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jje1000 14th Jan 2020 12:02 AM

Using NRAAS Mastercontroller's CAS Category settings, do female/male eyebrows used on the opposite gender stay on the sim?

Hairs and Clothing seem to be fine, but I've had problems with accessories used on the opposite gender getting automatically replaced leaving CAS (I just wanted to use the ITF smartwatch!)

AGuyCalledPi 14th Jan 2020 12:09 AM

I think they do, but don't quote me on that. It's annoying that accessories don't. I've also had issues with clothes not staying on.

enable_llamas 14th Jan 2020 9:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
The Java Hut in Sims University contains a barista bar you can order coffee. Though I'm curious as to whatever that lot, like with professional bars, only offer exclusive drinks in only that lot assignment? Since many other lots (pool, rebel hangout, possibly arcade and/or a few others) in that world also contain that object.

The drinks and snacks are tied to the bar object, not the lot type so they're all available no matter where it's placed. As for the type of sims and skills it attracts/encourages, I have no idea, I've seen everyone from child to elder pulled to the lot. The Venues.xml has only encouraged traits: "InfluenceRebel,5;InfluenceSocialite,5;InfluenceNerd,2;AvantGarde,5". In my game they'd do just about anything there - do homework, play/chat on their laptops, dance together, socialize, work out to the stereo, read books, busk (bonus points if they whip out a keyboard at the narrowest possible section of the lot).

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Probably just get your sim to do it, and use NRAAS to edit the skill level (low level is tagging, higher levels is full sprays.

You can save the lot to the library and revert to the last save if you care about the time spent doing it, or you can just remove the skill using NRAAS otherwise.

Hm I even have a couple sims with high enough skill, will try it out. They did tend to get arrested a lot when I tried doing community lots, tho. But maybe if the graffiti is at least started/partialy done then DE could work to make it complete. Will have to test.

About the eyebrows - I haven't tried the gender switch but I've had some cc ones that wouldn't stay on with Outerwear and the sim ended up with different ones every time they switched outfits. They're not the most cooperative. If they're cc it would be easier to just enable them for both M & F to be sure.

jje1000 15th Jan 2020 5:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by enable_llamas
Hm I even have a couple sims with high enough skill, will try it out. They did tend to get arrested a lot when I tried doing community lots, tho. But maybe if the graffiti is at least started/partialy done then DE could work to make it complete. Will have to test.

About the eyebrows - I haven't tried the gender switch but I've had some cc ones that wouldn't stay on with Outerwear and the sim ended up with different ones every time they switched outfits. They're not the most cooperative. If they're cc it would be easier to just enable them for both M & F to be sure.

I just reset the sim whenever they get arrested, and teleport back to finish the work.

But yeah, eyebrows are a pain, which is annoying because if all eyebrows were unisex, players would have a lot more choice, as with many CAS items. I've already found a few hairs that work really well with the opposite gender.

Quote: Originally posted by AGuyCalledPi
I think they do, but don't quote me on that. It's annoying that accessories don't. I've also had issues with clothes not staying on.

Same here with the outfits, it's sort of annoying when a sim gets their entire wardrobe replaced. What’s the best way to avoid this from happening?

SneakyWingPhoenix 15th Jan 2020 7:32 PM

Possible for two maids to be hired? Cause I got them when hiring one for Sorority house (because I couldn't stand roommates slobbing around).

enable_llamas 15th Jan 2020 11:18 PM

^If you have a very big house and/or a very big mess sometimes the game sends 2 maids. I don't know if there's a way to hire more than one permanently.

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
But yeah, eyebrows are a pain, which is annoying because if all eyebrows were unisex, players would have a lot more choice, as with many CAS items. I've already found a few hairs that work really well with the opposite gender.

Hmm I enable the cc ones I get for both M and F so I've never paid attention whether the EA ones are separate... doesn't make much sense, as usual. God forbid you give your guys some girly brows.

The hair swap sometimes does wonders. I disabled my M/F hair filter years ago and it has saved me so much more cc I would've stuffed in otherwise. Takes a long time to load but still better than getting additional 20 hairs or so. M to F usually doesn't work well, with a few lucky exceptions - the scalp pokes through a lot. F to M however does a great job. This short one from IP works great on guys, so does the Uni bun and the big, teased ones from SHT (if you're making an 80's glam rock star or something). With the cc ones maybe like 75% of them look ok.

jje1000 16th Jan 2020 5:08 PM

Without using NRAAS Dresser, is there any way of blacklisting individual wardrobe pieces/hair?

Sort of like TS4's 'Disallow for Random' toggle?

I also wonder- does the game have any settings for skin colour and hair colour in townie generation? Or are we forever going to be plagued by endless dark-skinned sims with bright blonde/red hair?

igazor 16th Jan 2020 5:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Without using NRAAS Dresser, is there any way of blacklisting individual wardrobe pieces/hair?

enable_llamas 17th Jan 2020 9:47 PM

Where the hell are my tables?!

The Coffeehouse thing started a simfest and ate all my outdoor tables - chairs, umbrellas and all I vaguely remember this happening before but have no idea what was the fix. I want my shit back! The stupid question technically would be how to recover them?

jje1000 19th Jan 2020 3:37 PM

What causes long exit times?

Curious to know as I'm running two worlds- a small one, and a large one, and the larger world takes longer to exit, even without saving.

Is the game writing caches during that time?

Is it safe to manually kill the program?

enable_llamas 20th Jan 2020 8:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
What causes long exit times?

Curious to know as I'm running two worlds- a small one, and a large one, and the larger world takes longer to exit, even without saving.

Is the game writing caches during that time?

Is it safe to manually kill the program?

Seems to do the long exit thing when you exit without saving and/or without playing in live mode with the clock running for awhile... Does that pretty much every time I load up Builders Island for a quick 2 min test and quit afterwards. I remember someone had linked it to the game trying to download its bunch of crap into your Featured Items folder when you've made it read only but haven't tested out that theory myself. I always quit to main menu and then to desktop so when it hangs up I kill it with task manager 90% of the time. Wouldn't do it if quitting directly from in game to desktop, tho.

How is it possible there's not a single tutorial or a shred of explanation on making cc counters anywhere? Or I just can't find any? I just want to do the damn textures and every time I fix one, another one immediately gets screwed and I'm this close ( ) to crying.

jje1000 22nd Jan 2020 3:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by enable_llamas
I always quit to main menu and then to desktop so when it hangs up I kill it with task manager 90% of the time. Wouldn't do it if quitting directly from in game to desktop, tho.

