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Horn Recolors to Match Enayla's Skintones (Legacy Bodyshop Used) Part 12

by Kitiara Posted 17th Feb 2007 at 5:02 PM
Test Subject
#2 Old 19th Jul 2011 at 4:51 PM
As I told you in that message I sent to you.
The link which is supposed to lead us to Marvine's horn mesh isn't working.
If possible, it should be fixed to "" because when I tried this, it has been leading me to a Sims2-website, where I still have to register, but nevermind :D

(I'm repeating my message here only for other users who might read this. :D)
But, to say some positive things too, the skin in combination with horns look just amazing! I'm going to love the fact that I will be able to create "horned" sims
at least, I was looking for small horns, which you also have here, but now I've got so much ideas for other fantastic sims, too. This is a big "THANK YOU" to post, because I was looking for horns so desperately :D