Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Yes, SP is enabled, and a lot of progression in the world is controlled by SP (romance, children, skills, even career progression, but not career assignment itself). I will definitely check out your suggestions when I fire up my game, and report back with any findings. |
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Is it possible that to drop a dirty pile of clothes needs floor and walls around you? and roof above your head? |
Was afraid that be the case. Didn't thought EA would be that spot on regarding details. I'll try it out and see it that makes a difference on a testing save.
ETA: yeah. Rooms required - flooring though is optional. |
I know custom traits are really hard to make, but is it possible to create “custom traits” in the form of moodlets that persist throughout a sim’s life? For example: a jealousy “trait”. The moodlet stays neutral/dormant until it’s triggered by a certain behavior, like a jealous sim’s partner talking to a sim they’re attracted to (even if it’s not flirtatious). The moodlet would then change to have a negative impact on the jealous sim and possibly unlock a new interaction or two.
Is it possible to order drinks from the ITF bartenders as well?
Or is it limited to food? |
Any way/mod I can add a DJ as a role sim to... well... DJ at my clubs? I hate that my sim has to do it. Realistically when you go a nightclub there's someone there already djing
Why is it that if I have more than one sim in the business career, only one gets to do Meetings around town and the others have to contend with only having Meetings at their own workplace?
Quote: Originally posted by BlackjackGabbiani
Are they at the same or similar job levels? Meetings around town, according to the Sims Wiki, is supposed to be a perk of Level 10 although possibly it might show up a little sooner than that. |
They're at the same level. It seems like the first one to reach that level gets it and the others get to eat crap.
I somehow messed up the usual menu on all of my food registers. In my home world they display a lot more now, like seasonal food and even wedding cake, and in vacation worlds it's the exact same, no local food available. That's a shame when your sims wants to eat some local food, so I would love to change it back. I think it is a side effect of one of my mods, but I don't remember the point when it started and I have no mod that alters food register menus as main functionality. I've nraas Traveler, Register and some more and I also have a bunch of food related mods like icarusallsorts "Cook with any Ingredient", "Eat outside restaurants", "Bartending", but actually I don't think its one of them... but of course... something has caused it, so has anyone an idea? Thank you! |
Quote: Originally posted by Smyrrna
What happens if you do a test run not meant to be saved with all mods except for NRaas removed and the scriptCache cleared (deleted)? If the behavior of the registers returns to standard, then you know the effect was caused by something or some combination you just removed and some version of a a 50/50 (binary sort) will be required to pinpoint the cause. That means put half of what you just removed back in and test. If the effect has returned, then reduce that to half of the half. If not, begin with the other half and see-saw back and forth by remaining halves until there's only one mod left to be tested. |
Thanks for your suggestion! When I read it, i thought it would be a terribly cumbersome evening. Buuuut.... no! Nothing helped. I don't get it. I removed everything, even the nraas stuff (on the second try), but same result. I even did go on vacation as the test register I was using had a clerk that was assigned via nraas register and I wanted to be sure, that the menu was not an artefact or something (even if so unlikely...). I deleted scriptCache on every new load. Now I'm really confused I think I'm not mad enough to go and start a reinstallation process because of that nonsense... strange stuff -.-
But if you have other ideas I would love to hear them :D Edit: Or.... I download even more mods *harharhar* and transmogrify every offensive counter into an Arsil's counter! *pouf* Problem solved! Well... not solved... covered *blush* |
I would have to say the next thing to try, if you haven't already, would be a redo of the no mods (or NRaas only) test on a brand new test game instead of one where you were already seeing this? Or at the very least, with some newly replaced cash registers?
Thanks for your patience Fair enough! It was a new test game, that I used, but I did the first run with nraas only still in the folder and reused the save for the second run without any mods at all. So I did it all again with a new game and even disabled all CC in CCMagic... same result.
Hm, actually speaking of issues with jobs, when I moved my sims, house and all, to a new lot, every sim I have with a "canon" job kept it but everyone with a custom job ended up unemployed. Is that a known bug? Why would the game think they were different? I alerted the people who made the custom jobs but I'm not sure if they'll ever see it.
Cannot comment on the custom career problem, I've never tried a custom career - sorry.
