Zombie Apocalypse - The most realistic possible
Hello all,
I´ve been working on a detailed yet most possibly simplified way of playing a party of survivors struggling against a horde of zombies. However, In order to simplify gameplay you´ll need some preparation. *NOTE - I apologyze for any misspelling. English is not my native language* CHALLENGE ENTERTAINMENT GOAL: - Realism, i.e, avoid relying only on your imagination; - Simple rules, i.e, avoid having to remember too complicated/detailed stuff. - Fun, i.e, sufficient challenges with the sufficient level of difficulty and variety. CHALLENGE OBJECTIVE: The objective is bring your sims back to normal life. Keep them alive and improve their lives. At the same time, the town should be freed from zombies and repopulated with humans. You will need some mods and cheats for this challenge. As follows: - Motherlode cheat (to create house and buy objects), before game starts - Family funds cheat - to set funds to 0,0 when you start playing. - Dexter the bear mod (too kill zombies) - a killing / escape system will be explained later. - Retuner Mod (to manage object interactions); - Vector Mod (to spread the disease). Adjust the mod to no vaccines or cure. - Delete school, police and firestation. - You will need one dice. EXPANSIONS NEEDED: -Supernatural -Seasons is recommended. 1. STEP ONE: Creating your sims - a Group of random people seeks refugee in a house and lives there while zombies infect citizens and roam the streets. I am using my real friends for entertainment purposes. - 4 adult or young adult sims - 2 male / 2 female; - 2 children - 1 male / 1 female; - 2 elder sims - 1 male / 1 female. All must be unrelated. Pets are optional. OBJECTS ALLOWED: You start your game with: - Fences (to protect your house / yard). Lock it to anyone except or family. - 2 single beds (the cheapest ones). - 6 sleeping bags When occupied, the house had only 2 beds. You could get more as game progresses, if you are able to do it without being killed. - 1 Fridge (the cheapest one) Empty the fridge. Note that it is not electric powered. There is no electricity. It only serves as storage for the food / products you are able to gather around. Disable the fridge by using RETUNER MOD. Install the mod, click on city hall, choose Nraas, Retuner, Settings, General, Per Object, Fridge, Fridge Have and set everything to FALSE. You can do this to other objects that you might want to restrict or adapt interactions with. - 1 Firepit Used to cook fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, whatever you find. I advise you keep food products in your sims' inventory and let them use the pit when hungry, or you can instruct them to do so. - Candles - There is no electricity. - 3 Bicycles - There are no cars. Disable cars in RETUNER MOD. - 1 radio (the cheapest one) - it works on batteries. Those will have to be switched every week. If not, no radio. Note: Besides serving as moral booster to the group, the radio is good to work on the athletic skill (explained later) and to try luring roaming zombies (I heard they dance around it, but I still haven´t tested it). - One inventors' workbench. - Alchemy set - 1 sink - 1 bathtub (no shower) - 1 toilet - Also, this potty bucket. Download here: http://www.den.simlogical.com/denfo...hp?topic=1773.0 - Every decoration you find adequate to set the mood. - 2 seeds (beware your gardening level, so perhaps choose simple seeds) BASIC NECESSITIES AND WAYS TO MEET THEM: EAT: Yours sims can: - Grow veggies / fruits - this takes time so you must start with other alternatives. - Raid neighbours houses. Assume houses are abandoned or if occupied, well, you need to eat to survive. - Fish (no pond in the lot please); - Search trashcan (not yours, keep it real) Harvesting Start with 2 seeds. You cannot search for seeds. It´s not worth the risk. When you´ve levelled you gardening skill enough you can grow eggs, meat and cheese. This is the only time you can go to the supermarket to get 1egg/1meat/1cheese to plant. Supermaket information is below. You can only have 1 of these at a time. Raiding neighbours houses and community lots You can only have quick meals here. You can eat only canned soup and cereals with no milk. All the rest is spoiled. I could not find a way to take there products from neighbour or community lots with you. Raid supermarket You cannot raid the supermarket because there are only perishable goods there. It is all spoiled. If you want to go there to get some other stuff (not food) you can but you can only take 1 item with you. Stuff is hard to find. So one item is pretty good. Also, after you finished "shopping" a risk factor must be applied. So you have to wait one hour outside to see if any zombies appear. This serves as simulation for the time you spent looking for stuff in the post apocalyptic clutter. If zombies appear, the escape/fight system will be used (explained later on). NOTE: Everytime you need to replace batteries, you must go to the supermarket and play as explained above. Also, if you have other objects that you stole and need batteries for (for type of objects use your common sense) you must travel to the supermarket. 