Mod The Sims
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Nemiga 2nd Dec 2022 9:25 PM

Mod that allows to take toddlers-teens for few days to live with parent in another household - aka weekend mommy/daddy mod. I have sim which have little one with woman he doesn't live and it would be hella cute, if he could parent kid from time to time without transfering it into his active household permanent.
Also inactive daycare mod.

Deshong 3rd Dec 2022 5:08 PM

I remember temporarily moving the grandkids to their grandparents house while their parents went on a late honeymoon and then back once their parents returned. It was pretty fun but yeah it would be nice to have a mod that allowed toddlers through teens to stay at a relative's house through a LIVE in-game feature than using split household. It would be versatile too if like NRass Traveler you could pause the stay so you could have your own custom length of time of how long they stay. For example, maybe the kids are mostly with their mother for the year but during the summer they are with their father who lives elsewhere in the neighborhood.

I actually have this kind of playstyle in mind for some of my Sims. They have 3 toddlers they will co-parent in different households. But since no such mod exists, I'll just have to switch back and forth between the two parents. While toddlers I might do a switch every one or two seasons since my length of seasons are:

Spring ------93 days
Summer ----94 days
Autumn ----89 days
Winter ------89 days
Year---------365 days

Regardless, whichever parent doesn't have the kids I will still make sure that they visit and interact with them.

JDacapo 11th Dec 2022 9:29 PM

A mod that replaces the Grim Reaper theme with an instrumental of "Don't Fear The Reaper" - and the name of the mod would be "Grim Reaper: Now With More Cowbell!"

r_deNoube 21st Dec 2022 8:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JDacapo
A mod that replaces the Grim Reaper theme with an instrumental of "Don't Fear The Reaper" - and the name of the mod would be "Grim Reaper: Now With More Cowbell!"
This is an excellent idea, so I started mocking up an implementation without perhaps as much design & planning as I ought to... anyway, long story short, now the door is open and the wind appeared.

I'll let you know if I get anywhere. There's this one window that keeps flying open while I'm trying to code & test.

JDacapo 2nd Jan 2023 8:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by r_deNoube
This is an excellent idea, so I started mocking up an implementation without perhaps as much design & planning as I ought to... anyway, long story short, now the door is open and the wind appeared.

I'll let you know if I get anywhere. There's this one window that keeps flying open while I'm trying to code & test.

Just take my hand...

ssaraii 10th Feb 2023 2:32 AM

Loading patterns in CAS takes forever... But the categories with less patterns in them take less time (ahhh, i love loading weave & wicker lol.). I wish it were possible to add more pattern categories. "Themed" and "Geometric" are WAY too broad. Give me a separate category for Stripes, Florals, Polka-Dots, and Kid/Nursery patterns. Maybe another one for plaids.

I see so many cute CC patterns I want to add to my game, but I know it will just clog up my CAS so I don't bother. Even with the smooth patch it still takes too long.

Deshong 10th Feb 2023 11:39 PM

There are two known methods that may help you or perhaps someone else whose interested.

Method 1: Use .package files to swap in and out what you are currently using and what you are not. For example if the winter season is coming up in game and you want knit patterns for your Sim sweaters then pick and choose what to have in rotation, though there may be a few patterns that you keep as they are your favorites and most used. Personally, Sims3Packs are more of a hassle and can take a bit more time to install and uninstall; not to mention sometimes the launcher glitches. Whatever recolor you create and save, you can go into the Export folder take that Sims3Pack to turn into a .package file and use it that way for an easier swap method.

Method 2: Using a program to document all of your favorite in-game pattern recolors. I use Microsoft Excel (I have tabs for each category: abstract, fabric, masonry, metals, misc, paint, themed, tiles & mosaic, woods, and leathers & furs.) but it likely can be done with other programs as well. You can use this as well for recolors of custom patterns that are installed instead of taking up extra space and resources in whatever category pattern menu. In this way you never have any recolors saved in CAS, which leaves a bit more room for custom patterns without loading being too long, though that depends on each individual's computer hardware.

