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310175 8th Oct 2018 8:56 PM

Bluegenjutsu over at the Naughty Sims Asylum has a mod that allows you to buy all books from different worlds in the home world book store.
You'll need to register for free. There are various versions under:
Buy All Books/Read Books Faster/Children Can Read Skillbooks

Sorry, can't help with the leaves. I don't recall having that problem so I must have a mod for it but I hope someone can recommend one so I can figure out what it is

Mandelyn 9th Oct 2018 1:57 AM

Bluegenjutsu has a Fall Leaves don't accumulate over at the Asylum you could get after you register there. There are actually a ton of awesome tuning mods over there.

chreai 9th Oct 2018 7:10 AM

Does anyone know what gifts sims can receive from the gift pile in Seasons? Wondering if gifts are randomly picked from all objects in game (even store items and cc) or if there's a specific list of items. And, if the latter is true, how/where can I modify the list to include more gifts and/or randomly generated ones?

orose 9th Oct 2018 9:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chreai
Does anyone know what gifts sims can receive from the gift pile in Seasons? Wondering if gifts are randomly picked from all objects in game (even store items and cc) or if there's a specific list of items. And, if the latter is true, how/where can I modify the list to include more gifts and/or randomly generated ones?

Pretty sure it randomly gifts from any and all objects in game, though it leans towards those which are entertainment or deco items. I have gotten CC items from the gift pile before.

Don Babilon 9th Oct 2018 11:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
Is there a way to remove stinky leaf piles from a entire neighborhood at once?

You can remove them with MasterController's Object Stats command.
For the whole town it should (perhaps) be: CityHall/NRaas/MasterController/Town/Object Stats/Local and then select the leave piles from the (very long) list that pops up.

SneakyWingPhoenix 9th Oct 2018 5:35 PM

Are diagonal pools possible to build? If so, how?
Any way to disable grid on stairways ?
If I change a resort to other lot, will The Great Buffet table remain on it?

chreai 10th Oct 2018 5:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by orose
Pretty sure it randomly gifts from any and all objects in game, though it leans towards those which are entertainment or deco items. I have gotten CC items from the gift pile before.

Sweet! Thank you, orose!

SneakyWingPhoenix 10th Oct 2018 2:14 PM

Can anyone explain me how RH rugs/doors work or If I have the right download installed? Last time I used, it only included Purchasing estate interaction. Do I need to do additional setup to define what kind of RH it behaves as?

Ghost sdoj 11th Oct 2018 1:25 AM

You should have a huge set of rugs/doors in your catalog, and select the one for the rabbithole that you are placing. It needs a large amount of space around it so that sims can enter/exit. Pets (and the related patch) changed how everything works, so if you have other functional CC you are probably patched to the point where you need the Pets version of the rugs/doors. (I think it's 1.26 or higher...) If you don't have the EP that provided the rabbithole you are trying to replace with the rug/door, that would be an issue as well.

I don't remember what the minimum recommended area around them is, but I tend to make sure that there are at least 4 squares in front and behind, and 2 squares on each side of a rug. Doors just get the 4 squares on both sides. But you shouldn't have to specify what kind of rabbithole it is, because that was defined when you placed it.

SneakyWingPhoenix 11th Oct 2018 3:55 PM

Thanks (although I have to manage to find a download and install it before returning to this thread after my reply, though a 'Bistro' rug and door appears to be missing).

So I'm trying to create a video that I could use for my school presentation for a vision of own-dreamt dining facility. I have built on a empty a town for testing and filming it with just the owner home and dining facility. The Commercial lot is just a building with a diner RH lot which also includes an actual restaurant (ani's modification of BSU store set) and the teppyanachi grill. Anyway, I wanna cut to the chase:

Are there any other tricks I could utilize to make an accurate (as possible) portrayal of a restaurant? Mods, hacks, or just in-game vanilla tricks? Should the lack of residential houses be a concern for attracting customers? How do I increase the count of customers up to 15-20? How do I change the attire of chefs & waiters? Is there a way to lock rooms (like the kitchen) to restrict access from non-employees & owner?

PizzaPartyForever 11th Oct 2018 4:51 PM

@SneakyWingPhoenix Nrass PortraitPanel lets you have like 24 sims in a single family, I would just have the staff and the customers be completely under your control. (that way you don't have a bunch of dumb townies who won't listen to a single thing you say that just stand around waving their arms like dummies.)

does anyone know if Reshade 3.0 works with TS3? every tutorial I've seen recommends Reshade 2.0. But does 3.0 conflict with anything? Do i need to set anything up differently?

also does anyone know if there is away to limit frames in windowed mode? Nvidia Control Panel enables Vsync on fullscreen mode, but anytime i try to play windowed my game runs at 850 FPS and my GPU whines as if it's begging me to end it's life.

