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Vattenlilja 20th Sep 2014 10:54 PM

The Sims 4 - Family Portraits & Snapshots (v1)
I think we need this thread as well! Especially since genetics are kind of interesting in this iteration of The Sims. Show us your families!

Here's some adorableness for ya. Hugo is reading to his two kiddos Meia and Matthew. They ARE his biological children, I swear. :P

And here mommy Ebba has joined in. Love this family!

And this is a little different. A straight up sibling picture! Sisters Ebba and Ellora, with Matthew and Meia in the background.

eRogue 21st Sep 2014 6:12 AM

I cannot see your pics -- in any thread -- apparently due to photobucket bandwidth limitation. FWIW, I for forum pics. It is anonymous and unlimited: the only caveat is that it expires after 6 months if no one looks at it, which is frankly perfect.

Vattenlilja 21st Sep 2014 6:56 AM

Yeah, I just noticed that for the first time too! Apparently I need to wait until Oct 9th for them to go back to normal (or pay, but I'm not doing that). I'm switching to another photo sharing service, but I'm kinda sad the old pictures won't be viewable. Stupid Photobucket! And thank you for the tip! I already signed up at another site but if I have any problems with it I will definitely take your suggestion.

JeNNacide 21st Sep 2014 9:55 AM

Flick is big into hugging. She walks around giving everybody hugs. All the time.

Then she grew into a teen....and nothing changed

HEAVEN-SENT 21st Sep 2014 11:17 AM

Rita Volt and her younger brother Billy Volt

Billy Volt and mum Mary Volt

indigoskycaller 21st Sep 2014 12:17 PM

@Vaten, your ss crashed. :c

Vattenlilja 22nd Sep 2014 10:54 PM

My lovely gen 2 heir Ebba is sitting her with her two almost grown (where did the time go!?) kids and their partners! Also, you don't even want to know how hard it was to get all of their faces (or heads :P) in the picture, without showing any plumbobs!

Vattenlilja 29th Sep 2014 10:56 PM

Just some random snapshots of my family interacting with each other...

Mommy Ebba giving Miranda a scolding. I love the child-adult interactions.

And here Miranda is hugging her stuffed animal, while her big sister Meia sits on her bed, eating.

JeNNacide 1st Oct 2014 12:00 PM

Tristan Goth and his half sister Cassandra. No doubt they're related :P

Tristan feeling his little (half) brother, kick! (Featuring Mama Raina)

Tristan all teened up, getting some homework help from his old man, Morty. (Tristan's parents don't live together. Morty stayed with the Goths while mother Raina moved out with Tristan, got married to the guy next door and had two kids. However everyone gets along great, and Morty still comes over every day (sometimes twice >.>) to visit his son)

999rozes 3rd Oct 2014 5:18 AM

Here is Bella with her son Alexander who just turned into a Teen in my game without myself actually knowing.

emino 3rd Oct 2014 5:47 AM

Alexander in my game with his best bud Duncan Echolls.

Vattenlilja 5th Oct 2014 7:20 AM

Ebba and Miranda (mother and daughter) having a nice, calm morning together before it's time for work and school. Ebba has passed away now but I really loved these two together. Their relationship bar was always completely full. I'ma miss their relationship!

littlejestersims 10th Oct 2014 2:26 PM

Alright, story time!

First there were the Spencer-Kim-Lewises: Alice and her husband Eric, their daughter Olivia, Alice's father (?) and Eric's mother. Things didn't work out and Eric left Alice for my self-made sim, coincidentally named Alice Lynn (Watson). Alice Lynn and Eric started out poor but they wanted a big family, which is why Eric turned to the life of crime when Alice Lynn's earnings as a writer didn't cover for the costs. Together the two had six children: Johnny, Jenna, Isabella, Shawn, Kendra and Elijah. Frequent visitors in the household were (and some still are) Eric's mother, Vivian, his daughter Olivia and later on, Eric himself. You see, Eric cheated on Alice Lynn with a younger woman and they had a son, Peter, but Eric broke it off soon after.
When Alice Lynn was pregnant with her youngest child Elijah, she and Eric decided to call it quits and they both found new partners. Despite this, the family is very tight-knit and people come and go as they please around here. Alice Lynn even befriended Eric's first wife Alice and all the children are good friends together.

Here you can see Alice Lynn greeting her ex-husband and their children Jenna and Shawn can be seen there too. The POC lady is just a walkby.

