Quote: Originally posted by ASAsims
I've never did it, but I guess TheSims3\Library should work. At least this is where I find lots installed via launcher... Wanna give it a try? |
Quote: Originally posted by Smyrrna
Thank you, I'll try. P.S it worked. Thank you. |
So I use NRAAS to compact CAS (no recolours shown until you edit colour) so that CAS loads a lot faster. But in CAS you can't create multiple outfits per category. When I go into plan outfit at a dresser, all the category filters are enabled again and CAS is not shown in compact way.Making it slow again.
Does anyone know how to create multiple outfits with compacted display and disabled category filters from NRAAS? |
Quote: Originally posted by mithrak_nl
The MC Integration module is required to extend the MC version of CAS and its changes to in-game calls for them. Otherwise they only work on instances of CAS and its subsets that are called upon by specific MC commands. |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
I use Master Controller Integration and it works when creating a new sim in edit town. But not when using Plan Outfit from a dresser to create extra outfits for a category. Do I need to create multiple outfits some other way to make this work? |
Quote: Originally posted by mithrak_nl
Integration should work on that command, that's part of what it's made for. That is, as long as the game has already fully loaded up and the game clock is moving forward smoothly before the command is invoked. But if the Plan Outfit command is going to be stubborn on you, then try a MC > Stylist command on the sim instead. The EA version of CAS and its subsets does not understand or honor the MC options. You can always tell which version of CAS or its subsets you have landed in by right-clicking on the "..." button that usually leads to Save, Quit, etc. If in the MC version of CAS, an MC options panel will appear. If in the EA version, nothing will happen. But of course seeing a lack of Compact View is another clue that the EA version has loaded. |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Stylist works Also a lot easier, because it has hair, makeup and clothes combined. Now I can create a proper Indiana Jones outfit to |
Is No Free Will in Sim Autonomy not quite true?
I'm currently trying to get a bunch of sims to sit down, but even with No Free Will, they still get up and wander off. |
Sims will still wander around a bit with free will off, yes. Though I thought if you tell them to sit on a chair or something they won't get up unless their motive's are low.
Planning to buy the last dozen EPs and SPs off of Steam once a sale hits, and google's not giving me a straightforward answer: if I buy these last few packs without having the base game on my Steam account, will I still be able to input the keys on my Origin account? I bought some of the EPs from Walmart (physical discs) and redeemed them on my Origin account, and now I want to collect the rest.
Quote: Originally posted by Primavera
It shouldn't matter. Get your cd key from steam and input them into your Origin account. |
Quote: Originally posted by KatyFernlily
That's what I hope to expect, most of the answers I get say I need to purchase the base game first in order to see the keys, so I'm a little confused to say the least haha. |
Quote: Originally posted by Primavera
You do need to purchase (another copy of) the base game on Steam first. It's not a matter of displaying the keys, but Steam will not sell you any of the EP/SPs if you do not have or acquire a Steam base game in your library first. If the sale is deep enough though, this still usually turns out to be a good deal and you can get 1,000 store points by registering an additional base game if interested. But you don't have to actually use the newly acquired base game for anything else if you do not need to. |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Ah, thank you for this igazor , just the answer I wanted. I have enough funds in my Steam Wallet to cover for one of the base game + EP bundle if a sale happens to pop up so it's not an issue, just wanted to make sure all my i's are dotted and my t's are crossed. Maybe I can gift another simming friend the base game key also. This is my first real foray with Steam because I bought an MMO through the client that I have to pay the sub for, so I'm still a newbie at this . |
Another round of stupid questions; is it safe to put my packages in subfolders inside my Mods/Packages folder by category? And what files are safe to merge (i.e. clothes, hair, sliders)? I have almost 400 files in my Packages folder which adds up to 545MB of space, which will go up because I'm installing more stuff, mostly mods and sliders.
I have three sims in the business career and none of them are doing any good at it. They work and work and work and yet their performances show as being abysmal. What's going on? I'm also having that issue where only the first one to advance is able to hold meetings anywhere but the office building but I forget what the fix was for that.