1 voyage = 1 set of batteries. Fishing: You may fish all you want. Just beware of the risks. Everytime you are outside, you are risking loosing one of your sims. Search trashcans: You may search all you want. Just beware of the risks. WATER: Just as food, water is very hard to get these days. There is no working water supply network, so taking a bath became a luxury. The same goes for washing dishes and cleaning the toilet. Therefore, you cannot use your bathtube, toilet and sink unless one or some of your sims travel to the nearest river to carry water home. This must be done every week (choose a day, perhaps Sunday or whatever, to do it). As usual, traveling means risk, so for every sim in the household an hour of hanging around near the river should be applied. If zombies attack, use the escape/fighting system. Also, you can choose the number of sims you send to perform this task. Manage it wisely. If you send 2 sims to the river, they should wait 4 hours 8sims/2sims = 4hours. If you send all eight sims, one hour will suffice. If you have your sims set to full free will, please lock the bathroom door while water is not available. The potty bucket downloaded should be placed outside, hidden in the bushes. If you dont want to download the potty bucket, just use a regular toilet. Also, please fence this area, because the peeing sim will send all others outside the house fencing and you dont want that. Hide all with bushes. You cant clean it when water is not available. It is a simulation for doing your business it an filthy bucket. You can flush it and repair it if you want. OBTAINING OTHER OBJECTS: Every night you can steal 3 objects from other lots. Note that only adults or young adults can perform this. The objects you steal are random so you might get a new bed or a stupid pink flamingo. DEALING WITH ZOMBIES: Escape / fight system. 1.All sims should have Dexter the Bear in their personal inventory. 2.Upon "Zombie attack" event, you should PAUSE the game and role 2 dices to check if you are able to escape it. Your ability to escape will depend on your athletic skill level, as follows. As said before, you need the radio (with batteries) to raise you athletic skill. Level 1 ---> escape fails with any number under 11. Level 2 ----> escape fails with any number under 10 Level 3 -----> escape fails with any number under 9 Level 4------> escape fails with any number under 8 Level 5 ------> escape fails with any number under 7 Level 6-------> escape fails with any number under 6 Level 7 ------->escape fails with any number under 5 Level 8 ------> escape fails with any number under 4 Level 9 ------->escape fails with any number under 3 Level 10 ------->escape fails with any number under 2 If you fail to escape or choose to fight instead, the following will apply in terms of your sim's horrible death. Also, Athletic skill level counts. Roll 2 dices again. Level 1-----> sim dies with any number under 10. Level 2------>sim dies with any number under 9 Level 3------> sim dies with any number under 8 Level 4 ----> sim dies with any number under 7 Level 5---->sim dies with any number under 6 Level 6----> sim dies with any number under 5 Level 7----->sim dies with any number under 4 Level 8----->sim dies with any number under 3 Level 9-10--->sim dies with any number under 2. Power in numbers: In case you role a dice and you are unlucky, so your sim would die, IF he his accompanied by other household companions, add one point per companion to your number. For example, you are level 5 athletic skill and got a 4. If you have 2 sims with you that means you can add 2 points to that 4, equals 6, so you barely survive. You can now use Dexter the bear to kill the smelly thing. Bear in mind that children do not count for this and 2 elder count just as 1 sim. INVENTING: Using the inventors working bench, 1 or more of your sims can create useful (or not so useful) stuff. The inventing skill is pretty good as it will allow you to install a water system from the river to your house and other cool stuff to your life quality. At level 6 of inventing skill --- be able to have running water in household. At level 8 of inventing skill --- electricity At level 10 of inventing skill --- build new objects. Rule of thumb for the object you can have is 2 hours on the bench for every 100 simoleons this object costs in buy mode. For example, 1000sim bed will have you work 20 hours on the bench. OTHER ASPECTS OF THE CHALLENGE: - Sims die, so new sims should be born. Use MASTERCONTROL MOD to allow more than 8 sims in the household, in case one of the old sims is still around when a baby is born. RESTORING POPULATION: While trying to survive, your sims also have the responsability to repopulate the world with non rotting individuals. This leads to the ZOMBIE HUNTING. Build a basement or a separate building in your lot. Build several cells with a bed, toilet and a chair. You must find ways to lock a zombie in each cell. Never let them out and feed them. Your sims must gather the food to keep the zombies alive. In the meantime, work on a cure potion (alchemy set). When you get rid of all zombies outside, cure your captive zombies with the potion and release them to repopulate the new world. I haven´t tested this part yet. Perhaps use the radio to lure them inside the cell. You must have at least 2 zombie couples. That's it. If you red all this way, I thank you for you interest and hope you try it. Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions to improve the experience |
This seems really neat, I'll give it a shot.
it seems interesting...
