![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
Looks like he's snowboarding on an invisible snowboarding track to me. ![]() |
If I delete tombstones, will the dead sims be erased complete? Will they still appear in my sims family tree? As of now I don't have cemetery where to place them and don't want any ghost on my lot either.
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
I get that frequently on festival lots or lots with seasonal markers and different objects for different seasons that NPCs use the objects that are currently hidden. |
Quote: Originally posted by miarell
In my experience, yes. I've cleansed the dead in an attempt to alleviate lag and it did make the dead sims disappear completely. Thus why it is one of my last resorts for trying to clean up a save. |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
I think you're right. I was hoping it was something new and fantastic. I checked the lot, a diner, and there's no festival lot markers on it. I guess my bottom line is that... My game is Corrupt! Kinda really emotionally invested in that particular game. ![]() ![]()
Quote: Originally posted by Don Babilon
That would be bad enough, but it's a diner, not a festival lot. ![]() ![]() ![]() EDIT: Found it! A seasonal lot marker on a Diner! ![]() I looked before and I foolishly forgot to turn on BuyDebug, so it didn't show up. There it is. The football goal should have been a give away. So, that's 2 x Doh! Thank goodness it isn't a corrupt save and just a common game glitch. (Thanks Don for the info that it's a common game glitch!) See, this world, Neverglade, wasn't mine... I got it off of Sims 3 site and edited it. I'm on Edit 10. I wanted a diner and I deleted the small park but ... Not the lot! I changed the lot to visitors allowed and put a diner on it. That explains the festival lot marker. The small park must have been a festival lot. Thanks igazor for telling me what to look for! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thanks Lucy I'll double check the spanners. And thanks to barbarat too :D
How does the Attraction system in Sims 3 work? It seems that, no matter what I make my sims look like, almost everyone seems to find them attractive. I might find the one oddball out who doesn't get the automatic "You're hot!" message, but mostly, it's just like universal attraction to everyone.
One of my sims was also toaded through Alchemy and needed the Sunlight Charm or a special kiss to remove it. Her (witch) half-brother didn't have the charm yet, but was able to Kiss The Toad and heal her... um, incest aside, is that just what is meant? A supernatural must kiss the toaded Sim or just... anyone? |
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
It has nothing to do with what the sims look like. FentonParkNinja has some mods that change this. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=492102 It's an XML tuning mod. It depends upon Zodiac sign (same sign is a plus, not sure if "compatible" signs get the bonus), shared traits, shared favorites, certain traits (irresistible is a bigger plus than eye candy for example) skill level (something like +2 points each skill level) and of course, the only real life one... MONEY. |
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
Quote: Originally posted by Don Babilon
I didn't know that! Well, thanks! |
Oh, that IS cool to know! Though, honestly, I was utterly confused by a half-sibling could kiss her... I know family kisses are normal, but this just struck me as... odd.
Why does it take so long to level up violin skill? Guitar is SO much faster, but I can play all day long and not gain any levels in violin. Actually it's the same with that future instrument whose name I forget. I can play it all day long and nothing happens.
Is there a way to turn off the reputation system? I placed three roommates that flirt and woohoo between the three of them, and was able to turn off jealousy so they don't care what happens between them. However I keep getting messages that the Sims now have the Naughty Reputation. Is there a way to stop that? (Frankly they are retired assassins, they have a different set of ethics than most people).
Well, in-game wise, you could give them the Above Reproach and Clean Slate lifetime rewards. The former makes it so that their flirty actions are pretty much ignored in public and the latter returns their reputation to the default. Modwise, I'm not sure.
1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by BlackjackGabbiani
I thought it would be adjustable in a XML tuning mod. I found the violin XML and it is set to 800 skill points per hour of play. I didn't see the skill level per skill points tho. And for guitar, it seems to be a lot more complicated. Violin, IIRC, is custom content from the sim's Store. I got it with the The Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire. If I did it right, there should be a 1.4 kbyte package file in 7z format attached that doubles the rate of skill gain for playing the violin from 800 to 1600 points per game hour. |
I have a bunch of cc eyes in my game under costume make-up. Sometimes I create my own colour for them, but when it saves it, I can't tell what it's supposed to be because I get an image of a sim's whole face, rather than the nice close up images that came with the cc. How do I change my images so I can have a close-up of my own colours?
Perpetual fire?