Hmm... why not? Does it cause game issues down the road?

AGuyCalledPi 22nd Jan 2020 3:37 AM

I always force-kill the process. I do with most games, actually, because I'm an impatient shit.

Flora2 22nd Jan 2020 3:37 PM

OK, so if I get it right, if I don't have Supernaturals then, consequently, I can't "create" vampire sims (I have LN), and even if I download "vampire sims" that are uploaded by other creators, and open them in my CAS, they will look ordinary humans, right? - How do you create a "Patient Zero" in a full-human 'hood if you have only LN, no SN?

SneakyWingPhoenix 22nd Jan 2020 4:26 PM

Do inactive Sims never stay in their backyards while they're inactive?
With nrass, can college kids have a job while being a student? Seem like the travelled (I assume) cause my Sim to permanent stay there when applying to a job, but luckally I haven't saved.

Deshong 22nd Jan 2020 5:55 PM

If inactive Sims have something to do in the backyard, the more likely they may want to be there. It can also depend on what's in their inventory and what traits they have such as athletic, loves the outdoors, loves the cold, loves the heat, loves to swim, etc. Sometimes my inactive Sims will ask another household member to play catch or tag, play Gnubb, will sometimes use the grill, go for a swim, relax by the pool on the lounge chairs, etc.

If you are talking about inactive Sims from other households, I would think the same. I've seen my Sims just sitting on the bench to read in the yard, use the juice keg in the yard, talk to a visitor before my active Sim came along in the yard, etc.

enable_llamas 22nd Jan 2020 10:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Hmm... why not? Does it cause game issues down the road?

Well I wouldn't know when it's done writing the save game for example and just be wary of killing it at the wrong time. Now from main menu on I know for sure it's not doing jack shit so I just feel calmer, lol.

Quote: Originally posted by Floraflora2
OK, so if I get it right, if I don't have Supernaturals then, consequently, I can't "create" vampire sims (I have LN), and even if I download "vampire sims" that are uploaded by other creators, and open them in my CAS, they will look ordinary humans, right? - How do you create a "Patient Zero" in a full-human 'hood if you have only LN, no SN?

I think you can click on the "supernatural type" window in CAS and it gives you all the choices you have? At least it does with MC I believe. (And I don't have SN installed either.)

jje1000 23rd Jan 2020 1:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by enable_llamas
Well I wouldn't know when it's done writing the save game for example and just be wary of killing it at the wrong time. Now from main menu on I know for sure it's not doing jack shit so I just feel calmer, lol.

What about doing a 'Save'/'Save As' in the menu, and then when it's done, quit and immediately kill the program?

In that way, you've separated the saving and quitting elements of the game, while not having to wait for the game to load up the main menu.

enable_llamas 23rd Jan 2020 12:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
What about doing a 'Save'/'Save As' in the menu, and then when it's done, quit and immediately kill the program?

In that way, you've separated the saving and quitting elements of the game, while not having to wait for the game to load up the main menu.

Yeah, that sounds like it should be fine. Probably won't blow up :D

r_deNoube 24th Jan 2020 3:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Do inactive Sims never stay in their backyards while they're inactive?

I stay a while if there's a sprinkler running.

Or if everybody's doing homework. Teenage Sims can start a homework-a-thon almost anywhere. I wish we could get one going inside the police station, just for payback, because of the curfew thing.

SneakyWingPhoenix 25th Jan 2020 12:13 AM

Why is quick juice from the fridge more fulfilling than the one from keg stand? Would that be weak juice or strong juice that is non-alcoholic? Why children can drink it? Honestly, the consistency of that euphemism confuses me.
Does teen curfew apply if they're at someone's else house?

Alunn 27th Jan 2020 10:12 AM

Can hidden skills be used as metrics in a custom career? More specifically, the hidden skills for the active Showtime careers. And if they can, will sims unlock the new interactions that came with the active career as they level up in the hidden skill (like selling albums) or are those tied to the active career itself?

MissPat 28th Jan 2020 2:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Alunn
Can hidden skills be used as metrics in a custom career?

Yes, see the Sports Career Pack by @MissyHissy:

Both the Iceskating and Rollerskating custom careers boost the hidden Skating skill.

Quote: Originally posted by Alunn
More specifically, the hidden skills for the active Showtime careers.

There is no publicly released custom career that I know of, that use the hidden skills of the active Showtime careers. Now, I assume that custom careers can be built with *any* hidden skill in mind.

Quote: Originally posted by Alunn
And if they can, will sims unlock the new interactions that came with the active career as they level up in the hidden skill (like selling albums) or are those tied to the active career itself?

So the hidden skill behind the Singer career is called "Performance Artist".
I would assume that, from a technical point, when you reach level 6 of the hidden skill "Performance Artist", the game automatically assumes that you have reached the level 6 of the Singer career since this is how things are intended to work, and therefore unlocks for your sim the "sell albums" interaction.

So I take it that, boosting the "Performance Artist" hidden skill in your custom career would grant your sim the same unlocked interactions as in the Singer career. Now, this is theoretical and it'd have to be confirmed in a test save. Things get wild when programming is involved...

enable_llamas 28th Jan 2020 8:47 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I have many stupid questions, again.

1. What could cause very weird routing issues with objects placed on walls on a community lot? The weird part being that the only affected walls seem to be those parallel to the street, the other ones are fine. So far dartboards make the sim trek to the street/edge of the lot and then route fail there. Same happens with trying to make them graffiti the outside of these walls. It's not a not enough space/weird layout issue - it's the bowling from the Uni world with some cosmetic adjustments and all of those things worked fine in the original building. I'm stumped

2. What's the deal with the IP pool bars, can't they go on when the pool is built on a foundation? It lets me place it fine without MOO, I even lowered/leveled the ground beneath the foundation to make sure it wasn't in the way. Sims can sit at the bar from inside the pool but the mixologist keeps route failing right in front of it. There are at least 6 free tiles in front and no leftover social jigs or other junk in the way. I have reset the lot many times and bulldozed/replaced from bin. Still doing it.

3. I have a bunch of cc speed bikes but they apparently need Fast Lane for the animation to work cause now my sim just stands up on the seat like an idiot. Now, I have Fast Lane but absolutely do not want to install a bunch of crap I neither want, use, or like for a single animation. Is there any possible way to extract the animation from it and tie it to the cc bikes somehow? I can install it to get it and then get rid of it again, if it's doable.

