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heaven 1st Nov 2013 3:46 PM

TS2 2014 Calendar Chat Thread
This is the official chat thread for our Calendar Contest!

Here you can post chatty stuff about the contest like:
  • Awesome! I want to join!
  • ”The entries are great! My favorite is Simmer1234’s entry for March!”
  • Various other chattery type things - but please do not spam! Remember, we have a Private Message system so this thread is not for conversations you could easily have via PM or IM.

You can also post:
  • Pictures for a third, fourth, etc entry - you're only allowed two months/official entries per person, but if you have more shots, post them here!
  • If your month fills up before you get a chance to enter it, post your pictures for everyone to see!
  • If you don’t want to compete for various reasons but still want to share your pictures.
  • If you have pictures that don't meet the requirements, but still want to share.

Please remember to BE NICE! - You can post comments on the entries but don't be mean about it. Positive stuff or nicely-put constructive comments only! Remember, the main point of this contest is FUN!

ijustneedsomeeyes 2nd Nov 2013 3:31 PM

I'll say it, if nobody else will: I think Fivey really captured the essence of spring with her submission. Oh! And I thought I'd see mustuvcatz's download screenshot in the contest forum, the jaws, the cobwebs and the TS3 style pumpkins definitely scream "Halloween!".

LadyAngel 3rd Nov 2013 9:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ijustneedsomeeyes
I'll say it, if nobody else will: I think Fivey really captured the essence of spring with her submission. Oh! And I thought I'd see mustuvcatz's download screenshot in the contest forum, the jaws, the cobwebs and the TS3 style pumpkins definitely scream "Halloween!".

I was just coming here to comment on both of these pics, they're absolutely stunning!

heaven 7th Nov 2013 5:12 PM

They're both lovely, yes! But we have an entire month to gets tons more stunning pictures. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

CatherineTCJD 8th Nov 2013 4:12 PM

Hooo-wee! I know what I'm gonna do today
Some of the entries so far are outstanding! I'm in awe of some picture-taking skillz out there :lovestruc:
I'm firin' up my game... right.... now (which means I have about 45 minutes to get all my work done for the day - TGIF!)

Nysha 9th Nov 2013 2:50 AM

Catherine, your schoolhouse is cute! Reminds me of mine, though it's a bit bigger now that all my sims have had babies

CatherineTCJD 9th Nov 2013 3:02 AM

YAY! I'll have to go look at yours...'s not on MTS? I wanna see it - do you have a link?
Where I grew up (about an hour N of Tampa, FL) we had a "Little Red School House" - it looked just like this one - and it was used as the town library. (Small town!)

I'm also trying to do a Crofters Hut type thing for St Patty's day... but my game keeps crashing. I think it is the last thing I added to my DL folder, which would be OhBehave's scenic backdrops They're probably fine, but conflicting with something else in there *sigh* I really wanted to use it them too

Nysha 9th Nov 2013 3:21 AM

Hmm, I seem to have a tonne of pics of the inside of the schoolhouse, but almost none of the outside! Just this rather crappy one of one corner of the building:
(I took that because I was marvelling at how much my hood's population has grown)

I do have a few other nice pics from the school, but they really don't tell you anything about the school building .

And this one, which I absolutely love - the poses were completely spontaneous, it was amazing. I like to think that Victoria, the girl in the polkadot dress, is the kind of sim who'd probably frame this. In fact, maybe I should have her do just that...

The school wasn't based on any RL building for me - I did actually grow up just around the corner from my primary school's original, tiny building, but it had been a chapel before it was a school (and later a graphic design agency), so the style didn't really fit with this 'hood. I started out basing my hood's school loosely on Anne of Green Gables - but it's a bigger and more modern than that school!

CatherineTCJD 9th Nov 2013 4:55 AM

OH! I love the 'class' picture What a sweet idea!
Yours is an actual working school building; mine's just a one room school house - more for 'hood deco (with a playground) than anything else...

heaven 9th Nov 2013 5:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
YAY! I'll have to go look at yours...'s not on MTS? I wanna see it - do you have a link?
Where I grew up (about an hour N of Tampa, FL) we had a "Little Red School House" - it looked just like this one - and it was used as the town library. (Small town!)

I'm also trying to do a Crofters Hut type thing for St Patty's day... but my game keeps crashing. I think it is the last thing I added to my DL folder, which would be OhBehave's scenic backdrops They're probably fine, but conflicting with something else in there *sigh* I really wanted to use it them too

You grew up north of Tampa? Me too! Now I am really curious where (because I'm nosy like that). Nysha, your class pictures are awesome!