My pregnant Sim went into labor while cooking (yes, I really should stop letting them cook on the last day of pregnancy...) and caused a fire. She managed to get it out as the firewoman arrived... only a fire started up again. Firewoman extinguishes it... a few second later, the fire starts up again. Rinse and repeat. Is this a glitch? I sold the burnt stove in the few seconds I had no fire; I also sold the fire alarm, in case that was causing the repeated fire outbreak, but... it still happened. It occured in Sunset Valley. |
You could try using master Controller to reset the lot.
How do you get a sim to get out of a band? I forgot I had even put him into a band since they never got any gigs, and I finally moved him and his open-relationship girlfriend out to a different town. Unless he can get hired to play a gig at a beach that he owns, there is no venue for him to even be hired for a gig in the new town. I want to get him out of the band. |
Master Controller - Quit Job?
Even without Generations installed, I still have moments where teen Sims get up and the game gives me a notification that they are in an extra rebellious mood... is this just a thing that happened with a patch? Telling me of this, but it having no actual meaning? |
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
The teens in one of those "moods" will draw wishes throughout the day to do things that they otherwise might never want to do (or might anyway, depending on their traits and other circumstances) -- prank the school, set traps, tell their best friends what they really think of them...I mean, no longer be friends anymore, argue with their parents, etc. There will also be some things that can ordinarily do that will be blocked, that can come as a surprise, such as trying to advance a friendly or romantic relationship. For me it depends on the teen, but most of the time I just roll my eyes and cancel the moodlet with MC Cheats, which is all it takes to get rid of the behavior associated with it. Are the teens getting the associated moodlets as well? If so, I'm guessing that the moodlets came with a patch around the time of Generations. Even if they cannot set traps or prank the school without the EP, they can still be rebellious and annoying in other ways. You know, in other words, teenagers. ![]() |
"Quit Job" just caused my sim to leave his Alchemy career. Which is no big deal; he was already at level 10, and further "promotions" simply gave him a new earnings threshold to reach for the next one.
So now he's still got that Band tab in his skills page, showing that he is in a band with no members and no gigs played and he doesn't need to keep consigning potions anymore so he has more time to drag his tent around town, train people in the art of Kama Simtra, and woohoo anybody who seems interested for 880 simoleons a pop. I'm still interested in how to make that Band go away. |
Quote: Originally posted by Ghost sdoj
NRaas MasterController can be used to remove band members. If you remove the active sim from a band, and from the sound of it they are the only member in this case anyway, then the band is dissolved. NRaas > MC > (Sim) > Basic > Band > Remove Member The real issue though may have been caused by the move. |
Does the game keep track of non-skill books read by a sim? If so, is there a place in the UI to see a list?
Quote: Originally posted by Butterbot
Yes, the game keeps track! You want NRAAS MC and MC Cheats. Just click on the sim that you want to know what they've read, NRAAS->Master Controller->Advanced->Books. That brings up a dialog with: Alchemy Recipes Change Known Songs. General/Written Books. Recipes Toddler Books. You can sort by Title (labeled "Option"). Select the title and it toggles from a value of "Knows" to blank (unknown) or visa versa. It's NRAAS tho, not part of EA. So... it's better. |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
I know what the rebellious mood day makes the teen do; it's that I don't have Generations installed, so I don't think I should even get the notification about it. No, they don't get the blue splitpersonality moodlet. Or the red-tinted wishes. It's just a notification. (Though, funnily enough, it did pop up when my Grumpy teen Sim got up with her Grumpy trait moodlet... how high is the chance that they get that for the day, anyway?) |
@Emmett Brown
Super! Thanks for the detailed info.
Cannot agree more. ![]() |
I always read that if you were putting a rabbithole on a community lot you should designate it a 'No Visitors allowed' lot. But does it actually matter, or is it mainly so you don't have the town hanging outside the spa? I want to make a beer garden/hangout/dive bar kind of lot and for convenience sake figured I'd put a rabbithole on it and save some space in the town. Does it really make a difference with lot allocations, outside attracting certain sims with specific traits?
I haven't had a problem with other lot designations for rabbitholes.