AGuyCalledPi 28th Jan 2020 11:22 PM

I have a different question about the IP pool bar. I noticed the seats of the stools clip the water surface, which creates an ugly Z-fighting effect. And yet they don't in other's people's games, as far as I've seen. How can an object be different in my game when I didn't mod it or change anything about the model?

Alunn 29th Jan 2020 4:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MissPat
Yes, see the Sports Career Pack by @MissyHissy:

Both the Iceskating and Rollerskating custom careers boost the hidden Skating skill.

There is no publicly released custom career that I know of, that use the hidden skills of the active Showtime careers. Now, I assume that custom careers can be built with *any* hidden skill in mind.

So the hidden skill behind the Singer career is called "Performance Artist".
I would assume that, from a technical point, when you reach level 6 of the hidden skill "Performance Artist", the game automatically assumes that you have reached the level 6 of the Singer career since this is how things are intended to work, and therefore unlocks for your sim the "sell albums" interaction.

So I take it that, boosting the "Performance Artist" hidden skill in your custom career would grant your sim the same unlocked interactions as in the Singer career. Now, this is theoretical and it'd have to be confirmed in a test save. Things get wild when programming is involved...

Thanks for the info. I’ll give it a whirl and see what sticks

SneakyWingPhoenix 29th Jan 2020 7:25 PM

For some reason, sims in the town tend to sink in the ground for unknown reason? What could be the cause and how do I fix that?

Deshong 29th Jan 2020 8:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AGuyCalledPi
I have a different question about the IP pool bar. I noticed the seats of the stools clip the water surface, which creates an ugly Z-fighting effect. And yet they don't in other's people's games, as far as I've seen. How can an object be different in my game when I didn't mod it or change anything about the model?

I think it may have to do with the graphics card itself and how it is rendering, may need a driver update, or there is a setting applied that may be causing an unwanted visual effect. Like tweaking the graphics card settings through the control panel, etc. Those are my guesses.

SneakyWingPhoenix 29th Jan 2020 10:13 PM

How do i find bugs to catch in sunset valley?

jje1000 1st Feb 2020 5:52 AM

Is there any way of manually forcing a protest at the city hall?

SneakyWingPhoenix 1st Feb 2020 1:41 PM

As in with an active Sim? Get them to announce one with the podium or loud speaker.

zoe22 1st Feb 2020 1:59 PM

Or nraas debug enabler might have an option

igazor 1st Feb 2020 3:49 PM

Indeed. The command is, on City Hall, NRaas > DE > Options: (Lot Name) > Trigger Protest. There is also a terrain menu command in there someplace called DEBUG_TriggerImprovedProtest, but it's one of those commands that only EA knows the purpose of so I wouldn't advise using it unless one wants to experiment with it off to the side.

SneakyWingPhoenix 2nd Feb 2020 11:13 PM

When I direct my Sim to "Travel Back Home" with the Time Portal, the action drops out of her queue everytime. So my household is stuck in Oasis Landing. And this is not the first time it happen. Resetting the object and whole town didn't help. Any solution to this problem? (Tried googling up, but unable to find the exact issue that's been address that I had found before)

Macaroodle 3rd Feb 2020 9:23 PM

So, because I'm playing CTNutmegger's version of the Sims 1 neighborhood for Sims 3, Simsville (just found out she made a not-officially finished version updated to IP available here, and I'm really excited!!) I wanted to incorporate some Sims 1-inspired stuff into the world. One of the things I wanted to try was a version of Sandy's cute wine cellar. I thought I'd make a little dining area with an LN bar and some different choices of food with NRaas Cupcake and upstairs I'd like to have a place for Sims to buy and sample nectar, so I labeled the lot a nectary. While testing it out, though, the only drink the bar offered was Spline Reticulators. Is that normal? The Sims Wiki doesn't say what kind of nectar is served on those lots. If it's normal, it's no big deal, I just wanted to know if it was.

attuned 6th Feb 2020 4:29 AM

EA coded the Late Night bars so that the type of drinks they serve is based on the type of lot it is on. While this is a nice idea in theory, like bars in gyms serving spa-like snacks and beverages, they didn't carry it through. So any bar on a lot they didn't specify drinks for only serves Spline Reticulators. Since LN came out after WA, I am not surprised that bars in nectaries only serve that one drink. If you want sims to buy nectar, you need to place a nectary register, but it doesn't have to be zoned a nectary. If you want sims to sample nectar, place some full nectar racks, but the sims will "sample" all day for free.

Another caveat, since nectary registers are manned by service sims 24/7, if you place one on a lot with closing hours, the link between the register and the service sim will break, so this is best avoided.

Orilon 7th Feb 2020 5:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
When I direct my Sim to "Travel Back Home" with the Time Portal, the action drops out of her queue everytime. So my household is stuck in Oasis Landing. And this is not the first time it happen. Resetting the object and whole town didn't help. Any solution to this problem? (Tried googling up, but unable to find the exact issue that's been address that I had found before)

The only way I was able to get my Sim home that kept happening to was have him travel to a WA World. I had an Adventurous Sim that wanted to go to the Future and also frequently wanted to go to China, France and Egypt. He frequently would get stuck in the Future and the only way to get him back to the present was to have him use his phone to go to a WA world. After he spent time in China or Egypt, or France he would be able to get back home to Aurora Skies.

I have no idea how to fix the getting stuck, just that traveling to a WA world seems to be a work around.

Macaroodle 7th Feb 2020 5:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
EA coded the Late Night bars so that the type of drinks they serve is based on the type of lot it is on. While this is a nice idea in theory, like bars in gyms serving spa-like snacks and beverages, they didn't carry it through. So any bar on a lot they didn't specify drinks for only serves Spline Reticulators. Since LN came out after WA, I am not surprised that bars in nectaries only serve that one drink. If you want sims to buy nectar, you need to place a nectary register, but it doesn't have to be zoned a nectary. If you want sims to sample nectar, place some full nectar racks, but the sims will "sample" all day for free.

Another caveat, since nectary registers are manned by service sims 24/7, if you place one on a lot with closing hours, the link between the register and the service sim will break, so this is best avoided.

Thanks for the response! I can't believe EAxis thought of what drinks would be appropriate to serve at fire stations (yeah, you want firefighters hopped up on Crazy Drinks), laundromats, junkyards (all of which came with AMB, before LN), and graveyards, but not nectaries, of all things!
... Looking at the Wiki's Mixology page, it looks like they didn't specify drinks for any of the WA lot assignments.... but they did think of "mummy drinks". That's... just... *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

I wasn't sure whether the lot had to be zoned as a nectary for sims to buy it or not - I thought I remembered reading that they couldn't buy it if it wasn't zoned that way! Good to know!

