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linuslover30 28th Jul 2012 5:59 AM

The Sims 2 - Pets Pictures (v3)
*Bark bark! Woof! Squawk! Meow!*

Show us all your furred and feathered friends here!

dieKristina 4th Aug 2012 12:40 AM

Tuss is an old member of the Lieb family.

Since the family loves Tuss and Tuss loves her family, they decided to also welcome Hicka to their home.

At the beginning the two cats didn´t like each other at all. They completely spammed each other with negative interactions and had a big fight once. I was seriously considering giving one of them (probably Hicka) up for adoption. But when I started to make a really big effort to salvage their relationship, things actually improved. My sims scolded them when they were being hostile, and I was soon able to tell Tuss to play with Hicka and there relationship quickly improved a lot. Now they can actually be in the same room without fighting. Still they look rather sterm when they passage each other...

Sometimes they will actually start to play with each other, but that´s rare. I´m however very pleased that they now can tolerate each other´s precense, ´cause I love them both!

Peni Griffin 9th Aug 2012 3:42 PM

Just some seed pictures to keep the ball rolling. It's nearly impossible for me to get a decent adult pet picture because I'm not willing to take the time to learn how to get the camera to floor level.

Natalie Swain found a poor little puppy by the side of the road! Erika names her Bark.

The Swains' existing dog, Mark, is far from convinced that a puppy is a good idea, but his disgruntlement when he finds the little wiggly thing in his pet bed leads to the first-ever occasion of a pet actually using the hack I got to allow pets to sleep with kids, so I have no regrets. (He could've gone out to his doghouse, but he decided he'd better watch over his little girl, lest Erika think about the puppy before she thinks about him.)

Cymmi, the Gavigans' elderly bulldog, goes all the way up to the attic to get away from the cat and sleep on teen Miguel Gavigan's unmade bed.

In an unprecedented event, Mary Munny went 24 hours without rolling a single date want, but she did want a puppy, and lord knows, she can afford one. His name is Yen, and she can tell by the size of his paws that he's going to be a big fella, so she got him the biggest, tackiest, most expensive pet equipment she could find.

ella_in_wonderland 18th Aug 2012 7:25 PM

Little Bongo is happy to run on his wheel, dig around his cage, munch on his questionable orange food and chase his tail forever in perfect womrat bliss...

...However, his owner Caleb has other ideas

Peni Griffin 18th Aug 2012 8:30 PM

Unlike his predecessor Spice, Curry Hawkins is available for loving on by the whole family, and not just at times of crisis.

In the general chaos of Eugene Newson's birthday party, breakfast never quite got cleared away. Eugene's present, Mittens, helpfully decides to take care of it.

Merlin Hawkins rescued an injured fox from a snowdrift, and Sharpshin is soon much too domesticated to return to the wild.

Cymmi Gavigan decided it was time to challenge Ninevah for the top dog position in the house. He does this about once a day - you'd think he'd know better by now.

ella_in_wonderland 3rd Sep 2012 11:03 PM

This is Bovril. He's modelled after my own beloved doggy and lives with my self-sim's family.

Peni Griffin 4th Sep 2012 5:08 PM


Hi Thyme's so depressed, the yard girl feels sorry for him and tells him there's a pet adoption drive down at Pepe's, he should go check it out. Hi doesn't see how an animal can make up for missing his girls and being haunted by remorse, but he hasn't got anything else to do. And at Pepe's, the skinny, funny-looking little tortoiseshell looks up at him and meows, and he crumbles.

Nikki was feral before the Humane Society caught her - half-grown and scrawny. She's landed on her feet, and she knows it.

The ghost of Hi's daughter Spring doesn't frighten her. She sits on the counter at night, watching the ghost and the invisible trolls, secure in her ownership of the house.

At least Hi has someone to sleep with on nights he's too tired - or broke - to go bar-crawling in search of company.

ella_in_wonderland 4th Sep 2012 5:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin

Lol, yeah, as in the meat extract. My brother came up with the name beacuse Bovril is the same colour as bovril

Peni Griffin 12th Sep 2012 5:47 PM

Mark Swain unbends toward the puppy, Bark. She needs washing!