I haven't noticed a ton of Sims standing around outside a rabbithole, despite having assigned the lot as No Visitors Allowed before placing the rabbithole. I think I've seen one, maybe two sims loiter around, but they might have just gotten off shift and not moved yet. Or are you referring to making a regular lot with stuff on it, like a park, and adding a convenient, small rabbithole on it, like a restaurant, to attract Sims? In that case, I've done that before for a big park and have noticed a (slightly) increased traffic of Sims there (not a whole lot, but that town wasn't super filled with Sims). I think the only issue I noticed is that, in map view, the lot does not have a blue park tag to easily head off to - it only shows the red rabbithole tag. You can still go there, you just have to click on the ground of the lot yourself.
There's nothing that speaks against placing a rabbithole on a community lot with an additional function, as long as you don't use a lot type with closing hours that might interfere with the rabbithole use. (Depending on where on the lot you place the rabbithole, using the Dive Bar lot type with, f. ex., the military rabbithole might prevent Sims in the military career from going to work, because, technically the lot is still closed when their shifts start.)
The No Visitors Allowed tip for rabbithole lots is valid when there is nothing else to do for Sims on that lot. There is no real point in drawing visitors to a lot that has nothing to offer but a rabbithole, unless you enjoy loiterers. (On the other hand, you could, f.ex, set a school lot to Visitors Allowed and watch the unemployed and retirees of your town hang around near the school building during the day, if that's what you're into.) |
I asked this a while back, but what counts as a "bathroom fixture"? My gym won't upgrade without them but I have multiple toilets, multiple sinks, multiple showers, even decorations like the toilet paper and etc. Do I have to add things like washing machines or something?
Good to know. The original ideas was making a block off the main street and including a few different buildings on it for convenience sake. It would include a somewhat nice bar and beer garden, an arcade and a 'fake' apartment above it, and then next to that the super market rabbithole. I was originally going to have the entire lot designated as a lounge or divebar depending on how it turned out. Didn't think about how the bar opening times could affect access.
In that case "Hangout" might be your best option. The rabbithole will pull visitors on its own, so a simple "Visitors Allowed" would work already fine, but you'd probably want to add a Late Night bar with a good selection of drinks and food. And for this Hangout is perhaps better. Nectary I don't recommend because the bars are not enabled for this lot type and only serve the basic drinks and no food to speak of.
Another factor to think of is if you want to add a WA register. For these it is necessary that the lot type doesn't have closing times. Otherwise the Sim that mans the register will be booted out when the lot closes but will try to reenter for the rest of the day and fail. This will break the bond between the role Sim and the register and cause the Sim to suffer motive failure after a while. |
Quote: Originally posted by BlackjackGabbiani
i did a simple search for "sims 3 bathroom fixture" and found the post you made before. There were quite a few suggestions - did you try them all? Here's the link to the other question: http://modthesims.info/t/590103 |
Yeah, I tried everything people suggested.
Are there specific factors that determine if a Fairy Sim will be successful in a Fairy Repair, or is it random? In my current game the Fairy husband fails every time he tries to do a Fairy Repair, and the Fairy wife succeeds every time she does a Fairy Repair.
Quote: Originally posted by newlibertysims
No More Zombies mod here, which comes in two types of flavors. I've used it and I have yet to encounter a single Zombie in the (short) time I've had Supernatural installed. I don't know how to get rid of aliens, though. |
Quote: Originally posted by newlibertysims
If you have NRaas Retuner or would like to use it see this page to disable or change settings for Aliens: Disable Aliens Zombies can also be managed using Retuner: From City Hall or any computer: NRaas > Retuner > Settings > General > ByTunableXML > Sims3.Gameplay.Controllers > LunarCycleManager > kChanceToSpawnZombie > 0 kNumberSimsToBeZombifiedOnFullMoon > 0 |
Why is it that after I've played for a while, some of the buttons stop working?
By "some of the buttons", do you mean there are particular ones that are prone to stop working after a while?
Quote: Originally posted by BlackjackGabbiani
That has only happened to me in Build or Buy mode, when I don't notice that I've spent myself out, so I keep trying to lay flooring or to install pedestal sinks or whatever, and wonder why they don't go in. Other than that, I've not had that kind of trouble with buttons per se, but on occasion I have played until my fingers stopped working. |
If I unistall a world in launcher will the cc that came with it unistall along with it?