I both love and am afraid of the detail - I love it because it's so well thought out and exciting! I'm afraid of it because I have a terrible memory and I'm afraid I might forget quite a lot of the details of the rules along the way. I am too excited not to try it, though! Love it, love it. =D
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Quote: Originally posted by annoyinggirlfriend
I am excited with your excitement I´m so glad you like it! I´ve been playing it for a while, and I found some aspects of it that should be changed. The thing is, if you dont start well, we are pretty much %&$%&! Food is a major issue, and the disease spreads too quickly outside, so when your sims' athletic skill is still low you cannot leave the house without being attacked by 2 or 3 zombies after 30seconds. You can never escape zombies at beginning of the game because of low skill. Therefore, I removed the dice requirements you need to escape. The zombies are already too much of a difficulty. They do not let you stay in one place enough time to gather food for EIGHT people. Everyone is starving, except for 1 or 2 sims you manage to feed. Big groups are difficult to manage. So I guess this challenge is pretty realistic in terms of difficulty. I would like to cast your fears away and make this challenge more user friendly. So here is some stuff removed, that I found out that do not work so well, and also some tips to start with the right note. Let your sims eat at will from the fridge for the first week. This time is needed to achieve the minimum requirements for basic sustainability. Be quick starting gardening / fishing as much you can and exercising. Also, the disease is still not completely spread, so there are less zombies around and you can go fishing for longer times. Start your game during spring (if you have seasons). During winter, you cannot grow plants (they become dormant) and lakes freeze. You should accumulate food for winter. Regarding the RETUNER mod, you dont need it. Just put a indoor fence around the fridge and lock it. It just serves as storage. You can shower, flush toilet and wash dishes during winter and autunm. It rains a lot. Your first problem is food. FOOD GATHERING becomes much more easy once you have a well set garden and a at least level 3 fishing. You can send kids fishing alone. I know it is not very realistic but children are immune to zombie attacks. After you have this problem moderately controled, start developing your athletic skill (no longer needed to escape - only to kill zombies), inventor skill and / or alchemy. You need a big big garden so you can start trapping zombies in your cells. Use plants to lure them. Beware of locking and unlocking doors. I lost some sims because I forgot to lock a trapped zombie. I think Vector mod works in a way that after a while, a zombie will die or survive the infection, and when surviving they become human again. If a trapped zombie becomes human, dont let him go. Your aim in this challenge is to solve the following problems, in order, if you want to succed: FOOD - WATER - (INVENTING / ALCHEMY / TRAPPING ZOMBIES) - KILLING ALL OTHER ZOMBIES - RELEASING CURED ZOMBIES TO THE "WILD" You can have babies in the meantime :lovestruc Here are some pics of my challenge: |
Quote: Originally posted by sofiapc
Okay, I'm sold. I really wanna try this challenge. Provided my computer doesn't die (it's been acting odd ever since I restored it), I'd like to record the gameplay and put it up on youtube, if that's alright with you. I'll need some time to get everything together and write down the rules, as well as give it a test run to see if I can actually do it. I will definitely keep the warning about stocking food in mind! Gotta think of it as though it were a real survival situation, and you'll always need food, water, and shelter to get by. Oh man, I'm SO excited to do this now!!!! One question - can the other skills help sims slip by zombies? Say, I want a skinny, nerdy sim that can't fight go out and get food and he encounters a zombie. Can he use a skill like handiness as a form of cleverness to survive (I know this is stretching it, but just imagine him gathering supplies and using the environment to escape/fight a zombie instead of strength, like making zombie traps or something, or using the logic skill to outsmart the zombie)? What if an ex-actress sim encounters a zombie - could she use her charisma to "act" like a zombie to slip by (like in Shaun of the Dead)? What if a musician sim uses his sweet guitar skills to distract zombies with music and make them dance? I know he probably wouldn't be able to stop playing, lest he wish to be eaten, but he could at least stall them until help arrived. Could an inventor "make" weapons for sims at a higher skill level, so they wouldn't have to rely solely on the athletic skill? Is there any way to use any of this but still keep it on the "realistic" side? Sorry for all the questions. There's a reason I call myself annoyinggirlfriend. :D *Edit: Oh, and the pics are awesome! I love how you made everything look and feel so desolate with the boxes and the overturned shopping cart! |
Thanks again for your great feedback, annoyinggirlfriend.
I find your questions very valid and interesting. I admit I thought about including other skills as useful, but I thought that that could complicate the game and, also, I was a bit lazy. I´ve been thinking on a way to include the other skills though, because the way you explained how this could happen seems very cool. I am thinking on a way to incorporate the other skills while I test how this could happen in order to add more variety and choice to the gameplay, allowing also different strategies and rewarding your smart playing. I will post an update asap! And please, if you have any other thoughts/suggestions, do post! Oh, and I would absolutely love an youtube vid of your game. I will do the same. |
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Here are the other skills added and their usefulness to your sims' survival.
I have not tested this all yet, but most of it seems not prone to problems. Of course, I am open to suggestions. I hope this is not too complicated and dont scare people away My advice is to build a strategy based on the tools you have (skills) before you start playing, and not play entirely as it goes or you will probably get confused and fail. Please also check which skills you have available according to your expansion packs. F.ex., advanced tech is from Future and Street Art from University. I actually do not have those EP, so I have to choose other skills to help me out. Note: It seems Honey can be added as a source of food. I will probably write a more organized guide of all this. Part of the information on the first post was changed (escape/fighting system). There is a chance I should only post the challenge after all is working neatly but I guess I too excited to wait. Also, I get to have very valuable ideas from others. Any doubts interpreting the table, please let me know. |
Quote: Originally posted by sofiapc
What is the newest version of the fight/flight system? |
Newest version according to the tables attached. It includes other skills, therefore, other possibilities.
