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Job Seeking Noticeboard - Translation help required
I got a suggestion to add other languages to my Job Seeking Noticeboard
![]() There are only four strings that form part of this object, so I thought I would have a go at getting other languages supported. In fact one of the strings was identical to that used by the computer and newspaper "There are no more jobs available today". So I could grab the translations directly from that string set in the game. I noticed in doing so that the following languages were just english, so I don't intend to provide translations of those in my object either. I'd be interested to know if these languages are normally provided by the game if there are any of these language natives playing with an installation in one of these languages.
Edit: Have sussed out how to get Asian character sets on my machine now, so was able to make use of the Simplified Chinese translation that Angella provided and can accept the others too.
Given that English is the only spoken language I can really lay claim too (I know lots of programming languages but they don't really help me on this one!) I would be most grateful if there were any of you out there that were able to provide translations for me. I will give credit to any people who help, in my object thread posting. The text strings that need to be translated are as follows:- Title (used for both title in dialog and catalog object title "Job Seeking Noticeboard" Catalog Description "Looking in a newspaper is unlikely to find you your dream job. Come to the Job Centre and all your dreams (of jobs) will come true." Menu action string "Find a Job in..." Cheers Mog |
here is the correct traduction, i hope be a help for you:
"Job Seeking Noticeboard"- "Panel de búsqueda de empleo". "Looking in a newspaper is unlikely to find you your dream job. Come to the Job Centre and all your dreams (of jobs) will come true."- "Buscando en un periódico es improbable encontrar tu empleo ideal. Ven a la oficina de empleo y todos tus sueños/deseos (o trabajos) se harán realidad". Your keyboard don,t have letter "ñ", i think, so i change sueños(dreams) for deseos(desires). "Find a Job in..."- correctly. In spanish is "Encuentre un trabajo en..." any question, say me, please. |
Quote: Originally posted by simmary
Many Thanks simmary - I have captured your translations to put into my object. When I upload a new version to the main thread your name will be credited. |
===== English: "Job Seeking Noticeboard" German: "Job-Suche Anschlagtafel" Catalog Description =================== English: "Looking in a newspaper is unlikely to find you your dream job. Come to the Job Centre and all your dreams (of jobs) will come true." German: "Mit einem Blick in die Zeitung ist es eher unwahrscheinlich, dass Sie Ihren Traumjob finden. Kommen Sie zum Job-Center und all Ihre Träume und Wünsche in Bezug auf Ihre Arbeit werden wahr." (If you want you can write "Arbeitsamt" and not "Job-Center". But in Germany it's "cool" to use englisch words, lol ![]() Menu action string ================== English: "Find a Job in..." German: "Finden Sie einen Job in..." --- EDIT: I forgot to ask, you want a formal "you" or a familiar "you"? Because we say "Sie" to a strange person, and "Du" to a friend. see here: http://german.about.com/od/grammar/a/Siedu.htm Maxis use a familiar "you": Title ===== English: "Job Seeking Noticeboard" German: "Job-Suche Anschlagtafel" Catalog Description =================== English: "Looking in a newspaper is unlikely to find you your dream job. Come to the Job Centre and all your dreams (of jobs) will come true." German: "Mit einem Blick in die Zeitung ist es eher unwahrscheinlich, dass du deinen Traumjob findest. Komme zum Job-Center und all deine Träume und Wünsche in Bezug auf deine Arbeit werden wahr." Menu action string ================== English: "Find a Job in..." German: "Finde einen Job in..." |
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A French translation..
Title ===== Bacheca delle offerte di lavoro Catalog Description =================== Semplicemente guardando sul giornale, è improbabile trovare il lavoro dei vostri sogni. Venite all'Ufficio Collocamento e tutti i vostri sogni (riguardanti il lavoro) si avvereranno. Menu action string ================== Cerca lavoro nel campo... |
Many thanks to Isus01010 (via PM), Cytron, pixelhate and Numenor. Your translations are very much appreciated.
