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jonasn 20th Feb 2025 6:07 AM

If I'm reading it right, you pay $4 for each 1000 of lot value, and bit more in university. So only a few bucks at a normal house is the land tax. Everything else is walls and objects. That's messed up.

The actual value in globals is -400. If University is ΒΌ, then something counts for +$48 to +$51 in objects.

simsample 20th Feb 2025 2:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
My neighborhood deco only has the PrevenTek city streetlamp. In side streets I want the wooden one.

These even light up!


(Also check out Criquette's other stuff if you haven't already, they have stuff on this site too! )

Charity 20th Feb 2025 4:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
I was told that the moves in chess were real, but there wasn't much logic behind them. I think making a chess game would be really hard. I wish they could get up, fetch food or go to the bathroom, and continue. They rarely finish a game. They cheat often if they can.

Yeah, chess games take so long. I'd like it if players could reserve a board like sims reserve an easel for painting.

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I don't know if I'll ever live to see any of my playables graduate university, but if I do, and several want parties, I think I'd just have one big party, and provided the other new graduates go to the party and enjoy it, I think I'd just manually fulfil their "Have a Party" wants. Much like I do with "Go out with" wants -- I send them to a community lot, and manually fulfil their "Go out with" wants. After all, they have gone out with the desired Sim.

You have to send them to Uni first lol. Some of your teens have been teens for longer than RL teens are teens for.

Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
I realized today that I've been working with Pooklet hair colours for too long. I went to get my hair coloured and when my hairdresser asked which shade, I straight-up, without even thinking about it, said "oh somewhere between Pyrotechnic and Comburent." It took a few moments to figure out why she was staring at me with a blank look.

On the plus side, once I was done embarrassing myself and explained what I actually wanted, she knocked it out of the park!

What would you have done if she had known what you meant? XD

jonasn 20th Feb 2025 11:10 PM

3 Attachment(s)
The lamps work in FreeTime. But they look very different from the normal ones if I were to use them to fill in gaps. The Preventek lamp has a bright yellow base. The seasons lamp is absolutely collossal. I may use the wooden one because I like how the post is thinner. It would be good if t he normal one could given a thin post. They can't replace normal lamps I place on the lot. Their high detail would allow it. But placing it accurately is very hard.

700 KB per one hood deco object of medium detail seems like much. Looks like it needs to be compressed because the images of the glow are almost blank.

pinkdynamite 21st Feb 2025 4:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
What would you have done if she had known what you meant? XD

Either squealed loudly or passed out. Maybe both, who knows?

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