PuddingFace 11th Oct 2018 5:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PizzaPartyForever
@SneakyWingPhoenix Nrass PortraitPanel lets you have like 24 sims in a single family, I would just have the staff and the customers be completely under your control. (that way you don't have a bunch of dumb townies who won't listen to a single thing you say that just stand around waving their arms like dummies.)

does anyone know if Reshade 3.0 works with TS3? every tutorial I've seen recommends Reshade 2.0. But does 3.0 conflict with anything? Do i need to set anything up differently?

also does anyone know if there is away to limit frames in windowed mode? Nvidia Control Panel enables Vsync on fullscreen mode, but anytime i try to play windowed my game runs at 850 FPS and my GPU whines as if it's begging me to end it's life.

Try Nvidia Inspector. Riva Tuner might work too.

SneakyWingPhoenix 11th Oct 2018 7:19 PM

Is there a mod that you guys know that allows to give access to only certain sims (npcs included) only? Preferably If it's the one you're using.
How do I make chefs (at ani's oven) wear their attire?

And how I can spawn/generate sims onto community lot to visit when there are no other inhabited residents (nor such lots) present?

Ghost sdoj 12th Oct 2018 3:14 PM

Go Here from NRAAS allows you to specify sims for a lockable door or gate, and has it locked for anyone else.
But I can't help with forcing uniforms or generating people to visit a community lot if there are no valid sims to be dragged in. I suppose you could make sure that tourists are not being blocked...

SneakyWingPhoenix 12th Oct 2018 3:30 PM

Just wondering, why NRASS doesn't come with pie menus rather popping new windows for every interaction? Imo it would be much more intuitive, won't disturb the flow of time and would be quicker to exit.

lakme 12th Oct 2018 5:07 PM

Is there a way to get a specific Sim infected with nraas Vector?

igazor 12th Oct 2018 6:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lakme
Is there a way to get a specific Sim infected with nraas Vector?

Not positive about this, would have to check the next time I am in-game, but I think there might be such a command available if you temporarily enable debugging on Vector. I do know that a command to completely cure one or more sims who already have a disease is there. The Vector debugging commands were never documented.

igazor 12th Oct 2018 6:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Just wondering, why NRASS doesn't come with pie menus rather popping new windows for every interaction? Imo it would be much more intuitive, won't disturb the flow of time and would be quicker to exit.

Probably because of the relatively small number of pie menu items that can show on-screen at a time as compared to the much larger number that can show and be scrolled through on menus.

lakme 12th Oct 2018 8:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Not positive about this, would have to check the next time I am in-game, but I think there might be such a command available if you temporarily enable debugging on Vector. I do know that a command to completely cure one or more sims who already have a disease is there. The Vector debugging commands were never documented.

Thanks! How do you enable debugging on it?

igazor 12th Oct 2018 10:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lakme
Thanks! How do you enable debugging on it?

On City Hall, NRaas > Vector > Show Debugging > True

You would want to switch that back to False once finished though as the debugger will start generating all sorts of Vector related disease reports that are not necessary and can potentially drag down regular gameplay if it is left on.

Finally remembered to check this. Yes, the debugging function puts an NRaas > Vector menu on sims that isn't otherwise there with the choices of Infect, Cure, and Inoculate and then a choice of which disease(s) you had in mind. Not sure that I'm happy to have helped or sad that your sims can now be miserable on demand, but take your choice.

chokolady 15th Oct 2018 12:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
If I save sims to the bin, do they keep all of the purchased property they own or do they need to repurchase them? All of the lots in question are part of the hood the said sims live in.

Pretty sure that if you put them into the bin and place them down later they have to purchase lots again.

igazor 15th Oct 2018 1:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
...before I commit to a all-nighter filled with pizza and caffiene...

General rule of thumb, any late or all night session the plans for which begin this way is destined to end well, due to proper advance planning. No good can come of anything that is done at 3am or later without those two necessary ingredients.

SusannaG 16th Oct 2018 4:25 AM

Do you have Error Trap or Overwatch?

PuddingFace 16th Oct 2018 11:58 AM

It happened once in my game too.

Nraas Go here might be able to help you here. But I don't think it's completely avoidable

igazor 16th Oct 2018 4:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
I didn't have this problem before; sims running across water at 9:00 PM to gather laundry that somehow made its way to that point. My game is also removing sims that I don't want removed. They're supposed to be role sims, but SP (?) has decided that they need to go. Other sims like Milo Prince was also has removed. Granted, he is a pain the ass, but not a sim I wanted eliminated from my game.

Hmm. Maybe I should have been more specific but if the "pizza" had been a store brand version that once cooked tastes more like cardboard than the real thing and the caffeine had been of the instant variety rather than something actually brewed, the results are not likely to be as good.

If it's not too late, I would suggest an MC Reset Everything on that world and then a reload in the hopes that it resets the routing. I've heard of games where this happens, sims doing laundry for example end up all over the map trying to reach places that are undefined or should have undefined coordinates. A similar issue can sometimes be seen in these games where sim protests are staged under water or in a forest on the world lot at the very edge of the map. I would not want to play a world forward once it starts doing that, if the MC Reset doesn't fix things.

