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life fruit is the best fertilizer
Is there any way, to have the baby sitter track scedule like she did in ts2? I have a household of two sims, and their baby, both go to work. I called the sitter the day before work started, she came immediately, she spent a few hours taking care of the kid, then I dissmissed her. Hoping she would come the next day when both parents have to go to work, but she didn't. I had to physically call her to show up. It will be such a bother to ask her to come every day.
Anyone have any else dealing fat glitch?
All the woman not coming with the game have become images of jaba the hutt in every game. Body sculpture reward does not fix it, going into edit sim does not fix it. They pop right back to fat. I have a CUTE little grimmy girl that I've been keeping as a tottler to keep from the fat curse. I even removed all mods and tried again. ARG! I guess so long as I have men, and a plant to help me let them have babies, I'll survive. |
Quote: Originally posted by ani_
There is not an option to have the USELESS babysitter track your schedule. You have to call them every time you want to leave the baby at home alone, or, just leave the lot and a popup open comes up asking you if you want to call a babysitter or stay at home. |
frakusv2: Thanks, I had no idea about the popup.
Quote: Originally posted by DrowningFishy
Awsome will fix your problem. You can't get fat by breathing, you actually have to eat to get fat. |
Nope have awesome mod, removed it added it back. My sim still goes pop, LOL they all do. Each and every one of them. It's like being back in wisconsin.
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If your sim is on a community lot, and you "invite over" another sim, does that sim come out to the community lot or does he/she try to go to your sim's home?
The sim goes to your sim's house. When you use the cell phone instead of clicking at the other sim in the relationship panel, you get the option for "invite sim to..." - then you can choose a community lot.
My silly question that most people would already know how to do.......How do you set the age of the sims?
in CAS, it's under the 'basics' portion of the sim creation, on the same panel where you enter the sim's name, about midway down - hope that answers your question
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Where does Don live in Riverview? I know he must be dead now, as I'm on generation 4, but it just occured to me, that I never saw him, even thou he was suppose to be there.
Uhm, is it just in my game or does the ability to take a certain class, lets say writing, disappear when a sim gets over level 5 in writing? It does in my game, and I'm not sure if it's a bug or it's supposed to be like that? *looks confused*
Quote: Originally posted by ani_
Once I saw a mod which gave you the abillity to give your Sims a longer life, then you can give them ingame. There have been a few sets of timespans, but I can't remember the name. Help?^^
How do you delete all the pre-made sims ina a neighborhoos so it is clear of them. Just the sims, not the houses.
load the neighborhood, go to Edit Town, click on each house, Evict Sims without Home, click on their little tab on the side of the screen and delete?.. I'm not one hundred % sure thats it cause I dont have the game loaded at the moment but i'm pretty sure its that in a round about way.
Quote: Originally posted by seraphime
That's how you do it. It will say "delete from clipboard" when you attempt to delete the sims from the left side of the screen. If you don't care to keep 'em, just say "yes". |
How do you ask sims to join you? In sims2 you had the join question when your sim was doing a possible group activity like watching TV or fishing. I have only seen the option to ask them to join a conversation, this makes handling visitors very hard.
I have had the "Ask to Join" come up for TV, games and several others. If I'm not mistaken it comes up a a choice under Friendly.
My question... how do I make my Sim's ghost go mad??
Ok, here goes the explanation... Since, I've never recived the "Oh my Ghost" opportunity, I'm trying to make my deceased sim to appear at the graveyard, take him home and feed him with ambrosia ... does this sounds possible... ? I've tried enrolling my sim at the science career, and even bought the building... but nothing seems to happen This seems my last option... though the ghost of my sim never seems to appear...! Please help!!! I really liked this sim..! And I really want him back ![]() |
The ghost doesn't need to appear for you to take him home, you need to find his gravestone and take that home.