Athletic, Handiness combined with Logic, Creativity combined with logic allows you to flight or fight. Fail or sucess according to the dice rolls (see table attached) Charisma and Guitar do not allow you to Fight and are mostly used to stay on the same place without being bothered by zombies. Number of hours you can do this is also according to your skill level (see table). Difference between Charisma and Guitar is that High Charisma allows you to keep performing an activity (ex. fishing or looking for scrap) even when zombies are around (you cancel their attacks for a certain number of hours). While with Guitar skill you can only serve as support to other companions who are performing such activities. I.e, you keep playing to distract the zombies for as number of hours as your guitar skill level (ex. guitar level 2 = 2 hours). Regarding escaping, you either roll dice for your athletic / Handiness combined with Logic/ Creativity combined with logic skills or you use charisma (as long as you have level 1 charisma you can always escape). But escaping is not very useful, because the dificulty lies on being able to do stuff outside. Soon I will be posting a more comprehensive vid or document. I´ve been playing the game with these new rules and working quite well. |
Okay, last set of questions, I swear! I sent this as a message, but it must not have gone through, so I'll ask here:
Does the lot have to be a specific size, or will any size lot do? Do you pretend that all other sims outside the lot are zombies, or do you actually set the lunar phase to always be on the full moon setting to make actual zombies, or do you use a mod that makes everyone but your household zombies? How do you set the game to start at Spring? How do you start with seeds (how do you give the sims the seeds)? How do you lure zombies into the cells in the basement? How do you grow eggs/meat/cheese? I've never done that before. How do you know when all zombies are cured/the challenge is done? And lastly, I would love to see how the challenge is played by you - that would be so helpful! I've been studying the rules all morning and I think I've got a good survivor team ready to start surviving! Also, I'm sorry if my questions are kind of noobish, but there are certain things I've never done in the sims before. |
I just answered your PM. But I´m posting the replies here also.
The lot doesnt need to be a specific size. But I started a new game with a Custom content lot, which is much more realistic and fun. These are the links for some post apocalyptic lots: http://www.thesimsresource.com/down...ndry/id/954440/ http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=453554 http://www.modthesims.info/browse.p...&showAll=1&gs=2 To create a zombie infection, you must download VECTOR MOD. This mod starts the infection on 2 random sims from the town (I think 2 sims is the default number), and the disease starts spreading to all other townies very fast. These 2 random sims start attacking other sims (zombie attack). Every infected sim will become permanent zombies and are ALWAYS zombies, ignoring the lunar fase stuff. You need to set this mod in order to work according to your needs. So you need to click in Town Hall, select nraas and select "Vector". There are several settings you can adjust. Meaning, you must click on "Activate", than choose "Zombie Rage". After that, click "General", choose "Inoculation Base Classification" (it´s the first one on the list) and set it to zero. Also, on the same list, do not allow non active sims to buy inoculation (set it to false). After that, go to "Diseases", click on zombie rage and choose "low lethality". Finally click in "Outbreaks" and choose "Initiate outbreak". You now have a zombie rage outbrake in your town I´m not sure how to set the game to spring from the start. But I know you can go to game options, and mess around with that. Regarding zombie luring: As far as I noticed, zombies appear more near your house during full moon. They will wander around there trying to attack you from the other side of the fence. The way you lure them into the cells is up to your imagination and is part of the challenge. But here are a few tips: - Build some zombie containment facilities with an easy entrance. Do not build a basement with an entrance that makes zombies walk inside your house. What I did was build some cells with an opening to the outdoors. When a zombie gets in, you just build a wall covering that opening. Cells must have doors facing indoors, but MUST be locked. - Lure the zombies either by planting some plants inside the cells. They like to eat/destroy the plants. Or by using one of your sims with charisma skill to lure the zombie in. The zombie will try to attack him and move inside the cell where your sim is. After he is in, move your sim out and lock the zombie. Regarding growing meat/eggs/cheese you need to perform gardening opportunities to unlock this. This is the only occasion that you are allowed to accept opportunities. Once you reached a certain gardening level and succed in the opportunities that are offered to you, you can go to the supermarket and buy 1 cheese, 1 meat and 1 egg to plant. I am not sure if these items automatically appear in your inventory after completing an opportunity though. Planting eggs/meat and cheese is not necessary to win the challenge, of course. Your sims can eat other stuff. But it would add variety. How do you know when all zombies are cured/the challenge is done? Well, you need to travel the city and visit all houses to look for zombies. If you cannot find anyone you probably killed them all (except the ones you kept captive in your cells). After you´ve done that, there is a final step: Type testingcheatsenabled true Click on the mailbox and choose make everyone my friend. See in your relationship tab which sims appear. If only your household mates and the captive zombies appear, the rest is all dead. If there are still a few, you must hunt them. NOTE: Unload this in order to play with guns instead of dexter the bear: http://modthesims.info/d/402950 I am working on the vid as we speak. It will be posted soon. If you have any more questions, or still some doubts regarding my answers here, do not hesitate to ask |
Thanks so much for your speedy replies and for working with me on this. I can't wait to see the video!
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Well, I have everything all set up. The only problem is, the zombie virus hasn't really spread anywhere yet. I took my angler sim out fishing for the day and he didn't encounter a single zombie! I must be doing something wrong. I will go read up more on how to use Vector. I did get everything else together and working, though. I didn't know how to give them seeds, but I did find out how to put plants in the yard, so I gave them a lettuce plant and a potato plant to care for. Also, I figured it'd be more realistic to start with only two or three sims, then keep adding one or two each day until you have eight, so I started out with just three - an insane angler, a green thumb sim, and a kleptomaniac athlete. I did as you said and focused on food first, and I must say, that's a really good idea!