I've found out, that wiping off the complete Sims3 user folder under documents, helps to cure my menu bug *sigh* But I'm truely too lazy to start reintegrating all the stuff piece by piece now... My play time is limited and I want to play in it, not reloading test games. So I'm giving up on this one and save it for a time when I have a lot of free time... probably when the children are out of the house or something like that :-D |
How to assign an unemployeed a Sim with nrass as retired so they don't apply for a job while inactive? Did it in the past, but forgot how to. Or is that option not available without Ambitions installed? @igazor
It's about posing. I think it's a Stupid enough Question, but let me know if it should be somewhere else. I have been out of the game for a few years, & trying to get oriented again.
To storytellers especially -- what's your main approach to getting the TS3 poses you need? Find, build, or what? See, way back when Cmomoney's Pose Player and related tools came into use, there was a burst of a couple of years of vigorous pose creation, on MTS and throughout the world. It seems to me that this is no longer so. Yet as a storyteller I am ever in need of more subtle facial expressions, & really, everything posable. So what is the current state of things, & how should I approach the unmet need? I wonder, for instance Have so many of the possibly-in-demand poses been created and posted somewhere, that it's like hair -- mainly a matter of searching? Did poses become so easy to create that their appeal decreased, so nowadays they seldom make it through the MTS creation pipeline? ... or at any rate, do we who want TS3 poses mainly hit the tutorials, & go to work creating them for our own use? Suul-suul and yablarko in advance, Ronnie. |
So I know slow dance was reintroduced with seasons. I have seasons but uninstalled it so save space, is that why my sims no longer slow dance?
Quote: Originally posted by Mischief Managed
Yes. The interaction is exclusive to the expansion pack, so uninstalling it will no longer make the option available. |
How do you buy multiple items from the food trucks? Can you buy more than one food/drink at a time from their or from the Seasons kiosks? Thanks.
Where/how can you catch a deathfish in Starlight Shores?
How do I make custom sized lots in Edit World?
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Deathfish should show up in cemetery ponds btw the hours of 12a.m. and 5a.m. I can't remember Starlight Shores at all, been a long time since I played there, but thats where they should be. |
Is there a way for Plumbots to sell other Plumbots?
My Plumbot is striving for The Pioneer of Plumbotics statue, but he cant sell his own creations and had to call his stupid human to the store to do it for him. Any Ideas? |
Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
This raises some complex issues of constitutional law that I bet no one in the present day has ever tried to resolve (because, to be fair, why would we). Do plumbots have civil rights, relative to each other? Can they really be owned and sold off by each other regardless of who their creators may have been? In between the present day and the future world, was there ever any kind of revolution or civil war the results of which granted plumbots the ability to choose their own destinies and immunity from slavery and tyranny? If they must pay taxes, do they then get to select their own democratically elected leaders? |
How many objects in the world may be considered too much and can cause poor game performance? When resetting the neighborhood objects using NRass MC > Town > Reset Everything, it then displays the amount of objects reset. In my current neighborhood in Moonlight Falls there are 17,504 objects.
Also, what about maxed and overstuffed households possibly causing an inability to play 1 Sim day without it crashing to desktop upon trying to save or taking a screenshot? I have a few households with at least 8 Sims or less and one household with a total of 13. 2 YA's, 1 Elder, 4 Children, 4 Toddlers, 1 Adult Dog, and 1 Adult Cat. Regardless of which household I play, I cannot seem to play for long. I think I am on week 123 but it has to be possible to play in one world right without moving all Sims into a brand new one? Just out of curiosity has anyone ever reached 999 weeks and would the game even register week 1000 or is 3 digits all that is programmed to keep track I wonder. |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Well my Plumbots have yet to achieve sentience ,as the uber nanite is elusive, and currently they are equal to a walking/mobile Alexa/Siri. Once my original Plumbot is able to give true life to all his creations I will worry over such complicated (not really, pretty clear cut slavery is evil) issues. For now I just want to be rid of my extra appliances as my house is already over stuffed. I did look at Returner but was unable to find a Plumbot life state to tune...Odd. |
Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
Well, inspecting the pond didn't list nor my Sim had fished it. |
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
When you inspected the pond was it between Midnight and 5am? If it was I would suggest adding a Deathfish spawner to the cemetery from the buydebug menu. It might just be another annoying thing that EA overlooked. On another note apparently Plumbots can sell other Plumbots once they gain sentience. So at least I know that now. |
How to do prepare meal with honey? Hopefully the no pay the fridge mod didn't take away a interaction, because prior I remember it being clear how to go about utilizing honey in such way. My Sim wants to fulfill the wish.