Thanks for the reminder about the registers, but I have bluegenjutsu's Merchant Hours Adjustment mod that gives service sims actual working hours, so that's one less concern I have in mind!

Again, thanks for the response, and I'll keep all this in mind when I build my new lot!

SneakyWingPhoenix 8th Feb 2020 4:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
The only way I was able to get my Sim home that kept happening to was have him travel to a WA World. I had an Adventurous Sim that wanted to go to the Future and also frequently wanted to go to China, France and Egypt. He frequently would get stuck in the Future and the only way to get him back to the present was to have him use his phone to go to a WA world. After he spent time in China or Egypt, or France he would be able to get back home to Aurora Skies.

I have no idea how to fix the getting stuck, just that traveling to a WA world seems to be a work around.

I'll have to try that. Was loosing hole nobody will provide a solution for this. Thx

jje1000 9th Feb 2020 1:12 AM

Is there any way of changing the time of day, or the day of the week?

SneakyWingPhoenix 9th Feb 2020 2:44 AM

Do UL apartments get inhabited on their own and must I manually move in a Sim to populate it?

igazor 9th Feb 2020 6:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Is there any way of changing the time of day, or the day of the week?

No. Well, actually there is a mod out there that will do this and I'll have to go looking for it, but it comes with a hundred warnings to not use it for gameplay because doing so would break everything. The game clock is required to run smoothly forward in an orderly manner or just about everything else the game does that takes any amount of sim time to happen will fall over itself and fail. The purpose of the mod is to help players who wish to set up and record poses, photos, and other such scenes that require specific time of day (or night) lighting, and then quit without saving and without really playing anything forward.

SneakyWingPhoenix 9th Feb 2020 4:01 PM

Would been cool if changing the time was in itself kind of ability to attain (lifetime reward perhaps) from ITF expansion pack.

lakme 9th Feb 2020 7:16 PM

Is Loner trait affected by pets? Basically, what's the best trait to reflect someone liking animals more than people?

SneakyWingPhoenix 9th Feb 2020 8:45 PM

Vegeterian perhaps, although not directly affiliated. Social awkward could work, if you like pretend it's a "not people person" as a trait.

jje1000 10th Feb 2020 12:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
No. Well, actually there is a mod out there that will do this and I'll have to go looking for it, but it comes with a hundred warnings to not use it for gameplay because doing so would break everything. The game clock is required to run smoothly forward in an orderly manner or just about everything else the game does that takes any amount of sim time to happen will fall over itself and fail. The purpose of the mod is to help players who wish to set up and record poses, photos, and other such scenes that require specific time of day (or night) lighting, and then quit without saving and without really playing anything forward.

Unfortunately, but thanks! You'd suppose that the game would be a bit looser regarding time since there isn't any hard scripting for dates, but I guess it's just EAxis programming!

Alunn 10th Feb 2020 6:43 AM

If I were to assign the bones of the Fixer Upper Car (the one that came with Roaring Heights) to a normal Sims 3 car, assuming everything was assigned correctly, would it work?

zoe22 10th Feb 2020 11:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Alunn
If I were to assign the bones of the Fixer Upper Car (the one that came with Roaring Heights) to a normal Sims 3 car, assuming everything was assigned correctly, would it work?

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't... The regular car would also need to have the different states that the Fixer Upper has for when it's completely broken, half done etc , as well as the script. And maybe some other reasons too?
But it might be possible to get it to work properly, with a bit (or a lot) more work

SneakyWingPhoenix 15th Feb 2020 5:20 PM

Is there a mod or whatever that would let me know when a toddler is about to have an accident? It's so hard to tell when they're gonna relief themselves without any moodlet warning with the deceiving 20% of the bladder bar showing.

jje1000 16th Feb 2020 2:54 PM

Quick question- in a savegame, is all lot data stored in the .nhd file (in the Saves)?

The .world file (in the InstalledWorld folder) is really only used to reference the initial loadup and the stuff outside the lots, am I right?

Orilon 17th Feb 2020 12:59 AM

What causes Sims graphical errors? I just recently started getting graphical errors after my sim got back from France. I never had this issue on Windows 7, but just recently started now that I have a new Windows 10 computer.

What I mean by graphical error is my Sim is no longer Sim shaped, she looks like an odd diagonal green and black shape.

Edit to Add: I hate Windows 10. There is no easy way to check my computer specs. I bought a new computer so I don't know all the specs. I think it is AMD Ryzen 3 2300X Quad Core Processer, 8 GB Ram, and a NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 graphics card.

Alunn 17th Feb 2020 11:13 PM

Is it possible to clone an interaction, modify the duplicate, and have both show up in the pie menu? Or would that override the original interaction?

Is there a limit to how long video clips for tv channels can be? If there is, can I break the clips up and have them play sequentially?

How do I change the moodlet triggered by the incense burners from WA? (Not looking to override, I’m cloning and creating a new one)

jje1000 19th Feb 2020 2:34 AM

Is there any safe way of purging a sim's retirement history?

I moved a few sims from another neighbourhood over, and it seems that the retirement history is causing crashes.

enable_llamas 19th Feb 2020 9:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Is there any safe way of purging a sim's retirement history?

I moved a few sims from another neighbourhood over, and it seems that the retirement history is causing crashes.

Pretty sure MC has a "Remove Previous Careers" or something similar under Career, it should work on retired ones too I think?

jje1000 20th Feb 2020 4:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by enable_llamas
Pretty sure MC has a "Remove Previous Careers" or something similar under Career, it should work on retired ones too I think?

This was what I ended up doing- stopped the crashing.

Still weird though that sims that were retired in one save game were causing crashes in another one though...

Speaking of which- does anyone feel that exiting a save to the main menu and loading up another save results in much longer load times? Like 2-3x as long?

Pretty weird- but I do know that it's recommended not to do so.

igazor 20th Feb 2020 6:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Speaking of which- does anyone feel that exiting a save to the main menu and loading up another save results in much longer load times? Like 2-3x as long?

Pretty weird- but I do know that it's recommended not to do so.

