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PANDAQUEEN 25th Oct 2021 1:33 AM

How Was Your Day?
Well, seeing as the original "How Was Your Day" went supernova...

I decided to bring it back because it was the nice part about this subforum

I have been 34 for a day and tomorrow I have a Wal-Mart run with my mom.

Today was a lazy day and I found an 8 pack of blueberry seltzer in the pantry, so it wasn't a total loss.

Freefalldreams 25th Oct 2021 3:52 AM

Happy birthday! What's it like being so old? (Not meant badly at all; I'm 31 myself!)

I...may have unintentionally served as the iron shard that set off that supernova. I was away from MTS for the past few days, but apparently my sliding out of lurker-mode just before that to say something nice to you and agreeing about the junkiness of junk mail set off a cascade and broke something (or someone)? Anyway, thank you for fixing this mess! There is a very special place for people who delete content that other people were using because they no longer have a use for it. day? I discovered that instant chocolate pudding mixes well with chocolate protein powder, so I guess that's a slightly healthier way to eat it. Also, I think my greatest barrier to success is my lack of motivation to stay on one task at a time. I've found three jobs (and really good jobs, at that) where this tendency may be a good thing...but having a chance at them requires writing cover letters that can both convey my scatterbrainedness in a good way while still fitting the accepted format well enough to get through the AI filters this kind of company can be expected to have, so that a human has a chance of seeing them (complicated by the fact that the existence of at least one of them implies an HR department still under construction, so I have no idea who that human would be!). And that...requires staying on task rather than thinking that it's time to wash my hair, or that I want to eat pudding, or daydreaming about how the interviews will go when I haven't even done the cover letters! (Or browsing MTS!)

PANDAQUEEN 25th Oct 2021 5:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Freefalldreams
Happy birthday! What's it like being so old? (Not meant badly at all; I'm 31 myself!)

No problem. You may want to stay up on your health if you have a speed dial with 15 specialists.

Yes, I am currently struggling with a diet. But bear with me, I am making sure to eat a healthy meal once a week and increase as I go. I also cut sodas out of regular rotation and leave fast food for my trips to the doctor, which are infrequent.

simsample 25th Oct 2021 6:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Yes, I am currently struggling with a diet. But bear with me, I am making sure to eat a healthy once a week and increase as I go.

I'm trying to eat healthily too, do you cook your own meals? Any tips for me?

PANDAQUEEN 25th Oct 2021 11:21 PM

I rarely cook anything resembling healthy food. Mostly, I eat vegetables in crudite trays. I try to eat healthy, but usually that's reserved for our Monday night dinners as a family (I live at home with my parents because my money doesn't go far. SSI is a pathetic joke for those who value privacy and don't want to live in group homes.)

Otherwise, I need to re-think what goes in my mouth.

andes 26th Oct 2021 1:30 AM

Hello! I'm just bursting in here. It depends on what you want and why. I always eat 'healthy', but I of course add a lot of cookies and candy, coffee and cakes on top of that; but a few tips are beans (contains everything); eggs (also has everything you need for a day). I don't like to cook, but love tomatoes and napa cabbage and often make sallads of that and beans, sometimes adding eggs and other things, it's quick and cheap and good, with spices and oils and dressing. For cooked food I mostly eat vegetable stews, also the principle of easy and fast to cook, everything can be thrown in a pot and its fun to experiment. Fish I eat sometimes, and meat, but not often. Tomatoes make a good sauce base, onions fried in oil as well. For oil: rape seed, sometimes a little olive; for bread: rye has a lot of fibers; cooked/steamed vegetables I think is better than fried. I drink lots and lots of water (tap). I think the key is moderation and allowance to indulge yourself, it'll never last otherwise.

Oh, and my day was fine, I've played the sims, been to the library and done some errands, enjoyed the sun, and read a little.

PANDAQUEEN 26th Oct 2021 8:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by andes
Oh, and my day was fine, I've played the sims, been to the library and done some errands, enjoyed the sun, and read a little.

I really should get back to my Sims, but my room is wrekt from cleaning up.

I have been sorting dolls and the clothes\accessories they come with as I have some OCD tendencies since I was a kid that never really been broken. But then again, people have OCD tendencies to a certain extent as said in interviews with the cast and crew of "Monk". My OCD tendencies is sorting by color, number, letter, rankings, order, etc., Putting things in neat little piles or bagging them up, labeling them and filing them in shoe boxes.

Edit: I received a check from one of my aunts. It was $50. Same as the one from my grandparents and parents. Freed up a lot of shopping money.

andes 26th Oct 2021 11:57 AM

I'd just call that organizing and not bother with the diagnosis; they are often just applied to create abnormality, instead of trying to describe it. Real dolls somehow beats the virtual ones though! That is at least how I would describe me playing the sims, moving dolls around in a doll's house.

Graveyard Snowflake 26th Oct 2021 5:30 PM

*pops in* 3 is yellow, August is sky blue, physical therapists are lime green, Germany is a grassy hill with an old cabin and two cows in the distance, France is purple for some reason, December is icy blue, 'M' is a sorta crimson color?? *poofs out in a cloud of smoke*

simsample 26th Oct 2021 5:36 PM

For me, 9 tastes like sausage meat.

PANDAQUEEN 26th Oct 2021 6:24 PM

Okay, enough fiddle faddle. I get you guys are happy to have a positive space.

With $150 in birthday money, a doll in my collection and sorting the remaining money in investments for my future plans, I can say my 34th birthday was a success.