Quote: Originally posted by Primavera
Sub folders are fine. Organize before it gets out of control. Clothing, hair, buy objects, & build objects are fine to merge. I don't merge sliders. I don't merge script mods. I'm not going to say you can't do so because I'm not a programmer or a mod maker, but it always seemed like a bad idea to me. |
Quote: Originally posted by MurderPrincessK
Yes I don't merge mods, and I'll keep my sliders in their own folder then. In my sims 2 game I keep my defaults, mods, and sliders in the root folder, and for the rest I put in sub-folders. I merge clothing, hair, and cc walls and floors so I won't lose the mesh or lose count of the recolors included in the set. It seems obvious but I was unsure how to handle this. Thank you for clearing up my doubts MurderPrincessK |
Hello, i just wanted to say, that i always merge my mods with s3pe and nothing bad happend, and i have it like this for over a year now. i merge everything by category (e.g. mods, ea store overrides, default replacements, hair, clothes. sliders etc.). The only mod I haven't merged is nraas error trap. Game crashes are rare for me.
The only thing i noticed is that some sliders are not working/don't show up when merged, but that's all. Of course that's just my experience, but it's worth a try I guess. Make sure to back up your unmerged files (: |
Quote: Originally posted by Fluse
Good to know, thank you Fluse! My game is still in the testing stage as I'm switching out mods; capped my FPS to 30 and swapped out NRAAS SP for Awesomemod (I still have other NRAAS mods, like Register, Traffic, etc.). So as of right now, load times are between 2-7 minutes, 2 minutes from the initial startup loading screen, and 5 minutes from choosing a test town to play. I'll put the cc I have in folders and see if my load times remain the same . |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Having them quit the job they're about to study in, right nefore sending does work tho? As in, gives them the benefits after graduating for the job they're applying if they had quit prior graduating? Also, does promoting via mastercontrol (for the reason if they had already passed the level 4 b4 uni so they don,'t have to restart over) not negate the reward of getting all said benefits from having a degree? |
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
This becomes a trial and error thing, and will also depend on what other mods are in play. In my experience, quitting and then rejoining a career after having obtained a degree once the career has been started does not convey any benefits to job levels or salaries. Other players may see something different happen. The MC tricks are meant to address that when what we think was meant to happen, doesn't. So it's not really a matter of negating benefits if they never showed up in the first place. |
How do I condense a mod's pie menu? I'm using Deldhinor's Outfit Changer and it makes you click through an extra, superfluous menu to get to the useful bit. So, for instance, I click 'Outfit Changer' and then 'OutFits' (which is the only option) to get to the actual outfit radial menu, but I want to get rid of the middleman and just have that first click take me to the radial menu.
Quote: Originally posted by lolavaruska
Offhand, I would say that you would have to re-script the mod. But if its developer hasn't left the files open sourced for such editing prior to compiling them, even with C# in the toolbox there isn't going to be much one can do about that. Perhaps ask the developer? |
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Ah I see, I'll message him then. Thanks for the response -- I've seen you on various Sims modding boards going back years and you've always been consistently helpful! |
@igazor so with mastercontrol you can fix it so or that doesn't entirely give all the degrees benefits?
Also, does Doo Pea Corporate Tower showing up as a purchasable venue in real estate menu us a glitch or nah? |
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
I...do not understand the first question. MC is a player command center that issues one-time commands on a sim or a group of sims (do this, be that, stop being this, reset yourself, have a raise or a promotion). It has the capacity to make one-time corrections, but it does not have the capacity to make ongoing changes to careers or the benefits of Uni majors for all sims going forward. That would take a mod more like SP or the Careers mod, but neither one as far as I know will convey benefits to a sim who has graduated while already having started the target career. Going to have to punt on the Corporate Towers question. But it's not a municipal building like City Hall or a Police Station, so I can't right away see why it should be restricted from being privately owned or invested in. |
Is there a quick way to consign a bunch of items of various qualities?
I made a farmers market with consignment registers rather than have my farmer sell to the grocery store or through savvy seller. The consignment store separates items based on quality, and then I have to go back and adjust the quantities. It was cute in theory but tedious in practice. |
@igazor, about the building its a combo lot which shouldn't exist in STarlight Shores according to its name of a Sunset Valley variation of the building.
Tombs should work fine in any world; I put some in a world I made and they worked fine. Did you assign the lot type as tomb?
