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Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 3:56 PM

Third Collection (Finally)
I got way behind. (Dealing with depression issues. Still dealing with them, but now the fact that nothing matters also doesn't matter.)

Quote: Originally posted by xtrinityx
requested username: xsilentx (i checked to make sure it wasn't taken before asking to request it).

reason for changing: the name "xtrinityx" is not my real name and i don't like it anymore. i'm mostly quiet and when i am social, i'm very easy to talk to. also, i have a lot of great textures that i hand-painted in microsft paint.

since, i can't think of any funny stories. here's a comic strip that i found today:
Quote: Originally posted by xtrinityx

xsilentx will be the last name change request that i make, as i'm not going to keep requesting name changes after xsilentx.

And if the name change doesn't happen, you will never know if it was due to those x's or to the fact that this was the first post on page one and the edit was made when there were 4 more pages after that.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MistressLuna666
Requested Username: MistressLuna666

Reason: When I first created my account, I used my roleplaying name (not like that, guys! sheesh...), but that was years ago. When I decided on my creator name, I used my more up-to-date name that I use on other modding sites, and wouldn't want people to accuse me of stealing my own work. Also, I've learned that "Lady" is actually a title in wiccan circles, and since I'm a pagan (who has been referred to as, but clearly isn't, wiccan) I'd really rather not confuse people...

Funny story: This happened when my friends, our moms, and I were hanging out before a parade that my friends and I were going to march in. We had to cross a concrete wall into a parking lot to reach the road. My friends and their mom crossed over it just fine. My mom wanted to go last, so I sat down on the wall to climb across it (I'm not a climber anymore...). Threw the first leg over, then raised the second... and fell backwards into the grass! My mom was too busy laughing at me to even bother trying to catch me, and she was less than 2 feet away! From what I hear, I'm pretty graceful when falling... I wouldn't know, though, as I was too busy getting a face-full of dirt.

(I skipped several intermediate requests that were not approved.)

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Zombnom
Requested username: Zombnom
Reason for changing: I made the name Kerinauu in my elementary/highschool manga/anime phase (as you can see, this is a 9 year old account I've always used on MTS) because I thought it sounded sooo Japanese and unique~. Pronounced cure-in-a-you (really fast). I also went by Sanoroi as another faux Japanese attempt. Zombnom is finally my light at the end of the tunnel of usernames.

Funny story (internet swiped): I get bloody noses a lot and I can usually feel it about 30 second before it starts dripping. Today in class my nose started to bleed, but right before I turned to this very religious boy who sits next to me and whispered "hail Satan" as my nose started to drip. He freaked and fell back and hit his head. He had to go home for the rest of the day.

That would have freaked ME out, too!

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Emix24
Requested username: Emix24
Reason for changing: Sailormoonfan34 isn't cutting it anymore (Long story short; I was young and an extreme sailor moon fan [[Which I'm not anymore ]]). If I could, I would go back in time to when I was making this account, and knock my past self up aside our head for choosing that name.

But if you do it before making the name, there would be no reason to go back. But then the name would be there....

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by WhenToBen
Requested username: WhenToBen
Reason: I accidentally chose "When2Ben" instead of "WhenToBen", while I use "WhenToBen" on some other sites as well, and it would be cool if I had the same username on all sites... It's just a reeeaaallly small change but I would appreciate it a lot

I hope this is a good reason

Apparently, with fewer than 20 posts, it was.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DirtyRed
Requested username: DirtyRed

Reason: Whoops! When I made this account, I didn't think I'd get hugely into the forum community. I want to now-- but I'm a little embarrassed to, because I am ostensibly a gigantic idiot, and also because this is a very plain username which may or may not contain my actual for-real last name.

I really don't wanna be known here by the name that was my father's and his father's and his father's, and also is on my bank account, among other things. I'm known on other places around the interwebs as Red, and would like to carry that over here! Why Red? Because I am filled with red-hot burning passion for you, specifically, the admins who might grant me a name change. Why Dirty? Because I am just filthy. I haven't showered in DAYS. Also, because I am filled with dirty, dirty, red-hot burning passion. For you. The Admins. Etc.