CatherineTCJD 9th Nov 2013 7:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by heaven
You grew up north of Tampa? Me too!

Ever heard of Spring Hill? Or, as I called it Sprung Hill... Right across Hwy 19 from Weekie Wachee
Where were you?

xSparrow 9th Nov 2013 10:16 AM

I'm loving these pictures! I really want to have a go, maybe I could have a try?

I love Fivey's February one! It makes you feel warm and it's like it actually talks to you saying "Valentines day and romance"

marmbite12 9th Nov 2013 1:49 PM

I love Fivey's February picture, the moon in the background is amazing. But how do you get a moon in sims 2? As far as I was aware you only get moons in sims 3, clearly not.

Nysha 9th Nov 2013 2:05 PM

Go for it, TotallySimsCrazy. The more entries, the merrier :D

I may or may not eventually get round to an entry .

marmbite, I think Fivey might be using a custom sky object, like these:

heaven 9th Nov 2013 3:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
Ever heard of Spring Hill? Or, as I called it Sprung Hill... Right across Hwy 19 from Weekie Wachee
Where were you?

Yes! I grew up the next county over: Citrus County. Inverness was the town name. Though usually when people ask I say close to Ocala since that's the nearest "big town" that we'd usually make a special trip to since they had an actual mall for school/Christmas shopping and the like. Hello fellow central Floridian!

And yes, please. Keep the entries coming. Nysha is right, the more the merrier!

xSparrow 9th Nov 2013 5:10 PM

Yay, just seen myself added to the table, Thanks heaven!

I really enjoyed making that, you're allowed two right? I could make another, i just need a month, and free time to download stuff to do it.

Great entries everyone! May i wish you ALL good luck!

heaven 9th Nov 2013 6:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TotallySimsCrazy
Yay, just seen myself added to the table, Thanks heaven!

I really enjoyed making that, you're allowed two right? I could make another, i just need a month, and free time to download stuff to do it.

Great entries everyone! May i wish you ALL good luck!

Yes, you can do another as long as it's a different month. You have all month so hopefully you can find the time!

marmbite12 9th Nov 2013 7:45 PM

Extra pictures
Yippee! I finally decided on my final two and they have been added to the table. Since I took some other alternatives which can't be entered I will share them here.

This first one would have been for February:

The second one would have been November:

And this third picture would have been December:

I wish I could have entered three, it was so hard to decide between the two I entered and my February picture. But I suppose if you could enter three then there would be less people able to enter and people with more expansion packs (and other benefits) would have a bigger advantage. Oh well, I just hope I picked the right two...

marmbite12 9th Nov 2013 8:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nysha
marmbite, I think Fivey might be using a custom sky object, like these:

I think you may be right. I didn't know you could do that but it's quite a good idea.

CatherineTCJD 9th Nov 2013 8:54 PM

Where are ya'll finding the tall grass? I have some... but it doesn't look nearly as nice as what is pictured here! Please share?

xSparrow 9th Nov 2013 9:22 PM

@marmbite12 I think November is awesome. It shows me what November is mainly about!

Fivey 9th Nov 2013 10:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by marmbite12
I love Fivey's February picture, the moon in the background is amazing. But how do you get a moon in sims 2? As far as I was aware you only get moons in sims 3, clearly not.

It's a lamp, actually.

RelenaiSims 9th Nov 2013 11:51 PM

I'd just like to chip in and say something.
Marmbite12, your November picture is awesome! :D

CatherineTCJD 10th Nov 2013 2:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Fivey
It's a lamp, actually.

What a terrific find! Thanks for the linksie
I wonder why I didn't see this before

mustluvcatz 10th Nov 2013 4:18 AM

Catherine - the grass that marmbite used looks like this grass or the other grasses by that same creator. (Same grass, one set is lower poly.) If you're interested in the grass that Fivey used, that's probably Gelydh's grass that was on Club Crym.. er, however you spell it lol. I used the same grass basically - I did add ons that are longer, so I used those mostly.

Other than that, my "Grasses" folder (yes, I have one since I was doing edits) shows that 4ESF, cyclonesue, sim man 123, Jonesi (Black Pearl Sims) and nanu have grasses. Nanu's Rigo grass is longer but only 1 tile, so placing a whole "field" of it is a pain. (Which is why I did 4 tile versions of those for myself.)

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