Like I said, I will do more reading up on Vector. Also, perhaps I did not give the disease enough time to spread? I only played for one day. I'll see what happens after three days of play. |
Hey :D
I'm glad you started already. Are you sure you set everything ok in vector? If you did, like you said, perhaps u have to wait a bit longer. If you did everything correctly and want more action, set your number of "patient zero" to 5 or 6. Then, on the same window, choose false on allowing active/household sims. 5 or 6 zombies will spread the disease faster. In my game, i also added a bunch of sims to the map, so there would be more zombies around/more people to infect. Let me know how that works! And thanks a lot for your feedback :D |
I cant see your pictures well on my cellphone, but I curious.
Quote: Originally posted by annoyinggirlfriend
What I'm doing is I'm playing a normal family until the virus spreads more and then I'll put in the survivors. |
Quote: Originally posted by dedreav0531
That's so smart, I love it! I just built an abandoned shack for sims to "discover", but I love the family idea. Man, that's brilliant. I wish I had thought of that! |
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Man, your house is awesome! I love it! I absolutely love the basement! Very well done :D
keep us posted posted of your progress. Also, zombie infection spreasing wise. I hope it works, mine works almost 2 well. I am always getting those warnings on the top right side of the screen saying sim "whateverhisname" is now infected". Here are some pics of my "home". I downloaded a pre made lot and included some stuff. |
Quote: Originally posted by annoyinggirlfriend
The family I'm playing right now until the virus progresses, is the teen mom I used for the Runaway Challege. The teen mother grew up and now is an adult and her daughter is now a child. |
This is so cool! I'm installing Sims 3 and the expansions onto my laptop right now so I can try this out. If you don't mind, could I possibly retype the rules and stuff in a more understandable way?
Also, would you mind explaining how to disable cars. I can't seem to do it for the life of me.
Hey alex, happy you liked it
Is there a specific part of the rules you dont understand? I know the information is kind of dispersed but it may take a while to put it all together. |
But basically:
You create a family. A suggestion was made as for the kind of family but you can choose other types, as other simmers did. When you start playing, you must have only the objects described in posts above. You cant cook because there is no electricity. Face the frigde to the wall. You can only bathe, clean stuff and flush during autunm and winter or whenever it rains. You can bathe however by taking your sims to a river or sea. Swim for an hour and then using testingcheatsenabled true to remove the stinky moodlet (you just click on the moodlet). You can always leave the house to look for food, scrap, seeds, etc, but you must have some kind of way to defend yourself. This means you should raise the necessary skills to either fight/flight/mingle with or distract the zombies (see attached tables on this thread to know how it works). I can clarify all information regarding that, if you have any specific questions. You start with 2 or 3 seeds regarding gardening. You cannot go to the supermarket to get food but you can go there to get other stuff. You can eat the food in your fridge on the first week, but you cannot cook it. Use the firepit. You cannot replace items that cannot be fixed unless your inventor is levei 10. See the table for inventing information. Your sims should not have traits that helps them raising skill levels, but that is not compulsory. It just makes the game harder. I advise the clepto trait, so you can steal stuff from other lots. To gather food / eat you can do everything except to prepare meals and buy stuff in the sipermarked. You cant access your fridge for quick meals either. But you can access neighbours and community lots and eat cereals or canned soup. You must delete the firestation, the school and police. I would advise you to read all the posts and ask any specific questions. I will gladly reply. |
I figured out how to start at spring! Use the testingcheatsenabled true cheat, then shift+click on the ground on your lot. A pie menu for Seasons should come up. Also, just a quick update, I did get Vector to work - turns out, there were too many supernaturals in Moonlight Falls and not enough humans for the disease to spread, so I evicted all the supers and replaced them with humans. Then I set the patient zeros to 5 and there you go, a full-on outbreak! I'm so excited, I'm going to play test it more later when I get home ^-^
Quote: Originally posted by Alexpuddy
I haven't tested this yet (I just now discovered it), but if you have Retuner installed, click on City Hall > NRass > Retuner > Settings > General > By Object > Car, and try turning everything to False. I'm going to test it out more when I come back later, but if you got it working before then, please, let me know! |
I started this challenge today, and it is great! I also have troubles with turning the cars off, but I know that one of twallans mods, namely traffic, has an option to disallow cars during generel routing, which sadly also turn off bicycles I think, but maybe that is okay. Instead of traveling on bicycle the sims could jog to places or run. Or maybe own horses on which they sould travel? Just suggestions
Quote: Originally posted by annoyinggirlfriend
I tried that too but it didn't seem to work. |
smukkemiss is correct, I just checked and the info on the traffic mod is found here: http://nraas.wikispaces.com/Traffic+Interactions
Yes, I dont know how to do it either. First I tried Retuner and I though it would work, but the cars dont disappear. If you dont find another way, I could either use traffic mod and walk to places or use horses. Or if you dont mind cars passing by, every household member should have a bike in the inventory. They always use it instead of a car.
