Jun 2011 7:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I recently started playing a house with a premade garden. Can you really not hire gardeners in the Sims 3? They don't show up under services. DX It takes my Sims all day to do it themselves and it always pisses them off.

If it's stressing you out, delete it. That's your only option if your sims don't have time to garden.

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