Mod The Sims
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kewpie 11th Apr 2019 4:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
This actually does work, the mod is MasterController. We can also make them non-selectable members of the household by way of an MC command and thus left to their own autonomy without giving them the formal roommate designation.

I wasn’t sure if it worked for pets! Yay it does!

CatMuto 11th Apr 2019 9:43 PM

I wish there was a mod that added the Plasma Fruit to your game.
Or, at least, EA would have made the Plasma Fruit available in Supernatural, too, and not just Late Night.

WatermelonSandal 15th Apr 2019 2:30 PM

Some mods for TS2/3 where it could be easier to replicate something in England.
- Left-hand driving mod.
- British windows (Kinda like what Nysha did for TS2, but for TS3)
- Terraced housing mod.
I can't think of any more rn.

PasTaCopine 22nd Apr 2019 1:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by tysika
I want a mod where people greet each other differently based on relationship. Really annoys me when you're best friends but still greet with a handshake like tf.

Yes!! It was very immersive in TS2, don't know why they left it out in TS3. Even the cheek-kiss interaction from Champ Les Sims is better than the default handshake.

SneakyWingPhoenix 22nd Apr 2019 3:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by WatermelonSandal
- Terraced housing mod.

Wouldn't TS3 UL apartment-buiding system work for that?

Plain, but simple mod: have Sims click to call the elevator. If not too much to ask (but ain't easy): have Sims route into elevator without teleporting in.

Oh and RH recreated into shell buildings would be awesome.

tysika 23rd Apr 2019 11:01 PM

I'm rarely jealous of sims 4 players but recently I've become terribly envious of their glass roofs. They have it as roof patterns and it just looks soooo good. I want it so bad... but idek if it's possible as no one has done it yet.

SimlishLiars 24th Apr 2019 11:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by LucieSims
Toddlers that can eat every food they can and not only those soup, I wish them to interact with pets and that they are scared of bad weather. well they can be sensitive to their environnement, and more activities for them. Possibility to bathe them in the bathtub.
That doctors can give pills to cure from allergies and from curing to be contagious. I know there is the A-flu vaccine but I wish more.
Making juice fruits and herbal teas. (some extremely poisonous of course you can sell them out)
Fix the fact if you don't play a childcare sims and you've got one in your town, to avoid the toddlers under the guard of the sims to feel extremely bad (or at least to transfer this carreer to a special place they can confortably work) and improving the babysitters too.
A mod that allows a sim to work as pets keeper (inspired of the toddler keeper one at the pet store)
To become a Social Worker or a baillif as playable carreers (I don't know if for postmen it is possible yet), to be also a masseur and a burglar.
A way to cure the pets from suffering from allergies.
Jump on the beds and on sofas ahah
Create planes and play crosswords with the newspapers as in ts2
And possibility to vampires to be turned into a real bat.

Tell me please if some of my ideas already exist, I will download the mods.

SneakyWingPhoenix 24th Apr 2019 11:36 PM

Modification for mermaids to sleep in cave. Or heck, turn it to that of a fairy house type of thing.

Elynda 25th Apr 2019 1:35 AM

Right now I'd really welcome a mod that allows you to have some control over housemates in University Life. In my game there always seems to be at least one of them who just stands there all night complaining about being tired. They aren't stuck, so far as I can tell, and they do pretty well everything else - by which I mean they attend classes and interact with other sims. And they'll eat when they're just about to starve to death, and occasionally they'll bathe - after walking about the place for two or three days trailing pestilent green vapors. But will they sleep? Nope, they just stand there all night struggling to stay upright and occasionally saying "Ha ha ha, wagno!". Which is... really irritating, to say the least. It isn't the beds either, my sim can use them, so why won't they?. So, yeah, some way of forcing them to go to bed (and perhaps bathe) would be a great boon.

KatyFernlily 25th Apr 2019 9:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by LucieSims
Tell me please if some of my ideas already exist, I will download the mods.

Social worker career -

Making juice - same as making nectar - recipe guide -

Babysitting -

Burglar career already exists in game.

SneakyWingPhoenix 28th Apr 2019 1:17 PM

Have cellphone disable in the worst possible situations. Like when the Sim is bathing, showering, sleeping etc. Basically, realistic cellphones mod. Offering multitasking with it (sit, take the elevator) would also be awesome.

Quote: Originally posted by Expect No Mercy
Thanks, but it's not what I had in mind.
I mean a real Lot-mod, which lets say have a working Pet store AND a working Library or Beachclub or something on the same Lot. Not only the famous rabbithole rugs.

Quote: Originally posted by nitromon
Hmm.. I'm not entirely sure what Pet Store does since I don't have the store content for it or the right expansion I think, but you can actually have a library and a beach club on the same lot. Given it is not some sort of "specialty" lot.

