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leefish 4th Dec 2013 1:10 PM

Rubrics Edits Thread
If a moderator should need to edit a rubric then they can do so by clicking the edit rubric link from the moderation tab in a download. As the rubrics are very new there is indeed a possibility that the rubric maybe does not cover what it needs to cover and moderators are empowered to change the rubrics text to deal with that. However, it is important that all creators know if a rubric has been changed or added and our reason why.

Edit the rubric then post a reply to this topic

Post Layout
Add a link to the changed rubric and a quick explanation of the thing you added/altered.

Rubrics must not be changed or added without discussion in chat first; if an additional Rubric is not covered in the Guidelines then Guidelines must also be edited in order to preserve a 1 to 1 match of guidelines to rubrics.
We cannot add a guideline and apply it retrospectively; we may add the Guideline for future uploads, but it cannot be applied to those uploads in queue that existed before the change.

leefish 4th Dec 2013 1:12 PM

Edited rubric: Screenshots|50|Size

Change made/Reason: The screenshot sizes were set at 512mb, now changed to 800kb

leefish 4th Dec 2013 1:15 PM

Edited Rubric: TS2 Lots Quality|3|Playability

Change made/Reason : Added an alternate 1 star rating to playability that says we cant judge the playability with no floorplans

leefish 6th Dec 2013 8:49 AM

Edited Rubric: Special|4|Duplicate

Change made/Reason : Set both options to 1 star as otherwise not possible to remove

leefish 6th Dec 2013 2:46 PM

Edited Rubric: TS3 Objects Quality|8|Castable Options

Change made/Reason : Allowed a non castable option in the 3 star rating (Ice bar)

HystericalParoxysm 7th Dec 2013 8:56 AM

Edited Rubric: TS2 Sims: Screenshots|5|In-Game

Change made/Reason: Added option: 4:All of the required screenshots are taken in-game, rather than in Create-a-Sim, though some or all are taken outside. That's okay, but pics in a well-lit interior room usually have better lighting.

ETA: Also added tutorial links (to my tutorial and Ari's on face sculpting) to the TS3 Sims Uniqueness rubrics.

ETA: Changed the 1 star to 2 star for TS3 Objects, patch level since it's a fairly minor thing and needs to be approvable. Also moved that item from Quality to Information as 2 star is not approvable for quality, and it's info they're providing, not a quality concern really.

leefish 8th Dec 2013 8:38 PM

Edited Rubric: Common|Information|1|Title

Change made/Reason : Made 3 less picky.

leefish 8th Dec 2013 11:47 PM

Edited Rubric: TS2 Lots|Files|1|File Type

Change made/Reason : Added a 2 - no hacks/lots of unused recolors etc in sims2pack.

leefish 9th Dec 2013 10:34 AM

Edited Rubric: TS2 Lots|Quality|5|Furnishing/decoration

Change made/Reason : Added an alternate 1 star that says as no floorplans or clear interior shots we cannot comment on the furnishing/decor.

leefish 11th Dec 2013 5:29 PM

ADDED Rubric: Special|6|Not Completed Requested Changes

Change made/Reason : Added a rubric for failure to make some/all/any of the changes. No bears were harmed in the making of this rubric.

EDIT: as this was a special rubric all rubrics first posts were edited. Yes, all of them. I hope.

leefish 12th Dec 2013 4:47 PM

Guideline edit
EDITED Guideline: MTS2:Creator_Guidelines/Lots_and_Houses#Qualitywiki and MTS2:Creator_Guidelines/Sims_3_Lots_and_Houseswiki

Change made/Reason : Updated guidelines to say that unfurnished lots were allowed - both games

leefish 14th Dec 2013 1:12 PM

Edited Rubric: Screenshots|54|Distortion

Change made/Reason : Added an alternate 3 star that says The screenshots have a very heavy fisheye effect; this distortion makes it difficult to see your creation.

leefish 15th Dec 2013 6:39 PM

Edited Rubric: TS3 Lots Information|8|Expansion Packs and Stuff Packs

Change made/Reason : Added an alternate 2 star that says Please only mark the EPs SPs used as that means more visibility for the upload.

leefish 25th Dec 2013 3:55 AM

Edited Rubric: TS3 Lots Quality|3|Playability

Change made/Reason :

Added an alternate 1 star rating to playability that says we cant judge the playability with no floorplans
Added a 2 star reason that we cannot judge the layout/playability as the floorplans are too small to see the layout.

leefish 31st Dec 2013 4:58 PM

EDITED Guideline: MTS2:Creator_Guidelines/Sims_3_Lots_and_Houseswiki

Change made/Reason : Updated guidelines to add that lights on floorplans would be good.

EDITED Rubric: TS3Lots|Screenshots|2|Floorplans

Change made/Reason : Added an alternate 3 star that suggested lights on floorplans would show off the content in a better way.

leefish 1st Jan 2014 2:46 PM

Edited Rubric: TS3 Lots Quality|4|Roofing and TS2 Lots|Quality|4|Roofing

Change made/Reason :

Added an alternate two star rating for roofing specific to flat roofs.

PharaohHound 1st Jan 2014 6:28 PM

Edited Rubric: TS3 Pets Screenshots|2|Full Body Picture, TS3 Pets Screenshots|1|Face Closeup, TS2 Pets Screenshots|1|Face Closeup and TS2 Pets Screenshots|2|Full Body Picture

Change made/Reason : Modified formatting to split the level 2 into two possible responses, depending on the issue (pose or angle), and add a level 1 response for both pose and angle being incorrect.

HugeLunatic 5th Jan 2014 4:31 PM

Edited Rubric: TS3 Poses & Anmation|3|Quality|4Sinking or Floating

Change made/Reason :

Added a 3 star reason to allow some some sinking of joints if sim does not look unstable.

leefish 13th Jan 2014 1:00 PM

Added Rubric: TS2 Bodyshop |Information|5|Search Parameters and Upload Type

Change made/Reason :

Added search parameter reason.

PharaohHound 17th Jan 2014 3:20 PM

Added Rubric: TS2 Pets |Screenshots|3|Comparison Picture and TS3 Pets |Screenshots|3|Comparison Picture.

Change made/Reason :

Added second level for pic present but unusable.

Nysha 26th Jan 2014 10:29 PM

Adding several things that were overlooked:

Edited TS3: Information|6|Custom Content - Included/required
And TS2: Information|6|Custom Content - Included/required

Added 2 star ratings for included CC which is non-redistributable.

And edited: Screenshots|3|Channels

Added missing bit about showing mapping.

maybesomethingdunno 29th Jan 2014 8:09 PM

Edited Rubric TS2: Information|5|Custom content - Credits and links
And TS3: Information|5|Custom content - Credits and links

Change made/Reason :
Description was missing the word "no."
"Your lot uses no custom content, so no need for credits and links. Yay!"

Nysha 29th Jan 2014 11:21 PM

Added the upload type rubric from TS2 bodyshop to TS3 CAS.

Nysha 2nd Feb 2014 2:40 AM

Edited rubric TS3 Patterns: Files|1|Right File

Change: Moved "Right File" from Information to Files, and deleted link to random object mesh rubric in Patterns overview

Nysha 10th Feb 2014 5:12 PM

Added rubric TS2 Object recolours: Screenshots|2|Bedding Screenshots

Quality rubric for seams on single bedding needed an accompanying screenshot rubric to make sure we can see the single bedding.

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