Also, I like the color red and the username "Red" was taken so I had to tack something original onto the front of it. But let's not sweat the details, you and I.

I love you forever. Please change my name. I am (metaphorically) an old man filled with regret.

We love you too. (Well, apart from the ones who don't. )

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Eronel
Requested username: Eronel
Reason for changing: As an awkward little tween I desperately wanted to be emo. Oh, how I yearned to fit in with girls with palm-tree hair styles and to like the angsty music I listened to but secretly hated. I even made my mom go out around halloween time and buy me glow-in-the-dark skull sweaters. I also wanted my dark, unique, and mysterious ways to be apparent through a computer screen, so I concocted my current username through a combination of nicknames from Cartoon Network's Mini Match (a small game that lasted very shortly where I was obviously so cool and popular) and Edgar Allan Poe poems which I had a connection to. I stuck with that username for a number of years because I had nothing better to use, but I now wish to shake off the special snowflake-y-ness of my past and start using a consistent username that doesn't suck. Also, I feel like I'm insulting Poe's work, and I have way too much respect for that guy (and also fear of ghosts) to want to use it any longer. Thank you.

I like Poe's work as well. (And I still think Ulalume is a better poem than The Raven. If you have already figured out that the only thing the bird can say is "Nevermore," WHY ask it a question you want to hear "Absolutely" as the answer to!?)

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by larynx
Requested username: larynx
Reason for changing: adding my birth year to the end of things is not so cool any more

It never was cool.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by LilacLavender
Requested name: Lilaclavender
Reason for changing: I am trying to tie all my game social media together under the same name.
They real reason is that my cat made the acount and I only found out about it after that so I never changed it but well... :p

Don;t you hate it when your cat sneaks online?

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Simsrocuted
Requested username: Simsrocuted
Reason for changing: Well, as you might be able to see, I've been a member of the site for quite some time, but it's not really until lately that I've started creating custom content - and therefore want to upgrade my status from creepy lurker to community member! I know I haven't posted much (again, as ashamed as I am to admit it, I've been a lurker all this time), but it's mainly because I've found all the help that I've needed without having to post. Also, tbh, I was never afraid of monsters under the bed as a child, but I guess karma caught up with me as I am kinda scared of trolls on das interwebs as an adult, which makes me reluctant to post anywhere. However, MTS seems as a good place to start some home made cognitive behavioral therapy, as y'all seem so nice The reason I want to change my signature, though, is manily so there won't be any confusion if I want to show the results of any help I might recieve and link to my simblr:

<3 Good luck <3

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bookloverblue
Requested username: bookloverblue
Reason for changing: I am the ruler of a small pixie kingdom called Ex Libris Caeruleum. Each morning, my subjects greet me with a reveling cry of "Hail bookloverblue, literary genius, our one true queen!"

Along with granting each family a lifetime supply of bananas and 24-hour access to adorable kittens, I recently passed a law stating all households required at least one Sims player, and recommended this site as an excellent demonstration of the talent and creativity that fellow players have.

Unfortunately, some of my subjects tried to find my profile, and upon seeing the name "bluebottlejupiter", they accidentally came to the conclusion that I am an imposter who has secretly usurped the "true queen".

The kingdom is now on the verge of revolution. For my sake and the sake of my subjects, grant me a name change to clear up this mess.

(Real reason: I recently joined The Sims Forums as "bookloverblue", which is my creative writing / Tumblr name. A name update here would just unify everything!)

I like that story

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by scarlotta
Requested username: scarlotta
Reason for changing: scarlotta is the name I use LITERALLY everywhere, and Scarlett O'Awesome is just a fail of a Gone With the Wind reference. Someone shove me into the shamecorner, I know.
Funny story: so, I'm an eighth grader who was boosted a grade ahead in math, which means last year I was taking math class with the eighth graders. Last day of school last year, some guy asks for my number before he goes off to high school, and I'm bad at saying no, so I give it to him. He texts me a lot, and after about six months of me dodging dates, (I am, as you heterosexuals may call it, Hella Gay) he finally send me "you know, I think i- I love you" exactly like that. I have social anxiety and awkwardness flows through my veins instead of blood. I panic. You know what I wrote back?