Actually, it should be forbidden to do so (if there were such a thing). What happens is that the RAM contents are not cleared out in between game loads like they are when the game is quit entirely and thus the data from one game can get superimposed upon the other, leading to all kinds of issues and corruption. This is an unfortunate flaw in the way EA designed things. It so happens that the presence of the NRaas Traveler mod makes it worse and more likely to break the second or further games loaded up that way.

jje1000 20th Feb 2020 10:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Actually, it should be forbidden to do so (if there were such a thing). What happens is that the RAM contents are not cleared out in between game loads like they are when the game is quit entirely and thus the data from one game can get superimposed upon the other, leading to all kinds of issues and corruption. This is an unfortunate flaw in the way EA designed things. It so happens that the presence of the NRaas Traveler mod makes it worse and more likely to break the second or further games loaded up that way.

In case that ever happens- what's the best way to reduce the risk of corruption to a game save? A total reset + overwatch cleaning?

Also- is it advisable to clear out all Worldcaches+Current Game folders in case a game crashes, or are those mostly harmless?

For some reason, my save has been acting erratically in the last few days- getting Access Violation 0x00000000 crashes out of nowhere after running the world for for a few sim-hours.

And then going back to prior saves that were consistently working results in the same issues- which is even more maddening as if those worlds got a game STD! That means a bunch of work has been flushed down the toilet if I can't get it solved >

This was a new save that I was transferring sims to from another save in an identical world (via Porter & the Library)- wonder if something got lost in translation? No mods have been changed, either.

Norn 20th Feb 2020 11:20 AM

@jje1000 It is definitely advisable to clear world caches and content of Current Game folder after a crash, especially the latter. World caches are important to clear after updates to the world file or change in CC and/or mods. Also clearing the other cache files in the user folder if you have changed sim details cannot hurt at all. If in doubt, clear thumbnail caches as well if you changed CC. Especially when building a new save while still changing stuff caches cannot be cleared often enough to prevent the game from using outdated data.

igazor 20th Feb 2020 5:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
In case that ever happens- what's the best way to reduce the risk of corruption to a game save? A total reset + overwatch cleaning?

This may sound harsh and I know it's not convenient, but my take on this is that if a save has ever been loaded from the Main Menu without having quit the game entirely to the desktop (or Origin if relevant) and reloaded first, then it should not be played forward and it cannot be fixed. Sometime signs of data overlap and corruption are obvious, such as sims who were originally ghosts with their remains long since buried are alive again and living on various lots in town where they are not meant to be or family trees are all scrambled up with pets and other items appearing on those of humans. Other times it won't be obvious at all except that maybe the game starts malfunctioning sometime later down the road.

The only time I would ever say it is safe load a save from the Main Menu without quitting first is if one needs to look something up in that other save quickly or grab a screenshot of something, and then immediately quit afterwards anyway without really playing or saving anything further.

SneakyWingPhoenix 24th Feb 2020 10:28 PM

Forgot, but what does Ownable lot do and how it functions?

igazor 25th Feb 2020 7:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Forgot, but what does Ownable lot do and how it functions?

Residential lots that are Ownable can be purchased by the player for the actively played household to have as a second home or to move into. Inactive households will not be able to purchase them on their own.

SneakyWingPhoenix 25th Feb 2020 11:17 PM

So setting the assignment to Ownable just makes it so townies can't inhabit them completely on their own? Alright.

Another question: how do enforce genies to start aging (through a mod, nrass option?) ?

igazor 26th Feb 2020 4:06 AM

I was not aware that genies do not age by default. They do live much longer lives than non-occults. Their age span multiplier is 2x, so they are meant to live twice as long as humans. This can be changed by way of Retuner, but the NRaas mod that governs aging (on/off) generally for sims is StoryProgression by way of SP > Sim (Household, Caste, Town) Options > Death: Allow Aging.

Macaroodle 26th Feb 2020 9:28 PM

For some reason, I thought I knew a way to turn CAS sims into townies, as in “homeless vagrants”. I wanted my sims to have distinctive, interesting co-workers that they could potentially date, marry, befriend, etc. (I have “Manage Homeless” in NRaas SP set to false, in case you couldn’t guess.) Turns out I don’t know how to do that, or if it’s even possible.

So I now have two households, one moved in and one still in the bin/library/whatever with a family that I’m interested in playing and a bunch of others that I’m more interested in as “background characters”.

Looking at MasterController, I see an option to evict the entire family, an option to change the sim’s autonomy (tried it, but they still hang around the house) their selectability (same), their service (irrelevant for most of them). The only thing I can think of that I know how to do would be to just stick them in a house and not bother playing with them if I don’t want to. Does anyone have any ideas?

jje1000 26th Feb 2020 10:41 PM

What causes the Sims 3 Launcher to lag after installing a package?

Had uninstalled and reinstalled a world for testing, but now the launcher window lags for a minute or so when clicking the OK after a successful installation.

Is it some bugs/bits of leftover files in the launcher caches?

Edit: Tested with a fresh directory and the launcher worked without lag.

Quote: Originally posted by Macaroodle
For some reason, I thought I knew a way to turn CAS sims into townies, as in “homeless vagrants”. I wanted my sims to have distinctive, interesting co-workers that they could potentially date, marry, befriend, etc. (I have “Manage Homeless” in NRaas SP set to false, in case you couldn’t guess.) Turns out I don’t know how to do that, or if it’s even possible.

So I now have two households, one moved in and one still in the bin/library/whatever with a family that I’m interested in playing and a bunch of others that I’m more interested in as “background characters”.

Looking at MasterController, I see an option to evict the entire family, an option to change the sim’s autonomy (tried it, but they still hang around the house) their selectability (same), their service (irrelevant for most of them). The only thing I can think of that I know how to do would be to just stick them in a house and not bother playing with them if I don’t want to. Does anyone have any ideas?

Hmm, not sure- I'm not sure if the game accounts for homeless townie families, compared to actual individual sims.

Speaking of which- I was working on populating a world, and I was wondering, is there any way of directly editing sims through the NRAAS demographic windows? I was going to make my townies by replacing them via CAS with some premades I have saved up, but don't want to wait until they all spawn in-world.

SneakyWingPhoenix 26th Feb 2020 10:48 PM

Is it possible to cure the "skin" of a genie back to their human skin when curing them from genie-ism?

Alunn 27th Feb 2020 4:15 AM

Is it possible to replace the mesh of each individual drink made with the professional bar?

And if there isn’t, can I add new custom drinks with their own meshes?

jje1000 28th Feb 2020 4:02 AM


Is there any way of limiting the number of townies generated by the game?