Doesn't honey work like herbs and you add it after you have prepared the meal?
Pretty sure that's how works, not in game to test. |
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Yes, you add honey to the meal after it is done, but it is only possible for sweet food (dessert section or cake from the store baking station). This is probably why you see the option so rarely. It's called "make it sweeter!" (or something like that). Perhaps it would also work when using honey in a Stu Surprise, but this is very cumbersome when not using the any ingredient mod by icarus_allsortslink |
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
This may be a little late (fortunately that wish pops up fairly frequently). As Smyrrna said, the main way to use honey is to take a dessert and sweeten it up (which may or may not increase its quality but it will give the meal a small positive moodlet when eaten). Honey can be stored in the fridge however to sweeten up a meal, you need to have the honey in your inventory. There is only one recipe actually made with honey: firecracker shrimp/tofu (a level 5 meal if I remember right that takes a hot pepper and a jar of honey). That carries the risk like all of the hot pepper dishes: sims might get a negative moodlet- or even catch on fire- especially if the pepper used is low quality or if the meal comes out low quality (which is why I usually skip learning the pepper dishes). |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Yes to all of them. In my game plumbots are slaves to their humans for they [the plumbots] are computers. I type this on my rl slave, err "computer". |
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
Yes, but the question on the table or so I thought was not whether appliances can or should be owned by or be slaves to humans. It was whether they can or should be owned by or be slaves to each other. Granted I guess that's only a subtle difference and I am of course assuming that you are not yourself |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Well think of this this way, most dishwashers are computers. Coffee makers have computer components in them. If my coffee maker becomes a slave to my dishwasher I'll let you know. |
Quote: Originally posted by Tacitala
Hold up, what expansion is this that gives hot pepper dishes that can catch someone on fire? |
Supernatural I believe. It's the Ghost Chili.
Is there anyway I can buy City Hall? I wanna own it. Because I am mayor.
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
No, municipal lots cannot be owned as they are public and not intended to be private property. But if you want you could make a different kind of lot, a bar or lounge maybe, and call it "City Hall"? Am unsure what would happen if you then put in a City Hall rabbithole rug on such a lot someplace after acquiring it, that might be worth trying. |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
I don't think that would work. As an example, I made a casino in Twinbrook for the Rackets, and then put in the Criminal Warehouse rabbit hole - wasn't able to purchase it after nor before, oddly enough. But then again, I might have done something wrong. Wouldn't be the first time, LOL. |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Yet I can buy the hospital... weird EA Logic. |
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
I think they are just being very American. Hospitals are private business and the government isn't supposed to be ownable. The government aspect being debatable. |
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
Many hospitals, here in the US anyway, are private businesses intended to make a profit. Some are nonprofits (thus run by a board of directors, not an owner) and just under half of them are public entities funded and run by the government. So that one isn't as strange as it might look. Edit: Whoops, ninja'd! |
How can I get my sims to look straight ahead, they're heads are always tilted when I take pictures?
What part of the game makes sims send your sim gifts through mail? I would like to search for a mod that can turn this off or at least exclude the expensive gifts, but I don't know what to look for. My sims are getting rich too soon because of 3000$ paintings :p
Quote: Originally posted by mithrak_nl
You could give this mod a try. https://modthesims.info/d/500924/mo...-4-flavors.html |
Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
That's the mod I use. I find the entire attraction calls and gifts in the mail scenarios that the Seasons patch added to be ridiculous because of how random they are and I think many other players feel the same way. If my sim has truly done something generous, kind, or noteworthy, then yes I would allow someone to send them a gift to express their appreciation or affection but unfortunately it never seems to work quite that way. |
Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
Thank you!. I used the version that disabled all letters and calls.