I am also trying the challenge, it sounded so much fun, and it actually is! I had so much fun creating my sims, making them look like they had really just two shirts and two pairs of jeans or something. I was also very happy to see that the virus spread, because I never really worked with mods before (only awesome mod, but I had premade configurations for it), but I turned out to be not so happy how quickly the virus spread, because I think my start wasn't thaaaaaat good. At day 3 I had the feeling the whole town must be zombies, haha. But actually, I am quite happy that it is spreading quickly, because that is only realistic.
I also downloaded tons of abadoned houses and cc that fits in the setting, so my survivors have something to discover. Sooooo, I have a question about this. Since all these houses are normal lots, and they are not occupied, I can't go in the houses. Is there a way/cheat/mod I actually could go inside? Also I discovered some problems with dexter-,vector- and returner-mod in connection to awesome-mod. Just wanted to say that for other ones. And sorry for any mistakes, not a native speaker. |
Hi Simslover,
thanks´s for your feedback I would love to see some screeshots of your sims. When you mention the normal lots, you mean the abandoned houses you´ve downloaded right? I´m sure there are ways to get inside of them. The following suggestions were not tested by me, so I´m note sure they will work perfectly. But you can try this: - Use cheat "familyfunds (name of your household/family) quantity of simolieons" or "motherlode" and give your family a whole lot a money. Then make them buy all those houses. Use the phone for that. Now that the houses are theirs, they can go there whenever they want (visit). Just pretend in your mind they are still abandoned houses. - I think retuner also has a way to define property ownership, but I have no idea how. I dont deal very well with retuner. - Finally (and I dont know if this works with empty houses), you could use teleportation to get inside of a house. You can do this also in occupied houses. Type testingcheatsenabled true, go near the house, try to peak through a window, and that will give you a full view of the house interior. Then click inside a room and teleport there. Note: You can use Weapon System from desecrate (mod) instead of dexter bear. Hope that helps! |
So, have we decided that using the traffic mod is the only way to remove cars from the game?
Kinda crazy idea, but how about in edit town mode remove every vehicle from all families. And after that use traffic mode to set number of taxis to zero?
QUOTE Traffic Delta - Use this to increase or decrease the number of taxis generated by the traffic manager UNQUOTE |
Does anyone know where I can download a generator, so I can simulate my sims having minimal electricity though the generator. I was thinking that the surviving sims could also go out to scavenge some gas for the generator, along with scavenging for meds, ammo, materials and food.
Once I read about this challenge, I was so excited and quickly began to download supernatural just so i could play this! I will post screenshots of my adventure. Thank you for putting the time and effort into making the rules and replying to everyone.
Quote: Originally posted by Simslover32
If you have twallans masterController you can clik on a house and use the open command. Then the house opens so you can see and walk inside. But remember to close it when you leave, because I head that having to many lots open will negatively affect how well your game runs. |
Just a quick update: on my second play through Moonlight Falls, after replacing everyone with human sims, I started with four sims, set the season to start off in Spring, made sure to lock all gates/doors, and set the patient zeros to 2. As soon as I started the game, I went to two different farms and nabbed all the veggies and ingredients I could from the gardens. It took all of a sim day, and all the while the disease was spreading like crazy. One zombie came, but with all four sims fighting it, it died easily. I took all four back to the abandoned cabin they call home and planted about half of the veggies they stole, which left me with enough (at least, I hope it's enough) to survive until the veggies in the garden mature and become harvestable. I did it this way so that they wouldn't have to eat out of the fridge for a week to make it seem more like the place they're in has been abandoned for a while. I thought it would be more of a challenge, but they have so much food now that I'm starting to wonder. I will be play testing them out for another sim week to see if they have enough food to survive. Oh! Also, I started with only four sims because two was not enough to fight off zombies, and eight seemed unrealistic to start with. Also, any children my sims encounter while they are out and about in the town, I add to the household to make it feel more like the survivors are trying to save everyone they can. I'm lovin' this challenge so much!
Quote: Originally posted by Alexpuddy
I just tested it. Traffic does do the trick! After you install, click on City Hall > NRass > Traffic > Routing and turn everything to false |
how do i change everyone to zombies. i'm pretty new to these mods and i'm having a little trouble with it.
Hey Silver,
Copy/pasting: "To create a zombie infection, you must download VECTOR MOD. This mod starts the infection on 2 random sims from the town (I think 2 sims is the default number), and the disease starts spreading to all other townies very fast. These 2 random sims start attacking other sims (zombie attack). Every infected sim will become permanent zombies and are ALWAYS zombies, ignoring the lunar fase stuff. You need to set this mod in order to work according to your needs. So you need to click in Town Hall, select nraas and select "Vector". There are several settings you can adjust. Meaning, you must click on "Activate", than choose "Zombie Rage". After that, click "General", choose "Inoculation Base Classification" (it´s the first one on the list) and set it to zero. Also, on the same list, do not allow non active sims to buy inoculation (set it to false). After that, go to "Diseases", click on zombie rage and choose "low lethality". Finally click in "Outbreaks" and choose "Initiate outbreak". You now have a zombie rage outbrake in your town." Let me know if that suffices |
this is what shows when i click vector:
Doctors General Outbreaks Show Debugging Total Reset |
OH! I think i know what to do now. Thank you.
