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CASnarl 8th Apr 2021 2:42 AM

I spent my day working on a Damiano David from MÃ¥neskin sim, for my simself to definitely NOT do things to me to have in my game. I find making real people particularly difficult especially that I play a maxis-match-ish game with no additional skins or eyes and only simgaroop'd hair primarily from DeeDee. But he's not half bad at the moment. His tattoos were giving me trouble so just my default replacement skin 2 in the pic and the hair isn't 100% right but that's why I mention having limited cc (and being too stubborn to download things for only one sim).
He needs chest hair but that'll come from an overlay box once I get him in game.

d_dgjdhh 12th Apr 2021 7:46 AM

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Working on a new project. Inspiration struck tonight after a drought of creativity. I'm planning to build a three-tile palace to out do my already successful Catherine's Palace upload.

So far, the exterior is coming up nicely. Here are some images so far. Two of the three lots have been constructed with shells so far. Not sure if the east wing is gonna be a mirror of the west wing,

The plan is to have 3 different families live in the palace. The main family in the middle, with the other two living in the wings. It's an ambitious project, and if I upload it here, it'll be unfurnished.

My main issue is that I'm fine making shells, but gardening and interior decoration isn't my strong suit.

Here are some updated ones:

Here are some construction shots for the right wing of the palace:

Here are some more of the latest images. One of them has a WIP of the main entrance in the middle palace. I'd probably just upload a shell instead....might be too big to furnish right away.

WatermelonSandal 11th May 2021 12:22 PM

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More Daniel Diaz + a special project.

Sims2Christain 25th Jun 2021 11:34 AM

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It was suggested to me after the 1k merfolk babies that I had produced, jokingly that I should do the same with an army of robots. I took this as a continuation of my 1k self imposed torture challenge. Phase 1 is complete.
1 thousand Servos on the cheap fro Dr Vu's warehouse of non discript goods.

grammapat 6th Oct 2021 1:00 AM

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Working on another Victorian house. This time from a picture and layout called "A residence at Bridgeport, Conn". I actually started out trying to find one to download for my convent, where 2 Sisters will adopt the 4 men from Sedona - as toddlers! But I didn't want the modern floor plans; living/kitchen/dining "open concept" is not Victorian. I wanted lots of small rooms, an unfinished basement, a creepy attic. I started making it plane and dark, without a lot of adornment..these are NUNS with no money! But I had to add some color.
EDIT: I don't like that green fence with posts...
Edit: I do like the green interiors

Sokisims 12th Oct 2021 4:35 PM

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I can't stop making posters xD

simsample 12th Oct 2021 5:38 PM

I love those @Sokisims especially the Twin Peaks one!

Sokisims 12th Oct 2021 7:07 PM

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@simsample Yes I also love that one! I think that Spike's poster rotates automatically, because all the ones I've tried on that poster rotate, so I'll try spinning it in Simpe.

WatermelonSandal 13th Dec 2021 10:59 PM

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WatermelonSandal 15th Dec 2021 10:11 AM

Trying a more realistic Sim style, kinda like what I do in TS3.
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WatermelonSandal 25th Dec 2021 10:46 PM

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Building work.

Sokisims 30th Jan 2022 6:13 PM

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Testing the design that I will use for the Service Area albums, I will definitely use the gray background, it gives more prominence to the photos. Seeing this I think I will also update the Jeans Shaker Oasis albums with this design.

grammapat 8th Feb 2022 5:26 PM

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Creating a home for my eccentric alien from Quadington U,

simmer22 10th Feb 2022 4:39 PM

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Playing around with some "fingers and fumbs" for the babies, instead of the webbed "glove" fingers.The bone assignments have caused a bit of havoc, so I kinda abandoned the project for a while, but looks like I've finally managed to weed out the vertices that caused scissorhands, so now the little 'uns can have fingers like the rest of their family. Might need more tinkering, and the hands aren't perfect, but I just wanted to have a go at it.

They're mapped in the same spot as the original baby hands, so they should work with any skintones (I dislike having to edit a bunch of skins just to make new skin details work, so made sure to map them where they keep as much details as possible from the original hands).