It took a really long time before I got the opportunity to take my ghost to the science lab, but it did happen eventually. Doing that will make him controllable but he will still be a ghost. I think once you've done that process once your family can choose to do it whenever they want, so to speed up the process you could go and steal lots of gravestones, put them on your lot and wait for the opportunity to come up. Then once you've done it to a random ghost you can choose to do it to your favourite ghost. Maybe... I've only done it once ![]() |
I want to empty the graveyard from the pre-dead sims, becuase after a handfull of death in my town, the cemetery is getting pretty crowded.
Is there any risk in deleting the pre-made urns in the city? |
Yesterday I had a sim go to the hospital to give birth, then I named her first child, then her second, then her third, until the 8th. I than closed the game w/e saving. when I reload my game will it do this again?
Art on the wall
Is there a way to place the art on the wall at different heights, like in Apt. Life in the sims 2?
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Yet another question from me:
Though I am not a designer, I can grasp for the most part how each piece of CC functions. Except contacts. How, exactly, do they fit onto the eyes? Are they masks that cover the entire surface of the eye, the white and all? Or has someone managed to stick them onto only the iris/pupil part? Further, do they move along with the eye? I ask because the one thing I love about TS3 eyes is their movement and expression. If the contacts are simply stationary masks that sit over the actual eye and never change, then as lovely as they may be, I probably will not download them. If they still allow for a broad range of expression and motion, then I might just consider putting sprinkles on my vanilla game. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me. |
Are Super green thumb and extra creative worth getting of the sim dosen't have the corresponding traits?
Quote: Originally posted by Anthoric
You get the bonuses from these regardless of whether you have the corresponding traits, yes. |
Quote: Originally posted by LethalLaurie
'Contact lenses' in The Sims are actually the same thing as 'eyes' - they're a non-default-replacement eye and are made the same way, by putting an 'eye' texture on a certain specific part of the face overlay. They look and behave exactly the same as 'eyes' - you can't tell the difference when looking at a sim wearing them. The only difference is that 'contacts' can be changed whenever you like, and they are not genetic/inheritable - if your sim wears contacts and you want their kids to have the same eyes, you have to wait for them to get old enough to look in a mirror. |
Quote: Originally posted by EsmeraldaF
Wow, really? Huh, well why call them contacts? I guess because of the whole not-genetic thing. But I was really hoping to hear that the eyes would behave like, well, eyes. Thanks! |
Quote: Originally posted by Shimrod101
Interesting, because they don't seem to do squat for me. Super green thumb won't allow me to revive and talk to plants. Dunno bout extra creative. |
Quote: Originally posted by Anthoric
Super green thumb is not the same as the trait. It doesn't give you the exact same things as the trait does; you don't get the ability to revive or talk to plants. IIRC the quality of your produce is increased by one notch, or something along these lines, when you acquire this Super Green Thumb reward. |
Quote: Originally posted by Shimrod101
Thank you good sir, i will go fix the Wiki, because that's where I got the information and it's wrong. ![]() |
Can sims autonomously fight/become enemies and cheat on each other? Or is that something that I have to initiate manually, so to speak?
I don't know if your active household sims will initiate these, but I promise, another sim will initiate all of these with your sim. I have had fights, enemies and cheating occur that I had nothing to do with.
I was paying attention to another member of a household when all of a sudden I heard the ominous music and my married couple were not so happy anymore. The wife had accepted a kiss from her father-in-law ghost. The two had never even flirted or anything. I also have an evil insane sim that has acquired enemies from who knows where. |
o.O Wow! That's very cool, I'll be sure to look out for "accidents" like that. I tend to control my sims constantly, so they never get any opportunities to slip up.
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Quick question: How do you uninstall CC that you've had to install via the launcher? Things from the TS3 Store and things from TSR which are in Sims3Packs, or whatever that file type is?
Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
If they are installed via the launcher you should be able to find their file in the launcher, tick the box and select uninstall. |
Quote: Originally posted by simbalena
Oh! Duh! Thanks. I didn't think the launcher's list of installed content was complete or had any real significance. It seems like a pretty short list for the amount of items I've had to install that way. |
Forgive me for my ignorance but...