I don't know who Milo is, would that be a resident Role Sim or a homeless NPC? You may want to switch off SP's homeless management option (I never intentionally have it on myself anyway) if it's going to start doing unwanted things with your world's homeless population. By default though, there shouldn't be any emigration of actual residents out of the world with SP in charge.
NRaas > SP > General Options > Options:Households > Manage Homeless > False

Meeshka04 16th Oct 2018 4:48 PM

I have a stupid question. I could probably figure this out myself by just going into CAS and trying it but I have to share a computer and I can't get on it right now. It's kind of weird because I've been playing this game since it came out and I hadn't thought of doing this till now. My question is, can I create step families in CAS? Like say a woman who already has two kids, but has married someone else and had more kids with them? Will the family tree thingy in CAS allow me to do that? Or would it be better to try and change their family tree in game with mods or whatnot?

Emmett Brown 16th Oct 2018 5:01 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Making step families In CAS? Not really. See pictures of my Flynn-Fletcher blended family

Easily done with NRAAS MC+Cheats tho'. Okay, not that easy... Click Sim->NRAAS->MC->Advanced->Family->Add Parent or child, whatever->Choose filter (or not). Scroll down and add the relationship.

In EA CAS, you can make two separate child parent relationships, but if you marry the parents, all the children become children of both parents. It's just too damned wholesome. I mean Disney has a thing for blended families, and EA whimps out on it?

igazor 16th Oct 2018 5:47 PM

On the other hand, this is the same EA that makes existing adult romantic couples unable to touch each other if a parent of one gets romantically involved with (or is it marries?) a parent of the other because eww, we are stepsiblings now. The levels of breakage of step-relations in this game are pretty horrifying if we allow ourselves to dwell on them for too long.

igazor 16th Oct 2018 6:43 PM

Gargoyle, just to clarify, I never meant to imply that you should give up on the entire game if that part was directed at me. Or on that world even, it was just that instance of it that sounded broken. But if things have fixed themselves or the revert to a prior save did so, then perhaps all is well.

Still not sure what to say about Milo without more information. When sims are and remain proper residents, SP does not push them out of the world unless emigration (not immigration, they are different) is somehow enabled or a social worker is involved, but he didn't sound like a child or younger to me. There is a Run Out of Town scenario that can engage if Milo were to have no friends and a town full of enemies, but you should be notified if that one is ever about to fire and it should be pretty rare. I wonder if for whatever reason he was evicted, booted out of his own house, or ran away from home so to speak, quit his job, and became homeless thus potentially subject to SP's Manage the Homeless function if that is activated.

Sometimes the sims listed in ErrorTrap logs have become corrupt beyond the point of being usable for anything and ET is just cleaning up the debris, and sometimes they are duplicate sims or those who really belong in another world and it's really their tourist or mini-sim data that is being cleaned out.

Will be standing by (well, sitting down really) looking for updates and error logs, but hopefully none of that will really be necessary.

lakme 16th Oct 2018 7:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
As for the world itself, I love this world that I'm playing. It is the first world that I've played where I didn't get bored a few weeks in. Sans my 3 week break from playing sims entirely, I've played almost daily since I installed it on Aug 15. I'm inclined to think that something was causing these issues rather than the a problem with the world itself. Only time will tell.

If these problems persist, I'll be over at NRAAS with script errors in hand. As always, thanks for the help.

Which world is this?

Meeshka04 16th Oct 2018 8:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
Making step families In CAS? Not really. See pictures of my Flynn-Fletcher blended family

Easily done with NRAAS MC+Cheats tho'. Okay, not that easy... Click Sim->NRAAS->MC->Advanced->Family->Add Parent or child, whatever->Choose filter (or not). Scroll down and add the relationship.

In EA CAS, you can make two separate child parent relationships, but if you marry the parents, all the children become children of both parents. It's just too damned wholesome. I mean Disney has a thing for blended families, and EA whimps out on it?

Thanks! I thought that would be the case, that if you married the adults then the children would belong to both of them. It's a pity there aren't more options with the family tree in CAS. Thankfully there's Mastercontroller!

Emmett Brown 17th Oct 2018 8:51 PM

The Hunt for EA Bugs and my Stupid question
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
On the other hand, this is the same EA that makes existing adult romantic couples unable to touch each other if a parent of one gets romantically involved with (or is it marries?) a parent of the other because eww, we are stepsiblings now. The levels of breakage of step-relations in this game are pretty horrifying if we allow ourselves to dwell on them for too long.

I'm gonna try that without Woohooer, which may have fixed it. Marry off two sims, and then have their parents marry.

My Stupid Question of the Day
Anyone know of a good tutorial on making movies with Sims 3?
Particularly, the "look at" feature. Seems I saw a video of that being demonstrated a few years ago. I tried it, got nothing.
Is there any way to add animations besides those in the EA list when using the moving making cheat?