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
Perhaps you could use MC on City Hall or an in-game computer to locate and flush the remaining laundry machines, even though they are on a hidden lot? NRaas > MC > Object Stats > (try Non-Inventory, Local, Global on the filters) > and select to Flush. (MC Cheats module required) If there's no laundry facilities in a world, then there is no doing laundry requirement. |
Well done @Wojtek , glad you got it working!
You can place a second school and assign half of the children to it. NRaas makes it possible: https://www.nraas.net/community/Sto...o-I-set-that-up
There is also an edit for more slots in rabbitholes doors somewhere out there as far as I know, but I'm not quite sure, where that was... |
The only way I could do this was to have more than one school, and assign the kids to their closest schools. Edit: Ninja'd, I was far too slow!
Quote: Originally posted by Wojtek
The third school is not necessary under this option, unless the player really does want three schools. If you use Caste: Disallow on Children for the secondary school and Caste: Disallow on Teens for the primary school then adults can still get into either. It's just that many players would have to first define a custom caste for Children, as they might not already have one. But it's Caste: Require on both that would otherwise restrict YA and older sims from engaging in the education career and using the school rabbithole for its other intended purposes, like taking a painting class. Personally I use a combination of all three methods in several of my worlds -- multiple standard schools, Careers mod custom schools and Homeschooling to relieve some of the stress, and the entry mod. One such world had over 90 kids/teens at one point, and after some work and watching over things it was all fine (until prom night arrived and over 75 teens tried to converge on one school all at once and hopelessly clogged up the subway system, but let's not talk about that mess...) |
Not sure where to ask, but whats the safest way to move in a ghost with mods?
I want to move in Agnes Crumplebottom's husband Erik, but didn't want to go for the vanilla ghost opportunity way. Is it safe to move a ghost in with Nraas Master controller? |
I have spent hours and hours and hours looking for the nectar maker. I looked in buydebug, I looked in community objects. I looked in buydebug again. I looked in community objects again. I saved the nectary from france and put it in my world. I tried using the eyedropper to see where it landed in the catalog-community objects, but it wasn't there. I looked and looked and looked. I looked again. I hadn't played any characters yet, so I took a random playable to the nectary and had them buy them. I couldn't get them out of his inventory to place them in the community nectary where I wanted them. I made him buy the lot. Still couldn't enter buybuild without going to the home lot. Invoked "enable buybuild on lot." Still no dice (maybe forgot to unpause but at this point I'm too mad to go back and try it again)
I know you can have a nectary that's just a retail outlet, but I want that nectar maker in there. I'm seething from frustration. Here's the actual question: if you've ever used the nectary from the catalog, what was it sitting next to? What were its neighbors? Because scrolling up and down the little pictures is getting me nothing but an aching neck and sore eyes. And/or, does anybody know of an unlocking mod for it so I can find it in the regular catalog? |
Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
In my game, it's under the ?-category (buydebug) in Buy Mode, Misc. Objects, filter to WA content, then it's about 5th from the end at §1,500. I have some cross-categorized CC there, so fifth from the end might not be exactly right for others. Its neighbors are the Little Boy Incense Holder and some magic gnomes to the left and the Fortune Cookie Machine to the right. It's admittedly more difficult to spot without using the EP filter, then for me its neighbors are the Hover Bed to the left and Memorial to a Magic Gnome (whatever that is) to the right. |
what is the TNS?,. |
Thank you again, igazor, that did the trick. I am embarrassed to admit I didn't know you could filter by expansion pack. This will prove handy in the future, I know! And now I have a gorgeous little modern nectary right in downtown Lucky Palms.
English is not my native language and I struggle with understanding if this mod below includes the store lasagna oven and pie baking station? Could somebody help explaining please?
https://modthesims.info/d/548787/co...ngredients.html |
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
Thank you |
I was sure I had seen a more or less indepth discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of different kids of lot zoning for community lots but I can't find it. (the search engine here is not up to the demands of the site, I regret to say). I want to use bits of various mods to make a flea market sort of thing in the Lost Lake area of Lucky Palms, and I'm deciding between calling it a Market, Visitors Allowed, A Park, a Consignment Store, or a Hangout. I know a "hangout" is closer to a bar than a fla market, but I thought maybe if it had some fun objects it might draw an amount of sims? But apart from a few details I don't know what the different types of venues demand from or supply to the sims who come to them.
