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Deluxe Magazine Racks for Harry Potter

by luvs10s Posted 19th Dec 2005 at 12:17 PM - Updated 23rd Nov 2008 at 3:09 PM by -Maylin-
9 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 8 Feedback Posts
#2 Old 19th Dec 2005 at 1:21 PM
thanhs for that
Test Subject
#3 Old 19th Dec 2005 at 4:26 PM
Great thing.
Test Subject
#4 Old 19th Dec 2005 at 5:32 PM
nice, thanks!

some adventures get better with age..
#5 Old 19th Dec 2005 at 6:27 PM
How can I get this in the Sims2 for xbox?
Test Subject
#6 Old 24th Dec 2005 at 1:31 PM
I think you can get it in places like woolworths and Game.
Forum Resident
#7 Old 30th Dec 2005 at 1:31 PM
Nice, thank you!

Just one question, who whants to read about lockheart when you know what he has done?

♥Adam Ant♥
No, I don't take request at the moment
11/7 -09 My beautiful niece was born!
Field Researcher
#8 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 10:31 PM
pretty spiffy :D

“How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.” -- Oscar Wilde
Find me on: Facebook Xbox Live: Aceofblue
Test Subject
#9 Old 10th Jan 2006 at 2:23 AM
Default Thanks again
OMG Thank you so much for doing these. It's amazing how you don't realize you want stuff until you see it.

Keep up the great work.

TTRich8 :baloons:
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 7th Jul 2009 at 5:15 PM
This is perfect! I adore HP and getting it closer to the "real" thing is just amazing. Thank you so much for getting creative. :D