Eric talking with his ex-wife Alice (who looks a lot like Jaime Murray) and his then-girlfriend, Tina. They're now married with a baby on the way.

Here's a shot of the usual day in this crowded house. Alice Lynn and Isabella are preparing breakfast, jockey-Johnny is eating a salad and Jenna + Shawn are probably goofing around.

This photo I really like, I think it shows, in a way similar to the first photo, just how welcoming the Watson-Lewises are. Alice Lynn is, again, preparing food while chatting with Olivia, her ex-husband's daughter from his first marriage.

JeNNacide 11th Oct 2014 2:57 AM

Tristen Goth calmly putting up with sister Trinity's crap. Tristen has since moved out and had a child with Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis but he visits a lot. Sometimes I wonder why :P

indigoskycaller 11th Oct 2014 10:48 AM

David and Carrie ♥

lil bag2 18th Oct 2014 3:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by emino
Alexander in my game with his best bud Duncan Echolls.

That is so adorably awesome

minirexgal 18th Oct 2014 6:10 PM

The Macklin family at Sunday breakfast.
This is my family. The eldest daughter, Molly, is a teen and she's pregnant with her first child. She fell in loe with the guy next door and they are planning a wedding for once she graduates. Molly comes over frequently to visit her folks, teen brothers Luca and Jaydon and little brother Rory. Her Mom is due with her final child any time.

RomerJon17 23rd Nov 2014 11:45 AM

The Loave Family are finally in The Sims 4.

miley3054 27th Nov 2014 11:05 PM

How did you do those portraits
Quote: Originally posted by RomerJon17
The Loave Family are finally in The Sims 4.

James009 27th Nov 2014 11:11 PM

Very nice!
Quote: Originally posted by miley3054
How did you do those portraits

This question, again.

Please answer!

RomerJon17 29th Nov 2014 5:45 AM

@miley3054 @James009
Hi both,

I used Create A Sim Mode, Green Screen, Print Screen and Photoshop.

AnnaSue 13th Dec 2014 5:24 PM

Griggs Father Gregory who achieved his wealth through criminal activities (if you count cheating as such) and his two teenage daughters
Ashlee (blonde) and Samantha (brown haired) as well as son Michael at their saturday evening poolside dinner.

The kids mother Diane joins the dinner late, she was painting another classical art piece and couldn't get away from the easel,
and the only one left on the table with her is her rebellious daughter which isn't really pleased with that situation.

vanessahuckeby 13th Dec 2014 11:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
One of my favorite things in the game is reading to the kids. I think it looks so sweet (when it isn't bugged and actually looks right! LOL) Here is a picture of one of my sim families with the mom reading to her kiddos, while the baby sleeps peacefully nearby.

lewisb40 24th Dec 2014 2:55 PM

Finally have some pictures to post in this section. Just grew up my first teen in the game, born to my favorite couple Jolly and Fifi Orge.

The first daughter got so much love and attention that when she learned Mom was pregnant, she cried. I did too, didn't take a picture of it because I felt bad for her and forgot to click it. Darn!

Fifi has a mischievious but loving soul toward Jolly. Jolly is so reactive to everything, he was the only one that reacted his wife was in labor, running crazy around the house and getting on Fifi's nerves. Fifi dared him to go streaking and that allowed her peace while dealing with her labor.

Jolly was back in time for the birth. Welcoming Stompy Orge in the world.

Jolly has earned a place in my heart because he is attentive to his children autonomously. Always wants to have some interaction with them, even help with homework on his own. He don't have the family oriented trait, he is a nerd brain. Fifi's more into entertaining people.

Stompy's a dirt goblin, just like his dad. I think he grew up cute.

Stompy's big sister, Fogitia wasn't too keen with him for a while, but they eventually began to get along.

My Fogitia's a teen now. They grow up so fast! *sniff* She wanted to be friendly with her dad but after one interaction, it's selfie and check phone time. I will enjoy this for a little while but I know I will find something to nerf that interaction after a while. It's selfie time while doing homework. *sigh*

She grew up cute, nice combo of both parents. Now it's time to grow up her bestie, Alexander Goth. That could be a match.

itschristian 2nd Jan 2015 3:11 AM

Story-time with the twins in the family room

Family Fishing trip at Sylvan Glade

vanessahuckeby 11th Jan 2015 1:11 AM

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i love everyone's pictures! Here is a picture of the Goldman family before Felicity aged up into a child and after! It's a full house with 2 sets of twins! Yikes! My girls just aged into young adults. Time to get them married off and out of my house!