Also I remember when I played before I had more than 1 lonely buffet table and a lot of them were custom, but aren't there a few more? I have tons more stupid questions but I feel I should ration them. |
Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
I think you mean something I asked on MTS myself a while ago about lots, look at the last comment in this thread. See if that is helpful : https://modthesims.info/m/showthread.php?t=632842 |
My question is does jealousy LTR still work? I was looking on the wiki here: https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Lifetime_reward for the No Jealousy LTW, and a note with that reward is this: "(Note: this has lost its functionality since Generations)".
So does that mean that it does not work at all? Is there something else I can use to stop my sims from being jealous when my sim is a flirty bum? Or does that reward still work a little? |
Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
Hello, Lucy! This is the thread that I found very educational about community lot-behavior: https://modthesims.info/showthread....5#startcomments (Contrary to its title, it's not only about LN bars, but all types of community lots; about traits that they attract, rabbithole + lot zone combo ideas, etc.) |
Thank you, Floraflora2 & the others too. I've read all the threads now & I've hopefully downloaded something that will let me read spreadsheet files (this is a new-old frankensteined windows 10 machine with bits purchased from the local university's surplus warehouse, so it's strong & capable but came with no software except a windows 10 that has a fat watermark demanding reauthorization, which I will in fact do after the first of the month).
Quote: Originally posted by chokolady
I don't know about the LTR being broken, but you can use NRaas Wohooer for sure to set the Jealousy Level: https://www.nraas.net/community/Rel...ge-The-Settings |
Quote: Originally posted by chokolady
Technicaly it does still work as intended, ie if sim A walks in on their partner having relations with sims C they won't react right then. However it sort of gets bypassed by the reputation system. So if (when) rumers about sim B and C start to spead and sim Bs reputation is affected then Sim A will get angry about being cheated on. So in order to be completely covered you would need to purchase both no jealasy and Above reproach LTWs. |
Where is the game's registry entry for both, origin and steam, directories can be found?
Also, is there a way to trigger imaginary friend doll appearing with MasterControl? |
I assume that this is a "stupid question" since I do not know everything about the mods and how they works in game. But let me tell you a short story...
...Today I did return to TS3 after a Very long time. I jumped back into Sunset Valley and my family of three female (two adults and one young adult). I did send the YA to the university but before we go on I will point this out: I have been playing in the Uni world before but back then I did not have any NRaas mods installed. But I do have a few now. So my sim did arrive at the uni and a warning message popped out: Nraas Overwatch Script Error NRaas OverwatchSpace.Loadup. Cleanup Relationships Oh...OK?!? What...? Is this a normal thing or did anything go wrong? I did not backup my game after saving so I could replace my game folder if I must. I do not know how close the sim and her "extra" mother is but in the relations bar they were quite far off, only knowing each other briefly. So, is this OK? If so, I peace whit it. If not, I will need help... |
You should take this script error and upload it to the forum at Nraas: https://www.nraas.net/community/errortrap-discussion
It's really the best place to discuss it! I've had tremendous help doing it that way--but nobody here has the expertise to interpret your script error. To keep from double posting, have an edit: 2 more stupid questions about the catalog: for Showtime users, where in the catalog do you find the mechanical bull? for Store content users, where in the catalog do you find the Milkin' It Dairy Corral? |
Mechanic bull should be under electronics>misc sort by item, if not indoor activties (basically where excercise equipment found).
Don't have Mikin'i it, but I would assume try outdoor activities (rugby ball icon)? Or grill. |
I know you meant it well, but I did not ask "hey, people who don't use these things, whereabouts do you think they maybe might be found?" I asked people who actually have used these things to tell me where in the catalog they actually found these things. Because I have spent two or three hours a day for the last week and a half looking for them, and I can't find them. I have gone so far as to uninstall and reinstall the cowshed so many times I have lost count, and still nada. I have been having a lot of difficulty getting the store items to install on my new computer, and the cowshed is the last one that I can't find anywhere. I'm hoping if someone can tell me where they see these things-not just the category, but what items are near them, I might see something I missed before.