@Expect No Mercy
Pretty sure the cash register is only that affects and defines the behaviour of the lot to act like pet store, as it isn't provided with its own speciality lot assingment. Therefor, you can create a pet store (by adding pet store register) in a library or a beach, but unfortunately not all three together. Albeit, you can design a library to be built on a beach or a beach lot have lots of bookshelves to simulate a somewhat library.

Expect No Mercy 6th May 2019 12:35 PM

Looks like pretty simple game mechanic to me.
So is it possible, if someone knows where the lottypes are stored ingame to modifie the script/information/file to mod custom lottypes witch attracts different moodlet combinations?

Emmett Brown 7th May 2019 8:34 PM

Mods I want to learn to make:
Gender change potions (alchemy bench), elixirs (chemistry bench) and a magic spell.
A mod where you can edit the sim being "cloned" at the science station, based on the DNA samples in your inventory.
A mod where you can get DNA samples from other sims without asking, and get DNA samples from the sim taking the sample.
A mod where you can make a "blade runner" style replicant from the bot station, tanning booth or body sculpter. This would be like a plumbot, but with a human body so they can change clothes.

tunafishfish 17th May 2019 3:36 AM

Sims can sit on rocks and stumps and low walls. Kids can clamber up and over rocks and climb trees. Balancing like on a balance beam on the low walls and garden trims.

tunafishfish 18th May 2019 2:03 AM

Found AtS3's Stone Age set which includes stumps and rocks that can be sat on.

I also found this set on TSR

I still wish they could interact with normal landscaping rocks and trees, though

jje1000 19th May 2019 6:35 AM

Keep on saying this, but I wish the backpack that came with Uni Life could be cloned as a sachel or purse, so sims can go around with more types of bags (most people usually do so IRL). Some people tried to do it, but it didn't seem to work.

Another thing I wish for is that the hover board be modded into a proper skateboard. Probably not possible due to the offset, but maybe!

Also really wish sims could talk and walk, or do interactions like hold hands and walk. Also wish that there was a 'group corralling' function that kept your sims in a group closer together when moving.

Karlissa 19th May 2019 5:37 PM

I wish there was a mod that added some features from the console and handheld versions of Pets to the PC such as cats being able to be ghost-busters, dogs being able to work part-time law enforcement and pets having lifetime wishes.

LadySmoks 23rd May 2019 11:54 PM

I wish there was a mod to make sims use toilets and not pee themselves, eat instead of whining that there hungry and maybe even go home and take a shower from time to time! Nraas MC stasis can freeze motives, but also effects the active family, so no go there.

Oh, and a mod to let you kick them like a pink flamingo if they pass out in public.

Jth1998 24th May 2019 12:18 AM

I wish there was a Make Happy cheat mod for The Sims 3: Pets (console). It exists in The Sims 3 (console) by clicking on the mailbox but not in The Sims 3: Pets (console). I know they have the karma thing but it only affects one sim.

Karlissa 24th May 2019 11:48 AM

There is a get happy karma power which can be unlocked by doing achievements/challenges. This maximizes the mood of the sim it's used on and if upgraded keeps it maximised for a day. You can also get the good times karma power to remove all negative moodlets and if upgraded get a +200 moodlet. You get a discount on positive karma powers with the good trait and negative ones with the evil trait (it stacks with each sim in the household with such traits) .

MurderPrincessK 26th May 2019 8:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Keep on saying this, but I wish the backpack that came with Uni Life could be cloned as a sachel or purse, so sims can go around with more types of bags (most people usually do so IRL). Some people tried to do it, but it didn't seem to work.

Another thing I wish for is that the hover board be modded into a proper skateboard. Probably not possible due to the offset, but maybe!

Also really wish sims could talk and walk, or do interactions like hold hands and walk. Also wish that there was a 'group corralling' function that kept your sims in a group closer together when moving.

Around the Sims did make a skateboard version of the hover board.....I have never used it so I'm unsure of how wonky it looks when it floats.

jje1000 26th May 2019 8:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
Around the Sims did make a skateboard version of the hover board.....I have never used it so I'm unsure of how wonky it looks when it floats.

Ugh, it's so frustrating when Maxis made items that were one iteration away from being cool multiuse items- the backpack was also one of them.

BTW, does anyone have a list of TS4 interactable items, and places to find their 'equivalents'? Not so interested in decorative items, but items with gameplay/interactions attached.

I know these so far:

Punching bag:
Yoga mat:

JDacapo 26th May 2019 11:18 PM

Something that replaced the Alien skintone with the Tenctonese patterned tone from Alien Nation ('Member Alien Nation?)

KatyFernlily 28th May 2019 8:19 AM

I wish there was a mod to change Sims voices. I liked the voices in Sims 1.
(maybe there is a way I don't know about?)

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