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
I just realised that I was ignoring those phonecalls already, because I always silence the phones on my sims. I was ok with using the very cheap plants and posters that I received as gifts, but the expensive paintings spoiled my slow improving of the lot they live on. |
Quote: Originally posted by Mischief Managed
Bring up the cheat console and type in TestingCheatsEnabled True > MovieMakerCheatsEnabled True Shift-click on Sim and there will be an option that reads "Turn off Look At's" or something along those lines. |
Why does every custom default replacement eyes have to have this shine drawn into the texture itself instead of having black pupils and letting the games default eye shader do the shine? It's irritating. So many good eyes get destroyed with this false eye shine.
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
Can you give a visual example? I feel like I know what you're talking about but I'm still unsure. |
2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by LittleCheshire
Let me use BurntWaffle's Ephemera MS93 eyes as an example. In the image below you can see on the buttom left, and on the right, that the shine (white spots) are drawn into the texture itself. This causes the eye shine to move with the eyes themeselves instead of being a natural glare from the lighting, so basically you will always have a shine in the same spot in the eyes regardless of where your sim is looking and where the camera is positioned. Now we take one of my Sims using the default EA eyes. Below we can see that the pupil is completely black and that depending on where the sim is the shine changes direction which looks much more natural. |
I don't remember, is there a wish that deals specifically with wanting to cheat whether romantic interests, partner or spouse? I'm curious if such a wish exists. I remember a couple of my Sims who are married getting a wish to kiss another Sim, but wondered if there was actually a wish to cheat on a significant other. If so does it come from base game, Generations, Seasons, etc?
Also, I'm curious about the requirements in order for Sims to roll certain wishes such as break up. I have two Sims who are boyfriend/girlfriend with one infant and they just autonomously tried for another baby successfully. Still not sure which one initiated that. Thing is, the girlfriend has a wish to get married but so far the boyfriend has not rolled this wish. Since I don't play with story progression I manage all my Sims relationships depending on their wishes and behavior and prefer both Sims to have a wish to get married so I know both are in agreement. In fact, when I sent him to an indoor neighborhood pool he started autonomously flirting with a married woman in front of others. Perhaps he would rather feel better if she breaks up with him than the other way around? There have been other signs as well that he seems not invested into his relationship and maybe the reason there's no wish that comes up to break up is because their long-term relationship is in good standing or he doesn't want to be the one to end it. |
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
It's probably because many people tend to use awt's eye mesh replacement. It does away with TS3's default eye shine, so most people probably add it to their custom eyes to compensate. Tbh, I only ever noticed it in CAS, never thought it really made much of a difference personally once you brought a sim into live mode. |
Quote: Originally posted by Deshong
I'm not sure on the base game wishes, but I think Generations introduced 'divorce' and 'break up' wishes, but only for sims in the midlife crisis... I've never seen a 'cheat on' wish, but I don't play with too much drama usually, so who knows... I think in Seasons there is a higher chance for 'flirt' wishes on Love Day, but the target sim is not specified so you can interpret that the one way or the other... |
A new stupid question: What is it exactly that makes a smooth sim pregnancy? I haven't had any trait for me chosen for a long time and suddenly I had 2 not optimal pregnancies in a row... I usually just try to keep negative moodlets down but is there a metric for the outcome of the pregnancy?
Quote: Originally posted by Smyrrna
I don't know the metric exactly, but it helps to make the smooth pregnancy thing happen if both parents read (or reread) the two parental books during the pregnancy. I can see the bonus points awarded for those in the game's master tuning file, but haven't yet found a base score or probability calculation for a happy delivery. |
Will the sims 3 expansion and stuff packs ever go o sale in steam now that TS4 is sold there?
Quote: Originally posted by Smyrrna
According to The Sims 3 Prima Official Game Guide: "Mood is the best way to get the chance to select your baby traits. The happier the mother is, the better. Massage away those backaches. Indulge those food cravings. Pamper her at every chance. If the mother was very happy during the pregnancy, you get to pick both traits for the baby. If she was pretty happy, you get to pick one trait and the other trait is assigned randomly. If she was in an okay mood for the majority of the pregnancy, both traits are assigned randomly. If the mother was a bit unhappy, then one trait is chosen randomly and the second trait is randomly pulled from the pool of negative traits. If the pregnancy is a disaster of sickness, cravings, and backaches, then both traits are negative. There is one more thing you can do to affect the pregnancy and increase the chances of getting to pick those two traits: read the two pregnancy books from the bookstore: Totally Preggers: An Expectant Mother's Tale and Baby Incoming: Preparing with Vigilance. Read them both if you can." |
Very interesting @igazor and @Deshong thank you for your comments. I always thought the books have no influence because I've read it once somewhere. Good to know that they have. But it is definitely possible to get the best outcome without reading them, too. But in this particular case I'm quite sure that the mood was constantly at least as high as the indent in the mood scale thingy BUT I think she was yellow hungry once. Perhaps some negative moodlets have a bigger influence than others? I once heard the opinion you are supposed to hold all needs high and never even let them drop into yellow... it stays mysterious. Just like real life pregnancy :P
You are welcome, but just to clarify.
