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Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
LOL. She has tons of fish in the inventory because there is a pond and everyone goes fishing via Join every time. ![]() |
Ignoring the fact that the game is rated 13, I've always wondered why Sims never smoke cigarettes or marijuana but can smoke shisha via hookah pipes and apparently blow bubbles doing it. They also can drink wine 'nectar' without any side effects...
Cigarette smoking has been unfashionable for a long time now. We no longer see smoking in mainstream films and TV for adults. Maybe only the bad guy does it in an action film.
I've noticed how the bubble blower is obviously intoxicating because of its attraction and the illusion of floating. It seems to be out of place. Is there a formal world for Shisha? I want to know what kind of drug that is. |
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
It's one of the things I miss the most! xD |
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Shisha is essentially flavored tobacco. ![]() Egyptians have what can be essentially called "shisha cafes" and they have this really nice fruity flavor, which I forget what it's called, but when you smoke it, you don't get the same harshness as you get with a normal cigarette. It's kind of like smoking menthols in terms of smoothness. I remember spending plenty of evenings on the seaside promenade smoking with my friends when I was overseas and we'd talk about our day and the incoming sunset. Fun times. |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
That sounds right. Make a copy + paste the objects.package file to somewhere else on your computer (like a Sims 2 Modding folder) and then any accidental saves won't matter. |
Like every other mod, private or global. Find the resource in Objects.package, click Extract. Then make a New blank package, and import your extracted resource. Now you have a package with one item.
Now I've got a read-only copy of my Objects.package open in SimPE. (It's the one from H&M Fashion Stuff because that's my highest EP/SP.) Where do I find Global 504? Or is it somewhere else?
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
But if you aren't married then chow down? XD
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
LOL, I've never heard of that and was about to suggest that it meant hashish. |
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I tried hashish (hash) twice. Didn't like it either time. Never tried it again. In many ways I'm glad my Sims are not subject to the paranoia that hash gives. Although could you imagine the drama that would create? ![]() |
I can't stand those bland newly generated NPCs. In Riverblossom subneighborhood they need everyone new. A headmaster arrived with a buzzcut, looking like a young substitute teacher, and a white shirt on his ID photo. I guess they would need an invalidate photo on init. A gardener was foreigner with a scrunched face and a bandana or a towel. We just hung up the phone when we saw him and quit without saving. I'm gonna be making NPCs by hand. The headmaster probably stays now. Perhaps I should have made the female headmaster that someone wanted.
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I keep finding posts that I missed while I was away. Not purgatory lol, but very different from the way I play mine. Actually, his neighbourhoods are starting to remind me of Chris Hatch's. Full of skimpy clothing and all about sex (which there is nothing wrong with). XD Is AndrewGloria hiding a secret sims modding ability to go along with it? |
@jonasn, you can't tell if a person or a sim is a "foreigner" by looking at them and a bandana wrapped around the head is very practical for someone in a physically demanding job, as it absorbs sweat. That doesn't sound bland, either. If you don't like how an NPC looks, there are ways to alter that.
Sure you can. The faces have 3 letter codes of regions of the world if you reveal them in CAS: ind, rus, ara, aus. Now I can't unsee them. Most of you here are visual artists, you probably saw them from day 1, like how they do a photo robot in police movies from parts. It's a reasonable expectactation that there would be some kind of procedural rules for what items of clothing go with what or in which part of the world the person is placed, instead of unbounded randomness.
I get a feeling that you don't like me and hastily jump into contradicting what I said. Like when I pointed out that the person owned a lot of caught fish. |
I'm sorry to have offended you. It was inadvertent, for what that's worth (not much, I know; if I step on your foot, it hurts just the same whether I did it on purpose or not.) Allow me to explain myself.
