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Updated Adam Sandler by Mr Rock & Redbeard

by Mr Rock Posted 23rd Nov 2006 at 7:21 PM - Updated 5th Feb 2007 at 4:18 AM by Mr Rock : Updated
14 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 13 Feedback Posts
#2 Old 24th Nov 2006 at 2:16 PM
Here he is! And he looks fantastic! Great, Mr Rock! Excellent work

Yes, I am serious though I'm not serious at all. I'm serious about this!
Even the joker can be deadly serious...
Wichtig ist, was hinten raus kommt!
Entscheidend daran ist, wie?
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 11:52 AM
He looks like just a normal sim. I can´t see that he looks like Adam Sandler. Sorry.
#4 Old 7th Dec 2006 at 2:41 PM
RedBeard, take postings like that like "constructive critism" and that's it
Taking a look at the uploads doesn't help a lot I think - I myself never tried to upload a Sim or house yet just because I prefer creating furnitures (tons of stuff in progress, am too ehm, "anal" just sounds wrong for the German, context :D, maybe finicking is wrong for you? Anyway, you know what I mean, right? :D) though I build and create Sims of course when playing the game - it's just nothing I would like to share with others because for my taste it's not worth to be shared. Maybe DJMala thinks similar so it's a personal opinion caused in experiences in Sim creation?
May I love the improvement without having a Sim uploaded myself? I know how hard it is to get the shape you want, know how hard it is to texture skin and in the beginning when TS2 came out I found out quickly that I'm not an as great as others are clothing designer so I skiped that and prefer getting others creations (at least I know how hard this is, too - enough for a base of an own opinion?)

Please don't take my comment as an offend, but try to go on improving your already phantastic work if someone tells you his/her opinion - I don't think anyone want to offend creators in feedback posts because it is always tricky and people wouldn't have to download stuff at all if everybody could do everything absolutely perfectly.

I myself already thought the 1st version was great, the improvement is even greater Also the additional stuff is phantastic, you 2 are a phantasitc team.
I think you can only get even closer to Adam's real face with the face mesh transformation HP found out

Yes, I am serious though I'm not serious at all. I'm serious about this!
Even the joker can be deadly serious...
Wichtig ist, was hinten raus kommt!
Entscheidend daran ist, wie?
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old 7th Dec 2006 at 4:13 PM
I think the comment by djmala was just flat out insulting, because there's nothing positive in what he said. He just said that it looked nothing like Adam Sandler. Effectively saying that all my efforts were a complete waste of time.

So it's not like giving good feedback like alot of creators do on this site. It's just a plain insult.

I like constructive criticism. It is very useful to have extra sets of eyes to point out what you can't see. But djmala didn't point anything out. He just said that he looks nothing like Adam Sandler.

Anyways, I'm glad you like the updated version. Thanks for your feedback.
#6 Old 7th Dec 2006 at 4:45 PM Last edited by Khaibit : 8th Dec 2006 at 9:11 AM. Reason: as I said, deleted OT stuff
*again struggeling with English* :D
I used these " " around "constructive critism" because postings like that are not constructive at all (not the first time that I struggle with expressing irony with this method - how do you English mark words to show that the meaning is different to the used word? Would help me a lot to improve my expression-skills ) but nasty and they do hurt the creator - nevertheless I think it's not worth to take a senseless feedback personally, I also think sometimes people might mean it different as it sounds like to me (also in my native tongue - sometimes people talk/post first before they think). The point is you can't switch in their shoes to find out the reason for this kind of feedback so as long as it doesn't help you out to improve your skills forget about it, try to not take "statements" like this to your heard though it's not easy. If you want try to improve your skills because of your own motivation or helpful feedback but not because of insulting stuff.

Maybe I prefer believing in the gooid points of mankind again

Edit to your post below: thank you very much for explaining... and even more

Yes, I am serious though I'm not serious at all. I'm serious about this!
Even the joker can be deadly serious...
Wichtig ist, was hinten raus kommt!
Entscheidend daran ist, wie?
Test Subject
Original Poster
#7 Old 8th Dec 2006 at 4:46 AM
You could use the old double statement method where your all like. I think djmalas comment was good, (not!). Or, take it as 'positive' feedback, (said with an incredibly sarcastic tone). That might work, maybe.

If you wanna brush up on ironic sarcasm check out the strong bad e-mail at he's funny.

Should be able to have a go at hughsy jackman, I'll see what I can come up with. I can't promise it won't just look like a normal sim though. And I mean that sarcastically.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 28th Dec 2006 at 12:15 AM
strong bad is funny.

Is the van halen tee up for download?
Test Subject
Original Poster
#9 Old 28th Dec 2006 at 3:33 PM
The Van Halen tee comes with the Adam Sandler sim. He'll be wearing it when you install him into your game.
Test Subject
#10 Old 18th Feb 2007 at 5:08 PM
This Adam Sandler is seriously better than anything I can ever do! Thank you, because now I can make a Sims Adam Sandler movie!

Chris Farley would've made an awesome Sim.

Lab Assistant
#11 Old 16th May 2007 at 2:55 AM
AWESOME it does look like him in the face but the hair isnt right but i spos its hard to find the right hair for a sim THANKS AGAIN
Test Subject
#12 Old 28th Jul 2007 at 9:05 PM
My sister took a picture with adam sandler and it looks just like that.All of them except the blue suit.I think the beard makes him look more like adam sandler.Great job

Test Subject
#13 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 10:30 AM
Well seeing as the poster up there didn't give constructive feedback, I think I shall. I happen to think it does look like him. Only a couple things I can see should be different. His eyes I think should be a wee bit closer together. And maybe slightly smaller, but it's hard to tell that until I saw them closer together. And I was thinking that his jaw was too defined, but after looking again several times I think it's more that if you puffed out his cheeks just a tad, his face shape would look as "eggy" as it should. You know what I mean? lol. Like he doesn't have much of a jaw, more like the top of an egg (the narrower end). His eyes also look a little young...and in real life his eyes look older. I don't know what you could really do about that though, as I can't quite explain in what way they look younger.

It's really close though, good job!
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 7th Oct 2007 at 4:13 AM
it looks very similar to him,however not like him like him....good enough that both me and my husband see the likeness,but there is room for improvement...nice job so far...looking forward to seeing yet another update to this sim!! (if there is one)
Test Subject
#15 Old 14th Dec 2009 at 12:00 AM
Thanks sooooo much!