SneakyWingPhoenix 19th Oct 2018 4:58 PM

Difference between "No Jealousy" and "Above Reproach" LT rewards?

PuddingFace 19th Oct 2018 5:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Difference between "No Jealousy" and "Above Reproach" LT rewards?

I would say No Jealousy makes your Sim no longer feel jealous when their partner cheats. And Above Reproach is for people to stop gossiping or not notice when your Sim cheats. However these rewards don't really work very well. I think they'e bugged.

There's one thing I liked about Sims 4 is that polyamourous relationships could easily be modded in.

Emmett Brown 19th Oct 2018 5:24 PM

Maybe I'm not playing the game right, but I've seen neither "No Jealousy" nor "Above Reproach" work. Maybe my sim's behavior are so outrageous, that even the LTR can't save them from their crass acts.

Ghost sdoj 19th Oct 2018 5:28 PM

I may be wrong, but my understanding that No Jealousy means that if someone spots you making moves on their friend's or their own Romantic Interest/Significant Other/Spouse, it's the other sim who can get in trouble rather than you. So making out with your best friend's wife can harm the relationship between the friend and the wife while your relationship with your best friend is unharmed.
Above Reproach means that a Public Display of Affection is more likely to be ignored and thus have no effect on reputation. But it has no effect on jealousy, so if you get caught you can be the one who is slapped and your relationship with the offended sim is harmed.
Both are a lot more effective if everyone has them. I think it only affects an interaction that is initiated by the one who has it, but if the other sim initiates a romantic interaction your sim's rewards are no longer a factor.

featherkeys 19th Oct 2018 8:36 PM

Is there a faster uni mod for TS3? Either give more starting credits from the aptitude test, or more credits per term?

SneakyWingPhoenix 20th Oct 2018 5:20 PM

Somebody was asking how to lock door except for a current and maid sim.

I heard Ultimate Career can make any assign activity increase job performance as the sim doing is. My question is, would be somewhat possible to make a sim working in a culinary career earn performance when utilizing ani's business as usual set oven?

orose 21st Oct 2018 2:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by featherkeys
Is there a faster uni mod for TS3? Either give more starting credits from the aptitude test, or more credits per term?

Here you go!

SneakyWingPhoenix 22nd Oct 2018 6:57 PM

How do I make the dress code for visiting sims (inactive ones) to underwear in community lots? Also how can I lock a door in community lots for all sims except a few define ones?

PuddingFace 22nd Oct 2018 8:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
Maybe I'm not playing the game right, but I've seen neither "No Jealousy" nor "Above Reproach" work. Maybe my sim's behavior are so outrageous, that even the LTR can't save them from their crass acts.

I've tested these two rewards quite a bit when trying to make a polyamorous relationships. I even used the stone hearted reward and it didn't work. Finally I used Nraas Woohooer to turn off jealousy to make it work although this turns it off for everyone, even monogamous relationships. They still get an LTR hit when witnessing their partners flirt The weird thing is that even when all the sims in the "relationship" are officially best friends they still get an LTR hit. Why are best friends getting jealous to see their other best friends flirt anyway ugh. I guess the AI is deeper than I thought.

Emmett Brown 22nd Oct 2018 11:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
How do I make the dress code for visiting sims (inactive ones) to underwear in community lots?
You'll have to make sleepwear be underwear.

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Also how can I lock a door in community lots for all sims except a few define ones?

The only way I know to do that requires premium content.
I don't have it and never used it, so I'm not sure if that is what you want.

PuddingFace 22nd Oct 2018 11:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
You'll have to make sleepwear be underwear.

The only way I know to do that requires premium content.
I don't have it and never used it, so I'm not sure if that is what you want.

Woah that's are cool mod. Also I think Nraas Go here has door locking @igazor will have to answer that though.

igazor 23rd Oct 2018 5:04 AM

Yes, the current version of NRaas GoHere includes extensive door/gate locking and filtering features. It's much more customizable than the EA store set ticket machine, although I occasionally find uses for that one as well.

But let's get this out of the way right now. The mod provides the options of one-way doors/gates and of charging for entrance, although the default is always off or §0. But repeat after me, if you use this feature you will accidentally have at least one door or gate turned the wrong way around and end up blocking sims from leaving or charging sims to leave a room/lot rather than to enter it. It cannot be avoided, this mistake has hit all users of the mod by now I think. We couldn't all be that careless, the game just likes to mess with us and flip objects around as we carefully place them, sometimes a millisecond too late for us to see it in Build/Buy. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. (It's a great mod enhancement though, and of course backwards doors/gates are easy to fix).

SneakyWingPhoenix 23rd Oct 2018 5:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
You'll have to make sleepwear be underwear.

The only way I know to do that requires premium content.
I don't have it and never used it, so I'm not sure if that is what you want.

I meant trunks/bikini, but thanks.

igazor 23rd Oct 2018 11:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
@igazor Can you tell me what these mean, please?