Edit, addressed to everybody: I have in fact looked in all the functional and decorative categories multiple times, and still not found these items. So anybody thinking of telling me "It might be in thus and such category," please don't. The actual only helpful advice is on the order of "In my game I see it next to this particular item." Seriously, I have been through all these categories over and over, and also, thanks to igazor, I know about filtering by pack or store, and I have done this, and still-no. I know Showtime is installed: everything else from the pack that I know to look for is there. I checked to see if the bull was special content like a pre-order gift (no). I've checked every way I know that the cowshed is properly installed, and the Launcher certainly thinks so. And again,it seems to be the only store content I can't find. I know I own it, and I've played with it on other computers. I don't mean to be ungrateful or cranky, but you see my situation. Another edit! In case anybody else is having this problem or is as obsessed with making a butter and egg ranch home business as me: I found the cowshed, light of my life in outdoor activities>filter by store> between the rock climber & the hot air balloon (close to the end). Still have not found the mechanical bull, alas. |
Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
Some functional store items can be found at Entertainment> Misc, Decor> Sculptures or even Decor> Misc. It's ridiculous >/ |
Quote: Originally posted by Mrmo
Overwatch detecting duplicate sims in a foreign world and attempting to resolve that is normal. The script error might or might not be, we would need to see the script log (at NRaas, not here) as said to help determine that. |
Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
The mechanical bull, for me, is under Entertainment > Sporting Goods. It's not difficult to find there because at §9,500 it's the most expensive item and therefore appears at the end of the catalog list whether it's filtered or not. The actual name of the item is "Buck & Chuck Bronco." On the By Room view I can also see it under Study > Hobbies & Skills again pretty close to the end of the list because of how expensive it is. Is this not the object you are looking for? The Dairy Corral is under Outdoors > Outdoor Activities and is §2,300. For me its neighbors (unfiltered) are a trampoline to the left and a strangely categorized television, followed by the snowboard course from Seasons to the right. Filtering to store content wouldn't be as relevant since we might have different sets installed. I can also find it under Decor > Sculptures. (Edit: oops sorry, you already found that one) |
Thanks again, igazor. I'll look for the bull tomorrow, when I undertake the Adventure Park and the Casino/Fancy House lots. But I finally got my Butter and Egg Ranch built, and that makes me really happy. (I have not moved any sims into these home business lots, I have no idea whether it will actually work for me to play them in a loose and sloppy rotation or not, or whether my active sims will be able to be customersat them, I wuill find out).
You do know you can see the location in the catalogue for store items at the store? It says the corral can be found by location - Room>Outdoors>Outdoor Activity or by function Function>Decor>Sculptures. As you didn't explain your situation properly in your first post your second post is a bit rude. We can't read your mind and do not know what you have already been looking through. I am pretty sure it is located closer to the end of the outdoor activities as it is higher in price and the catalogue sorts it by price, as I can not use my game right now I can't tell you exactly where.
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
OK, I understand. My TS3 game is on an other computer and I will not set it up now. But I will check by the end of next week if I could track down the error log. |
Is there some secret mechanic to the kids' bake sale table? My kid always rolls wishes to sell stuff from it and when I set everything up no one ever buys anything. Last time I even had the kid max out the children's cooking skill, have batches of perfect goods and stocked it with every kind that can be made, set prices for everything and plopped her down at the festival. No customers. After a couple of in-game hours I got annoyed and dragged about 20 random sims from child to elder to the lot via MC. It was packed with people and still nada.
Now that I think about it I don't remember ever getting it to work. Is it borked or am I missing something? |
Well that is something I want to know! There is this baking report or something in the newspaper that is supposed to give you an idea on what baked good is currently trending on the streets
But I've never had any luck with this either... Is it perhaps possible to tune the attraction of the stand with Retuner? I guess its advertising value just isn't high enough. |
I've never had any trouble with it really, but then I only ever have them set up bake sales at home out on the front lawn or something. But Sims definitely get pushed to my lots if it's set up properly. Are both of you setting the cookies out on the table and then having them tend it as well? I can't think of any other reason it wouldn't work.
It seems counterintuitive to getting more customers, but I almost never set them up at the park. My reasoning is that there's too much else there that other Sims can get distracted by, so it's usually not worth it lol. Edit: Also, they sometimes won't buy anything even when they do show up. I've had a couple of Sims spend like an hour looking at the stuff, then walk away without buying anything and saying they're "on a diet." |
Lol mine never even came near the table at all. And I read the baking report and stocked every possible kind of goodies there was. I've never thought to try it on the home lot, will do. There might be something in the Retuner suggestion, I'll poke around to see if you can make it more attractive cause right now it plainly sucks.