VentusMatt 19th Jan 2015 12:40 PM

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The Matlock family camping trip.

butterfly_lady 21st Jan 2015 3:19 AM

to itschristian: about the guy reading to the twins....why is he naked?

brione 23rd Jan 2015 3:59 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I made Jack White marry Meg White.
They then had a daughter, Crimson White :lovestruc

eman72 27th Jan 2015 7:32 PM

Family Fun

HEAVEN-SENT 31st Jan 2015 12:26 PM

Lexie Volt-Hart with her older brother Alex Volt-Hart

Alex Volt-Hart with his dad Jack Hart

nwhittaker87 7th Feb 2015 11:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by indigoskycaller
David and Carrie ♥

Those shoes, though! <3

VerDeTerre 8th Feb 2015 7:47 PM

Heaven-Sent, those twins are too cute!

Viktor86 19th Feb 2015 3:48 AM

Family potrait, all in front of the huge television. From left to right: Natalie, Viktor, Tina, Jens and Denise.

Viktor86 23rd Feb 2015 3:24 AM

A very rare picture in my game. The family all together, having a quick dinner during friday evening's programming at Comedy Central.

Natashenka 13th Apr 2015 10:41 PM

So I gave the Sims 4 a go for the first time not too long ago.
The first Sim that popped up randomly in CAS looked a little like Tony Stark, so I went with it and the
whole of the Avengers soon materialised in my game. They're pretty entertaining, I need to get more
photos once I move them into a big enough house. It's a full house with 8 of them!

Natasha and Clint were getting a little flirty.

Natasha later took a liking to the punching bag.

Tony did the same a few hours later, while everyone else was sleeping. He's a bit of an insomniac.

Metamorp 23rd May 2015 3:05 AM

Twins and Birthdays!
The Rouge family has had some birthdays lately! Twins Amethyst and Pearl have recently aged up into their teenage years! They grow up so fast :3

Here is Pearl, looking on point as always...!

Amethyst has always ran to a different beat on the drum, and is looking totally stylish in her own way...!

Methinks father Trey and mother Sabrina would be proud!

RomerJon17 31st May 2015 5:33 AM

This is Jane Loave

The Loave family

aba23 21st Jun 2015 6:42 PM

The Holland Family
I am gladly showing you one of my familys. It started with Caroline, her Dad Evan and little Sam Holland. Sam met Olivia Spencer-Lewis and it was a match from the start. Now they are married and still building up their careers as YA before starting a family as Adults.
What is sad about this is - Evan died and there was an urne that the family placed in his favorite room - the crafting room - they removed the crafting table and set up a table for the urne to stand on. It was then decorated with pictures of little Sam and his grandpa Evan- as well as Caroline and Evan (bottom row). Than tragodie struck! Caroline went to a community lot and died there. No urne no stone. Sam was very sad but he did not have any place to go to think of her.

And that is where the Sim game is really crappy - since there was no stone or anything (I guess) Caroline was removed from all the memories. Meaning there is nothing in the Family Tree of Sam. And since according to the game - Sam hasn't had a Mom he also does not have his grandpa in his family tree. As if they were never there.

Luckily he has the pictures in grandpas room and he added pictures of his mom to it (upper row). So it is now the Memory Room. That is the only way we know they were there - and that is where this picture of Sam was shoot. So it is a Family Portrait. The Urne that is in it was grandpas but its empty now. And that is how the game really played it - so sad....


The only one that could help Sam through this was Olivia and I love that look that he is giving her here:

Metamorp 12th Jul 2015 4:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RomerJon17
The Loave family

Holy moly... Am I ever jealous of your fabulous family portraits! Such a great job, it looks like something a family would have had arranged in real life! Good job!

Fouksia 10th Aug 2015 10:06 AM

Here is a picture of a family I'm now scared to play:

Pictured are Kiara, her sister-in-law Alice, her husband Pedro and her sister, Tiana. Kiara and Pedro got a whim to try for baby before their wedding had even ended. While she was taking a pregnancy test, he went to examine the weird light. I left their household and when I remembered that they'd have the babies while I'd be playing another household, I went back to see this. They each had a set of twin girls.