Or is it basically uncontrollable, and like Register's animal controls, sims will be generated but not used as long as the role remains filled?

Just curious as I want only townies I've made to be utilized as co-workers and service sims. I have around 70 household sims, but another 95 seems to generated by the game (~80 service sims + 15 townies).

igazor 28th Feb 2020 11:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000

Is there any way of limiting the number of townies generated by the game?

Or is it basically uncontrollable, and like Register's animal controls, sims will be generated but not used as long as the role remains filled?

Just curious as I want only townies I've made to be utilized as co-workers and service sims. I have around 70 household sims, but another 95 seems to generated by the game (~80 service sims + 15 townies).

Register can be used to limit the service pools under NRaas > Register > Service. This doesn't really accomplish all that much, if the game "wants" more Service Sims than the pools allow for, it's just going to generate more anyway. The point of having them already exist in a pool is so that they are ready to go when needed, even if some of them are never or rarely called upon, and some can be set to be recurring. These excess sims do not really take up any game resources to have standing by like resident sims do as they are just tiny bundles of data that almost never instantiate and they do not progress in their lives in any meaningful way.

But like other homeless sims, including homeless co-workers and Showtime street performers, Service Sims are volatile. We can control their genetics when they are spawned with StoryProgression's settings under SP > General Options > Options: Sims > Options: Immigration/Emigration (SP Population add-on module required), but we cannot really dictate who gets to be and stay in the service pools. The game does not allow us that level of control over these sims, or at least that is the general player experience.

jje1000 28th Feb 2020 3:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
But like other homeless sims, including homeless co-workers and Showtime street performers, Service Sims are volatile. We can control their genetics when they are spawned with StoryProgression's settings under SP > General Options > Options: Sims > Options: Immigration/Emigration (SP Population add-on module required), but we cannot really dictate who gets to be and stay in the service pools. The game does not allow us that level of control over these sims, or at least that is the general player experience.


In that case, do I have to have the Immigration Pressure Gauge enabled for these settings to be applied, or can I enable the immigration to alter the settings, and then disable it (assuming that the settings are still applied to townies that are not subject to the gauge?

igazor 28th Feb 2020 4:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000

In that case, do I have to have the Immigration Pressure Gauge enabled for these settings to be applied, or can I enable the immigration to alter the settings, and then disable it (assuming that the settings are still applied to townies that are not subject to the gauge?

The genetics settings on SP > General Options > Options: Lots > Options: Immigration/Emigration are for incoming resident household sims only and are gated by the Immigration Gauge -- must be higher than 0 because at 0 there is no resident household immigration to control.

The genetics settings on SP > General Options > Options: Sims > Options: Immigration/Emigration are for Service Sims and NPC Roommates. They will also (in my experience) apply to homeless Role Sims if the setting under Options: Households to Move Role Sims Into Service Household is set to True. They are gated not by the Immigration Gauge, that's for resident households and is run by a different SP Manager, but by SP > Options: Sims > Options: Immigration/Emigration > Replace Service Sims (and NPC Roommates) With Immigrants -- one or both must be set to True. This is a different "kind" of immigration than Options: Lots. Note that the Options: Sims kind will get applied to existing homeless sims, so if you already have some of your own creation in the game be prepared for their names, appearances, and possibly occult states to change somewhat.
(and again, the SP Population add-on module is required to use these features)

If you find this is not the case, although it should be, you can always turn the Immigration engine on by setting the Immigration Gauge to something that will never be reached like 1000. The town council or whatever will bark at you once a sim day or so telling you that there isn't enough immigration pressure to bring in any new households, which it sounds like is what you want at that point anyway.

SneakyWingPhoenix 29th Feb 2020 4:21 PM

Assume it's possible to change the sub-worlds (including Oasis Landing with someoneo thing), but can you like hold multiple of these rather than just one? And if so, are you allowed which future place to wish to travel (in vanilla setting) to ? And is there a way to bring a household member into the future if you forgot to select them for the trip?

jje1000 1st Mar 2020 3:41 AM

Can ownable birds from Pets fly around a room like in the Sims 2?

I wonder if a free-flying aviary/greenhouse is possible.

Deshong 1st Mar 2020 5:43 AM

Yes, birds can fly around the house or community lots and you can build an aviary/greenhouse or download one. I don't have Serenity Aviary by Joolster currently installed but I did personally check out that lot in the past and I think it is really well done. I do want to add that lot back in my game eventually. Here is the link in case anyone is interested:

SneakyWingPhoenix 7th Mar 2020 5:02 PM

Where can I share a save game file for anyone to download?

Alunn 8th Mar 2020 3:52 AM

How hard would it be for a person with no coding experience to create a script mod?

SneakyWingPhoenix 8th Mar 2020 8:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Alunn
How hard would it be for a person with no coding experience to create a script mod?

Oh, I would like to add on that: what thing is best to start practising modifying on (motives, moodlets, or whatver)?

SneakyWingPhoenix 11th Mar 2020 6:42 PM

And double posting to bump a response: is there a way to change your Sim outfit to NUDE? Need to do that for a video where somebody does mundane stuff.

jje1000 13th Mar 2020 7:39 PM

Quick question- does saving too often pose risks of corruption- or is it a problem that appears mostly through save size?

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
And double posting to bump a response: is there a way to change your Sim outfit to NUDE? Need to do that for a video where somebody does mundane stuff.

NRAAS MC should have an outfit option in the Basic Tab.

310175 13th Mar 2020 8:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Quick question- does saving too often pose risks of corruption- or is it a problem that appears mostly through save size?

I have never heard of such a thing. Just always "Save as" (I do it almost every sim day) and chances are you have an uncorrupted copy somewhere.

jje1000 13th Mar 2020 9:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 310175
I have never heard of such a thing. Just always "Save as" (I do it almost every sim day) and chances are you have an uncorrupted copy somewhere.

Hmm, come to think of it, does the .nhd file seem to inflate everytime you save/save as?

Just looking at two savefiles of the same world, the only thing I did was to delete a few objects and clear out sims' inventories (world was never unpaused during the session), but the world size still went up from 40 MB to 41.6 MB (with Kuree's Savecleaner factored in)...

@igazor- is there any way of reversing this?

igazor 13th Mar 2020 9:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Hmm, come to think of it, does the .nhd file seem to inflate everytime you save/save as?

Just looking at two savefiles of the same world, the only thing I did was to delete a few objects and clear out sims' inventories (world was never unpaused during the session), but the world size still went up from 40 MB to 41.6 MB (with Kuree's Savecleaner factored in)...