For that matter, how does the lemonade stand work? You're supposed to put it in the yard and wait for people to come by, like a real one, right? Why do I never have any visitors? Why can I stock it with anything and everything?
Is there a way to give all the male sims in a town varying levels of body hair without having to take them all into CAS individually. I do have the NRAAS suite of mods, I just don't know where to click.
How do you deal with school crowding?
Is it possible to mod floors and walls to be capable of being consumed by fire?
Metaphorically speaking, what exactly are ghost babies? Miscarriages? Or just infant-sized globs of ectoplasm?
Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Well see, when two adult ghosts love each other very much (or have had too much to drink, perhaps -- do ghosts drink?), they might choose to give each other a special "hug." And then a short while later...you know, somehow I have the feeling that this isn't the explanation you were really looking for. |
Why do some sims suddenly lose their hairstyles? I found one sim who lost his glorious hair and the hair was suddenly nowhere to be found, and another one whose lost hair was right in the CAS menu unchanged.
But it is kind of accurate. They are babies had between two ghosts or any other sim and a ghost. It is an occult type passed on like vampire or werewolf, etc. Babies generally can't die in normal game play, toddlers either. There aren't miscarriages in 3 that I am aware of either.
I'm not sure if it's been asked before,
but does anybody know how to set up Nraas SP + Woohoer so that teen can have romantical relationship with young adults, not adults and elders? I don't like when my older sims "stealing" the remaining teens in my game and I don't want to add more sims through non-resident options (cas, foreigners, tourism etc, I prefer them to populate with the residents ONLY), but at the same, I don't see how teens can continue their relationships with their partner when one of them grow to YA. |
Quote: Originally posted by Florentzina
This game isn't about what "we" like and don't like. We exist as a mere convenience to amuse our sims and keep them happy. It's a common misconception that things are supposed to be the other way around, but anyone who has played this game long enough must realize that's just not true. On a slightly more serious note : http://www.nraas.net/Woohooer-FAQ#H...Adult-relations Woohooer does not differentiate between YAs and older, they are all too young, teens, or adults to the mod. If you want to be selective about who is supposed to be allowed to flirt with and romance whom by age group more granularly than that, then StoryProgression should be set up to allow (or disallow) Flirts and Romance between specific age-defined castes. |
Well, everyone play the game differently and I'm one of those gamer that DECIDE what my sims do....and for me that's semi-realistic gameplay where relationships tends to rather balanced (a few weird romance here and there does not matter as I find that fun, but to the extent that you force your sims to have more kids, so majority of the older sims have something to date can be a bit overwhelming. I used to have a shortage of females where I had like 30 single males and 8 females. The females always end up dating the widowed middle aged while the teen boys wanted sugarmoms). I also play heavy on realistic aging (determine what human age a sim would be buy counting the simdays as years), where it's kinda cringy seeing a 13 year old boy dating a 45+ year old on a DAILY basic, especially their STEP-parents. :P I think I know which setting I forgot, I always tweak the woohoo/pregnancy ones but not the flirts (how would they woohoo if they cannot flirt first? ). I have SP flirts/pregnance disable with non-residents and elder females, because my previous saves, the elder females got knocked up constantly. |
Quote: Originally posted by Florentzina
You can try to play it that way if you want, but trust me you are bucking the trend. Honestly, it is we who do what our sims decide to get us to do. The thing with the worlds full of age-imbalanced couples is just another example of your sims messing with you, to see what your reactions will be. They are devious, clever little critters who always try to get their way and often succeed, at other times they are merely conducting complex behavioral experiments on us while making us think we are the ones in control. I mean, another example. For those of us who have them in play, did we really pay to have things like mixology, show business careers, roller coasters, playpens, cute pet animals, bakeries in our games to make US happy? Or did our sims convince us to acquire these things to make THEM happy? |
^^This is what I've missed. It certainly isn't game lag.
I cannot for the life of me find an answer to this question... is there anything besides tents that you can’t put into WA treasure chests? I am scared to lose some things, mainly fish my sims have caught while during travel & seeds/produce they’ve collected abroad.