"Okie dokie."

If telling you the story of how I dealt with professions of love from a guy who tried to nickname me after his anime waifu won't work, I can always tell you about the time my cousin lit his butt on fire, sims style.

That sounds like something I might do.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Thranduil Oropherion
Requested username: Thranduil* can i haz 'Thranduil Oropherion' pretty please?
Reason for changing ... well ...
<--------- and I can speak some Irish which is very like Elvish and ... even if I don't have blond hair, I love trees and am very mean to dwarves whenever possible and have been accused of arrogant narcissism in the past! That qualifies me, no? *hair flip* I can tell you to 'póg mo thóin. Tá mo bhrÃ*ste trÃ* thine!', and make it sound, and read, like poetry - an Elvish trait, surely?

What about a nice story? (shameless ripped from here)

The Very Secret Diary of Legolas

Day One:

Went to Council of Elrond. Was prettiest person there. Agreed to follow some tiny little man to Mordor to throw ring into volcano. Very important mission — gold ring so tacky.

Day Four:

Boromir so irritating. Why must he wear big shield like dinner plate all the time? Climbed up Caradhras but wimpy humans who cannot walk on snow insisted we climb back down.

Am definitely prettiest member of the Fellowship. Go me!

Day Six:

Far too dark in Mines of Moria to brush hair properly. Am very afraid I am developing a tangle.

Orcs so silly.

Still the prettiest.

Day Ten:

Gandalf fell into shadow. In other news, I think I am developing a spot on my nose. V. serious situation, as Elven spots likely to last for 500 years or more.

Still prettiest, despite blasted spot.

Day Eleven:

In Lothlorien. Suspect Galadriel may be prettier than me.

Also, am quite sure she copied my hairstyle. I was wearing that same look at least 1,000 years ago. Silly bint. She was most annoyed that I used her mirrored fountain to take a nice bubble bath.

I choose to ignore her claim that my hair clogged her drain. Not one strand of my hair has fallen out in 800 years, why would it start now?

Still prettiest by far.

Day 30:

All this paddling about in boats is hell on my complexion.

Aragorn obviously starting to find Frodo strangely attractive. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

Still the prettiest.

Day 33:

Boromir tempted by Ring. So tedious. Cannot be tempted myself, as already have everything I want i.e. perfect hair and a butt like granite.

Have been getting very strange letters from someone calling herself “Stacey” who wants to do obscene things to my elfhood. Fortunately have super-duper elf vision so can run away if I see her coming.

Day 35:

Boromir dead. Very messy death, most unnecessary. Did get kissed by Aragorn as he expired. Does a guy have to get shot full of arrows around here to get any action? Boromir definitely not prettier than me. Cannot understand it. Am feeling a pout coming on.

Frodo off to Mordor with Sam. Tiny little men caring about each other, rather cute really.

Am quite sure Gimli fancies me. So unfair. He is waist height, so can see advantages there, but chunky braids and big helmet most offputting. Forsee dark times ahead, very dark times.

*Curses!! After some insane grovelling I am only to discover my name is taken (probably by some dwarf with a grudge who hasn't signed in since 2014!!!) Will need to rethink this ....
Ok I've been given a new idea!

*Póg mo thóin. Tá mo bhrÃ*ste trÃ* thine! = kiss my ass! My trousers are on fire!

Cute story. (And I really wish I didn't have to say something about everything I post here....)

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by pentabet
Okay I know what I want now! (Please forgive my earlier indecision.)

Requested username: Boo7227

Reason for changing: You Want To Change My Name To Boo7227. O_O

Name change wasn't granted, but the kitties are cute.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TayoGray
Requested Username: TayoGray

Reason for changing: tayokun is an old immature "weeaboo" nickname I used back in high school that I'm actively trying to eliminate. Tayo Gray is a much more mature name as well as my Pen/Artist name that I one day hope to use professionally

Funny story: back during sims 3 I once had a funny glitch where my sim who went to work completely naked WITHOUT the blur. She was in the culinary career and when it came time for her to go to work she switched into her work outfit only for the game to glitch and the outfit not appear but the game registered her a dressed so no blur. This glitch continued to happen until she got a promotion and got a new work outfit. I have a screen cap as proof but i'm not sure if I should post it I don't want to get band or anything.