-Fulfill pregnancy wishes such as food cravings, going to the day spa, buying a rocking chair, rock in a rocking chair, buy/read pregnancy book, buy crib, buy toys, etc. (These are all things that help keep the mother happy during pregnancy. Completely ignoring these wishes likely results in a bad outcome. Pick and choose at least some of them to fulfill if not all of them.) -Relieve backaches by having the significant other massage them or go to the day spa. (I don't remember if the massage table gets rid of the moodlet as well.) -Overall, mood should be good but this alone does not determine whether you get to pick the baby traits. |
Do singers lose their steady gigs when switching to another household (with no SP)?
Quote: Originally posted by Deshong
Thank you! This really made it clearer to me. I will test this soon and see if these tips will prevent another set of hydrophobic alien twins |
Hi I just got back after 2 yrs, is Easy Casp Editor still broken? What do you use to edit package files now?
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Steam has sales periodically. They do sell the EPs as low as $4,99. That's how I stocked up on nearly all of them. the only ones I don't have are Into The Future and Sweet Treats (plus I don't buy stuff packs). I believe the next one is in October but there was controversy this summer because the Sims 3 EPs were NOT on sale. (I just skimmed a page about it). |
I'm not sure if this is considered a stupid question,but
Is there is a way to make mini sims and foreigners to go back to their original homes in the premade hoods? Basically, I do not want to delete them, just remove them from the list of sims living in neighborhoods. I often use the boolprop cheat to make everyone know each other, but sometimes you don't know whether they are mini sims, foreigners, townies or npc. |
Quote: Originally posted by Florentzina
If you are using NRaas mods, then issuing a MasterController Go Home command on them should help them find their way out of your homeworld. But I think it makes a difference as to whether they were instantiated (animated on-screen) or hibernating at the time, and that wouldn't prevent new foreign tourists from arriving almost right away. If you are using Register to control tourism, then under Register > Tourists we can Disallow and set the Chance of Leaving to 100. The roster of visiting foreign sims should clear out within a sim day or so, with no replacements. |
Yes, I'm using majority of the Nraas mods (still learning about them), I just find the type of sims confusing in TS3 and wasn't sure if tourists are the mini sims that exist in the premade hoods, as I already have Register set on 100.
Still setting up the hoods, so I guess I will have to wait a few sim days before checking their list (currently moving in the homeless as I know they are safe to play with but disallowed moving with Storyprogession). |
Anyone know when the "Bloom" interaction is supposed to be available for fairies?
Is it only certain times a day? Only certain plant stages? It keeps disappearing on me and I don't remember it being this difficult to use before. Wondering if I have something that interferes or I'm just crazy, of course it could be both. |
Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
For me it was related to NRaas Hybrid unfortunately It was unstable until I removed it. I think I read it somewhere to, I will add the link, if I find it... Edit: Found something even better than I remembered: link : Basically fairy energy needs to be less than 80% when using Hybrid. It should be always there if you don't have it in though. |
Quote: Originally posted by Smyrrna
Aha! This would be the problem. I haven't played with fairies or gardening in a while so I was unaware. Thank You. |
Quote: Originally posted by Smyrrna
The version of NRaas Hybrid (v11) currently in beta testing but available to all fixes the fairy bloom issue. As far as I know, no one has reported any issues with the new fix. |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Awesome, I didn't know that! It is such a cool mod! I will give it a try when I'm back to supernatural gameplay Thank you @igazor and thanks to the NRaas team for all their hard work! |
What would happen if I were to plop down a SHT stage (with proprietor placement and all that crap it needs) on an Arcade lot? Has anyone tested?