For example: This pattern comes from the Themed section.

I recolored this a few times but I'll show just one.

You can get an in-game screenshot so you know what the recolor looks like and name it whatever you want for your own identification. Make sure the environment is well lit up so you can see well. I use one of the 2x2 invisible wall lights from the buydebug catalogue and use the recolor on an existing wall within a Sims home or create a new one if there is space to delete later. Or so when I'm in game playing my main save, otherwise I tend to do this in a save where I play around with recolors, creating outfits from tops and bottoms, building or stuff like that.

I currently have 37 merged custom patterns, which helps the game load it a little faster but a 32-bit game engine can only do but so much. I also have 16 non-merged patterns to first test if I like them or not and for any performance issues. Of course with all of my merged cc, I created my own filing system so when there is anything I want to remove then I can easily find it and do so. The last I remember, it doesn't take that long to load but I haven't recently timed it but if I had to guess in my most busiest section, themed, then I would guess 15 seconds or less. But now I'm curious how accurate or far off I am, lol.

Method 1: The Swap is fine as long as you don't overdo it and go within whatever your computer/game can handle before the performance hit. So maybe set a limit starting with 5 custom patterns total and keep adding 5 to whatever is acceptable. Whatever the limit stick to that and swap out between different patterns you want in-game. Pick and choose, can't have it all. Let's say 10 custom patterns is the max for someone before a performance dive, so you'll have to compromise with what to keep and what get rid of and what new pattern to try.

Method 2: The Data Filer, which pertains primarily to recolors, isn't for everyone and moreso for those types who enjoy organization and filing information for later use.


Edit: Approximately the time my game loads each pattern categories as it is now.

Fabrics: 6.72 seconds (26 custom patterns) Actually it is the fabrics category I have the most to load in, not themed as I initially thought. But comes in second, lol.

Leathers & Furs: 1.46 seconds (0 cc)

Carpenting & Rugs: 1.16 seconds (0 cc)

Abstract: 1.83 seconds (1 cc)

Geometric: 6.36 seconds (14 cc/recolors)

Themed: 6.43 seconds (17 cc/recolors)

Woods: 3.33 seconds (0 cc)

Metals: 1.98 seconds (0 cc)

Weave & Wicker: 0.50 seconds (1 cc)

Paint: 1.47 seconds (0 cc)

Tiles & Mosaic: 1.13 seconds (1 cc)

Plastics & Rubber: 0.52 seconds (0 cc)

Rock & Stone: 2.93 seconds (0 cc)

Masonry: 1.81 seconds (2 cc)

Misc: 0.48 seconds (2 cc/recolors)

The recolors I usually delete but if I haven't yet took a picture and got the RGB/HEX information those are still saved. It also may help to mention that I do have TS3 installed on a SSD NVMe, which is likely to help with the speed of loading as well. Of course a SSD is not necessary to play TS3, but some video games I play needs it for the recommended system requirements. Oh and just in case anyone is wondering, I don't use any mods to speed up CAS or the game and prefer to focus on how my playstyle is affecting the game, so I can adjust if need be and having a basic understanding of the capabilities of my computer hardware helps a lot in managing TS3 performance. And knowing that TS3 is mostly a CPU intensive game, so I try to stay clear of mods which are CPU heavy and will likely affect how TS3 runs.

freakyfrizz13 25th Feb 2023 1:54 AM

Don't know if this has already been mentioned, but you can skip the loading of patterns in create a style so that you can go into a different category. If you click on whichever square you are customising (after you have already clicked once and it has started loading, double clicking won't work) it will allow you to open the drop down menu.

DerpBox 4th Mar 2023 11:28 PM

a mod that adds a search bar in buy mode...... 😭

igazor 6th Mar 2023 1:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DerpBox
a mod that adds a search bar in buy mode...... 😭

No! That will only encourage sims to spend more money. I mean, it's not like money grows on trees or anything...oh, wait.