I have now decided that Bablefish is not the way to go - my policy is now to only put in translations from native speakers. |
Hi! Here's the Brazilian Portuguese translation.
Title: "Painel de Busca de Emprego" Catalog Description: "Procurando num jornal, é improvável que você encontre seu emprego dos sonhos. Venha ao Centro de Empregos e todos os seus sonhos (profissionais) serão realizados." Menu action string: "Encontrar trabalho em..." |
Nástěnka hledání zaměstnání Catalog Description Při hledání v novinách, je nepravděpodobné, že najdete svoji vysněnou práci. Přijďte do 'Pracovního centra' a všechny vaše sny (pracovní místa) se stanou skutečností. Menu action string Najít zaměstnání v... |
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Dutch version attached
Many thanks to prudencechan, Mamonek and leesester. Your translations are gratefully received.
Simplified Chinese
Here's the Simplified Chinese translation
Title "Job Seeking Noticeboard" 职业介绍公告栏 Catalog Description "Looking in a newspaper is unlikely to find you your dream job. Come to the Job Centre and all your dreams (of jobs) will come true." 在报纸上很难找到你梦想中的工作。来职业介绍所吧,你所有梦想的工作都将实现啦! Menu action string "Find a Job in..." 寻找工作… |
Many thanks Angella - I have worked out how to get Asian character sets on my machine, so am now able to use your translation correctly. Wonderful!
Would you like an American English translation, to go with your UK English text? If so, just change Centre to Center, and I believe the rest will pass.
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Quote: Originally posted by GeneralOperationsDirector
I never thought of that ![]() You've just missed the cut for the updated object - if I get any more translations, I will add a US English just for you. Thanks ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by GeneralOperationsDirector
HAHAHA! That's funny! |
Here's Finnish for you
![]() Title "Job Seeking Noticeboard" = Työpaikkailmoitustaulu Catalog Description "Looking in a newspaper is unlikely to find you your dream job. Come to the Job Centre and all your dreams (of jobs) will come true." = Sanomalehden selailu ei todennäköisesti auta sinua löytämään unelmiesi ammattia. Tule Työtoimistolle ja kaikki unelmatyösi käyvät toteen. Menu action string "Find a Job in..." = Etsi töitä alalta... |
In Swedish:
Title "Anslagstavla för Arbetssökande" Catalog Description "I tidningen lär du inte hitta ditt drömjobb. Kom till Arbetsförmedlingen och alla dina drömmar (om arbete) kan bli sanna!" "Arbetsförmedlingen" isn't really a vocabulary word, you could change it to "Jobbcentret" which would be the Job Centre in direct translation. However, in Sweden "Arbetsförmedlingen" is the authority that manages job offers and helps to find an occupation for the unemployed. Directly translated it's the Employment Management, which sounds a lot more professional and all, to my ears. ![]() Menu action string "Sök ett jobb inom..." |
Title "Oppslagstavle for Jobbsøkende" Catalog Description "Å finne drømmejobben din i avisen er usannsynlig. Kom til jobbsenteret, og alle dine ønsker og drømmer (om jobber) vil bli sanne." Menu action string "Finn en jobb innen..." |
Re. the list of languages from Hebrew ... Vietnamese.
I noticed these exact same list of languages was broken in the school chance cards too. Not only were they in english, but the strings were in the wrong slots. So if there are people using these languages, then I'd guess they have some other localized distribution. Just think, we'd have less CD's to install if they actually removed all that redundent crap ![]() |
I never play the game in non-English, so translations may not exactly match the game's, but at least they should be [more or less] linguistically correct
![]() Russian Title "Доска открытых вакансий" Catalog Description "Вряд ли вы найдете работу вашей мечты в газетах. Приходите в Центр Занятости, и все ваши мечты (о работе ) сбудутся." Menu action string "Искать работу в области..." Ukrainian Title "Дошка відкритих вакансій" Catalog Description "Навряд чи ви знайдете роботу вашої мрії в газетах. Приходьте до Центра Зайнятості, і всі ваші мрії (про роботу ) здійсняться." Menu action string "Шукати роботу за напрямком..." P.S. :E why it converts a letter to smilie ![]() ![]() |
Many thanks to kagemusha, satinn, Jumelia and Jasana_BugBreeder. Your translations are most welcome.