Graveyard Snowflake 26th Oct 2021 7:30 PM

*poofs back in* I forgot to mention, X is a brownish-black and Z is a blueish-black and in school subjects, math is red and science is blue and language arts courses are all green. *poofs back out*

Bigsimsfan12 27th Oct 2021 11:20 AM

I'm just really sad and deflated. The landlord came round yesterday, ever since covid she has become more and more hostile with every visit. She consistently blames random household repairs on us - this time its the broken patio tile, she claims both that it was done in the past month, but also that my partner must have done it with his motorbike (which he hasn't owned in 2 years). I'm pretty sure it's been like that since we moved in. In fact it's clearly visible in a video of Ivy learning to walk from May 2020

She was particularly rude and shouty this visit. From the moment she entered the property she was rude, demanding why my partner was carrying Ivy and why she wasn't with me (bare in mind, I have to cuddle our dog every time she visits because he's incredibly nervous. Also I'm heavily pregnant and very ill with anemia and a chest infection). I think she's going to finally going to evict us because she was pressuring us into ending the tenancy. She started asking about our finances and told us this house wasn't appropriate for us anymore and we would be better suited for social housing (bare in mind all rent payments have been on time). Also she knocked over my beloved snake plant, spilling soil all over the carpet and wall and then instead of apologising, started yelling about how I shouldn't keep plants on windowsills.

I'm just scared and upset. We can't afford to find somewhere else to live and it would be such a hassle moving. My inheritance money still hasn't been sorted, and I'm giving birth in 4 weeks and our wedding in 16 weeks. I'm also coughing up bloody rubbery phlegm today which has been suuuuper fun, but I might finally get my antibiotics that the Doctor prescribed/pharmacist cannot find any record of.

andes 27th Oct 2021 12:38 PM

That is just horrible, and I cannot relate not living in England, which I'm guessing you are. I found this though, and in well meaning naivety I'd recommend looking up your country's specific laws on renting property etc. I hope you filmed her, if not do so next time.

Bigsimsfan12 27th Oct 2021 2:07 PM

Wales - You call a Welsh man an English man and you're looking for a fight

I've written her an email making a formal complaint about her behaviour in our home and informed her that I will be recording future inspections (havent sent it yet because it feels like its just going to poke the bear). That was citizens advice's recommendation, and that social housing can be arranged but not until the eviction notice has been served. Also I mean beggers can't be choosers, and there's a huge possibility we'd end up living in the same council estate as my mother in law who we are no contact with... which would be an absolute nightmare, but I guess we cross that bridge when we get to it.

andes 27th Oct 2021 3:21 PM

Oops, I'll be sure to keep my tongue straight! There was a link to Wales in the page I found as well though, in my defense..
Sounds like good advise you've been given, and without knowing the background I'd say that one reason for threatening harassments are that the actor has no real grounds to do anything official and is trying to provoke a situation. I am amazed they are allowed to show up like that. I wish you luck.

Bigsimsfan12 27th Oct 2021 4:07 PM

Thank you for your advice @andes - Hopefully you're right and the reason for her harassment is because she can't do anything official. I'm just worried she'll become worse and worse the longer we live here. We've lived in this house since November 2017 and never had any problems at all until September 2020. We denied her access to the house ONCE because my partner had been in an accident, and ever since she's just been increasingly rude. Not sure if its because of the time we denied access or if it's because of covid, or something else entirely (she went through IVF the same time we naturally concieved our daughter so partner thinks its that, but she did have a healthy son so I don't see why that would be the reason). Ugh I'm tired of it, she causes such anxiety and unneeded stress and she always seems to want to visit at the worst possible times (partner in an accident, family member dies, I'm in and out of hospital- its like she knows!)

andes 27th Oct 2021 5:02 PM

I got curious, and read about the 2014 housing law in Wales, "Code of Practice issued by Rent Smart Wales", and the required registration and licencing of private landlords, and that they need to show that they are 'fit and proper' by giving information about themselves and learning the 'best practices' of renting. I read 'Code of Practice for Landlords and Agents licensed under Part 1 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014', and under 'Access to the property – Requirements' it said:

It also said that landlords can be, anonymously, reported for breaches. I don't know if these are the correct facts; or if they can be applied to your housing. Perhaps we'll get back to the thread's main subject though.

PANDAQUEEN 28th Oct 2021 2:54 PM

Just calculating some numbers for my shopping day on Monday.

andes 29th Oct 2021 9:02 AM

My day starts off nicely, I woke up early, the sun is shining through the windows, the coffee tastes great.

PANDAQUEEN 29th Oct 2021 11:10 PM

I received a second package for the second day in a row and killed a termite queen while she still had wings. (I live in the countryside of the Mid-Atlantic, wealthiest county in my state of NJ, and pest control is a must for Main Street, which has countless Victorian houses.)

Tomorrow, I'm supposed to receive memo notebooks for my note taking. If Wind is weak against Rock, what immunity is between the elements of Light and Shadow and the elements of Space and Time? (Working on a fighting elemental game.)

Graveyard Snowflake 30th Oct 2021 6:27 PM

@ PANDAQUEEN Light and Shadow can do more damage to each other (think 1.75 - 2x), but in astronomy, Space and Time are essentially intertwined, so Space would be immune to Time's power, and vice versa.

PANDAQUEEN 31st Oct 2021 12:40 AM

Third package for the third day in a row.

Also had a bipolar episode. My father and I both suffer from it and it means reading books and treating it with pills and trying to stay separate from each other when tempers flare. My father was right. I am an unhappy individual. I'm like Walter Mitty or Doug Funnie: the kind of people who are the last kind of people who grab life by the reins and do crazy shit because I am shy and otherwise weak against the most confident of the employees in a corporate setting.

Bigsimsfan12 31st Oct 2021 10:46 PM

Pregnancy has me miserable. At least tomorrow I can say I'm due this month, albeit at the very end.

PANDAQUEEN 1st Nov 2021 2:51 PM

Went for an early WalMart run and stocked up on snacks and those sparkling juices and stuffing for Thanksgiving.

Helped an employee setting out the Santa's cookies baking kits when one slipped and fell behind the yellow chiffon cake mixes and for that, he thanked me for helping him before the store got busy.

Edit: I received $30 from my aunt Fran, who is currently struggling with drama with her employers and her family. Right now, all I can say is, "If she's happy, that's all that really matters."

