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Justpetro 4th Feb 2018 7:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I am building something that is vaguely oriental here

The Fermented Fruit Juice Bar is now open! Drinks on the house for everyone tonight (Cat, I even made sure there are no orange ones )

kerri191 4th Feb 2018 8:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
The Fermented Fruit Juice Bar is now open!

I'll just grab myself something strong while I make something new that isn't as what I did.

Yvelotic2001 4th Feb 2018 8:40 PM

Well, seeing people post their builds on the first day motivated me to go and build my own. I wasn't planning on building it this early on, but I figured I could get it out of the way while I'm free and now I have 2 weeks to improve it. Yay! I'm going for a tropical restaurant. I'm quite pleased with the interior, but I don't know if the exterior looks too modern for the theme. I'll figure it out in until the deadline.
Great entries so far! Eastern is the theme that "scares" me the most, and after seeing that lot, Charmful, I'm even more scared lol!

Is it worth it posting pictures already or should I wait a little longer?

gdayars 4th Feb 2018 8:46 PM

I would wait... personally, until you have what you consider a finished product. but that is me, and others may differ and I wouldn't worry about modern as opposed to not modern. Look up modern tropical restaurants and see if you can get an idea from those.

kerri191 4th Feb 2018 9:07 PM

I'm just going to leave my entry as is. But I do intend to redo at a later time with something else. I like my theme, I just realized that my structure was too ambitious for the budget, and it didn't have to be that way. Which I realized halfway through, and then kept going anyway. Who knows why.

Sparklypotato 4th Feb 2018 9:40 PM

Everyone's entries look really good so far! I love the tea house, it's gorgeous.

gdayars 4th Feb 2018 10:11 PM

UPDATE... After talking to a few people that said if they did want to do CC free, it would be a bit low, I am upping it to 80,000

CatherineTCJD 4th Feb 2018 10:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gdayars
UPDATE... I am upping it to 80,000
WOAH! Good to know Thanks!

Yvelotic2001 4th Feb 2018 10:28 PM

Time to add lots of useless items for decorative purposes!

joandsarah77 4th Feb 2018 10:42 PM

You guys are spoiled! :D

Justpetro 4th Feb 2018 10:46 PM

That is really awesome - I don't want to add a bunch of cc just because it is cheap Thank you, gdayars!

maxon 4th Feb 2018 10:55 PM

OK 3x2 $80000 now

gdayars 4th Feb 2018 11:13 PM

yes 80,000 3x2 or 2x3 either one would work

and sorry to confuse you!

next round will be more on par I hope

justJones 4th Feb 2018 11:45 PM

The first round of a contest is always a bit fidgety Even if it's your millionth time hosting, lol.

OnayaW 5th Feb 2018 12:38 AM

Now I have two houses to choose from

gazania 5th Feb 2018 1:10 AM

Shoot! It's started?

I have to put the finishing touches on another lot I'll be uploading shortly. It's vaguely connected with the Pets theme. Kind of. It may not count. Then it's off to this contest.

I'd better get a move on, since I'll be losing a day or two! Good thing I'm a playalong! Because of everything with my surgery and recovery, my lots may be more rushed than I'd like, but them's the breaks.

So .... 2x3 or 3x2. 80 Simoleons. One Part 1 item, one Part 2. That's it?

I suppose my prep game for my other uploads will do for building as much as any, but I would have to get a shopping district with beach lots for future rounds. No problem!

joandsarah77 5th Feb 2018 1:43 AM

One Part 1 item, one Part 2. That's it?
It has to be a restaurant.

gdayars 5th Feb 2018 1:58 AM

yes @gazania we are doing the TYPE of lot in order, but you are free to choose which theme it is

joandsarah77 5th Feb 2018 1:59 AM

Entries: can you all make sure your pictures blow up nice and large since at least one judge is as blind as a bat...

@Charmful if the floorplan at least can be attached so I can blow it up. Also one of each building.

Everyone: If you have more than one building on your lot, each building also requires its own floor plan.

Another tip, we can only judge what we can see well. If your specially decorated area can't be seen it won't matter how long you spent on it. So make sure to showcase those areas.

Charmful 5th Feb 2018 2:28 AM

Is there a way to attach images to posts after they have been posted? I never seen an option when I go into edit (I only see it on creating a post) but have added floor plans of both buildings at a closer view.

Edit: Thanks Gdayars. I know how to always add inline tags for images but didn't realize there was a tab for attachments on edited posts. Thanks!

gdayars 5th Feb 2018 2:38 AM

Yes you can upload to modyourpanties then hit the img button and add the url and it will show in your edited post.

You can also go over to attachments, and then go down to the bottom of the post, and there is a way to upload images and files there

broomhilda61 5th Feb 2018 3:14 AM

I didn't read past the first entry and I didn't see a comment about it so am asking as well..but kanzen had asked on the first page if Booty items can be used..can they..if not that is ok..

I just seen a we build our buildings or use in game or cc buildings????

gazania 5th Feb 2018 3:15 AM

OK. Restaurant. 3x2 or 2x3 lot. 80,000 Simoleons.

Debating whether I want to tackle the hardest item on the two lists for me and get that one done (Eastern ... I would like to be respectful to the culture, but feel woefully inadequate making a proper lot) or work on an easier one.

Question: Do you need waiters, or can this be based around the food stand and/or something of that ilk? Or can the food stand be part of the grounds with other stuff on it, such as a garden or add-on establishment (For instance, karaoke?)

gdayars 5th Feb 2018 3:42 AM

You build them and I forgot about the booty items. I think don't ask don't tell policy is best....

And it can be a food stand. Up to you.

justJones 5th Feb 2018 3:44 AM

I can't say for certain since I'm not the hostess, but my understanding is it just has to be a food lot. So I think a food stand as a base would be fine.

Edit: I see gdayars was posting as I typed, lol

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