The sims 4 appear to be annoyingly fertile. This is my first game. My sims have gotten whims to try for baby 24 times. Out of 24 efforts, 21 have been successful. Add to that two men who were impregnated by aliens and that makes 23 pregnancies, eight of which resulted in twins. I keep letting them try for baby whenever they want to because I'm hoping to get triplets without a fertility treatment but I guess I'll run out of houses and stop playing before that happens.

RomerJon17 17th Aug 2015 2:58 PM

August 17th - 2015

kidhedera 22nd Aug 2015 11:56 AM

3 Attachment(s)

My sims have a growing brood of half-alien children.

Papa Sim is the culprit in this case, shown here out of disguise with the eldest boy when Orion was still a child.

And here's the last baby, who's too young for a proper family tree portrait yet:

I really wanted a girl, but I can't seem to make that happen. Maybe I should adopt a girl... or just give up. 3 is more children than I've dealt with in TS4 before.

RomerJon17 24th Aug 2015 3:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kidhedera

My sims have a growing brood of half-alien children.

Papa Sim is the culprit in this case, shown here out of disguise with the eldest boy when Orion was still a child.

And here's the last baby, who's too young for a proper family tree portrait yet:

I really wanted a girl, but I can't seem to make that happen. Maybe I should adopt a girl... or just give up. 3 is more children than I've dealt with in TS4 before.

What a lovely family..
Now the pose player is revealed with Sims4Studio.. Here are the siblings.. xD

More pictures are in this facebook page. I do not want to overflow with a lot of kids.. xD hehe

RomerJon17 16th Nov 2015 10:41 AM

The Loave Family group photo..

lewisb40 1st Jan 2016 8:18 AM


New Year

They grow up so fast.

Jasmea 2nd Jan 2016 2:15 PM

And a last snapshot of Dean, Alicia and Joel before I delete the save file.

Moodlet 2nd Jan 2016 11:05 PM

My first generation-intended family, the Creek family.

Their son, Avery, mother Timberwolf (legacy founder), father Travis Scott (in-game generated Sim), and daughter, Paisley.
(I have a weird obsession with matching clothes so each day they colour coordinate.. ehem)

Paisley has done a great job in convincing me she will be the next heiress.

SerenaOhSerena 6th May 2016 8:01 PM

Dominic Fyres invited his daughters, Siobhan and Morgan over to meet his soon-to-be second wife, Serena Piper. You can see they were not particularly fond of her to say the least.

SachikoOneeSama 6th May 2016 8:58 PM

"The Twilight Handmaidens" is probably the only household where the main girls's mother is present.
In fact, there are 5 girls, but only 3 of them are her daughters. And naturally, this family is japanese as well.
Kinoshita Nobuko (The glasses woman) is the mother of Kinoshita Ouse (With Red Yukata), Kinoshita Hanako (Yellow Flowers Yukata), and Kinoshita Kirika (Green Yukata). The other two ones are Minazuki Ichika (Black Yukata) and Sendou Takako (Grey/Lilac Yukata).

And here, the young maidens are playing, as they usually do, before going to bed...

SerenaOhSerena 11th May 2016 4:12 PM

Sergio Romeo and Dorian Fulton-Sierra

And their twins, Caspian and Harper.

Natashenka 26th Jun 2016 5:01 PM

Peter and Alice aged up into young adults and somehow the party went off without a hitch.
That's not including the fact that as soon as they had come home from school they had eaten
one of the birthday cakes before candles could be added. Aurora luckily managed to bake a
third one just in time to stop either of the twins growing up with the sad moodlet.
Megara is now the only teenager in the house, thank god.

RomerJon17 1st Jul 2016 6:50 AM

The Loave Family Home Business...

DitzyEkko 6th Aug 2016 12:55 AM

Twin Comparison Pictures
5 Attachment(s)
I love the variety that can be seen in children that have the same parents. At the same time, I love how some twins are IDENTICAL.

All of my twins have had differences except the Lothario twins (Keisha & Kristyn). They are so amazingly similar that I think they may be identical.

All of these twins were born through story progression, I was not around for any of the births.

I did manage the households & influence marriages and pregnancies until very recently when I installed MC Command Center.

I know through MC that I have more twins on the way and I can't wait to see what I get.