Quote: Originally posted by chokolady
I would say it depends on how it's listed in the launcher. If they have separate listings it won't, if it's only one listing they will. A world contains so many things, some of them are natural things to be used in the world itself, while others are separate objects like doors and windows. See what it looks like in your launcher. |
Quote: Originally posted by Volvenom
One thing to be aware of is the things you don't expect, like if you have used trees from a world in a lot of your own, it will probably be gone. |
Quote: Originally posted by chokolady
It depends on the world, I suppose. Especially CC worlds. I got a CC world where its CC content was in a package file that I put into my mods folder. I have deleted the world by now, but I do have the CC.package still in my folder and I have the things in my game to use, including plants. |
Quote: Originally posted by devaskyla
Still hoping someone can answer this for me. |
If a sim is enrolled in a homeworld university, can they also have a job (either full or part time), or does that break one or both occupations? (disregarding any potential issues re: a sim needing to be at work and class at the same time)
Quote: Originally posted by Gingerxyz
Sims can only have one career at a time, and unlike with high school Uni enrollment makes their career that of University Student officially. So I think the answer is really no, they cannot maintain a proper career and a Uni course load at the same time unfortunately. With Buzzler's MOAR Interactions mod though, I believe they can work a part-time shift at just about any job by command (or maybe it's only the part time ones) though that's not exactly the same thing as maintaining progression through a career properly. As far as I know, no one ever came up with a way for sims to take one Uni class or go to night school, something like that, alongside of their career and earn Uni credit for doing so. |
Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
There's an 80% chance the fairy repair will be successful. |
Quote: Originally posted by newlibertysims
When you are placing them via Edit Town, the Lot needs to be a bit bigger than the rabbithole itself. It's similar to how you cannot build to the edge of the lot, there must be at least 1 tile room on the sides and back. This page has the sizes for the various rabbitholes (It is missing some, unfortunately, but has all of the basic rabbitholes), so you know that what Lot sizes you need to place them at the very least. (If it says 23x23, I'd suggest a 25x25 lot at least) If you have a mod installed that lets you alter the size of Lots, you can make them just big enough to hold the rabbithole. I don't recall if there are routing issues if you use moveobjects to place them on too-small lots. I think the only thing that needs to be easy to access is the entrance/exit. But I'm not sure. |
Quote: Originally posted by newlibertysims
I've had this "location out of bounds" bug lately with a rabbithole, and I forced to place it with moveobjects on (on a lot size that was big enough) and my sims have no routing issues with it, it's absolutely functional in Live mode (it's a bistro + spa combo). Try it, it'll hopefully work. |
Quote: Originally posted by devaskyla
I would probably try to figure out how eyes are made, that's probably where you will found out why pics do not follow. |
What's highest priority when building/expanding a resort from the ground up? Say, you buy the empty Resort Lot and you put 1 Resort Tower on it. (Doesn't matter what kind) What then? Focus on making a good food selection from the buffet tables? Make a nice entry location for the reception desk? Or try to work activities in first, like firewalk, gym, etc.
Quote: Originally posted by newlibertysims
For me there are two ways, which both require NRAAS Mods. First Way (Needs NRAAS Master Controller): 1) Pick any existing npc. 2) Click them select NRAAS from the pie menu, then select Master Controller. 3) Select Advance from the first menu screen then select Edit in CAS. 4) Override the pre-made sim over the top of the current sim (assuming you saved that sim you want as a NPC to the bin). 5) Press the tick and voila that npc been replaced with the bin sim. Second Way (Needs NRAAS DebugEnabler, Warning: Do not do this with a single sim household.): 1) Create the household containing the sim you want to npc'ify and plop them into your game. 2) Load the house hold and click the sim you want to make the npc. 3) Click them select NRAAS from the pie menu, then select Debugenabler. 4) Select Make me an NPC. 5 Profit! Note: I haven't tried the second way in ages cause I do not have Debug enabler but that's how you do it according to the NRAAS site. Here a link to it's interaction page: http://nraas.wikispaces.com/DebugEnabler+Interactions |
Hm, I could have sworn that I have answered this question a few days ago, but it seems I didn't, so, here you go: It all depends on what you mean when you say townie. If you mean a homeless Sim then there's another method with MasterController that is sort of a mixture of the two methods described by Rosewind:
1) Create a household of the Sim(s) that you want to turn into homeless Sim(s) 2) Place the household in an empty house in Edit Town 3) Go back to live mode, click on the house and choose NRaas/MasterController/Evict 4) All members of that household are now homeless. They will hang around that house for a while but eventually they will disappear into the homeless limbo realm. If you want them as Service NPCs you can also click on them individually after you evicted the household first and choose NRaas/MasterController/Select Service. They will then be automatically removed from the homeless pool and added to the ServiceNPC pool and perform the service you chose for them. Or, in the case that they are inside the house, click on the house and go NRaas/MasterController/Sim/Select Service. |
I have a little problem with a celebrity sim of mine. She was employed in the Politics -career track but had her second baby and got married subsequently, gaining quite a few off days in the process (I think it was 7 to be exact). At some point during her off days I downloaded a mod that changes the default pregnancy leave to no leave at all - however, it had no effect on her as she had already delivered, which I knew.