The hands/fingers are animated, but there aren't a lot of bones, so it's just the open/close of the hands and the thumbs. There's some artefacts from the mesh when the fingers bend, but that's just due to how the mesh is made around the knuckles - I think older sims have something similar going on, too.

(original to the left, mine to the right)

(Also been working on getting those hairs to STOP removing the back of toddler's heads, but having no luck on that front as of yet. Jumped over to the hands project because I needed a break, honestly...).

CASnarl 16th Feb 2022 6:32 AM

Learning how to recolor hair. I wanted Pooklet's colors but on Simgaroop textures. For all I know someone else has already done this and I ought to just google harder before I recolor all 300-400+ hairs I have but I'm abnormally bad at googling things. Plus the desire to create was to fill a personal need in my game but if I like the job I've done after a few hairs I'll likely choose to share. I did properly tooltip them and all, however I'm not dead set on an online alias - I've moved on from using CASnarl everywhere else besides mts but I'm not totally sure what I'd want to use instead (so as not to be able to link to my social media aliases). Dunno yet. Only made the pinks and reds of one hair thus far (wasn't any real reason why I chose this one, just was first in the folder) because it took me all day to even figure out how/where to begin so it's time for sleep now but I'm really excited about this project (I like having projects)

Can't wait to get some in a game with the rest of my cc to see how they'll actually look in regular use. My primary reason for making was so I could have some rainbow simmies walking amongst my "natural" simmies, just for fun.

omglo 16th Feb 2022 7:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
(Also been working on getting those hairs to STOP removing the back of toddler's heads, but having no luck on that front as of yet. Jumped over to the hands project because I needed a break, honestly...).

@simmer22, did you see the research Almighty Hat was doing on this?

simmer22 16th Feb 2022 8:40 PM

Yup, we've gone some forth-and-back on the matter, but haven't gotten any closer to a solution yet. All the testing so far haven't led to anything (but I have one or two things left to test, just haven't gotten around to it - I don't have too high hopes for any of them, though).

Peace 20th Feb 2022 11:22 AM

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Doing some recolors. Some are good some are not. Its my first time recoloring chairs. They look terrible but i think i can fix it! lol

grammapat 22nd Mar 2022 8:42 AM

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Building an apartment; I started wanting to make one like I used to live in - an ugly block building with a pool. The ground floor had a little patio, with a gate that went to covered parking. This wouldn't work unless I made that be the front, and ONLY door. So I got carried away with all sorts of fun things, and pet-friendly

simmer22 22nd Mar 2022 5:22 PM

I've probably posted some pics a long time ago, but finally got around to work some more on it (and post files! At least the first out of 3-5, I think...)

4t2 dollhouses, with custom dolls, skillgain, recolorable (the dolls too - kind of, anyway), and broken state. Even added shadows (haven't tested those properly, but crossing fingers for them working...). This one is about as close to finished as I can get it, I think. Just a few finishing touches (if anyone wants to test it, it's in the wishing tree at GoS - I'm working on more of the BG dollhouses, possibly a few of the others).

(No idea what Alexander Goth is doing in that outfit... Arms seem kinda broken, too )

(Beau ain't happy I made him break the dollhouse)

osmo95 25th Mar 2022 4:39 AM

I am making hair recolors for sims 2, to make the hair color look natural and adding new textures to the cap.

That texture of the cap is the original minus the hair :point_down:

I still have a long way to go

Sokisims 25th Mar 2022 9:53 PM

@simmer22 Love it! I was just thinking that I have few dollhouses. I can't wait to have it in my game ^^ !!

grammapat 9th Apr 2022 8:47 PM

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Playing with my alien beach-front house. Can't really see the gulls on the piers

grammapat 29th Apr 2022 9:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by osmo95
I am making hair recolors for sims 2, to make the hair color look natural and adding new textures to the cap.

the texture on the hat is amazing! Also impressive is the skin - is that just a skin, or overlays/makeup? Can you send a link?

osmo95 16th May 2022 7:36 AM


I've been making that skin for a while now, not everything is ready to be released on the web. But thank you!

I just gave a face to the baby and for the children

fway 26th May 2022 6:52 PM

It's been a while! Lots of real life stuff happening!