Day Estic-Moiselle helps kitten Dawn resist the lure of the jumbo shrimp someone carelessly left on the floor.

Eartha Aerius's first pet, Hilary, died, and her second pet, John Amos, just went to college. Her remaining pets try to make it up to her, but she seems skeptical. How does she know Ben here isn't planning on deserting her, too?

Sampson Curian teaches Felice Curian to display some manners and give the Top Cat his propers when invading another family's house.

Aegagropilon 14th Sep 2012 12:53 PM

Faline Kat and Firstborn Feline Lifeform playfight by the kitchen.

Peni Griffin 14th Sep 2012 4:29 PM

AJ Centowski is afraid her kitten Rumpus is lonesome, and deals with it.

Wiggled out of his crib before anyone else is awake in the morning, Swainson figures as long as it's just him and Goldie the cat, they may as well keep each other company.

"Oh my goodness! What is that?"
"Um - that's our cat Felice. Don't they have cats in France, dude?"
"Why, uh, sure they do. I just, um, never saw one that color before?"
"You never saw a black cat? Felice, don't hiss at the poor guy!" Marius begins to suspect that Grimnir comes from someplace much weirder than France!

Mysterious potholes have begun appearing in the Munnys' yard since the death of their old dog Silver.

lauratje86 17th Sep 2012 5:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Aegagropilon
Faline Kat and Firstborn Feline Lifeform playfight by the kitchen.

Firstborn Feline Lifeform is an awesome name for any cat..... :-D

Aegagropilon 18th Sep 2012 10:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
Firstborn Feline Lifeform is an awesome name for any cat..... :-D


Firstborn's parents are XX and XY Feline Lifeform. XX is the one being pet by Stella, while XY is waiting for Stella's younger son Edgar to finish cleaning the food bowl so he can wheedle a treat from him.

Peni Griffin 19th Sep 2012 5:44 AM

The one Miguel Gavigan feels worst for, after his grandparents die during his little sister's birthday party, is Cymmi. The old dog belonged entirely to the old man - no one else had time for the poor thing. So Miguel makes sure he gets petted, and bathed, and not completely beat up by the cat. But nothing cheers him up - he's pining for his master.

For pity's sake, hasn't Deborah suffered enough? It's not enough she has to watch the dog die, some stray has to come along and growl at her, too?

Miguel loftily tolerates Deborah, as a rule, but some situations require a hug. Ninevah seems upset at Cymmi's death, too - who will he boss around, now?

On a more cheerful note, Diff LeStrange meets Sir Pounce Newson when he follows Annie home, for help with school paperwork and a free meal.

selfmadequeen 17th Oct 2012 5:12 AM

This is from my custom hood Lacuna. It's Porthos Roseland meeting the stray cat Moonshine. They played...and it was cute. I may have Cyd and Meadow adopt the kitty, but they have a baby on the way also.

Peni Griffin 17th Oct 2012 3:32 PM

Hey, kitties are great with babies!

Sir Pounce likes my sleep-with-kids mod because it lets him sleep in the highest bed in the house.

Mittens Newson supervises as Eugene prepares his first lunch for friends.

Something tells me I need to get my warehouse boys a cat. Here's Diff at the Estic-Moiselle house with their kitten Dawn.

Meanwhile, in Strangetown, Nervous doesn't like being in his mother's house by himself. He's up and restless in the wee hours of the morning when he hears a pitiful sound out in the street. Oh - it's a kitten! He feels like a big awkward giant next to it. But it isn't afraid of him. It looks straight up at him and says: "Meeeeee?" Which is obviously catspeak for "Will you be my daddy?"
His name is Boing.

selfmadequeen 17th Oct 2012 3:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Hey, kitties are great with babies!

I know they are. But with 2 Sims, a dog, a baby (or 2!), & a cat, I may go a little crazy. I think I'll wait until the baby ages up at least. Add a little at a time, you know?

