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Maxis Drum Kit Improvement (GLOBAL MOD version)

by Khaibit Posted 24th Nov 2006 at 9:14 AM - Updated 28th Nov 2006 at 8:59 AM by Khaibit : added Terminal's link
16 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 15 Feedback Posts
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 24th Nov 2006 at 9:41 AM
I've never paid that much close attention to the drums, but they do look a lot better now. Thank you!
#3 Old 24th Nov 2006 at 1:06 PM
Just out of curiosity, how is this mapped? Does the back of the big drum use the same texture as the top of the others, or does it have its own?

"Even the computer industry failed to see the importance of the Internet, but that's not saying much. Let's face it, the computer industry failed to see that the century would end." - Douglas Adams
#4 Old 24th Nov 2006 at 2:19 PM
Same with me, I've never paid that much attention but man, are you right! Thanks for the replacements, Maxis ain't thinkin' now a days...

Call me Paco!
Rhymes with Taco

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Original Poster
#5 Old 24th Nov 2006 at 2:32 PM
First of all: thanks for thanking, I'm glad you appreciate the correction!

Gwillewyn, the back of the bass drum has to use the same texture as the top of the other ones because this is the only possibility to keep the Maxis texture (the default colors) and to keep the recolors working for the default, the global-mod and the custom solution. For an 'all inclusive improvement' (a really cool drum kit :D) a new mesh made by cloning Atavera's drumset would make more sense.

Yes, I am serious though I'm not serious at all. I'm serious about this!
Even the joker can be deadly serious...
Wichtig ist, was hinten raus kommt!
Entscheidend daran ist, wie?
Test Subject
#6 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 10:06 AM
It's the small details that count - thank you! Looks so much better.
Field Researcher
#7 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 2:56 PM
OK, am I the only one getting this problem? Every time I try to download this, WinRAR gives me the "invalid or corrupt authenticity information" error message. This is the only download this is happening on, too.
Original Poster
#8 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 5:07 PM
for me it worked fine but anyway, I removed the "authenticity information" from the RAR.

Yes, I am serious though I'm not serious at all. I'm serious about this!
Even the joker can be deadly serious...
Wichtig ist, was hinten raus kommt!
Entscheidend daran ist, wie?
Field Researcher
#9 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 7:17 PM
OK, will do.
Field Researcher
#10 Old 27th Nov 2006 at 11:46 AM
cool cool

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Forum Resident
#11 Old 3rd Dec 2006 at 12:44 AM
Thanks!, I can now take better pictures of my Band(s) - I always used to avoid that picture angle because of that naff mirror effect!...

To all, of the very talented MTS-2 creative types - my sincere thanks for taking the time to create/upload/share...
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 3rd Dec 2006 at 1:02 AM
Awsome! I hated the drum because of that stupid mistake. Now it won't bother me, Thanks so very much!

Where ever you go, there you are!
#13 Old 7th Dec 2006 at 4:51 AM
yeah very well done! helps tons
Mad Poster
#14 Old 12th Dec 2006 at 6:39 PM
Test Subject
#15 Old 15th Apr 2007 at 3:37 AM
It doesn't work on season
Test Subject
#16 Old 18th Dec 2008 at 11:27 PM

Test Subject
#17 Old 22nd Jun 2016 at 6:45 PM
I downloaded and installed this mod after recoloring the Maxis drum set, hoping that it would show up correctly. For some reason, even when I made sure that the global version was in my downloads folder, the change wasn't made and I'm not sure why. I have The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection, so perhaps I'm running the game with an expansion pack or two that this mod isn't compatible with? It wouldn't be so bad if I was only able to do recolors with the Wizards of SimPE, as I'm currently having some issues with SimPE that don't allow me to recolor the advanced way, which would include custom objects, which is why I can't download the custom version of this mod. Has anyone had this problem before?