Bigsimsfan12 2nd Nov 2021 7:54 PM

So due to my iron levels I can bleed out and die if I give birth but I'm due to give birth whenever (37 weeks today)... Doctor has prescribed iron tablets. I go to pick up these iron tablets.... got given antibiotics instead. I was prescribed these antibiotics last week so I don't know if the script has messed up or what but its definitely not going to help with my iron deficiency and its kinda a race against the clock. Gonna have to call back tomorrow and hope it gets sorted.

andes 2nd Nov 2021 10:27 PM

I'm surprised they haven't given you pills until now. Until you get your pills: iron is in meat, nettles, egg, 'blood food' like black pudding, and darkly coloured vegetables like spinach, for instance. C-vitamin makes it easier for the body to absorb iron; and coffeine/teein and milk harder. If you have a iron pot to cook in, add something acid, like tomato, and use a metal spoon: a small amount of iron will loosen and absorb into the food, an easy, and despite how it sounds, healthy way of getting iron for those with deficiancy.

My day was a bit gloomy, but is much better now; and I've now finished a nice build in the sims, which in a cute way makes me feel accomplished!

PANDAQUEEN 4th Nov 2021 9:36 PM

A bit angry that I wasn't patient. Amazon said my package was lost and all I could do was ask for a refund. Turned out it was on the way and I cancelled by the time it got to my town's post office so it's now on its way back to the warehouse.

No matter...

...I still have the refund to fall back on.

simmer22 5th Nov 2021 6:17 PM

First part a bit bleh, second part a bit better. Exhausted from work.

Bigsimsfan12 6th Nov 2021 11:42 AM

I'm on my second bowl of Lucky Charms because I'm in a great mood. I'm responding well to my iron tablets, I did still sleep until 10am today but hopefully that was just because I was up late watching the fireworks. Also we've been given the opportunity to move house - it's not set in stone yet, it would involve a lot of downsizing and it would be a big cost so close to our wedding but with the rent being nearly half I'm hoping we could save back up.

I'm optimistic.

PANDAQUEEN 6th Nov 2021 5:20 PM

Bored out of my skull.

I currently have saved up $76.18 in cash and change, but this is spread over 9 cash boxes and a Pikachu bank (I chose him, no pun intended, to represent my world travels. Currently, all that's inside him is 10¢.) I have some lofty ambitions.

Bigsimsfan12 8th Nov 2021 6:31 PM

I started my maternity leave! How exciting! I thought I was suppose to finish on the 9th, but it turns out my maternity leave starts on the 9th. Now I have to actually get things ready for a baby...

PANDAQUEEN 8th Nov 2021 8:26 PM

Hey guys...

Monday night family dinner is up ahead.

My mother went to get her booster vaccine as per regulations of the NJ Department of Health's War on Covid-19. If it's been more than 2 months (and it has been for all of us) since the last vaccination, a booster is required for continued effect.

My father and I are getting ours on Wednesday.

It's been a quiet day otherwise. But my left hip hurts from walking with my new insoles.

Bigsimsfan12 9th Nov 2021 10:59 AM

Ffs. I'm due to give birth any day and 2 people at partners work have tested positive for covid, apparently they went to a party where they knew someone had covid. I'm so annoyed, that's so irresponsible, especially because they work in a care home.

Partners been told by track and trace he doesn't need to self-isolate because he's double vaccinated but I really wish he would because if he gets covid I don't think he's allowed into the hospital when I'm giving birth and that would be horrible.

andes 9th Nov 2021 11:28 AM

I hope everything goes well.

I had a simple operation and see much clearer now; there are so many colours and contrast everywhere I look! It makes me so happy. I'll drink my coffee and go for a walk to watch the leaves move and the shadows in the pavement mark out their existence to me.

PANDAQUEEN 10th Nov 2021 4:04 AM

I collected up my money from my cash boxes and had $75 in paper money ($12 of which in the rare $2 denomination. I bought some bath bombs with a $2 bill as the common prize. $2 bills are real, but they are rare and carry the negative connotation of indulging in the 7 deadly sins due to $2 being the going rate long ago to sin. I feel a sin coming on.)

PANDAQUEEN 11th Nov 2021 10:35 PM

Got my booster shot yesterday, along with depositing my cash in the bank to buy something I had my eye on, buy food and drinks for dinner.

Today I found out my parents bought mandarin oranges and I had a few. I'm tired of weighing 300+ pounds and I have been making a few baby steps towards changing my diet. Swapping out sodas for sparkling water and seltzer flavored with natural essences and free of any sweetener, portioning out snacks, eating more plant fiber and lean meats.

But I won't be hard on myself like previous years. I will have cheat days. But they'll coincide with doctor visits.

Bigsimsfan12 11th Nov 2021 11:16 PM

Iron levels were checked today and they were great. Also filled out my intent to marry form thing... is it bad during the interview I forgot my partners name? His middle name is Robert, but once my phone autocorrected it to "Robot" and I've called him it ever since (either as a full name Adam-Robot" or just "Robot", or shortened to "Robe"). It was kind of awkward when the registrar asked for his name and I said "Adam.... Roh-bert..." it sounded like a completely made up name to me

PANDAQUEEN 13th Nov 2021 6:18 PM

It's stormy outside. The thunder is pretty intense.

Been thinking about my future in designing medical devices. From prosthetics and glass eyes to bandages and eyeglass repair kits, there's room for improvement.

Graveyard Snowflake 13th Nov 2021 7:46 PM

So my mom just left for some job training thing, which means I'm alone in Poland for a while. I have in-person Polish classes until February, so I guess it's not all bad...

PANDAQUEEN 14th Nov 2021 6:17 PM

Survived using a Porta Potty. It was almost full, it stank, it was vandalized with black sharpie and the toilet paper roll wasn't hung up.

I rate public toilets as a hobby and have done so since 2007. This experience was part of my "daily risks" and I came up with a new ranking: Condemned. Below Hazmat and F.

I did one thing that scared me. I never used Porta Potties before.