And another one leaving me speechless.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by xoqolate
Requested username: xoqolate
Reason for changing: my current username reveals too much personal information. I know I don't have many posts but for this reason of privacy, I don't want to allow my account to just simply go dormant. Thank you.

Funny story: One time, I went hiking with my friends and we found a 60 ft tall treehouse and I was too scared to climb it and decided I'd be better off staying grounded. I, however, ended up with 20 bug bites that gave me an allergic reaction instead while they were 100% fine .

Object lesson: Life isn't safe.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by cuspids
Requested Username: cuspids
Reason for changing: The username I have currently is one I used across a great deal of sites that I'm trying to delete my account from, not only because of the whole "Its the username I used when I was a dorky 13-14 year old and I'd rather distance myself from that" thing, but because I was very, um, loose with my personal information back then and lo and behold, that's starting to come back to bite me. Plus, I'd like to just be able to use this account again without being tethered to that username/background (I just did a wipe of all my dorky posts so that's why there's nothing there besides a few comments) and become more of a content creator.

Funny story: When I was in 1st grade, the door to the restroom (it was one of those single-person restrooms in the classroom) was really old and cruddy (old hinges, made of flimsy processed wood, etc), and I was constantly terrified that it was going to not shut or not lock. The teacher reassured me that it was alright to use, and they didn't need to fix it, since it wasn't broken. I finally overcame my apprehensions (though I still worried about it) and used it, and fortunately, never had a problem.

One day she had to use it, and being the child I was, I picked that moment to run over to the door to tattle on so-and-so for doing something. Apparently the brute strength of a 6-year-old banging on the door a few times was enough to make the door finally fall in, knocking her on the head while she was still sitting. While it wasn't heavy enough to hurt, she let out a very loud scream, which made me scream, and then the entire classroom was in chaos in a matter of seconds. Long story short, we got a nice new door a day or two later, and I was minus a few stars on the "Good Student" chart.

At least the door got fixed.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HistoricalSimsLife
Requested username: HistoricalSimsLife
Reason for changing: I am terrible at coming up user names so when I registered here I named myself after my favorite brand of juice... Yup.. And I know my requested name isn't exactly great but I have had a tumblr blog named that for awhile now and I'm starting to make more cc so I would like these two to match.

I've named sims after my meds, so naming yourself after juice isn't so weird. Or is it?

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by pj
Requested Username: pj; if that's too short ..::pj::..
Reason for Changing: Being older and wiser now, I think the username "pjgo" is clunky and dumb. I would like to be henceforth known as simply "PJ".

I brought you a kitteh!

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rod_stellet
Requested username: rod_stellet
Reason for changing: You said i had to make u guys laugh, but this story is true.. kkk.. i created this account several years ago, when i was underaged, so i was scared and used my mom's name insted of my own.. but im sick of "being her".. i wanna be myself.. lol.. thanks.. Cheers form Brazil! :D

(And Thanks to pj for giving me an entire url that I could put at the end of his post. )

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rumplesimskin
Requested username: rumplesimskin
Reason for changing: When I made my account I couldn't think of anything better and I was depressed and had low self esteem and just wanted to get the account making process over with I think so I just went with something self-deprecating as a bit of a defence mechanism. So when people call me loser it's my name, not an insult in a way. The one time I went to the chatroom I got picked on over it and I knew I had to change it then but again, no real inspiration. I've got a simblr now and this is the name I gave it. Though my main tumblr is diferent I want to change my name to my simblr name, for brand recognition purposes. I'd pick my main, in fact I was torn between them, since I mostly identify with the main, but rumplesimskin is more relevant. That's my actualy Sims blog (well, one of them, I made another for interiors so I don't fill my main with reblogs, but this is my main Sims one). And I'd really like to have my name changed to that. I want to upload my creations here, they'll get much better exposure and reach more people who might like them than they would there and I really don't want to post them under 'loser'.

