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girls clothing

by Sirella Posted 30th May 2006 at 4:27 PM - Updated 10th Dec 2008 at 12:11 AM by CatOfEvilGenius
3 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 2 Feedback Posts
Test Subject
#2 Old 1st Jun 2006 at 1:00 AM
i love these! we could always use some more lacoste polos for our kiddies good job!
Forum Resident
#3 Old 1st Jun 2006 at 1:22 AM
Thanks for the great outfits! I love all of your clothes from here and your site.

Julie =)

"I'm thinking about how if you took the W in answer, and the H in ghost, and the extra A in aardvark, and the T in listen, you could keep saying WHAT but no one would ever hear you because the whole word would be silent." - 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Forum Resident
#4 Old 1st Jun 2006 at 5:38 AM
I really like these. Simple but very nice. Thank you very much.

Nutty Sims Mommy.