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Mucha Painting Set

by Martine Posted 18th Sep 2009 at 10:07 PM - Updated 28th Sep 2009 at 10:37 PM by Martine
44 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 39 Feedback Posts, 4 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#26 Old 21st Sep 2009 at 3:37 AM
YAYY! I love Mucha! Thank you!!!!
Lab Assistant
#27 Old 22nd Sep 2009 at 12:18 AM
Fantastic. I love Mucha and these will look great on my Sims walls. Nice artwork by you also.
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 22nd Sep 2009 at 3:49 AM
Thank you so much for making me Champenois so quickly! If you should ever get the desire to do more, here is a site that has high resolution pics of his work. On the site I have two of his paintings featured, Monaco Monte Carlo and JOB.

Chicken Scratch
Test Subject
#29 Old 22nd Sep 2009 at 12:14 PM
I like such art nouveau stuff.
Please go on with it.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#30 Old 22nd Sep 2009 at 4:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SilentApprentice
Thank you so much for making me Champenois so quickly! If you should ever get the desire to do more, here is a site that has high resolution pics of his work. On the site I have two of his paintings featured, Monaco Monte Carlo and JOB.

No problem And yes, I'm planning to make a second set, thank you for the link. Allposters also has lots of lovely prints by Mucha, they're not terribly big, but I don't need high resolution pictures as the ingame paintings are quite low-res.
#31 Old 24th Sep 2009 at 11:06 AM
Beautiful! Wonderful choice for new art. Thanks!

"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio."

- William Shakespere ~ Hamlet
Test Subject
#32 Old 24th Sep 2009 at 8:11 PM
Please make these available in .rar I would really love to download them! They're beautiful thanks!!
Test Subject
#33 Old 25th Sep 2009 at 6:58 PM
Oh my gosh, you have some of my absolute favorites. This are gorgeous! Thank you so much!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#34 Old 26th Sep 2009 at 8:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by babyfirefly
Please make these available in .rar I would really love to download them! They're beautiful thanks!!

Sorry I can only upload one type. But you download Winrar very easily, and just unzip them.
Test Subject
#35 Old 1st Oct 2009 at 5:25 PM
Thank you very much this upload, You are very talented
Lab Assistant
#36 Old 6th Oct 2009 at 4:22 AM
thank you
Lab Assistant
#37 Old 17th Nov 2009 at 8:47 AM
These are fab! Well done
Test Subject
#38 Old 8th Jun 2010 at 5:46 PM
These are perfect for my upcoming project. Thank you so much. The seashell bonuses are lovely as well!
Test Subject
#39 Old 21st Jul 2010 at 1:10 AM
I downloaded them, extracted them and when I tried to install them, the Installhelper told me the downloads were corrupt. So I downloaded them again but still it didn't work.
Mad Poster
#40 Old 6th Sep 2010 at 6:23 AM
He's my fav art nouveau artist Thanks!
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator THANKS POST
#41 Old 12th Dec 2010 at 7:04 AM
Thanks for doing these! I love these Mucha prints! I was just surfing around to see what was already out there before I made some for myself. Now I don't have to! :0)
Lab Assistant
#42 Old 12th Jul 2011 at 6:43 PM
Unless I'm massively confused, these have the same file name as the travel posters you made. wah. wah. wah.

And how is it possible that nobody caught this before??? I only have five things in my downloads folder from MTS, so perhaps that's why the file name issue stands out.
Lab Assistant
#43 Old 28th Apr 2013 at 2:44 PM
Well I looked at that Wikipedia article and apparently that old cigerrete thing has his art on it!
Test Subject
#44 Old 14th Apr 2014 at 12:54 AM
These are gorgeous!
Test Subject
#45 Old 8th Nov 2015 at 5:32 PM
These are absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for designing them.
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