1. what happens to people you use the kick out option on? I thought they will move to any suitable lot, but I can't seem to locate my girl any more. 2. Mooching. When exactly do you get the mooch for money option? I have one girl, who as a teen was always able to mooch for food, and for money (once to a stranger) but always to her family that did not live in the house. But now I have not seen the money mooching option since she grew to YA. |
Quote: Originally posted by ani_
Kick Out sims go to the homeless bin. EA Story Progression will then move them into an empty home when it gets around to it... Usually on its next cycle, which normally runs at 1:00 am. Cheers. ![]() |
Two questions.
#1: Is there someplace that lists ALL known compatibilities and incompatibilities with the game patches? I haven't patched since 1.2.7 and want to run Awesomemod, but am told I need to patch. What else is that going to kill? #2: I just installed a crapton of CC that I had downloaded over the course of about a month, and there are 10-15 items that are showing as invisible clothing. Like, I put it on my sim and the sim no longer has a torso, or no longer has legs, or both. Is there any way to figure out what the file is that is doing that, short of removing CC one bit at a time? |
My questions are, is there a reason my sim suddenly received 100,000 simoleans? It just appeared in my sims funds with the symbol floating of +100,000 but I have no idea why.
Also, how many sim days are the sims pregnant? I would have though that it would still be 3 as in Sims 2, but it seems that they no sooner show symptoms that they are huge and soon after have the baby. |
Quote: Originally posted by rosesforme17
By default, sims are pregnant for 72 sim-hours... So yes, three days. Cheers. ![]() |
That's what I figured, but since there's no obvious stage change, I wasn't sure. Thanks.
Quote: Originally posted by rosesforme17
Lots of people have had a similar problem, one theory is it's a bug related to royalties received from writing a book. |
Quote: Originally posted by twallan
oh, thanks for the info. I don't have story progression on, so either I do a heavy update and turn it on for just a short time, or, let her be in the limbo untill somebody asks her to move on. |
Why do my sims move into empty lots?
I just had two kids aging up to YA so I kicked them out (one at a time). But I couldn't find them in my neighborhood OR in the family bin, so I called one of them over and then followed her car when she went back home. Her "home" was one of the empty lots... Is this supposed to happen? I thought sims could only live in houses with proper appliances and stuff. |
When you kick them out, don't you get an option of kicking them out into a house, or into an empty lot? Maybe they can't afford any of the houses in the town.
Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
When you use the kick out option, they just run off to the distance. |
Quote: Originally posted by simbalena
That would make sense since that sim had written many books. I certainly won't complain, but I was curious where it came from. Thanks. ![]() |
why did my sim die twice by getting electrocuted by trying to repair the teleportation pod and then become a ghost and then become a human again each time with the Grim Reaper saying something along the lines of "you have enough misery and I don't want to come in the way of that" (loose paraphrasing)?
Quote: Originally posted by interpolarity
Your sim has the Unlucky trait? That makes them unkillable by anything but old age. Cheers. ![]() |
If I expanded the life span of my sims,would the number of hours a sim would be pregnant lengthen also?
Quote: Originally posted by HarlequinnRomance
No, it's 72 sim-hours no matter what the age-length. Cheers. ![]() |
To put a Sim picture in the Art Museum, do I put the portrait in the inventory and just hang it on one of the walls?
Is there any way to stop homeless sims from spawning into the homeless bin? I got one homeless family to move into my hood, just to have more take their place.
