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jje1000 2nd Jul 2019 9:48 AM

I had a wish about a more interesting hiring process a few years ago:

So glad something like that finally happened!

enable_llamas 5th Jul 2019 2:30 AM

I really, really wish there was some mod or fix for the fences and railings missing end posts. You know when you connect two different types of fences and one has a big post at the end that just goes missing no matter which fence and which side you drag from? Same with connecting fences and railings, railing's post just goes poof. Sends me in a murderous rage and I swear I start hearing Kill Bill sirens

LucyBorgia 5th Jul 2019 8:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Elynda
Right now I'd really welcome a mod that allows you to have some control over housemates in University Life. In my game there always seems to be at least one of them who just stands there all night complaining about being tired. They aren't stuck, so far as I can tell, and they do pretty well everything else - by which I mean they attend classes and interact with other sims. And they'll eat when they're just about to starve to death, and occasionally they'll bathe - after walking about the place for two or three days trailing pestilent green vapors. But will they sleep? Nope, they just stand there all night struggling to stay upright and occasionally saying "Ha ha ha, wagno!". Which is... really irritating, to say the least. It isn't the beds either, my sim can use them, so why won't they?. So, yeah, some way of forcing them to go to bed (and perhaps bathe) would be a great boon.

@Elynda - I don't know of any way to force the roommates to sleep, but replacing all the toilets and showers with all-in-one bathrooms forces them to stay clean. Anyone with the hydrophobic trait goes around in a strop as a result of being forced to shower regularly, but no-one is replused by their stinkiness

Elynda 5th Jul 2019 11:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by LucyBorgia
@Elynda - I don't know of any way to force the roommates to sleep, but replacing all the toilets and showers with all-in-one bathrooms forces them to stay clean. Anyone with the hydrophobic trait goes around in a strop as a result of being forced to shower regularly, but no-one is replused by their stinkiness

That sounds like a good idea, I'll try it next time I send a sim to uni. I find those all-in-one bathrooms very useful, they save space and a lot of time - especially when you've a lot of sims on a lot. Thanks for the suggestion.

KatyFernlily 5th Jul 2019 12:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by enable_llamas
I really, really wish there was some mod or fix for the fences and railings missing end posts. You know when you connect two different types of fences and one has a big post at the end that just goes missing no matter which fence and which side you drag from? Same with connecting fences and railings, railing's post just goes poof. Sends me in a murderous rage and I swear I start hearing Kill Bill sirens

These help a lot with matching up fences and railings -

tunafishfish 5th Jul 2019 6:06 PM

Shorter workouts. Who in their right mind goes and works out for 4 hours the first time they ever work out? Even the most fit, physical activity minded person will only go work out for 6+ hours if they are training for an ultra marathon or something.

No teeth sucking/gum smacking for elders.

That one child's coat dress from Supernatural enabled for outerwear.

A way to combine the Late Night bands with Showtime's singer

Kids riding bikes and scooters around in circles for fun.

tunafishfish 5th Jul 2019 6:23 PM

Oh and a random button in the stylist room so you can reroll the outfits inactives age into.

enable_llamas 5th Jul 2019 7:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by KatyFernlily
These help a lot with matching up fences and railings -

Yeah, I've had those + this one forever and they've definitely helped prevent pulling all my hair out but still don't do much for the end post bullshit There's even one of awesims' fences maybe that had the post as a separate object to add in place, but what are you supposed to do - make one for every ea + all the cc ones? That's so much additional, unnecessary crap

Quote: Originally posted by tunafishfish
That one child's coat dress from Supernatural enabled for outerwear.

EasyCASP editor?

tunafishfish 5th Jul 2019 8:25 PM

While I'm at it, I might as well make all the things I think should be available for outerwear available.

Lbillusion 8th Jul 2019 5:13 AM

I wish that sims could use their own car when traveling with toddlers or babies. At this point, I don't think it's possible for a single parent to travel at all with twins.

igazor 8th Jul 2019 5:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Lbillusion
I wish that sims could use their own car when traveling with toddlers or babies. At this point, I don't think it's possible for a single parent to travel at all with twins.

When all else fails, you could teleport them. Not realistic, but then neither is having an entire game with no car seats.

CinnamonBunny 8th Jul 2019 6:40 AM

I'd really love to see my Sims walk to their vehicle and then teleport with it to the street, rather than walking to the street and summoning the vehicle. Maybe a visual effect like a fade out or a visual wipe to sort of conceal the teleport, that would be a nice touch. (I suspect that any attempt to do this would fall apart when trying to deal with Sims holding a vehicle in their inventory on lots without sufficient parking, but I'm not an expert, maybe that's not as big a problem as I'm imagining?)