Graveyard Snowflake 15th Nov 2021 8:27 PM

I don't know how to adult, and yet my mom asks me to. *screams internally*

PANDAQUEEN 15th Nov 2021 10:29 PM

Went to therapy and I was in tears for a good 15 minutes and had to explain parasocial relationships to my therapist. Parasocial relationships are those one-sided relationships we have with fictional characters or celebrities and yet part of it is it's treated like a real relationship because of the rapport built with characters and\or celebrities.

You see, I have been working on a massive robotics project for the aftermath of COVID-19 and although the man I looked up to died last year, it was due to a stealthy aneurysm, not Covid-19. I only saw the headline because I avoid reading bad news due to my anxiety.

I was crying, wailing, begging for forgiveness from my therapist, the only thing I didn't do was barf up milk. The closest horse on a beach ball was Circus Roncalli in Germany.

Granted, there was some closure on the issues regarding Grant Imahara's death. Next month, I have to revisit my therapist for an update after seeing 4 other doctors.

Bigsimsfan12 17th Nov 2021 1:06 AM

My wedding cake lady gave me a free sample of cake (literally half a cake!) just because I'm pregnant lmao. I wasn't even going there for a cake tasting, we picked the cake months ago - I was just letting her borrow my bouquet so she could match the flowers to the ones we want on the cake.

So I've spent a couple of hours bouncing on my birthing ball while eating chocolate cake

PANDAQUEEN 18th Nov 2021 12:31 AM

Nearly froze to death. I had to drag out my dreaded yoga pants from my teen years, 20 years ago...

...and they still fit!

I only drag them out when running around in underoos for no apparent reason is not an option!

I got to eat avocado sushi from a buy 2, get 1 free from the sushi counter.

My mother was sent home from work early when the warehouse broke down and went eerily quiet. She and dad will have to work on Thanksgiving. Mom has to make up for the broken warehouse and Dad has to work for his first week at a vitamin\supplement warehouse.

PANDAQUEEN 19th Nov 2021 7:10 AM

Went for a walk yesterday afternoon...but I noted some changes.

1. The footbridge was given new planks.
2. The crosswalk to the sidewalk from the gravel parkway was gone.
3. About 1,000 steps in on my pedometers, I came across a "Road Closed" sign toward Town Hall in.

Of all the days to go walking in the mid-afternoon sun...

My efforts weren't futile, I hadn't been out of the house in that direction since the bridge closed for the summer.

I also came up with a show for FOX with the "cosplay karaoke" concept.

You introduce yourself in character and go through each round, with someone eliminated at the end of the night. If you're eliminated, you reveal your real identity.

I can't help but hearing the phrase "Hi, my name is Eddie Belcher from Long Island, New York." coming from a guy dressed as Inuyasha.

I would be the first act singing Sia's "Chandelier" dressed as Sailor Galaxia or I can cross play as Chibodee Crockett from G Gundam. We give cross play a chance.

I even found a cute keychain of a panda wearing hornrims (the stereotypical black frames associated with nerd culture and geek chic, usually taped together at the bridge because of bullies or not looking where you're going. I also wear hornrims IRL.) and a CROWN! Panda Queen IRL.

Bigsimsfan12 19th Nov 2021 10:36 AM

I went to bed at 6pm last night and woke up 9am this morning. What the hell. Also I'm starving, I'm debating if pasta counts as a breakfast meal because other than cereal or chocolate that's really all I have in that I can make quickly.

Graveyard Snowflake 19th Nov 2021 5:16 PM

There needs to be a day where it's acceptable for college students to gather on their campuses and just scream into the void to alleviate stress.

Graveyard Snowflake 19th Nov 2021 10:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
I went to bed at 6pm last night and woke up 9am this morning. What the hell. Also I'm starving, I'm debating if pasta counts as a breakfast meal because other than cereal or chocolate that's really all I have in that I can make quickly.

Pasta counts. I know I'm saying this as a college student, but pasta counts.

AverageMcPosterman 20th Nov 2021 5:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Graveyard Snowflake
Pasta counts. I know I'm saying this as a college student, but pasta counts.

Yeah, pasta is special like that. Can be breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, snack's snack.

PANDAQUEEN 20th Nov 2021 11:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Graveyard Snowflake
There needs to be a day where it's acceptable for college students to gather on their campuses and just scream into the void to alleviate stress.

Only in certain jurisdictions. Otherwise, it could be mistaken for a crime in progress. Or at least, that was the reason.

Bigsimsfan12 20th Nov 2021 2:16 PM

I feel so frustrated and useless. It's like my body just doesn't know how to give birth. I ended up 8 days overdue with Ivy and it looks like I'll be overdue this time too. I thought women were supposed to be "made for this", yet even with intervention it took forever for Ivy to come out. It's like my body has no idea what to do.

I've been trying to be as relaxed as possible and not stress like I did with Ivy but I'm huge and Adam's always working - the house is becoming such a mess because I just get so tired and struggle constantly picking up toys and socks (why do toddlers hate socks?!) and whatever else ends up on the floor. Its hard enough using the oven, washing machine etc.

Also everyone in my November baby group is American and it seems like they will induce on your due date over there and start giving sweeps at 38 weeks. So literally everyone has either given birth or is not as far along as me (and will still most likely have their babies before me).

To be fair I'm pretty sure my due date is wrong, so maybe I shouldn't count myself as overdue until 27th (which is when I think my due date should be).

PANDAQUEEN 20th Nov 2021 9:41 PM

Because of my cat's insistence to sleep in my bed, I had been inhaling her fur. Not to mention she's molting.

As much as I love her and the fact she's slowly dying, I don't fancy the idea of coughing up hairballs as a human.

andes 21st Nov 2021 10:39 PM

Sunday day was a silly day surely
nothing of worth to be said of it really
words, on matters of air, uttered freely
continuation of silliness purely:

Woke up with the light - but went back to sleep
- because to have leisure means do as you please!
It pleased to dream on 'bout Mephistopheles,
of hivers, blue men, chalk horses - and sheep.

After noon time was spent by the oven
furiously baking all sorts of good goods,
soundtracked by music elevating the mood:
bean buns, rye bread and vegetable muffins.