The thing is that she no longer is able to go to work. Not in politics or any other career, I've checked quite a few, she's simply not able to go to work by the carpool or by herself, she ''jumps'' and appears in her yard when I tell her to work. I've also moved houses but it's not helped. Other sims in the neighborhood and even in the same household ARE able to work as normal. I'm not sure what exactly is the matter but does anyone have any clue as to what I should do? The sim in question is ambitious so it feels a bit sad to have her live a housewive's life :/ |
I would back up the save, just in case, then try resetting the sim with the console, and if that doesn't work I would try Debug Enabler or Master Controller. And if that didn't work, I would pull the pregnancy leave mod, clear the caches, and try again. The mod can go back in once she's safely at work.
And the backup is still there if things get worse. |
Kind of a morbid question, why don't any of my townies/npcs burn/freeze to death anymore? They can, and do, drown but if they catch fire, the camera auto-focuses on them but they can burn for hours and hours and not die. Usually the fire puts itself out and the sim eventually showers and goes on with their life. With freezing, they'll turn blue, fall over, and if no one thaws them out, lay in the snow for hours until their desperate need to eat or pee knocks them out of their stupor and they simply get up and go home.
I seem to remember townies burning to death before, am I misremembering? Is that an EA things or one of my mods? I have NRAAS Mastercontroller base and cheats, Story Progression base, cheats, and population, Overwatch, and ErrorTrap. I have other NRAAS mods as well, but I can't see where they'd determine life or death. ErrorTrap seems to keep townies from starving to death, but burning/freezing sims don't get caught in ET and/or reset. It's not a problem that needs to be solved, I'm really just curious. I'm one of those looky-loo, chaotic evil players who enjoys watching townies pay the price for being so flippin' dense. |
A question for tomb builders: what's the difference between a warp well and an uber warp well?
A warp well randomly goes to another warp well. This should be the closest one, although Sims 3 routing seems to play its part in determining which one it is... An Uber warp well has a specified destination well which can be anywhere in the world.
I have that super sleeper bed but it won't let me assign a sim to it. Consequently other sims keep taking it. But it's classified as a bed so why can't it be assigned to one sim?
Quote: Originally posted by Ghost sdoj
Quote: Originally posted by newlibertysims
I'm not experienced with tomb building, but here is a youtube tutorial on how to link them together.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHh0y3jvzQc |
Regular warp wells probably do object if their target is directly below them. (This is why I said that it's random. I've had a tomb where I had to send my sim through a warp well 4 times before she ended up where she was supposed to go.) Their target does also have to be a warp well rather than just a dive well, which is something else you can check. Dive wells are not automatically warp wells. An Uber Warp well has a target with a name, and that target well can be directly underneath or even be on another lot.
Am I being stupid on how to attract Sims to Gym lots? I have a lot assigned as a Gym, have a rather basic build and room for equipment, small kitchen for Quick Meals and bathrooms/showers, yet not a single sim goes there autonomously. I know that Gyms automatically should attract Sims with the Athletic trait, but it's absolutely empty. Even when the Sims with Athletic traits are unemployed or are otherwise free to go to the Gym, they don't. I also downloaded the mod that fixed that the Gym did not double the amount of Athletic skill gained; is it the mod's fault?
