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Lara Croft

by Anislara Posted 25th Apr 2006 at 7:14 PM - Updated 30th Jul 2006 at 9:32 PM by Anislara
54 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 53 Feedback Posts
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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#51 Old 30th Jul 2006 at 9:08 PM Last edited by Anislara : 31st Jul 2006 at 1:50 PM. Reason: Looks a bit strange , I hope it works now
zip has weird tatoos on his arms which you can see in the first cinematic in England (whuuu.....!!!) and Alister looks like Ruthland just with other glasses and brown hair.
And the enemies are all identic and wear the same clothing at +50 or -50. But I like the game too.
The top at the last photos is from I am not 100% sure because the free section is under construction

the shorts and the pants i couldn´t find on the sites I got them ( helaene and simsecretsbiz)

Have you made Lara or someone too? You could send photos if you want. I am not really ready with mine

Test Subject
#52 Old 30th Jul 2006 at 10:29 PM
I've checked in simchic, helaene and simsecretsbiz (this doesn't appear to be an url) but I didn't find anything, oh well now I'll dress her with other clothes. Oh and about creating sims, I've created Lara, Zip, Winston, Lloyd, Meru & Lenus (Legend of Dragoon), Riku (Kingdom Hearts) and Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz & Sephirot (Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children) and other game characters, but only for personal use since I used other people's stuff coz I don't know how to create my own sim stuff. I love to create sims from videogames so I have a big collection of sims in my neighborhoods. I can't see the photos you posted but they must be great as always.Thanks and enough of chit-chat coz I alreday talked too much. PS: Tomb Raider Legend was great but too short compared to the other TR ( but I still love it the most)

Y la madrugada se vuelve cada vez mas intima, podria hablarte de la luna pero prefiero que la mires...
Test Subject
#53 Old 30th Jul 2007 at 9:32 PM
I like it, but I can't download it! Is this because of traffic or something? It just gives me the page could not be shown.

Yep, keep staring but this sig ain't gonna get any more interesting.
#54 Old 4th Dec 2007 at 11:17 AM
awesome thanks!
Test Subject
#55 Old 27th Aug 2008 at 7:50 PM
she looks really cool. just like the lara from all the games (except the classic ones for pc ... then she would just be all square and spooky!)

by the way whats happening to her in the pic on the motor bike ..?
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