I'd also like a default replacement for the alien vehicle. I saw something like that for Sims2, where all you see is a ball of light flying around. I would love to have the same thing for 3. Some of my saves have specific themes and aesthetics that this would be very helpful for.

And seeing the names of patterns and clothing items as a tool tip or something would also be super nice!

Lbillusion 8th Jul 2019 8:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by igazor
When all else fails, you could teleport them. Not realistic, but then neither is having an entire game with no car seats.

This is what I've been doing for now. My toddlers are used to the teleporter anyway...I lose patience carrying them up and down stairs.

HarVee 8th Jul 2019 11:27 AM

I want a mod that fixes the very thirsty moodlet for vampires. When I click on it it makes the vamp sim get a regular food item that doesn't fulfill the moodlet instead of getting a plasma juice that would actually fulfill said moodlet.

tunafishfish 8th Jul 2019 2:26 PM

Or maybe clicking the moodlet would make them bite the nearest human sim or go hunting... There are a lot of possibilities that they didn't explore with that one.

EddiJ 19th Jul 2019 3:52 PM

I would love a mod for staircases where the default is to place the walls beneath the staircase whether it's indoors or outdoors. Then we can just delete the underside walls if we don't want them.

MW_thesism3 1st Oct 2019 4:13 AM

I rly wish there was a mod where we would be able to make trans/genderfluid Sims, similar to the current Sims 4 CAS

tunafishfish 1st Oct 2019 2:43 PM

Here's what you can do to simulate transgender sims:

* NRAAS MasterController to allow same-sex pregnancy, you can set it to No-Autonomous and choose the sim that carries the child.

* There's no way to choose whether they tend to stand or sit when using the bathroom or whether they tend to wear male or female style clothes. There's a lot of CC and conversions for MTF, but not much available for FTM. It's frustrating for androgynous female sims, even just from the perspective of not always wanting formfitting/sexy/short clothes. Wojtek and other creators have made most of the EA male hairstyles available for female sims. There's a few FTM hair conversions, but most of the time allowing all hairs for both genders through Master Controller works well for longer hair on male bodied sims.

*You can use custom sliders to create a more feminine or masculine body type. If you want to simulate HRT you can dip into CAS and adjust them periodically. Then put them in to CAS for "gender confirmation surgery" and switch their sex. It's up to you to decide if it's top or bottom surgery and what that means for your sim.

jje1000 1st Oct 2019 3:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by EddiJ
I would love a mod for staircases where the default is to place the walls beneath the staircase whether it's indoors or outdoors. Then we can just delete the underside walls if we don't want them.

You can sort of do it by just enclosing the exterior stair with a wall to trick the game into thinking it's indoors. But yeah, a default option would have been great.

PANDAQUEEN 1st Oct 2019 10:09 PM

*Probably, I'd throw my hat in the ring to support a "Hobbes" the Tiger of Calvin and Hobbes fame as an override for those creepy imaginary friend dolls. I'm a constant regular of the subreddit for the Calvin and Hobbes strip and I remember someone here wanted a mod\override for the imaginary friend dolls.

*Probably a magical girl mod. Since Sailor Moon is now popular again and in a number of countries, retained the Japanese names and acknowledges the fact the main action takes place in Japan, (the English dub by DiC did not disclose the exact location through removal of any Japanese writing or adding writing over something. The school that three of the girls went to was called "Crossroads Junior High" and it painted over a bas relief of an intricate design with a cherry blossom.) I think someone should have given a magic mod with more elements, different powers within elements, outfits that resemble Sailor Moon's uniform and the uniforms of numerous successors, power ups, the whole shebang that comes from the magical girl team gimmick. The ages that would be viable would be Toddler (Sailor Chibi-Chibi) to Adult (Sailor Pluto). This would be more an expansion pack at this point.

I'm kind of an expert in the subject and the majority of Sailor Moon is based in astrology, which is a pseudoscience so arguing about planetary status is moot, but lack coding skills beyond following directions to install something through XML files.

jje1000 1st Oct 2019 10:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
*Probably, I'd throw my hat in the ring to support a "Hobbes" the Tiger of Calvin and Hobbes fame as an override for those creepy imaginary friend dolls. I'm a constant regular of the subreddit for the Calvin and Hobbes strip and I remember someone here wanted a mod\override for the imaginary friend dolls.

Could be done via a default object replacement for the doll object and outfit? This is actually such a good idea that de-freaks the imaginary friend while keeping its gameplay.

PANDAQUEEN 1st Oct 2019 11:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Could be done via a default object replacement for the doll object and outfit? This is actually such a good idea that de-freaks the imaginary friend while keeping its gameplay.