I saw a download by Windkeeper that replaces the default nanny outfit with an outfit from OFB. I have Sim-Wolf's All Adult/YA Clothing for Elders and decided to replace the nanny outfit with H&M, AL, and OFB outfits. Stylish nannies, yay!

It's a matter of replacing the CRES, TXMT files, and matching the reference file (SHPE) for the replacement to the default clothing within the CRES.

OFB sparkly outfit here

WatermelonSandal 28th Jun 2022 3:37 PM

Practicing w/ Disney/Pixar Sims again
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Facial proportions are hard.

Sokisims 17th Aug 2022 10:09 AM

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Making these guides for when I recreate my neighborhood... xDDD

LauraPamplonaS 18th Aug 2022 3:08 AM

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New sims from a brand new neighborhood. I just love making females and I have a hard time getting around to the males

Sokisims 26th Aug 2022 11:46 PM

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Checking some things in Service Area to get it ready. (Although there is still some time to finish)

WatermelonSandal 16th Sep 2022 9:25 PM

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A custom pendant for a collection I'm working on, because I've come to develop a niche for hanging dangly things from my Sims. I combined some royalty-free images to make this, since I wanted a pendant in this shape but couldn't find any online.

A custom top decal. The palm trees are from another royalty-free image.

AnMal 17th Sep 2022 1:48 PM

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This is what I started on yesterday, before I got a migraine: simlish fan t-shirts for fictional bands. I like at least a few fictional bands for my sims to follow, it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't have music trends of their own. I have a question about the last one, actually, for anyone who might know. I found the sim portrait on that one on a site called Who does the sim belong to? I have a feeling the pic might have ended up on that site without the creator's knowledge.

SIMposiast 30th Mar 2023 7:10 PM

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This. It seems to work in testing on my laptop and is making me very happy:

Will have to copy it over to my iMac and run it on my real Downloads folder.

simmer22 24th Jul 2023 4:51 AM

Been fixing a lot of old stuff in my downloads lately, and also poking at some old sets.

This one I decided to update with some additional textures and such (burnt cookies, some random recolors, plus adding shadows - not too visible on some of the meshes, but they're there). Thought about a decorated version of the brightest/doughy version too (either as sugar cookies, or a type that's more common where I live - those aren't commonly decorated in the same way).

grammapat 24th Jul 2023 11:32 PM

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Been building a house for the Greenmans; I like the tree in the main room, but it made it hard to see what was going on, and there were other things. I've noticed that from the 2nd floor you can't see objects on the 1st floor, you can see Sims, eating at an invisible I see that the tree can only be seen from the first floor. Trying to see the floor as it passes through the second or third floor...can't be done -? I had to take a pic from hood view to see the tree!

simsample 24th Jul 2023 11:57 PM

Maybe you have object hiding on?

Sims2Maven 25th Jul 2023 3:11 AM

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Or maybe it's a Hood Deco tree? They play hide-and-seek when you're actually in the lot.

What I've been up to? Nothing as dramatic - building a K9 Training Center for some of the Large Dog strays roaming the neighborhoods. I used joandsara's Miniservice police station as a base, doubled the lot size front-to-back, and put in four kennels and a run/training area. Since it's considered "Residential", I made a K9 officer to be in charge of it - he can't be a "real" cop, as he has to be onsite all the time, but putting him into the uniform and calling him "Self-employed" will have to suffice. Probably needs a couple more Sim residents.

Here's what it looks like so far:

Sims2Maven 27th Jul 2023 4:43 AM

Update: I made some minor changes, like changing the interior fencing to Typhoon Chain with matching gates. This fits better with pet fencing. (Also, I pulled in one of my Townie Sims with a high Animals rating to keep Frederick company - they're getting along splendidly so far, including all four dogs.)

grammapat 27th Jul 2023 5:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Maybe you have object hiding on?

Don't know what object hiding is. And no, it's not a hood tree, it is a custom LOT tree.

simmer22 27th Jul 2023 6:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Don't know what object hiding is. And no, it's not a hood tree, it is a custom LOT tree.