Oh, and is there a way (through NRaas or so) to blacklist certain Traits? As in, when I hit randomize, it will not pick certain traits? |
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
On the second question, that would be a function of NRaas StoryProgression. On City Hall or an in-game computer, NRaas > SP > Town Options > Sim:Disallow Trait. Not a blacklist exactly, but as SP notices sims with the disallowed trait, it should replace it with a different one. I think that's as close as we can get. Can't answer the gym question I'm afraid except to ask if there is maybe too much in town vying for too few sims' attention. But the only way anyone has ever gotten me inside of one IRL is to convince me that there was a Starbucks or an ice cream parlor in there (or something like that) so I'm probably the wrong one to answer. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
Quote: Originally posted by Ghost sdoj
Thanks to both of you, that is all very helpful. The tomb in question seems to have been set up properly but my Sim still refuses to warp between floors. So, in the meantime I have temporarily changed those two warp wells into uber warp wells, and later I might check the EA vacation worlds to see whether there is any instance of a floor-to-floor well that is not an uber well. |
Next stupid question: Can I feed Ambrosia to a ghost pet?
@Don Babilon
Yes, once you've made ambrosia, place it somewhere on the ground so your ghost pet can get to it. When your ghost pet is on the lot (haunting it or as a member of your household), you can click on the food with a sim and there will be an option to "Feed to..." Your pet will then go to the plate to eat it and be returned from the dead. |
It's that easy? Ha, now I feel stupid for even asking.
But does this work for horses, too? |
My sim is lv 10 in painting, yet this is what he makes. This doesn't seem very good to me. I might have heard somewhere that sim who have creative trait draw this way, is that true or did I dream it?
![]() |
Yes, it was a big selling point that the traits (and mood) in Sims 3 would affect the way sims paint pictures so that you don't get everyone painting the same picture even if they use the same source for the picture. (Which was one of the minor complaints in Sims 2, where someone with a skill of 1 and someone with a skill of 10 could paint pictures that were identical except for the price. )
@Don Babilon
Yes, it's the same process with horses. Just be careful to put the plate down outside. ![]() |
What's a healthy file size for a save file? I'm curious, because I'm suddenly having crashing issues with a save, and so I ran it through the save cleaner just in case that would sort it out, and while I was at it I ran a few old saves through it as well, really old ones that I haven't played in ages, since long before I'd even heard of cleaning saves. And in the process I discovered that one of them was over 400mb and another was over 500mb! They've both been shrunk by nearly 50% now, but it got me wondering as to where exactly the "too big" line lies...
Quote: Originally posted by chokolady
It's been awhile, but I think all paintings are premade according to traits i.e. the game doesn't apply a filter to the painting but pulls an already filtered image from the game files according to the sim's traits. Certain traits influence how paintings will turn out: Computer Whizzes make blocky-looking paintings, Evil sims make red ones, Neurotic sims paint in mostly blue and green, and Artistic sims paint images with those godawful oil filters over them. You can find all the variations in one of the Deltabuild (I think?) packages. It's possible to get rid of all the "special" versions just by replacing them with the basic, non-filtered versions of the paintings.
Quote: Originally posted by Gingerxyz
I have read some posts here in which people mentioned 300+MB saves which they'd been playing for literal years. Mine are more in the 130-170MB range after cleaning, though I'd wager that's more of a consequence of me getting bored with a save at that point rather than it breaking beyond repair. There's also the aspect of traveling in WA or going to university, which increase savefile size. Can elders die from the moment they start the elder age stage? Or does the check trigger after the age stage bar is filled up? I've had some elders die soon after the bar filled up (around 68-70 days) and some who lived well into their 120s. |
Quote: Originally posted by chokolady
Some artist might say that "everyone" can paint a straight line or follow the outline of a body, while not painting that way and still paint something that makes sence is far more difficult. |
Quote: Originally posted by Gingerxyz
Opinions and experiences seem to vary on that. I typically take Save Cleaning (or the equivalent S3PE cleanup) action when an individual nhd file within a save exceeds 400 MB and don't usually see any benefit from doing so sooner, except maybe to shave 15-20 seconds off of the loadup time. Others take action much sooner, some seem to use SaveCleaner after every game session.