Perfect topic for my question.... :D
Is there a way to give the super-speed animation (used by vampires) or at least a ''super-speed'' looking effect to regular Sims? I want to create a speedster and having that effect would be great :D Thanks! |
Quote: Originally posted by enable_llamas
I have a setup like this right now (in Boroughsburg, inside the Bowling Alley Arcade - the stage I think is intentionally the right size for a SHT stage). It works like in a usual SHT venue. My Magician sim has gigs there (after auditioning for gigs at the Proprietor) at level 5-6 with modest success (doesn't attract much audience). Mind you though, that I haven't had any SimFest yet there, which, honestly, I don't miss. |
Quote: Originally posted by Floraflora2
That's exactly the one I had in mind, lol Excellent! I've built a Live Show venue but may not add it after all. I'll add a stage to the park so they can do low level gigs while they still suck at it And I'm doing the freelancing DJ thing as well so fingers crossed it works for them too! |
I did discover something today and I get so confused I must ask if this is normal or not.
If you click on the treasure chest on the menu of an active sim you will see the lifetime happiness points. You know, those points that your sim can use to bay rewards. I had two human sims and a horse on the same lot and while the pet had a steady number the points of the humans were climbing at the speed of the in game clock. Yes it's true, the number were raising and that constantly. What sort of bug can that be? I have no mods that effects the lifetime points. |
Quote: Originally posted by Mrmo
This is totally normal Your pet just wasn't happy enough. If the positive moodlets add up to a very good mood and the mood meter thingy is higher than the little notch, lifetime happiness points will be added constantly. I use this to collect some points for my toddlers, even if they don't have wishes yet. |
Quote: Originally posted by Smyrrna
This can be done with babies too, but it's much more challenging to get and keep their moods elevated. I consider it a success if a baby ages up to toddler with a couple of hundred (or really any number greater than 0) happiness points already. |
Thank you for the answers. I don't use to give this panel so much attention but this time I just happen to see it and found it odd. But OK, I understand. No, the horse was not very happy as it was raining (and there is no room for a barn on the lot).
Where does the game get names for fish that your Sim puts into fish bowls? I usually go with the default name, and recently have noticed a theme with the names the game is using (Elizabeth, Emily, and Garrett are characters from different video games and also the names the game suggested for the fish that my Sim put into bowls towards her LTW.)
Does getting a degree while they already have the job related to the degree give them a sallary boost? I notice they don't get jump to the relevant level instant-iniously? but I didn't pay attention if they sallary pay has changed.
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
No, and that's very annoying. Whenever I plan to send my sims to Uni after they have already been in the workforce (as YAs or Adults with full time jobs), I have to remember to try and put them in a different career to begin with than the one I ultimately want for them. And that's not always possible since storylines evolve and plans change. But sometimes I'll give graduates who return to their existing careers a promotion and maybe a Bonus (raise) by way of MasterController for all the academic effort. |
Is there a way to stop my sims from getting massive amounts of time off after getting pregnant? I have master controller and story progression, and had set it to not give them any time off (so I thought), but they seem to have gotten over 5 days off anyway.
Quote: Originally posted by dockamorpher
The SP options dictate what sims stand to get over and above what they are getting from EA as a base number, which in turn varies by career and job level. The SP values do not replace the game values, they add to them. Thus the trick is to use Town (Caste, Household, Sim) Options and set Pregnancy > Maternity Leave to a negative number. How negative a number to use depends on whether you want to see any parental leave at all or just less of it across the board. Changes made this way would only impact future pregnancies, not ones for which sims have already been granted paid leave. (SP Population add-on module required) MasterController can be used to add or take away days off already accumulated, but it can't do anything for future automatically made allotments. MC > (Sim) > Intermediate > Career > Days Off > (enter a negative number to take days off away that have already accumulated; use Status > Career to see how many that might be already for any given sim). (MC Cheats add-on module required) |
Thank you so much Igazor!