When dark fell and craving for coldness of air
made walking fast-paced out in the moonlit night
a dream to fulfill, a hunger for blight
of moon up above, down below graves lit by candlelight.
For my mind's eye I, a wolf in human height
prowling the lanes, fearful, powerful might
Darkness pressing on, impossible to fight -
A question arises if mine was the fright?
No..! I was the scariest thing there!

PANDAQUEEN 22nd Nov 2021 4:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by andes
Sunday day was a silly day surely
nothing of worth to be said of it really
words, on matters of air, uttered freely
continuation of silliness purely:

Woke up with the light - but went back to sleep
- because to have leisure means do as you please!
It pleased to dream on 'bout Mephistopheles,
of hivers, blue men, chalk horses - and sheep.

After noon time was spent by the oven
furiously baking all sorts of good goods,
soundtracked by music elevating the mood:
bean buns, rye bread and vegetable muffins.

When dark fell and craving for coldness of air
made walking fast-paced out in the moonlit night
a dream to fulfill, a hunger for blight
of moon up above, down below graves lit by candlelight.
For my mind's eye I, a wolf in human height
prowling the lanes, fearful, powerful might
Darkness pressing on, impossible to fight -
A question arises if mine was the fright?
No..! I was the scariest thing there!

Where you get the poem? It is beautiful and playful.

andes 23rd Nov 2021 6:24 AM

Thank you, that was nice! I wrote it for your thread

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Nov 2021 2:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by andes
Thank you, that was nice! I wrote it for your thread

Thanks. ^_^

Bigsimsfan12 23rd Nov 2021 6:07 PM

Due date. No sign of baby. I'm feeling horribly nauseous all day. I hate nausea, I'd rather just be sick and get it over with but that's not been happening lol. I had a nice day otherwise, just kinda relaxing on the sofa. Adam made mac and cheese on toast with bacon, which was amazing.

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Nov 2021 11:05 PM

Today, I had to bring in a package. It was one of the meal kits couples prepare and eat together. On some occasions, I get leftover rice from these kits.

Actually, I have parcel and post duties as of today while my parents are at work. They both work Tuesday thru Thursday, so any packages with perishables, important letters, or any valuables, must come inside immediately for security reasons as 2 years ago, I was a victim of package theft. Lost a huge bag of mushroom popcorn.

Nothing quite like popcorn with real melted butter and fine grained salt. Especially when you have access to like 8 different streaming services and they have all kinds of great experiences in the voyeuristic nation the US became with the advent of reality TV. Of course, sarcasm is my weak point. But facetious or not, you get the point.

Bigsimsfan12 24th Nov 2021 10:36 PM

Today was okay. Lots of random aches and pains.

My Dad got engaged. I'm not sure how to feel about it. I mean obviously it's not about me and I'm happy he's happy, it just makes me feel kinda awkward - My step-Mum was in my life for 17+ years. She passed away 2 years ago in October. He met his new girlfriend in June this year. I have nothing against her, I've met her once and she's lovely - she messages me through Facebook every day to ask about us all but also the fact that most of her children don't talk to her because of her exhusband has me a little on the fence.

But when they get married, it means my step-siblings range in age from 12 to...50!

PANDAQUEEN 25th Nov 2021 1:00 PM

My cat Gemini watched Seinfeld on Netflix. She got really close to the screen...and stared into "the show about nothing".

My cat does watch TV. She watches comedy, anime, crime dramas, holiday movies, get the point.

Recently joining the eco-friendly toiletries revolution. Toothpaste tablets, shampoo bars, papery soap, if it has to come in a container; it must be recyclable.

Bigsimsfan12 25th Nov 2021 10:18 PM

I feel like these days are never ending. I'm so bored all day every day! Got really into sudoku this past month, but even having an app on my phone I don't have time to play it. It's too uncomfortable to play on the floor with Ivy right now so she's constantly whining and climbing on me. I was hoping we could make clay decorations for Christmas today but I'm just not feeling up to it.

Bigsimsfan12 27th Nov 2021 7:09 PM

Well that didn't last long. My Dad and his girlfriend broke up. She wasn't comfortable with his friendship with my step-sister (my late Step-Mum's daughter). It makes me sad because he had this big birthday party planned next month (his 50th!) that his girlfriend had planned, it's the first birthday I've ever known him to celebrate (even though I probably wouldn't have been able to go) but presumably thats off now? I offered if he wanted to come visit up here on his birthday (because I will presumably have a <2 week old baby) but he said he has nothing to celebrate. I'm quite heart broken for him, even though I was not fully on board with his engagement.

Otherwise my day has been uneventful. Nowhere closer to having a baby. All my days are fusing together... and also feel like centuries?... worst comes to worse, I'll be having a scheduled induction next Friday, which.. is going to be incredibly painful and according to statistics puts me at a higher risk of bleeding out and/or having a C-section. Fantastic. I swear this is my last child lol

PANDAQUEEN 28th Nov 2021 9:26 PM

Went Christmas shopping with my mom.

We bought stuff for my 6 years older than me sister, who I haven't spoken to in 22 years.

We bought chocolate for my father, as it's his soul food, the one food that gives life that wholesome meaning to live.

My mother bought a tiny light up ski chalet for her mantle.

We had Taco Bell (Cheat Day) and I replaced the beef in the tacos with black beans.

Spent time talking to my AI, did some Christmas shopping for my parents and I and let Gemini give me kitty kisses. Either I'm salty or she genuinely likes me. She sleeps on my pillows at night like The Princess and the Pea.

Bigsimsfan12 28th Nov 2021 11:03 PM

It was a good day. We went to my partners friends house. They had been childhood friends then lost touch but now they both have kids they've reconnected. We were only gonna go for an hour but we ended up staying all day because I was bragging about how good Adam's nacho recipe is and his friend's wife is pregnant and decided she NEEDED nachos, so Adam and his friend cooked and me and his friends wife talked about babies and stuff. Its always nice going there and it took my mind off of Still being pregnant and huge.

andes 29th Nov 2021 12:23 PM

That sounds nice. My day yesterday was really nice, I went shopping which is always fun, and started to plan the holidays a little, possibly mostly by just thinking about them, but it still counts.