Looks perfectly clear to me. Your game's framistat is kerblunjid and its gobluts have developed a severe case of the creeping crud.

That's a routine Correction Log, Error Trap is reacting to shards of already unusable data left in your game and cleaning out the remnants. Most of us get around one of those per game session or sim day. It's not really an error and it's nothing to worry about.

chokolady 25th Oct 2018 3:27 PM

Can a masterpiece painting only be big size? Or also medium and small?

Deniisu 25th Oct 2018 6:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chokolady
Can a masterpiece painting only be big size? Or also medium and small?

They can be of any size.

Mrmo 27th Oct 2018 9:42 PM

OK, a stupid question (and I'm usure if this is the correct section...).

I do not have The Sims 3 at the moment but I plan to get it in the future (i'm sure it will be christmas by then or so ). But while I wait I get some inspiration to house builds on Youtube. But the problem is that ALL simmers on the tube are the same: THey speed up a build to make it into a 20 mins video so I can not see and keeps waffeling on about everything whitout thinking. So I want to know if you know about any GOOD Youtubers out there who do Sims 3 builds.

SneakyWingPhoenix 27th Oct 2018 11:20 PM

You can alter youtube video speed. Just to let you know.

Anyone know of a mod or way of entering build/buy mode and modify a lot that doesn't belong to the active sims? I know there's a way to do it through testingcheats, but that method uses up the funds of the active family.

igazor 27th Oct 2018 11:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Anyone know of a mod or way of entering build/buy mode and modify a lot that doesn't belong to the active sims? I know there's a way to do it through testingcheats, but that method uses up the funds of the active family.

You can do this through Edit Town, but if it's a residential lot you have to evict the inhabitants of the lot first and then put them back when finished. On community lots, I believe everyone will be sent home before you begin editing. I usually do it the testingcheats way but keep track of the money spent (or saved if it's a negative net amount) and settle up with a MasterController money transfer when finished.

Mrmo 28th Oct 2018 6:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
You can alter youtube video speed. Just to let you know.

I did set it to 0.25, still to fast. And I can not set the speed on my phone (as far as I know). A very important aspect is that I begin to feel a little sick when things moves to fast. Before it was not a problem but since a year or so I have began to notice this.

Thanks anyway for responding .

igazor 29th Oct 2018 12:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
If a sim lives in one world, can they buy property in another?

Example: I've been playing Grey Meadow, but I'm about to install St.Claire. It would be nice if sims could own properties in both worlds.

They can own residential lots as vacation homes. As for being the landlord (SP Money or an apartment mod) or owning community lots as investments, there are some tricky ways to get those to work by using Traveler's Treat as Vacation > False while there but I don't think they get any benefits from doing so while the foreign world is not being simulated.

They cannot buy the property while active gameplay is in their homeworld, though.

SusannaG 3rd Nov 2018 5:35 PM

Just got World Adventures at the Steam Halloween sale - are martial arts and nectary equipment only available abroad?

Flora2 3rd Nov 2018 7:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SusannaG
Just got World Adventures at the Steam Halloween sale - are martial arts and nectary equipment only available abroad?

No, the objects are available in "buydebug".
Also, you can set Nectary or Academy type community lots in your home neighborhood, too, and the assigned Nectary merchant will sell you the nectary objects through the register; also in the Academy, your sims will use the kung fu objects autonomously in your home neighborhood as well. (In Gyms they also use them, just much less frequently.)

SusannaG 3rd Nov 2018 7:44 PM

Where in buydebug? Exercise?

Flora2 3rd Nov 2018 8:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SusannaG
Where in buydebug? Exercise?

Umm, use the "testingcheatsenabled true" cheat, then the "buydebug on" cheat - go to Buy Mode - Question mark menu - then choose the Misc. category. It's easier to find them if you filter the objects there for WA.
(Don't forget to "buydebug off" and "testingcheatsenabled false" when you finished.)

SusannaG 3rd Nov 2018 9:12 PM

OK. Thanks!

SneakyWingPhoenix 4th Nov 2018 6:08 PM

Has anyone digged up and screenshot a comment from one of those crazy baptist church lazy, where it remarked how she looks like one of those unattracive pre-randomize sims in CAS?

lisfyre 4th Nov 2018 6:23 PM

Newb question from not so newb player LOL Just started playing again after 3 years hiatus and I've forgotten most of everything. So.. silly question is - can I delete the sims3pack files once I install them? I know I can't with the .package files.

lisfyre 4th Nov 2018 7:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
Yes you can. They'll be fine unless you delete your .dbc file.

So never delete the .dbc file? Great and thank you kindly

minutegold 4th Nov 2018 7:15 PM

Can Sims gain skills from social contact or by observation? I just had an active teen get the writing skill when he hugged his inactive child cousin. The two of them stood close to another inactive sim who has the writing skill and was using a computer. The teen had read two of the writing books as a toddler, if that makes a difference.

Ghost sdoj 4th Nov 2018 7:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by minutegold
The teen had read two of the writing books as a toddler, if that makes a difference.