I don't know you, nor you me. I don't suppose either of us likes or dislikes each other, nor is it important for either of us to do either. For the record, if I conceive an active dislike of someone online, I block them and don't say anything about it until or unless they actively pursue me to persecute me (which has happened here on this very forum; I picked up a stalker who pursued me across several platforms, assuming a succession of new identities to do so, till she finally gave up several years later.), in which case I will warn other people about them, because no one ever sticks to one victim in those cases. In the business with the fish I was remarking the absurdity of the premise about ceasing to eat plants when you marry a plant sim, which I assumed you were saying <i> because</i> it was absurd. It never crossed my mind that you would take it any other way than as a straight-faced exchange of absurdities. In this instance, I am sensitive to the casual identification of certain facial types with certain populations, because I am interested in Pleistocene archaeology, and a great deal of unnecessary strife (not to mention bad science) arises because people insist on doing this exact thing. I refer you to the contentious history of Kennewick Man (who was originally identified as "a white guy" by a forensic pathologist accustomed to dealing with modern populations), and also Lucia, a South American skeleton whose facial reconstruction "looks" like an indigenous Australian. Which doesn't in the least mean that she or any of her ancestors came from Australia; though it may indicate that at some point a group of hunter-gatherers split into two groups, one going south and eventually to Australia, where their descendants continue to enjoy reproductive success, while the other went north and eventually to the Americas, where their phenotype was less reproductively successful and their descendants may or may not still survive. I also live in a border area, surrounded by people who are assigned an ethnic identity based on their appearance and ancestry. Many, many modern "Mexican American" families have changed their citizenship and their social category without once moving house, since large parts of the modern USA used to be claimed by Mexico. This is a huge issue right now in my country. I don't think those templates should have nationality labels for this reason; and the fact that they do doesn't say anything about their nationalities in-game, because there's no nationalities in sims - unless, of course, the player puts them there. Which they are fully entitled to do, in the game. But I'm afraid that you stepped on my foot anyway, because the implication that a) a foreigner can be visually identified based on genetic characteristics and b) is an undesirable person to be ARE INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS REAL-WORLD PROBLEMS RIGHT NOW AND I'M NOT ENTITLED TO BE SILENT AT THIS JUNCTURE IN HISTORY. I don't want to be rude or derailing or to start any flamewars, which don't help anything; but the Overton Window has shifted much too far since I was kid and sometimes I've just got to suck it up and say something to try to push it back into a reasonable place. Sometimes speaking up about this sort of thing is even effective. I have learned to live with the fact that my dead-pan humor sometimes means I need to apologize when I meant no harm. I have also learned that it's sometimes counterproductive to apologize and if people are mad at me they just are. It won't hurt my feelings if you block me. This is all I have to say on the subject. |
I think you are both right. Jonasn's perspective is more technical and generalist, and Peni Griffin's is more human and open to the fact that history is longer and what belongs to one today was previously another's. As I said, I identify with both, on the one hand I am a person who identifies stereotypes and uses them, but on the other hand I also like to break them and go beyond the typical archetypes.
Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
I think it's okay to portray stereotypes, as long as it's done tastefully and not out of spite or hatred. ![]() Edit: It's like with my Plot of Land or Shifting Sands 'hoods. They both have stereotypes, especially the latter one does. But it's all to be done not out of hatred, but rather to acknowledge them and in some ways actually appreciate them for what they are being used for - story telling. ![]() As for the topic of blocking someone, I have yet to do that on MTS. Everyone here has been supportive and respectful, even if we don't always agree. ![]() |
A since-long-dead family member just appeared on the family portrait for some reason. And the sim list in the family popup. Creepy!
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Quote: Originally posted by simsample on 9th January
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
@jonasn , I should have tagged you in my last post. On Monday I spent several hours looking at that objects.package file, but never found a resource called "Global 504". Should I be looking in all my objects.package files? I have one for base game and one for each EP/SP that I own. I understand that the game only runs the .exe file for the newest EP/SP, and I thought the the same applied to objects.package files. But I could be wrong. Could somebody please tell me where to find "Global 504" so I can start to write a mod to change it. By the way is 504 a decimal or a hex number? I really do want to learn how to do simple modding. If I could do that, then (I hope) I'd be able to update a mod by pinhead that is vital to my playstyle, but never appears to have been updated for anything beyond OFB. If I could do that, then I could install the Pets EP, for which I've already bought the CD. Having had cats and dogs in most of my life, I treally would like my Sims to be able to have them too. |
So what's up with the penguin that comes by in winter? I know it can talk with snowmen and try to eat fish but... why. Did they just add it for fun? Or is there some lore from the Sims 1 that I don't know? Just some random thoughts I had the other day.
Fun and whimsy
It's just associated with cold, antarctica and ice cream. What kind of fish does he eat? Ones you catch with a fishing line?
Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
He always reminds me of Claire the Bear! ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
I believe I read that if you have fish laying around the penguin will eat it. It'll also squack at the fishing trophy, or so I heard. But yeah penguins are from Antarctica... weird to see them walk down the suburbs of Sunset Valley. |
The penguin gobbles up fish if you put it on the ground - animation is quite cute. Bloody thief.
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