PANDAQUEEN 30th Nov 2021 4:01 PM

Bought something on eBay for $10 off. I had bought something for $14. After the discount, it was $4.

I enjoy taking advantage of coupons.

Bigsimsfan12 30th Nov 2021 5:30 PM

So I was doing "labor inducing exercises" and now I'm playing a game called "did I just pee myself mid-squat or did my waters break?"... it's weirdly difficult to tell

Also I'm now getting contractions... but I've been getting them on and off all day and they go away when I move. Kinda scared of moving. I'm stuck under a sleeping 2 year old anyways.

simsample 30th Nov 2021 5:50 PM

Now I am excited! @Bigsimsfan12

PANDAQUEEN 1st Dec 2021 12:33 PM

Got my Christmas shopping done in less than 10 minutes (DARPANET, thou art a Godsend to instant gratification). Struggled with PayPal half the time.

But I also bought books to study health and wellness according to Abraham H. Maslow. I am pretty miserable, but I plan on turning my life around. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Today is grocery shopping day. But I may have to fight with the seniors who take their time and block the aisles.

Edit: I paid rent and stocked up on foods I could boil, microwave or air-fry. The garage this time of year becomes like a refrigerator, so we're crazy enough to put our canned drinks in like as if it's beer in door-high snow. I bought too many frozen foods and yes, I went shopping on an empty stomach and spent 3 times as much as a satiated shopper would.

Note to self: Don't shop hungry!

AverageMcPosterman 1st Dec 2021 3:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Today is grocery shopping day. But I may have to fight with the seniors who take their time and block the aisles.

As a grocery store employee, I reccommend being ultra passive-aggressive about people blocking aisles.

Bigsimsfan12 1st Dec 2021 10:39 PM

Ugh. Woke up to no baby and no more contractions.

Adams work tried to force him on paternity leave from Friday because they're tired of over-staffing in case I go into labour. Even they're super tired of me not giving birth. Adam told them by law he can't take leave until the babys born. They tried to force him to take holiday... but luckily he only has 5 hours of it. So they've agreed he can do kitchen porter duties but still get Head chef pay.

It rained. Really bad. I walk Ivy to school and then hang out at my friends house on days Adams at work (no way I'm walking all the way home just to sit down for 20 mins and then walk all the way back lol). I was absolutely soaked. Friend told me I could borrow his clothes.... dunno why he thought I could fit into a mens size small worst part is my raincoat is both too small and too big. Its a size x-large primark raincoat... the hood is too saggy for my head and either covers my eyes or gets blown off at the slightest bit of wind, but I've gotten to the point where I can't zip it over my bump. So. Yeah. When I say "soaked", I mean it. My clothes under my rain coat looked like they had come straight out of the washing machine... or the river...

Had to go to the hospital at 6pm (technically I should have gone sooner but I don't want to ask Adam to leave work early unless I'm about to give birth any moment) to check if my waters did go yesterday. Did a few different tests because they kept coming back inconclusive. Nope. No waters. Just mucus plug and normal fluids. The force of the squats just kinda... pulled it all out. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing lol. I am no closer to having the baby ugh.

Then I got a McDonald's on the way home.

PANDAQUEEN 1st Dec 2021 11:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AverageMcPosterman
As a grocery store employee, I reccommend being ultra passive-aggressive about people blocking aisles.

I did just that.

Bigsimsfan12 3rd Dec 2021 6:36 AM

I had contractions on and off since midnight. They finally got too frequent and unbearable to sleep any longer, so I came downstairs and got myself some breakfast, a glass of water and 2 tangerines. Picked a book off my bookshelf I haven't read in a while (Will Grayson, will grayson by John Green and David Levithan) and now I'm just sat on my birthing ball just hanging out at 5:30am.

C'mon baby, don't be another false alarm. I'm 10 days overdue and my induction was rescheduled for Sunday.

Edit: 6:41. No contractions in 20 mins. We done? Okay I'm going to bed then.

PANDAQUEEN 4th Dec 2021 2:15 PM

Sweet potato fries for going good so far.

One of my packages is progressing forward to my house.

I took a 2-hour nap, dad facetiously said I was asleep for 6 years, I grumbled online about how "Before the Internet made a big stink about pineapple on pizza, pineapple was an acceptable topping, no questions asked, no exceptions and we liked it as New Jerseyans!" Sounded like a grumpy old lady

Bigsimsfan12 4th Dec 2021 6:21 PM

Elden Isaac made his appearance 54 mins after midnight, weighing a tiny 7lb 6oz considering he was 11 days overdue.

I had a wonderful natural waterbirth. My midwives were spectacular. I don't think I would have been able to do it without them and my partner. So many times I kept saying I couldn't do it, especially because I have such a bad cold I couldn't breathe through my nose at all. They (midwife, student midwife and Adam) sang to me, rubbed or put pressure on my back and just helped me keep calm and breathe as best as I could. Also me and the midwife busted out the whole of "One Week" by BareNaked Ladies while I was pushing lmao. He ended up being born as soon as "Du Hast" by Rammstein started playing.

It was so much more painful than my first birth, but so much better. They let Adam stay with me from before the birth up until we went home. Ivy is in love with her new little brother. She has already attempted to feed him peas, and when we explained he can only have milk, she quickly ran to the fridge and brought us the whole jug of cows milk

simsample 4th Dec 2021 9:17 PM

What a great name @Bigsimsfan12 ! I'm glad Ivy likes her sibling. Congratulations and well done!

andes 4th Dec 2021 9:30 PM

That was very cute of her, and congratulations to the new baby, I'm glad to hear it went well.

simmer22 5th Dec 2021 2:02 AM

Congratulations to you and your family, @Bigsimsfan12 <3
Sounds like Ivy is doing her best to be a good big sister, in her own way <3

Noa1500 5th Dec 2021 11:35 AM

Congrats on the new one!