The genealogies of my twins

Allyn & Ellyn Goth are the great granddaughters of Alexander Goth and thus the great great granddaughters of Mortimer and Bella.
Gina & Gino Caliente are the grandchildren of Dina Caliente through her only child Robin.
Lissa & Lex Huntington are the great grandchildren of J Huntington III & Olivia Lewis-Spencer-Kim (pre-made Maxis singles whom I married)
Kara & Kira Mattson are the great granddaughters of Major Mattson (pre-made Maxis single who married into my legacy family)
Keisha & Kristyn Lothario are the great granddaughters of Don Lothario through their father AND great granddaughters of Dina Caliente (a twin) through their mother Gina Caliente (a twin)

DitzyEkko 6th Aug 2016 3:49 AM

How do you take such wonderful photos? How do you pose them like that?

How how how how

Quote: Originally posted by RomerJon17
August 17th - 2015

DitzyEkko 6th Aug 2016 11:50 PM

I've had a multiple birth explosion in my Legacy family
3 Attachment(s)
All three of these sets are descended from my founders Albert & Anna Yates.

Hallet & Haleigh Foster-Yates are the great grandchildren of Albert & Anna
Lark & Leilani Yates are the great granddaughters of Albert & Anna, J Huntington III & Olivia Lewis-Spencer-Kim and the great great granddaughters of Don Lothario. Lark is also probably the heir over her 4 siblings.
Tabbi, Tai, & Tank Burkett-Torres are the great great grandchildren of Albert & Anna and the great great great grandchildren of Don Lothario

spidergirl79 12th Aug 2016 10:27 PM

Father daughter: Colin and Iona. (Eye-own-a, its Irish)

and his sons Diarmuid (Deer-mid aka Dermot) and Padraig (Pad-rig aka Patrick)

These are Irish names since Colin is Irish. These are also my self-sims children. No, I'm not Colin, I'm Mina.

DitzyEkko 27th Aug 2016 4:30 PM

More Twins and Triplets
5 Attachment(s)
Jessamyn Yates and Keisha Lothario will both be pictured twice - once together as parents of triplets and then each with a different partner as parents of twins. All together those two women had 9 children!! MC Command Center was in control and I think dropped the ball.

Keisha Lothario (great granddaughter of Don Lothario paternally & great granddaughter of Dina Caliente maternally) and Jessamyn Yates (great great granddaughter of Don Lothario paternally & great granddaughter of J Huntington III & Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis maternally) are the parents of triplet girls - Andie, Bandie, Candie Lothario-Yates

Keisha Lothario (see above) & townie Demi Hull later married and became parents of a singleton and then twins - Keish & Kish Hulothario

Jessamyn Yates (see above) married her pregnant fiance townie Scarlet Ridley while Keisha Lothario was pregnant with their triplets! Jessamyn and Scarlet became parents of a singleton and then twins - Daario & Daisy Ridlates

Malcolm Landgraab II (great grandson of Malcolm Landgraab & Cassandra Goth paternally and great grandson of J Huntington III & Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis maternally) and legacy heir Lark Yates (great great granddaughter of Don Lothario paternally & great granddaughter of J Huntington III & Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis maternally) are the parents of twins - Mark & Mallory Yates - and a singleton Geoffrey Landgraab III

Quincy Steele-Goth (great great grandson of Alexander Goth maternally) and natural genetics legacy founder Anahi Alaniz are the parents of 7 children including triplets - Crendi, Dolem, & Ennis Steele

In order to preserve the Goth family line, I've allowed Quincy to pass the Steele name to his sons and the Goth name to his daughters. My last true Goth (Quincy's 1st cousin Patten Goth) was a child when his parents died and was culled from the neighborhood I have one other hyphenated Goth - Marcelo Marshall-Goth. Marcelo and Quincy's mothers were twins Allyn & Ellyn Goth. I have two blended name Goth cousins - Kyla and Rylie Gothington (Quincy's half-sisters). I'm trying carefully to preserve this line while not actually playing it.

lfria 21st Jan 2017 3:03 AM

I made the Broke family from Sims 2. I've started them where Dustin is just a toddler and will work my up to Skip's pool "accident".

lfria 28th Jan 2017 3:45 AM

Making more Sims 2 family remakes. This time I made the Beakers as young adults, and Olive Specter with her son Nervous.

eduseo 11th Feb 2017 12:29 AM

My current save is the Glasco Family, aka these guys:

Tricia Carter with fiance Santos Glasco, their daughter Cyra, and their son Albus.

