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linuslover30 28th Jul 2012 3:21 AM

The Sims 2 - Female Sims (v17)
Have some beautiful ladies or not so beautiful ladies to show off?
Here is the place to do it.

Peace 29th Jul 2012 12:30 PM

I just wish i remembered their names...

Fivey 30th Jul 2012 3:12 AM

4 Attachment(s)

Diamond Fleurada. Her mom is Natalie Fleurada, and her dad is a male dormie. Obviously, she was conceived outside of wedlock. She only has recently met her dad (they inhabit the same dorm), and she's getting along fine with him. She's currently engaged to Louie Upsnott, her High School boyfriend. Louie is, coincidentally, also born out of wedlock using dormie sperm. Different dormie, though.

Mehrissa Kokosmos, ex-girlfriend of Tyler Fleurada and current girlfriend of Emil Fleurada. I kind of always felt sorry for this girl. Tyler dumped her, because he decided he wanted to be with a cow mascot. How does that even make sense? Well, she and Tyler had one bolt, and Anna and Tyler had three bolts. Huh...

Lilac Garden. She's a teen, and has the Knowledge aspiration. I might pair her up with one of Estelle's quadruplets, since I can't pair her up with her half-nephew Kato. Since she has no direct ties with the Fleuradas genetically (besides the whole Ponsonby thing), she can date whoever she wants.

Same applies with Pleasure sim, Serene Garden. Although, she's a lesbian, so genes don't make much of a difference anyway. I don't remember who also is in the neighborhood, though.

AlexandraSpears 30th Jul 2012 5:31 AM

Circe Beaker after I gave her a desperately-needed makeover:

Fivey 30th Jul 2012 5:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by AlexandraSpears
Circe Beaker after I gave her a desperately-needed makeover:

This is what my Circe Beaker looks like.

She's cheering, because her husband's being shot out of a spaceship.

I personally gave her shortish hair, since I think it fits her better. Long hair implies femininity and sexual attractiveness, and Circe, I would imagine, is not an entirely feminine person. I wouldn't say she isn't sexually attractive, but it's definitely not her highest priority to seduce men. Short hair implies independence, and a dab of tomboyishness, both traits I attain to Circe. She seems almost the type you'd have a beer with, but knowing Circe, that beer probably is laced with some experimental drug.

Of course, I put too much meaning into everything, so...

AlexandraSpears 30th Jul 2012 6:17 AM

Hey, I just like my female Sims to look feminine.

Peni Griffin 31st Jul 2012 7:03 AM

Then you need to feed them up some. Get 'em some curves!

Ivy Copur's parents are too snobby to put her in a dorm, so her aunt Allyn asked Brady Estic to ask his daughter Margaret to ask her friends on campus to find a place for her. She's moved into Greek Fodder with Tom Ottomas and Daisy Wheels. She's supposed to pledge Tri-Var, but she's far from certain about it.

But Daisy's sister Helen invites the whole lot of them over for a toga party, and the girls are really nice. Heidi gives her a makeover, so she'll feel less like a misplaced high school girl.

And the house is down to two girls, so the new, improved Ivy Copur goes into the sorority about the same time Tom Ottomas has to leave campus.

Leaving poor Daisy all alone again! Oh, well, only one more year before she graduates, marries Tom, and lives happily ever after.

Amalia81 31st Jul 2012 7:54 AM

A couple of ladies I made to show off some hair recolors I did, which can be found at my simblr.



(I hate how fuzzy JPGs tend to look, but it's the only way to stay within that pesky image file size limit.)

Liv 31st Jul 2012 11:03 AM




DM was on fire! 1st Aug 2012 5:01 AM

Ashleigh (my self-Sim)

Fivey 1st Aug 2012 8:47 AM

4 Attachment(s)

Denise Jacquet rules her domain (the house) with an iron fist, and Gilbert is quite familiar with her fury. All she wants now, is for her useless son to do something productive. Like make little grandchildren. Or get married. Or get a real job, and not this silly baseball nonsense.

However, the closest thing Gilbert has to a girlfriend right now, is Chloe Curious. She's a tramp by nature, so she's not the best mother material. However, after talking to her about the strange things he had been experiencing after his abduction, Gilbert finally realized he'll be having a son or daughter of his own quite soon. If it keeps mama quiet, the horrifying emotional trauma was well worth it.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Kristen Loste is quite happy with herself. This was before she married her loving boyfriend Jason Larson and got the hell out of the cramped starter home. She was a little more uninhibited, and didn't have much to worry about.

After she moved into her new (small) house with Jason, I gave her some new clothes. I went for a mature look. I'll probably change her hair, since it does not fit this look at all, but I probably won't go too uptight. She's still the same Kristen, just with a ring on it.

