30th Jul 2006 at 10:29 PM
I've checked in simchic, helaene and simsecretsbiz (this doesn't appear to be an url) but I didn't find anything, oh well now I'll dress her with other clothes. Oh and about creating sims, I've created Lara, Zip, Winston, Lloyd, Meru & Lenus (Legend of Dragoon), Riku (Kingdom Hearts) and Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz & Sephirot (Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children) and other game characters, but only for personal use since I used other people's stuff coz I don't know how to create my own sim stuff. I love to create sims from videogames so I have a big collection of sims in my neighborhoods. I can't see the photos you posted but they must be great as always.Thanks and enough of chit-chat coz I alreday talked too much.
PS: Tomb Raider Legend was great but too short compared to the other TR ( but I still love it the most)
Y la madrugada se vuelve cada vez mas intima, podria hablarte de la luna pero prefiero que la mires...