SaurusSims 7th Apr 2017 12:09 PM

SaurusSims 7th Apr 2017 12:14 PM

eduseo 16th Apr 2017 1:46 AM

Still playing those Glasco from time to time. Tricia and Santos ended up having surprise triplets, but Albus became heir and moved out.
So I'm currently playing with:

Son Damitri, wife Aria, daughter Cerise, and of course the heir himself.

RicoSuavecito 24th Apr 2017 3:23 AM

Me and my son at the pool
1 Attachment(s)
Not a single parent, I just left my wife, younger son, and mom at home xD

Hellfrozeover 9th Aug 2017 1:48 AM

The Smyths.

Caleb (red hair) was in his mid twenties when he met Valentina. She was already in her early forties and had a teenage son, Milo. They didn't want to get their hopes up and plan for any children, but they went on to have Heather, followed by Amber. Milo's girlfriend Hana also lives with the family now.

Anhaeyn 12th Aug 2017 1:54 AM

My current, vampire family :lovestruc

eduseo 12th Aug 2017 6:59 AM

Still playing those Glascos! The Gen 3 heir ended up being Damitri.

He married Keaton and had two sons Mathias and Zavier (lil' ginger), and adopted daughter Wanda. Lil' ginger became the gen 4 heir.

Zavier's in first trimester with gen 5 but the other parent (an older male who was one of his patients) isn't around as it was a just one night thing. He's just started dating a lady named Gabrielle recently. :D

lfria 14th Aug 2017 1:49 AM

Some shots from the Curious household:

From the Smith household as well:

Anhaeyn 28th Sep 2017 1:57 AM

I'm very often changing the family I play with, but with these two I play a little longer than usual.

spidergirl79 28th Sep 2017 2:22 AM

I see you found eyelashes that are compatible with those (the mom's) glasses! I just found them last night! Kijiko's experimental works-with-glasses didn't work on my female sim, so I had to find a different set entirely! Cute family!

Anhaeyn 28th Sep 2017 11:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by spidergirl79
I see you found eyelashes that are compatible with those (the mom's) glasses! I just found them last night! Kijiko's experimental works-with-glasses didn't work on my female sim, so I had to find a different set entirely! Cute family!

These eyelashes are by maysims actually. Click
Thanks! :lovestruc

eduseo 13th Nov 2017 6:46 PM

Yeah, still playing the Glasco's. I'm on generation 5 now which is definitely the furthest I've got to in a sims family.

Last I posted Zavier was pregnant and dating. He later had Lupin and married Gabrielle. They eventually had Willow and they also had two twin girls called Dahlia and Clover too, they're just not pictured. The gen 5 heir ended up being Willow.

She's ended up having twins Faith and Harley with her ex boyfriend. She later married her brother's best friend Myron (he was also their ghost roommate that was eventually resurrected by her dad through grafting) and is currently pregnant with his child. The dog is Bamboo, who Myron found as a stray and took in. :D

Inheriting a grandparents hair colour is pretty common in the heir line for some reason, and it's awesome!

emino 14th Nov 2017 3:06 PM

I started a new family a week before Cats and Dogs arrive.d. Introducing the Muller Family.

I play Stardew Valley recently and in love with both Alex and Penny and woo them as my love interest only to realize that these two would be good for each other. So I recreate them in my game. This is them now:

I am such a shipper lol. Alex x Penny FTW!

Anhaeyn 23rd Nov 2017 8:05 PM

Another family. Ugh, can't stick to only one.

RicoSuavecito 27th Nov 2017 2:23 AM

My son was getting all F's so I socked him. Now he has a 4.0. (DISCLAIMER: in no way do I condone child abuse or violence, just an experiment.) The expression killed me after so I never did it again.

grindingteeth 27th Nov 2017 4:10 AM

I've been remaking a lot of families and characters from previous Sims games lately, craving some more familiar faces in my game. These are the Altos from Sims 3.

Mostly, I just like how Vita turned out.

(Holly Alto, Nick Alto, VIta Alto)

RicoSuavecito 27th Nov 2017 6:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grindingteeth
I've been remaking a lot of families and characters from previous Sims games lately, craving some more familiar faces in my game. These are the Altos from Sims 3.

Mostly, I just like how Vita turned out.

(Holly Alto, Nick Alto, VIta Alto)

They look villainous I love it!

grindingteeth 28th Nov 2017 2:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RicoSuavecito
They look villainous I love it!

