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Chriko hair mesh recolors

by Nemi_89 Posted 26th Feb 2005 at 9:51 PM - Updated 16th Mar 2005 at 7:04 AM by Nemi_89
29 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 28 Feedback Posts
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Lab Assistant
#26 Old 20th Mar 2005 at 2:20 PM
Nemi im always inlove with your recolors!! Thanks much!
Lab Assistant
#27 Old 4th Apr 2005 at 2:33 AM
I love this hair style, thank you
Beautiful Girl from Norway
Original Poster
#28 Old 7th Apr 2005 at 5:51 PM
=^¤^= Thanks all
Field Researcher
#29 Old 18th Apr 2005 at 12:33 PM
They are really fantastic! xx Anne
#30 Old 19th Apr 2005 at 3:20 AM
They dont seem to work in Body Shop for me. They show up as one of my other custom hair styles and when i click on them it closes my custom content window. Are they for Adult, YA or Teen?
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