Question is: How come no one got around to it? It fits the gameplay programming, it lessens the creepy clown face and patchwork suit into a plush tiger. It's perfect and it adds a positive nostalgic factor for those who grew up in the mid-1980s to mid-1990s. Hobbes was like the best imaginary friend Calvin had. He was the only one he had.

ZenGarden 2nd Oct 2019 9:52 AM

Jobs for pets

jje1000 2nd Oct 2019 4:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Question is: How come no one got around to it? It fits the gameplay programming, it lessens the creepy clown face and patchwork suit into a plush tiger. It's perfect and it adds a positive nostalgic factor for those who grew up in the mid-1980s to mid-1990s. Hobbes was like the best imaginary friend Calvin had. He was the only one he had.

Probably the reason why good mods pop out of nowhere- people just don't think about it until someone does! This is why I've always advocated for a Mod Suggestion subforum just to attract and collect these thoughts.

It's also likely that it's a significant amount of work- you need:

1. The doll
2. Child outfit
3. Teen outfit
4. Adult outfit
5. Human outfit (if needed)

That's like five different pieces of clothing that need to be made/frankenmeshed and rigged for just one thing!

Also, Calvin and Hobbes sadly isn't as popular today as it once was, and Zoomers don't really have much of exposure to it as the last strip came out in 1995.

PANDAQUEEN 2nd Oct 2019 7:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Probably the reason why good mods pop out of nowhere- people just don't think about it until someone does! This is why I've always advocated for a Mod Suggestion subforum just to attract and collect these thoughts.

It's also likely that it's a significant amount of work- you need:

1. The doll
2. Child outfit
3. Teen outfit
4. Adult outfit
5. Human outfit (if needed)

That's like five different pieces of clothing that need to be made/frankenmeshed and rigged for just one thing!

Also, Calvin and Hobbes sadly isn't as popular today as it once was, and Zoomers don't really have much of exposure to it as the last strip came out in 1995.

Although it has a cult following, I think it would be a better replacement than the clown with the William Joyce aesthetics (he was a children's book illustrator, one of which is "A Day with Wilbur Robinson", usually he drawn in a semi-futuristic manner.). Honestly, I hate clowns.

Beyond the backing of the Hobbes override...

I had more of an idea of my own of making a magical girl superheroine mod. Eventually, with source material like Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon, CLAMP's Cardcaptor Sakura and Magic Knight Rayearth and the Toei Animation writing group's Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure (a magical girl superheroine team that changes each year, each with a fantastic theme and special moral subtext.), I found it became more like a smaller expansion pack because gameplay like magical elements beyond the available, functioning magic weapons that you buy that are powered up as your female character powers up (I made the range between toddler and adult to reflect Sailor Chibi-Chibi and Sailor Pluto respectively). I had all this great stuff. But nothing for guys...I eventually took cues from my studies and made flattering male uniforms, including tuxedoes and the classic, ubiquitous gakuran button up uniform common in Japanese secondary schools for male students, stylized to fit the theme.

I even made the typical Super Sentai\Power Rangers style uniforms if you're more for superpowered and color coded.

Granted, I am new to modding and what I have made is mostly notations and inspiration boards on my phone. Currently my only skill in The Sims 3 is XML tuning.

This ended up becoming an unofficial expansion pack, albeit, a small one. Sometimes when I think about big ideas, like a Japanese superhero fan expansion pack, which it became, I have trouble stopping.

However, my favorite thing that this would include two new professions: Magical Warrior (Sailor Moon\PreCure) or Masked Hero (Super Sentai\Power Rangers) and the career outfit changes in 3-5 stages over the course of the career. You actually fight villains with magic\super powers and this gives the professions of Evil Leader and Hired Goon to the enemy side.

I probably should stop. I think I am in over my head because this requires heavy duty modding skills. The only thing I learn during the years 2009-2013 (When TS3 was being released) was XML tuning through word processors.

I never made clothing meshes, objects with function, let alone objects for decoration or modded gameplay to my advantage without the assistance of a third party mod someone else made.

I took a look at the The Sims 3 Modding tutorial section and maybe once I get free time next week, I'll sit in front of the flat screen connected to Bessie III and attempt to create simulated life from the ground up.

I took a look at the required applications and I might consider using Milkshape as warned that the majority of the tutorials are focused on Milkshape commands and input.

Besides, I still have a while right now to thinking about how to best render the outfits, the objects, special effects, the behavior...I should get on it, but tomorrow I have about 10 blood tests to be subjected to.

I hope to go forward with the project.

P.S. I am aware I said about XML tuning 3 times.

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