They are! well, Vita and Nick are, anyway.

PredictableLiar 28th Nov 2017 8:43 PM

PredictableLiar 20th Dec 2017 3:56 AM

Yuki Behr - Lucas Munch

Natashenka 22nd Jan 2018 10:37 PM

Family time in the garden <3

You wouldn't think that this toddler is the worst toddler I've ever had, he looks so angelic here.

aparkison 23rd Jan 2018 10:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grindingteeth
I've been remaking a lot of families and characters from previous Sims games lately, craving some more familiar faces in my game. These are the Altos from Sims 3.

Mostly, I just like how Vita turned out.

(Holly Alto, Nick Alto, VIta Alto)

Wow! Vita looks amazing! You did a great job! :lovestruc

Avalion 22nd Feb 2018 6:45 PM

Rhea reading to her sons, I love how the cat looks like she's listening too.

harlequin_eyes 27th May 2018 8:56 PM

SimMe, my two IRL cats, and the dog my fiance and I plan on really getting one day. All taking a nap, totally autonomously.

Anhaeyn 25th Jun 2018 1:21 AM

Family time during hot summer.

YamiTheDragon 11th Jul 2018 4:10 AM

I managed to take a screenshot of my legacy founder right as her soul was reaped... right in front of her poor daughter.

and this is her husband... Considering I already got a message telling me to make the best of his last few days, I think he might stay sad and heartbroken for the rest of his life :v

Mrmo 8th Sep 2019 5:48 PM

Here is two shots of my newest family in Willow Creek : The Lorenz. I moved the Pancakes family out and let this family move in. I don't know what it is but I have some trouble to "hit" this lot correctly when I want to play it.

Helena, the mum - Douglas, the dad and the cutest little daughter named Patty. :lovestruc

Patty having fun whit mum. (Yes, the lipstick looks a little bright I know).

Mrmo 9th Nov 2019 10:46 PM

Today I downloaded the furry mod from Savestate. And... It's... Awsome!!

Addings some pics here. So this is Tomas Milles (the dog) and his roommate Lucy Dotts (snow leopard).

Adding download link to this mod:

LogLady 21st Jan 2020 6:13 PM

My sims got hitched, bought a cabin, got a baby and grew a garden.

LogLady 8th Apr 2020 3:36 PM

...and as I played along I figured that a very easy way to make money is to be a skilled gardener and sell the harvest of rare species. So my sims moved from the beloved cabin and upgraded to a fancier home.

Teenage daughter fell in love with Morgan Landgraab. Go figure...

simmer22 1st Jun 2020 10:14 PM

Yvette and Callum, watching TV and hanging out with their cat Mimi.

tunafishfish 23rd Jun 2020 3:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is more from my Pleasantview themed save I'm really proud of how I edited Bella and how much she and Mike look alike.

LogLady 6th Jul 2020 12:58 PM

Hazel Redwood all grown up with her own family. (First born daughter in the cabin from the posts above).

The 3:rd generation of Redwoods have entered the world and I chose "indipendent" as her personality trait. It's so cute when these toddlers are discovering things on their own

Dale works as an investigating officer, and Hazel is a pianist in the music industry. Love this little family

tunafishfish 7th Jul 2020 8:33 PM

Nice build, I like the way you made a fence with those rocks!

LogLady 3rd Aug 2020 11:27 AM

Family camping trip

tunafishfish 3rd Aug 2020 9:29 PM

6 Attachment(s)
Skip and Brandi got married in the kitchen in their jammies before she knew she was expecting. Here they are when she's hugely pregnant. On Thanksgiving, all the men in the Broke family get up at 4:00 AM to go fishing down at Magnolia Blossom Park. They're usually home by noon to watch the football game and have dinner at 2:00 PM. That night, Brandi went into labor and Dustin was born!

mightyena 27th Jan 2021 10:34 PM

Well my sim has been rather prolific, so he's got quite a big family. Here are 18 of his 19 children:

From left to right:
(standing) Bryan, Lex, Case, Kole, Philip, Laurant
(sitting) Jamie, Orin, Navan, Shannon

From left to right: Thaddeus, Kyle, Cohen, Chance, Cody

From left to right: Archer, Reid, Davis

Between those 18, there are 9 different baby daddies. Bonus points if you can identify some of them!

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