Quote: Originally posted by mdossantos047
Sometimes paintings you sell just randomly apear in the art museum, but you can also drag them out of your sims inventory and place them right onto the walls. |
Quote: Originally posted by ani_
I presume you are using the EA-core. Those homeless sims are spawned by the system to satisfy the coworker and boss requirements of your active sims. If you have a tendency to switch between households in town, you could end up with many homeless being spawned. EA Story Progression will eventually move them into unoccupied houses, provided you have it enabled. If you want to eliminate the issue entirely, you need a mod the "fixes" the issue (such as Awesome Core-Mod or NRaas_StoryProgression). Cheers. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by twallan
I have awesome mod, and I just re-checked it's settings, but I can't find anything about no homeless spawn. The homeless I talk about are the one you see when write list homeless in the cheat window. |
Quote: Originally posted by ani_
Yes, those homeless are most likely coworkers and bosses spawned by the system. If you use the "Suck Up to Boss", "Meet Coworkers", or "Chat with Coworkers" career tones, Awesome can still spawn homeless. As long as you don't use those tones, the system should not spawn homeless. Good Luck. ![]() |
Helgamatic - I too didn't update past 1.27 for a long time as I didn't see that it fixed anything unless the previous update got hung up somewhere. I used AwesomeMod without a problem, but I had a wierd problem where I had no bugs/insects in my legacy game. When I updated, the insects came back again; so something was refreshed or reset.
On your other issue, I read over at moreawesomethanyou that some clothing issues were affected by a pregnancy or nudity mod, I think. You might search over there and see if you can find some threads that fit your situation. |
Quote: Originally posted by xx.loveyou
Yes, it's called nomosaic. |
Um, is there any way to tell if a hack is installed and recognized by the game? I've only got one at the moment and I can't tell, when playing, if it's even working. But i don't know if this is a performance issue or if it's an issue with it not being recognized.
Quote: Originally posted by simbalena
thank you. I had just found it before I saw this post, lol I had just started playing today and I notice when I move an object (buy, sell or just move), there's this awful green.. thing. It's like a ray, I'm not sure. Anyone know what it is? |
I was playing the Crumplebottom house when I read in the paper that Malcolm Landgraab had married Anne Song. A few days later they had a baby. So I decided to switch to the Landgraab household, only Anne wasn't living there. This wasn't a major shock, I frequently have to move married couples and their children in together after the game has married them but left them living seperately. However, when I went to search for her in the neighborhood to move her and her daughter in with Malcolm, she was NOWHERE to be found. I have checked every house numerous times, I have restarted the game, I have had Malcolm invite her over and then followed her afterwards, but she alway disappears into random places like the bistro. Basically, my question is, if she hasn't moved away from the neighborhood (which I assume she hasn't as Malcolm can still invite her over), where is she?! It's really frustrating me!
Quote: Originally posted by BewitchedPrue
I know Anne Song is in a house in my game, but I just can't remember if that's because I moved her in or not. She's not one I play. Side note: what are all the homeless families you start the game with? I know the DeMayo family and Bakshi (or something like that) and Sue Scotch? ETA: Checked with my sister (asked where Anne was in her game), and it definitely sounds like she's a homeless sim. |
Funny that, Demayo and Bakshi are both in houses in my game and I definitely didn't move them in, I don't use awesome mod though, so who knows. Some strange things do happen though, I have stopped inviting work friends that I don't play to parties as half the time they ended up dying at the party, the grim reaper is not the best guest when uninvited.
Quote: Originally posted by baileywll
Here's my stupid question... If my sim's nephew has a son, would my sim be called a "great uncle" in the game? I'm working on my legacy and I wanna know how long my family tree will go before it starts to repeat itself.
have you tried selecting the nephew, then opening the family tree?
sadly it wont show relatives past a certain point, but maybe itll work. *cant test because her comp is dead and this one does not have TS3 on it* |
Quote: Originally posted by xx.loveyou
Just wondering if anyone knows what causes this/how to fix it.. because it's really obnoxious to see a red and green sphere/light whenever I wanna move something. |
Quote: Originally posted by Tzigone
Dying of old age. I tend only to have wedding parties. I guess I know why it has happened, I extend the lives of the sim families I play so I can create lots of living generations (life fruit, ambrosia etc), so as aging is on many of the people I don't play are bound to die, just don't want them doing it at a wedding. |
Quote: Originally posted by Tzigone
Thank you very much. I'll have to move her in by other means then! I remembered having her in a house in the other version of the neighborhood I played, but she'd long died so I couldn't check. I have tried to have Malcolm ask her to move in but non of my sims seem to have that option. |
Quote: Originally posted by BewitchedPrue
Quote: Originally posted by Tzigone
I'll try that later. Hopefully it will work, otherwise Malcolm will just have to live with never seeing his daughter! Thanks for all your help! |
Moving In
I have used move in quite a lot and found it comes up more often if you invite someone out rather than invite over. But stick with the friendly conversations, if you get romantic interest you won't get move in, and you will have to go through going steady etc.