It does. Those books give you points toward the respective skills.

minutegold 4th Nov 2018 8:03 PM

Yes, but normally a Sim still has to learn the skill to get that boost. In my case the skill (including the boost) just popped out of nowhere.

lisfyre 4th Nov 2018 9:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
I forgot to mention that if you use store content, that is stashed on the .ebc file, so that's another thing you don't want to delete. The best thing to do is to make backup of everything so if something should go wrong, you'll have you stuff.

Gotcha... don't delete .dbc and .ebc files Thank you

igazor 5th Nov 2018 6:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by minutegold
Yes, but normally a Sim still has to learn the skill to get that boost. In my case the skill (including the boost) just popped out of nowhere.

In the case of writing, the skill headstarts should pop the first time a child or older uses a computer or has using a computer in their action queue. They do not have to learn the skill from Level 0. Being in the same room as a computer or someone else who knows how to write shouldn't be enough, but maybe they were the active sim when you clicked on a computer or they tried to route to it?

minutegold 5th Nov 2018 6:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
... or has using a computer in their action queue...

That could be it. He probably tried to play games on the computer and the skill-gain message took a while to show up.

AGuyCalledPi 15th Nov 2018 5:56 AM

Is there any way or mod with which I can create notifications? Would be neat to be able to have Sims say things through those text popups. In fact - any way to do so would be appreciated.

Ghost sdoj 15th Nov 2018 4:19 PM

NRAAS Story Progression with all of the personality modules and the default settings creates LOTS of notifications. Skill gains, fights, marriages, breakups, baby on the way, new friends, loss of friends, the loon giving money to people, others extorting money from people, if you've left elixirs of transformation lying around you get people getting a new occult status, deaths or impending deaths, people checking into the hospital to get fight injuries checked out, and others.

But those are probably not the ones you are looking for. And I believe you have no interest in running that mod, anyway.

simsample 15th Nov 2018 4:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by GrijzePilion
Is there any way or mod with which I can create notifications? Would be neat to be able to have Sims say things through those text popups. In fact - any way to do so would be appreciated.

If you have WA you can use the inscription plaques. Sims can read them and you can set the text to whatever you like.

windermeresimblr 15th Nov 2018 6:45 PM

If I wanted to try playing with a more Sims 2-style genetics system, would that be Consort's hair mod plus NRAAs MC, or are there other genetics mods out there?

igazor 15th Nov 2018 7:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by windermeresimblr
If I wanted to try playing with a more Sims 2-style genetics system, would that be Consort's hair mod plus NRAAs MC, or are there other genetics mods out there?

It's actually NRaas StoryProgression, not MasterController, that by way of the SP Population add-on module offers up the options for the mod's Advanced Genetics. MC provides player-controlled commands to re-roll and PlayWithGenetics on individual sims on demand, one at a time, but by doing so will call up whatever genetics system is already in play. The only other mod I know of offhand other than SP that has the ability to change the genetics system is AwesomeMod, which is a Core Mod and not quite as customizable as SP is but there are players who prefer its approach.

Don't know if that helps as I'm not really familiar enough with TS2 to understand what is meant by that game's style of genetics.

windermeresimblr 15th Nov 2018 7:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
It's actually NRaas StoryProgression, not MasterController, that by way of the SP Population add-on module offers up the options for the mod's Advanced Genetics. MC provides player-controlled commands to re-roll and PlayWithGenetics on individual sims on demand, one at a time, but by doing so will call up whatever genetics system is already in play at the time. The only other mod I know of offhand other than SP that has the ability to change the genetics system is AwesomeMod, which is a Core Mod and not quite as customizable as SP is but there are players who prefer its approach.

Don't know if that helps as I'm not really familiar enough with TS2 to understand what is meant by that game's style of genetics.

Ah, thank you! I knew it was in the NRAAS stable, but I wasn't quite sure which one.

Basically what I want to do is have hair and eye colors that actually dominate/recede instead of having coin flips for who gets what...which may be impossible, but I do want to at least try to see if I can approximate it.

AGuyCalledPi 15th Nov 2018 7:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
If you have WA you can use the inscription plaques. Sims can read them and you can set the text to whatever you like.

Right, but I can't have another Sim's thumbnail appear next to it? It would be best if I could make it look as if another Sim said that particular thing.

chokolady 19th Nov 2018 2:31 PM

I want to play an alien colony that starts with minimum amount of sims and see how it evolves over the years. But how many is minimum sims needed to not run into incest a couple of generations in? I tried figuring it out, but I failed miserably.

Elanorea 19th Nov 2018 4:23 PM

The game does not recognize great-grandparents (and by extension, great-aunts/uncles and their offspring) as relatives, so (unless I'm missing something glaringly obvious, which might well be the case) I believe this means 4 couples should be enough.