Saturnfly 2nd Aug 2012 11:09 AM


Aegagropilon 2nd Aug 2012 2:36 PM

Erin Beaker-Curious is very pink and very fluffy, much like the stuffed bunny her brother used to drag around as a kid.

Grimuara Subject is nearly as terrifying a tickle-monster as her mom.

cesarisaias95 3rd Aug 2012 10:47 AM

Hey guys! My sim's name is Aubrey! She's a sim that loves to have fun, she loves music, and she has a passion for singing. Here she is, by the way, I have a thing for full lips so yeah.....
Aubrey has been through a lot when it comes to relationships, but she released a small album about her experiences, the good and the bad , simply titled LOVE.
She hopes to become a famous singer one day, and share her music with all the sims from around the world!

cesarisaias95 4th Aug 2012 1:03 AM


Peace 7th Aug 2012 4:28 AM

One of them is named Isla. I just cant remember which one. I really need to start up my Sims notebook again, I have 5 Hoods and its hard to remember all of their names!

Fivey 7th Aug 2012 7:54 AM

4 Attachment(s)

Mackenzie Phoenix became quite the looker! :lovestruc She's a grilled cheese sim, since I got bored playing the typical six aspirations. She's a curvier woman, a feature that suits her.

Now for storytime.

Lilac stumbled into the kitchen. She grabbed a cup of tea, and nervously sat down in the chair facing her mother. Her face was bright red. Brittany looked up her, and eyed her suspiciously.

"Did you...with your boyfriend?"

An awkward silence captured the room. The adult stared down at her food, as the hunger she had seconds earlier somehow vanished. Lilac wasn't a child anymore, she knew that. It just happened so soon. It happened too quick. Eventually, Brittany had the courage to respond.

"...but you're so young."

Mehrissa woke up early in the morning, to find blood staining her sheets. It wasn't fair at all. She was so close to having the baby. Just a few more hours, and there would have been a squirming infant in her arms. Sure, they were planning to put the baby up for adoption. Sure, she and Emil are only in college. It didn't matter to her. It certainly doesn't matter anymore.

She sucked in her tears, and took her anger out on a Chef Salad.

It just wasn't right.

Peni Griffin 7th Aug 2012 5:40 PM

Cinnamon Beare can't believe it. Not only did Mom nix the idea of a birthday party because the baby just arrived and "she can't take it right now," she gave Cinnamon this pink-sleeved - thing - to wear. Cinnamon hates pink! At least she was allowed to invite Nova Stacks over. Mom and Dad frown every time Cinnamon mentions her and her family (parents Castor and Jane), but they can't keep her apart from her BFF!

Baggy jeans, baggy shirt, no pink - Nova approves. "You'll have to wear that to my party!"
"When are you having a party?"
"First chance I get. You'll come, right?"
"Unless Mom ties me to a chair." Which she might. Mom and Dad gave her this talk about boys, especially "Those Stacks Boys," like they were made of dynamite or something.

Once you get used to it, Kestrel Hawkins's face has a certain beauty in repose. I grant you need to get used to it.

Her girlfriend Ashleigh Pitts-Upsnott is pensive as she cleans the dog's bowl, scrubbing so hard she pokes a hole in it. She's on the verge of college, Mom and Dad are fighting because Dad's having an affair with a college girl - but her date with Kestrel was the stuff dreams are made of. Plus, zits. It's a lot to handle.

Sparrow 9th Aug 2012 10:56 PM

Avora is a supermodel and one of the most beautiful women of my game.

Shani performing open mic poetry at the local lounge

This is Elizabeth a generated townie. She reminded me of Jessica from true Blood (not saying she looks like her just makes me think of her) so I decided not to replace her.

Peace 9th Aug 2012 11:24 PM

Sparrow : Avora and Shani are stunning you should upload them!

Sparrow 10th Aug 2012 2:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peace
Sparrow : Avora and Shani are stunning you should upload them!

I was thinking of putting some of them up for download to see what others would do with them. I have a few more ladies to share as well

dieKristina 11th Aug 2012 1:00 AM

Two girls who recently started college:

Nicolina Öhrn

Elin Lieb

Peace 20th Aug 2012 8:20 AM

Greer Davidson

Fivey 22nd Aug 2012 7:46 AM

The lonely Franz Specter initialized a Servo crafted by Circe Beaker. He talked to the fembot, which he named Roberta. Then he immediately had sex with it. I don't know. Then, he gave it a gussy up, as he wasn't fond of fondling solid metal.

So, Roberta Specter became a realistic android. Her face is a bit boring, but that's okay, considering she is a robot.

Later, Roberta broke down after trying to clean a shower, so the repair lady came by. Check out those eyes!

At Bluewater Village, Chloe lets her hair grow to a more tasteful length. That's the only tasteful thing about her, though.

Flarz 23rd Aug 2012 3:46 PM

Little bit fantasy

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