@igazor- is there any way of reversing this?

No, but honestly there isn't much point in being concerned about a bloat factor of 1.6 MB. My actively played worlds will get at large as 300 MB (that's the extreme limit for me, usually I will take action much sooner) before I worry about invoking Save Cleaner or the equivalent sometimes. And sometimes the size will fluctuate up and down a bit, especially if I happen to Save (As) right after an Overwatch cleanup or an ErrorTrap function over which we have no say in the timing has happened.

igazor 13th Mar 2020 10:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
And double posting to bump a response: is there a way to change your Sim outfit to NUDE? Need to do that for a video where somebody does mundane stuff.

The sim menu command to change to their Naked outfit is provided by CmarNYC on the adult version of MTS (its "sister" site).

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
NRAAS MC should have an outfit option in the Basic Tab.

That's a different function. The option of the Naked category always showing in CAS and its subsets like Plan Outfit and MC Stylist alongside of the other categories is optional and provided by CmarNYC's XCAS. MC will only show the Naked outfit for editing if the sim happens to be naked in live mode at the time the command to enter CAS or Stylist is run.

iCad 14th Mar 2020 12:40 AM

A perhaps odd question:

Do the non-playables in the Uni world ever actually, you know, graduate and move on...somewhere...and get replaced by new faces? The fact that this doesn't happen in TS2 -- so that a Sim can be attending uni with the same students as their many-time-great ancestors -- is one of my major annoyances with Uni in that game, and it seems like the situation isn't improved at all in TS3? At least, not in my game. I'm just wondering if that experience is normal. I tried turning off "ageless Sims" in the Uni world with Traveler and did some testing, but all I ended up with was the same students, only elderly. No one seemed to leave and be replaced.

If this IS normal game behavior, is there any way to force a periodic student turnover without annihilating everyone in the Uni world and having NRAAS Story Progression make new immigrants (Which I don't think become actual students? Or maybe I just don't know what I'm doing? I don't think I'll EVER understand all that SP does. ) or manually "kidnapping" students from the Uni world and plopping them into a house in one of my "normal" worlds to preserve relationships? I don't necessarily want my active playables to lose their relationships and whatnot with these student Sims that annihilation would cause, but I also don't really want my worlds filled with erstwhile students...

igazor 14th Mar 2020 6:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by iCad
A perhaps odd question:

Do the non-playables in the Uni world ever actually, you know, graduate and move on...somewhere...and get replaced by new faces? The fact that this doesn't happen in TS2 -- so that a Sim can be attending uni with the same students as their many-time-great ancestors -- is one of my major annoyances with Uni in that game, and it seems like the situation isn't improved at all in TS3? At least, not in my game. I'm just wondering if that experience is normal. I tried turning off "ageless Sims" in the Uni world with Traveler and did some testing, but all I ended up with was the same students, only elderly. No one seemed to leave and be replaced.

If this IS normal game behavior, is there any way to force a periodic student turnover without annihilating everyone in the Uni world and having NRAAS Story Progression make new immigrants (Which I don't think become actual students? Or maybe I just don't know what I'm doing? I don't think I'll EVER understand all that SP does. ) or manually "kidnapping" students from the Uni world and plopping them into a house in one of my "normal" worlds to preserve relationships? I don't necessarily want my active playables to lose their relationships and whatnot with these student Sims that annihilation would cause, but I also don't really want my worlds filled with erstwhile students...

It is normal. They will graduate with their degrees eventually but then keep returning for more terms to work on additional ones. The only way in which they move on left to their own devices is when they die of old age. In the real world, or whatever passes for one, we would refer to them as "professional students" and yes after a few generations we do tend to end up with a Geriatric University.

I take a combination of approaches here. I don't mind a few (not an entire world full of) elderly students who were the same ones my sims' parents and grandparents went to Uni with. I tend to make them professors by way of MasterController, which are just Level 2 Uni Students. But when what I deem to be a generation has passed, I will TA maybe around 1/3 of them who never had any real and lasting relationships to my sims and use MC > Add Sim > Homeworld to move some of the others I might care about to my Traveler mod connected homeworlds. The game itself should generate some fresh students when more are required but I'm not usually patient enough to wait for that and it doesn't always happen for me. To fill the vacancies, I will use SP Rapid Immigration and then MC to enroll them in various majors in batches sometime on the Sunday before classes begin. Incoming SP Immigrants will populate off-campus houses, not the dorms and frat/sorority houses, so I shift them around with MC's Add Sim to populate those dwellings. It's fussy and time consuming, but I still find it all fun to work through and then let them progress academically without much more help from me. And this way I get to be the one to decide how crowded or sparse Uni World will be each term.

iCad 14th Mar 2020 7:23 AM

I'm actually kind of surprised EA didn't do a better job with Uni, that they couldn't come up with something better than making it essentially a static vacation world. I mean, they kind of prided themselves on the open world, playing whole worlds at a time (instead of discrete lots a la TS2) thing, so it ought to have behooved them to make uni more...integrated, I guess? But then, the way they did it is lazier, with the programming infrastructure already there, so...there we are.

Ah well. I suppose it'd be better if I used the mods to allow in-world University? At least then the students would age naturally, even if they remain professional students all their lives. But, after lots of fooling around and experimenting to find what I like, I've settled on playing a bunch of tiny worlds, plus Oasis Landing, all linked with Traveler rather than a big "homeworld" plus satellite worlds. The game runs better for me that way, and I like being able to move Sims around a lot, into different environments doing different things, so I don't get bored with any one of them. Unfortunately, the fact that they're all tiny worlds -- 512x512 ones are my faves -- doesn't leave me much physical space for in-world universities on any one of them.

Soooo...We'll stick with doing things manually, I guess. I don't mind doing so, really; I'm used to it from playing TS2, in fact. Your method is reasonable and is probably the sort of method I'll settle on, as well. But I was missing the step of assigning new immigrant students majors, which was why I ended up with a bunch of non-students, so thanks for that tip. I'm sure it would have occurred to me eventually, but... *sigh*

igazor 14th Mar 2020 7:40 AM

There sure are a lot of places to make mistakes the way I do things, and not only with SP Rapid Immigration (although I see that one as good chance to practice with the settings for other worlds). Some of them can be really funny. If the incomings do not become or are not made to be Uni Students and you have a couple of rabbitholes in town that usually convey careers elsewhere, then you might end up with 50 new resident sims working at the Diner and another 50 being bedpan cleaners at the Hospital because there isn't anywhere else for them to work and there is no City Hall at which they can register to be self-employed.