If you still have trouble there is SolaceinSounds mod on this site which increases the chances of the move in option, works for me anyway. I don't use awesome so don't know if there is a conflict |
Quote: Originally posted by baileywll
Awesome, thanks. I'm about to play now, so I'll be moving Anne Song in with her husband now hopefully! I normally just merge households but this is useful to know for all the homeless sims. Thanks for all your help. And by the way, I get sims dying of old age all the time at my sims parties, talk about a party downer! ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by xx.loveyou
Um... can you take a picture of it? I have no idea what it is. |
Quote: Originally posted by xx.loveyou
Is it the Footprint under the object you're talking about? If you move the camera to look straight down, the green or red thing is a square, it's not a sphere or a ray, it's square. If this is what you mean, the footprint shows you where the object will be placed on the floor when you click the mouse to place it. If the footprint is red, you can't place the object, you have to move it a bit. |
Just wondering about Auto Lights. Are they supposed to stay on all the time from sunrise to when a Sim goes to bed? I would have thought they should turn off during the day. Or has it got something to do with how the lighting is treated now which makes rooms darker than in Sims 2?
Quote: Originally posted by Shimrod101
No, I'm definitely not talking about that.. what's happening to me is really obnoxious and in the way.
Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
yeah, my husband said I should've but I kept forgetting. lol, here it is.. this is when something can be placed: http://i33.tinypic.com/juabeu.jpg and this is when it's not able to be placed..: http://i38.tinypic.com/2hhpt9d.jpg |
Quote: Originally posted by xx.loveyou
This is the footprint, but it's horribly deformed. Try updating your graphics driver. |
Here's my question: Why is Larry Cooper not showing up in one of my specific save files? He's been in every other Riverview save file I've had.
Do any of you think the base Sims 3 game's price will go down once this expansion pack is released?
Everyone's wonderful screenshots are making me want to at least experience the game. I would hate to buy the game now, and in a few weeks after the EP comes out they lower the price. |
Okay, I've tried looking this up and not found the answer, so I'll go ahead and ask it and pray it hasn't been asked before:
Does the game sometimes spontaneously Enable Aging and Enable Story Progression when you'd previously set these features to be DISABLED? I do have the latest version of the patch applied that supposedly really does have Story Progression turn off if you set it to. The reason I ask is I just ruined my town by having Aging and Story Progression apparently turn themselves back on without my knowledge or realizing it in a timely manner. I was jumping from household to household of sims of my own making. Age progression had been turned OFF and Story Progression also turned OFF when I started this town. I'd also had extended lifespan turned on. I basically wanted a Peter-Pan type neighborhood of nobody aging and having a maximum potential lifespan. Well when I dropped into Jamie Jolina's house to put her on an exercize program to trim her down a bit as she'd gotten not just plump but alarmingly obese for a medical doctor, I found she was no longer YA, but Adult. So I checked the settings and she was on regular life span with storyline progression ON and Aging ON. I went back to check my other custom-made sims and they had indeed aged, too, but fortunately not to the next age bracket quite yet. Boy was I upset! ![]() How the heck did the game change its own settings? The only thing I can think of that might have triggered it is that my husband found out I hadn't had the latest MS Vista service pack installed so he upgraded me to it. And he upgraded my video drivers to cure my crashes to desktop and display problems. That's about it. Would the upgrade to the newer Vista service pack have reset my game options like that? Come to think of it, my video display looks worse now, too. I guess the game display options must have gotten reset out of what I had them set to before. But I don't remember what I might have changed them to before, so I can't verify that they did change. |
I've had my Fireplace cause a fire more than once - I have a good Idea, but how/when does it do this?