PizzaPartyForever 9th Mar 2023 1:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DerpBox
a mod that adds a search bar in buy mode...... 😭

The search bar, and the ability to move things where ever you want on the wall are the only technical features of any real value added in the move from TS4 from TS3.

I wish i could edit kidhedera’s Variable Career Metrics to add the singing skill to the Musician Career. Like yeah, I know there’s already a singer career but sometimes I want my sims have a rockstar vibe but the singer career feels more like a popstar kind deal. And sometimes I'm just straight up lazy and don't wanna be bothered with trying to grid celebrity points tbh.

lakme 18th Mar 2023 9:43 PM

I want someone to convert the TS4 bubble tea to TS3!

aisquared 20th Mar 2023 6:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lakme
I want someone to convert the TS4 bubble tea to TS3!

✨️ here it is ✨️

tripodfish 22nd Mar 2023 3:17 AM

I'd love a mod that improves the dating website feature! The in-game one lists sims already in relationships and only acts as a friend app. Learned this the hard way lol

I'd also love a crush and asymmetrical romance mod!

Wojtek 22nd Mar 2023 2:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by tripodfish
I'd love a mod that improves the dating website feature! The in-game one lists sims already in relationships and only acts as a friend app. Learned this the hard way lol

I'd also love a crush and asymmetrical romance mod!

Maybe this?
or this?

toxicboy 22nd Mar 2023 2:36 PM

A mod that makes sims sit and listen while using the lectures podium.

echoweaver 22nd Mar 2023 5:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by toxicboy
A mod that makes sims sit and listen while using the lectures podium.

And while giving a presentation with the whiteboard!

I believe that the update of zerbu's ultimate careers does something with this.

The current mod I'm toying with is one that will make perishable ingredients spoil.

tripodfish 23rd Mar 2023 1:26 AM

Thank you so much for sharing!

I have actually looked into these prior and while asymmetrical relationships suits my needs, harder romance probably would not work for what I am looking for. To be more specific, I'd like to be able to set crushes manually for roleplay purposes.


Just crossed my mind but for roleplay purposes on a no aging save (rather than aging-enabled gameplay) it would be nice to have a super senior (aka highschool for adults), GED, and/or college mod that functions like how schools for teens/children work.

stormcat3 24th Mar 2023 12:45 PM

Just a random thing, but I wish there was a mod for fridges that allows you to put away all fruits and vegetables, or all fish.

Deshong 24th Mar 2023 6:56 PM

Store All Fish and Harvestables at Once *Compatible with 1.67*

Train_guy 24th Apr 2023 3:38 PM

I've got another good mod to wish for: "A lighting mod that ALSO affects indoor lighting on a lot whether it is residential or commercial" as in a lighting mod that changes the darkness of indoor rooms on a lot that have NO lights what-so-ever inside them and NO windows what-so-ever on any wall!

Twinsimming 24th May 2023 1:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by aisquared
So...has anyone made a 2-in-1 functional washer-dryer like in TS4? And no, I do not mean the combined ones using moveobjects on. I'm just asking purely out of curiosity, of course. But it's definitely a must have I think..

Olomayasims just released one:

aisquared 24th May 2023 5:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Twinsimming
Olomayasims just released one:

yeah I already found out, and quickly grabbed it!

LemonyLin 1st Jun 2023 4:58 AM

A windchime mod to make Sims 3 windchimes like the ones in Sims 4, where you can change the tone of it and everything.

TheRachsterRach 3rd Jun 2023 10:27 AM

I don't think I could find anyone who has thought about converting kawaii desu adult tickles and other hilarious nostalgic Sims Bustin' Out social interactions to Sims 3, but if anyone is willing to collaborate with me on that, I would be down for that, though I know converting the exact animations is impossible, but like what Dramatic-Gamer has done with their Social Interaction Mods, I'd be down to remake them from Scratch and hard work.

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