I finally got it! WOO!
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This is the beginning. Here we go! So many sims have already been infected.
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some zombies dancing. they look hilarious.
Keep us posted of your progress :D
warning: once you kill a zombie, you will be miserable for 7 days.
my sim is miserable so now he can't garden. good thing it's raining! |
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You can remove that moodlet by typing "testingcheatsenabled true" and clicking on the moodlet.
But you can leave the moodlet for a day or two because it is a traumatic experience to kill someone, even if it is a zombie. I just dont recomend more than 2 days. It will be hard to play that way. They have to be tough..
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That's the point!
and thank you !
I was going to start the set up of my survivors today but my game decided to crash. Had a good story in mind too because the Adult Female in the family I'm playing now until the infection spreads more, saw her first zombie while she was jogging.Then I had her run home and put her daughter in home schooling.
So it will be just her and her daughter?
Quote: Originally posted by sofiapc
Until more survivors discover her house(shack). |
Hey, This is great and I can't wait to start it, I have everything ready I just don't know how to start the actually zombie apocalypse, I'm not familiar with the mods so I haven't a clue xD. Please help
I have four people (mother and daughter, two other people) so far, I'm trying to decide whether or not to invite people around town, that aren't infected yet, to join the household or just make some sims in CAS to join the household. Oh, by the way, since I started playing the runaway teen and that teen is now grown up and has a daughter and I started this challenge with them, the season it is now is autumn and I think I'm going to leave it at that just to challenge myself and my sims.
I love the concept of this challenge and I decide to combine it with the countdown to doomsday challenge.
On the very first day of the challenge I sent one of my family members (1 of 4) to the grocery to buy ONLY $300 worth of food and $700 worth of books (rules of DD challenge) at the same time I enabled NRAAS VECTOR mod for zombie RAGE/SCOURGE. I turned off the alerts so my sims and I would be clueless of its progression. First day we stayed home, no big deal.. sims were still unaware of the problem... 2nd day the news broadcast mentioned a shortage of food/closed stores problem (but nothing of a virus) so my 2 oldest and unattached sims (1 male and 1 female - which were roommates I turned into family ) sims decided to walk the mile to the nearest ocean front to fish. Meanwhile my parent and teenage daughter sim stayed at home, fixing salad for the family. 2 hours later, 1 of my sims got the "Vector zombie attack" alert box. I rolled a 2 dice for escape, and then another 2 dice for fight. I lost my first female sim, suddenly my sims were very aware of the situation. Since my sim house was very un-protected and next door to a majoy city, they decided it would be best to relocate, 5 miles out. Along the way they picked up another male sim that couldnt handle the truth - after some careful convesation persuaded him to leae the laundry mat (what was the sense of doing laundry) and hiding out in his house further out from the city. His house turned out to be a bachelors home, with little to no security. After raiding his cupboards (canned soup for all) my sim family (father, teen, and YA) ventured further another 2 miles. Luckily they came across an old farm, most of the property was surrounded by stone wall fence except for the entrance which they quickly barricaded with furniture. Since it was early into the spring, temperatures dropped dramatically and naive sims quickly discovered the perils of a fireplace. Lucky for them the fire started on the last day that any law enforcement was still active (3 days in to the Apoc) 2 firefighters showed up and helped. They soon joined the family as they were single and knew there wasnt much else around. ( 2 female firefighters) That night my sim family was beyond starved, so the 2 female firefighters plus 1 male sim went fishing the half mile behind the house.... 6 rolls later, I lost 2 of them - damn zombies. I also managed to adopt 2 female child sim very upset and depressed because they lost their family. another fire and thankfully no one was hurt... 2 more sims attempted to seek out the nearest fishing hole (6miles away) they managed to land 1 fish and lost 1 sim in the process) Another fire broke out and since my only brave sims were not on the lot... my dearest teen sim lost her life..... Now all that is left is.. Broken heart old father that cant function since he lost his teenage daughter Would be teenage heartthrob of diseased daughter... has enough faults he probably wont make it very far (rebellious, clumsy ) Young Adult firefighter very early in her training before the station went dead ( brave, clumsy, lucky) and 2 female children with generally good traits. I've changed the rules just slightly. So far I am following the outline for events...but since my sims have been under attack from zombies up to a mile away ( I really dont understand this games mechanics) I've rolled a 2 sided dice for A) IF my group can escape... based on the level.. and then again rolled a 2 sided dice if my sim would survive an attack. Ive changed the outcome just slightyl... if my sim has beneficial traits ( brave,daredevil, rebellious) I add 1 point per attribute, then I subtract 1 per "fail traint" clumsy, coward, couch potato etc.... then if he is with others... I add in their specs.. and decide by the roll rules based on level ( it sounds way more complicated then it is..) he/she dies or survives and runs home. I also bought the battery radio... but I decided to make all my sim family work out only to a max of 2.5 hrs a day then it gets shut off. Of course athleticism means better survival. When I began my sim story I moved them into a terrible house on one side of the town. I decided that following the outing of the countdown to doomsday challenge I would run my sim family into the nearest safest temporary housing. (which makes gardening super hard) I've taken in any/all sims that happen to walk past my home or sims and survived starvation periods with pure luck ( deer/racoons that happend to come across the locations some of my sims were...using NRAAS mods I was able to turn them into "make food" -> group meal. which I would then bring home and serve to my family. Overall its waaay fun. I have tons of mods that make this very realistic. Lots of fun! |