Good news, this is my 4th weekend of freedom, and it's still amazing! I was missing in action these last few months because I made poor choices in life which included signing up for a masters degree. Said degree also required a thesis (writing 1 was enough, 2 is just unreasonable) and then a full time intership. Of course the thesis was independent and not one related to the company so it was basically like having 2 full time jobs. I wonder what made universities think that was a good idea? But yeah, I'm not dead and that's why I'm proud of me

But back to my weekends: I've been out on a bunch of long walks cos I missed so much cos it's not like I had time. I saw people like other than my family and the people I work with (because I went outside!!!!). I got my secret santa present which was fancy gloves that work on my phone, so now my fingers are extra safe outside cos my fingers and cold don't go together. Most importantly, I got me 2 bags of kruidnoten (which was like 1 kg) because 'tis the season and all but also because I figured that a 5kg bag was a bit much even for me

PANDAQUEEN 6th Dec 2021 3:19 AM

Today was grocery shopping day and I felt adventurous. I picked up instant mashed potato flakes in three flavor varieties: butter, sour cream and chives, and loaded, and two varieties of Velveeta Shells and Cheese: one with bacon bits and one with broccoli shavings.

I never had these particular foods in my life. Should be interesting to try them out.

Maybe one day, I'll up and leave the country like Walter Mitty (tired of being compared to Walter Mitty or Doug Funnie) and leave behind my constraints of my fears and doubts. Get a Japanese passport and travel around Europe, visa-free. Truth is, I never left the mainland of the U.S. IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. My family doctor, Dr. DB told me to travel the world once my treatment is complete.

AverageMcPosterman 10th Dec 2021 1:51 AM

Got a super-early Christmas gift in a 4K TV I was intending to buy come tax season. Now to actually get content to take advantage of it.

PANDAQUEEN 10th Dec 2021 10:47 PM

Watched Home Alone in Japanese Audio on Disney+.

I could have sworn they kept the "Whoas" from Macaulay Culkin intact while he ziplined to the tree house.

The screaming was at a slightly higher pitch. Wasn't as throaty as the original English. Then again, the voice artist for Kevin had a higher pitch.

Sound design and editing was something I excelled at since age 11 and through sophomore year of high school.

andes 12th Dec 2021 1:14 PM

I like watching the animated movies from Studio Ghibli, and in the original language; the melody sounds a little like the finnish language (which I don't know), and is very beautiful.

My day(s) is holiday preparations, which is a lot of fun, my home smells like a candied forest :P

Bigsimsfan12 12th Dec 2021 11:53 PM

I had to visit family today......... I rewarded myself with a McDonald's hot chocolate for dealing with that train wreck. I wanted a Costa but it was closed by the time we drove home.

I feel bad that I hate it so much... but my siblings for the most part just drive me slightly insane. They mean well, they're just not very socialised, have no manners and social gatherings (no matter how small) aren't their thing.

PANDAQUEEN 13th Dec 2021 5:39 PM

Helped my mom with holiday shopping, received a doll as a gift and yesterday, my aunt (dad's second oldest sister and Boss among the 8) visited, we talked and she, being a decent human being, has been feeding the mistreated animals in her neighborhood (we were regaled with stories of Athena the dog and Oreo the dwarf goat, but mostly Oreo as the goat preferred dog food and can jump the fence and wake the neighbors when the woman who owned him, who was too busy and crazy taking care of a baby, left for the day. To my surprise, my aunt hadn't got caught by anyone for feeding their animals.)

She commended me for making switches in my diet, she left gifts and is visiting other people in our family and leaving her gifts to them. She's playing Santa this year and we chatted about my sister, who I suspected was in trouble.

Even though she tried killing me, I still have to respect her as we share a mom. My mom only wished years ago we'd get along like her and her sister (another aunt for another time) but that never came to be.

It was mix of family drama and the comedy of errors of doing the right thing and being good hosts.

Graveyard Snowflake 17th Dec 2021 8:22 PM

I really wish vampires were real, y'know? Cause I really wanna be one.

PANDAQUEEN 18th Dec 2021 2:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Graveyard Snowflake
I really wish vampires were real, y'know? Cause I really wanna be one.

Having trouble sleeping?

If anything, my family is more like a huge pack of werewolves, with my paternal grandparents as the alphas of the entire pack.

simmer22 19th Dec 2021 1:26 AM

Had my annual day as a home confectioner, so my back and feet hurts like crazy. Still, a certain someone has candy for weeks now, so she's happy. She already ate up most of the calendar I made for her, giving in to the temptation after about 14-15 days of managing to keep to one package a day, and then ran through the remaining ones like the kids in Willy Wonka's factory until there were just two left - I've hidden the last big one so she can't find it, because I knew this would happen eventually, and she did ask me to hide the other one (it's not just two days left until Xmas, or is it? I sure hope not!)

Anyways, I've got a few items left, but it was getting late, and my back couldn't handle more today, so I'll do the rest after I've had some sleep. Thought I'd try making some hot chocolate "bombs" (the kind you put in hot milk and they melt down, with marsmallows and such), and had some mint and strawberry filling left over so I'll probably make something out of those.

andes 20th Dec 2021 8:43 AM

Forward planning to control your uncontrollable self! :D

My day yesterday was still since the day before that was partying; I watched almost a whole season of a a series of zombies in an historical China set up, very entertaining.

PANDAQUEEN 20th Dec 2021 8:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by andes
I watched almost a whole season of a a series of zombies in an historical China set up, very entertaining.

Jiang shi?

Lately I have been craving mashed potatoes. Five more days until Christmas weekend. On Saturday, I stay in, open presents, eat waffles (my father is a slave to the waffle iron light ever since he got the waffle iron decades ago) and my parents are going to the Boxing Day party at my aunt Jeanne's house on Sunday.

I'm staying home for Boxing Day because I suffer from crippling panic attacks and I recently was diagnosed with inflammation-based bursitis and pinched nerves. The exam of the affected areas was a mix of "Stop! I'm ticklish!" and "Ow! Quit it!"