It's a setting in the ingame graphics. It's either on or off. It hides or shows items on the lower floors, so if you've put the tree inside the house, and object hiding is on, it's likely the tree gets hidden when you go to higher floors. This looks like it could be your problem, so you'll most likely want to change the setting. Just be warned that this setting is heavier for the game to render.

Trees also have a second type of object hiding called fade distance, decided by camera settings. If you get close to the objects with fade (trees, stairs...), they'll seem to disappear - but if you use TAB mode, they usually come back into view as long as the TAB camera is active. If you have any issues with this, you can get a camera mod with a fade distance that lets you get closer to items.

grammapat 28th Jul 2023 12:08 AM

Thanks simmer22; about fade distance - that big tree still blocks views so I would like to make it fade --if that's what you're talking about. Setting now is OFF, and changing it didn't do anything.

simmer22 28th Jul 2023 1:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Thanks simmer22; about fade distance - that big tree still blocks views so I would like to make it fade --if that's what you're talking about. Setting now is OFF, and changing it didn't do anything.

If it doesn't already fade, then it either doesn't have fade (is it a custom tree? Almost looks that way) or you already have a camera mod that removes the fade.

Have you tried turning on and then off the object hiding, and also make sure to do "apply changes" (you get a 15 second "do you want to keep these changes" warning)? Could just be the changes need triggering. The object hiding also isn't visible if you're on the first floor, so make sure you go to the second or third floor before you change the setting, so you see if there is a change.

grammapat 28th Jul 2023 1:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
If it doesn't already fade, then it either doesn't have fade (is it a custom tree? Almost looks that way) or you already have a camera mod that removes the fade.

Have you tried turning on and then off the object hiding, and also make sure to do "apply changes" (you get a 15 second "do you want to keep these changes" warning)? Could just be the changes need triggering. The object hiding also isn't visible if you're on the first floor, so make sure you go to the second or third floor before you change the setting, so you see if there is a change.

Yes, it is a custom tree.

Sims2Maven 4th Sep 2023 4:16 AM

Update on previous project
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The completed Bluewater K-9 Training Center, with residents.

Human inhabitants are K-9 officers Marisa Pendleton and Frederick Goodwin - there is room for expansion of staff if I find it necessary.
I didn't make too many changes to the interior, except that the former "jail cell" on the first floor is now the duty officer's bunk.
The resident dogs are Benny, an Australian Shepherd; Scout, a Rottweiler; Darla, a Kerry Blue terrier; and Astra, a Keeshond.

joandsarah77 4th Sep 2023 8:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Maven
The completed Bluewater K-9 Training Center, with residents.

Thanks for the link, love seeing how people use my lots.

simsample 16th Dec 2023 11:47 PM

9 Attachment(s)
This is my version of the Cheers bar, which I'm showing for @esouths to see after they showed their brilliant version in Sims 3 here.

This bar is in a neighbourhood I am playing with my daughter; it's mostly vanilla so everything you see here is in the UC. I took some liberties with the floorplan, making it more spacious; and it's a ground level room instead of a basement. Also, there's no upstairs- I have the restaurant food served in the bar, so where the stairs were is the podium to order food, and the kitchen is where that broom cupboard was that was so spooky! Also the bar is at the same level as the front door, I was thinking of ease of play foremost over accuracy! There is a car park and a basketball hoop at the back that didn't exist in the show, and Sam has a bathroom of his own.

marydehoyos 17th Dec 2023 7:37 AM


You almost had me thinking this was good till I saw the Jersey in the frame. It's got pinstripes. That would not be hanging in a Boston based bar eva. Especially not the Cheers Bar.

esouths 17th Dec 2023 7:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
This is my version of the Cheers bar, which I'm showing for @esouths to see after they showed their brilliant version in Sims 3 here.

This bar is in a neighbourhood I am playing with my daughter; it's mostly vanilla so everything you see here is in the UC. I took some liberties with the floorplan, making it more spacious; and it's a ground level room instead of a basement. Also, there's no upstairs- I have the restaurant food served in the bar, so where the stairs were is the podium to order food, and the kitchen is where that broom cupboard was that was so spooky! Also the bar is at the same level as the front door, I was thinking of ease of play foremost over accuracy! There is a car park and a basketball hoop at the back that didn't exist in the show, and Sam has a bathroom of his own.