Jasana_BugBreeder: Space before bracket noted and removed in the object. I don't know whether any users will be able to use Ukranian or not - maybe tunaisafish is correct that there is another localized distribution. I will add it to the object and see if there is any feedback. Since you only play in English - I guess you are not aware of a Ukrainian version. btw - can I ask one small additional favour? Because Ukrainian is not one of the languages my game has strings for I was unable to steal the string "There are no more jobs available today" from the existing strings in the computer and newspaper objects. If you could translate that one into Ukrainian too that would give them the full set (if indeed they are able to use the game in Ukrainian). |
Quote: Originally posted by MogHughson
![]() "There are no more jobs available today" would translate into "Інших відкритих вакансій на сьогодні немає". |
Quote: Originally posted by Jasana_BugBreeder
My feelings precisely - Added. Thanks. ![]() |
Job seeking noticeboard: Opslagstavle for jobansøgere. Catalog description: Ved at søge i en avis, er det usandsynligt, at du ville finde dit drømmejob(eller drømmejobs), brug derfor denne jobansøgningstavle (Tilladelse fra arbejdstyrelsen er inkluderede). Menu action string: Find et arbejde i... There are no more jobs available today: Der er ikke flere ledige jobs i dag. I'm from Denmark, so the translation should be correct. ^^' |
The translation are correct now...
under the catalog description i've added a small note the last off the text in the description... in which it says: "allowed by the department for jobs"... i dont know what its called in english, so its what i would translate it to... |
Polish translation
"Tablica ogłoszeniowa" "ł" in character map is (Times): U+0142 Catalog Description: "Szukając w gazecie nie znajdziesz wymarzonej pracy. W Centrum Pracy rozpoczniesz karierę, jaką chcesz." "ą" - U+0105 "ę" - U+0119 Menu action string: "Szukaj pracy..." If there are any queries, feel free to ask ![]() |
Thank you to kastel345 and kacper1703 for their translations - been slightly distracted making my latest object, but now that's it's uploaded I can get these incorporated too.
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Thank you to ABCRic who PM-ed me a Portuguese translation. I will update the object to include this very soon.
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This is the Turkish translation.
Quote: Originally posted by CorleoneFamily
Many thanks CorleoneFamily - this is interesting - can you confirm that the game can be played in Turkish? Many have been curious about the first set of languages listed in this thread and whether they are available as a language to play the game in. Cheers Mog |
Quote: Originally posted by MogHughson
I think nope. But you can do with a patch (non-official) if you speak Turkish and have no EP. It isn't updated for any EP. But in SimPE, there is the language "Turkish" for the text lists. I don't know why it is. In conclusion, Turkish is not an installation language ![]() EDIT: Huh? When I wrote the word "p a t c h", there came a link to EA updates. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by CorleoneFamily
OK - that's interesting news - well since this object is Base game compatible it could be used by a person playing with such a patch and so I will add the Turkish trasnlation to the object (as I have done with Ukrainian). Indeed SimPE has the text strings, however all the strings are in English in the Turkish set of strings, thus I am unable to steal the following two from the Maxis translations as I could for the main game languages. Could I ask you to translate the following two strings into Turkish as well please? "There are no more jobs available today" "Find Pet Job For..." Cheers Mog |
Quote: Originally posted by MogHughson
OK I will. There are no more jobs available today: Bugün başka iş mevcut değil. Find Pet Job for: Hayvan işi bul... I couldn't add "for" word to the pie menu strings because in Turkish, the word "for" is in the back of the noun. So, sorry. ![]() |
Many Many Thanks CorleoneFamily - your extra work completes the set for Turkish - much appreciated.