Quote: Originally posted by sweetdevil
After the bar is filled up. Beginning with midnight on the last day of their "expected" life span, the dice are rolled. If they win the dice roll, they get to live another day and the dice are rolled again the next night at midnight. Some sims will "win" those dice rolls many times in a row of course and live much longer than the expectation, others not so much. A bonus is given for those who met the jogging related athletic skill challenge and a smaller one for those with the Vegetarian trait. NRaas StoryProgression with its SP Population module can alter things by optionally providing a second dice roll each day and/or setting a cap in sim days over the expected length of the elder stage beyond which no sim should survive no matter how the dice roll. But I've never heard of an elder dying from old age before their time was officially up. |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Thanks! My last sim who lived to 103 had the marathon runner challenge completed indeed. Follow up question: once the elders roll to die on a specific day, does the action trigger at a specific hour or can it trigger at any time during the day? I think I've only had elders die from old age in the afternoon. I really do need to check out the SP option, thanks for the heads up on that too. |
So I've been using nraas Overwatch for an eternity and every night at 3am it cleans up a number of stuck vehicles, normally around 20 or something. Now 3 sim days ago in my current save file it suddenly said 4000+ vehicles have been cleaned up, the next night 8000+ and now over 12000! I never saw numbers this high before, should I be worried?
![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by sweetdevil
I usually see this happen late afternoon and early evening myself, but I think the actual time to be triggered will depend on how many deaths there are to process that day. Much like birthdays, they don't really happen all at exactly the same time and of course Grimmy can't be everywhere at once. |
Quote: Originally posted by Nocriel
I've seen the numbers go much higher than that. Overwatch cleans up the messes, but it's the NRaas Traffic mod that helps prevent the overspawnage of vehicles like that in the first place. At those higher numbers, they are likely unused sandwich/ice cream trucks or performance career limos stuck in a creation loop when called upon. Traffic can limit the food trucks to more sensible numbers and disallow the limos entirely if set that way. It also can stop the game from issuing free cheap cars to sims who need to get around and who don't have or can't find their own cars, thus forcing them to take taxis instead, but those cheapie cars later abandoned don't usually accumulate quite so quickly. |
On a similar topic, in most of my save files, Overwatch reports a fairly low but steady amount of error correction (mostly only reporting up to 5 issues, with infrequent but regular-ish reports of around 20, and occasionally up to 35), but one of my saves nearly always produces a report of over 1000 issues when loaded. During gameplay it follows a fairly normal rate, but getting an initial report of over 1000 is standard, and anything under 600 would be very unusual. I think it's gone up as high as 2000-ish? None of my other saves have anything even remotely like it. I'm assuming the world is to blame in some way, but I'm baffled (and curious) as to what on earth could possibly cause that effect! (The save is also prone to encountering errors around taking things in and out of inventories (both personal and household) during long play sessions, along with some other bugs that really interfere with gameplay. Save-quit-reload tends to solve the issues, (presumably that's part of what's being sorted in those initial checks?) but it's a bit of a strange nuisance).
Quote: Originally posted by Gingerxyz
Are you certain it's Overwatch doing that and not ErrorTrap? Regardless though, I think we would actually have to see some of those errors by way of script logs in order to help interpret them, if you could zip some samples together, upload them to NRaas, and open up a support thread so we have a place to respond. http://nraas.wikispaces.com/How+To+Upload (free registration and NRaas wiki membership required to upload and post) |
Oops, you're totally right. I always muddle up which of the many NRaas mods is responsible for which features!
Edit: I opened up the log file and it turns it it actually was Overwatch! |
Quote: Originally posted by Gingerxyz
Ah, my fault. That's not the kind of log I was expecting to see as you have Overwatch's debug logging switched on. Most players don't see these. I've answered more in-depth on your post at NRaas. ![]() |
Ok I was told that my .sims3 files go into the Downloads folder and my .package files go in the Mods folder and I've been doing that ever since I got the game, literally years ago. Suddenly people are telling me that it isn't supposed to go that way even though it's worked this long. What do?
Quote: Originally posted by BlackjackGabbiani
Sims3pack files go into Downloads until they are installed, then they can be left there or removed. After they are installed, it just doesn't matter. Package files go into Mods\Packages. You haven't been doing it wrong, but I'm afraid you might have said this backwards without meaning to a couple of times recently. Or the temporary troubleshooting tips @Ghost sdoj were giving you, helpful though I am sure they were, might be confusing the rest of us a little? |
All I know is I followed a tutorial when I started and I've done it the same way ever since. And I find myself having to reinstall things sometimes.
In that thread, Ghost said that Mods is only for mods, but my Packages folder is inside it so I don't get it. I know we've run into issues but I genuinely don't understand these things. I'm not being obtuse or anything. |
The question I have is perhaps not really stupid but I am too stupid to figure out where to properly ask it, so I'll start here.