Nice. Your wall placement on the right side is probably more accurate than mine. I couldn't figure out the bathrooms and office placement, and the angle in the pool room. I also think the floor in the main part is like tiles or something, but I made it wood instead. It's cool that you made it a restaurant and an ownable OFB lot. I don't think that's possible in TS3 afaik (can a sim be a mixologist if they own the lot in TS3? I'm not sure)
Next, I'm going to make Frasier, Lilith, Freddie, Niles, Daphne, and Martin. I think xD. I made a house that has a layout similar to Frasier and Lilith's apartment in Cheers ( In TS3)

simsample 17th Dec 2023 1:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by marydehoyos
You almost had me thinking this was good till I saw the Jersey in the frame. It's got pinstripes. That would not be hanging in a Boston based bar eva. Especially not the Cheers Bar.

I know, but this is just what we have to work with when we have no CC! I don't think the sims in my neighbourhood have heard of Boston or the USA, anyway...

Quote: Originally posted by esouths
I also think the floor in the main part is like tiles or something, but I made it wood instead. It's cool that you made it a restaurant and an ownable OFB lot. I don't think that's possible in TS3 afaik (can a sim be a mixologist if they own the lot in TS3? I'm not sure)
Next, I'm going to make Frasier, Lilith, Freddie, Niles, Daphne, and Martin. I think xD. I made a house that has a layout similar to Frasier and Lilith's apartment in Cheers ( In TS3)

Yes, the mixologist in Sims 3 can also serve food, I think. I don't think there are any sit down restaurants in Sims 3 though, just the outdoor of the rabbithole restaurants. You could always do a rabbithole door into Melville's restaurant, with the sims 'eating outside' in the bar. I have no idea about the floor in cheers, I never payed that much attention! I don't think they showed it much except for maybe by the door where Tecumsah was. But that bit was at the top of those steps, and always confused me because they looked like concrete but sounded like wood! I love your 'Swan' family you showed on the other thread!

emmyjulia 10th May 2024 12:34 PM

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Been on a quiet long hiatus for some while now but I recently got a new computer I deiced to start play again.
O'BOY what I have been missing it! And creating of course.

Saw that these wall decoration from Ts2 Strangerville hadn't been converted and as a sci-fi nerd I just had to do it.
Comes in 4 different variations with repo-meshes and 4 recolors to match the other stuff from the pack.

Still some details to work on but looks good so far! :D

Sokisims 12th May 2024 1:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by emmyjulia
Been on a quiet long hiatus for some while now but I recently got a new computer I deiced to start play again.
O'BOY what I have been missing it! And creating of course.

Saw that these wall decoration from Ts2 Strangerville hadn't been converted and as a sci-fi nerd I just had to do it.
Comes in 4 different variations with repo-meshes and 4 recolors to match the other stuff from the pack.

Still some details to work on but looks good so far! :D

brilliant!! very useful for storytelling. Do you plan to upload it?

emmyjulia 12th May 2024 10:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
brilliant!! very useful for storytelling. Do you plan to upload it?

Thank you! And sure if you guys want them. Haven't finished them yet but hope to do so. :D

emmyjulia 18th May 2024 11:29 AM

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Me again, watching Star Wars some day ago and playing SWOR.. I'm committed to the lore and need to build and Star Wars inspired hood.
So started by doing some doors!

LauraPamplonaS 9th Jun 2024 9:48 PM

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First time attempting a row of small houses. I have been playing around with the idea of having my richer sims buy properties and rent them to those who can't afford one yet. So far, I've played with flop houses and motels, but I want to move away from that for the moment. I have this 3x7 space in my downtown and I thought it'd be great if I could make 7 1x3 homes for 4-5 sims to occupy. I've done 3 so far, and I have to say: making small houses is kind of addictive.

itsonionboy 3rd Sep 2024 7:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by spendel
another hair conversion from The Sims 2 (PSP), this time is Doctor Dominion's hair. Just retextured and make it look better.

but where can we download this??

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