For a question of my own, has anyone else noticed wonky aging of non-resident (townie) sims? Namely elder sims staying alive for a suspiciously long time. I've had at least 2 notable cases. 1 was way back when I first started playing a legacy, and the premade Sunset Valley townie, Anne Song, managed to outlive around 5 generations of my legacy household, until I finally had enough and offed her. The second is in my current save - a sim whose younger brother's child is 103 days old is still alive and well... I used cheats to move him in and he himself is apparently only 113 days old, which is definitely not correct - considering his nephew's age he should be well over 10 days older. I am playing on normal lifespan, but with a shortened teen stage, so sims become YA at around 20 days. These 2 are the only ones I've taken note of, but there may have been more cases - I generally don't pay a lot of attention to random non-playable elders. Has this happened in anyone else's game, and if so, does anyone know what is causing it?

igazor 19th Nov 2018 5:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Elanorea
The game does not recognize great-grandparents (and by extension, great-aunts/uncles and their offspring) as relatives, so (unless I'm missing something glaringly obvious, which might well be the case) I believe this means 4 couples should be enough.

The game does indeed recognize great aunts/uncles and great nephews/nieces as close blood relations. It's just that there are no relationship panel indicators for these. Romantic interactions between them should be impossible unless one has a mod to unlock them. The same should be true (I think) of great grandparents.

But children of great uncles/aunts, those would be first cousins once removed, are not recognized as closely related, nor are second cousins and higher. The FCOR one still takes me by surprise sometimes.

Ghost sdoj 19th Nov 2018 5:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Elanorea
For a question of my own, has anyone else noticed wonky aging of non-resident (townie) sims? Namely elder sims staying alive for a suspiciously long time. I've had at least 2 notable cases. 1 was way back when I first started playing a legacy, and the premade Sunset Valley townie, Anne Song, managed to outlive around 5 generations of my legacy household, until I finally had enough and offed her. The second is in my current save - a sim whose younger brother's child is 103 days old is still alive and well... I used cheats to move him in and he himself is apparently only 113 days old, which is definitely not correct - considering his nephew's age he should be well over 10 days older. I am playing on normal lifespan, but with a shortened teen stage, so sims become YA at around 20 days. These 2 are the only ones I've taken note of, but there may have been more cases - I generally don't pay a lot of attention to random non-playable elders. Has this happened in anyone else's game, and if so, does anyone know what is causing it?

I don't know why, but I've seen it happen too.
An inactive couple had twins. One twin aged to YA while the other twin had just become a teen 4 days earlier.

minutegold 19th Nov 2018 7:06 PM

The aging thing is happening to me, too. Sometime during the childhood of generation 4 I started getting messages about stuck aging managers and some of my role sims developed unusual long lifespans and lifephases.

chokolady 19th Nov 2018 10:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
The game does indeed recognize great aunts/uncles and great nephews/nieces as close blood relations. It's just that there are no relationship panel indicators for these. Romantic interactions between them should be impossible unless one has a mod to unlock them. The same should be true (I think) of great grandparents.

But children of great uncles/aunts, those would be first cousins once removed, are not recognized as closely related, nor are second cousins and higher. The FCOR one still takes me by surprise sometimes.

So would 4 couples be enough or do I need to do more? My maths are bad.

simrune 20th Nov 2018 10:53 PM

Does the fraps limit matter for the amount of ram the game uses or only for how hard the video card has to work? For example, if I set the fraps limit to 30 instead of 60, will that be beneficial to how much ram the game uses? As in for example 2,1 gb on startup instead of 2,5 gb on startup? Or is there no difference ram wise?

jje1000 23rd Nov 2018 4:00 AM

If I have horse hitching posts overlapping the edge of a lot, are horses still able to use them?

Meister4000 24th Nov 2018 12:52 PM

I have read that the logic skill also effects the speed of learning other skills. Is this true?

Nocriel 26th Nov 2018 11:07 AM

I'd like to build a house with broken/burnt furniture (like the stuff you can salvage from junkyards) but didn't see any of that in buydebug... If I did that myself in live mode (placing salvaged furniture or starting a fire to burn my stuff) and then uploaded the finished house, would other people downloading it still see the broken versions or does it get replaced by new stuff automatically?

SusannaG 26th Nov 2018 5:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Meister4000
I have read that the logic skill also effects the speed of learning other skills. Is this true?

It was in Sims 2; I don't know about Sims 3.

happycigarettes 26th Nov 2018 6:13 PM

I replaced 848 (I counted) columns in a downloaded Cathedral lot because the texture was ugly, and then the lot became corrupted somehow in one of the saves (crashes the game in build mode every time - problem not present on other lots. No CC on cathedral lot yet although CrashLogAlanalyzer tells me it's a CC issue... which it did even after I ran without CC at all to check so best I can say is... the lot is pooped)

I'm now faced with the task of doing that again and I really cannot express how much I don't want to. It took so long last time. Is there either some trick/cheat/mod I've been so far unaware of to 'change all identical objects' when CASt-ing?

chokolady 28th Nov 2018 3:25 PM

Where do I get cold one?