Quote: Originally posted by wiz1
Is there a poke option? In The Sims 2 fires were only(I believe) caused by fireplaces when poked, and at random, with a low chance. |
Quote: Originally posted by wiz1
there IS a poke option, however, ive had fires start without being poked. it has to do with objects being placed too close to the fireplaces. rugs, tables, plants. etc. |
This is a great thread as I feel stupid asking this but when I place a counter down then put another one next to it say a different color but the same counter, it switches to the first counter I put downs color.
![]() ![]() The second pic shows the counter has changed to the darker counter I tried this with other colors. Lighter, darker, totally different colors. They all switched to the first counters color when they connect together. Is this meant to happen? |
It's supposed to do that; it's a feature.
If you want to stop the counter thing, try putting a fence between them. That might work. Download the invisible fence.
Quote: Originally posted by jonha
I asked my husband (he knows way more about this stuff than me), and here's what he said: "We don't have a graphics card, we're using onboard graphics & to my knowledge we have the latest driver. But I can check to see if we do." I'm just wondering why Sims 2 ran perfectly but this one is having a weird thing happen. I'll have him check it out, though, and do you have anymore suggestions? |
Onboard graphics = crappy graphics. Even if it's a good onboard card, it's going to have problems. That's probably the whole reason for it- you're probably not using a supported card. Ask him to use dxdiag to see what card it is.
Quote: Originally posted by channTL
Thank you. I just wanted to know. I never knew that it was a feature. |
For custom content: Can you put items within sub-folders within the Packages folder?
Such as, Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages\Clothing\Female\Everyday? Thanks. =) Edit: Also, how about for Sims (with .sim endings)? If you can't tell, I tend to organize my cc very well so I can find certain items easily. |
As far as I understand, Kryptik, it would be possible but you would need to edit the hack config file to make the game look in those locations.
Not sure about the .sim files though. |
Quote: Originally posted by Kryptik
Yes you can use subfolders in the packages folder, the resource config file you can get from this site allows up to 4 levels, I have lots of folders, not just the 4 you get with the helper monkey, build, buy, fashion, hair etc, then sub folders within them. You can go to more than 4 folders deep if you edit the resource config file which is a simple text edit. There is an instruction on how to do this in a thread on this site but can't remember where, may be in this section or the help forum. I find the 4 levels enough. I don't think there is a way of doing the .sim packs. Looks like there may be a way of doing .sim packs and putting them in the packages folder rather than where the launcer puts them. I haven't tried it yet but Delphy has produced a sims3pack multi-installer (found under downloads/programs) which allows extraction and renaming of .sim files into the package files which you can put your mods/packages folder. I may give this a try as you then don't need to use the launcher for installing them. Further update:- I have tried Delphy's multipack installer and it works great, very quick (about a second to install 4 .sim packs). It doesn't need installation as it's an .exe, just unpack it and open it up. It allows you to select the folder where your .sim files are, and the folder to send them to, (I used mods/packages/misc but you could use any, I usually send things to misc then move them to my various subfolders). If the .sim pack has a proper name or you have taken the time to rename when downloading as I do, the installer will use that name so you know what it is in your packages folder. |
I know there are useless and totally disposable files produced and stored onto one's HD when he or she downloads/installs with the "launcher" - which files are these? The ones in "DCBackup", "DCCache", both, or are they located elsewhere? I'd like to remove them but don't want to end up deleting something important.
Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
DCCache is the database that contains all the Custom Content installed via the Game Launcher. Do not delete that, unless you want to reinstall everything. DCBackup can be safely deleted, as can the files in the "Downloads" folder. Though I would suggest backing up the Sims3Pack files to a separate location in case you ever need to reinstall. Cheers. ![]() |
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