My issue is the following: I am using dDefinder's lighting mod, balanced version. I use it whenever I play a world that uses the Sunset Valley default lighting. However, I am encountering issues when I travel to the vacation worlds, strange texture issues and sometimes a weird "crash" where the game screen turns one solid colour. Now I read dDefinder's instructions on how to change the vacation world's lighting to their version. But my question is rather whether it is possible to tell the game to use the custom lighting only in one world and not another, meaning I want to have Sunset Valley and all the worlds that use the default lighting to change to custom lights, but leave the lighting in other worlds and particularly the vacation worlds intact. |
Don Babilon, I would probably ask that question in Modding Discussion.
For anyone who is interested in catching up with the issues with BlackjackGabbiani (especially if you are in a time zone closer to his and are able to help him, since most of his posts seem to be made during hours during which I should be asleep) the initial post was here: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=595177 It is regarding dream pod beds not being usable. As there is no nice, helpful video of the process of determining if CC is causing the problem I decided to see if I could walk him through. The second post was here: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=595300 Somehow all of his Sims3packs ended up as rar files in Packages. We still have no idea how that happened. And the final thread is here: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=595527 Also, I think I've fallen into the laziness of referring to .package files as "Mods." I'm sorry. To clarify for Blackjack: You were doing everything correctly. Sims3packs get installed by the Launcher and turn into dccache files. .Package files go into a folder in Mods/Packages, or into a subfolder of the Packages folder that you make for them. (Or they go into Overrides if the creator of the file tells you to put it there, but that's not really relevant at the moment.) |
So then where are they now? Why did they disappear from the folder again after running the scan again? They're not even in Packages now.
My sim is gibbering.
What I mean is, I've become accustomed to them speaking certain simish words in doing different things. Right now my sim is casting an upgrade spell on a sink, and I've never heard these words before. Sounds more "orkish" than simish. Stupid question: Is this because I'm lazy and never check something different than the default "voice" in CAS? |
Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
The orkish voice (that's a good word) is normal for spellcasting, as far as I've seen. Are you saying that the sim is stuck using that voice all of the time now or only when casting a spell? |
Do NPCs autonomously use the Barrier to Entry system (i.e. buy tickets to go through the locked doors) in order to reach objects on the other side? For example, if Barrier to Entry doors are used for entry to a gym, would that charge NPCs for going to the gym, or just stop them from entering altogether?
Quote: Originally posted by Butterbot
If inactive resident sims are allowed in by the system (doesn't it come with selective locks?) and there is a charge, you won't see them going through the animations of buying a ticket but they will get charged for it and the ticket will be in their personal inventory until it expires. NPCs like Role/Service sims I believe are always allowed in at no charge, but now I might be getting my door locking mechanisms mixed up a bit. But I don't recall mixologists and other staff members for example being blocked from getting to their assigned stations at dance clubs where I've used those. |
The link isn't there because I forgot to subscribe to any threads in it and can't find it myself. (Seriously! I got hung up reading random wiki articles while I was looking, and then forgot what I had been looking for, but hopefully Don Babilon has been here long enough to find it himself. )
And that post in Help didn't come out the way I wanted it to. I was afraid it wouldn't, and it didn't. I like you, I respect you, and I seriously apologize for having inadvertently offended you. Please forgive me. |
What does asking a sim to "Stop doing that" actually do? Believe me I've tried, but nothing really happened.
![]() |
That's what I hoped would happen; thanks for the quick reply. As you can see, I'm patiently waiting for a new version of GoHere with bugfixes. :D Another question: what mystical combination of settings needs to be invoked to make Dresser do nothing but rotate outfits for all sims? I'd would like to disable the constant CAS part checking/reroll, but despite fiddling repeatedly with the settings, notifications of that happening still pop up frequently. |
Quote: Originally posted by Butterbot
The first mystical combination involves asking someone who has actually used Dresser. It's one of the few NRaas mods I've never touched (frankly, it scares me and that doesn't happen easily). If we don't get a more informed reply here, perhaps asking the question at NRaas would be better? ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by MintFinch
If the inactive sim is engaged in an activity that was not caused by your sim asking them to join them or offering to train them, it is supposed to make them stop hogging the equipment at your sim's house. If your sim asked them to start, it makes it much less likely that they will listen when you try to tell them it's time to stop. And no, it doesn't always work, anyway. |
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