Plus it might break my losing streak. Entered a decorating competition. Guess what I did? Lose. I think I'm cursed now. I did consider asking to change it to winner but that would be tempting fate. So please change my name to rumplesimskin.

Edit: And I checked the name is not taken.

((hugs)) I entered a decorating contest once, and a lot of people dropped out. I finally came in third. Unfortunately, by that time there were only 3 contestants left.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ferferga

I want to change my username to "ferferga".

Why? I use it everywhere and it's much easy to remember than fer456. I also used that username before registering here. But I lost my mind and I chose fer456. So please please forgive meee :D. My mind is fluctuating right now . I use fer456 for all sites I need to sign up quickly and, as I use MTS normally, not spontaneusly, I think ferferga is better.

Quote: Originally posted by ferferga

Followed by:
Quote: Originally posted by ferferga

Let´s try a funny story... It´s about the Nightlife of Frank XD

Every night, Frank would go down to the liquor store, get a six pack, bring it home, and drink it while he watched TV. One night, as he finished his last beer, the doorbell rang. He stumbled to the door and found a six-foot cockroach standing there. The bug grabbed him by the collar and threw him across the room, then left.
The next night, after he finished his 4th beer, the doorbell rang. He walked slowly to the door and found the same six-foot cockroach standing there. The big bug punched him in the stomach, then left.

The next night, after he finished his 1st beer, the doorbell rang again. The same six-foot cockroach was standing there. This time he was kneed in the groin and hit behind the ear as he doubled over in pain. Then the big bug left.

The fourth night Frank didn't drink at all. The doorbell rang. The cockroach was standing there. The bug beat the snot out of Frank and left him in a heap on the living room floor.

The following day, Frank went to see his doctor. He explained events of the preceding four nights. "What can I do?" he pleaded. "Not much" the doctor replied. "There's just a nasty bug going around."

Congratulations on the name change. (The original looks like it came from a license plate of a car....)

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by waybon
requested username: waybon
reason for changing: i use that username on most of the sites i go at. my current username is very old and its been bothering me quite a lot the last 12 months.
funny story: my friend was drunk at the end of a party and got into a car of a stranger, thinking it was his mom. he got into the car yelling at the person, demanding to be taken to his house as soon as possible because he had to go to the bathroom. the person in the car was the mother of the girl who was having the party. and she didnt know that the party was going on. she arrived early from a business trip to america. oh boy.. that girl got some feedback that night.

I wonder how long she was grounded?

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Requested username: attuned
Reason for changing:

There is a user attuned
Who felt that her old name was ruined
So mods please be kind
'Cause I've changed my mind
And you'll have a small bribe by blue moon


Poetry is always fun.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ather
Requested username: Ather
Reason for changing: I recently set up a Sims blog/website for uploading my creations, which is still in the works, but I think it'd be so much simpler to have my name the same on my website and here on MTS. Here's my site, if anybody's interested. There should be something up for download in a few days!

Need a funny story? I've got tons. Maybe. I don't know. I'm not that funny unless I start rambling.

Dearest admins, I present to you the most ridiculous story of all time. At least... of my lifetime. Of me. Particularly me, actually.

A few years back, my out-of-state friend came into town to visit me and our other buddy. We decided that, because of our sheer boredom, we should go to the local park. So we did, and we walked for a while. When we began our return to the car, I felt a sting on my ankle. Having never been stung by anything at that point in my life, it felt like the worst pain I'd ever experienced. For some reason, I thought that the best way to express this was by screaming, shouting, bawling, and maybe almost throwing my shoe at a passing little boy (sorry, kiddo - it was unintentional, I swear!). Everybody within a half-mile radius of me probably shot me some strange looks; I couldn't tell, because I was busy screaming and having salty tears of agony in my eyes. I then proceeded to cling to my father, cry like a 2 year old, and attempt to hoist myself onto his back like a big baby.

Can you tell I don't like bees?

Thank you if I do get the name change.

Well, bee stings do hurt.

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