I have another stupid question. It seems like every time my game creates a new sim they get added as a roommate to my house. It’s not really a big deal, as I can just dismiss them, but I’m more-so curious as to what I messed up to cause this to happen, haha! Is this a known issue/setting in MC or SP? |
Quote: Originally posted by dockamorpher
If the residential lot on which your household is living is showing as Residential-Regular (or Ownable) in Edit Town, then this means you probably have the town's Roommate Service enabled. They need to be called up to cancel it or else whenever you dismiss a Roommate, a new one will be provided for you by the next sim morning. Asking a sim to be a roommate through social interactions will engage the ongoing service as will using MasterController's Add Roommate function. If the lot on which they are living is showing as Residential-Apartment, then there is no way to switch off the Roommate Service as that is how that kind of lot is supposed to work. This lot type (from Uni) is meant to emulate a dormitory-like setting away from Uni World. The lot type in this case can be changed, again through Edit Town, but not while your sims are living there and most players find it needs to be changed to a Community Lot type first and then Residential (Regular or Ownable) again to get the new designation to stick. |
Oh we did? That sounds fun. How about you start one?
I started playing The Sims 3 a few days ago coming from The Sims 2, I ran into some minor issues and I don't know if they're part of the game or caused by mods?
When I direct my sim to buy drinks to have with a friend, after the friend gets the drink form my sims hand, my sim gets stuck holding an invisible cup and I have to reset them; When my sim is sitting at a table with a friend without doing any other activity and I direct them to talk, they do the talking animation but don't get any relationship increase/decrease. When they're eating however, they do increase their relationship as I can see the icon above their heads; My sim's best friend died, I got the notification, the wishes my sim had related to them disappeared, however, my sim didn't mourn their death (never got the mourning moddlet), I thought that was strange; Can someone help me? Are these things normal? Are there mods to fix them? |
Hey, welcome to Sims 3
This sounds all very buggy to me. Non of these things happend to me before. For the missing mourning moodlet, does your sim have the cold-hearted reward? This would make him immune to after death sadness. Otherwise the moodlet should be applied if they were really best friends. Do you already have some mods in game ( because you mentioned, it could be caused by mods)? Have you ever tried the game without them and is the problem still there? There is a thread here that lists recommendations for mods if you are new to the game: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=517365 I would at least go with NRaas Overwatch and MasterController to keep the game playable and help you out of situations where something unexpected happens. |
Quote: Originally posted by Smyrrna
Thank you Good to know it's not unmodded game behavior, I'll try to find out what's causing it. No, my sim doesn't have that reward. I'm using many nraas mods including all the recommended ones for performance, I'm also using the fixes mods recommended in this guide (I did all the required steps on it all well), and a few other mods. I'm also playing in Midnight Hollow, and only have the ambitions and late night expansions (don't know if that's relevant). I'll check right now if the invisible cup and talking while sitting glitches happen without mods. Edit: these things still happen without any mods unfortunately (I only couldn't test the mourning moodlet one), I tested on two different worlds as well. |
Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
@MurderPrincessK: I don't qualify to host a contest at all. But we could really nicely ask someone who has hosted a contest in the past and is still active here... To host a contest seems quite time consuming so there should be at least some kind of feasibility study before we bother one of the 'old' contest hosts. Perhaps someone gets in the mood to do it, if s/he sees that there is a high enough number of interested people (if there is at all). I'm thinking of a poll thread here in this forum, like "What kind of contest are you interested in?" Building, Writing, Photography, I don't do contests - like that? I cannot do that on the phone, but perhaps tomorrow on my pc. Or do you think it is useless and we are not enough active users here anymore?
Posted under Rules for hosting found here: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=531036#host
To Be a Host: You must qualify to be allowed to host your own contest on this site. Firstly, you must have at least 20 posts (in any forum on this site). Secondly, you must have successfully participated in at least one contest on this site as either a judge or a contestant. Successfully participating in a contest means that you judge for the entire duration of the contest OR you must have made it through to the end of a contest if you've chosen to participate as a contestant. Note: Single round contests will not qualify you to host. I don't qualify if those are the rules, but if I could I wouldn't mind picking the end of year calendar photo contest back up for sims 3 only. I think if you advertised it on the main forum to let people know it was happening you might actually get participants. |
Is it possible for an elder Sim to get pregnant of an alien baby (abduction type), even if using NRAAS?
Quote: Originally posted by MW_thesism3
I would like to extend this question: Is it not possible to get an alien abduction in an overstuffed household, even if all the NRaas mods are in place to allow more than 8 sims? |
how to install at home in a package format? I'm betting on Mods\Packages, but there are no houses in the game.
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