SusannaG 28th Nov 2018 3:41 PM

How bad is the pathing in Island Paradise?

Deshong 28th Nov 2018 5:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by chokolady
Where do I get cold one?

If I am understanding correctly, you get a cold one from the mini fridge in the University Life EP.

Quote: Originally posted by SusannaG
How bad is the pathing in Island Paradise?

Personally, when I play in Isla Paradiso as is, it becomes unplayable because it eventually lags like nothing I've ever experienced in any of the official worlds I have played in and will freeze and become unplayable. However, I found what works for me is delete a few households and I am able to play in IP with minimal to no lag.

Isla Paradiso's World Fix for lag/stutter/freezing.

I had the same problem and I solved it. All you ned to do is go to edit town and delete some houses. You need to delete houses of the households below:

Los Amigos

If it still lags, then remove those houses as well:

The Romantic
The Prince

Just delete those houses and move sims living in them somewhere else. Or just delete the sims as well.

I hope this helped.

By BlueSpaarkle


The above solution may not work for everyone but it did for me. There's also an Isla Paradiso world fix you can try out here.
Personally, I tried the world fix first but I noticed no difference with the lag/stuttering/freezing but read it has helped others.

You can check out my post for video reference after I deleted the lots and how IP played.

Flora2 28th Nov 2018 5:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SusannaG
How bad is the pathing in Island Paradise?

Have you by any chance seen this thread? it's only a few days old:

happycigarettes 29th Nov 2018 6:15 PM

If I combine mod packages (errortrap etc) into one .package file in CCMagic will they still work?

CatMuto 29th Nov 2018 8:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by happycigarettes
If I combine mod packages (errortrap etc) into one .package file in CCMagic will they still work?

Majority of NRaas mods should work when combined, but I think ErrorTrap and Story Progression need to be kept separate...

igazor 29th Nov 2018 8:51 PM

Core Mods (NRaas ErrorTrap and UntranslatedKey) should never be merged. Opinions are divided on Script Mods, which is what the rest of the NRaas mods are. We have had players report issues when Script Mods are merged that were solved when they reverted to standalone package files for those; this shouldn't really be the case but it's difficult to investigate fully when so many variables are in play.

I never merge mods because then it becomes a royal pain to update or remove some of them when the need arises. There also isn't much benefit in doing so other than perhaps a couple of seconds shaved off of the startup time.

happycigarettes 29th Nov 2018 9:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Core Mods (NRaas ErrorTrap and UntranslatedKey) should never be merged. Opinions are divided on Script Mods, which is what the rest of the NRaas mods are. We have had players report issues when Script Mods are merged that were solved when they reverted to standalone package files for those; this shouldn't really be the case but it's difficult to investigate fully when so many variables are in play.

I never merge mods because then it becomes a royal pain to update or remove some of them when the need arises. There also isn't much benefit in doing so other than perhaps a couple of seconds shaved off of the startup time.

Copy that, Captain.

I like to limit the amount of .package files in my game and consequently Merge Everything and I've got quite a few NRAAS mods now, but I'll leave them be

happycigarettes 1st Dec 2018 5:46 PM

Stupid Question #594:

Is France more graphically-intensive than other worlds?

I've never noticed a problem until the last few days but now I get access exception error crashes after one sim day (ALWAYS between 5 and 6am. If I save and reload at 4am then it will still crash around 0530 anyway) unless I play France with all the graphics turned way down. Don't get that in China and Egypt, which I'd assume - especially China! - were more graphics-y. I have the graphics on max in every other world with no issue whatever. Weirdzoids.

Orilon 3rd Dec 2018 10:25 PM

I just started a new save in Sunset Valley. How the heck are supposedly pre-dead Sims Alive and running around? Is something screwy going on with patch 1.69 ?

igazor 3rd Dec 2018 10:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
I just started a new save in Sunset Valley. How the heck are supposedly pre-dead Sims Alive and running around? Is something screwy going on with patch 1.69 ?

Sorry for the "used" response, but this was just asked yesterday. Same issue or something different?

Orilon 3rd Dec 2018 11:06 PM

Its weird. I had exited out of the game and then started the brand new game in Sunset Valley and all the usual pre-dead Sims were alive and on empty residential lots. I exited out of the game and posted the question. After reading your post I started the game again and this time the dead were in their "usual" spots (meaning this time Erik Darling was buried in Agnes Crumplebottoms yard and the gravestone didn't say "remains" like before.)

I'm still not sure why exiting out of the game worked the second time and not the first.

SneakyWingPhoenix 5th Dec 2018 7:15 PM

When is a Sim classified as rich?

DrowningFishy 5th Dec 2018 8:52 PM

FOrgive me for asking this, and you can ignore this if you want. But has anyone had issues with free vacations. Because my one sim refused to put down his baby then they left on a free vacation. But I guess dingo's must have got the baby because the babys vanished from my active sims. They've been on vacation for awhile so will it return when they get back?

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