Thai language translation
Here you go, Thai language translation
Title: English: "Job Seeking Noticeboard" Thai: "บอร์ดหางาน" Catalog Description: English: "Looking in a newspaper is unlikely to find you your dream job. Come to the Job Centre and all your dreams (of jobs) will come true." Thai: "ทำไมคุณถึงมัวแต่งานในหนังสือพิมพ์ ทั้งๆที่คุณอาจจะไม่ได้งานที่คุณฝันเลย ลองมาใช้งานบริษัทหางานของเราซิ แล้วคุณจะได้งานที่คุณรักและใฝ่ฝันถึง" Menu action string: English: "Find a Job in..." Thai: "หางานใน..." Cheers Sidd. ![]() |
Many Thanks to siddharath for the Thai translation. All pending translations (Portuguese, Turkish and Thai) have now been uploaded as part of the object.
Korean translation for job seeking noticeboard.
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I am a native speaker, I hope I was of help..
Or has someone else provided the Korean one yet? I didn't notice Korean in the original downloading post. Can you see the Korean translations??? P.S in Korean, "구인"="looking for a person for a job" "직업"="job"[B] I reckon you could use either of the two, so I [B]made the "직업" version where I changed the "구인" to "직업"... The below one is the "직업" one. Choose either. "구인" version Title (used for both title in dialog and catalog object title) "Job Seeking Noticeboard" in Korean is "구인 게시판" Catalog Description "Looking in a newspaper is unlikely to find you your dream job. Come to the Job Centre and all your dreams (of jobs) will come true." in Korean is "신문 구인광고로는 꿈꾸던 직업을 구하기 힘들죠. 구인 센터에 오시면 당신의 모든 (직업에 대한 ) 꿈이 이루어질 것입니다. " Menu action string "Find a Job in..." in Korean is "... 분야에서 일 찾기" "직업" version Title (used for both title in dialog and catalog object title) "Job Seeking Noticeboard" in Korean is "직업 찾기 게시판" Catalog Description "Looking in a newspaper is unlikely to find you your dream job. Come to the Job Centre and all your dreams (of jobs) will come true." in Korean is "신문 구인광고로는 꿈꾸던 직업을 구하기 힘들죠. 직업 센터에 오시면 당신의 모든 (직업에 대한 ) 꿈이 이루어질 것입니다. " Menu action string "Find a Job in..." in Korean is "... 분야에서 직업 찾기" |
I've no idea why the letter "한" shows up as "한". Is it just me?? I'll attach a txt file. ... Oh good, I spaced the "한" and the closing ")", and it works fine. I just left the txt file, though. |
Oh, right.
I couldn't quite do the Korean translation right for "Find a job in...", becuase the English structure is different from the Korean. The Korean translation actually says "...in a job find", since that's the best I can do right now.... I'll think about how I'll make it right for the "..." to go to the back. or isn't it needed?? |
Thank you so much for the Korean translations - that was one of the (very few) that I was still missing. Regarding the "Find a job in..." question. It is needed to build a menu with two levels (see here) - so the full sentence would be (for example), "Find a job in Science" or "Find a job in Politics". The words that describe the type of job, e.g. "Science" or "Politics" are already translated in the game, but the beginning of the sentence is not since it is added by my object. So what is required is the beginning of the sentence that will end with the type of job. If it works better in Korean, you can make it a different sentence. Are any of these more suitable for translation? - clearly I don't have a clue about Korean verb structure and grammer to know if they help:-
Essentially, so long as the sentence conveys the same overall meaning as the English one and ends with the type of job as the last word, it will work, so you have free rein as the native speaker to change it any way you want as required to fit that need. Thank you so much for your help so far - hope my explanation made sense and you can make something that will make sense for this menu too. Cheers Mog |
Quote: Originally posted by MogHughson
thanks for the RSVP. Find a job in ... = ...분야에서 직업 찾기 I think this would suit best. Find for me a job of type ... = ... 분야에서 직업 찾기... oh, they're all the same... just go with the "...분야에서 직업 찾기", I reckon that's the most suitable one. |
Many Thanks to gracepline for the Korean translation. This has now been uploaded as part of the object.
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