If your current system of worlds is working well, you may wish to at some later time add one larger world to the mix that includes a Homeworld Uni. Your sims would have to move there "permanently" to attend and there won't be dorms, but then you could move them back or elsewhere once they graduate. If such a world is played often enough over time, it should progress through the generations as your others do and without EA's "Whatever happens in Uni, stays in Uni" kind of philosophy.

iCad 14th Mar 2020 8:14 AM

There is one larger (1024x1024) world in my "network," one that's more or less dedicated to agriculture, populated by farmers, hippie organic foodies, and horse people, for when I feel like playing that sort of thing. There is space in its currently-mostly-empty (due to lack of rabbitholes) "downtown" sort of area that I could probably set up a little uni with some student housing. (I don't care about no dorms, as I don't tend to use them, anyway; I prefer smaller lots that Sims don't get lost in.) It could be an ag college, like a Texas A&M sort of thing, maybe, only more "A" and less "M."

When I get frustrated with the separate Uni world, perhaps I'll give it a try.

Mrmo 14th Mar 2020 3:18 PM

OK, a noobish question: How do I solve a problem whit objects that claimes to be "in use" in the Sims 3? In TS 2 I could use "move_objects" and then delete a "stuck" object but that code does not work in TS 3. My sim have a motorcycle that non in the household can use because it is "in use" and I can not delete it either. (Deleteing the objects is last option thought).

iCad 14th Mar 2020 3:31 PM

The equivalent code in TS3 is "moveobjects on".

Or, if that doesn't work, get the Debug Enabler at NRAAS here:

With that mod, you can reset pretty much any object that gets mucked up. Which in my experience happens a lot.

And while you're there at NRAAS, just go ahead and pick up...oh....everything. Or at least ErrorTrap, Overwatch, and Master Controller. TS3's a flaming mess without them, if you play any world for anything more than a couple of Sim-weeks. *eye roll*

CatMuto 15th Mar 2020 1:49 PM

I have more of a modding question. I have the Supernatural Babies at Fullmoon mod installed. I want to know if I can alter what type of Supernatural is True for being an option for the birth. I know I could avoid getting PlantSim babies by just having Uni uninstalled, but I don't really wanna do that. I looked at the XML file, and all I saw there was changing the percentage for supernatural being likely. (I have the 100% version)
I want to remove PlantSim and Ghosts as options.

I am so-so at modding...

EDIT: Other question. Can I increase the size of the UI/HUD? My laptop has a resolution of 1920x1080, and stuff is usually at 125% zoom (otherwise, things are too small and difficult to read), but it feels like the UI is small when I put the game in window mode.

iCad 16th Mar 2020 12:24 AM

Oh! I have another stupid one!

I like playing in Oasis Landing. The only thing I don't like is the gigantic "Community Center." Actually, I don't like "base camps" in general because of all the broken, spewing plumbing and broken kitchen appliances they eventually have, plus all the trash and stinking plates the tourists leave lying around, but this one particularly annoys me because of its size. My Simming comp has an older CPU, and the lot tends to lag when it's full of "Future Residents" and tourists.

Soooooo...What would happen if I bulldozed it? With Traveler, it seems that I ought to be able to use an empty house for Sims going to OL, but when I travel there via the Traveler method instead of the time portal, it still dumps me in the Community Center as my home lot even though there are empty lots present. (Though they're all set to "Ownable," now that I think of it. Do they need to be set as regular residential instead? Hmmm.) Well, whatever the case, if I bulldoze the sucker, would this force moving traveling Sims into one of the empty residential lots instead or just FUBAR everything? I suppose I could test for myself, but if anyone knows, off-hand...

Neon 19th Mar 2020 12:34 AM

Im sorry if the answer is literally right in front of my face, but im setting up ts3 and its been a bit since ive played. Is there like a guide or full on list of things to do to make your save last as long as possible? I do see little bits of things here and there about how to, but id prefer it to be concentrated into one page. I hope I make sense!

SneakyWingPhoenix 19th Mar 2020 1:52 AM

Things I do to prevent bloated save files:
* try to delete things from inventories that I find no use.
* have memory system turned off.
* if I grow large gardens, I always have one plant per collectible planted (i.e. only one apple, one cabbage, one love crystal, one mandrake root, one wolfsbane, one kona bean, one love crystal flower, etc)
- to not play another game from the main menu without exiting the game

iCad 19th Mar 2020 2:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Neon
Im sorry if the answer is literally right in front of my face, but im setting up ts3 and its been a bit since ive played. Is there like a guide or full on list of things to do to make your save last as long as possible? I do see little bits of things here and there about how to, but id prefer it to be concentrated into one page. I hope I make sense!

This is a good place to start, both for save longevity and tips on how to make the game run smoothly:

Also, this is a good general gameplay tips/FAQ sort of thing: It's not about making saves last, per se, but there is a wealth of links to good info and stuff there. It helped me a lot when I started to actually play TS3 not all that long ago, after owning it for years.

Neon 19th Mar 2020 2:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by iCad
This is a good place to start, both for save longevity and tips on how to make the game run smoothly:

Thank you so much for the link!! This is exactly what I wanted!

jje1000 22nd Mar 2020 4:07 AM

Is it possible to use NRAAS to safely evict a Plumbot and turn it into a register/service sim?

Sort of want to try this, but a bit wary of something blowing up, since Plumbots are little different from normal sims (and the only place they're used as register/service sims is in Oasis Landing).

jje1000 2nd Apr 2020 12:57 AM


A quick question about how the savegame works- if I leave a lot unedited, does the game read the lots from the .world file in the InstalledWorlds folder instead?

Just curious, as a new savegame .nhd file seems to always be much smaller than the actual .world file, and always inflates in size every time I make a change to a lot.

As such- I wonder if this could mean if I could essentially swap out lots in a savegame without increasing its size, by making the changes in CAW (and then re-exporting the world)?

SneakyWingPhoenix 5th Apr 2020 9:12 PM

Is there a reason why one of my triplet ya Sims has "Never Aging" set on him? All three of them are witches (if that has anything to do with it)

MurderPrincessK 8th Apr 2020 1:29 AM

Is there a way, that I have been missing for more than a decade, to save a town in a corrupted save? Not the game/sims, but the town layout, buildings, businesses, ect. Probably not, but I really don't want to redo this town.....

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