Quote: Originally posted by SimyourLife
All of the above are fine, and of course by sims logic you can keep fish in a chest for a year and it still won't spoil - go figure. If you're traveling you may want to take them out of the chest and separately put them in the family/personal inventory, cause iirc just plonking the whole chest full of stuff inside can cause issues during transition. Tents also won't disappear on anything btw - it's your lot thumbnails that will go missing. |
What's with the mine entrance I see in buydebug? I think I saw two different ones. I never played the adventure in WA, so I figure they're related to that situation. But I've never seen discussion of mines the way I've seen discussion of tombs, for example. Is building a nice functional mine possible? What does it entail? Also, do you use the mine entrance in conjunction with the miner machines I see in buydebug? Do you salt the mine with mineral and gem spawners? So many questions. I'm thinking a mine would be perfect for Lucky Palms, if it works the way I've imagined it in my head.
Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
This lot sounds really cool. The boarded up mine entrance is a world decor object from the base game (it's in the mountains in Sunset Valley). If you go into the map and look for the mine entrance there's a U shaped clearing in a valley that has the entrance at the back and you can usually find metals around there. I think its also placed in Riverview, but don't know off the top of my head. I don't think there's any metal crafting stations for TS3 the way that modders have made for TS2. But yeah you could totally use those debug items and rocks and build a mine to find metals and gems. That would be really cool! You could even put a few down and have some things spawn in some locations and not others. |
So the mine entrance is just a decor item? It doesn't lead to a tomb-like thing? That's fine, I'll do what you've described probably.
I remember there's something you do with the metal and mineral finds. Do you mail it away and it gets sent back as bullion? Or just take it to the consignment store? The gems I remember can be either sent away to be cut or cut in the Gem-U-Cut machine. I don't know whether you can use those gems in the Artisan Kiln store item, or whether those gems are just hammerspace items unrelated to what you can find. But I did put a gem-u-cut and an artisan kiln into Las Palmas Fortunadas Arts Center anyway. The optics are good even if they don't enhance each other. Same reason I put the sculpture station next to the artisan kiln. |
You send the metals off and they return them in bar form. You can sell them raw or as a bar at the consignment store with Consigner. I don't think I've ever used the artisan thing.
Anyone got some links saved up regarding choosing your gaming rig setup for TS3? Recommendations, requirements and all that from players. Please do leave them here so I can find it under one place when needed
what do the giant dew flowers from ITF do? besides look neat. I feel like I remember them doing something.
I think they make sims act funny.
Is there a way to release caught fish, like you can release caught bugs? I don't see an option when clicking either fish or water. I just want an immersive way to get rid of catches without selling them or stocking a pond.
Yes, what @Mirin Sagesato said, but I think you have to have around 10 of each fish to be able to stock a home pond.
What did they used to call devs before they started calling them Simgurus?
In Sims 2 they were 'Maxoids'.
We had a couple of Maxoids active on this forum in the early days; Maxoid Tom is the one I remember best. He sometimes gave technical information, invaluable during the days when the early tools were being developed.
Another question- for anyone using the transmogrify mod (https://modthesims.info/d/592332/th...t-changer.html), is it possible to transmogrify rabbitholes?
I want to transmogrify the resort tower rabbithole onto the smallest resort rabbithole. |
Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Yes it is possible. Actually, I do it all the time. I usually take the UNI buildings and turn them into a normal school, a city hall and an office/business building. I've also used a different rabbit hole for the fortune teller, the army, etc. The only thing that doesn't change, is the name of the rabbit hole. If you turn... hmm... let's say a crypt to something else, it will change but it will also still say in the message popup that Mr. Smith got a new job from the crypt, instead of food store or whatever the crypt is after the change. Easy thing to ignore, really. |
Thank you! There's a few buildings I like the looks of but I wish they were other things-and rabbitholes whose buildings I really don't like or find inappropriate to my worlds, like the humongous brick city halls and elementary schools. That adobe military base looks a lot like schools where I come from. Though I'm not sure I'd like my education career sims to be "getting a job at the military base!"
Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
I know. It does sound a bit odd. I haven't really looked into changing existing rabbit hole names, so I'm not sure how easy or hard that would be. Maybe MC could do it? Just a thought. |
I'll definitely look into that! I think it might be hardwired though, now I think of it. My story progression notes for the journalism career mention "Doo Peas" business center, even though the rabbithole is an EA one with a different name.
Re: rabbithole names, it's a while since I've played Sims 3 but here's a note from when I was building one of my worlds:
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