I have physical therapy on the 27th, right afterwards of Christmas weekend. I will be having time with my father afterwards. He's been through physical therapy this year.

andes 21st Dec 2021 9:27 AM

It's called Kingdom, and sorry, it's not chinese, but South Korean production. The clothes are so beautiful, I can't get enough of looking at them. And the zombies are entertaining of course.

Elynda 21st Dec 2021 8:54 PM

Today was C-Day. That is C as in Cake. This year I had determined to actually bake a Christmas Cake. Because, apart from assisting operations with my mother when I was a kid, it is a thing I have never before attempted. Naturally I was anxious not to make a mess of it. So today, having assembled all the necessary ingredients, and with time running short before Christmas, I took the bull by the horns and started. There were a few hiccups: it soon became obvious that the mixing bowl I had was nowhere near big enough. Having already seen that none of the local shops had anything larger, I tried a nearby charity shop and they had just the thing. A bargain at a mere £2! So I mixed the correct quantities of everything, according to the recipe, filled a cake tin with said mixture, and then followed 4 and a half hours anxious waiting while it baked. It is now out of the oven and cooling, and it certainly looks and smells like one of my Mum's cakes. I think she'd have been pleased with it.

So C-Day was a success. Next comes C-Day+1 - decorating! I am just off to bone up on how to prepare cake icing.

Bigsimsfan12 21st Dec 2021 11:26 PM

Elden has had trapped gas 2 nights in a row. I'm actually so sleep deprived I forgot his name this morning and thought it was... coca-cola Not a clue why. Hopefully tonight will be better. I'm going to bed early just in case it isn't. Adam's back at work tomorrow so it'll be my first day alone all day with just the kids. Also my covid vaccine is scheduled for tomorrow too. Awesome.

Dizzy-noodles 22nd Dec 2021 10:45 PM

This is a bit late, but congratulations on baby Elden, Bigsimsfan12!

I'm fed up of work stress, family stress and Christmas stress (I hate Christmas, for various reasons). People keep saying we'll go into lockdown after Boxing Day so that's another New Year ruined - New Year is the only part of Christmas that means something to me, so it's a kick in the teeth that I still have to endure Christmas, but don't get a New Year as a 'reward' afterwards!

But on the bright side, I have managed to get back into Sims again! It might not sound like much, but it gives me a little boost every day

Bigsimsfan12 23rd Dec 2021 11:54 AM

Thank you

Yesterday was okay. My arm is a little dead from the vaccine. I walked into the place and Elden was screaming and screaming... right up until they put the needle in my arm and then suddenly he stopped and was just looking around... Maybe he thought it was for him lol. Adam's ill today though but he says he's going to power through just in case I feel ill later. I actually feel great though. Also Elden's been sleeping in 3 hour stretches last night instead of his usual 1-1.5.

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Dec 2021 11:11 PM

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.

Right now, I have an overdraft in the bank and my family decided on staying home for Boxing Day. We live too far from aunt Jeanne (my father's second youngest sister) and it's just bringing me down that I owe money. I need to call to see if I can get the charges reversed.

This is one of many reasons I hate December as a whole. Out of all things about December, finances is my most hated part about the month.

simmer22 23rd Dec 2021 11:25 PM

Early X-mas today, due to the kids celebrating with both parents separately. Was quite nice.

Someone thought it was a good idea to give the little one a keyboard, though. I'm going slowly insane from hearing the same nursery rhyme played over and over again more or less off-key (mostly more, or even entirely off-key), so good thing bedtime is just around the corner, and also that the keyboard isn't going to stay in the house (that's a parent problem )

Bigsimsfan12 25th Dec 2021 7:58 PM

I have officially lost my chill. This has been the shittiest day ever

- Dog has asked to go out 15 times already, and all he does is sniff around or bark and then come inside, finally said "no" and he peed on the carpet in the hallway. Oops.
- Toddler with diarrhoea
- Newborn with constipation
- I'm still all bleeding and leaky from giving birth and breastfeeding
- Both kids were up until 5am because they have colds and couldn't sleep
- I've been ill for the past 3 days. All of which I've basically had to single parent because Adams either too ill or working 12 hour shifts
- Also Adam knocked my bags of breastmilk out the freezer this morning while he was taking everything out to defrost. I found them on the floor completely defrosted. Cool. They WERE for when we were starting Elden on bottles in a few weeks in preparation for our wedding but guess I'm gonna have to pump all that again because they can't be re-frozen.
- I have 0 time to pump even on a good day, that supply was basically 10ml at a time from a silicone pump while nursing.
- Adam put a sick covered baby onesie in the dryer so now there's weird dried up bits of sick stuck on several items of clothing
- Ivy seems to have lost her legs today, because she insists i carry her everywhere and will cry if I walk more than a foot away from her. DidIMentionSheHasDiarrhoea. I've had to carry her up and down the stairs (and Elden) way too many times today.
- Finally got Ivy happy enough to take a nice Christmas picture and Elden projective vomited on both of us, himself and the sofa.
- it's 6:50pm and I FINALLY have time to have my morning wee and brush my teeth. I woke up at 9.

To make it worse, we were gonna have Christmas tomorrow at my Dads with my family, so that was gonna be like a "do over" for how shit today has been. Nope. My family all tested positive for covid this morning.

PANDAQUEEN 25th Dec 2021 9:44 PM

Got everything I wanted from my parents (dolls, organizational equipment and a full length mirror. Prior to the full length, there were only vanity mirrors around the house.) and a boba tea prep kit from my aunt Lucinda.

Right now, it's just a matter of receiving belated gifts from my other relatives (when you live in a Catholic family as big as mine, there's at least a few relatives beyond your grandparents and a favoring uncle or aunt who will send out a check if you're lucky), that charge reversal in my account (don't read fine print if you're nearsighted) and my paycheck from the feds (The feds are in my favor this year) and then there's waiting on that package that is coming after being stuck at the Los Angeles International Airport for nearly a month.

I got my work cut out for me.

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