Peni Griffin 18th Oct 2012 5:52 AM

Kitty Hawkins consoles Ladybird the dog after Kestrel leaves for college. "You're going to miss her, aren't you, Ladybird? Well, we all will. Poor old dog - Goz went out and got you because he couldn't bear for Kestrel to grow up without a dog, and now here she's all grown up...the last of my babies...but don't worry, we'll have us another fine grandbaby along here in no time."

Eppie Curian got invited in to share festivities while she was out walking her cat Sampson, and Sampson decided to keep Dove company. Ladybird has never even tried to get on the furniture.

Georgia Hawkins is glad Merlin rescued Sharpshin the fox. Their schedules don't mesh at all, and the hyperactive fox is company when Georgia's home alone without enough time to call anybody over.

Yep, as soon as the first one leaves for college, I'm getting the warehouse boys a cat. Gabriella Hawkins's cat Goldie is much more placid than the Curians' Felice, and Grimnir isn't a bit scared of her.

selfmadequeen 18th Oct 2012 8:07 AM

Aww Peni, the picture of Georgia and Sharpshin is too cute! Sometimes the love from a pet is all one needs.

FemGamerPlayer 21st Oct 2012 4:52 AM

Somehow I think Anja is enjoying the cuddle session far more than Roseanna (I'll let you guess which one has two legs and which one has four!)!:

Peni Griffin 22nd Nov 2012 4:52 PM

Here's Eugene Newson and Mittens again. Mittens is a very mellow cat. We'll see if that survives Eugene's little sister's toddler years.

Grimnir LeStrange discovers doggies! Mark Swain, the menacing-looking rottweiler with the sweet creamy center, is an old dog now, but he still has a few good games of razzle left.

Jimmy Phoenix adopted a half-feral tomcat, Dumbledore, and brought him back to the House of Fallen Trees.

Of course Dumbledore gets nothing but the best in this wealthy multi-income household; and he quickly marks down who he needs to establish himself above in the house pecking order. Jimmy would be shocked if you told him the house had a pecking order; but Dumbledore's already pegged him as a naive idealist in need of protection.

Aegagropilon 11th Dec 2012 9:07 AM

I've been playtesting Widespot and I couldn't resist adding a pet to the Mann household for Rich. After all, every legitimate businessman worth his spiky suit needs a cat.

Doomsday DeVice accepts a hug from mail delivery person Yvette. (I'm honestly surprised that Doomsday didn't hiss or pounce... but she reserves that for Junior and Lana. Mostly Junior. Lana is becoming acceptable as long as she keeps up with that amusing cat teaser toy.)

And here's Doomsday being held by her favorite human, Rich Mann. So far she likes the mansion better than the "office," but she'll be even happier once she manages to reduce those damnable wing chairs in the study to splinters.

Peni Griffin 12th Dec 2012 6:35 AM

Doomsday is basically the perfect supervillain pet. I think she's lulling the service sim into a false sense of security here.

Mary Munny's puppy Yen turns into a big floofy white mutt. Who's a pretty boy, then? Wuffums!

She may, however, have to speak to him about the way he guards her bed against intruders.

Sparrow Mander's puppy Avis has also grown up. She may be less photogenic, but Sparrow of all people knows that's not what counts!

And Naomi Gavigan rejoices at being reunited with her kitty Ninevah, who she had to leave behind to go to college. Ninevah never liked anyone in the family much, except Naomi and her mother Mary, and Mary's dead, so Ninevah rejoices, too. Honestly, I never heard a sim cat purr so loud!

Fivey 7th Jan 2013 5:22 AM

Avarice playing with her Green Anole, Car Insurance.

(Yes, the Geico Gecko is technically a Giant Day Gecko, but who in their right mind would rub a Giant Day Gecko on their face? Those things are delicate!)

Peni Griffin 8th Jan 2013 5:42 AM

Naomi Gavigan Thyme and Ninevah. "You married her, but you belong to me! Remember that! Purrrrrrrrr."

The Bubblers' cat Sopa sits up for gourmet cat treats.

The Swains' puppy Bark grows up into a strange, but strangely pretty, little bitch.

Their old dog Mark approves of her more now than he did when she was an amorphous puppy. Can you mix genes in pets like with regular sims, or would any offspring of Mark and Bark be one breed or another?
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