Quote: Originally posted by Ephy
What kind of mods do you also use? Because I would like to make my game a lot more realistic! |
Quote: Originally posted by Simslover32
I use all the zombies mods I can find. Zombies more biting/more aggressive, NRAAS Vector mod, no cars mod (but that's not working anymore for some reason - probably conflicting with another mod) I use Dexter mod and guns, I use tons of "no autonomous mods" to stop all the annoying sims behavior. Um... oh also I use the "don't buy from fridge" mod so there is never any food other then what you put it in. No curfew mods, unlock sponge bath.. I also turn off all the lights on the lot and only use the candle looking things, I got some cool boards that make it look like your windows are boarded up, suitable wallpapers/floors. I also use the sledgehammer to knock out 1 square of the wall on the main floor and upper floors, then put in a column that matches so it just looks like a doorway this way the house is open to the seasons without electricity there is no way to stay warm without a fireplace/stay cool in the hot season. As long as there is flooring and the house has a proper roof the snow will stay outside the house (its funny watching my poor sims breathing out hot air while tucked in bed when its the freezing cold winter season.... "check temperature" mod helps me keep an eye on my sims. and with NRAAS I always debug break or disable autonomous use on objects I dont want them touching(toilets/bath etc) All I think of of atm.. |
I might just have to get supernatural now to try this. In the mean time, Is there any way to try this in an alternate way without sn?
Quote: Originally posted by Ephy
ok so there are a lot of them I also use. How do you get your game to work and not crash? How do your mods not conflict? Because mine do aaall the time! I think it's since I put either weapon system or the more agressive zombies mod inside my game (but I'm not quite sure if it's really those two mods conflicting). It will just crash (telling me "the program stopped working, and had to be forced shut" or something similar, since I don't play my game in english) when I try to move a family on a lot while being in the town editing menu. Then experienced problems with some cc doors on cc lots (strangly enough not in the cc lot I was playing on before, since I tried out if it were the doors, that didn't work fine, but on other lot's they did, just fine), I couldn't lock them anymore, so pretty soon the lot was overrun with zombies, and then, when going in CAS, and trying to edit the colour of a tshirt or something, and I change the color before all the textil-thingis could load properly, the game won't let me go out of create a style, and I'll have to return to main menu. Since I'm having this trouble, I couldn't really play, wich is a shame, I love this challenge so much! Anybody help me?! Why is this happening, and how can I stop it? |
Quote: Originally posted by Simslover32
Try checking your mods with dashboard: http://modthesims.info/d/387006 It will show mod conflicts and corrupt content. |
I am about to start this challenge. I have Nraas vector, but am going to use scourge to make it so my sims have to cure or kill them and not have them kill themselves off. I am setting my game up in Silent hill (http://evinfilms.blogspot.com/2011/...hill-city.html). I am going to use Shimrod's Zombie cure or kill mod (http://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php...killer-or-cure/) as well as the assassination module of nraas careers (although I'm not sure how this will go since you have to use an interaction with a sim to use it).
I'll see how things go, but this should be fun! I probably will flip a coin as to whether I will kill the zombie or cure it. I'm also thinking that I may make a second compound for the zombies I want to cure and make them all hate the outdoors with an extra trait slot so they never leave. I'll just add them to the lot and if need be, buy it as a second lot. I'll have to see how the world looks to see whether that is necessary. Woot! |
Which diseases do we use?
Trying this, but I can't use the vector mod. It keeps screwing my game up. Im just keeping it always full moon
Okay just a quick question, if you don't have "Into The Future" Ep therefore disallowing you to have the inventing skill, can you use the (I forgot) handiness skill (or some other name) as a replacement and then just do terrain editing when you reach the right level
Quote: Originally posted by PureHetalian
The Inventing skill comes with Ambitions EP. |
*brainfarts* I feel stupid now
It wont let me get the Retuner mod can someone send me a link please I would like the help.
I cant wait to start this challege
OMG!! This looks AWESOME! I cant WAIT to try it!! Just one question, if I install the mods, would it cause my game to crash? Thanks!! Im so excited to try this !!!1
oh, also, is there any for sims 2?
Quote: Originally posted by purpleplumbob856
There's a zombie Apocalypse mod for sims 2 from More Awesome then You. That and Fight Club also from Mary make a pretty good ZomPoc |
Where can i find this download link?
Quote: Originally posted by asianismrice
It's been over half a year since the previous post, but to answer, this challenge isn't something you can download. It's just a set of rules that you try to follow to play this challenge. You DO however, need to download certain mods to set up the challenge. It's my favorite challenge and have played this several times through, so if you're still interested in it, ask if you have any more questions, and I might be able to help! |
This is a great challenge! I also use the hunting mod to gather more food! And the Roseward town is a great place to start! It is a apocalyptic world so it fits well!
https://modthesims.info/d/667419/wi...et-hunting.html https://thesimscatalog.com/sims3/do...edium/roseward/ |
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